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What is school mapping? Identify its major characteristics which help planner while doing
school mapping.


The process of "school mapping" involves estimating local future educational needs and
determining what needs to be done to meet them. The Pakistani government has implemented
numerous reforms in the education sector, with a focus on school management in particular.
Mathur asserts that management relies on controlling the available resources to accomplish the
desired goal. Even the majority of managers are unaware of or have a limited knowledge of
efficient planning. The placement of the institutions is a key consideration in the planning
process for the education sector. "School Mapping" is the name of the location planning method
used in education. It entails locating the neighbourhoods and locations where the educational
facilities that are suggested in the PLAN are to be built. It takes a methodical effort to situate
educational facilities such that the intended age groups of the population may utilize them to
their fullest potential.

Spatial and demographic dimensions are included into the planning process for education
through school mapping. Where to site educational facilities is the main subject that the school
mapping exercise addresses. The location of educational institutions is determined by the rules
and criteria established by the government. Many geographical regions may be suitable for the
creation of new schools, even within the norms and criteria. The use of school mapping
techniques allows us to pinpoint the best locations for schools or alternatives to them, allowing
more students to benefit from a given level of expenditure. By balancing out the current
inequalities in the distribution of educational facilities, school mapping's main goal is to establish
educational opportunities for all students. All levels of education may be planned with the help
of this method. However, planning for facilities at the required levels of education uses it more
frequently. Location of alternatives to formal schools is included in the school mapping activity,
which is not limited to finding formal schools.

This stage has recently been referred to as "school-mapping." The gerund "mapping" indicates
that it is an activity and should not be confused with "school map." The notion and the original
name, "carte scolaire," are commonly used in French- and Spanish-speaking nations. The
dynamic process of locating the communities and locations of the educational institutions
specified in the plan is known as "school mapping." Due of the historical association between
educational institutions and schools, the phrases have only really been used in the context of
school-mapping . Thus, educational planners have been working to expand the definition of
school mapping to include educational mapping during the past ten years.

This does not imply that one idea displaces another. For all intents and purposes, school mapping
and instructional mapping will continue to be separate pursuits, each with a different usefulness
value, goal, and course. The inquiry technique for school mapping is identical to that for
educational mapping, and the end product is diverse.

 It will create a list of the society's overall educational needs (or learning needs);
 It will create an inventory of the educational facilities that are currently available;
 It will reveal which ones are used or underused;
 It will offer guidelines for how the facilities can be recognized by redistribution of either
the facilities themselves or their users;
 It will allow for the provision of new facilities where they can be used.

But the primary distinction is that specific goals and objectives are frequently focused on finding
locations for schools, classrooms, labs, etc. The next result of the school-mapping activity is the
evaluation of use-efficiency, reorganization and redistribution of facilities, and maximization of

Scope of School Mapping

The distribution of non-formal educational facilities should be included in school mapping as

well, given the current developments in non-formal education in areas including literacy
programmes, post-literacy courses, vocations training, and adult education. The following
specific areas for facility expansion and improvement are covered by the school mapping

1. Rationalization of current facilities, including

 best use of teaching and non-teaching employees,

 buildings, equipment, furnishings, etc.,
 as well as relocation, closure, or merging of institutions.

2. Providing new or extra facilities using the following methods:

 Opening new schools or renovating existing ones;

 Hiring more teaching and non-teaching personnel;
 Providing new or extra buildings, furniture, and equipment in institutions.

Thus, school mapping serves the dual purposes of ensuring better educational opportunity equity
and, concurrently, optimizing the use of existing facilities in an effort to make the best use of the
few material and human resources.

School Mapping Activity

The last stage of planning include choosing where (in what neighbourhood or region) the school,
labs, workshops, and other educational facilities will be built or made available. This is when the
physical facilities that are to be supplied under the plan are actually situated or sited. The current
stock of data at the EMIS centre or cell should be taken into consideration while undertaking this
activity to minimize duplication. It is proposed that a comprehensive school mapping activity be
carried out in each district, encompassing school and non-school based data. To guarantee that
the needs of school mapping as a tool for the in-depth study of the current condition of the
district can be adequately addressed, establish tight links with other government agencies like the
Ministry of Defence, Natural Resources or Environment, Census, Planning Office, and others.
Additionally, this will increase and refresh the EMIS centres' and cells' existing data stock .

