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Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Module 2 Title: Simple Strain

Module Introduction/Rationale:

In this module, we will study the changes in shape, or what we call deformations, that accompany
a loading. In particular, we shall learn how to apply the geometric relations between elastic deformation
which, in combination with the conditions of equilibrium and the relations between loads and
deformations, will enable us to solve statically indeterminate problems.

Module Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the concepts of stress and strain.

Lesson 1 Title: Normal Strain (Axial Strain)

Lesson Outcomes:
At the end of this topic the learner should be able to:
1. identify the two types of axial deformation
2. solve the axial deformation of the material with uniform cross-sectional area
3. solve the axial deformation of the material with tapered solid cross-sectional area


In general terms, strain is a geometric quantity that measures the deformation of a body.

Two Types of Strain

1. Normal Strain – characterizes dimensional changes
2. Shear Strain – describes distortion (changes in angle)

Normal Strain (Axial Strain)

Normal strain ϵ (lowercase Greek epsilon) is defined as the elongation per unit length.


where: ϵ = strain (mm/mm, inches/inches)

ɣ = deformation (mm, inches)
L = length (mm, inches)

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Strain may be assumed constant with the following conditons:

1. The specimen must be of constant cross section.
2. The material must be homogeneous
3. The load must be axial, that is, produce uniform sress.

Hooke’s Law
ɣ = deformation (mm, inches)
P = applied load (N, lbs)
L = length (mm, inches)
A = cross-section area of the specimen (mm2, in2)
E = modulus of elasticity (MPa, psi)

Two Types of Axial Deformation

1. Elongation – due to tensile force (positive deformatiom)
2. Contraction – due to compressive force (negative deformation)

If the strain (or stress) in the bar is not uniform

In the case where axial strain varies with the X-coordinate, the elongation can be obtained by

 AE dx

Where: ɣ = deformation
P = applied load
E = modulus of elasticity
L = length of the member
A = cross-sectional area
A = AA + (AB – AA) (cross-sectional area is linear function of x)
AA = smaller section
AB = bigger section

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Sample Problem:
1. A 2.0-m long steel tie rod in a structure is subjected to a tensile axial load of 12 KN. The diameter of the
rod is 10 mm. Determine the elongation of the rod if the modulus of elasticity is E = 210 GPa.


Length, L = 2.0 m = 2000 mm

Applied Load P = 12 KN = 12,000 N
Diameter of the rod d = 10 mm
Modulus of Elasticity E = 210 GPa = 210x10 MPa

πd2 π(10)2 2
A= = = 78.54 mm
4 4
PL (12,000)(2000)
ɣ= =
AE (78.54)(210x10 3 )

ɣ = 1.46 mm answer

2. The cross section of 10 m-long flat steel bar AB has a constant thickness of 20 mm, but its width varies
from 40 mm to 120 mm. Determine the elongation due to 100 KN axial load. Use E = 200 GPa for steel.

B at B
A at A
100 KN 100 KN 20 mm 20 mm

40 mm 120 mm

10 m

Length, L = 10 m = 10,000 mm
Applied Load P = 100 KN = 100,000 N
Modulus of Elasticity E = 200 GPa = 200x10 MPa
A = bd (for rectangular cross-section)
d = dA + (dB – dA)
d = 40 mm + (120 mm – 40 mm)
d = 40 + 0.008 X
A = 20 (40 + 0.008 X)

L P 10,000 100,000
ɣ= dx =
0 AE 0 (20)(40  0.008 X )(200 x10 3 )
dx (use calculator in solving the unknown)

ɣ = 3.43 mm answer

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

3. Determine the elongation of the tapered cylinder aluminium bar caused by the 30-KN axial load. Use E
= 72 GPa.

B at A at B
30 KN 30 KN
20 mm 30 mm

400 mm


Length, L = 400 mm
Applied Load P = 30 KN = 30,000 N
Modulus of Elasticity E = 72 GPa = 72x10 MPa
A= (for circular cross-section)
d = dA + (dB – dA)
d = 20 mm + (30 mm – 20 mm)
d = 20 + 0.025 X
 (20  0.025X 2

L P 400 30,000
ɣ= dx =
0 AE 0 
(20  0.025 X )2 (72x10 3 )
dx (use calculator in solving the unknown)

