Zamarreno - 1994 - The Shell Microstructure, Mineralogy and Isotopic

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ZAMARREI~O I., DE PORTA J. & V/~ZQUEZ A. 1996. The shell microstructure, mineralogy and isotopic composi-
tion ofAmussiopecten baranensis (Pectinidae, Bivalvia) from the Miocene of Spain : a valuable palaeoenvironmen-
tal tool. [Microstructure, minSralogie et composition isotopique de la coquille d'Amussiopecten baranensis
(Pectinidae, Bivalvia) du Miocene d'Espagne : un outil de valeur pour le pal~oenvironnement]. GEOBIOS, 29, 6 : 707-
724. Villeurbanne, le 31.12.1996.

Manuscrit d~pos~ le 16.11.1994 ; accept~ d~finitivement le 26.06.1995.

ABSTRACT -Amussiopecten baranensis (ALMERA• BOFILL,1896), of the Family Pectinidae, is widespread in Miocene
marine sediments from northeastern and southeastern Spain, ranging in age from Early Langhian to Middle
Messinian. The shell consists of an outer homogeneous and foliated layer composed of low-magnesium calcite, a
middle layer aragonitic, and an inner foliated layer of low-magnesium calcite. Both left and right valves have, in
general, the same microstructure and mineralogy except for an outermost thin polygonal layer in the earliest-for-
med dissoconch of the right valve. The homogeneous structure (dense and granular sublaminae) up to 50 ~m thick
overlies the sublayer of foliated calcite (regular, irregular and crossed foliated) that extends throughout the whole
shell, being thinnest in the dorsal margin and thickening toward the ventral margin. The regular foliated inner
layer extends from the beak, where it attains its maximum thickness, to near the adductor muscle scar. The midd-
le layer is the most complex in structure and distribution, being composed of three sublayers which from exterior to
interior are : 1 ) aragonitic simple crossed lamellar, 2) aragonitic prismatic (myostracal), and 3) aragonitic complex
crossed lamellar. The latter sublayer in the internal shell surface extends to the area interior to the pallial line.
Prominent features of the middle layer are the asymmetrical distribution of the prismatic structure (absent in the
anterior margin), and the thinning of the three sublayers both in radial and antero-posterior directions. The divari-
cate microsculpture extending on the umbonal area and auricles in both valves originates from the granular calci-
te of the homogeneous structure. 5180 values of the outer foliated layer from the ventral margin suggest that A.
baranensis segregates its calcite in isotopic equilibrium with ambient sea-water, and thus affords a valuable tool in
paleoenvironmental studies.



R]~SUM]~ - Amussiopecten baranensis (ALMERA& BOFILL,1896) de la famille des Pectinidae est tr~s r~pandue dans
les s~diments du Miocene marin du Nord-Est e.t Sud-Est de l'Espagne. La r~partition stratigraphique du taxon est
comprise entre le Langhien infSrieur et le Messinien moyen. La coquille est form~e par une couche externe de calci-
te homog~ne et feuillet~e, une couche moyenne d'aragonite prismatique et lamellaire crois~e et finalement une couche
interne de calcite feuillet6e. Les deux valves d'un m~me specimen montrent en g~n~ral les m~mes microstructure et
min~ralogie ~ l'exception de la jeune dissoconque de la valve droite qui pr~sente ~ la surface du test un agencement
polygonal des cristaux. La structure homog~ne (calcite prismatique et granulaire), atteignant 50 pm d'~paisseur et
qui surmonte la couche de calcite feuillet~e (r~guli~re, irr~guli~re et crois~e), est pr~sente partout dans la coquille.
La structure homog~ne s'amincit vers le bord dorsal tandis qu'elle atteint le maximum d'6paisseur vers le bord ven-
tral. La couche feuillet~e r~guli~re interne est pr~sente depuis le crochet ok elle atteint le maximum d'~paisseur, jus-
qu'~ la r~gion de l'empreinte du muscle adducteur. La couche moyenne est plus complexe rant du point de vue de la
structure que de sa distribution dans le test. De la face externe ~ la face interne du test elle est subdivisSe en trois
zones : 1 ) aragonite lamellaire-crois~e simple ; 2) aragonite prismatique (couche myostracale) ; et 3) aragonite lamel-
laire-croisSe complexe qui recouvre toute la face interne jusqu'~ la ligne pall~ale. On remarquera la distribution
asym6trique de l'aragonite prismatique de la couche moyenne (qui manque dans le bord ant~rieur) ainsi que l'amin-
cissement des trois zones tant dans le sens umbono-pall~al qu'ant~ro-post~rieur. La microsculpture divariqu~e, pr~-
sente dans la rSgion umbonale et sur les oreillettes des deux valves, est form~e par la calcite granulaire de la

structure homog~ne. La calcite feuillet~e du bord ventral chez A. baranensis montre des valeurs du 5180indiquant
qu'elle a pr~cipit~ en ~quilibre isotopique avec le milieu marin et s'av~re donc ~tre un outil important pour les
~tudes pal~o~cologiques.

During a geochemical s t u d y carried out on Specimens of A baranensis were collected from
Miocene deposits from northeastern and sou- twelve sections at various localities in shallow-
theastern Spain, foraminifera were proven to be water Miocene basins from northeastern Spain
unsuitable for isotopic and trace element ana- and from two sections in southeastern Spain for
lyses. Even after breaking the foraminifera tests shell microstructure and mineralogical analyses
it was not possible to clean the chambers of (Fig. 1). The specimens were sampled at regular
infilling sediment. F u r t h e r m o r e , taking into intervals in marl and sandy marl beds. They are
account that specimens of Amussiopecten bara- abundant in most localities b u t it was difficult to
nensis (AL~ERA & BOFILL, 1896) were abundant in obtain complete specimens because of shell frag-
shallow-water marine sequences at several locali- mentation due to compaction. Most of the shells
ties covering an extended stratigraphical range p r e s e r v e d in soft marls are d i s a r t i c u l a t e d
(Langhian to Upper Messinian), they were used although a few have the valves still associated.
for geochemical analyses instead of foraminifera. Only the shells found in sandy marls exhibit dia-
genetic alteration.
Based on observations from scanning electron
microscopy and X-Ray diffraction analysis, it was Radial and transverse cross-sections of both left
noticed that A. baranensis conserved its original and right valves were oriented from umbo to ven-
mineralogy and microstructure. According to our tral and in antero-posterior margin directions res-
results Pectinidae shells m a y be a potentially pectively. Several oblique sections have also been
valuable tool in providing an indicator of the studied for additional information concerning the
variations in 51s0 and 513C. extension of certain shell sublayers.

