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The Application of Decision Support System by Using Fuzzy SAW Method in

Determining the Feasibility of Electrical Installations in Customer's House

Article  in  International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics · July 2018


19 592

8 authors, including:

Andino Maseleno Alicia Y.C. Tang

Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)

Moamin A Mahmoud Marini Othman

Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) INTI International University


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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Volume 119 No. 16 2018, 4277-4286
ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue



Andino Maseleno1*, Alicia Y.C. Tang1, Moamin A. Mahmoud1, Marini Othman1, Suntiaji
Yudo Negoro2, Soukaina Boukri3,Shankar K.4, Satria Abadi2, Muhamad Muslihudin2

Institute of Informatics and Computing Energy, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia
Department of Information Systems STMIK Pringsewu, Lampung, Indonesia
University Mohammed VI Emines, Morocco
School of Computing, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, India

*Corresponding author E-mail:,

Decision Support System is a way or action of the leader to help in solving a problem encountered by choosing
one of the possible alternatives. In this study, we used Fuzzy Logic to determine the criteria and the desired
weight in determining the installed extension to the customer's house, based on the criteria that exist in National
Committee of Safety for Electrical Installation. In decision-making, we also used VisualBasic NET
programming language. The calculation results obtained with the highest value is V5 is the circuit breaker with
the total value = 3.

Keywords :Decision Support System, Feasibility of Household, Electrical Installations

Many people who have not realized how important electrical installations are installed in their
homes should be using materials that have good quality [1][2]. In addition, the quality of electrical
installation is highly dependent on the implementation and application of standard electrical installation
regulations [3][4]. The purpose of the enforcement of the regulation is to ensure the safety of people,
livestock and property, as well as the main terms of providing electricity can be implemented safely,
reliably and environmentally friendly [5][6].
Currently, the installation of electrical installations in many customers' homes does not meet the
standard of applicability, as many perpetrators take advantage of people's ignorance about it in order to
get the most benefit from customers on the pretext that in the customer's home there is electricity [7][8] ,
while the material which is installed does not meet the operating standard. As time passes and the
increasing electricity needs, electrical installation of the customer's home also changes, both in quality
and quantity, it affects the goodness of the installation and the safety of the user [9][10][11]. It can be
estimated that in general the customer is not an expert in the field of electricity. As a result of the non-
feasible electrical installation, it can cause an accident.

Based on the above problem, what will be appointed is How Decision Support System is able to
determine the installation of electricity that installed in the customer's home already meets the operating
standard or not based on the existing criteria in National Committee of Safety for Electrical Installation,
and How the implementation of Decision Support System with Visual Basic Net programming

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


In order that the structure of this paper does not come out of the subject matter, the scope of the
discussion is limited to:
1. General criteria used in determining the feasibility standard of electrical installation operation.
2. The method used was Simple Additive Weighting.
3. This Decision Support System can be used to help the building owner know that the installed
electrical installation generally meets the feasibility standard or not.


The purpose of this study was to know about the Decision Support System on National Committee for
Safety Electrical Installation in determining whether good or not of the electrical installation in the
customer's home.


For National Committee for SafetyElectrical Installation can be used as a tool in making decisions in
particular to determine the feasibility of electrical installations in general, which can improve
performance in National Committee for Safety Electrical Installation. Researchers and the general public
can understand how to make decisions when it comes to installing electrical installations by the installer
bureau, and know the criteria to be met so that when inspected by the National Committee for Safety
Electrical Installation team, it is declared eligible to be issued a Certificate of Operation Feasibility

The methodologies used in this application are as follows:
1. Library Research.
This writing begins with literature study that is the process of collecting reference materials, either
from books, articles, journals, papers, or Internet sites about the method of Simple Additive
Weighting and several other references to support the achievement of research goals.
2. Browsing.
Make observations to various websites on the Internet which provide information that supports and
relevant to the problems in making this system.
3. Designing the system
The design is a User Interface and program structure of decision support systems in determining the
feasibility of electrical installation.
4. Analysis and Test. At this stage will be analyzed the focus of research problems, whether it is
appropriate as desired. Then will be tested the system, to look for errors so that can be improved.
5. System Implementation. The system is implemented in the form of software using Microsoft Visual
Basic.Net 2010 programming language.