ɣ = 0.35 mm answer

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

4. Axial loads are applied to the compound rod that is composed of aluminum segment rigidly connected
between steel and bronze segments. Find the change in the total length after the loads shown are

Bronze Aluminum
2 Steel
A = 400 mm
2 A = 600 mm 2
A = 300 mm
G = 83 GPa G = 70 GPa
G = 200 GPa
20 KN
30 KN 60 KN
70 KN

0.90 m 1.50 m 1.80 m

FBD for bronze: FBD for aluminium:

70 KN
30 KN 30 KN (compression) 30 KN 40 KN (tension)

FBD for steel:

20 KN
30 KN 70 KN 60 KN (tension)


From FBD for bronze:

From FBD for steel:
From the FBD the force (colour red) is pushing the
From the FBD the force (colour red) is pulling the
material, therefore the force is compression.
material, therefore the force is tension.
P = – 30 KN (compression) = – 30,000 N
P = + 60 KN (tension) = + 60,000 N
L = 0.90 m = 900 mm
2 L = 1.80 m = 1800 mm
A = 400 mm 2
3 A = 300 mm
E = 83 GPa = 83x10 MPa 3
E = 200 GPa = 200x10 MPa

ɣB = – = – 0.81 mm (contraction) (60,000)(1800)
(400)(83x10 3 ) ɣS = + = + 1.80 mm (elongation)
(300)(200x10 3 )
From FBD for aluminium:
Total Deformation
From the FBD the force (colour red) is pulling the
material, therefore the force is tension.
ɣT = ɣB + ɣA + ɣS
P = + 40 KN (tension) = + 40,000 N ɣT = – 0.81 mm + 1.43 mm + 1.80 mm
L = 1.50 m = 1500 mm ɣT = + 2.42 mm (the material will elongate)
A = 600 mm answer
E = 70 GPa = 70x10 MPa

ɣA = + = + 1.43 mm (elongation)
(600)(70x10 3 )

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

5. The bar ABC is supported by a pin at A and a steel wire at B. Calculate (a) the elongation of the steel
wire when the 20 KN vertical force is applied at C and (b) the vertical displacement at load P. The
diameter of the wire is 6 mm, the length of the wire is 1.50 m, and the modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa.

Steel wire

P = 20 KN

1.80 m 1.20 m

Free Body Diagram (FBD):

PS = Force in Steel

ɣP ɣS = 3.18 mm
P = 20 KN

1.80 m 1.20 m
1.80 m 1.20 m

3.00 m


From FBD:
Using the second diagram:
Take a moment at A
ΣMA = 0
The blue line indicates the movement of bar
0 = 20 KN (1.8 m) – PS (3.0 m)
ABC due to the application of load
PS = 12 KN = 12,000 N

ɣP = vertical displacement at load P

πd2 π(6)2 2
AS = = = 28.27 mm
4 4
Using Ratio & Proportion:
L = 1.50 m = 1500 mm γP γ
E = 200 GPa = 200x10 MPa = S
1.80m 3.0m
Elongation of steel wire
ɣP (3.0 m) = 3.18 mm (1.80 m)
ɣS =
(28.27)(200x10 3 ) 3.18(1.8)
ɣP =
ɣS = 3.18 mm answer ɣP = 1.91 mm answer

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Problem Set No: 1 (Module 2 – Lesson 1)

1. A hollow steel column is subjected to a load of 180-KN, determine the change in length if the modulus
of elasticity of steel is 200 GPa.

180 KN

3.50 m

100 mm 125 mm

2. An aluminum bar having a cross-sectional area of 160 mm2 carries the axial loads at the position shown
in the figure. If E = 70 GPa, compute the total deformation of the bar.
Aluminum Bar
A = 160 mm
E = 70 GPa

15 KN 30 KN 10 KN
35 KN

0.80 m 1.00 m 0.60 m

3. A steel wire is 10 meters long, hanging vertically supports a tensile load of 2000 N. Determine the safe
diameter if the stress is not to exceed 140 MPa and the total deformation is limited to 5 mm. Use E =
200 GPa.

4. A 4-mm diameter steel wire, 3.20 meters long, carries an axial tensile load P. Find the safe value of P if
the allowable tensile stress is 280 MPa and the elongation of the wire is limited to 3.50 mm. Use E =
200 GPa.

