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Zwroty - część 2

I think so too. – Też tak myślę.

Could you repeat that? – Mógłbyś powtórzyć?
Be careful! – Bądź ostrożny.
That would be great. – Byłoby świetnie.
Get well soon. – Kuruj się.
That sounds nice. – Brzmi fajnie.
What a pity/shame! – Jaka szkoda!
Help yourselves to – Częstujcie się (np. Help yourselves to the sandwiches.)
Sorry, I didn’t catch that. – Przepraszam, nie dosłyszałem/am.
Here you go. – Proszę (gdy coś komuś podajemy)
Thanks in advance. – Dzięki z góry.
Congratulations on… – Gratuluję (Congratulations on passing your exams.)

Uzupełnij mini-dialogi poprawnymi zwrotami. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać max 3 słowa.
1. A: Tina, Betty, ……………………………………… the coconut biscuits. I’ve baked them
for you.
B: Thank you. They smell lovely.
A: Just be ………..……… . They might be a little bit hot.
2. A: I’ve heard you are sick.
B: Yes, I am. I have a runny nose.
A: …………………… soon.
B: Thanks. I am sure I will be fine in a couple of days.
3. A: Do you want to eat out tonight?
B: Can you repeat? I ……………………….. that.
B: Do you want to eat out tonight?
4. A: Be ………………………..! That cup is really hot.
B: Don’t worry.
5. A: Can you pass me the salt, please?
B: Sure, here …………………. .
6. A: Congratulations …………………………. the first prize. We are all very proud of you.
B: Thanks! It means a lot.
7. A: I think out English teacher is very demanding.
B: I think …………………… . She gives too much homework.
8. A: How about going on a bike trip next weekend?
B: Oh, …………………….. nice. I’d love to go.
9. A: Are you free on Sunday?
B: No, I am not. I am going to my grandma’s birthday party.
A: Oh, what ……………………… . I hoped we could spend some time together.

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