Tesl 1101

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Colombo International Nautical and Engineering College

Department of English
Date: 2017.03.26 Time allocated: 03 hours

INDEX NUMBER: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..……………

For Office Use Only
Question No: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 % Signature
For Scrutinizer’s
Use Only (marks)
For Moderator’s
Use Only (marks)

• Answer any four questions.
• Each question carries 15 marks.
• Read the questions carefully and answer to the point. Write what you are asked to
write and not what you want to write.

Question 01

Given below are some qualities of a good English language teacher. Select five of
these qualities you would consider more important than the others. Give reasons for
your choice and describe these five (05) qualities. (15 marks)

creative enthusiastic fair and just

humorous encouraging available to students
knowledgeable pleasant good disciplinarian
empathising smartly dressed flexible

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Question 02

A. Explain what you understand by the following terms. (06 marks)

(i) TEFL
(ii) TESL
(iii) Mother tongue and First Language

B. Discuss the role of English in Sri Lanka. (09 marks)

Question 03

Making students work in groups is an integral part of any English language teaching
method used currently because it is beneficial to students. Discuss.
(15 marks)

Question 04

A. Different types of questions are asked by English language teachers for

different purposes. Explain supporting your answer with suitable examples.
(12 marks)
B. Comment on the questioning technique used by the teacher in the following
dialogue. (03 marks)

 The students are adult learners of English in a university. The topic discussed
is “Death Penalty”.

Teacher : We are going to discuss “Death Penalty”. What do you know about it?
Student1 : It is a form of punishment.
Tr. : Form of punishment. Right. Does the government have the right to
kill another person?
S1 : We give punishment to make him correct. But if someone is killed, we
cannot correct him.
S2 : That means the government can also be criticized.
S3 : We have to find out whether they have done the crime.
Tr. : Is it fair or unfair to give death penalty?
P4 : Innocent people can be victimized. That is why it is unfair.

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P5 : We can identify who are the innocent people.
Tr. : If you use law properly?
P1 : We always depend on witnesses.
P2 : Some people do crimes because of their poverty. That is why we
should know what is the root of crime.

Question 05

A. Creating a good learning environment is the most important aspect of

classroom management. Discuss the role played by the teacher to achieve this
aim. (12 marks)
B. Given below is a description of a problem child in a class. How would you deal
with him? (03 marks)

 Anil is sixteen studying in Grade Eleven. He has missed a lot of school lately
through truanting. He seems in a bad mood all the time and the other students
tease him because he is very fat. His father is an alcoholic and his mother does
not pay much attention to Anil. He is inattentive in class and shows little interest
in his studies. Very often the teacher has to pull him up for disturbing the other

Question 06

A. Many English language teachers and text book writers do not realize the value
of using humour in the English language classroom. Discuss.

B. State how you would use the following texts to make your lesson more
interesting and enjoyable.

a) Udurawana complained to Police: Sir all items are missing, except the TV in
my house.
Police : How come the thief did not take TV???
Udurawana : I was watching TV news...

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b) Saviour of the Moon

One night Mulla Nasrudin was walking past a well and he looked into it. The
moon was reflected in the water of the well.
“Oh, no!” thought Nasrudin, “The moon is drowning. I must save it.”
So he found a long rope. He made a loop at one end and threw it into the
water. “Hang on to this Moon! And I will pull you out!” he shouted. The rope fell
into the well and caught on a jutting rock inside. As the rope tightened around it,
Nasrudin thought the moon was holding the rope. Nasrudin started to walk
backwards pulling at the rope so that the moon could be pulled out.
After a few minutes of effort, the rope slipped off the rock and Mullah fell
down flat on his back. Lying there he looked up and saw the moon in the sky. It
was a full moon, round and radiant.
“Well, I am so glad I saved you, Moon!” he said.
(15 marks)

Question 07

Games are fun activities that promote language acquisition. However, teachers
should follow certain criteria in selecting language games.

A. Write a brief essay on ‘Selecting language games’ with reference to the above
statement. (09 marks)
B. Describe two language games you would use with a group of Grade Eight
students. How would these games benefit the students? (06 marks)

Question 08

Using drama in the English Language is beneficial to students in several ways.

However, it poses a few problems to the teacher. Discuss. (15 marks)

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