New Concept For Aircraft Maintenance Management The Dolphin

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New Concept for Aircraft Maintenance Management

The “Dolphin Curve Life Cycle Model” of A Typical Repairable System

Qi Yanjie; Maintainability Consultant,

Lu Zhigang; Institute for Reliability Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University
Song Bifeng; Institute for Reliability Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University

Key Words: Repairable System; Maintenance management; Maintenance-man-hours; Complex system; Nonlinear characteristic;
The Spoon-Shaped Curve; The Dolphin Curve;

SUMMARY & CONCLUSION maintenance is that after all it is conducted by human beings.
The nature of maintenance is that it should be proactive,
Guided by the concept of maintenance engineering — Men- and should be based on providing resources to ensure that
Aircraft-Environment Complex System (MEMAECS), based long term solutions are implemented. Maintenance is a kind of
on many years’ observations and analyses of statistical data, creation, a science, and even an art. In this paper, the study of
and integrated with experts’ experiences, the authors’ further the “Dolphin Curve” model attempts to make an exploration
study of the Spoon-shaped Curve (Qi, 2003) has shown that in to display the general principle of maintenance practice
the maintenance practice of aircraft this curve exists as a especially in the field of aircraft maintenance.
statistical model – The Dolphin Curve, which can be divided
into three types. From the viewpoint of maintenance practice 2. REVIEW OF THE SPOON-SHAPED CURVE MODEL
of aircraft, The Dolphin Curve model has further elaborated
the general relation in the concept of MEMAECS between Figure 1 illustrates the “Spoon-shaped Curve”. The
maintenance and product life. Aircraft are typically repairable “spoon-shaped curve” divides the aircraft age into four stages,
systems. Therefore, the Dolphin Curve Model can also help us i.e. Preliminary Stage, Transitional Stage, Mature stage,
broaden the train of thought in the exploration of modeling for and Aging and Failure Stage (or Declining Stage). The
repairable systems. shape of the curve itself shows that in MEPAECS the
distribution of statistic value to man-hour rate of aircraft
1. INTRODUCTION (DMMH/FH: Direct Maintenance Man Hour/Flight Hours)
takes on regular changes, which shows that the indexγof
Reliability and Maintainability (R&M)are DMMH/FH is not completely a norm, or we can say, norm is
characteristics of product design. It is nearly impossible to just one of the peculiar cases, and it displays obvious stage
improve a product’s reliability and maintainability easily and characteristics at the above four stages in the service
economically after the design of a product has been finished. maintenance of aircraft.
Without knowledge of R&M concepts, or without being fully
trained to accept, the design engineers would not consider the
R&M significantly. Thereby, many years later, the advantages
of R&M inherent to the product may decline, or not be
demonstrated. What’s worse, the disappearance of this kind of
advantage will not happen “overnight”, thereby precluding
with emergency measures. The process of disappearance is
quite slow and concealed. Only after the product has been
used repeatedly for a long time, will such problems emerge.
The service maintenance department has to yield to the fact
that the product has been designed and worked out. This fact
forces the maintenance of product to lie in a passive position Fig 1. The Spoon-shaped Curve
for a long time.
There are many kinds of maintenance, such as PM
During the Preliminary Stage, or the period of t0 ~ t1,
(Preventive Maintenance), PdM (Predictive Maintenance),
while the aircraft has just been manufactured, all the
PaM (Proactive Maintenance), Corrective Maintenance (CM),
parameters of the aircraft’s various parts are under the
CBM (Condition Based Maintenance), and RCM (Reliability
preliminary stage of mechanical testing, running-in, and
Centered Maintenance), etc. Nevertheless, no matter which
changing, leading to an unstable operation status and high
type of maintenance is adopted, it has to be actualized through
degree of trouble frequency and stochastic behavior. This can
man’s activities. One of the most prominent features of