5. The timber member has a cross-sectional area of 1750 mm2 and its modulus of elasticity is 12 GPa.
Compute the change in the total length of the member after the loads shown are applied.

20 KN
40 KN 35 KN

1.50 m 3.00 m 3.00 m

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

6. A steel strip has a uniform thickness of 25 mm. Determine the elongation of the trip caused by the 400-
KN axial force. The modulus of elasticity of steel is 200 GPa.

400 KN 400 KN

900 mm 900 mm

at A at B at C
25 mm 25 mm 25 mm
25 mm 25 mm
75 mm

7. Compute the total deformation of the material if E = 70 GPa. Diameters at point A, B and C are 75 mm,
75 mm and 50 mm respectively.

30 KN 60 KN

500 mm 400 mm

8. Compute the total deformation of bar ABC with a thickness of 12 mm. Use E = 30 GPa.


40 KN 70 KN 30 KN

600 mm 500 mm

at A at B at C
12 mm 12 mm 12 mm
12 mm
36 mm 36 mm

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

9. Calculate (a) the elongation of the copper wire when the 50 KN vertical force is applied at and (b) the
vertical displacement at load P.

Copper Wire
A = 500 mm
L = 1.30 m
P = 50 KN
E = 120 GPa


3.20 m 1.80 m

10. Calculate (a) the elongation of the bronze wire when the 50 KN vertical force is applied at and (b) the
vertical displacement at load P.

2.50 m 1.70 m


Bronze Wire
A = 450 mm P = 50 KN
L = 1.50 m
E = 83 GPa

11. Determine the value of load P if the vertical displacement where the load is being applied is limited to
3.92 mm.
A = 300 mm
L = 4.0 m
E = 200 GPa

5.0 m 2.0 m

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Lesson 2 Title: Statically Indeterminate Members and Thermal Deformation

Lesson Outcomes:
At the end of this topic the learner should be able to:
1. solve the deformation of the material
2. solve the stress of the material due to the effect of deformation
3. solve the deformation due to temperature change


There are certain cobinations of axially loaded members in which the equations of static
equilibrium are not enough to for a solution. Such cases are called statically indeterminate and require
the use of additional relations which depend upon the elastic deformations in the members.

Sample Problem:
1. Compute the stress in each material when the 800-KN axial load is applied. The moduli of elasticity are
200 GPa for steel and 14 GPa for concrete.
P = 800 KN

Deformation of Concrete = Deformation of Steel

ɣC = ɣS
Pc L c PL Concrete
= s s
A cE c A sE s 2900 mm

Length of concrete = Length of steel

Lc = Ls (can be cancel out from the equation)

Pc Ps 25-mm diameter
A cEc A sEs Steel bar 275 mm
Ps Ac Ec = Pc As Es ------- equation 1
Area Total = 275(275) = 75,625 mm
π 275 mm
Area of Steel, As = (4 pcs) (25)2 = 1,963. 50 mm
Area of Concrete, Ac = 75,625 – 1,963.50 = 73,661.50 mm
2 P = 800 KN

From equation 1
Ps (73,661.550)(14x10 ) = Pc (1,963.50)(200x10 )
3 ɣC = ɣS
Pc(1963.50)(200x10 3 )
Ps = = 0.38 Pc --------- equation 2
(73661.50)(14x10 3 ) 2900 mm
ΣFy = 0
P = Pc + Ps --------- equation 3
800 KN = Pc + 0.38 Pc 800 = 1.38 Pc
Pc = 579.71 KN Ps = 0.38 (579.71) = 220.29 KN
PC = force of concrete
Solve for stress (C = stress of concrete & S = stress of steel)

579.71(1000)N 220.29(1000)N Ps = force of steel

 C= = 7.87 MPa  S= = 112.19 MPa
73661.50mm2 1963.50mm2
answer answer
Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

2. The concrete column is reinforced by four 16-mm diameter steel bars. The working stresses for steel
and concrete are 180 MPa and 15 MPa, respectively. Determine (a) the largest axial force P that can be
safely applied to the column and (b) the deformation of the column. Use Es = 200 GPa and Ec = 24 GPa.