A general description of the shell microstructure The specimens were embedded in epoxy resin
of the Pectinidae has been given among others by prior to sectioning, polished and etched for 5
seconds in 5% HC1 and then coated with gold. A
Bcggild (1930), Taylor et al. (1969), Waller
few samples were also etched for 30 minutes with
(1972b), Bongrain & Fatton (1982), Schein-Fatton
EDTA. Observations of shell microstructure were
(1988), and Schein (1989). A noteworthy recent
undertaken with a Hitachi 239 scanning electron
general review has been made by Carter (1990, p. microscope (SEM) of polished and fractured verti-
260-269 and 379-387) and for deep-sea Pectinidae cal sections. SEM observations of the external
by Schein (1989). The microstructure features in shell surface permitted their microsculpture to be
the early growth stages of recent and fossil described.
Pectinidae have also been documented by Fatton
& Bongrain (1980). Amussiopecten is a member of Shell mineralogy determined by X-ray diffraction
the Pectinidae not only according to its shell mor- of powdered specimens supplemented with Feigl
phology, b u t also because of its general micro- staining and R a m a n spectra of complete speci-
structural features. The shell microstructure of A. mens as well as polished cross-sections allowed to
baranensis, however has been described only in discriminate b e t w e e n l o w - m a g n e s i u m calcite
broad lines by Freneix et al. (1982). (LMC) and aragonite shell sublayers.
This paper is mainly concerned with the detailed Carbon and oxygen isotopic analyses were perfor-
description and origin of the microstructure and med on A. baranensis samples removed from the
microsculpture of A. baranensis and may also ventral margin which consists of the outer homo-
contribute to the knowledge of the affinities bet- geneous and foliated low-magnesium calcite layer.
ween Amussiogecten and Flabelligecten genera as The samples were ultrasonically cleaned, dried at
discussed by Freneix et al. (1982). 60oC and ground. Each powdered sample of 20 mg
in weight was vacuum roasted at 400 ° C for 6
Finally, mineralogical determinations in conjunc- hours in a furnace of t h e Stable Isotope
tion with microstructural observations have pro- L a b o r a t o r y of t h e E a r t h Sciences I n s t i t u t e
vided the basis for establishing the distribution (C.S.I.C.), Barcelona, in order to remove the orga-
and mineralogical variability of the shell in A. nic components of the shell matrix. C02 for ana-
baranensis. lyses was extracted by reaction in 100% phospho

FIGURE 1 - M a p s h o w i n g location
of s a m p l e sites of Amussiogecten
baranensis i n n o r t h e a s t e r n a n d
s o u t h e a s t e r n Spain. 1 : C a n Rosell
; 2 : Els Monjos ; 3 : C a n J e i r a ; 4 :
E r m i t a de Ber~ ; 5 : C a s e s Virgili ;
6 : L a N o u de Gai~; 7 : Els M a s o s
de V e s p e l l a ; 8:Vespella ; 9 :
C a t l l a r ; 10 : A l t a f u l l a ; 11 :
Capr~s-E1 Tale ; 12: C a m p o s del
Rio. Carte de localisation des
prdl~vements d'Amussiopecten
b a r a n e n s i s dans le Nord-Est et le
Sud-Est de l'Espagne.

ric acid at 25 ° C and analysed in a VG Sira mass

spectrometer in the Department of Analytical
Chemistry at the University of Barcelona. The
analytical precision of the carbonate standard
(Carrara marble) run was +0.01 per mil for 5~3C
and 0.05 per mil for 5~80.All isotope data are refer-
red to PDB in the international a-notation.


Twelve stratigraphic successions were sampled
for microstructural and isotopic analyses of A.
b a r a n e n s i s (Fig. 1 ). Collection sites and stratigra-
phical positions of samples will be referred to by
letters and numbers in Figures and Tables.
Additional stratigraphical and lithological des-
criptions can be found in the references quoted for
each location.
1. Can Rosell section (CR, 13 samples). Langhian
(N8 Zone). Agusti et al. (1990) ; V~zquez et al. C • D
(1990, 1991).
2. Els Monjos section (MJ, 11 samples). Langhian FIGURE 2 - A m u s s i o p e c t e n baranensis. E x t e r n a l (A) a n d i n t e r -
n a l (B) v i e w s of a r i g h t valve. E x t e r n a l (C) a n d i n t e r n a l (D)
(N8 Zone). v i e w s of a left valve. Catllar. All s p e c i m e n s x 1. Vue externe (A)
3. Can Jeira section (CJ, 14 samples). Langhian et vue interne (B) d'une valve droite. Vue externe (C) et rue
(N8 Zone). V~zquez et al. (1991). interne (D) d'une valve gauche.
4. Ermita de Beret section (BA, 5 samples).
Serravallian (G. mayeri Zone). Porta et al. (1977, 7. Els Masos de Vespella section (MV, 12 samples).
1985). Langhian-Serravallian (G. fohsi peripheroronda-
5. Cases Virgili section (CV, 9 samples). Langhian G. mayeri Zone). Civis et al. (1985).
(N8 Zone). Porta et al. (1985) ; Civis et al. (1985). 8. Vespella section (TG, 8 samples). Langhian-
6. La Nou de Gai~ section (LN, 6 samples). Serravallian (G. fohsi peripheroronda-G, mayeri
Langhian (N9 Zone). Zone). Civis et al. (1985).

9. Catllar section (CC, 4 samples). Serravallian beds. The right valve with prominent spines in
(G. mayeri Zone). Civis et al. (1985). the hinge margin is more convex than the left
10. Altafulla section (AT, 1 sample). Tortonian. valve. The hinge shows three short cardinal crura
Porta (1972) ; Porta & Civis (1996). in the right valve and two in the left.
11. Capr6s-EI Tale section, Fortuna Basin (CT, 55
samples). Middle Messinian (G. elongatus Zone). A general revision and detailed description of the
Sierro et al. (1992) ; Vfizquez et al. (1992). species has recently been made by Freneix et al.
12. Campos del Rio section, Mula Basin (ML, 162 (1982). Several specimens from Can Rosell (Lower
samples). Middle Messinian (G. elongatus Zone). Langhian, N 8 Zone) and Punta de la Mora
All the specimens are housed at the University of (Tortonian) localities attain heights of 56.4 mm
Barcelona (Departament de Geologia Din~mica, and 63.7 mm respectively. Therefore, they are
Geofisica i Paleontologia). higher than the specimens quoted by Freneix et
al. (1982). The greatest dimension (71.5 mm),
however, corresponds to a Middle Messinian spe-
SHELL MORPHOLOGY cimen collected at the Campos del Rio section.

