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Faith is the Force of Life

Tags: Faith, Hope
Posted in Keys for Successful Living, Pastor's Blog | Leave a comment

Faith reminds me of the force of the wind.  You can’t visibly see the wind, but you can see its impact. 
You can hear it and feel its force, but you can’t stop it.  The wind can be a powerful, destructive force
that devastates everything in its path, or it can be utilized for electricity and refreshing.  It blows away
the stagnant air.  Who knows where it comes from?

Faith is like the force of wind, but we know where it comes from.  The Scripture says in Romans 10:17,
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing from the Word of God.”  The force of faith in action always brings
results.  Your faith can have negative or positive results depending on whom you listen to: God or the
enemy.  Faith will impact your life one way or the other.  What are you doing with your faith?

Romans 12:3

“God has given to every man the measure of faith.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

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While the force of faith can move mountains of unbelief and destroy the works of satan, doubt is faith in
reverse that can make a mountain out of a mole hill.  Jesus said, “Have faith in God…Those things that
you desire, when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them.” Mark 11:22-24

 Study Hebrews, chapter 11.  The word, “faith” appears twenty three times in this one chapter.
The first verse states, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not
seen.” Now faith is!  If it is not now, you do not believe.  Hope is the future tense.  Faith
operates in the present.  Faith says, “I believe now.”  Hope says, “Maybe someday.”

 Confess and claim God’s promises.  Praise God in advance with confidence that the answer is on
the way.

 Give your questions to God and keep on believing.  The greatest faith trusts His sovereignty…So
read God’s Word every day.  May the force of faith be with you!

“Without faith it is impossible to please Him.”  Hebrews 11:6



Some people define faith as a belief in something for which they have no evidence for.  Others
think of faith as a set of religious beliefs.  These are limited uses and understanding of faith. 
Faith is a force.  Think of it as a life force energy that you direct, consciously or unconsciously. 
It is a force you use every day.   People and use faith every day in ways that are very real and
practical but hardly notice.  This force of faith that you use has profound impact on your
thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

People use faith when they exchange money. A dollar has value largely because people believe it
has value.  People have invested faith in the idea that dollars can be traded for food, gas,
clothing, services, and other things.  Because other people also have faith in this same use of
money it works and appears to be truth.

We put our money in a bank because we have faith that a bank is a safe place for our money. 
When people have fear and doubts about the safety of that bank their faith dissolves. Or, more
specifically, they invest faith in the idea that the bank is unsafe. Then they withdraw their
money.  If enough people withdraw their money from a bank, it can collapse.  Even if the bank is
solvent it can collapse because people no longer have enough faith in the bank. You could say
that the strength of a bank is more dependent on faith of people than the actual balance sheet of
the bank.

The price of a stock is largely determined by faith.  People will value and pay for a stock
dependent on what is their BELIEF.   Faith is the force that makes that belief strong.  If people
lose their faith in that company, then they sell their stock.  The action of selling stock is
determined by where they invest their faith.  The value of a stock is determined by the faith
people have in the value of a company stock.  You could say that the whole stock market is held
up by the power of the faith people have in its overall worth.  That’s why prices of stocks and the
whole market can change so quickly.  When people shift what they have their faith in things can
change quickly.  When you change what beliefs you have invested faith in your life can change
very quickly.

The value of stock, a piece of real estate, a dollar, euro, or peso is largely a matter of faith.  They
are worth what people “believe” they are worth.  Only when other people believe the same thing
does that belief appear real.   When people no longer put the force of their faith behind the value
of a stock the price falls.   More precisely we can say that they have taken their faith out of the
“idea” that the stock’s value.  People don’t invest their faith in a stock, but rather in the idea of a
stock’s value.  Then they put their money in the stock based on how much faith they invested in
the idea of value for that stock.  If you see this relationship it becomes clear that our actions are
based on the power of faith we have invested in ideas.

Faith Impacts How We Feel

Faith in yourself can give you a feeling of confidence. If you believe that you can do something,
you have faith in your ability and you produce a feeling of confidence.  When you doubt your
ability, you are also investing faith.  You invest your faith in the ideas and images that you will
fail, and that people will judge you.  When you put faith in those ideas and images you create
emotions of fear or insecurity.  In both cases, you are expressing the energy of faith.  It is just
that you express it into different conceptual ideas, outcomes, and self-images and this produces
different emotions.

Suppose you did something in your past and later wish you hadn’t done it. If you invest faith in
that idea then you will create emotions of guilt.  If you invest faith in the idea that you are a bad
person for what you have done then you will create emotions of shame.  Guilt is an emotion
based in something you have done, while shame is an emotion based in a belief about what you
are.  The strength of the emotions you feel will depend on how much faith you have in these
ideas about your self.   With the force of faith you can create these emotions within your self
even if the story is not true.   But by creating these feelings the story will feel true.

Most everything you feel about yourself derives from the faith you invest in various ideas about
yourself. Two people could have the same experience of hardship and failure, but invest their
faith in opposite interpretations about what would happen next time.  One might believe he will
fail again, while the other person might invest faith in the idea that she will do better next time
because of her commitment or what she learned.   Failure didn’t determine how a person felt, but
rather what ideas they invested their faith in did. Each person is using the energy of faith and
investing it in one belief or another about themselves and the future.  Each creates a different
belief system, and produces different emotions.  One person will become more focused
committed and feel confident,,, the other will generate insecurity.  The action that each person
takes from then on will be congruent with where they have invested their faith.

If you are feeling emotions of fear, shame, guilt, and unhappiness, it is because you have
invested faith in conceptual ideas that create these emotions.  The ideas that are in your head and
your self images are not the truth.  But if you invest faith in them they will produce emotions and
create the feeling of being real.  The emotions you create with your faith are real, but the images
and ideas of your beliefs are not.    If you want to change how you feel one of the things you will
have to learn to do is divest your faith from these false beliefs.

In recovering the power of your faith from these false beliefs not only will your level of
happiness change, but your actions and behavior will changes as well.  Another benefit of
recovering your faith from these false beliefs is that you will then have the personal power to
choose a new set of beliefs and take the actions to create a new life based on what you really

Learning how to gain control over the force of your faith is something that the Self Mastery
course will help you do.

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