Deformation of Concrete = Deformation of Steel

ɣC = ɣS
Pc L c PL Concrete
= s s Lc = Ls
A cE c A sE s 3000 mm
Pc Ps P
= But  =
A cEc A sEs A
σc σs
Ec Es
16-mm diameter
C (ES) = S (EC) ------- equation 1 Steel bar 250 mm

C (200x103) = (180)(24x103)
C = 21.60 MPa  15 MPa therefore use only 15 MPa
250 mm
(15)(200x103) = S (24x103)
S = 125 MPa  180 MPa therefore use 125 MPa P

Area Total = 250(250) = 62,500 mm

2 ɣC = ɣS
Area of Steel, As = (4 pcs) (16)2 = 804. 25 mm
2 3000 mm
Area of Concrete, Ac = 62,500 – 804.25 = 61,695.75 mm

ΣFy = 0
P = Pc + Ps --------- equation 2
But  = P = A
A PC = force of concrete

P = C AC + S AS Ps = force of steel
P = (15)(61,695.75) + (125)(804.25)
P = 925,436.25 + 100,531.25 = 1,025,967.50 N  1000
P = 1025.97 KN answer

Deformation of column

Pc L c (925436.25)(3000)
ɣC = = = 1.88 mm answer
A c E c (61695.75)(24x10 3 )


PL (100531.25)(3000)
ɣS = s s = = 1.88 mm answer
A sEs (804.25)(200x10 3 )

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

3. The bar ABCD is supported by a pin at B , an aluminum wire at A, and a copper wire at D. Calculate the
vertical displacement at load P.
Free Body Diagram:

Copper PC
A = 500 mm
A B C D L = 3.50 m A B C D
E = 120 GPa
A = 600 mm
L = 4.50 m P = 50 KN PA
E = 70 GPa P = 50 KN

5.0 m 3.0 m 3.0 m 5.0 m 3.0 m 3.0 m

Solution: Deformation Diagram:

From FBD: PC

Take a moment at B ɣA
ΣMB = 0
0 = 50 KN (3.0 m) – PC (6.0 m) – PA (5.0 m) A ɣP ɣC
PA (5) = 150 – PC (6.0 m)
PA = 30 – 1.20PC ----------- equation 1
P = 50 KN
From the Deformation Diagram:
The blue line indicates the movement of bar ABCD
due to the application of load 5.0 m 3.0 m 3.0 m

Using Ratio & Proportion:

γA γ From the Deformation Diagram:
= C The blue line indicates the movement of bar ABCD
5.0m 6.0m
due to the application of load
ɣA (6) = ɣC (5) but ɣ =
AE Using Ratio & Proportion:
(6) = C C (5) γP
= C
A AE A A CEC 3.0m 6.0m
PA (4500) PC (3500) ɣC (3) = ɣP (6)
(6) = (5)
(600)(70x10 3 ) (500)(120x10 3 ) (1.06)(3) = ɣP(6)
ɣP = 0.53 mm answer
–6 –6
642.86x10 PA = 291.67x10 PC
PA = 0.45PC ----------- equation 2
Other solution:
Equate 1 = 2 PA = 0.45PC = 045(18.18) = 8.18 KN = 8180 N
30 – 1.20PC = 0.45PC P L (8180)(4500)
30 = 1.65PC ɣA = A A = = 0.88 mm
A A E A (600)(70x10 3 )
PC = 18.18 KN = 18180 N
γP γ
= A ɣA (3) = ɣP (5)
P L (18180)(3500) 3.0m 5.0m
ɣC = C C = = 1.06 mm (0.88)(3) = ɣP(5)
A CEC (500)(120x10 3 )
ɣP = 0.53 mm answer
Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies


It is well known that changes in temperature cause dimensional changes in a body. An increase in
temperature results in expansion, whereas a temperature decrease produces contraction.

ɣt = α L Δt
ɣt = thermal deformation (mm, inches)
α = coefficient of thermal expansion (per 0C , per 0F)
L = length (mm, inches)
Δt = change in temperature (0C , 0F)
Δt = tf – ti (positive Δt produces positive strain or elongation and negative Δt
produces negative strain or contraction)

Thermal Strain, εt = α Δt

Typical Values of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

1. Aluminum 23.00x10-6/ 0C 12.80x10-6/ 0F
-6 0
2. Steel 11.70x10 / C 6.50x10-6/ 0F
3. Bronze 19.00x10-6/ 0C 10.50x10-6/ 0F
-6 0
4. Copper 16.80x10 / C 9.10x10-6/ 0F
-6 0
5. Brass 18.70x10 / C 10.33x10-6/ 0F

If the thermal deformation is permitted to occur freely (by using expansion joints or roller
supports, for example), no internal forces will be induced in the body – there will be strain, but no stress.
In cases where the deformation of a body is restricted, either totally or partially, internal forces will
develop that oppose the thermal expansion or contraction. The stresses caused by these internal forces
are known as Thermal Stresses.

