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Capstone Draft Proposal Worksheet

Name: jennica
Topic: Creation of platform to sell products
Strand: Project / Entrepreneur
Inquiry Question: How can I create an appealing website to sell products with no prior

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out a 200 – 300 word summary highlighting the key points and
explanations of what you are planning to do
My Capstone Project is to be able to sell products, specifically prints of characters from media (video
games, shows, movies, etc.) and in addition, original designs like characters or animals. Prints are a big
selling point for my product line, but I would also hope to include stickers, tote bags, notebooks, and
maybe t-shirts too. I plan to research websites and companies that I’m able to sell on for free, or they just
take a cut of the money if a sale is made, the website being free is a huge factor in which site I’ll be using
as I don’t want to pay a monthly subscription to maintain a shop. So far, I’ve been eyeing RedBubble and
Spreadshop, but maybe Bonfire. The part that I think will take the longest is the creation and design of the
website as taste is subjective, but I want something that is appealing to all demographics, yet also has
some unique flair that is specific to me. I’m also considering using a website to link to a shop. Something
else I’ve thought about is considering using a website that uses html to design it as it will give me more
creative control, but it might too complicated to implement. I plan to also show the process of how the
website is created along with presenting the website and hopefully maybe show a sample product too.

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project will demonstrates your abilities and skills from each
section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two points from each skill area of the
core competencies.)

Core Competency: How you demonstrate it in your Capstone Project:

Personal Awareness & Self-motivation is very present in a project like this in which you must
Responsibility create two large components to combine into one. Self-regulation in the
form of planning out days to work on it and creating goals to achieve is
also important. I also understand that the progress of my project
depends on me making sure that I’m on schedule and ensuring that I’m
working effectively so it doesn’t bite me later down the road.
Social Responsibility I can apply different POVs and different people’s ideas to create the
most appealing website to everyone. Collaboration is important as I want
different ideas shown in the end project.
Critical Thinking Critiquing your own work is important in this type of project and taking
criticism in order to better sell if things don’t sell as well as expected.
Problem solving is also important since if things don’t go as planned then
we can figure out how to fix it.
Creative Thinking I think the overall project is demonstrating my creativity as an artist but
also as a marketer trying out ways to sell products in an appealing and
creative way. The inclusion of ideas from my environment can be used as
inspiration to create something that is unique
Communication I can ask for others maybe with more experience than I’s opinion and
advice on how to better my website or designs. Through communication
I can gain insight on how to improve my project, thus making it better.
Personal & Cultural Identity This project I’d say plays a lot on my strengths and things I'd consider I’m
experienced in (art and design) but also things I'm unfamiliar with
(website design and marketing). The project also is a reflection of what I
view as important and something I’m passionate about.

3) Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question.

Explain WHY you are choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry
connect to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

The reason why it’s a personal interest for me is because I’ve always been passionate about art and drawing.
I would say at my core I’m a creative person that is who I am, but I’m also interested in business/marketing,
so I want to combine two things I like together.

4 ) Background: What background knowledge / connections / prior learning do you have that can help
you to be successful with your project?

I already have experience in drawing and design and since that’s the product I’m trying to sell that plays
a major part. The website/business aspect is more connected to the fact that my family is very business
orientated and my dad has experience in website building which has made me curious about what’s that

5) Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What connections does
this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals? What are you hoping to gain from
completing this project (other than graduating or passing CLC 12)?

I’m hoping to gain experience that can be applicable to after post-secondary life since I want to
eventually freelance in design and being able to work wherever I want in the world. A career related to
design is something that I really want and hope for in the future, so by making this my capstone I hope
to be able to achieve that sooner.

6) Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to present your
project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once completed. You may use a
combination of mediums.

o Electronic portfolio: Power Point, Canva or Prezi

o Physical portfolio
o Website
o i-movie presentation
o YouTube channel
o Other
I will present the website and showcase designs digitally and hopefully have 1-2 real products to show off in
real life. I would first start off explaining the process of choosing and designing a website then some of the
designs I’ve made, after I would just show what the website contains and the final design, finally the actual

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