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funded yeas from now the Roman statue wil be bce aso. How old the Roman statue? 00 © 400 B30 3.500 22. Two planes leave Kansas Cty at 1 P.M. Plane A heads eas a 450 mph and lane 8 heads due west at 600 mph. How eng wl tbe before the ‘lanes are 2100 miles Aates Bite cls Shes 3. boat has a speed of 15 mph in sil water. It travels downstream from 4. Seymour is twice aso as Cassandra. I 16 is added to Cassandras age and 16 is subtracted from Seymour’ age, their ages wil then be equ. 5. One machine cn complete ajo n 10 minutes. If the same job is done by tis machine and an older machine werking together, te J can be ‘competed in § minutes. How ong woul it take the older machine t €o cise 5.30hs 7. Three tes the fst of twee consecutive ood integers f tree more inane Bete Fhe toraiege 8 The te'sdigt of catain two cgt cumber exceeds the unite digit by {og ands oe las han pc th united. Fi the number Inversely asthe square ‘29. Find when x= 1, 7=4 AUgEeRa DAY S EW COURSE TBS Su ofthe cigts of @ Sgt number is 14. The hundreds dg being 4 times the unit's age I 4 fe eubracted from the number, he tde ofthe cges wil be reversed. Find the number. 4983 Bea eg ‘The cost of labor va ‘umber of days they werk 8% nickel eo be mage by mixing steel containing 14% rickel with another steel containing 6% nickel [How much ofthe steel containing 14% nickel needed”? A400 Kg 0450 8. 500Kg ference of the cubes of two postive numbers i 2402 and the thelr erence is 8 Fin the bigger number of 2 2 Find the number auch that thie sum mufpfed by the sum of thee ‘squares i 65, and thee erence mutiples bythe dfference of thet prefer . brand of 2 but not x, and 420 prefer ether brand z of x but not y. How many. persona have no brand preterence, satsied with any ofthe brands. co 100 Doily exam 3~ Algebra 2 1 8 280 D130 ota sof he fat 0 even rnb. 160 S00 Bato ‘tessa esto Fine sum fhe tages between 2nd 100 wich ve A 1484 C1690 e oe 0A The at arn ato of 8 GP auto 8 and 48 rape. {he au of tea is 725, td the ruber ttre, A rm REVIEW CENTER ME REVIEW COUBSE 4 Troma 16, What the variance ofthe set of numbers 2,4 4,5, 76 1 Find the probabiy of crawing ether an ACE ora KING in a ea 1, ME Beard Question: single draw from a, deck oF 52 paying ars? 4 ee aera eee erbes 2 se Hon many 4 Gg ranber cn be met to. repenig jt om the foloning gts: 3, 23,4, and 6? . Find the probabity of drawing ether an ACE ora HEART M2, syppmearany Posts we Shale craw fom a deco 52 crs? 2. MELBoard Question: In how many way can a PSHE chapter with 15 Diets 1. A-nunber between 4 and 10,000 (nce) is . Tha single throw of a single le, find the probability of ‘elected. Whats te probably tak kl be ble Bo choose a Prestient, a Vice-President, a Secretary, Treasurer, obtaining ether a 3 or a4 or an even number. by 4 and by 5? and an Audkor , Fro member can hold more than one 4.020 025 position ?- 4. Ina single throw of a pair of dice, what Is the probablity of 8.0.05 0.0.10 having a sum of 6 or 11? 3, ME Board Question: 2.Find the probably of geting & head or al in singe tse ‘Afactory building has sbc entrance doors . In how many ways 5. A pal of doe i thrown. If is known that one dice shows a4, Tee we cana person enter and leave ; ‘hats the probabity thatthe other dice shows a 5? 1 1 ‘8 by any door at cy 3 bya diferent coor 6. Anum contains 3 white bls and 1 back bal Determine the ee a Probably of erawing two white bals in succession from the at ot 4. How many permutations are eters um without replac after exh raving are taken 5 a a time? ed 3. Me fad acre tating avege of 0325, Wt wa the 7. Afaicoln tossed 5 times. What the probably of getting robeblty that he woul get atleast one ht in ive ofa 5, Whats the number of permutations ofthe ters in the word cantly 3 beats? a times at bat? BANANA? A0140 c.046 8.035 0.086 8. The probability of geting @ retin an examination 1/3. IF * eet yy xaneens os unecse Reetuaretamanima HTP, enue tty ts oad me cay seated on a bench f the ENGINEERS must be seated together? a ext 4 shots fhe sunk 50% of al is shots? 4.025 ©. 0.0625 9. Find the probably that @ couple having 3 ciren wil have 1. commnunon rc 8.0125 0.075 7. semiconductor company wil he 7 men and. 4 women 5. Out of 100 numbers, 20 were 45,40 were 5, 20 were 6 In how many ways can the company choose from 9 men and Me STATITIES and the remainder were 7S. Fd te arthmetic mean ofthe 6 women? tombe. 