Analysis of thermal stress use the principles of equilibrium, compatibilty and Hooke’s Law.

Procedure for deriving Compatibility Equations

1. Remove the contraints that prevent the thermal deformation to occur freely (this procedure is
sometimes referred to as “relaxing the supports”). Show the thermal deformation on a sketch
using an exagerated scale.
2. Apply the forces that are necessary to restore the specified conditions of constraint. Add the
deformations caused by these forces to the skecth that was drawn in the previous step.
3. By inspection of the sketch, write the relationships between the thermal deformations and the
deformation due to the constraint forces.

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Sample Problem:
1. The horizontal steel rod, 1.80 m long and 1,300 mm2 in cross-sectional area, is secured between two
walls. If the load of the rod is zero at 250C, compute the stress when the temperature has dropped to
–200C. Assume that (a) the walls do not move and (b) the walls move together a distance of 0.50 mm.
Use E = 200 GPa and α = 11.70x10-6/ 0C.

L = 1.80 m
A = 1,300 mm

Determine the change in temperature
Δt = 45 C
L = 1.80 m
(a) A = 1,300 mm

0 0 0
ɣt The steel rod contract due to
– 20 C 25 C 0
temperature drop of -20 C
ɣt = ɣ P ɣP Reattach the steel rod to the
PL P wall by force P
α L Δt = but  =
α L Δt = L can be cancelled out
 = α Δt E
 = (11.70x10-6) (45) (200x103)
 = 105.30 MPa answer


ɣt = ɣP + 0.50 mm
α L Δt = + 0.50 but  = L = 1.80 m
AE A A = 1,300 mm

ɣt The steel rod contract due to
α L Δt = + 0.50 0
temperature drop of -20 C
-6 L Reattach the steel rod to the
(11.70x10 ) (1800) (45)= + 0.50
E ɣP wall by force P
 (1800) 0.50 mm
0.95 – 0.50 =
200 x10 3 P
(0.95  0.50)(200 x10 3 )
 = 50.00 MPa answer

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

2. A steel rod with a cross-sectional area of 1,500 mm2 is stretched between two fixed points. The
tensile force in the rod at 50 0C is 30 KN. (a) What will be the stress at 00C? (b) At what temperature
will the stress be zero? Use E = 200 GPa and α = 11.70x10-6/ 0C.

Δt = 50 C

0 50 C

Solution: Solution:
(a) (b)

Stress due to load Stress due to load = Stress due to change in temp.
P 30,000 P 30,000
P = = = 20 MPa P = = = 20 MPa
A 1,500 A 1,500
Stress due to change in temperature α Δt E = 20
t = α Δt E 20 0
Δt = = 8.55 C
t = ( 11.70x10-6) (50) ( 200x103) 6
(11.70 x10 )(200 x10 )3
t = 117 MPa Δt = tf – ti
f = 20 + 117 = 137 MPa answer 8.55 = tf – 50
tf = 50 + 8.55 = 58.55 C answer

3. Determine the vertical displacement at load P if Δt = 25 0C.

Bronze Free-Body Diagram (FBD):
A = 500 mm
L = 3.0 m PB
E = 83 GPa P = 40 KN P = 40 KN
-6 0
α = 18.90x10 / C
B C 5.0 m B 2.0 m C
ϒC ϒP =?

5.0 m 2.0 m


From FBD:
Using Ratio & Proportion:
Take a moment at A P 
 B
ΣMA = 0 7.0m 5.0m
0 = 40 KN (7.0 m) – PB (5.0 m) + ɣP (5) = ɣB (7)
PB = 56 KN = 56,000 N ɣP(5) = (5.47) (7)
Elongation of Bronze = Due to load + Due to Temp
ɣP = 7.66 mm answer
ɣB = + α L Δt
(56,000)(3000) -6
ɣB = + (18.90x10 )(25)(3000)
(500)(83x10 )3

