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Consolidation and Collocation Project

For OPEX saving (Tower Rent Reduction)


Abu Asad Md Saifur Rahman

ID: 2125293690
Sarker Muhammad Faruk
ID: 2125264690
Suranjit Das
ID: 2125296690
Tanzira Rahman
ID: 2125543690

In partial fulfillment of

EMB650.2, Operations Management (OM)

Spring, 2022

North South University

Dhaka, Bangladesh

1.1 Background of Banglalink

Banglalink is the country’s fastest growing mobile operator. It is one of the largest mobile
operators in Bangladesh which had 1.03 million connections until December, 2005. The number
of Banglalink users increased by 257 per cent and stood at 3.64 million at the end of 2006,
making it the fastest growing operator in the world of that year. By December, 2007 Banglalink
became the second largest operator in Bangladesh with more than 7.1 million customers. On
August 20, 2008, Banglalink achieved the landmark of 10 million subscriber base. And at the
beginning of January, 2017 it reached about 35 million subscribers. After the merger of ROBI &
Airtel it has become 3rd largest telecom operator in Bangladesh. Now it has almost 37 million
subscribers. It is now one of the significant companies who is dedicatedly working towards
Digital Bangladesh and fosters future entrepreneurs. I (Suranjit Das) am working there as a Lead
Engineer (Band 5: Manager) in Radio Service Management unit.

1.2 Product Portfolio

Banglalink has Products like Post-Paid Packages and Pre-Paid Package and we provide services
like Money Transfer from Abroad, Namaz Alert, Missed Call Alert, Stock Information & many
more, Banglalink Offers Roaming, Toffee, Business & Enterprise Solution, Vehicle Tracking etc.
Banglalink also provides Discounts & Benefits, Hotels and Fashions & many more.

1.3 Quality Strategy:

 Functional Strategy: Efficiency, quality, innovation, customer responsiveness

 Business Strategy: cost leadership and differentiation strategies
 Planning - Strategic: Market Needs, Quality Service. Customer Service
 Formulation: Customer Segmentation, Marketing Mix Product Positioning
 Implementation: Service at Low price
 Marketing Strategy: Promotion of Product

1.4 Quality Reputation:

Banglalink achieves many awards for quality and compliance management each year. Some of the most
notable awards are:
 Most Compliant Company in VAT operations
 CSR Award: Empowering through Employment

 Video Experience, Games Experience, Voice App Experience, Download Speed Experience Award by

1.5 Background of the Problem Study and its relevance to the Business:


By the year 2017, Banglalink already had around 5892 own BTS sites and about 3500 shared sites with
different operators (such as GP, ROBI and AIRTEL) throughout the country. With progress of time, the
monthly rent increased tremendously for all these sites. At this stage, Banglalink management decided to
explore the feasibility of consolidating sites with other operators as well as to offer various NTTN operators
such as Summit and Fiber@home for collocation. The MNOs (Mobile Network Operator) have to rent space
for constructing Tower and BTS ((Base station transmission) room for ensuring better coverage. Since they
have to provide monthly rent to the Landowners, it costs a significant amount of money particularly in City
Corporation area.

Purpose of the Problem Study

The purpose of the project is to rent some space of BTS room and Tower to NTTN operators or other MNOs
for rent sharing and OPEX reduction. If not possible then relocate our tower and equipment and share their
assets by providing rent where selection process of Radio Planning is one of the pre-requisites.
Relevance to Business

The successful completion of this project will certainly assist the MNO to earn more profit in upcoming years
due to less OPEX and ensure more revenue if it’s possible to relocate to better geographical position for
ensuring more coverage. In this project by doing both physical and database survey we have considered 300
shareable sites, 200 sites where we can relocate to other MNOs, 50 sites where we can offer space to NTTN
operators and 80 new sites where we can check for shareable options.

Learning Outcome

Our team expects to analyze and apply techniques learnt from the study to maximize the utilization from
minimum resources. The problem study will help the Team to enhance the skills of project management and
boost the analytical abilities to solve critical problems.


2.1 Problem Identification

Three departments of Banglalink has directly involved with the problem identification and resolution, I.e.
Radio Service Management, Rollout Service Management, Infrastructure Service Management Dept.

