2515 MExam 2018-1

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MARKS : 100



2515 Main Examination - 2018

1. Answer all the questions.
2. Read all questions, passages, scenarios, etc., carefully before answering.
3. Number each answer clearly and correctly.
4. Write neatly and legibly.
5. Making use of any crib notes may lead to disqualification and disciplinary
6. Use the allocated marks as a guideline when answering questions.
7. Looking at other students’ work is strictly prohibited.

DECPPE - Diploma in Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education
2515 Main Examination - 2018


Select the correct answer from the four (4) choices provided and write down the correct letter next
to the corresponding number.

1.1. Muscles around the trunk of the body develop earlier and are stronger than muscles in the hands and
feet. This is called______________________.
A. Proximodistal development
B. Sequential growth
C. Motor development
D. Cepalocaudal development

1.2. You can encourage active free play by providing children with _____________________ to
encourage gross motor development.
A. Opportunities to engage in multiple drawing activities
B. Toys like scooters or tricycles, balls and wheelbarrows
C. Opportunities to engage in puzzle building
D. Building blocks

1.3. A form of locomotion for movement in which a child propels his/her body through the air.
A. Hanging
B. Skipping
C. Jumping
D. Leaping

1.4. ________________involve very fast jumps from one eye position to another.
A. Conjugate eye movements
B. Vestibulo-ocular movements
C. Vengeance eye movements
D. Saccadic eye movements

1.5. The following activity does not promote children’s eye-foot coordination.
A. Threading beads
B. Ball dribbling
C. Hop scotch
D. Ball kicking

DECPPE - Diploma in Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education
2515 Main Examination - 2018
1.6. Children relax if they_________________________.
A. Run around
B. Close their eyes and take a deep breath in and out
C. Engage in fast repetitive movements
D. Both B and C are correct

1.7. _____________ involves controlled use of hands and feet such as grasping, opening and
closing hands.
A. Locomotors movement
B. Non- locomotors movement
C. Manipulative movement
D. Physical development movement

1.8. ______________ is especially important around water, heights, steps, fences and small
A. Supervision
B. Jumping
C. Location
D. Emotion

1.9. Sorting activities, which involve small objects, are suitable for children from the age of
A. 6 months
B. 18 months
C. 3 years
D. 5 years

1.10. ______________ activities involve children producing rhythms using their hands, pots, pans,
spoons, drums, bells and shakers.
A. Rhythmic Hand Exercise
B. Syllable Clapping
C. Rhythm Maker
D. Percussion

1.11. ____________keeps you motivated and urges you to be prepared and alert by giving you the
drive to get things done.
A. Bad stress
B. Good stress
C. Chronic stress
D. Trauma

DECPPE - Diploma in Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education
2515 Main Examination - 2018
1.12. ______________ is a process by which you tense and then relax all the muscles in your
A. Progressive muscle relaxation
B. Stretching
C. Deep breathing exercises
D. Sleep

1.13. Ask one child to say his/her name, for example “Samantha”. The other children echo the
name by clapping out the syllables while saying the name rhythmically. This activity is
A. Syllable Drill
B. Syllable Maker
C. Syllable Clapping
D. Rhythmic Drill

1.14. When a person is relaxed, the upper body is well-balanced, with the shoulders balanced
above the hips. This position is called ______________.
A. Legged position
B. Balance
C. Dribbling
D. Torso

1.15. __________ is a special kind of rest, which allows the body to recover physically and mentally
from the demands of daily life.
A. Stretching
B. Progressive muscle relaxation
C. Sleep
D. Deep breathing exercises

1.16. One of the stress management strategies to adjust the situation is: _____________.
A. To be more assertive
B. Going for a walk
C. Using drugs occasionally
D. Taking care of your health by eating well and exercising regularly.

