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Task (1) part (1) p1:

The type of energy source being used:

I will choose the battery to power the laptop at a remote area.

How is the battery of laptop work?

Battery have three parts, an anode (-), a cathode (+) with an insulating
material that may be plastic or rubber or fiberglass, and the electrolyte. The
cathode and anode (the positive and negative sides of battery) after that the
battery stores chemical energy and converts it to electrical energy, which used
to operate the laptop for using it.
Energy source system requirement in terms of: Maintenance, Handling and
care (explain test procedures and what will do if the output voltage from
energy source is not correct?) : Which environment is suitable for the chosen
energy source? The expected energy levels require by the system to maintain
Effective operation:
1: Maintenance of laptop battery:
In the laptop battery, if it is damaged or does not work well, we replace it
because it has no maintenance.
2: Handling and care of laptop battery:
1: The charger must be disconnected when the battery is full
2: The battery should be placed in places with moderate temperatures
3: The battery should be placed in dry places
3: Explain test procedures of laptop battery:
We set the multimeter to DC voltage mode, then we connect the positive wire
in the multimeter with the cathode in the battery and we connect the negative
wire with the anode in the battery, then we measure the output voltage, then
we take the measurement value and compare it with the value printed on the
4: what will do if the output voltage from laptop battery is not correct?
If the value of the output voltage in the battery is greater than the required
value, we install a voltage controller.
If the value of the output voltage in the battery is less than the required value,
we replace it.
Which environment is suitable for the laptop battery?
The battery needs to be in places with moderate temperatures and places
where there are no liquid materials.
The expected energy levels require by the system to maintain effective
Most portable laptops operate on 14 V to 20 V of power, while most batteries
output a voltage of 14 V to 20 V, so the battery is suitable to power the laptop
at a remote area.
The type of energy source being used:
I will choose the solar cell to power the calculator at a remote area.

How is the solar cell work?

When sunlight shines on the cell, photons bombard the upper surface then the
photons carry their energy down through the cell after that the photons give
up their energy to electrons in the lower, p-type layer then the electrons use
this energy to jump across the barrier into the upper, n-type layer and escape
out into the circuit then electric current flowing around the circuit, this electric
current is used to operate the calculator to use it.
Energy source system requirement in terms of: Maintenance, Handling and
care (explain test procedures and what will do if the output voltage from
energy source is not correct?): Which environment is suitable for the chosen
energy source? The expected energy levels require by the system to maintain
Effective operation:
1: Maintenance of solar cell:
It must be kept clean at all times and its connections are ensured. If one of the
cells is damaged, we change it

2: Handling and care of solar cell:

We must do a periodic cleaning of the solar cell by using a soft rag or
biodegradable soap, and it is important not to use harsh materials when
cleaning solar panels as they could cause damage, In addition to make a
regularly checking for the wires of solar cell and its connections.
3: Explain test procedures of solar cell:
You can test the solar panel by the multimeter by setting it on DC voltage
mode, Connect the positive lead of the multimeter to the positive wire (or
terminal) of the solar panel, and the negative lead of the multimeter to the
negative wire (or terminal) of the solar paneal. The multimeter will now show
the Open Circuit Voltage of the solar panel. then we take the measurement
value and compare it with the value printed on the solar cell.
What will you do if the output voltage from solar cell is not correct?
If the value of the output voltage in the solar cell is greater than the required
value, we install a voltage controller.
If the value of the output voltage in the solar cell is less than the required
value, try to clean the solar cells, and if the output voltage is still low, we
change the solar cells.
Which environment is suitable for the solar cell?
Solar panels in calculators need places with high lighting, try not to expose the
solar panel to liquids.
The expected energy levels require by the system to maintain
The voltage that the calculator needs to operate is from 3 V to 6 V and the
solar cell give from 1 V to 6.5 V so the solar cell is suitable for using the

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