ɣB = 4.05 + 1.42 = 5.47 mm

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

4. Determine the stress in bronze and aluminium if Δt = 30 0C.

Aluminum Bronze
2 2
A = 600 mm A = 500 mm Free-Body Diagram (FBD):
L = 2.0 m L = 2.50 m
E = 70 GPa E = 83 GPa PA PB
-6 0 -6 0
α = 23x10 / C α = 18.90x10 / C
B C D 2.0 m 3.0 m 1.0 m
P = 60 KN ϒB P = 60 KN
2.0 m 3.0 m 1.0 m


From FBD: Solve for stress of aluminium and bronze

Take a moment at A 16,083.64N

A =
ΣMA = 0 600mm 2
0 = 60,000 N (6.0 m) – PA (2.0 m) – PB (5.0 m)
PB (5) = 360,000 – PA (2.0 m) A = 26.81 MPa answer
PA = 72,000 – 0.40PA ----------- equation 1

From the Deformation Diagram: 65,566.54N

The blue line indicates the movement of bar ABCD B =
due to the application of load P 500mm2

Using Ratio & Proportion: B = 131.13 MPa answer

A 
 B
2.0m 5.0m
ɣB (2) = ɣA (5)
ɣB = 2.50 ɣA but ɣ = + α L Δt

+ α LB Δt = A A + α LA Δt (2.50)

PB (2500) PA L A
+ (18.90x10-6) (2500) (30) = + α LA Δt (2.50)
(500)(83x10 3 ) A AE A
-5 PA (2000)
6.02x10 PB + 1.42 = + (23x10-6) (2000) (30) (2.50)
(600)(70x10 3 )

-5 -4
6.02x10 PB + 1.42 = 1.19x10 PA + 3.45
PB = 1.98 PA + 33,720.93 ----------- equation 2

Equate 1 = 2
72,000 – 0.40 PA = 1.98 PA + 33,720.93
(1.98 + 0.40) PA = 72,000 – 33,720.93
PA = 16,083.64 N ------------------ go back in equation 1 or 2
PB = 65,566.54 N

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

5. Determine the change in temperature that will cause the steel cylinder to be stress-free.

P = 250 KN P = 250 KN

ɣB = ɣS
Bronze Tube
Steel Cylinder 2
2 A = 12,000 mm
A = 7,200 mm
E = 83 GPa
E = 200 GPa PB
L = 2.50 m
L = 2.50 m -6 0
-6 0 α = 19x10 / C
α = 11.70x10 / C

Steel Cylinder Bronze Tube


Deformation of Bronze = Deformation of Steel

ɣB = ɣS
+ α LB Δt = s s + α LS Δt
A B EB A sEs

Length of bronze = Length of steel

LB = Ls (can be cancel out from the equation)

Since steel cylinder is stress- free, PS = 0 and P = PB

250,000N -6 0 -6
+ (19x10 ) Δt = + (11.70x10 ) Δt
12,000(83x10 3 ) A sEs

-4 -6 -6
2.51x10 + 19x10 Δt = 11.70x10 Δt
-6 -6 -4
(11.70x10 – 19x10 ) Δt = 2.51x10
– 7.30x10-6 Δt = 2.51x10
Δt = – 34.38 C answer

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Problem Set No: 2 (Module 2 – Lesson 2)

1. The bar ABCD is supported by a pin at A , a steel wire at B, and aluminum wire at D. Deterine the stress
in steel and aluminum.

Steel Aluminum
2 2
A = 100 mm A = 200 mm
L = 1.50 m L = 1.50 m
E = 200 GPa E = 72 GPa

P = 80 KN

1.50 m 1.25 m 0.75 m

2. The bar ABCD is supported by a pin at A , a steel wire at B, and a copper wire at C. Calculate the vertical
displacement at load P.

Steel 2
2 A = 600 mm
A = 300 mm
L = 3.50 m
L = 2.50 m
E = 120 GPa
E = 200 GPa

P = 50 KN

2.0 m 3.0 m 1.0 m

3. Determine the stress developed in bronze and steel tube after the application of load P. Use EB = 83
GPa and ES = 200 GPa.

P = 50 KN

Bronze Steel Tube

2 2
A = 6361.73 mm A = 1492.26 mm
E = 83 GPa E = 200 GPa
L = 1.50 m L = 1.50 m

90 mm 100 mm

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

4. The bar ABCD is supported by a pin at C , an aluminum wire at A, and broze wire at B. Calculate the
vertical displacement at load P.

