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Task:1 Part:2 (M1)

1: In the laptop I used the battery to power it because:

The main benefit of batteries is that they increase convenience for
users since they enable portability of devices, batteries come in
various types including general purpose, alkaline, mercury and
lithium, the newest and most advanced type, most batteries do not
need to be connected to an external electrical system, and this is a
practical advantage in specific cases such as in Laptops and many
other portable devices that require power, batteries can be used in
places with no electrical supply such as remote rural areas. In such
cases, batteries play a critical role in sustaining livelihoods. Another
major advantage is that batteries are easy to replace once they go
beyond their useful lifespan.
2: In the calculator I used the solar panel to power it because:
Because solar power is pollution-free and causes no greenhouse
gases to be emitted after installation and it is a renewable clean
power that is available every day of the year, even cloudy days
produce some power virtually and no maintenance as solar panels
last over 30 years, excess power can be sold back to the power
company if the grid inner tied ability to live grid free if all power
generated provides enough for the calculator, can be installed
virtually anywhere; in a calculators or on a buildings and it's use
batteries to store extra power for use at night and It can also help
improve battery life, solar can be used to heat water, power homes
and buildings, even power cars, Safer than traditional electric current
it's efficiency is always improving so the same size solar that is
available today will become more efficient tomorrow, and it's not
need to continuesly maintenance, and it's maintenance is very easy
by using a soft rag or biodegradable soap, and it is important not to
use harsh materials when cleaning solar panels as they could cause

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