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Software Estimation

Case Studies

E Copyright © 2007, EDS India Software Estimation


Case 1: Customer Maintenance System

About the XYZ Online Music Store

XYZ Online Music Store (, as the name suggest, is
an online music store selling latest music CDs and MP3s over web. To attract more
customers the company has decided to launch a discount program. Every item will
have certain credit points. For every purchase the customer make associated credit
points are accumulated. The customer can redeem his accumulated credit points as
cash for the next purchase. The credit points expire after six months after they are

Requirement for Customer Maintenance System (CMS)

CMS is supposed to maintain customer information and purchase history for each
customer. Customer registers himself at the site. Customer can also update his
personal information. After a purchase is made the system will maintain the
purchase information along with associated credits. The Order Booking System will
fetch customer information (like shipping address, etc.) and available credit
information from CMS. If credits are redeemed the Order Booking System will debit
the credits redeemed in CMS. Customer can get a report on all the purchases he has
made in last six months by month and by category and can also get a statement of
his credits.

Problem Definition
Provide an estimate of efforts, schedule and cost required to deliver Customer
Maintenance System. If you think there are missing requirements list your questions
seeking the missing information. Note down your assumptions. Assume the platform
to be ASP and SQL Server 2003 on Windows Server 2003.

E Copyright © 2007, EDS India Software Estimation


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E Copyright © 2007, EDS India Software Estimation


Case 2: System Upgrade

Requirement for System Upgrade

XYZ Online Music Store realized that de-normalizing item_master and
category_master tables will improve the response time for customers. Therefore they
have decided to upgrade their Order Entry System by merging the two tables.

Problem Definition
Provide an estimate of efforts required to deliver the system up gradation project.
The changes on the database side will be performed by the DBA and need not be
considered as a part of this project. If you think there are missing requirements list
your questions seeking the missing information. List down your assumptions.

Assume the platform as: stored procedures written in COBOL assessing DB2 UDB on
IBM Mainframe OS/390 system and ASP.NET web forms with HTML/C#.

Make your own assumptions for efforts, productivity, complexity classification, etc

E Copyright © 2007, EDS India Software Estimation


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E Copyright © 2007, EDS India Software Estimation

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