2.0 m 2.0 m 3.0 m

A = 500 mm Bronze
L = 3.50 m A = 300 mm P = 50 KN
E = 70 GPa L = 1.80 m
E = 83 GPa

5. An aluminium tube is filled with concrete and used as column. Determine the deformation of the
column after the application of load P. Use EC = 16 GPa and EA = 70 GPa.

Conrete Aluminum Tube

S = 10 MPa S = 90 MPa
E = 16 GPa E = 70 GPa
2 2
A = 4417.86 mm A = 3436.12 mm
L = 3.0 m L = 3.0 m

6. The concrete circular column is reinforced by six pieces 16-mm diameter steel bars. The working
stresses for steel and concrete are 190 MPa and 18 MPa, respectively. Determine the largest axial force
P that can be safely applied to the column. Use Es = 200 GPa and Ec = 24 GPa.

Conrete Steel Bar

S = 18 MPa S = 190 MPa
E = 24 GPa E = 200 GPa
L = 3.0 m L = 3.0 m
2 2
A = 95,004.91 mm A = 1,206.37 mm

16-mm diameter
350 mm
Steel bar

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

7. A steel rod is streched between two walls. At 20 0C, the tensile force in the rod is 10,000 N. If the stress
is not to exceed 150 MPa at – 20 0C, find the allowable diameter of the rod if the coefficient of thermal
expansion is 11.70-6/ 0C and the modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa.

8. A copper rod is laid with end-to-end clearance of 5 mm at a temperature of 18 0C. (a) At what
temperature will the rod just come in contact? (b) What stress would be induced in the rod at the
temperature if there were no initial clearance? Use α = 16.80x10-6/ 0C and E = 120 GPa.

9. The bronze bar 3.0 m long with a cross-sectional area of 350 mm2 is placed between two rigid walls. At
a temperature of – 20 0C, there is a gap of 2.20 mm. Find the temperature at which the compressive
stress in the bar will be 30 MPa. Use α = 18x10-6/ 0C and E = 80 GPa.

L = 3.0 m
2.20 mm

10. Determine the change in temperature so that the vertical displacement at load P is limited to 4.50
A = 700 mm
L = 2.0 m
E = 100 GPa P = 50 KN
-6 0
α = 18.70x10 / C

3.40 m 1.60 m

11. Compute the shortening of the column if the change in temperature is 35 0C.

P = 270 KN

Bronze Tube
Steel Cylinder 2
2 A = 7,245.30 mm
A = 5,026.55 mm
E = 83 GPa
E = 200 GPa
L = 3.50 m
L = 3.50 m -6 0
-6 0 α = 19x10 / C
α = 11.70x10 / C

Steel Cylinder Bronze Tube

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

12. Determine the value of load P if Δt = 30 0C and the stress in bronze is limited to 132 MPa.
Aluminum Bronze
2 2
A = 600 mm A = 500 mm
L = 2.0 m L = 2.50 m
E = 70 GPa E = 83 GPa
-6 0 -6 0
α = 23x10 / C α = 18.90x10 / C

2.0 m 3.0 m 1.0 m

13. The rigid bar is supported by steel and bronze and carries a load of 80 KN. Compute the temperature
change of the assembly that will cause a tensile stress of 50 MPa in the steel rod.
A = 300 mm
2 Bronze
L = 1.50 m A = 1,400 mm
E = 200 GPa L = 3.0 m
-6 0
α = 11.70x10 / C E = 83 GPa
-6 0
B C D α = 18.90x10 / C

P = 80 KN

1.0 m 1.50 m 1.50 m

14. The rigid bar ABCD is supported by a pin at B and restrained by identical steel rod at C and D. If the
temperature change is 80 0C, determine the force that will cause the bar at C to be stress-free.

3.0 m 0.80 m 0.60 m

A Steel
B C D 2
A = 250 mm
P L = 2.80 m
E = 200 GPa
-6 0
α = 12x10 / C

15. Determine the change in temperature that will cause the bronze tube to be stress-free.

P = 50 KN

Bronze Tube
Steel Cylinder 2
2 A = 12,000 mm
A = 7,200 mm
E = 83 GPa
E = 200 GPa -6 0
-6 0 α = 19x10 / C
α = 11.70x10 / C


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