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MYP1 Science (Grade 6) Experimental Cycle Sentence Starters Name: ______________

We use the experimental cycle to help us plan, carry out and write about scientific investigations.

Adapted from the IB MYP Sciences Guide

Outline the problem or question to be tested
❏ I want to investigate....
A scientific problem is a
❏ This is because I have observed that… question that we are trying
OR to solve by making a
❏ I will test the effect of ... on .... hypothesis and testing it
❏ This is because I have observed that... with an experiment.

Outline a testable prediction using scientific reasoning

❏ I predict that...
❏ This is because...
❏ Other information that supports my hypothesis is....
❏ My prediction is / is not testable. I know this because ....

Outline how to manipulate variables and how to collect data
❏ The independent variable is the variable I am changing.
❏ My independent variable is...
❏ I will change the independent variable by...
❏ The dependent variable is the variable I will measure.
❏ My dependent variable is...
❏ I will measure the dependent variable by...
❏ I will repeat my measurements ... times to be more reliable.
❏ The controlled variables are variables that I will keep the same to make my test more reliable.
❏ I will control .... by... because...

Design a safe, logical and complete method SAFETY FIRST!

❏ There are some / no risks in this investigation because...
❏ I will stay safe by ... I will keep others safe by ...
❏ I need to use these materials and equipment in my investigation...
❏ I need to carry out these steps in my investigation...
❏ This is a photo / diagram of my investigation

Collect, organize and present data
❏ This table shows my measurements. Tables and Graphs
❏ This graph shows my results. We use tables and graphs to
❏ I made these observations while carrying out my communicate our data clearly to others.
We will learn how to choose and use
different types of charts and graphs to
Interpret data and outline the results using scientific best tell the story of our data.
❏ I think my data were / were not reliable because...
❏ My data show that .... Reliability means how 'trustworthy' you
think the data are.
❏ My data suggest that ...
❏ This might be because ... If you repeated your measurements did
❏ Another source that supports this reason is... they give similar answers (reliable) or
which says... were they spread apart (unreliable)?
❏ I conclude that this experiment has / has not helped me
solve my original problem. This is because...

Outline the validity of the prediction
❏ I predicted that ...
"Banned words" list
❏ My data support / do not support /partially support my prediction. ● "Proves"
❏ I think this because... ● "Correct"
Outline the validity of the method ● "Right"
❏ My method did allow / did not allow / partially allowed me to answer ● "Wrong"
my research question. These are not scientific.
❏ I think this because Instead we talk about how the
❏ Some strengths in my method were... evidence we collect (our data)
❏ Some weaknesses in my method were... do or do not support our
❏ Something I found difficult in carrying out my method was... hypothesis.
❏ If I wanted to test the same problem again, I would / would not use
the same method. This is because...
Good scientists
Outline improvements or extensions to the method are not trying to 'prove'
❏ I could improve the method by .... themselves 'right'.
❏ I would make these improvements because...
❏ This investigation has made me think of a new question, which is... Good scientists want to test
❏ I could test this by... their ideas in case they are
not supported. This gives
❏ I would like to find out more about ... because...
them more interesting
questions to ask next

Commonly-confused words. Make sure you use them correctly.

Facts Hypothesis Theory

are simple truths that we use is a testable prediction that we is our 'highest form of certainty' in
when we describe the make, with a logical reason. Science, used to explain complex
universe. Often we can ideas. We can only call something a
measure them. "I predict that the longer I leave my theory if it has been tested and tested
❖ "The Sun is hot." drink outside, the more ice will melt. and has not been disproven yet. The
❖ "A pen falls if I drop it." This is because the ice is absorbing Theory of Gravity explains why objects
❖ "Plants need water." more energy from the Sun." fall towards Earth, for example.

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