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Good morning, I’m David Izaguirre and I’m in favour for the fact that without the scientific
revolution there wouldn’t have been any enlightenment.

Argument 1- If the Scientific Revolution haven’t had taken place, there wouldn’t have been
as much discoveries as the ones that took place, since humans would not have had the
freedom to investigate. After all, science talks about how powerful the mind is. 

The Scientific Revolution demonstrates the power of the human mind and the ability that
people must come to their own conclusions. Philosophers, scientists, mathematicians… grew
out thanks to this movement, as it gave a sense of liberty to an open mind and took out the
fact that knowledge was due to blind faith as it was on the past years. 

The fact that scientists had the skill to reach their own conclusions thanks to their thoughts
and research is a prime example that confirmed what the human being is capable of without
depending only on faith or beliefs.  

Values of individualism were key in the Enlightenment, but the development of thought and
free chance to share ideas was another key point that was introduced by the Scientific

Argument 2- key people from the Enlightenment were thinkers, scientists, philosophers...
which all developed thanks to the Scientific Revolution, spreading their ideas through the

The Scientific Revolution, as we said, led to the creation of many thinkers, production and
distribution, knowledge systems... 
However, we can additionally add, a little bit out of topic, that the movement was so
important that apart from impacting the Enlightenment, it impacted the Industrial Revolution
too since Newton’s three laws of motion aid stimulate the Industrial Revolution in both 18 th
and 19th century.  
Newton was a truly important thinker back in the Enlightenment that rose thanks to the
Scientific Revolution’s development of thought.

As said in Spark notes (trusted website) the most key people from the enlightenment were
Robert Boyle, Copernicus and so on, which are all thinkers, scientists, mathematicians that
were presented thanks to the movement.

Good morning, I’m David Izaguirre and I’m against the fact that without the scientific
revolution there wouldn’t have been any enlightenment.

The enlightenment was the movement on which humanity used knowledge and reasoning to
answer questions. It would have happened without the scientific revolution because the
scientific revolution helped to create the enlightenment but what really led to the
enlightenment was humanism, the increase of trading and the increase in power of the
bourgeoisie. These three things combined led to the enlightenment. Humanism gave enough
power for the people for them to make changes and start a movement. The increase in power
of the bourgeoisie made people want the power that they deserved. This is when the
enlightenment thinkers come in to play, they were a result of the people wanting to be in
equal conditions and these ideas do not need the scientific revolution to exist, Philosophers
have been thinking like this for centuries, so this was nothing new.

Voltaire: Strong monarchy limited by the parliament

Montesquieu: Separation of powers
Rousseau: Popular sovereignty

In conclusion this idea was a combination of humanism and the third estate being tired of
being treated differently created the enlightenment.

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