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easily be seen from the failures of the airborne electronics. As authors have found out that the curve shapes obtained through
far as the field of maintenance personnel are concerned, they statistic analysis and processing of the statistic data of
are also under the preliminary stage of understanding the new different types of aircraft are different. We have discovered in
aircraft and its respective accessories, and their work our research that there are three typical types of curves, which
efficiency is low with too many maintenance man-hours. are respectively shown in Figures 2, 3 and 4
During this stage, the occurrence frequency of troubles and
man-related problems are very high. Therefore, in this period
the maintenance ratio is at a peak.
In the period of t1 ~ t2, with the increasing of the age (or
flying hours), every part and accessory of the aircraft has
undergone tests and running-ins. The aircraft functions well,
with lower failure frequency and longer intervals between
failures. The functions of the aircraft and its respective parts
and accessories are stable, which helps the maintenance
personnel understand and skillfully operate it, hence heightens
maintenance efficiency, and gradually shortens maintenance
Fig 2. Dolphin Curve A
ratio. During this stage, the curve tends to decrease gradually.
We call this stage between t1 ~ t2 Transitional Stage (or
running-in stage).
After the transitional stage, structures of the aircraft have
undergone transitions from technological running-in to the
period of t2 ~ t3. Every part and accessory of the aircraft
operates and functions well. During this stage there are quite
few mechanical failures, if any, it's mainly due to the airborne
electronics' reliability. So, comparing this stage with the
previous two stages, we can see that to complete the same FH Fig..3 Dolphin Curve B
now needs comparatively shorter DMMH. The lowest
DMMH/FH exists in this stage and lasts a comparatively long
stable period. We call this stage of t2 ~ t3 Mature Stage. The
maintenance ratio in the mature stage is the main criteria to
identify the goal or DMMH/FH index of an aircraft.
When the aircraft’s service enters the phase of t3 ~ t4, the
mechanical parts and accessories experience a greater number
of failures and hence need more preventive and corrective
maintenances, thereby increasing the maintenance ratio. As
the equipment ages, the maintenance ratio again achieves a Fig. 4 Dolphin Curve C
relatively peak value. We call this stage of t3 ~ t4 Aging and
Failure Stage. Study of the peak value at this stage is of great
importance to such things as age exploration and a validation
of aircraft’s life cycle from the angle of maintenance
The Spoon-shaped Curve model has displayed the general
law in the classic life cycle process -- “Preliminary Stage,
Transitional Stage, Mature stage, and Aging and Failure
Stage (or Declining Stage)” – which is shown in the service
Fig.5 The Dolphin Curve
process of aircraft.
To facilitate the comparison of the three curves, the
3. THE DOLPHIN CURVE MODEL curves have been overlaid as shown in Figure 5. Through
careful observation and comparison, it’s not difficult for us to
The Spoon-shaped Curve had been used by some find out that although the three curves have different shapes,
researchers in the medical field to name a statistical analytical they still have some common features.
model curve, which describes high blood pressure. In order to Each of the curves within the Dolphin Curve has a
avoid misunderstanding and trouble in our future studies, distinct curve shape, and those shapes have been named as
academic exchanges, and document retrievals, which may be “Dolphin Curve A”, “Dolphin Curve B”, and “Dolphin Curve
caused by the use of the same term, henceforward, we rename C”, respectively.
the curve shown in figure 1 from Spoon-shaped Curve to the The Dolphin Curve model divides the life cycle of
Dolphin Curve. aircraft into four characteristic phases -- Preliminary Stage,
In the study of the Dolphin Curve model, based on many Transitional Stage (or Running-in Stage), Mature stage, and
years’ observations and analyses of a lot of statistic data, the Aging and Failure Stage (or Declining Stage). The general law