Following are the problems they have identified:

 Increase of High operating expense (OPEX) for Banglalink
 Increase of high tower rent in Bangladesh
 Poor coverage due to worse geographic position of the tower
 Inadequate collaboration with market competitors within the telecom industry

2.2 Causes of the problem:

In previous years In Bangladesh there were no active or passive tower sharing modalities. Also, in the country
we have scarcity of space caused the increase of tower rent and creates the urgency to build more towers to
provide the better network coverage. Due to the price inflation the construction cost plummeted which
discouraged the Banglalink to build more tower and affected the profit potential.
2.3 Adverse Impact:

The problem has caused that Banglalink’s profit potential squeezed by each year which is significantly
increasing lead to the element of dissatisfaction among the shareholders due to the expectation of high
financial performance.
Moreover, increase of towers by all market players may cause the radiation above threshold level which is a
great concern of our environment and the natural eco system.

2.4 Intention to problem study:

Banglalink has honored and delegated Suranjit Das, (one of the team members of this problem study) the
huge responsibility of being the Project Manager of this benevolent project (Project Name: Consolidation and
Collocation Project, where sharing with other operators are regarded as Consolidation and sharing with NTTN
is called as Collocation).

3.1 Problem Analysis and Solution Method

Draw Project Charter

Prepare the Work Breakdown

Sequence the Project Activities

Prepare the Project Schedule

Analysis the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

Register the Project Risk

Prepare the Project Budget

Site Selection and Finalization

Project Implementation and Presentation

Project Evaluation
3.1.1 Draw Project Charter
Measurable project objectives and related success criteria:
The project objectives along with its success criteria are mentioned below.

Objectives Success

We will offer the space in our

Tower and BTS room to NTTN or It will certainly reduce our
other MNOs for rent reduction individual rent and lessen our

Along with space we will also try

to motivate them to share our AC This will certainly reduce our
or DC power source for example power consumption and increase
Generator or Rectifier our savings allocated for load

The selection process would be such

Another sub-project is if we fail to that, we will go to the better
share our BTS room with other geographical position compared to
MNOs due to space or other our’s. This will not only save our
selection constrains, then we also OPEX but also help us to increase our
can move to their site by relocating coverage which will more attract our
our site. customers resulting revenue

Sharing Tower and room space It will enhance the beautification

will eventually reduce the no of of the city as well as reduce the
towers MW radiation which is one of the
prerequisites of BTRC
(Bangladesh Telecommunication
Regulatory Service)
High-level requirements

1. The main purpose is to reduce incremental OPEX.

2. If possible to relocate to better position for attracting

customers by providing them with the desired coverage.

3. By sharing our assets with more than one entities and earn some
additional revenue.

4. Instead of building new site choose sharing option as a cost saving


Assumptions and constraints

The project should kick off before 1st February. The meeting with other MNOs and NTTN operators need to be
scheduled in timely and organized way. The selection process is one of the main prerequisites for earning
most of it, so it should be done quite meticulously. Instead of vendor support the final selection process
should be done by our in-house radio planning team for cost saving.
The one of the main challenges is to abide by the BTRC guideline regarding passive tower sharing process
vividly and get their approval timely. The fruitful discussion and negotiation is also one of the major
components for successful project completion.

High-level risks/Opportunities

1. Properly abiding by the BTRC guidelines for passive tower and space sharing and getting their
approval timely.
2. Successful discussion and negotiation with our stakeholders.
3. Selection process should be flawless.
Summary milestone schedule

1. The selection process needs to be completed within April 30, which will help us to start our
discussion and negotiation with NTTN and other MNOs
2. The Buffer sites also need to be chosen as many sites may be discarded during discussion due to
several types of constrains. It should be completed within June 30 in parallel with business case
preparation and negotiation period.
3. Business case needs to be made for each activity including locking period and other mentionable
challenges within May 31, which will give us more confidence and transparent future vision.
4. The discussion and negotiation should be completed within August 31.
5. Budget estimation and identifying risks and challenges need to be registered within September 30.
6. The execution should kick off by October 30 and needs to be completed within December 31, so that
we can observe its benefits from very beginning of the New Year.

