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4330 October 25, 1952 NATURE 713

of the University of Pretoria, and Dr. J. Murray, Most of the bacteria grow well on the corresponding
South African Institute for Medical Research. disaccha.ride. Some of the apparent exceptions are
GORDON STIVEN under investigation.
Department of Botany, The following scheme of maltose decomposition in
University of the Witwatersrand, natural surface waters is proposed, this being a.ddi-
Johannesburg. April 15. tional to those alrea.dy known :
i Paeudomonas
Microbiological Decomposition of Malto- l obllgate aerobic micro-organisms
and Lacto-bionate Glucose and gluconate
Stodola and Lockwood1 , and Kluyver, De Ley and unidentified pathway.
Rijven2, demonstrated that several species of
Pseud,omonaa are able to oxidize maltose and lactose The large number of strains observed suggests that
to the corresponding malto- and lacto-bionic acid, by this pathway for the metabolism of maltose may be
oxidation of the reducing group of the disaccharide, quite important in Nature.
without breaking the oxygen bridge. Some strains of A full account of these and related results will be
Pseooomonas consume the calcium salt of these acids published elsewhere. We also hope to publish a
slowly•. Pseud,omonas is a common surface inhabitant preliminary investigation of the enzymatic mech-
of several natural waters, so it is likely that under anism in the near future. We are indebted to Sandoz,
these natural conditions these cells may convert Ltd. (Switzerland), for a generous gift of lactobionate.
maltose from polysaccharides (formation of lactose is M. BERNAERTS
improbable) into the corresponding acid. It seemed Central Laboratory,
to be of interest to ascertain what kind of micro- Ministry of Economic Affairs,
organisms are endowed with the ability to consume Brussels.
maltobionate, with the view of getting an idea of J. DE LEY
the importance of this decomposition process in Biochemical Laboratory,
Nature. Lactobionate was included in view of a Veterinary College,
future study of the enzymatic mechanism of its State University, Ghent.
breakdown. April 12.
Petri dishes, containing agar, with potassium, 'Stodola, F., and Lockwood, L., J. Bwl. C"8m., 171, 218 (1947).
ammonium and magnesium sulphates, yeast ex- • Kluyver, A. J., De Ley, J., and Rljven, A., .Ant. v. IMuWMllloak
J. Microb. Sero!., 17, 1 (1951).
tract, calcium carbonate and a calcium bionate,
were inoculated with ditch- and. river-water,
stagnant water, soil, humus, dune-sand, etc., Deoxyribonucleic Acid Content of
and incubated, usually at 25°-30° C., one set
aerobically, another anaerobically. Growth in Haploid and Diploid Aspergillus Conidia
anaerobic conditions was scanty, and only a few In 1948, Boivin, Vendrely and Vendrely 1 suggested
colonies developed on bionates. On the other hand, that thf;l somatic nuclei of a vertebrate species may
there was a luxurious aerobic growth on bionates contain a fixed amount of deoxyribonucleic acid that
and a great variety of microfl.ora developed. Of is double the amount present in thf;l germ cells. Since
these, more than sixty strains have been isolated and then, a considerable volume of evidence has been
investigated. These strains quickly consume malto- obtained to support this view 2 3 • Some apparent
or lacto-bionate, or both, in a liquid culture medium exceptions, such as rat liver, have been found, but
when incubated for plentiful aeration in a shaking these can be explained by the presence of nuclei with
device in an incubator room at their optimal tempera- different degrees of 'ploidy'. The evidence is con-
ture. The consumption of bionates was determined sistent with the view that in resting nuclei a specific
by the titrimetric method of Kluyver, De Ley and amount of deoxyribonucleic acid is associated with
Rijven•. The accompanying list indicates the bacteria each set of chromosomes•.
found (nomenclature according to "Bergey", 6th In vertebrate tissues it is difficult to make sure
edit. ; quantitative data will be published elsewhere) : that a tissue has a population of nuclei homogeneous
Escherichiajreundii or intermedium; Paracolobactrum in respect of the number of chromosome sets. There-
aerogeno'l.des ; Aerobacter aerogenes ; Aerobacter fore we have thought it of use to investigate the
cloacre ; Serratia plymuthicum ; Alcaligenes jrecalis ; deoxyribonucleic acid content of conidia of diploid
Achromobacter sp.; Flavobacterium sp.; Ooryne- and haploid strains of Aspergillus nidulans•. These
bacterium simplex and helvolum ; PseooomornM conidia are uninuclea.te ; genetic and cytological
?uorescens and sp. ; Bacillus megatherium and evidence shows that in different strains the nuclei
eirculans. Several other bacteria, as yet unidentified, are either diploid or haploid, and in the conidia the able to consume malto- and/or la.cto-bionate. nuclei are all uniformly in one _stage, presumably the
Usually several different strains of the same micro- resting stage. The volumes of the diploid and
organism were isolated. E. coli strains unable to haploid conidia are••• in the ratio of 2 : 1.
consume ma.ltobionate ; some decompose lacto- Two haploid strains were used : the wild type
bionate slowly. Most of the above-mentioned strains (+, green conidia) and a mutant strain (w11) with
decompose both biona.tes. Only maltobionate can white conidia7 • Two diploid strains heterozygous
be broken down under anaerobic conditions by some for known markers were prepared•: one with green
strains of Aerobacter. The following moulds decompose conidia (w11 lys/00 1 y) and the other with white
ma.ltobionate: Penicillium sp.; Hormodendrum conidia (28-a). The latter strain was obtained
cladosporoides ; Aspergillus sp. ; Fusarium merism- through somatic recombination6•8 from a green diploid
o'l,d,es, avenaceum and oxysporum. It is remarkable (wn paba 1 biJoo, y). Cultures were grown on a
that no yeasts were detected. minimal agar medium containing glucose and mineral

© 1952 Nature Publishing Group

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