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Rhetoric & Composition

WP2: Visual Analysis

Literacy Narrative 2.0 helped you see how using other forms of
media can create new meaning. The Visual Analysis assignment
will take this further asking you to break down meaning in
visual texts, such as videos, ads, photos. memes. comics. or
other visuals. This project will invite you to interpret what you
see. fill in contexts. and assume a stance toward the material you
are interpreting your analysis will examine the ways in which
one or more stereotypes or cultural assumption are created.
reproduced. reinforced. questioned. or even subverted in three
specific visual texts,

Learning Objectives
By the end of this writing project. you will be able to:
• identify rhetorical choices in visual texts including genre and
to audience
• Explain the relationships between visuals. linguistic meaning.
and social conventions.
• Reflect on the effectiveness and appropriateness Of rhetorical
choices made by others.
• Apply close reading techniques.
 Further build on strategies for planning and revising
All drafts should be roughly 1200 words
of content. Multimedia content is
encouraged. Including non-traditional
forms. Multimedia forms should include
roughly the same content found in a 1200-
Requirements word essay.
Drafts must include examples of the
Length and
images or screen captures embedded
directly into the text. You're also required
to link to where you found the text (if
Please submit your drafts through
OneDrive. Multimedia content can be
linked in a document in OneDrive or
uploaded directly into the platform (with
Please name your files using the following
Naming course. Section _your initials assignment
Documents draft. For example. a student in
ENGL 103 section 08 named Malcom A.
Due Dates Reynolds working on WPI completion draft
would name their file:103.08_mar_wpl_1
• Completion drafts of WP2 are due on
Wednesday, October 31
• Revision drafts of WP2 are due on
Monday. October 31.
Completion Drafts
Completion drafts are graded on simply completing the assignment and
demonstrating a basic understanding of the requirements. Please note,
grades on the completion draft not an indication of how well you’ll do
on the revision draft. TO get full credit on completion draft. you must
do the following:
Choose a stereoscope
You have chosen a specific stereotype to examine and identified and
the stereotype relationship between that stereotype the texts you
have chosen.
Identify features
You have identified two specific features that occur in each text you
examine and analyzed how they relate go your chosen stereotype.
Choose text
You have identified three specific texts that each portray both the
Stereotype and features you chumming
You have constructed a Claim that concisely articulates text
features stereotype and stance
the draft includes images and/or content referring to the
content you
are to., It's roughly in the neighborhood of 1200 words.
Revision draft
Revision drafts are graded on the criteria below. Each
criterion can be evaluated as "exceptional," "met," or not
met." A revision draft that falls all into the "exceptional"
column will receive an A, one that falls primarily within the
met column will receive a C. and one that falls even partially
into the "not met" column Will fail. With permission from
me. you revise revision drafts after grading.

Grading Criteria
Exceptional Not Met
Choosing Visual You have chosen three You have chosen three The texts chosen do
Texts texts for this texts for this not lend themselves to
assignment that assignment that analysis or work in this
include both features include both features framework
in prominent ways in recognizable

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