Summary budget

Project Manager including other members of the project has formed a strong matrix organization for this
project. Initially the budget considered for allocating the working hour of staff from other FM is considered 1
million BDT for 11 months.
The approximate budget for arranging discussion other MNO and NTTN by participation of high level
authorities from all parties is estimated as 0.5 million BDT.
The budget for fulfilling the legal requirement from BTRC is estimated as 2 million BDT.
The budget for where we go to relocate our existing tower or choose sharable option for new site is 8 million
NB: All the estimated budget may subject to the change during execution stage which will be managed
from contingency and management reserve
3.1.2 Work Breakdown Structure
3.1.3 Sequence the Project Activities
3.1.4 Prepare the Project Schedule (Using PERT & CPM Method)

WBS ID Task Name Predessesor Duration Start Finish Resource

1.1 Host site selection No 1 Month 1-Feb-21 1-Mar-21 5
1.2 Guest site selection No 1 Month 15-Feb-21 15-Mar-21 5

1.3 Suitable shareable site selection for new sites No 2 Months 1-Feb-21 31-Mar-21 3

1.4 Geographical position analysis for ensuring highest coverage No 1 Month 1-Mar-21 31-Mar-21 4

4.1.1 Preparing Business case WBS 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4 15 days 15-Apr-21 30-Apr-21 2

4.1.2 Identifying Stakeholders WBS 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4 10 days 20-Apr-21 30-Apr-21 2

4.1.3 Preparing project objectives and success criteria WBS 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4 1 Month 1-May-21 31-May-21 3

4.3.1 Requesting resources from FM WBS 4.1 10 Days 1-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 2

4.3.2 Calculating man hour and overtime WBS 4.1 10 Days 1-Jun-21 10-Jun-21 2
2.1.1 Preparing Agenda WBS 4.1 1 Month 1-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 5
4.5 Schedule preparation WBS 4.3 20 Days 10-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 3
2.1.2 Preparing Negotiation strategy WBS 4.1 1 Month 15-Jun-21 15-Jul-21 8
2.2 Meeting with BTRC stakeholders WBS 2.1 45 Days 15-Jul-21 31-Aug-21 5
3.1.1 Need to prepare sharing ground rules aligned with BTRC WBS 2.1,2.2 10 Days 1-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 2
3.1.2 Preparing agreement with stakeholders WBS 2.1,2.2 5 Days 5-Sep-21 10-Sep-21 2
3.1.3 Providing transparent compliance and ethics guideline WBS 2.1,2.2 15 Days 5-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 3
4.2 Budget Estimation WBS 4.5 2 Months 1-Jul-21 31-Aug-21 3
4.4.1 Identifying risks WBS 4.2 5 days 1-Sep-21 5-Sep-21 2
4.4.2 Preparing Solution plan WBS 4.2,4.4.1 10 Days 6-Sep-21 15-Sep-21 2
4.4.3 Converting risks to our benefits WBS 4.2,4.4.1 10 Days 10-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 2
5.1 Allocating and approving budget with contingency and WBS 3.2,3.3,4.2,4.4 10 Days 21-Sep-21 30-Sep-21 3
4.6 Project Monitoring & Execution WBS 5.1 3 Months 1-Oct-21 31-Dec-21 20

We have used PERT and CPM Method to calculate the approximate project schedule
3.1.5 Analysis the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

Used Approach: RACI Approach where R means Responsible, A means Accountable, C means
Consult and I means Informed

Suranjit: Project Manager
Nurul: Senior Manager, Technology
Arif: Legal Lead Specialist
Anika: Finance Lead Specialist
Iftekhar: Senior Manager, Project Management
Mahabub: Radio Planning Engineer

Activity Suranjit Arif Iftekhar Anika Nurul Mahabub
Site Selection A I I I C R
Discussion and Negotiation C C A I R I
Legal Activities I R C A I I
Project Charter Preparation R I C I A C
Resource Optimization A I R I C I
Budget Estimation R A C C I A
Budget Approval C I A R I I
Project monitoring &
Execution R C A I I C
3.1.6 Register the Project Risk with Response

No Risk Description Priority Probability Impact Response Contingency

Should make a committee
If there exists error in site selection
who will revise the site Need to select buffer sites so that
1 Wrong site selection then it may cause the company lose High High High
selection for flawless wrong sites can easily be discarded

