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Zestaw ćwiczeń do E8 2021/2 – część 1

Zadanie 1
Przetłumacz poniższe zwroty:
1. Here you are. - 2. Help yourself. –
3. Help yourselves. - 4. What’s the matter? –
5. Thanks in advance. - 6. Be careful! –
7. That sounds nice. - 8. Get well soon. –

Zadanie 2
Uzupełnij mini dialogi wyrazami z zadania 1.
1) A: Hi Mary. Oh, are you crying? __________________________?
B: I have a terrible headache. I want to go home.
A: I’ll help you get there. Don’t worry.

2) A: What smells so good?

B: I’ve baked a cheesecake. Do you like it?
A: It’s my favourite cake!
B: That’s great. _______________________.
A: Thank you.

3) A: Can you pass me the bread, please?

B: Sure. ________________________.
A: Thanks.

4) A: _____________________! The plate is really hot. I don’t want you to burn yourself.
B: Don’t worry. I won’t.

5) A: Hi John. It’s Kate. Why aren’t you at school today?

B: I am sick. I have a runny nose and a headache.
A: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. _____________________ soon.
B: Thank you. I hope I’ll be fine in a few days.

6) A: Have you heard? We’re going on a school trip to Wrocław next month.
B: Really? _________________________ nice!
Zadanie 3
Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki. Kilka wyrazów zostało podanych dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej
want later hope many what sure a lot where ago

Hi Henry,
How are you? I _______________ you are fine.
How is your new school? Have you got any new friends? I _____________ to know everything about it!
I started my school three weeks _____________ and to be honest, I am already tired. We have
___________________ of lessons every day. I spend a lot of time studying. I don’t really have
time to play any games. _________________ about you? Write to me soon!
Zadanie 4
Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym słowem. Jeśli pojawiają się słowa, których nie rozumiesz – sprawdź je w
słowniku (
1. Are you jealous ______________ your younger siblings?
2. ____________ you open the window, please? It’s really hot in here.
3. What time do you usually get up __________ Friday?
4. Is your birthday __________ June?
5. Thank you _________ advance. You’re the best.
6. It is __________ worst book I’ve ever read _________ my life.
7. I finished my piano lesson ____________ 6:30.
8. Would you ____________ to go out with me?

Zadanie 5
Przetłumacz słowa/wyrażenia na język angielski:
a) wymagający - b) wysoki - c) piegi –
d) krawat - e) mieszkanie - f) autostrada –

Zadanie 6
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań na język angielski.
1. My younger sister (ma piegi) _________________________ on her face. She looks (uroczo)
_________________________ .
2. My Polish teacher (jest bardzo wymagająca) _______________________________.
3. Why are you wearing (krawat) ___________________________? Are you going on a date?
4. My parents (są naprawdę wysocy) ________________________________.
5. This is (najdłuższa autostrada) _________________________________ in Poland.

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