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Week & Day Week 1 Day 4 Subject: Science

Unit: 3 – Reproduction in Plants Date:  

Lesson Title: Pollination 3.4 Grade: 7
Resources: Pictures, Worksheets Duration:  40mins
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Recall What Pollination is.
• Recall How pollination in plants occurs.
• Describe plants role in pollination.

Q. Have you ever wonder what happens when pollens are not find my insects?
Q. Have you ever wonder why pollens are sticky and light in weigth?
Pollination, Pollen, Anthers, Style, Ovules
New Words:

. Introduction/Anticipation:

Reinforce/ Review previous lesson by providing Worksheet 1 to students. Give 5 minutes

to students for the completion of worksheet. Now, illustrate answers by revising them
previous lesson.
Display picture 1 on Board and ask have you ever wonder why insects attracted by Petals

Wait for their responses.

Now say, Insects are attracted by petals because of their Bright colors and scents. Today
we are going to study The Plants Role in Pollination.

Building Knowledge:

Teachers’ Input:

Plants Role In Pollination 15mins

The job of the petal is to attract insects to the plant, starting the process of fertilization.

2.The Anther
The anther is the male part of a plant that produces pollen.
3. The Filament
The filament helps to hold up the anther.

4. The Style
The style is above the ovary and holds up the stigma. The pollen travels down the style to
fertilize the ovary.

5. The Stigma
The stigma collects the pollen from passing insects. They can catch the pollen in different

Note: Display Picture 2 on board while illustrating The Plants Role in Pollination
Ask students to copy it down in your notebook. Provide them enough time.

Note: Inform students we will discuss Types of pollination in next class.

Consolidation: Formative Assessment/Wrap up:

10 mins
Provide Worksheet No.02 To students.Let them complete it by themselves in order to
check how much they have absorbed.
WORKSHEET NO.:01 Pollination
Pictures: Role of Plant in Pollination


2. Anthers

4. Style

6. Ovary

1.Complete the sentence by using the words given below:

Stigma, Stamen, Ovules, Petals, Anther, Pollen grain, Stigma

Pollen is created in the ______________________ .

Pollination happens when a _______________ move from the flower's _______________________ to

the flower's _________________________ .

Style is above the ovary which role is to supports ______________________ .

It’s the Ovary job to hold up the ___________________________ .

It’s the _____________ job to attract insects.

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