If it is proved that, the project Should immediately do

Training needs to be arranged for
violets any of the compliance meeting with BTRC and
2 Lack of compliance High Low High the project team so that they can
guidellines BTRC can take regulatory take immediate steps
get to know the compliance
steps which will defame the before they respond
guideline vividly
company image
If it rains, construction work may be Need to hire extra Need to consider some buffer
3 Weather Impact delayed which may exceed our Low High Low manpower so that, project duration while preparing project
timeline can be completed in time schedule due
to weather impact

If it takes long time for coming to Efficient team member

Proper negotiation strategy need to
4 Lenghthier Negotiation window conclution in negotiation it may High Low High need to be selected who
be prepared earlier
hamper project schedule can make faster negotiation
Immediately hire trained
If any resource got sick or leave job Back up team members ahould be
5 Resource unavailability Low Low Low project member for
it may hamper project selected earlier for emergency use
project completion
Vendors should be
Toomuch Vendor dependency punished if any Inhouse expertise need to be
6 Vendor dependency sometimes may hamper quality of Low Low High inconsistency found and increased for proper monitoring &
project they need to ensure control
If licence of design softwars can't Immediate action needs to Back up design software also needs to
7 Lack of logistic support be High Low High be taken for updating be purchased if desired design
updated before project initiation it licence timely software not available timely
will impact project quality
If there is chance of
shipment delay then the Need to consider some buffer
Shipment delay will also delay
8 Shipment delay High Low Low urgent required materials duration for shipment delay to avoid
project activity
need to be transferred missing target
air considering extra cost

NB: Triple constraint method has been used for determining risk priority, impact and probability

3.1.7 Prepare the Project Budget

Category Expenditure/month (BDT) Total (11 months approx) (BDT)
Labor (considering manhour & overtime 90000 990000
Meeting 46000 506000
Travel 9100 100100
Legal Activity 18200 200200
Construction 730000 8030000
Contingency 10000 110,000
Management Reserve 20000 220000
Total 923300 10156300
Considerations for budget:
 All estimation is done considering BDT
 Management reserve and contingency has also been shared with higher management
 Budget may subject to change during execution stage which will be managed from contingency
and management reserve
 Project duration 11 Months. February 2021 to December 2021

3.1.8 Site Selection & Finalization

Site Selection Criteria & Finalization

1. On Grid: To be a host, first, we need to make sure that, whether the site is connected to
commercial power or not. If it is not CP connected, and we become host, then we have
to consume more DG fuel for the additional load of other operators, which is not cost
effective. Even rented solar site is also quite costly, in this case, one should be guest and
choose other closest sites for consolidation.
2. Minimum Loading: Loading is another important criterias for being host. If one tower is
overloaded, it cannot be considered as host. The other operators will not find proper
space for their antennas and other accessories at tower.
3. Coverage Area: Coverage area is another significant factor. For example, if one site is
located at a market place and carries a lot of traffic, it would be foolish to dismantle this
site rather than in that case these sites should be preferred as host. For this reason we
took the list of higher KPI sites from the RNPO team and asked other operators, whether
they will move to those sites as guest.
4. No of MW links: At the time of selecting sites we set with the Transmission planning
department and they let us know that it would be not wise if we become guest at any
sites for more than 3 links. In this case rerouting will be more complex and sometimes
close to impossible. So for being guest, we should prefer the end sites. Although for
some sites we had to become guest with 4 links, in those cases we had to pay extra
budget. BSC and HUB sites are normally overloaded, so they are not considered as either
host or guest.
5. Battery backup: If one site has not enough battery backup, it cannot be regarded as
host. Checking our battery backup we got shocked as most of our sites had very poor
battery backup. In some sites, BTS gets down immediately after power shut down. We
made the list of these less battery backup sites and asked for replacement. Not only
that, those sites, which have all the qualities to be a host had only one bank 400AH
battery. We also discussed with other operators and they let us know that, they need at
least 6 hours battery backup after power shut down, then we have determined the
requirement and proposed to my project manager that, we needed 2 banks 600AH
battery. The project manager appreciated the proposal and initiated a PR immediately
for 2000 battery banks of 600 AH capacity.
6. Antenna Height; Better antenna height normally provides wider coverage area and
better KPI. So RNPO team always encourages us to move as guest to those sites with
higher antenna height than us.
7. Cooling System; Another obstacle of this project was the poor cooling system of BL
sites. When we have jointly surveyed with O&M team at various sites, the temperature
exceeded 50 degree Celsius, whereas for better operation the temperature need to be
kept within 35 degree Celsius. The reason was that AC was not functioning and many
sites were run by single FCU. To consolidate sites we had to mark those sites and need
to initiate a budget for better cooling arrangement at our sites.
8. Space; There were also some sites found which had no space left at BTS room. In those
cases we had to consider whether those sites suitable for considering as a host or not.
9. Site type: One of the significant criteria was site type. To dismantle GF sites and move to
RT site should not be wise. So when the pair sites were GF-RT for two operators, then
the operator having RT sites was requested to be guest in the GF sites of other operator.
3.1.9 Project Implementation & Presentation

