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ABM Student’s Punctuality and its Impact to the First Period Subjects

Practical Research

ABM 11-1

SY 2019-2020 2nd Semester

Researcher :







Accounting, Business and Management or ABM strand would focus on the basic
concepts of financial management, business management corporate operations
and all things that are accounted for. ABM can also lead you to careers on
management and accounting which could be sales manager, Human Resources
(HR), Marketing director, project officer and a lot more. This track is perfect for
those who are good in organizing and planning and for those who want to a start
as business in future.

ABM students are excellent for being punctual in their first period subject, the
reading and writing subjects. This good habit for the students will not just give a
good record for the students, as saying goes “ Early birds always catches the
worm “, this is also a good practice for the future career of the students, and
finally it shows respect to the teacher and to the other students who went to
school early. ABM students come late to school subjects and as a result;
academic subjects will be affected as well as the grades and they will be able to
missed classes asset affects their class performance . Tardiness is one of the
problems that a student’s faces nowadays. Students need guidance from their
parents, especially that “millennial” are now addicted to mobile games, and any
social platforms that results them to sleep late at night and they go to school late.
Nowadays, tardiness is not much of an issue for students it seems to be a normal
thing. Nonetheless, some reasons that cause the tardiness among the students
can tell whether it is being committed or not or being peer pressured. When
students come to class late, it can disrupt the flow of a lecture or discussion,
distract other students, impede learning, in generally erode class moral.
Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness can become chronic spread through out of
the class because there are a number of possible reasons students arrive to
class late. A tardy student represents a lack of responsibility. Being tardy all the
time is a sign of carelessness and waste of time. Being on time is not only a duty,
but also a part of good manners, respect and reputation. Students who arrived at
school early have an advantage over classmates who stumble through the door
after class has begun. Students arriving to school with time to spare, have luxury
of settling in preparing their class materials and focusing their minds on the
lessons to come.

A punctual and disciplined student always gets respect and social acceptance in
the school and the society. They are admired by the parents and teachers.
Punctuality during the school life will also help you to manage your working and
personal life. Being punctual helps you to establish your reputation as a student
and it is a sign of professionalism that helps you stand out as a reliable in
trustworthy students and employee someday.


 This research aims to make the students to be aware on

how to be punctual
 To be prioritize their academic performances
 To make those ABM students that always late to change
their behavior of being unpunctual and experience the
good feedbacks from their teachers.


General Question:

What is the impact of the ABM Student’s Punctuality and its impact to the first
period subject?

a. What time usually the ABM students arrive in school?

b. What are the grades that ABM students get from their report cards?

c. How can punctuality affect the student’s academic performances?

d. Based from the future result of the study, what regulation of the researcher
to be proposed to enhance the punctuality of ABM students?


The research study is anchored on the assumption that the respondents are
honest and objective in expressing their awareness on the label of tardiness of
ABM students that will be used as the basis for the proposed study. Moreover,
the student’s number of late is reliable basis in measuring the student’s


Punctuality can be defined as the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed

time, or the ability of individuals to coordinate time. It can be associated with
promptness, readiness and regularity, and can be seen as one of the crucial
ingredients of modern life (WordNet 3.0, 2008; Basu & Weibull, 2002). Being on
time is noted as necessary in developing and maintaining satisfying relationships
with others, structuring one’s life, and being successful on the job (Back,
Schmukle & Egloff, 2005). A person’s punctuality is also noted to make life easier
for those who they interact with (Basu & Weibull, 2002). The opposite of
punctuality is tardiness, the quality or habit of not adhering to the correct, usual
or expected time (WordNet 3.0, 2008). Some varying quotations about
punctuality (Collins, 2015):, ‘Punctuality is the politeness of kings’-Louis XVII, ‘I
am always late on principle, my principle being that punctuality is the he if of
time’-Oscar Wilde,‘Punctuality is the virtue of the bored’-Evelyn Waugh.

The habit of being prompt once formed extends to everything meeting friends,
paying debts, going to church, reach and leaving place of business, keeping
promises, retiring at night and rising in the morning, going to a lecture and town
meeting, and indeed to every relation and act, however trivial it may seem to
observers.-William Makepeace Thayer (Thayer,1882,p.224)


The study will be conducted in Pasay city west high school; the respondents will
be the selected ABM Senior high school students from the said school. The study
will aim to determine the student’s profile that includes age, gender, and
track/course distance of their home from the school and how long they are
traveling from their house to school .The researcher will conduct survey. Used by
mans of answering question; the respondents is composed of students who have
100% punctual that come from ABM Senior High School of Pasay City West High


The result and finding of this study about student punctuality and its impact to the
first period subject of the ABM 11-1 in Pasay city west high school will both
benefits to the other researcher.

For the students to be aware of being punctual especially in school, they will
think twice because they have an idea on what will happen to them if they will
continue of being punctual in school.

And for teachers to be aware on those students who are always coming on time
or being punctual school, and they can advise their students on what they are
going to do to avoid if ever they will become tardy in school. So that they will
have references or ideas in the near future if they will going to take a research
with the same topic.


A. ABM strand

- Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) strand in its most fundamental

sense refers to the accountancy, business and management academic programs
that concentrate on the foundational concepts in corporate operations , financial
management, business management , as well as each and every factor that
revolves around those central fields.


B. Accounting
- is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business.


C. Business Management

-is the act of organizing people to accomplish the desired goals and objectives of
a business.


D. Financial Management

- means planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities

such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise.


E. Punctuality

- is the characteristics of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an

obligation before or at a previously designated time.


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