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in the process of this classic life cycle is still prominent here, of aircraft’s service maintenance and the perfection and
as shown in Figure 6. These common features held by all of maturity of management level are relatively low.
the Curves. Generally speaking, if the other conditions are the same,
when model C is compared with model A, Curve C shows that
maintenance-man’s average skill level is relatively low; the
R&M design level of aircraft is relatively low; or the whole
structure of the aircraft is relatively complicated; the
regulations of aircraft’s service maintenance and the
perfection and maturity of management level are quite good.
The connotation of maintenance management personnel’s
level refers to the maintenance management personnel’s
quality of work and ability to deal with and coordinate the
relation between aircraft maintenance and the operational and
Fig 6. The Dolphin Curve Life Cycle support environment. Generally speaking, the environment of
Model military aircraft is much more complicated than that of the
civilian aircraft, and is extremely demanding.
We relatively regard the features displayed in the Dolphin Other factors directly affecting the specific shapes of
Curve A as standard. What causes the difference of the curves curve include: pilot’s proficiency level; the aircraft utilization
mainly displayed at the preliminary stage of the service of the rate; the degree of complexity of the aircraft itself, climatic
aircraft? There is no major difference having been found in issues at deployed locations, etc. Nevertheless, the general
the rest three stages (running-in stage, mature stage, and tendency of Dolphin Curve features is constant. When we say
declining stage). an aircraft is new, we mean two kinds of situations. One is
There are many factors resulting in the difference of the new product and new type, while the other is new product but
curves. Each factor is interrelated and interdependent, and old type.
cannot be lumped together under a single term. However, For example, when the Dolphin Curve has been flattened,
generally speaking, standing on the point of aircraft and the curve as a whole gets close to the horizontal axis, we
maintenance management, three major factors can be studied can say the maintainability characteristics of the aircraft have
and analyzed. Those factors are the skill of the maintenance- been improved. If the whole structure of the aircraft is rather
man, the level of sophistication of the Reliability and simple, the shape of the curve will also be flatter and get close
Maintainability of the design, and the degree to which the to the horizontal axis, just like aircraft T-38 (Qi, 2002).
usage level of the aircraft is consistent, and the degree of Because the Dolphin Curve concept is abstract, it can be
perfection of the maintenance performed. These factors are put to use widely. However, as external reality is ever
the three main components of MEPAECS. changing, a Dolphin Curve Model can not be copied verbatim
Aircraft maintenance work is a cumulative activity, in without disregard of specific conditions. The existing Dolphin
which any mistake made by any maintenance-man in his work Curve must be modified when meeting a specific problem in
may negate the collective’s achievement. However, there order to satisfy the external reality’s appropriate requirements.
always exists individual differences in the skill levels of
maintenance personnel (Qi, 2001). This feature decides on the 4. ELABORATION ON THE DOLPHIN CURVE
use of the concept “average skill level of maintenance-man”
when taking into consideration of the factor of maintenance- There is a radical difference of epistemology between the
man. When the average skill level of maintenance-man is Dolphin Curve model and the traditional “analytical method”.
higher than average, the adaptation to the new aircraft’s The analytical formula must be written out in traditional
maintenance is faster, the ability to resolve failures is higher, analytical method, and what is pursued here is “precision”.
and the ratio of DMMH/FH is lowered. Otherwise, a problem cannot be said to have been solved.
The relationship of maintenance-man and aircraft is based However, the epistemology of the Dolphin Curve model
on the degree and frequency of the contact that the stresses on “horizontal combination, dialectical synthesis”,
maintenance-man has with the new aircraft. There is no and takes the principle in system engineering – the secret for a
adaptation of the aircraft (product) to the maintenance-man, system to get new nature lies in the organizablility of
but rather, adaptation of the maintenance-man to the product constructive relation – as its direction and method. By using
(aircraft). The aircraft (product) has no memory, no thought, such thinking methods in philosophy as cross direction,
and no interior thinking activity (at least it’s the fact now). reverse direction, analogy, and combination to synthesize the
Hence there exists no “initiative”. On the contrary, the intrinsic attributes, which lie in the internal and external
maintenance-man has memory, thought, and reasoning correlated structures but have not been utilized yet, and to
activity. The maintenance-man, who is active in maintenance, replace, transform, optimize, deepen the intention, and expand
is the principal focus of maintenance. the extension, to realize the leap in the nature of the concept
Generally speaking, if the other conditions are the same, of technology, and to produce “new concept technology”.
when Curve B is compared with Curve A, Curve B shows that The maintenance-man’s mind may be aligned to the
maintenance-man’s average skill level is relatively low; the traditional practices of rational thinking, deduction and action.
R&M design level of aircraft is relatively low; the regulations A discipline is divided into more and more sub-ones, and