Amussiopecten baranensis (AL~ERA & BOFILL,

1896) of the Family Pectinidae is widespread in SHELL M I C R O S T R U C T U R E
Miocene marine sediments in Spain. The species
is characterized by disc-shaped shells with smoo- Bivalve shell microstructure is rather complex
th to nearly obsolescent radial external costae and several layers can be distinguished. These
with correspondingly stronger internal radial layers differ from one another in orientation of
ribs, predominantly occurring in pairs (Fig. 2). crystals and sometimes in mineralogy.
Each pair of internal ribs corresponds to an Since the outstanding paper of Bcggild (1930) des-
interval between two external costae. In most cribing the shell microstructure and mineralogy
specimens a Camptonectes microsculpture can be of shell molluscs, several classifications of mollus-
observed in both valves. can shell microstructures have been established,
In general the specimens are characterized by based largely on B0ggild's terminology. The termi-
thin shells in marly deposits whilst they are thic- nology for microstructures, however, has not rea-
ker in sandy marl and fine-grained sandstone ched a general agreement among specialists (for a


FIGURE 3 - Composite reconstruction of the distribution of shell layers in Amussiopecten baranensis s h o w n in longitudinal a n d
t r a n s v e r s e sections b a s e d on s c a n n i n g electron microscope observations. T r e n d of first-order lamellae s c h e m a t i c a l l y s h o w n in t h e
outer crossed foliated calcite layer. AM, Adductor muscle scar ; PI, pallial line ; LV, i n t e r n a l view of t h e left valve w i t h location of
t h e cross-section. 1 : H o m o g e n e o u s calcite ; 2 : Crossed foliated calcite ; 3 : Regular foliated calcite ; 4 : I r r e g u l a r foliated calcite ;
5 : C r o s s e d l a m e l l a r aragonite ; 6 : P r i s m a t i c aragonite. Reconstitution longitudinale et transversale des couches de la coquille chez
A. b a r a n e n s i s , basdes sur des observations au MEB. L'agencement des lamellae de premier ordre est indiqud par des traits dans la
couche calcitique feuilletde externe. AM, empreinte du muscle adducteur ; Pl, ligne palldale ; LV, face interne de la valve gauche avec
localisation des coupes. 1 : structure homog~ne calcitique ; 2 : calcite feuilletge-croisd~ ; 3 : calcite feuilletde-rdguli~re ; 4 : calcite
feuilletde-irrgguli~re ; 5 : aragonite lamellaire-croisge ; 6 : aragonite prismatique.

FIGURE 4 - SEM photomicrographs of the homogeneous structure. Scale bars : 25 pm in 1 and 3 ; 5 pm in 2 and 2.5 pm in 4.1, trans-
verse vertical section of the left valve near the crura, showing the calcitic porcellaneous sublamina (a) and granular inner sublami-
na (b) of the homogeneous structure, underlain by the calcitic crossed foliated sublayer (c) of the outer shell layer. Can Rosell (CR-
7/3). 2, closer view of the outermost porcellaneous sublamina in A. Note the faint, vertical structural trend exhibited by this subla-
mina. 3, transverse vertical fracture of the right valve showing the porcellaneous (a) and granular (b) sublaminae of the homogeneous
structure grading inward to the foliated calcite (c). Can Rosell (CR-B). 4, external view of the left valve showing the granular inner
calcitic sublamina of the homogeneous structure. Note the irregular morphology and variable size of crystallites. Can Rosell (CR-53).
Vues au M E B de la structure homog~ne. 1, coupe transversale de la valve gauche pros de la crura montrant les deux zones de la struc-
ture homog~ne : a, calcite et b, calcite granulaire ; c, calcite feuilletge de la couche externe. 2, dgtail de la zone de calcite de la photo 1.
A noter l'agencement vertical. 3, cassure transversale de la valve droite montrant le passage de la calcite homog~ne (a et b) h la calci-
te feuilletge (c). 4, face externe de la valve gauche montrant la couche de calcite granulaire intacte de la structure hornog~ne. On obser-
ve une morphologie irrdguli~re ainsi qu'une variation dans la taille des cristaux.

r e v i e w s e e T a y l o r e t al. 1969 ; K o b a y a s h i 1971 ; T h e dissoconch ofA. baranensis at low m a g n i f i c a -

C a r t e r & C l a r k I I 1985 ; a n d C a r t e r 1990). T h e t i o n a p p e a r s to b e f o r m e d b y t h r e e m a i n c a l c a -
standard descriptive terminology in the Glossary r e o u s l a y e r s , h e r e r e f e r r e d to a s o u t e r , m i d d l e a n d
of S k e l e t a l B i o r n i n e r a l i z a t i o n ( C a r t e r 1990) h a s inner layers. SEM observation shows that the
b e e n u s e d i n this study, m i d d l e l a y e r is t h e m o s t c o m p l e x i n s t r u c t u r e ,

being formed by up to three sublayers. The follo- cal structural trend (Fig. 4, la-2), ranging from
wing major structural types have been recognized 1.75 pm to 18 pm in thickness ; an inner granular-
in A. b a r a n e n s i s : homogeneous, foliated, prisma- like sublamina with more regular a r r a n g e m e n t of
tic, and crossed lamellar. The outer layer is com- calcite crystallites but without l a t h formation
posed of the homogeneous and foliated structure (Fig. 4, lb). This inner sublamina ranges in thick-
and is always calcitic. The middle layer is formed ness between 2.5 and 32 pm. It is made up of
together with the aragonitic crossed-lamellar and minute, irregular crystallites up to 3 pm in dia-
prismatic structures whilst the inner layer is meter although their size is quite variable (Fig 4,
made up of calcitic foliated structure. It is worth 4). Under crossed polarized light the aggregations
mentioning t h a t the whole shell microstructure of of randomly-distributed calcite crystallites inside
A. b a r a n e n s i s in all specimens studied except at each sublamina exhibit uniform extinction, but
one locality (Altafulla section) is an original fea- differ in angle of extinction between the outer
ture and not diagenetic as indicated by trace ele- sublamina with respect to the inner one.
m e n t analyses of the shell (V~zquez et al. 1991 ).
The distinction of two sublaminae within the
The description of A. b a r a n e n s i s microstructures homogen.eous structure has been also pointed out
is based on SEM observations of radial, transver- by Schein (1989), Carter (1990) and Barrera et al.
se and oblique sections although the oblique sec- (1990). Similar arrangements of calcite crystals
tions are the most difficult to interpret due to the have been described by Clark II (1974) during
t h i n n i n g of the middle sublayer toward the umbo- the early stages of calcification u n d e r the perios-
nal and ventral margins. The shell microstructu- tracum in shells of the living Pecten diegensis,
re distribution is summarized in Figure 3. suggesting the importance of substrate stability
HOMOGENEOUS STRIJCTURE for orderly shell growth of the calcite l a t h crystals
(foliated outer sublayer) with a m a r k e d layering.
This calcitic structure constitutes the outermost
and extremely thin layer covering the whole shell FOLIATED STRUCTURE
and overlying the foliated structure. Its thickness This structure is built up of tiny elongate LMC
varies from 4 to 7.5 pm in the u m b o n a i area and
calcite laths (third-order lamella) arranged in
from 20 to 50 pm in the ventral margin, although
sheets (second-order lamella) grouped in larger,
variations could exist between specimens. SEM
lenticular folia (first-order lamella).
observations in numerous specimens from both
valves in either radial or transverse sections show According to the architectural p a t t e r n s of first-
two distinct portions ; an outer, even dense and order lamella the following microstructural types
porcellaneous sublamina exhibiting a faint, verti- have been recognized :


