03 Activity 2

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Sismundo, Eduardo Jr. Q.



1. Compare and contrast the information presented to the three (3) case
examples found in 03 LCD Slides 1 using a table below for each case to
know their similarities and differences (total of three tables).

First Case: Magellan’s Arrival

Testimony A Testimony B
• Both testimony A and B tells that Ferdinand
Magellan arrived at the Philippines.
• Testimony A states
that Ferdinand
• While testimony B
Magellan set foot
states that, Ferdinand
on March 16, 1521.
Magellan was a
There were others
European navigator
like him who’ve
who was hailed as the
Differences been in the country
“first man to reach
the Philippines”.
• He took an
• He didn’t complete his
unknown route, the
circumnavigation due
Pacific, because
to his death in Mactan.
the Indian route
under Portugal.

Second Case: The Battle of Manila

Testimony A Testimony B
• Both testimony A and B mentioned the place San
Juan Bridge.
• On the other hand,
• Testimony A states
testimony B states that
that the incident
The Battle of Manila led
happened at the
to the Filipino-
San Juan Bridge in
American War actually
Differences happened from the
• An Englishman Pvt.
intersection of Sociego
William Grayson
and Silencio Streets.
shot and killed a
• It just eventually
Filipino lieutenant
reached San Juan
Anastacio Felix.

Third Case: Philippine Public School

Testimony A Testimony B
• Both testimony A and B states that foreign
countries introduced public school system in the
• Both testimony A and B tells that the natives was
educated by the countries that colonized the

Differences • Testimony A states • On the contrary,

that Spain installed testimony B states that
various schools to American military
educate the natives introduced the
due to the Philippine Public School
Educational Decree System.
Act of 1863.
• Creating separate • Also, with teachers
public schools for imported from the
boys and for girls. United States riding
• Manuel Luis Quezon aboard USS
attested it. Thomas.

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