Assignment Building A Bridge

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Assignment Building a Bridge


For this assignment you have to collaborate in a group of 3-5 persons.

There is a double assignment for the group. First you have to reflect on the didactics
of facilitating a project. Second you will have to act as a project group working on an
assignment that will be handed out to you.

Stage 1 - 15 minutes: Preparation

In this first part each groups will prepare to act as supervisor to another project
group. You get the assignment for this group and you will have to set up criteria to
assess the performance of this group in terms of outcomes and process.
One member of your group will act the teacher role and hand out the assignment to
the other group and inform them about the assignment and the criteria you agreed.

Stage 2 - 20 minutes: Instruction (2 x 10 minutes)

The groups take turns in supervising their colleagues

Stage 3 - 20 minutes: Design and planning

In this stage the group has to collaborate in the design of a paper bridge using the
15 sheets of paper handed out to the group. The bridge will have to span at least
1.50 meter, resting free on each side.

Based on the design the group will decide about the materials to be used:

Exchange rates:
 1 meter of sticky tape in exchange for 1 sheet of paper
 a stick of glue for 2 sheets of paper

Stage 4 - 30 minutes
Building of the bridge

Stage 5 - 15 minutes
The results of the teamwork will be presented.

Stage 6 - 15 minutes

Stage 7

© Copyright E. de Graaff, 2008

Assignment Building a Tower


For this assignment you have to collaborate in a group of 3-5 persons.

There is a double assignment for the group. First you have to reflect on the didactics
of facilitating a project. Second you will have to act as a project group working on an
assignment that will be handed out to you.

Stage 1 - 15 minutes: Preparation

In this first part each groups will prepare to act as supervisor to another project
group. You get the assignment for this group and you will have to set up criteria to
assess the performance of this group in terms of outcomes and process.
One member of your group will act the teacher role and hand out the assignment to
the other group and inform them about the assignment and the criteria you agreed.

Stage 2 - 20 minutes: Instruction (2 x 10 minutes)

The groups take turns in supervising their colleagues

Stage 3 - 20 minutes: Design and planning

In this stage the group has to collaborate in the design of a paper tower using the 15
sheets of paper handed out to the group. The tower will have to be at least 2 meters
high and will have to stand free.

Based on the design the group will decide about the materials to be used:

Exchange rates:
 1 meter of sticky tape in exchange for 1 sheet of paper
 a stick of glue for 2 sheets of paper

Stage 4 - 30 minutes
Building of the tower

Stage 5 - 15 minutes
The results of the teamwork will be presented.

Stage 6 - 15 minutes

Stage 7

© Copyright E. de Graaff, 2008

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