Fig. 1 - Slightly oblique, radial section through the right valve, showing the outermost extremely thin sublayer of
homogeneous structure (a), underlain by a crossed foliated sublayer (b), grading inward from regular foliated (c)
to irregular foliated structure (arrow). The ventral shell margin is toward the right. S, sediment infilling. Can
Rosell (CR-12). Coupe radiale de la valve droite montrant le passage de la structure homog~ne (a) & la feuilletde-
croisde (b), feuilletge-rdguli~re (c) et feuilletde-irrgguli~re (fl~che). S, remplissage de sddiment.
Fig. 2 - Transverse, vertical section through the outer shell layer, showing low-angle crossed foliated calcite (com-
pare with fig. 1 ). The external surface of the shell is at the top of the figure. Can Rosell (CR-7). Coupe transver-
sale. La calcite feuilletde-croisde prdsente des angles faibles en comparaison avec ceux de la fig. 1. La surface exter-
ne de la coquille est situde dans la partie supdrieure de la photo.
Fig. 3 - Oblique radial, vertical section through the outer foliated calcite layer of the left valve, showing the irregu-
lar foliated structure (a), grading inward to the regular foliated calcite (b). The ventral shell margin is toward the
left. Els Monjos (MJ-15). Coupe radiale de la valve gauche. Passage de la calcite feuilletde-irrdguli~re (a) & la cal-
cite feuilletde-rdguli~re (b). Le bord ventral de la coquille est situd h gauche.
Fig. 4 - Close up view of the internal shell surface near the ventral margin, showing the low-magnesium calcite
laths of the foliated structure. The ventral shell margin is toward the lower left-hand corner. Can Rosell (CR-12).
Ddtail de la surface interne de la coquille pros du bord ventral montrant les lattes de calcite de la structure
feuilletde. Le bord ventral de la coquille se situe en bas et & gauche de la photo.
Fig. 5 - The same section as in fig. 1, showing the concentric arrangement of the regular foliated structure of the
inner shell layer in the beak. M~me coupe que fig. I montrant la disposition concentrique de la structure feuilletde-
rdguli~re de la couche interne pros du crochet.
SEM photomicrographs of the foliated structure. Scale bars : 250 pm in fig. 1 and 5 ; 25 pm in 2 and 3 ; 5 pm in fig. 4.
Geobios P1. 90
n ° 29, fasc. 6 I. Z a m a r r e f l o , J. d e P o r t a & A. V ~ z q u e z

1. Crossed foliated s t r u c t u r e , consisting in r a d i a l a large portion of t h e depositional surface" (P1.90,

section of a l t e r n a t i n g , lensatic to b r a n c h i n g first- fig. lc).
o r d e r l a m e l l a e clearly identifiable u n d e r SEM by
t h e i r v a r i a t i o n in colour w i t h a l t e r n a t i o n of g r e y 3) I r r e g u l a r foliated structure. In several areas
a n d w h i t e folia. T h e g r e y folia are in general thin- w i t h i n the shell highly i r r e g u l a r orientations of
n e s t a n d develop slight or g r e a t c u r v a t u r e s w i t h folia occur displaying a dendritic a r r a n g e m e n t (P1.
t h e c o n v e x i t y facing t o w a r d t h e v e n t r a l m a r g i n 90, fig. 1, arrow). This s t r u c t u r e is similar to the
(P1.90, fig. lb). T h e calcite crystals in all g r e y folia common foliated s t r u c t u r e previously described
display t h e s a m e orientation, different from those except for the i r r e g u l a r shape and s m a l l e r size of
of t h e light folia w h i c h in t u r n p p r e s e n t a u n i q u e the first-order lamella (P1. 90, fig. 3a). T h e r e is a
o r i e n t a t i o n of calcite l a t h s (P1. 90, fig. 2). gradational t r a n s i t i o n from crossed foliated to irre-
gular and to r e g u l a r foliated structures.
2. R e g u l a r foliated s t r u c t u r e , defined b y C a r t e r &
C l a r k II (1985) and t h e Glossary of Skeletal T h e foliated m i c r o s t r u c t u r e shows t h e following
B i o m i n e r a l i z a t i o n (in C a r t e r 1990, p. 656) as "a distribution w i t h i n t h e shell : 1) a n o u t e r foliated
l a m i n a r s t r u c t u r e in w h i c h parallel calcitic l a t h s l a y e r e x t e n d i n g t h r o u g h o u t t h e whole shell beco-
or blades are a r r a n g e d in sheets dipping at the m i n g t h i n n e r in its dorsal m a r g i n a n d t h i c k e n i n g
s a m e angle a n d in t h e s a m e g e n e r a l direction over t o w a r d t h e v e n t r a l one ; a n d 2) an i n n e r foliated