Purpose of School Mapping

The distribution of non-formal educational facilities should be included in school mapping as

well, given the current developments in non-formal education in fields including literacy
programmes, post-literacy courses, vocations training, and adult education. The following
specific areas for facility expansion and improvement are covered by the school mapping

1. Rationalization of current facilities,

 including best use of teaching
 non-teaching employees,
 buildings, equipment, furnishings, etc.,
 as well as relocation, closure, or merging of institutions.
2. The creation of new or extra facilities by the following actions:
 Opening new schools or renovating existing ones;
 Hiring more teaching and non-teaching personnel;
 Creating new or extra buildings, furniture, and equipment in institutions.

Thus, school mapping serves the dual purposes of ensuring better educational opportunity equity
and, concurrently, optimizing the use of existing facilities in an effort to make the best use of the
few material and human resources.


Discuss various elements and factors which affect the decision making. How decision
education system can be more rational.


Determinants of Decision-Making
The following is a list of some of the variables and personal traits that influence decision-makers.
At higher management levels, some aspects are more crucial than at lower ones, and vice versa.

Decisions that are Programmed vs. Non-Programmed

Managers use well-defined parameters and criteria for making programmed choices, which are
made under predictable conditions. The choices are well stated, and the problems are properly
organized. By following set policy directions, regulations, and processes, issues are resolved and
decisions are carried out. In unusual situations, non-programmed decisions are the norm, and the
outcomes of such actions are frequently unanticipated. Managers deal with poorly organized
issues. These issues call for a custom-mode solution, which is often handled by the highest

Non-programmed choices include those to open a new firm, combine with another company, or
shut down a facility. For instance, Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak weren't sure there would be
a market for the first Apple microprocessor when they unveiled it in 1978. A significant rival to
IBM systems nowadays is the Apple Macintosh computer.

Inputs for information

For making decisions, it is crucial to have complete and precise knowledge about the
circumstances; else, the decision's quality would decline. However, it is important to
acknowledge that each person has some mental limitations that restrict the quantity of
information he can process effectively.


Our perceptual processes add prejudice and bias into our decision-making, which might lead to
poor choices. First, because perception is so selective, only certain kinds of information reach
our senses because we only accept what we choose to receive. Second, as perception is largely
subjective, information is often twisted to conform to our pre-existing attitudes, beliefs, and
values. For instance, a preconceived notion that a specific individual or organization is truthful or
dishonest, a reliable or unreliable source of information, slow to deliver or on time, may have a
significant impact on the decision-objectivity maker's and the decision's quality.

Cognitive Restrictions

The human brain, which is where thinking, creativity, and decision-making come from, has
certain capacity limitations. For instance, with the exception of a few special situations, our
memory is short-term and can hold only a limited number of concepts, words, and symbols.
Additionally, we are only capable of doing a finite amount of computations in our minds, and it
is challenging to weigh all available options before making a decision.
Your pupils must learn about several aspects that affect decision-making in order to develop into
excellent decision-makers. The way decisions are made is influenced by a variety of factors,
including behaviour style, courage, and personal beliefs.

The following are some variables that may affect your choice of lessons for your students:

1. Personality type

2. Figures of authority

3. Courage

4. Too much detail

5. Your personal principles

Personality Type

Decision-making tendencies are influenced by behavioural patterns. Following the 8-step

decision-making process, for instance, is simple if there are enough resources and time available.
However, individuals with particular behavioural patterns have a propensity to act impulsively or
emotionally under pressure. Some people have a tendency to act swiftly because they frequently
follow their initial instincts or impressions of a situation. Impulsive decision-making may result
in some really poor choices. On the other side, some individuals could make judgments very
slowly and frequently take longer than the allotted time. Even if the choice is the right one, it
won't be the right one if it is too late to fix the issue. Even under pressure, sticking to the
procedure will help you avoid making a poor choice.

Governmental figures

Not every choice we make is our own. Understanding when and to whom decision-making
authority should be given is crucial. However, before giving someone such authority, be sure
they have the knowledge and abilities necessary to make a wise choice.


In order to make wise decisions, one needs courage or bravery. To follow through on decisions
requires a lot of bravery and confidence. Before you can persuade people to agree with your
choice, you must be confident in what you are doing. Knowing how to make decisions will
enable you have the assurance and bravery to carry them out and motivate others to do the same.

Far too much data

Making a decision based on more specific knowledge is not always preferable. In reality, having
too much knowledge may have the opposite effect and impede decision-making. We don't
always employ our creative brain processes as we should because of all the information that is
easily accessible to us nowadays via the internet. Instead of adopting fresh and creative
perspectives, this may result in conclusions that are based on facts. We could also think that
having more information makes decision-making more accurate. Simply said, this is untrue. The
finest decision-makers are really those that apply their ingenuity to discover the best answer
rather than just relying on the facts. your individual values

Knowing your values will help you better understand your conduct. You must realize that your
beliefs influence your attitudes, which influence your feelings, which influence your feelings,
which influence your conduct. It's vital to apply your value system while making decisions. It is
more probable that you will make the best decisions for you when they align with your beliefs. 