The system is a circuit that includes hardware, software, and peripheral devices that work together into a
unity or combination of elements that form a complex unity [12][13]. The system is a cell elements or
components joined together by a certain form of relationship. The components are interconnected with
each other and form a unified whole.


Decision Support System is defined as a system capable of giving ability, both problem solving ability
and communications capability for the structured problem [14][15].
Decision support system consists of 3 main components or subsystem, namely:
1. Data Base Subsystem
Data subsystem is a component of decision support system as a data provider for the system. Data is
stored in a database that organized by a system that is Database Management System. The database
in the decision support system is derived from two sources: internal sources (within organizations or
companies) and external sources (from organizations or companies).

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

2. Model Base Subsystem

The model is an imitator of the real world. Processing of various models is done in the model base.
The storage of models in the model base is done flexibly to help the user in modifying and refining
the model.
3. Dialogue Subsystem (User System Interface)
Dialogue subsystem is a facility that is able to integrate the system installed with the user
interactively. Through this dialogue subsystem, the system is articulated and implemented so that
users can communicate with the designed system. Application of decision support systems use data,
provide an easy user interface and can incorporate decision-making thinking. Decision support
systems are intended to support management in performing analytical work in less structured
situations and with less obvious criteria.


Basically, the MADM process is performed through 3 stages, namely the preparation of situation
components, analysis, and synthesis of information. At the stage of preparing the situation components,
an estimate table will be established which contains alternative identification and objective specification,
criteria and attributes.Stage analysis is performed through 2 steps. First, bringing in estimates of potential
magnitudes, possibilities, and uncertainties related to possible impacts on each alternative. Second,
includes selection of decision-making preferences for each value, and indifference to risks arising.
Similarly, there are several ways to determine the decision maker's preference on any consequences that
can be made in the second step. The simplest method is to lower the weight of the attribute and the
criterion by the utility function or weighted sum [16].
In general, the MADM Model can be defined as follows: Let A = {ai | i = 1, ..., n | } is the set of
decision alternatives and C = {cj | j = 1, ..., m | } is the expected set of goals, it will be determined that the
xo alternatrive has the highest degree of expectation on the relevant goals of cj. Most of the MADM
approaches are conducted through two steps: first, aggregate responses to all objectives on each
alternative; second, make alternative decisions based on the results of decision aggregation. The Multi-
Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model is to evaluate alternatives Ai (i = 1,2, ..., m) to a set of
attributes or criteria Cj (j = 1,2, ..., n), where each attribute is independent of each other. The decision
matrix of each alternative to each attribute, X, is given as.

Where xij is the alternative performance rating i-th to the j-th attribute. The weight value indicates the
relative importance of each attribute, given as, W:

W = { w1, w2, … , wn } (1)

The performance rating (X), and the weighted value (W) are the primary values that represent the
absolute preferences of the decision maker. The MADM issue ends with the ranking process to get the
best alternative that is earned based on the overall value of the given preference.


The SAW method is often also known as the weighted summing method. The basic concept of the SAW
method is to find the weighted sum of performance ratings on each alternative of all attributes.The SAW
method requires the process of normalizing the decision matrix (X) to a scale that comparable to all
existing alternative ratings. Normalized performance of alternative Ai on attribute Cj; i = 1,2, ..., m and j
= 1,2, ..., n. The preference value for each alternative (Vi) is given as:


A larger value of Vi indicates that Ai alternatives are preferred.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


Lighting installation is an electrical installation that provides electrical power for lighting purposes
(lamps) and household appliances. According to PUIL 200 household installations (domestic) is the
installation of electricity with voltage to earth as high as 300 Volt for residential, shops, office space,
hotels and so on, and used for lighting and household purposes. While the installation of electrical power
is the installation of electrical equipment components to serve the change of electrical energy into
mechanical and chemical power.

Many criteria are used in decision making on problems in standardization of electrical installation
feasibility. One of them is utilizing a method that can determine the best alternative ranking order of
several types of installation techniques of household electrical installation and criteria installed on the
customer's home. The method is part of multicriteria method that is Simple Additive Weighting method.
To determine the various electrical installations that meet the minimum feasibility standards.
The criteria are as follows:
1. Installation design
2. Grounding
3. Materials used
4. Conductor interconnection
5. Circuit breaker
Based on the selection steps to determine the result of selection by using Simple Additive Weighting
method, then that must be performed to give the value of each alternative (Ai) on each criterion (Cj) that
has been determined.

a.Installation design
The installation designvariable consists of two multi-attribute numbers, that is matching to the installed
or not as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Installation design

Criterion Name Value Name Value
Installation design Not match 0
Match 1

In the grounding variable consists of two multiattribute numbers, that is, exists or does not exist as shown
in Table 2.