Fig. 1 - Radial, slightly oblique and bevelled section through the posterior margin of the left valve near the beak,
showing the thin outer layer of regular foliated calcite (a), and the three sublayers of the middle shell layer : b,
aragonitic crossed lamellar ; c, irregular simple prismatic aragonite ; and d, aragonitic complex crossed lamellar
draping the regular foliated calcite (e) of the inner shell layer. The ventral shell margin is toward the right. Can
Rosell (CR-7/1). Coupe radiale, l~g~rement en biseau de la valve gauche, a, calcite feuilletde-r~guli~re ; b, arago-
nite lamellaire-croisde simple ; c, aragonite prismatique ; d, aragonite lamellaire-croisde complexe ; e, calcite
feuilletde-rdguli~re. Le bord ventral de la coquille est orientd vers la droite.
Fig. 2 - Transverse, vertical section through the adductor muscle scar area showing the contact between the arago-
nitic prismatic (below), and the aragonitic complex crossed lamellar structure (above). Note the third-order ara-
gonitic lamellae sloping in two directions inside each first-order lamella (above). Can Rosell (CR-7). Coupe trans-
versale & travers l'impression du muscle adducteur montrant la relation entre l'aragonite prismatique (en bas) et
la structure lamellaire-croisde aragonitique (en haut).
Fig. 3 - Radial, vertical section through the anterior margin of the left valve nearthe beak, showing the aragonitic
crossed lamellar and prismatic aragonite (arrow) of the middle shell layer, overlain by the regular foliated calci-
te of the outer shell layer (a). Note that the outer and inner crossed lamellar sublayers are in contact when the
prismatic sublayer disappears, Note also the branching first-order lamellae of the outer crossed lamellar struc-
ture (b) and the larger and more irregularly shaped first-order lamellae of the inner sublayer (c). Els Monjos (MJ-
10). Coupe radiale & travers le bord antdrieur de la valve gauche pros du crochet. La fl~che signale l'aragonite pris-
matique de la couche moyenne, a, calcite feuilletde-rdguli~re de la couche externe. A noter que les deux zones de la
structure lamellaire-croisde sont en contact lh oh dispara$t l'aragonite prismatique. Les lamellae de premier ordre
de la structure lamellaire-crois~e de la zone supdrieure sont ramifides (b) tandis que celles de la zone infdrieure sont
plus irrdguli~res et larges.
Fig. 4 - Transverse, vertical fracture, through the middle shell layer in the umbonal area of the right valve, displaying
the aragonitic prismatic structure thinning out and iuterfingering within the aragonitic simple crossed lamellar
structure (above) and complex crossed lamellar structure (below). Anterior shell margin toward the right. Internal
shell surface at the bottom (arrow). Can Rosell (CR-B). Cassure transversale dans la zone umbonale de la valve droi-
te montrant la structure aragonitique prismatique qui s'amincit et s'intercale entre la lamellaire-croisde simple (en
haut) et la lamellaire-croisde complexe (en bas). La fl~che indique la surface interne du test.
Fig. 5 - Transverse, vertical fracture through the aragonitic crossed lamellar structure of the left valve near the
beak, showing the characteristic cross pattern of the second-order lamellae. The furrow of calcitic foliated struc-
ture indicative of the appearance of the internal rib is observable (above). Els Monjos (MJ-8B). Cassure trans-
versale de la valve gauche pros du crochet montrant la disposition typique croisde des lamellae de second ordre. La
calcite feuilletde en haut correspond & la c6te interne.
Fig. 6 -Radial, slightly oblique and bevelled section through the posterior margin of the left valve near the beak. The
aragonitic crossed lamellar inner sublayer of the middle shell layer, is underlain by the regular foliated calcitic
structure of the inner shell layer. The sharp contact with the aragonitic prismatic structure can be seen (above).
The ventral shell margin is toward the right. Can Rosell (CR-7/1). Coupe radiale lgg~rement en biseau de la valve
gauche pros du crochet. Le contact entre l'aragonite prismatique (en haut) et l'aragonite lamellaire-croisde sous-
jacente est tr~s net.
P1. 91
n ° 29, f a s c . 6 I. Z a m a r r e S o , J. d e P o r t a & A. V ~ z q u e z

thickness n e a r t h e b e a k (Fig. 2, 3). Only in t h e

u m b o n a l a r e a are b o t h l a y e r s in c o n t a c t (Fig. 5).
The outer foliated layer in either radial or transver-
se sections underlies the homogeneous s t r u c t u r e
and exhibits the following distribution. The regular
foliated structure extends from the umbo to the ven-
tral margins and is overlain by the crossed foliated
structure which appears n e a r the umbonal area and
terminate in the ventral margin w h e r e it attains its
m a x i m u m thickness. The irregular foliated structu-
re appears only locally and w h e n it occurs the follo-
wing distribution can be observed in vertical radial
sections. The crossed foliated s t r u c t u r e is gradually
succeeded inwards by the i r r e g u l a r foliated structu-
re t h a t also grades laterally to the regular foliated
structure (P1.90, fig. 1). The irregular foliated struc-
ture contributes to the development of the internal
ribs (Fig. 6). The same distribution is observed in
transverse sections, the only difference being in the
crossed foliated s t r u c t u r e w h e r e the first-order
lamellae display lower angles a m o n g adjacent
lamella (P1.90, fig. 2).
T h e i n n e r foliated l a y e r is p r e d o m i n a n t l y compo-
sed of r e g u l a r foliated s t r u c t u r e . T h e f i r s t - o r d e r
l a m e l l a b e n d close to t h e u m b o n a l region giving
w a y to a concentric, a r r a n g e m e n t (PI. 90, fig. 5).
According to this distribution the a r r a n g e m e n t of
calcite laths in the foliated structure m a y only be
seen in the internal surface of the shell, outside the
FIGURE 5 - Radial, vertical section through the shell anterior pallial line where the outer or inner shell layers are
of the left valve near the beak, displaying the gradational exposed (P1.90, fig. 4). The calcite laths always inter-
contact between the regular foliated calcite of the outer shell sect the internal valve surface at very low angles.
layer (a) and the regular foliated inner shell layer (c). The
middle shell layer is shown in b. Els Monjos (MJ-10). Scale PRISMATIC STRUCTURE (MYOSTRACAL
bar : 501]m. Coupe radiale & travers la valve gauche pr@s du
crochet montrant la continuitd entre la calcite feuilletde-rdgu- LAYER)
li~re de la couche externe (a) et celle de la couche interne (c) ;
b, couche moyenne. In vertical, radial and t r a n s v e r s e sections this
s t r u c t u r e is composed of aragonite p r i s m s showing
l a y e r e x t e n d i n g from t h e b e a k to t h e p r o x i m i t y of a high length/width ratio. The prisms are simple,
t h e a d d u c t o r muscle scar. It a t t a i n s the m a x i m u m have s t r a i g h t or i r r e g u l a r b o u n d a r i e s a n d are elon-


Fig.1 - External view of the right valve showing the smooth prodissoconch and earliest dissoconch. Els Monjos (MJ-
6/3). Surface externe de la valve droite montrant la prodissoconque et la dissoconque lisses.
Fig. 2 - Closer view of the prodissoconch in fig 1. The arrow indicates the ribbon at the boundary between the pro :
and dissoconch. Ddtail de la prodissoconque de la rue prdc~dente. La fl~che indique le bourrelet sdparant la pro-
dissoconque de la dissoconque.
Fig. 3 - Irregular polygonal pattern occurring in the earliest dissoconch of the specimen in fig. 1. Agencement poly-
gonal irrggulier des prismes dans la jeune dissoconque. M@rne spgcirnen que fig. 1.
Fig. 4 -A detail of fig 3. Ddtail du m~rne spdcimen que fig. 3.
Fig. 5-7 - Non-polygonal pattern on the prodissoconch of the right (fig. 5) and left valve (fig. 6) and the earliest dis-
soconch of the left valve (fig. 7). Els Monjos (MJ-6/6). La microstructure concentrique & la surface de la prodisso-
conque de la valve droite (fig. 5), de la valve gauche (fig. 6) et de la jeune dissoconque de la valve gauche (fig. 7),
ne prdsente pas d'agencernent polygonal des cristaux.
SEM photomicrographs of the external surface. Scale bars : 250 ~m in fig. 1 ; 50 ~m in fig. 2 ; 10 ~m in fig. 3 ; 2.5
gm in fig. 4 and fig. 7 ; 1 ~m in fig. 5 and 6. Vues au M E B de la surface externe.
P1. 92
n ° 29, f a s c . 6 I. Z a m a r r e ~ o , J. d e P o r t a & A. V f i z q u e z

FIGURE 6 - Transverse, vertical section near the ventral shell

margin showing the outermost thin sublayer of homogeneous
structure (a) and the distribution of the foliated calcite in the
internal radial rib. The crossed foliated calcite (b) grades
inward to irregular foliated (c), and then to regular foliated
structure (d). Capr6s-EI Tale (CT-7/8). Scale bar : 250 pro.
Coupe transversale pros du bord ventral de la coquille mon-
trant la structure homog~ne (a) ainsi que la distribution de la
calcite feuillet~e dans la cSte interne, b, feuilletge-croisge ; c,
feuilletge-irrggulikre ; d, feuilletge-rdguli~re interne.

