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Zadanie 1
Uzupełnij pytania poprawną formą czasownika i odpowiedz na nie.
When was the last time you…?
a. When was the last time you (wash) ……………… your hands?
b. When was the last time you (talk) …………….. to your best friend?
c. When was the last time you (order) ……………. a pizza?
d. When was the last time you (see) ……………… your grandparents?
e. When was the last time you (argue) …………. with your siblings?
f. When was the last time you (eat) …………… a sweet?
g. When was the last time you (drink) ………….. cocoa?
h. When was the last time you (go) …………….. to a playground?

Zadanie 2
Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach na język angielski. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać
maksymalnie 4 wyrazy.
1. Are Betty and Jason (rozwiedzeni) …………………………………..?
2. What (lekturę) …………………………… are you reading at the moment?
3. Where does the concert (ma miejsce) ……………………………….?
4. I think you ought to (wziąć udział w) ……………………………….. our parade. It will be
a great event.
5. There is (wielka plama) …………………………… on the carpet. Who has done it?
6. Would you like to buy this (pomarańczowy kubek) ………………………….?
7. Your pillows are (takie miękkie) ………………………………..!
8. Can you tell me where (jest mój breloczek) ……………………………………….?

Zadanie 3
Uzupełnij zdania. Używaj czasowników lub przymiotników, np.:
Titanic makes me sad. or Titanic makes me cry.
1. Comedies usually make me ………………………………………….. .
2. Horror films make me ……………………….……………………….. .
3. Homework makes me ………………………………………………… .
4. My English classes make me …………………………………………. .
5. The online lessons make me …………………………………………. .
6. My parents make me …………………………………………………. .
7. Reading books makes me …………………………………………….. .

Zadanie 4
Odegraj sytuacje.
1. You want to hire a live-in maid. Carry out an interview with a candidate.
2. Your sister has read your diary. Talk to your parents about that.
3. You are on holidays in London. One of your friends wants to prepare an English dish for
you. Say what you’d like to eat.

Zadanie 5
Wymień trzy. Name three:
 things you never do in the morning
 vegetarian dishes
 things that you’d like to get for your birthday
 things you know about your history teacher
 things you‘d like to play more often
 things you often did when you were little
 things you like about your online lessons
 things you don’t like about your house

Zadanie 6
1. Calm down. a) Wielkie dzięki.
2. Break a leg. b) Uspokój się.
3. I feel dizzy. c) Jestem spłukana.
4. You’ve made my day. d) Jesteś oszałamiająca!
5. Thanks a million. e) Brawo! Tak trzymać!
6. You are stunning! f) Połamania nóg!
7. Way to go! g) Kręci mi się w głowie.
8. I am broke. h) Poprawiłeś mi humor.
Zadanie 7
Odpowiedz na pytania używając podanych wyrazów. Możesz zmieniać ich formę.
1. Do you have any plans for the weekend? perhaps sure
2. Why do some people want to live abroad? try new
3. What have you eaten today? make hungry
4. Do you like working in a group? hard some
5. Can you imagine living in a flat? enough argue

Zadanie 8
Spróbuj wyjaśnić znaczenie tych słów po angielsku.
a) barefoot b) prom c) bride d) western
e) ferry f) stepfather g) amusement park h) priest

Zadanie 9
Podaj jedną wadę i jedną zaletę:
o having a mobile near you all the time
o making sandwiches for breakfast
o riding a bike without a helmet
o starting lessons at ten o’clock
o organising a birthday party at home
o having a two-course dinner

Zadanie 10
Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą.
1. He (rather/go) ……………………………. to the cinema.
2. Last year we went to Greece for (couple/week) ……………………………….. .
3. That photo (be/take) ……………………………….. last summer.
4. She (never/be) …………………………… to Italy before.
5. My parents (want/me/study) ……………………………………. English more.
6. She (be/such/girl) …………………………………..! I’d like to be so clever.

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