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Abdalrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed ELSakka

Task (2) Part (2) D1

Evaluate in detail how the system works and how energy-reducing components could
potentially improve the future life cycle of the system. Also, suggest improvements that
could be obtained to the life cycle of the system.

I choose Mobile Phone

How does a Mobile phone work?
1. Block diagram of a mobile phone

A Cell-telephone handset is made out of two segments, which are RF and Baseband

RF alludes to radio recurrence, the method of correspondence for remote

advancements, including cordless telephones, radar, GPS, and radio and
transmissions. RF waves are surrounding us. RF waves are electromagnetic waves
which engender at the speed of light. To perform the transmitter and receiver section of
the cell phone.

Baseband: In signal handling, baseband depicts signs and frameworks whose scope of
frequencies is estimated from zero to the greatest transmission capacity or most
elevated sign recurrence. It is utilized in media communications, it is the recurrence
range involved by a message signal before the tweak.

A baseband processor is an IC that is for the most part utilized in a cell phone to
handle correspondence capacities.

Mobile phones have three areas since baseband is separated into two which are the
Analog and Digital capacity while the RF segment stays all in all circuit segments.
1. Radio Frequency (RF Section)
2. The Analog Baseband Processor
3. The Digital Baseband Processor.

Abdalrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed ELSakka

Radio Frequency Processing Section

The RF segment is the piece of the phone circuit that is otherwise called the RF
Transceiver. The segment communicates and gets a specific recurrence to organize
and synchronize to different telephones.

The RF-A radio section is based on two main Circuits.

Transmitter and Receiver
A Transmitter is a circuit or gadget which is utilized to communicate radio signals. a
recipient resembles radios which are utilized to get transmissions that are spread
noticeably all around by any transmitter on a particular recurrence.

Analog Baseband Processor, A/D and D/A section

This segment converts and cycles the simple to advanced (A/D) signs and
computerized to simple signs (D/A).
Control section: This is section acts as the controller of the input and output of any
analog and digital signal.
Power Management: is to handle energy matters that are consumed in mobile phones.
There are two main subsections in a single power section.
1. Power Distribution and switching section
2. Charging Section
A power distribution section is to distribute desired Voltages and currents to the other
sections of a phone.

Audio Codecs Section

This section where analog and digital audio properties processing like the microphone,
earpiece speaker headset, and ring-tones and also the vibrator circuits.

Digital Baseband Processor

In digital Baseband Processor, all Applications being measure. Computerized
Baseband Processor area is utilized in cell phones to deal with information and yield
signals like exchanging, driving application orders, and memory getting to and

The computer processor Unit is answerable for deciphering and executing the greater
part of the orders from the UI. It is regularly called the "cerebrums" of the chip, focal

LCD Display: Shows Call, Phone, Signal & Network Information.

Keypad: Allows access to specific remote locations of the phone.

SD RAM: Used to store data for short-term use. to provide quick access to files that the
phone is reading.

Abdalrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed ELSakka

The operation of the mobile phone

The BIOS will start interfacing with the hardware. The CPU will seek instructions from
the BIOS about initializing the system after receives the system signal from the battery.

The system ROM BIOS will start feeding the system instructions. The BIOS will instruct
the system to go through a Power-On Self-Test, This step is will allow the system to
identify any potential hardware failures within the system (POST) while doing this
various parts of the system are checked including BIOS, Hard drives, Memory, RAM,
Ports, Keyboard, and Mouse.

The BIOS will seek the operating system to boot and load. The system will look
through the boot device list and select the operating system to load after the CPU has
successfully initialized.

The operating system ready to take the rest of the process from the BIOS.

“Learning with Block Diagram on how basically Cell-phone works?” Free CellPhone Repair Tutorials. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 8-Nov-

Abdalrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed ELSakka

2. how energy reducing components could potentially improve the future life cycle
of the system
We have seen a few sorts of versatile batteries show up for some time and vanish after the
development of the most recent and generally modern, and the first battery utilized in quite a while
was Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd), which is utilized in a few other electronic gadgets, yet the issue of
these batteries was consistently in the memory It couldn't wait for quite a while. Batteries, Li-particle,
and Lithium-polymer (Li-Po) batteries on the cell phone market.

Ni-Cd, Nickel–cadmium battery

The nickel-cadmium battery (Ni-Cd battery or NiCad battery) is a kind of battery-powered battery
utilizing nickel oxide hydroxide and metallic cadmium as anodes. The shortening Ni-Cd is gotten from
the synthetic images of nickel (Ni) and cadmium (Cd): the condensing NiCad is an enrolled brand
name of SAFT Corporation.

