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WYG Questionnaire

Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Introduction to this WYG Questionnaire

This 360 Feedback questionnaire has been designed to give the individual some specific and structured feedback on their current performance against the competence profile. It gives the individual a benchmark of how they see their own performance against these competencies. By comparing an individuals self-perception with the views of others, it provides an excellent starting point for personal development.

Please read the instruction carefully before giving your views. Think about the individual in the range of situations over the last few months in which you have worked together.

Instructions for Completing Questionnaire

For each behaviour, rate the individual using the following scoring system: Does this extremely well Does this very well Does this well 6 5 4

Does this satisfactorily Requires some development Requires significant development I do not have enough data to comment
Key: 6 is High / 1 is Low

3 2 1 0

If you feel unable to make a judgement on a specific behaviour, score the section as 0. Try to avoid giving a 0 wherever possible. Think about the individual in the full range of different work situations that you have seen them in.
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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Communication Communicates articulately and confidently in all environments Presents major change or complex issues in a concise and compelling manner Consistently seeks confirmation that communications have been understood by audience Negotiates with skill and intellect, clearly focusing on optimal win/win outcomes Focuses on achieving clear outcomes when leading meetings Actively encourages open discussion during Team Briefs Manages conflict situations to an optimal conclusion in a professional manner Actively monitors and improves the effectiveness of communication processes within WYG In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Team Working Demonstrates a genuine and active concern for all Treats all people and their opinions with equal respect Publicly praises individual and team effort Supports and encourages team members Professionally facilitates resolution of disagreements between team members Defends personal position articulately and calmly in team discussions Positively seeks and builds upon input from all members of the team Pro-actively offers and encourages collaboration across Business Units

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Personal Effectiveness Demonstrates a clear sense of drive and purpose Persistently focuses on clear targets for success Persuades others to accept and change approach for the benefit of the business Sets a personal example in living the WYG values Actively builds a wide range of contacts that can support business goals Takes appropriate action to resolve conflicting situations Deals professionally with priorities, emergencies and misunderstandings Completes all personal tasks to specification and agreed timescales

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Planning and Problem Solving Establishes well constructed plans to reduce inefficiency Pro-actively identifies and manages changes required to meet company goals Utilises personal networks to resolve barriers Creates space and time to enable thorough evaluation of problem scenarios Encourages creative and different solutions as part of problem resolution process Carefully evaluates all options on a transparent risk/return basis Rigorously turns ideas and concepts into clearly defined actions Targets unacceptable performance and takes appropriate corrective action

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Commercial and Customer Focus Champions the WYG Brand when communicating with customers Actively champions "clientism" Identifies and exploits areas of opportunity within client and market Drives for profitable growth within areas of personal responsibility Maintains focus on achieving business results throughout client relationship Leads and champions continuously improved performance Actively seeks every opportunity to build mutually beneficial long-term client relationships Continuously assesses and manages risk throughout projects Always ensures the best possible outcomes for WYG in contract negotiations In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Knowledge Management Applies best practice & learning to maximise knowledge management Encourages and supports the broadening of experience and knowledge in others Demonstrates commitment to continuous learning and development Freely shares knowledge with all members of staff Maintains knowledge management systems in accordance with company policy Takes an active role in formulating business plans based on maximising knowledge exchange Regularly reviews quality of knowledge base within the team In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Innovation Champions creativity and innovative ideas Creates an environment for co-development of innovative solutions across teams Creates new and innovative ways of working that meet business needs Actively seeks and embraces new ideas from outside WYG Dares to be different Develops innovative solutions to problems

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Leadership and People Management Helps others to understand business direction Builds, directs and maintains motivated teams Leads by example, setting clear goals and expectations Empowers and coaches others to achieve their full potential Delegates appropriate responsibility and authority, enabling clear channels for action Champions uncompromising standards of excellence Acts as a change champion to challenge the business Inspires energy and enthusiasm in others

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Strategic Thinking Communicates a clear vision for the team in line with the business strategy Translates concepts and ideas into workable and tangible operational plans Aligns actions with strategic goals for the business Carefully considers the impact of a wide range of issues Demonstrates rapid understanding of key issues within an argument Considers both long term and short term effects of decisions

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

Financial Acumen Demonstrates financial and business awareness in decision-making actions Identifies step change in cost benefits from financial analysis Carefully manages budgets to achieve cost benefit of business decisions Clearly includes risk analysis as part of decision making process Displays an appropriate understanding of the company finances Ensures that the financial implications of all relevant decisions are debated and understood by the team In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton does well in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

In the box below please describe what, in your opinion, David Burton could do differently that would improve their performance in this area? (Maximum 250 chars. )

And Finally....In the box below please consider one area of development that you think would have the most positive impact on David Burton's performance over the next 12 months (Maximum 500 chars. )

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

WYG Questionnaire
Subject: David Burton, Observer: Lucian Pavel

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(c) Copyright 2004-2006 by Axis Consulting

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