1.17. Which one of the following is an unhealthy way of managing stress?

A. Going for a walk
B. Procrastination
C. Having a warm cup of tea
D. Reading a book

DECPPE - Diploma in Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education
2515 Main Examination - 2018
1.18. ___________ involves moving large muscles in the body, especially the arms and legs,
consciously and deliberately.
A. Motor skills
B. Developmental skills
C. Gross motor skills
D. Fine motor skills

1.19. _______ means being excessively overweight, which is a serious health risk.
A. Growth
B. Development
C. Cognition
D. Obesity

1.20. Physical activity can improve a person’s mood, because of the “feel-good” hormones
A. Endorphins
B. Calories
C. Chemicals
D. Nutrition


DECPPE - Diploma in Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education
2515 Main Examination - 2018

QUESTION 1: Physical Development Opportunities

1.1 The physical characteristics of children determine the physical activities that you can engage them in
at the educare centre/preschool. Discuss the physical abilities of children aged 4 to 5 years old.

1.2 Children’s physical abilities and play preferences play an important role in attracting and motivating
them to engage and participate in physical activities. Distinguish between the play preferences of
learners from four to eleven months old and six to eight years old in your pre-school. (8)

1.3 Relaxation exercises can be done after children have engaged in physical activity or at any
other time during the day when you feel children need to calm down or relax.
Explain any three (3) types of relaxation exercises for children that the pre-school teacher
can choose from during the day. (6)

QUESTION 2: Developing large motor muscles

2.1 Climbing and jumping are examples of activities to stimulate gross motor development in the
child’s development. Discuss four (4) ways in which pre-school teachers can promote the
development of children’s large motor movements with reference to:
(a) Climbing (6)
(b) Jumping (6)

2.2 Study the illustrations below and respond to the questions that follow:

Figure 1 Figure 2

DECPPE - Diploma in Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education
2515 Main Examination - 2018
a) Explain the difference between eye-hand an eye-feet coordination. (4)
b) Identify the type of activity (game) that the children are playing in Figure 1. (1)
c) Identify the type of activity (game) that the children are playing in Figure 2. (1)
d) Which coordination ability is being practised by the children in Figure 1? (1)
e) Which coordination ability is being practised by the children in Figure 2? (1)

QUESTION 3 Developing fine motor muscles

3.1. Stringing beads provides children with opportunities to practise their pincer grasp.
Explain how pre-school teachers can promote stringing beads and lacing activities to practise
the pincer grasp of children in their daily activities. (8)

3.2. In order to help children develop their eye movements we can do physical activities that require them
to follow moving objects with their eyes and react accordingly. Describe the following activities to
improve eye movement.
a) Balloon activities (4)
b) Bubble blowing (4)

3.3. Figure 3 illustrates rhythmic hand exercises you can ask children to engage in because it offers great
enjoyment. Discuss how you will introduce these exercises in your daily lessons. (4)


DECPPE - Diploma in Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education
2515 Main Examination - 2018
QUESTION 4: Symptoms of a Relaxed- and Tense Body

4.1. Explain the concepts ‘Acute’ and ‘Chronic’ stress and use appropriate examples. (8)

4.2. Stress can affect anyone who feels overwhelmed - even children. In fact, children often suffer
in silence. Explain how the pre-school teacher can help children manage stress. (5)

4.3. Read the scenario and then respond to the questions that follow:

Ms Tami is a qualified pre-school teacher at a local pre-school and she has been
employed there for six months. She has just been called to see her supervisor as
her colleagues have reported that she is frequently tearful and unable to contribute to
activities. She isolates herself most of the time. Her supervisor, Ms Heelu, wants to
know why she is so emotional and tearful. Initially Ms Tami does not respond, but finally
says that she does not like the atmosphere at the educare centre. There is a lot of
backstabbing among the staff and she feels that one colleague even makes fun of one
particular child. When Ms Heelu asks her to give more information about the fun-making
episodes, Ms Tami bursts into tears and asks if she can go home as she cannot cope
any more.

a) According to the case study, identify the stressors that contribute to Ms Tami’s unhappiness.
b) This case study reveals that Ms Tami is struggling with matters at her school. What type of
advice could Ms Heelu offer to Ms Tami on how to avoid unnecessary stress and adjust to the
situation? (4)
SECTION B: [80 Marks]


DECPPE - Diploma in Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education

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