The d i a m e t e r of p r i s m s r a n g e s from one to three

microns with the average being 2.3 p m . T h e longest
crystal l e n g t h m e a s u r e d was 200 1Jm.
T h e i r r e g u l a r s i m p l e p r i s m a t i c s t r u c t u r e pre-
s e n t s a w e d g e - s h a p e d d i s t r i b u t i o n a n d only in
t h e a d d u c t o r m u s c l e s c a r a r e a w h e r e a t t a i n s its
m a x i m u m t h i c k n e s s c a n be o b s e r v e d (Fig. 3).
Hence, t h e m o s t p r o m i n e n t f e a t u r e is t h e i r a s y m -
m e t r i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n in b o t h valves. I n all direc-
tions o u t s i d e of t h e m u s c l e s c a r a r e a t h e s t r u c t u -
re t h i n s out, i n t e r f i n g e r i n g w i t h t h e c r o s s e d
l a m e l l a r s t r u c t u r e a n d s h o w i n g one (P1.91, fig. 3)
or m o r e d i g i t a t i o n s (P1. 91, fig. 4).
T h e details a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n of this s t r u c t u r e as
g a t e d in the radial direction w i t h their l e n g t h axes well as t h e i r r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h t h e crossed lamel-
p e r p e n d i c u l a r to the shell surface (P1. 91, fig. 1-2). lar s t r u c t u r e are given f u r t h e r on.


Fig. 1 - External view of the left valve, showing the smooth prodissoconch and earliest dissoconch, and the external
costae (arrow). Note the divaricate Camptonectes striae, extending on the dissoconch and the two auricles. Can
Rosell (CR-12B). Surface externe de la valve gauche montrant la surface lisse de la prodissoconque et de la jeune
dissoconque ainsi que les c6tes externes. On observe une microsculpture de type Camptonectes.
Fig. 2 - A closer view of the shell as in fig. 1 of the contact between the dissoconch and the posterior auricle (upper
right), displaying the external radial costae (arrow) and the divaricate microsculpture formed by the outermost
porcellaneous sublamina of the homogeneous structure. Ddtail de la microsculpture Camptonectes du m~me spg-
cimen que fig. 1. La flbche indique les c6tes externes.
Fig. 3 - Oblique, radial, vertical section of the left valve through an external radial costae (thick arrow), portraying
the lensatic first-order lamellae (thin arrows) per regular foliated layer. The aragonitic crossed lamellar struc-
ture a base of the figure. Els Monjos (MJ-15). Coupe radiale de la valve gauche montrant une c6te radiale externe
(fl~che dpaisse) et l'arrangement lenticulaire des lamelles de premier ordre (flbche mince) dans la couche de calci-
te feuilletde-rdguli~re. En bas la couche aragonitique lamellaire-croisde.
Fig. 4 - Closer view of two of the lensatic first-order lamellae in fig. 3, showing the different orientation of calcite
laths between adjacent lamellae, and the unique and parallel disposition of laths inside each lensatic first-order
lamella (arrows). Dgtail de la vue prdcgdente montrant les diffdrentes orientations des lattes (flbches).
Fig. 5 - External view of the left valve, in the umbonal area, of an abraded specimen, showing the three sublayers
of the outer shell layer : porcellaneous (a) and granular calcite (b) of the homogeneous structure, underlain by the
regular foliated calcite (c). Note the ridges and furrows in the granular sublayern, originating the divaricate
microsculpture (thin arrow). An external radial costa is shown between thick arrows, cl, aragonitic crossed lamel-
lar structure. Can Rosell (CR-53). Face externe de la rdgion umbonale de la valve gauche chez un spdcimen drodd.
On observe la calcite prismatique (a) et granulaire (b) de la structure homog~ne et la calcite feuilletde-rdguli~re (c)
sous-jacente. La flkche mince indique les stries divariqudes ; une c6te radiale externe est observable entre les deux
grosses fl~ches, cl, aragonite lamellaire-croisde.
Fig, 6 - Higher magnification of the concentric growth scales in fig. 5, originated by the porcellaneous sublamina of
the homogeneous structure. Ddtail de la rue prdcddente.
SEM photomicrographs of the microsculpture. Scale bars : 0.5 mm in fig. 1 ; 100 pm in fig. 2 and 5 ; 25 pm in fig. 3;
10 pm in fig. 4 and 6. Vues au M E B de la microsculpture.
Geobios P1. 93
n ° 29, fasc. 6 I. Z a m a r r e ~ o , J. d e P o r t a & A. V ~ z q u e z


