Deepanshu Negi - 21mba2993 - MKT-4 - Imc.

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Integrated Marketing Communication (21BAT-637)


UNIT-1: -
A company wishes to launch a new toothpaste, which could prevent tooth
cavities and tooth decay. But the tooth paste market is highly crowded with
multiple brands. As marketing executive prepare a marketing
communication strategy so that the company’s new brand could be
established in the market.

 Many consumers like toothpaste without artificial flavours, colours, or
substances regardless of the official label. Additionally, a lot of people want to
avoid the fluoride, triclosan, and sodium lauryl sulphate included in normal
toothpaste. Toothpaste is used to kill bacteria and freshen breath. They claim
that organic toothpaste contains herbs and essential oils that not only taste
minty fresh but also have antibacterial properties.Make Your Product Unique
from the Start
 Create a unique product right away.
You must set your toothpaste apart from the other equivalent rival products now
on the market. Put your company's name and logo prominently on the package
to improve brand recognition and sales. Identify the precise qualities that
consumers want in a toothpaste, such as the ability to strengthen or whiten
teeth, enhance breath freshness, and prevent dental damage. on the dentist's
recommendation. Emphasize the benefits that utilising your toothpaste will
provide consumers, as well as its attributes. Make sure your information is
correct and supported by research at all times.

• Consider toothpaste advertising

Depending on your budget, you can efficiently market your toothpaste products
by utilising a range of print and electronic media channels. Advertisements for
toothpaste can be placed with radio and television stations with substantial
audiences. For maximum impact, these adverts ought to highlight the benefits
of the toothpaste. local or national health publications
Daily newspapers can offer a great chance to advertise your toothpaste. You
might describe your product to readers and build a positive brand.

 Think about toothpaste ads

You can effectively market your toothpaste products by utilising a variety of
print and electronic media channels, depending on your budget. You can post
your toothpaste advertisements with radio and television stations that have a
large audience. These advertisements should showcase the toothpaste's best
qualities to get the most attention. Health publications and local or nationa
daily newspapers can present excellent opportunity to promote your toothpaste.
You may explain your product to readers and foster favourable brand
perceptions by having a current, user-friendly product website with ties to social
media. According to Marketing Dive, you might even want to develop an app
that motivates, tracks, or pays kids for cleaning their teeth.
 Examine the channels for retail marketing
Retail establishments might be able to help promote your toothpaste by giving
your items and posters exhibit space where customers can easily view them. Or
you may think about giving merchants a deal on your toothpaste goods and
letting them handle the marketing. To encourage buyers to try your products,
you may also provide trial deals in the form of momentary coupon reductions at
particular retail locations.

UNIT-2: -
Discuss the factors influencing selection of an advertising agency. Also,
explain various services provided by advertising agencies to their clients.

The following criteria have a role in choosing an advertising agency: Since they
offer businesses creative and advising services, advertising firms are very in-
demand today.
 • Location
 Location is crucial since you want the agency you choose to be close to where
your business is located. A remote or outlying location will result in higher
travel costs and inconvenience. You would rather be able to hold meetings
frequently than only once a year. Select the option that is closest.
This would also speed up productivity and make things simpler.
• Credibility
As was already said, the company's clientele serves as evidence of its reliability.
It is crucial to take into account the agency's standing, sincerity, and honesty.
Their prior performance is mostly helpful in determining their credibility. The
company's data and the clientele's history make the information about them
available.Expertise & Experience
An agency's experience would demonstrate just how successful it has been in
doing business. Some firms concentrate on a certain area of advertising or a
certain industry. Advertising agencies that work with your industry are
accustomed to marketing your brand. That's not the only prerequisite, though.
When choosing an agency, consideration should be given to its industry
 Budget
The financial positions of the agency and yourself should both be evaluated. A
company that does not fit inside your budgetary constraints cannot be hired.
Choose the option that best fits your company's budgetary budget. Additionally,
the agency you're interested in should have a solid financial standing. To meet
standards, payment processes need to be carefully examined. To avoid any
complications later, this needs to be made clear up front.


 Strategy
It’s all centred around the strategy, when you’re creating a brand, its success is
determined in all the planning of it. And planning will be much more complex
than just a few steps, it will span months of work for the brand to have a solid
foundation when it goes out into the market. You get a cake out of the oven
before it’s ready? We don’t think so, a brand is much more important than a
cake, it requires an investment. We speak of heritage that needs to develop
effectively to obtain the most benefits and brand growth. A plan for a brand
should have everything related to costumers. Starting off with an effective
communication, which makes everything easier. Once you have a message you
need to find the best way to communicate it and the means to do so, but most
importantly the market you’re trying to reach with said message. Just like a
building, you must think about the foundations for a strong brand.
 Design
This is where all the visuals come into play. It’s where most people get
attracted and often end up making a purchase decision. Anything visual attracts
people and makes information easy to understand. But it must be done with a
clear objective in mind, like all services we will be discussing in this article.
Depending of the content, the reaction it gets can vary.
 Digital
We hear a lot about digital advertising and companies having to adapt to new
trends. It’s useful to increase prospects, elevate sales and have a good web
presence. This service can be supported by others, to strengthen and get better
results. A digital service is prepared so that the company increases their sales,
making moves not only physically but also digitally. Now you can get more
clients almost automatically, without much effort. Try it, there’s a lot to win and
very little to lose.
 Production
This service allows a campaign to go out into the market, we’re talking about
photographic and video production. Many starting campaigns, if they need to
use personalized content, must include video and photo production in their
strategies. This generates a bigger impact in the audience, it allows them to see
the product, place or service they’re interested in. It is something very important
for the approval of a potential costumer. It is not as easy as recording anything
or taking a photo with your smartphone and use it for the campaign. It needs to
adapt to the brand personality, the environment it wants to create and the story
you want to tell. For the creation of a brand or the making of a campaign, you
need to know about the tools available to you, so you can decide which ones
you will be using. It is important to know the services, so when you use one.
you have a clear understanding of what you need.
On the other hand, if you’re starting from scratch, it is important to identify the
problem, so that you can create a plan to fix it. Normally agencies are
professional and capable of identifying problems within a company and they
can suggest strategies, but it makes it easier for them if the problem has already
been identified.

Vigilance is required while deciding which advertising agency to go for as they
are the ones who promote your business. Time and thought should be given
when assessing each option. When choosing your agency, it is empirical to
figure out how the entity will aid to your business. The location, background,
compatibility, and clientele of the agency should be assessed before selecting
the organization. The financial feasibility of your own business and the agencies
should match. You must make sure that the agency is able to manage their own
business before handling yours.

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