Consolidation Project

Being a project manager of feasibility study team for Consolidation & Collocation project,
Suranjit Das, one of our team members, started to prepare all necessary information from the
existing database of so far implemented sites. But unfortunately the database was not properly
organized. So at first he collected my necessary data for the BL OWN 5892 BTS sites and made
his own complete database for the respective sites. Then he arranged several meetings with
ROBI GP and NTTN and collected their data as well. He was always interacting with manager
while preparing the information for the team. Based on this information, the finance team
prepared a business case which showed that if we consolidate sites and offer other NTTN
operators to collocate at our sites the OPEX will be reduced to a certain extent.

He also made some technical criteria for being a host and for being a guest. In this case, HOST
means other operators dismantling their sites will move to our sites, whereas GUEST means, we
will have to move to their sites. The one of the challenges of this project was to select sites. As
we have to consider various factors here. We cannot loss our revenue. The criteria made for the
selection was quite reasonable and less complex.

BTS Room View (Outdoor)

Collocation Project:

In this project, we had to understand the demand of NTTN operators like Summit and
Fiber@home. At first they shared the dimension of their equipment with us and also selected
about 200 sites which met both party requirements.
We then asked O&M to conduct survey so that we can have the revised room layout with
additional equipment. In this case, we also faced some challenges, one is the limited space in
our indoor rooms, In some cases, we had to build another indoor room in our premises at
Green field sites. Cooling system also needed to be upgraded. We had to make PR of 100 AC s
for this project. Our finance team also made a business case for this project. Though we had to
make some initial investment like constructing rooms or purchasing AC, their rent will minimize
this investment and will reduce our OPEX to a certain extent in future.

For running this project, he had to apply his engineering knowledge. He understood that, for
sharing the site he must have to increase the battery backup and cooling capacity of site,
otherwise no profit could be gained. He then made a pilot project of 10 sites, where he tried
lithium ion battery instead of Narada, which was previously used in our sites, he also used Eltek
FCU, which also functioned better than that of Green Power FCU. He got a tremendous result.
The power backup and cooling capacity improved to a certain extent, which made him
confident to use this package in his overall project. Though the cost of Lithium ion battery was
more than that of Narada, for long term service using it found more effective than Narada.

Co-ordination activities
In order to run both consolidation and collocation project, he had to co-ordinate with various
departments such as he had to coordinate with our site acquisition and Legal team to select
land according to our requirement. On the other hand I needed to prepare the equipment
layout for BTS with additional equipment. Then he had to check with RNPO about the site
selection criteria before locking the sites with other operators such as antenna height, suitable
position, priority sites, higher traffic carrying sites etc. he also had to take data from the
Transmission planning to
know about the no of MW links and the loading condition of the selected sites. He had to make
several meetings to make the budget and the business case which is accompanied by our
finance team as well. In this way I could provide the supply chain management a valid ground to
negotiate with our vendors. Not only that we have also e followed up vendors strictly so that
we can conduct the surveys and integration of the sites within desired timeline.

As the other operators involved in this project with us, he had to conduct several meetings with
their higher authorities, and also had to deliver the meeting minutes to my CTO and HOD. And
to get the NOC from BTRC Suranjit Das also had to take permission from them prior to this

3.1.10 Project Evaluation

The project was quite successful and challenging both at the same time. Also similar sort of
practice was never done earlier. Although we had several challenges, and the targeted number
was not as planned and we also had to discard sites and need to select sites from previously
planned buffer sites as well. But at last we were able to consolidate 180 ROBI and GP sites to
our towers and we relocated to 100 sites of their sites located at better geographic locations.
We also provided Space to NTTN operators at 45 sites.