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becomes more and more tiny, more and more specified, and The “Bath-tub Curve” has displayed the general law of
consequently the thoughts and design methods fight their own the failure, and helped us to find out a solution to problems
battles, isolate and not support each other. In design each item facing vague failure phenomena in the past, and to eliminate
always needs a specific ability, neglects the outward organic our phobia to failure in some degree. “The Bath-tub Curve”
relations, and thus results in a colossal management system, has played an ever active role in the history of the
complicated structure, and higher consumption cost. This is development of reliability and maintainability (R&M). But
the universal addition design, in which the approach is from now, if we stand on the point of maintenance, we can find that
simplification to complication. the thinking method of “The Bath-tub Curve” directed
With the development of the science and technology, and people’s whole attention to the product, and thus, neglected
the perfecting of the system engineering and operational the presence of maintenance-man. This thinking method in
research, we have realized the intrinsic relations in MEPAECS technology and other historical factors forced the
(Man-Aircraft-Environment). The rational thinking method maintenance-man to be “nurse of the machine”, and changed
develops from simplicity to complication, from complication the perception of their work to be “maintaining machine”. In
to the condition of “advanced simplicity”, and from China, it brings about less effective maintenance. Moreover,
“analytical era” to “dialectical synthesis era”. It is the thinking in the developing countries, “maintenance” has almost
method that “The Dolphin Curve” attempts to elaborate. What become the synonym of “cheapness and passiveness”. The
it concerns most is the developing tendency instead of the maintenance, especially the maintenance in developing
precise number results. Precision is expected, but will not be countries, should seek a radical outlet for its own
sought painstakingly. In the specific mathematical method to development.
produce curves, the method of least quadratic curve is The Dolphin Curve Model takes maintenance-man and
adopted, and the experts’ revision will be used as an aid in the MEMAECS as the starting point in every consideration, while
outcome. the Bath-Tub Curve Model considers everything from the
By using the new concept method – the parameter index product only. The Dolphin Curve Model is a product under the
of maintenance man-hour rate changes as the service life of idea of “man is the first consideration”. We hope that it can
aircraft changes – we can macroscopically build the thinking play a role of “pao zhuan yin yu”(a Chinese idiom, which
method to control maintenance man-hour of aircraft, and means to offer a few commonplace remarks by way of
avoid the increasing waste of maintenance man-hour caused introduction so that others may come up with valuable
by imposing uniformity on all enterprises: substituting the old opinions) in establishing a theoretical system to take
idea for the integrity of MEPAECS (man-aircraft-environment maintenance-man as the main part. Nowadays, it is stressed
system). Thus, it can be carried out to seek to reduce the total that “man is the first consideration”. Maintenance has more
number of maintenance man-hours expended. reasons to be a field to take man as the main part. It is
The 2001 Paris Aviation Exhibition was unprecedented. necessary to establish a theoretical system to consider man
It displayed to us the three major tendencies in the history of first.
the world’s aviation – unpiloted operation, super transport
availability, and broad use of robots. At the same time, it CONCLUDING REMARKS
reminded us that aircraft have becoming increasingly
complicated. While new aircraft always show their alluring The consequence of failure and the result of maintenance
aspects, they often neglect the underlying costs of are contradictory. The life cycle of aircraft can be regarded as
maintenance and the impact of unexpected problems. a struggling process between the failure process and the
The modern aircraft and its accessory equipments maintenance process. This struggling process is a unity of
become more and more complicated. The purpose of the opposites. The end of this contradiction means the end of the
complication is to improve the performance of the aircraft and useful life of the aircraft. The famous “Bath-Tub Curve”
its technologically advanced equipments. However, the more model described us a failure process, while “The Dolphin
complicated the aircraft and accessory equipment are, the Curve” model elaborates us the maintenance process. From
easier for failures to occur and the more difficult to maintain. the reliability aspect, the Bath-Tub Curve model displayed the
The complication of the equipment will be meaningless when general law between failure and the life of product, while the
the extent of the complication severely influences the Dolphin Curve model was able to direct us to understand the
reliability and maintainability of the equipments. Hence, there general relation between maintenance and the life of product.
exists a sharp contradiction between complication and R&M If we see MEMAECS (Maintenance Engineering: Man-
(reliability and maintainability). At the same time, the Aircraft-Environment Complicated System) as a kind of
developing process of a new aircraft is a competition between world outlook, then the Dolphin Curve can be seen as a kind
time and speed. The development period is so long that it of “methodology”. The “world outlook” of MEMAECS is a
cannot suffer the repetition of the developing process. dialectic thought, and it looks on the “maintenance and
Accordingly, a suite of scientific methods is needed to guide management of aircraft” in a related, developing and
the continuous process of product development, comprehensive way. Although the concept of R&M originated
manufacturing and life cycle maintenance. Therefore, the from the electronics industry, in the past decades, it has
complexity of equipments has resulted in urgent problems in widely been used in other fields such as aerospace,
the areas of reliability and maintainability (R&M) which must automobile, household appliance, mechanism, architecture,
be solved through a total systems engineering approach. weapon, and nuclear. We hope that the dialectical thought of

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RAMS 2005 537 0-7803-8824-0/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE

Lu Zhigang is a Professor and Senior Researcher in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, 710072,
reliability & maintainability of engineering system. From P.R.China
1998 he is a Consultant of Institute of Reliability Engineering
in Northwestern Polytechnical University. His PhD(1989) , e-mail :
and BS(1984) in aircraft design are from Northwestern
Polythchnical University in Xi’an. He is a Fellow of Song Bifeng is a Professor and Senior Researcher in
Reliability Branch of China Operational Research Society reliability & maintainability of engineering system and
from 1989. structural system. From 1998 he is Director of Institute of
Reliability Engineering in Northwestern Polytechnical
Song Bifeng, Ph. D. University. His PhD(1997) , MS(1988) and BS(1985) in
P.O.Box 120 aircraft design are from Northwestern Polythchnical
Institute of Reliability Engineering University in Xi’an. He is a Fellow of Reliability Branch of
Northwestern Polytechnical University China Operational Research Society from 1994.

RAMS 2005 538 0-7803-8824-0/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE

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