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Ćwiczymy pisanie. Popatrz na przykład zdania.

Postaraj się użyć podobnej struktury w

swoim zdaniu.
1. Zaproponuj komuś wspólne spędzenie dnia.
How about going out and playing football in the park after school today?
2. Opowiedz, co zazwyczaj robisz wieczorami.
I usually do my homework in the evening. I also talk to my friends and listen to YouTube.
3. Opisz plany na dzisiejszy wieczór.
I am going to watch a new TV series on HBO. Maybe I will order a pizza and eat it with my
4. Opisz swój pokój.
My bedroom is very cosy. There is a big bed with many pillows. I also have a big wardrobe.
5. Opisz hobby swojego/swojej przyjaciela/przyjaciółki.
My best friend is keen on watching football matches on TV. He also enjoys doing sport. He plays
football twice a week and he often plays FIFA21.
6. Opisz swoje zainteresowania.
I am interested in English. I love studying it. I am into listening to English songs and I often read
books in English.
7. Opisz wygląda swojego/swojej BFF.
She is quite tall and skinny. She has got green eyes and a small pink mouth. She has lots of freckles.
She wears glasses.

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