The benefit of this battery is Withstands up to 500 charging cycles. The vast majority of these
batteries have a cell capability of about 1.2 volts. Since NiCd batteries are genuinely modest to
create, they are additionally generally modest to purchase. This battery arrives in a wide scope of
alternatives and sizes. Most are round and hollow, however, there are different choices and these are
generally modest. A lower selling cost is perhaps the greatest preferred position of a NiCD battery.
One reason for its reasonableness is that the battery needs no extraordinary conditions to be
delivered. It is handily put away and doesn't harm under most typical conditions. Likewise, The NiCd
battery is straightforward and quick to charge. Regardless of whether it has been away for some time,
the battery will generally still take a charge under most ordinary conditions. This battery can likewise
take a high number of charges on the off chance that it is appropriately dealt with and not abused.
With appropriate consideration, charging and releasing strategies, and incidental cleaning, a NiCD
battery can last any longer. Low temperatures don't generally influence the NiCd and it has a decent
burden execution implying that it acknowledges the charge on the main attempt. This settles on the
NiCd as a decent decision in any atmosphere setting. It has a generally low energy thickness. it isn't
as amazing as a portion of the more current batteries. This battery as a rule does well away, yet it can
regularly self-release. This implies that it should be charged again before use. The NiCd battery
contains harmful metals that are considered naturally hostile. This implies that if the batteries are a
piece of your gear every battery must be eliminated before the hardware can be discarded in a landfill
or a reusing focus.

Abdalrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed ELSakka

NiMH, Nickel-metal hydride battery

A nickel-metal hydride battery truncated NiMH or Ni–MH is a kind of battery-powered battery. The
synthetic response at the positive terminal is like that of the nickel-cadmium cell (NiCd), with both
utilizing nickel oxide hydroxide (NiOOH). Be that as it may, the negative terminals utilize a hydrogen-
retaining amalgam rather than cadmium. A NiMH battery can have a few times the limit of an equal
size NiCd, and its energy thickness can move toward that of a lithium-particle battery. A few cycles:
The NiMH is appraised for just 500 charges/release cycles. Shallow instead of profound release
cycles is liked. The battery's life span is legitimately identified with the profundity of release. 30%
greater limit over a standard NiCad. Less poisonous metals. The NiMH is presently marked
"ecologically benevolent. Release current: The suggested release current of the NiMH is impressively
not as much as that of the NiCad. Limit: The NiMH conveys about 30% more limit than a NiCad of a
similar size.

Li-Ion, Lithium-ion (Li-ion)

Lithium-particle batteries (Li-particle) known by the name known in the realm of cell phones, and the
biggest of them for its light size and long life cycle, first acknowledged by its dainty plan of the most
significant, however its inadequacies its name is restricted charging times. The administration is one
of the most perilous batteries for security; because it is effectively overheated and can detonate; and
that was initially made from combustible materials. These batteries charge rapidly until it arrives at
80% and afterward the charging cycle speed is diminished until it arrives at 100%. High energy -
Lithium-particle batteries can have a powerful limit without being excessively cumbersome. Little and
light - Lithium-particle battery is lighter and more modest than other battery-powered batteries with
regards to battery limit. Speedy charging - Lithium-particle battery is faster to charge than other
battery-powered batteries. It requires some investment to charge when contrasted with partners.
Costly - The creation of Lithium-particle batteries can be a fairly costly undertaking. The general
creation cost of these batteries is around 40% higher than nickel-metal hydride batteries. Maturing
impact - Lithium-particle batteries will normally corrupt as they experience the ill effects of maturing.
Ordinarily, Lithium-particle batteries may have the option to withstand 500 - 1000 charge and release
cycles before their ability tumbles to half. Profound release - Lithium-particle battery has low self-
release. Wellbeing concerns - Lithium-particle batteries may detonate when overheated or cheated.
This is because gasses shaped by electrolyte disintegration expands the interior weight of the cell.
Overheating or inner short circuits can likewise touch off the electrolyte and cause a fire.