10. Find the median ofthe set of numbers; 2, 3, 6, 6, 7, 8, Rae cas 8. How many ine segments can be formed with 6 distinct 10, 13, 25 3.53 0.35 points no three of which are colinear ? 11, Find the median ofthe st of rumbers; 1,2, 5, 8 6. Arman travels from A to 8 at an average speed of 30 knyht 9. How many bangles are determined. by the vertices of a 46. and retuns fom 8 t0 A along the same route at an average Seo heap, Tieton speed of 60 km/hr, Find the average speed for the entire trip. 12, Find the mod ofthe set Of numbers 13,35. Akh 30k 10, How many ways can you Invite one or mere of five fiends to Bak 0.60 ken apaty? 13 Fete mode of test of rams 2B 3. : 7. A pale of dice is tossed. If ene de shown 25, what the 1. hme gtr ad mene cae te a be pike Ko AOAE Pry ate oe esto 8 ab handshakes to be 66. If each shakes hand with al the other, ofthe 1 See hs 66. eas 14. Find the mela ofthe foloming scores 8,10, 58. et 4 15, What the range ofthe set of numbers 2,4, 4, 5,7, 8, ? Fie ay a : PRIME_REVIEW CENTER vo ee, He wi and ony if the fst. de 8 A par en rb ore bo de tow 2 sO 9 Free probly owe, ‘ ne ci D. “There are 100 envelopes in a box. Of these, 40 contain PSO, > Pantin F100, 20 contain P500, and 10 contain P1000, If ‘one draws an envelope at random from the box, what is his expecation? A. P1650 c. p200 B. 412.50 D. P250 10, Seventeen tickets numbered from 1 to 17 are in a box. IF two tickets are drawn at random, determine the probabilty that the first one Is odd and the second one is even. 1 a et} at 200 glo = B. ‘Take lone teat 1. How many dierent committees can be formed by choosing 4 men ‘rom an organization that has @ membership of 18 men A 1990 ©. 1240 8 1435 @ 1385 In how many ways can § diferenty colored marbles be ‘mathematics books must stand toe 207,380 6. 103,680 188,709,120 © 34,560 ME REVIEW COURSE Five red marbles, two white marbles, and three blue marbles are les of the same color are not siferent 2 committee of 2 rmed. in how many mathematicians cannot diferent sums cf money canbefomed? = ax mS scx) B31 Baie ee row to make coded nal consists of the nt colors. Two balls are way. How many such combinations cs D2 C. 8.437.224 2,546,725 A 82 © 84 B83 O44 18, The mean of 7 numbers is 63. Whats the sum of the numbers? a9 © 09 Algebra 3 - Probability and Statistics 2 a aay ) at 414, Out of 100 numbers. Sixteen were 5, twenty - one were 6, thirty were 7's and the rest ware 6. Find the artthmetc mean ofthe numbers? A685 © 70 B68 D7 18. Thiny students in ciass averaged 80% on a certain exam ‘Twenty others averaged 00%, What isthe class average? ® 84 c. 88 the average annual income of 15 workers is P68,000 and sib the workers made P30,000 forthe year, what is the average annual income of the remaining 8 workers? ‘A. P86,000 c. P30,000 B. P50,000 . 90,000 17. Anna has an average of 87% on 5 exams in statistics. What ‘must she get in the sbth exam to average 88% on the sir exams? A 8 c. 93 8 68 D. 98 18. The average of 15 numbers is 7. Angelo is adding these numbers and mistakenly reads 6 ofthe numbers a 9 instead o 7, what average wil he get? A 76 8 B78 D 82 1 Find the range of the set of numbers: 7, 3,8 8, 1, 17 A 10 6 B87 7 20. Two coins are tossed. How many possible outcomes are there? A2 c 8 8 4 D. 16 21, Two dice are tossed. Howmany possible autcomes are there? A 2 38 B26 2 22. Apairof dice Is tossed. Find the probaly of geting atta o e a1 2 A 6 os 3 ine ag oZ 28. A group of 3 boys and 2 gf are seated ina row of 5 chairs Fite probably tat hey wl be sated aleratly 5 a ot os 5 2A A pat of oes tossed. one de shown a, whet isthe abit het the oer de shows a abo? 1 aot “ ii o. is dravm from a deck What is the that the fawn isan ace? What is the probabilty that the number on the card is ble by 5? three of which are rote apple is 28. A card s drawn from a wall shufled deck of 52 cards. What is the probabity that a card drawn isa face card? Iwo What is the different books. In how many ways can be bookshelt? c 2 ME REVIEW COURSE a8 D. 2 rb gts stn 8 r0W 7 chaies ” c. 2314 BT B 2 32. Eight chron are tobe seated in @ round table, In how many en Da 38, Gwen S={2,3,9,7, 8,8 considered statistics 1. Themean soore is 6.5 B P41250 35. A pair of dice are rolled. Find the probability thet the total on the {wo dice is not 8 38. Api dice He wins if and only if the fist die shows, ‘an even number or ifthe two dice show a sum of 8. Find his probabiity of winning Algebra 3 - Probability and Statistics 5 8 4 3 ae 38. In aboard eam, the probably that an examine wil pass eat ofthe tee subjects is 060. What isthe probably ta ar taming vi passat most roe subjects? A 8 ‘A 0.084 c. 0784 8. 