It consists of elongate, lensatic to branching first-
order lamellae built up of parallel aragonite crys-
tal aggregations (P1.91, fig. 1). The length axes of
second-order lamellae m a y alternate in two oppo-
site directions in adjacent first-order lamellae
showing a characteristic cross pattern of simple
crossed lamellar 2 structure (P1. 91, fig. 4-5) or
m a y exhibit three or more orientations (complex
crossed lamellar) as in P1. 91, fig. 6. According to
several authors this crystal arrangement is an
obvious adaptation for adding strength to the
shell. The crossed lamellar structure is always
aragonitic. The crossed lamellar structure deve-
lops into two sublayers separated by the aragoni-
tic prismatic structure. The first-order lamellae
are long and regularly shaped in the upper
sublayer, draping the prismatic structure. Bran-
ching is a striking feature of the first-order lamel-
lae in the upper portion of this sublayer (P1. 91,
fig. 1). The inner sublayer beneath the prismatic
structure is composed of complex crossed lamellar
structure, exhibiting shorter and more irregularly FIGURE 7 - A, transverse, vertical section t h r o u g h the adductor
shaped first-order lamellae in comparison with muscle scar area, showing the calcitic homogeneous (a), cros-
the outer sublayer. sed foliated (b), regular (c), and irregular foliated (d) structure
of the outer shell layer. The aragonitic crossed lamellar (e),
DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRISMATIC AND and prismatic structures (f) of the middle shell layer is also
shown. Note the undulating top boundary of the crossed lamel-
CROSSED LAMELLAR STRUCTURES lar sublayer ; each furrow corresponding to the development of
the internal ribs. The i n t e r n a l shell surface is a t the base of
The prismatic structure together with the outer the figure. Can Rosell (CR-7). Scale bar : 250 1Jm. Note in B the
and inner crossed lamellar sublayers constitute a r r a n g e m e n t in pairs of the furrows (arrows). Scale b a r : 0.5
the middle shell layer which is the most complex l~m. A, coupe transversale ~t travers la rdgion du muscle adduc-
teur. a, structure homog~ne ; b, feuilletde-croisde ; c, feuilletde-
in terms of structure distribution. The middle rdguli~re; d, feuilletde-irrgguli~re ; e, lamellaire-croisde et f, pris-
layer thins both in radial and antero-posterior matique. A noter la surface ondulde qui sgpare la couche exter.
directions (Fig. 3). In the umbonal region, between ne (a, b, c et d) de la couche moyenne (e et 19 ; chaque ddpression
the upper boundary of the adductor muscle scar correspond au dgveloppement des cStes internes. B, on observe
l'agencement des ddpressions en deux paires (fl~ches).
and the beak, the middle layer intertongues bet-
ween the foliated structure of the outer and inner responding to the development of the internal ribs
shell layers (Fig. 5). In this region the complex (Fig. 7A, B). This undulating boundary is only
crossed lamellar structure forming the inner observed in transverse sections since the early
sublayer presents an irregular bottom surface start of rib growth before attaining the internal
(P1.91, fig. ld), draping the regular foliated struc- shell surface.
ture of the inner shell layer (P1.91, fig. le).
The prismatic structure reaches its m a x i m u m
The crossed lamellar structure constitutes the thickness in the adductor muscle scar area. It
innermost, extremely thin internal shell layer thins toward the shell margin and intertongues
beneath the regular foliated calcite of the outer within the crossed lamellar structure (Fig. 3 ; P1.
shell layer in the region between the adductor 91, fig. 3-4). The outer and inner crossed-lamellar
muscle scar and the pallial line (Fig. 3). Because sublayers are in contact w h e n the prismatic
of its very reduced thickness, in fossil specimens sublayer disappears (P1. 91, fig. 3) ; nevertheless
the innermost crossed lamellar layer is generally the inner crossed-lamellar sublayer thins out
eroded and in the muscle scar area is always toward the margins of the shell (Fig. 3). In several
absent. In a few specimens the only trace of the specimens, however, the prismatic structure in the
crossed lamellar layer is a faint, white stripe in muscle scar area has been eroded, and the 0nly
the proximity of the pallial line. observed layer is the outer foliated calcite.
A prominent feature of the outer crossed lamellar In specimens displaying diagenesis the middle
sublayer is its undulating top boundary in contact layer is leached and infilled with sparry calcite
with the regular foliated calcite, each furrow cor- (Fig. 8).

polygonal layer reaches up to 1.1 m m height from

the origin of growth, hence the smooth external
surface in the left valve is narrower t h a n in the
right valve. In the left and right valves, the outer-
most layer with the polygonal and non-polygonal
a r r a n g e m e n t of crystallites overlies the foliated
The adult shells ofA. baranensis are also charac-
terized by a well developed external divaricate
ornamentation composed of pairs of fine, widely
divergent Camptonectes striae (Freneix et al.
1982). The divaricate microsculpture extends onto
the umbonal area and auricles in both valves. It
initiates at the boundary of the smooth early
growth stage of the dissoconch where the external
radial costae appear P1.93, fig. 1-2).
The granular sublamina within the homogeneous
FIGURE 8 - Slightly oblique, radial, vertical section of the right
valve, portraying the outer calcitic foliated layer (a), the midd- structure is responsible for the initiation of the
le layer (b), and the inner calcitic foliated layer (c). Sparry cal- external radial costae. Toward the ventral margin
cite infilling the middle shell layer in this diagenetically-alte- the costae are made up by the granular sublami-
red shell. The ventral shell margin is toward the right. na together with the foliated structure (P1.93, fig.
Altafulla (AT-333/334). Scale bar : 50 pro. Coupe radiale, ldg~-
rement oblique de la valve droite montrant la couche externe de 1-2). The thickening of the foliated structure, lea-
calcite feuilletde (a), la couche moyenne avec remplissage de ding to stronger costae, is achieved by interton-
calcite (b) et la couche interne de calcite feuilletde (c) dans un guing lenses of foliated calcite (P1.93, fig. 3-4). The
exemplaire affectg p a r la diagen~se. costae gradually disappear toward the ventral
m argin.
EXTERNAL SHELL SURFACE The divaricate microsculpture consists of micro-
FEATURES AND MICROSCULPTU- scopic striae oblique to and divergent from the
RE external costae (P1.93, fig. 2-5-6) which are com-
posed of the granular sublamina of the homoge-
The left and right valves ofA. baranensis exhibit neous structure (P1. 93, fig. 5). Superimposed on
the s a m e m i c r o s t r u c t u r e and mineralogy, these divaricate striae are small and concentric
although both differ in the microstructure of the growth scales composed of the outer porcella-
outermost layer during their early growth stages. neous sublamina of the homogeneous structure
In only a few specimens, the external surface cor- (P1. 93, fig. 6).
responding to these stages can be observed (P1.
92, fig. 1-2). In A. baranensis the Camptonectes microsculptu-
re therefore appears to originate from the homo-
The ribbon (P1. 92, fig. 2, arrow) and earliest dis- geneous structure, unlike Delectogecten randolphi
soconch of the right valve show an 3 irregular and Patinogecten (Mizuhopecten) yessoensis where
polygonal a r r a n g e m e n t (P1. 92, fig. 3) whereas it is formed by the foliated calcite sublayer
the prodissoconch does not display even at high (Hayami & Okamoto 1986).
magnification such polygonal p a t t e r n (P1.92, fig.
5). In the ribbon and earliest dissoconch each SEM observations on external surfaces of partial-
polygon is composed of numerous crystallites (P1. ly eroded specimens allowed the microstructural
92, fig. 4). This polygonal p a t t e r n is similar to the composition of the external radial costae and
p a v e m e n t simple prismatic structure described divaricate microsculpture (P1. 93, fig. 5) to be
by Fatton & Bongrain (1980) in Pecten and illustrated.
Chlamys, Schein (1989) in deep sea Pectinidae,
and C a r t e r (1990, p. 379) and Barrera et al.
(1990) in A d a m u s s i u m colbecki. The polygonal PHYLOGENETIC STATUS AND
and non-polygonal layers t e r m i n a t e early in STRATIGRAPHICAL RANGE IN
ontogeny attaining only 1.7 m m height from the
origin of growth. SPAIN
The pro- and earliest dissoconch of the left valve Freneix et al. (1982) gave a generic status to
present similar patterns (P1. 92, fig. 6-7) to those Amussiopecten which was considered as a subge-
of the prodissoconch of the right valve. This non- nus by other authors. Alternatively it is possible