Table 2. Grounding
Criterion Name Value Name Value
Grounding Not exist 0
Exist 1

c.Materials used
In the materials used variable consists of two multi-attribute numbers, namely SNI, or Non-SNI as shown
in Table 3.

Table 3. Materials used

Criterion Name Value name Value
Materials used Non-SNI 0

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

d.Conductor Interconnection
In the conductor interconnection variable consists of two numbers of Multi Attribute, that is Good, or
Not Good as shown in Table 4.

Table 4.Conductor Interconnection

Criterion Name Value name Value
Conductor Interconnection Not Good 0
Good 1

e.Circuit Breaker
In the circuit breaker variable consists of two Multi-Attribute numbers, which are matching or not
matching as shown in Table 5.

Table 5.Circuit Breaker

Criterion Name Value Name Value
Circuit Breaker Not match 0
Match 1

The case to be tested was a case to determine the feasibility of a customer's home installation with
450VA, 900VA, 1300 VA power. Table 6 shows match rating of each alternative on each criteria.

Table 6.Match rating of each alternative on each criteria

Alternatives Criteria
450 VA 900 VA 1300 VA
Intallation 0 0 1
Grounding 0 1 1
Materials 0 1 1
Interconnection 0 1 1
CB 1 1 1

In this system used the same attribute that is maximal so that the preference weights that have the same
value as follows: W = {0, 1}. After preference weight was determined, matrix was made based on
weighted tables.

After that it was normalized to X matrix, based on the equation of Sample Additive Weighting method as

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

a. Calculation of Power 450 VA

b. Calculation of Power 900 VA

c. Calculation of Power 1300 VA

From the above calculation obtained normalized matrix R as follows:

Then the rating process used the preference weight that has been determined.

V1 = (0)(0) + (0)(0) + (1)(1) = 1

V2 = (0)(0) + (1)(1) + (1)(1) = 2
V3 = (0)(0) + (1)(1) + (1)(1) = 2
V4 = (0)(0) + (1)(1) + (1)(1) = 2
V5 = (1)(1) + (1)(1) + (1)(1) = 3

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

From the above calculation results obtained with the highest value is V 5 is the circuit breaker with the
total value = 3.Thus the grounding, materials and interconnection are the next important point in
determining the standard of installation feasibility.

The above case will be implemented directly into the software that has been built. Figure 1 is the data
input process performed by the owner of the house, where the customer is required to choose the
electrical power installed first, and the type of installation in accordance with the installation conditions
installed in the customer's home. In Figure 2 after the customer determines the amount of electrical power
and installation type installed in his house, then the home owner fills the data in accordance with the
installation installed in his house. In Figure 3 after the customer finished filling the data on the form
displayed, then when pressing the "CEK ... !!!" button, the customer will know that the installed
installation at home has met the minimum standards of electrical installation feasibility or not, and if not
meet the standard, then there will be a notice to the customer what things are the cause of the installation
becomes not standard, and how to handle it.

Figure 1. Data Installation Form.

Figure 2. Data Installation Filling Form.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 3.Installation Check Results Form.

The standardization of electrical installation in every home is important to note, because the danger
caused by non-standard electrical installation is very difficult to handle.People have to know and
conscious and change the pattern of life that always rule out the security of electrical installation.With this
Decision Support System, it is expected to facilitate general customers to know about the condition of
electrical intallation installed in their homes. This system is also expected to provide information to
customers about what things are the factors of ineligibility of an electrical installation, and provide advice
to overcome it. Some suggestions that the author can be performed with regard to research that has been
performed, namely 1) Application of decision support system in determining the feasibility of electrical
installation of residential house so that it can be used by all people, both general people, and who already
know, through android-based mobile media. 2) Decision support system can be downloaded for free
online. 3) A new decision support system may be created that combine expert systems and/or use other

This work is supported by Institute of Informatics and Computing Energy, UniversitiTenagaNasional,
Malaysia. Reference: GeranPenyelidikanDalaman J510050730. We gratefully appreciate this support.


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