Essay Hably

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my name is Muhammad Hably Hall's Law, I do n't know why many people call me with

name Abil . Figure man this born in a city small in the north Island Java nicknamed _ with the
City of Kretek, City of Industry , City of Guardians , all at once as City of Students . This thing
none other than because the Holy City is a famous city _ will industry the largest cigarette in
Indonesia, besides Becomes city industry , Kudus City is also famous with the guardians and also
the students who become referrals throughout _ corner of the world. my father is a lecturer at
the Islamic University of Indonesia, he teaching at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering , besides
Becomes figure teacher in front of student , my father also became teacher at Pondok Islamic
Boarding School . With thick religious ecosystem , I am very grateful because this body and soul
educated with disciplined and religious , and that 's what it 's capable of make me can maintain
morals and ethics in an era where money is the master of sense human . Though I born in the
Holy City, will but until moment this I live in the area special in the south Island Java , namely in
the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
I started Dive into the world of education when age three years , at a young age young
this I have yourself in a Kindergarten in the area Pandanaran . Atmosphere thick boarding
school make me more mature and disciplined . When stepping on garden child child this is mine
too still in his studies at Gadjah Mada University , so that if I go home school no direct going to
home , will but stop by the house My teacher 's name is Mrs. Siti. Funds when late afternoon
has been dating, my father is dating for pick me up .
After 2 years peddling in the garden child child . Now i level up Becomes elementary
school children . I attended Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Tempel . Though by age I belong to the
youngest between friend another friend . Because in general minimum limit for children can
follow education at the level of base is seven year . However , age _ not everything . Age not
benchmark maturity someone . That thing reflected When I was in elementary school, I always
Becomes champion class and twice served _ as chairman class . Beside Becomes chairman
class , me too often opted in various type race , ok that contest art nor olympics . Even when
class six I already help teachers to teach .
Six year long I school at _ base . I'm leaving for leave level education more high . I
continue my study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Yanbuul Quran. There I get many lesson live . And
here my patience and perseverance Correct Correct tested . Even I almost don't go to class ,
because often sick and memorizing the quran not yet can achieve the target that has been
determined . Plus Again , I entered the wrong circle of friends . because of that , here I Correct
really survive so you can continue study .
Three The years have passed , finally I can continue my studies . this time I'm Back to
city memories of 'Jogja'. I continue journey my study in the city special this . In Krapyak , south
Yogyakarta Sultanate . Here I truly can fire up. my achievements Correct Correct seen here .
Even in class ten I still carried away habit junior high school In class ten I still often playing in
internet cafes , skipping the Koran , etc. However _ Thing that change when i 11th grade and
start have dream wish . I feel here it is point come back for pick up my future , when this lah
time for Becomes Take a new one , who has high spirits for Becomes more human _ good . my
achievements skyrocketed high in class two twelve , in class this I often included competition
and frequent very get championship , from regional level and international . Even when
graduation , I get Mumtaz title . After graduating from Madrasah Aliyah Ali Maksum , I'm back
to continue my study at the Faculty medicine Islamic University of Indonesia

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