0216 D. 0936 40. Find the number of ways the two t-peso coins, fe 2-peso coin: ‘5-peso coins can be given to streetchidren if eact B Gs 8. 41, The number of permutations of letters @, 8, times is. 42, A box contains 5 red, 6 white and 5 blue balls. Two bals are chosen at random. What is the probably that they are bot white? 1 49. Twenty-one tickets numbered from 1 to 21 are in @ box. It We tickets are drawn at random, determine the probability that bott are odd? Ad 2% 45, Abox contain 8 red 3 whe and 9 bh bls I hee bas are drawn atrancr, determine the probably that al ere. A008 coo 8.040 3.048 46, Five cards are crann from a pack of 52 wel sued ards Fc the probability that at least 1 ace is obtained. IME_REVIEW CEN’ Coa ITER C066 0.0.34 {7 Determine the probability of three 65 in 5 tosses of afar die. ae 125 cz 48. A drawer contains 10 white and 6 biack balls, What 5 the probability of randomly drawing a white and a black ball? A. 0.360 C.0.250, 8. 0.208 .0:300 49, In a single throw of a palr of dice, what is the probability of having a sum of 7 or 117 2 1 az ct az od % 50. If the probabilty of the 3 chalewoman of the board are 0.5, 0.3, and 0.2 respectively, The probability that the chalwoman willbe either A or Cis 4.035 3 women A, 8, and C being chosen C07 D955 37 53. What the vance of of test of rumbes 2,4 4,5, 7 and 56. IF 15 people won prizes the ‘can these 15 people win frst, How many such are possible? A 4 betel alicia c 6 B 2 0. 36 58. Inhow many ways cana set of 6 distinct books are arranged In a bookshelf? A 720 ©. 20 3 360 0. 180 59. How many permutations are there if the letters PNRCSE are taken 6 at atime? A 5,040 © 140 B. 720 D. 24 60. What isthe permutations of the letters in the word BANANA? 60 A 6 © B. 52 D2 34,650 c. 43,560 560 35, D. 360 many ways can 5 people be seated on a round table? A 6 C24 B36 D. S4 The 65. A semiconductor company will hire 7 men and 4 women. In haw many ways can the company chose from 9! men ard 6 ‘womeni A. 680 c. 540 B. 480 D. 840 ‘Once a month a man put some money into the cookie jar. Eact ‘month he pit 50 centavos. more ito the jar than the month before. After 12 years he counted his money, he had P 5426 How much money did he put In the jr inthe last month ? APT350 ©. 74.50 8. P7550 3.7250 Find the geometric mean of @4 and 4 AB 32 B36 ‘The seventh term is 56 and the 12" tem is -1792 of the ‘geometric progression . Find th ind the frst term Assume the ratios are equal A256 B58 Aad Find the sumot 4, 1, 1. 525 AS6 084 B28 D072 the first term is 4, ” = 1705 Find the 1967 digi in the decimal equivalent to = staring trom decimal point A8 ae Bt DS Determine the sum of the infinite series > S= dati d. + 3*o*ar 3 AMS 28 Bam pin PRIME_REVIEW CENTI : ME REVIEW COURSE Algebra 3 - Probability and Statistics a 75. Gravity causes @ body to fall ‘the 1 second, 48.3 in ae oO 2 the 2 second, 20.5 mt ind 30 on. How far id sna t 3 during the 10° secona ? 86. A student's of 7 quizes In Math was $5. met eet hes gat cone tt 7 S82 Eo er eau MoH HON Bane ©. 205.9% ‘on the preceding one. What was the average of the seven izze8? 18 The unbrx 207,107 tmecemeicroguenn SE a Find the value ofx B 675 D 728 AA5 8-37 7 8-16 B78 7/6 Des 87. Whichterm of the arithmetic sequence 6, 3, 0, -3, -3 18 967 ae C188 77. Find the sum of the sequence 25, 30, 35, B 1 a 16" 2 Astros) 88, The frst ofthe geometnic sequences is 1 andthe common ratio 1° dow inget eg nme tha represents oe” Se 8 , 3" it" - Sa) of this vetric sequence. 8 Soo +o) b. 5(rt-S) cor zs 78. If the sum is 220 and the frst term is 10, find the common diference ifthe last term is 30. A2 o3 85 0.28 79. What's the sum ofall perfoc squares intogers less than 100? Ams C384 8 285 D385 80, The sum of all mutples of 3 between 5 and 41 is. A210 c 3m 8 299 DB. 330 B P20 dllion 91, A rotation whee! coming to rest makes 256 revolutions the frst 81. Find the value of x if ‘second. In eny second after the first it makes 516 as many revo terms of an arithmetic. Aa a8 82. Find x such tat 9, x, 19 an aitmetie sequence. A 8 83, The sum of teat 100 postive od tegen ig creased by 1, 5, and 12 respective x in geometne progression. Find the ‘Te sum ef heist 100 pose even agers & 8 cs £2. The geome mean and the barons mean of wo rurbers eidepd a8 eeuctnty What enone A Gand 36 C. Gand 54 Sowa B Saree!

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