Li-Ion polymer, Lithium-polymer (Li-Po)

A lithium polymer battery, or all the more effectively lithium-particle polymer battery (condensed as Li-
Po, LIP, Li-poly, lithium-poly, and others), is a battery-powered battery of lithium-particle innovation
utilizing a polymer electrolyte rather than a fluid electrolyte. High conductivity semisolid (gel) polymers
structure this electrolyte. These batteries give higher explicit energy than other lithium battery types
and are utilized in applications where weight is a basic element, for example, cell phones. Low
release rate Li-particle batteries have a level pace of releasing from around 1.5% to 2% every month.
Moreover, they don't have harmful cadmium; along these lines, they are anything but difficult to
discard. Low support Lithium-particle batteries require little upkeep than different batteries. Value
Cost fluctuates relying upon the shading and size of the battery. Although lithium items are costly, you
will adore the outcomes. High energy thickness: High energy thickness is one of the central points of
interest of lithium-particle battery innovation. Self-release: One issue with numerous battery-powered
batteries is oneself release rate. Lithium-particle cells are that their pace of self-release is a lot lower
than that of other battery-powered cells, for example, Ni-Cad and NiMH structures. It is ordinarily
around 5% in the initial 4 hours in the wake of being charged however then tumbles to a figure of
around 1 or 2% every month.

The new technology of batteries reducing components improve the future of the mobile phone

Abdalrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed ELSakka

3. Future batteries
I suggest improvement could be obtained to the life cycle of the system.

Vertically aligned carbon nanotube electrode

NAWA Technologies has designed and patented an Ultra-Fast Carbon Electrode,
which it says is a game-changer in the battery market. It uses a vertically-aligned
carbon nanotube (VACNT) design and NAWA says it can boost battery power tenfold,
increase energy storage by a factor of three and increase the lifecycle of a battery five
times. The company sees electric vehicles as being the primary beneficiary, reducing
the carbon footprint and cost of battery production while boosting performance. NAWA
says that the 1000km range could become the norm, with charging times cut to 5
minutes to get to 80 percent. The technology could be in production as soon as 2023.

A step closer to silicon anode lithium-ion batteries

Looking to overcome the problem of unstable silicon in lithium-ion batteries,
researchers at the University of Eastern Finland have developed a method to produce
a hybrid anode, using mesoporous silicon microparticles and carbon nanotubes.
Ultimately the aim is to replace graphite as the anode in batteries and use silicon,
which has ten times the capacity. Using this hybrid material improves the performance
of the battery, while the silicon material is sustainably produced from barley husk ash.

Lithium-sulfur batteries could outperform Li-Ion, have a lower environmental impact

Monash University researchers have developed a lithium-sulfur battery that can power
a smartphone for 5 days, outperforming lithium-ion. The researchers have fabricated
this battery, have patents, and the interest of manufacturers. The group has funding for
further research in 2020, saying that continued research into cars and grid use will
The new battery technology is said to have a lower environmental impact than lithium-
ion and lower manufacturing costs while offering the potential to power a vehicle for
1000km (620 miles), or a smartphone for 5 days.


Pocket-lint, “Future batteries, coming soon: Charge in seconds, last months and power over the air,”
Pocket, 06-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 08-Nov-2020

Assessment Feedback Form
Student’s Name: Abdalrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed ELSakka

Unit No.: 58

Unit Title: Assessment Title:

Construction and Applications of Digital Systems
Efficient Use of Digital Electronics
Assignment No.: 1
Part: 1 of 1
Criteria Re- Achieved
Reference Assessment Criteria Achieved Evidence Comments/feedback
Sub Resubmission

Explain how two different types of You explain how two different
small energy sources are used to types of small energy sources
P1 support two different digital electronic Yes/No Report are used to support two Yes/No
systems. different digital electronic
systems correctly

Explain how modern technologies can You explain how modern

technologies can be used to
be used to extend the life of an existing
P2 Yes/No Report extend the life of an existing Yes/No
electronic system electronic system correctly

Discuss the benefits of combining a You discuss the benefits of

combining a small energy
small energy source with modern
M1 Yes/No Report source with modern digital Yes/No
digital technologies. technologies correctly.

You evaluate a digital system

Evaluate a digital system to consider to consider how a modern
how a modern energy source and/or energy source and/or energy
D1 energy reducing components might Yes/No Report reducing components might Yes/No
improve the system’s future life cycle. improve the system’s future
life cycle correctly.

Assessor’s General Comments:

Good and organized work

Assessor’s Name: Amany Soliman Signature: Amany Soliman Date: 12/11/2020

Student’s Comments:

Student’s Name: Abdalrahman Ahmed Signature: Abdalrahman Ahmed Date:

Authorised by HoD/ L IV to resubmission

HoD’s Name: Signature: Date:

(This feedback sheet must be completed by the ASSESSOR where appropriate)

Student's Work has been Internally Verified

IV’s Name: IV’s Signature: Date:
Feedback Sheet

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