This was an OPEX saving project. But it not only saved 2CR BDT yearly but also shifted to better
geographic location improved our coverage. It also increased unity among the competitors
which was quite necessary as due to intense and cutthroat competition profit potential was
becoming squeezed there. It also increased beautification due to less no of towers. Due to
success of this project, it became a ideal business model for MNOs and after that it has been
continuously followed. Due to Suranjit Das’s contribution he was awarded as “Game changer”
and the project was awarded as “Best Team Effort” award.

1.1 Summary of the project work

 To work with BSS team to get detail equipment list in a BTS site and conducting joint survey to
determine the empty space.
 To work with Site Acquisition team to find out a suitable land where we have the capability to
construct outdoor rooms for the other operators.
 To estimate and calculate existing utilization of electrical load needed for the whole BTS site -
including equipment load (AC and DC), environmental utility load.
 To check whether the sanctioned power capacity is enough to sustain the additional demand of
the added equipment of other operators, if not then calculate the necessary power capacity.
 To design and plan for AVR, Isolation Transformer, backup generator system, electrical
distribution panels, Single line diagram and shop drawing of electrical panels, electrical wiring,
Earthing system, Auto Firefighting system, Precision cooling system, Access control system and
sizing of Rectifier, UPS and battery bank for the BSC and BTS sites.
 To discuss with other operators about various site selection criteria for consolidation and
prepare a timeline for completion of this project
 To prepare Equipment layout in Auto CAD for the whole BSC site and get approval of the layout
from all the concerned department.
 To coordinate with civil team for Architectural and Structural design of the BSC building
according to the equipment layout.
 To prepare BOQ for all site preparation related works (Electromechanical work, Auto Firefighting
system work, Precision Cooling system, Access Control system, Raised floor, Power Substation ,
Diesel Generator etc.)
 To raise PR (Purchase request).
 To make technical evaluation for vendor selection
4.2 Conclusion

Due to the success of the project, currently Banglalink is implementing its consolidation and
collocation project with other operators for cost minimization and to facilitate future
collaboration with other companies in setting up tower together. Our assignment in a key
position for implementation of the project. Success of this project of Banglalink is characterized
by a huge responsibility through technical activities, innovative ideas for energy saving and
successful outcomes as well. In this project we have performed wide range of activities such as
design and planning, OPEX reducing initiative, human management, resource management and
other multi-disciplinary works. We are dedicated to gain more information and knowledge to
generate new ideas to optimize design, to save cost with maintaining quality which is the
company’s ultimate goal.

4.3 Limitation of the scope of Project

Due to the commercial Power unavailability we must use DG at many sites where it is difficult to
upgrade the sanction load. Under the favorable condition, due to the space constraints in tower
we cannot share the space to the other operators and the tower overloading issue arises.

4.4 Team Insights

It made us motivated to do works in step by step and it also widened the domain of my
knowledge regarding telecom industry. It has also improved our problem solving skills and
boost our confidence which assists us to manage projects flawlessly in future.
4.5 Limitations of the scope of our work

Our project study is limited to the data of Banglalink only. If we have received the data and
feedback from other telecom operators, our work study could be more informative.


 Vpeople
 Web Sources (Facebook, Google Search etc.)
 Banglalink’s official Website


Any content and images in this presentation are for educational purpose only, not for
commercial use. No copyright infringement is intended

1. AC: Alternating Current.
2. ATS: Automatic Transfer Switch.
3. AVR: Automatic Voltage Regulator
4. BOQ: Bill of Quantity
5. BSC; Base Station Controller
6. BSS: Base Station Subsystem
7. BTS: Base Transceiver Station
8. CTO: Chief Technical Officer.
9. CP: Commercial Power
10. DC: Direct Current.
11. DG; Diesel Generator
12. FCU: Fan Cooling Unit
13. GF: Green Field
14. HOD: Head of the Department.
15. KPI: Key Performance Indicator
16. NI: Network Infrastructure
17. NTTN: Nationwide Telecommunication Transmission Network
18. O&M: Operation and Maintenance.
19. OPEX: Operational Expenditure.
20. PO: Purchase Order.
21. PR: Purchase Request.
22. RT: Roof Top
23. UPS: Uninterrupted Power Supply

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