F I G U R E 9 - 8180 a n d 5 ~ C v a l u e s o f n °
180 13C location age code
t h e v e n t r a l m a r g i n o f A . baranen- samples X max mla X max rain
sis (in %°). (1) G . f o h s i p e r i p h e r o -
r o n d a - G , m a y e r i Z o n e ; (2) G . 13 -1.39 -0.95 -2.44 1.44 1.70 1.21 Can Resell Langhian (N8) CR
14 -0.87 -0.33 -1.89 1.66 2.02 1.15 Can Jeira Langhian (N8) CJ
m a y e r i Zone; (3) G. e l o n g a t u s 11 -0.62 -0.46 -0.93 1.49 1.80 1.21 Els Monjos Langhian (NS) MJ
Z o n e . Valeurs isotopiques du ~73C 9 -1.50 -1.00 -2,04 -0.32 2.24 -1.39 Cases Virgfli Langhian (N8) CV
et du 5t"O de la calcite du bord
palldal chez A. b a r a n e n s i s (en %o). 6 -L29 - 0 , 6 2 -2,12 0.22 1.40 -1.74 La Nou de Gai~i Langhian (N9) LN

82 -2.20 -1.16 -3,59 -0.07 1.28 -1.49 Masos Vespella Langbdan-Serravalian(1) MV

-2.23 -1.44 -3.15 -1.08 -0.20 -3.60 Vespella Langhian-Serravalian (1) TG

5 -2.62 - 0 . 4 6 -3,78 -1.78 1.88 -3.05 Ermita de Berh Serravalian (2) BA

4 -1.63 - 1 , 3 3 -1,98 -0.68 2.70 -2.75 Catllar Serravalian (2) CC

1 -2.75 3.00 AltafuUa Tortonian AT

55 0.34 1.08 -3.05 1.10 1.81 O.00 Capr6s-E1Tale Middle Messinian (3) CT
162 0,08 1.86 -1.07 0.97 1.90 -0.17 Campos del Rio Middle Messinian ML

3" .AT A total of 300 specimens ofA. baranensis collected
at 12 localities in northeastern and southeastern
Spain were analyzed for oxygen and carbon isoto-
pic composition of the outer homogeneous and
foliated low-magnesium calcite layer. The speci-
3 1 ; .ML"CT mens cover a timespan from the Langhian (N 8
Zone) to the Middle Messinian.
0 .LN
Maximum, minimum and average 5180 and 51~C
values as well as the stratigraphical position of
-1" • TG samples in each locality are reported in Fig. 9.
Average values are plotted on Fig. 10.
• BA Based on 51~0 and 513C values of A. baranensis
from the different sections, several considerations
oxygen 18 (PDB) should be stressed. Fig. 10 shows that in general
F I G U R E 1 0 - C r o s s p l o t of 5~sO a n d 813C a v e r a g e v a l u e s f r o m t h e the values are relatively tightly clustered. The
ventral m a r g i n o f A. baranensis. S e e fig. 9 for c o d e s . observed average range of 5180 is 2.96 %0, varying
Corrdlation entre les valeurs du 513C et du 5180 de la calcite du
bord pallgal chez A. b a r a n e n s i s . Voir abrdviations de la fig. 9. from -2.62 to 0.34 %o whilst for 513C it is 3.44 %o
and varies frorn 1.66 %o to -1.78 %0. These values
that A m u s i u m was phylogenetically derived from are very close to the values of the low-magnesium
Amussiogecten as has been postulated by Freneix calcite inorganically precipitated in isotopic equi-
et al. (1982) and Hayami (1988) among others. librium with sea-water (Morrison & Brand 1986),
Furthermore Hayami (1988) has pointed out that suggesting that the isotope signals ofA. baranen-
A m u s i u m was phylogenetically derived from sis are not largely affected by vital effects.
Amussiopecten-like weakly costate warm-water Consequently the isotopic signatures of the shells
species and not from Lentipecten as was conside- investigated should represent the original compo-
red by some previous authors. sitions without significant postdepositional alte-
ration, hence reflecting the paleoenvironmental
•According to Freneix et al. (1982), in the Mediter- and paleoceanographic changes affecting the
ranean area and in the Atlantic (Aquitanian water masses.
Basin) A. baranensis occurrences range from
Upper Burdigalian (?) to Lower Langhian. In nor- The isotopic signatures from the Middle Messinian
theastern Spain it ranges from Langhian (N 8 samples at Capr6s-EI Tale (CT) and Campos del
zone) to Tortonian which corresponds to the last Rio (ML) sections were used to analyze the main
deposits cropping out in this basin. In the Fortuna paleoceanographic changes that occurred in these
and Mula basins (southeastern Spain), however, it basins. In both sections the d180values are enriched
also occurs in Middle and Upper Messinian marl in 180 reflecting the increased evaporation and sali-
successions thus expanding its stratigraphical nity of sea-water in the Mula and Fortuna Basins
range in the Mediterranean area according to our prior to the Messinian salinity crisis (V~zquez et
findings (Zamarrefio et al. 1992) and those of Ben al. 1992). Moreover, both 51~0 and 513C data display
Moussa et al. (1987). throughout the sections high frequency variations

(5'80 +1%°, 513C +0.5%0) suggesting, together with nate from the granular sublamina of the homoge-
trace-element data, paleoceanographic changes in neous structure together with lenses of the folia-
primary productivity, salinity, oxygen content and ted structure. The internal ribs are formed by the
temperature affecting the bottom waters (Vfizquez irregular foliated structure exhibiting a dendritic
et al. 1992). p a t t e r n whilst the divaricate microsculpture
develops from the granular sublamina of the
A similar paleoceanographic study based on 5180, homogeneous structure.
513C and trace-element values ofA. baranensis (CR,
CJ, MJ, CV, LN, MV, and CC sections) is at present The 5aO values of the outer homogeneous and
under progress in the northeastern Miocene basins foliated LMC layer in the ventral margin seems to
of Spain (Zamarrefio, Porta & Vfizquez). suggest t h a t the shell precipitated in isotopic
Preliminary data indicates that in general both equilibrium with ambient seawater. Therefore,
5180 and 51~C tend to be lighter from the N8 Zone the isotopic values have proven to be useful in
toward the N10 Zone (Fig. 9-10). paleoenvironmental interpretations.
The isotopic signature of one specimen from A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s - We are grateful to Dr Craig Docherty for
Altafulla (AT) is slightly shifted to lighter 5180 the revision of the English version and to Dr J. G. Carter for
values whilst it is enriched in 1sC. This variation his suggestions on a n earlier version of the manuscript. We
of the isotopic signals seems to suggest the also t h a n k the Geobios reviewers Drs. A. Lauriat-Rage and E.
influence of meteoric diagenesis. SEM observation Schein for her valuable comments which have improved this
manuscript. Special t h a n k s to Albert Lleal for providing the
shows the complete replacement of the middle
photographs reproduced in Fig. 2. This research was supported
aragonitic shell layer by a coarser mosaic of spar- by DGICYT grants PB 88-0050 and PB 91-0097.
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observations on thelow-magnesium calcite outer
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