What do you understand by communication? How do different channels of communication

affect the working efficiency of an organization?

Transferring information from one location, person, or group to another is the act of
communication. Every communication has a sender, a message, and a recipient at a minimum.
Although it can seem straightforward, communication is actually a highly complicated topic.
There are a wide variety of factors that might influence how a message is sent from the sender to
the recipient. These include our feelings, the surrounding cultural context, the communication
method, and even our geographic location. Accurate, effective, and clear communication is
actually quite difficult, which is why companies all over the world place such a high value on
these abilities.

Communicating Clearly

Describe communication. Information is sent and received during communication, which can
take place face-to-face, over a communication device, or between individuals or groups of
people. Senders must convey their ideas or encode a message in order for communication to take
place. The receiver is the individual who gets this communication, and it is up to the receiver to
decipher or interpret it. Although it seems straightforward, this is more difficult. Language is a
system of signs and symbols that is unique to the society that speaks and writes it. An grasp of
common concepts and a common language are necessary for effective communication.

It's also crucial to keep in mind that a recipient can perceive what a sender sends in a different
way than what the sender meant, but this is less probable if the two parties speak the same
language and have similar cultural backgrounds.


It is impossible to exaggerate the value of communication. After all, without the capacity for
communication, culture, society, and civilization cannot exist. Good communication helps us
satisfy our wants, develops rules and regulations that aid in the structure of society, aids people
in finding and keeping jobs, gives them information and direction, and transmits cultural
traditions, norms, and values. It also prevents wars and misunderstandings. There are two
proverbs regarding communication to remember: Since we are always communicating, even
subconsciously, it is impossible to refrain from doing so. Once anything has been said, it cannot
be undone (i.e. be careful how and what you communicate)

Communication Forms

There are several means of communication. Because language is so established in society, there
will be a wide range of communication forms and modes. The following list of common forms of
communication is provided:

1. Verbal
This is verbal, spoken language, which encompasses formal vs informal language, as well as the
language and words used, as well as the tone, cadence, and pace with which they are spoken.
2. Nonverbal
Aspects of this sort of communication include posture, eye contact, facial emotions, and kinesics
(gestures) (eye movements and behavior). Nonverbal forms of communication include American
Sign Language (ASL), an officially recognized language.

3. Visual
Social media has given the globe access to a kind of visual communication that must unite us on
a global scale. The way we connect with one another has changed as a result of social media
platforms like Zoom, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and many others. Signs and symbols that
convey ideas as well as the use of audiovisual aids in presentations are examples of other types
of visuals.

4. Written
This type of communication takes many different forms, including emails, messages, and plain
old pen and paper.

5. Listening Actively
This sort of communication is crucial because it fosters and directs communication by
considering what has been said and replying to the sender thoughtfully and deliberately to show
that the receiver has paid attention to what has been said.

Communication Styles

Any of the above described communication kinds can be used in a variety of communication
styles. Here is a list of a few.

An organization's internal communication may influence the work being done in a variety of
ways, and by developing a better knowledge of communication, businesses can take advantage
of this influence. The fundamental concepts for comprehending communication and how it
influences the workplace are listed below.

1. Statistics on Workplace Communication

2. Communication Methods

3. The Communication Flow

4. Enhanced Communication

1. Statistics on Workplace Communication

One of the most crucial elements in the success of a business is effective communication.
Effective customer communication increases customer happiness, thus communication goes
beyond only between coworkers. Beyond customer happiness, businesses that use good
communication techniques are nearly 50% more likely to have employee turnover rates that are
below average. An organization will benefit from successful communication, while inadequate
communication might have considerably more detrimental side effects. 4,000 professionals were
asked about workplace communications in a poll by HR Magazine. Results showed that 46% of
participants routinely get unclear or ambiguous instructions, and 36% of participants said that
this occurs up to three times each day. According to estimates, confusing instructions cost
workers 40 minutes each day on average in lost productivity. Basex Inc. discovered that dealing
with disruptions takes up 28% of the typical employee's day, costing American firms upwards of
$900 billion annually.

In a different research by the Computing Technology Industry Association, 28% of 1,000

professionals said that a lack of effective communication was to blame for projects not being
finished on time. According to an inter-company research, an 18% variation in employee
absence rates was caused directly by variances in management and employee communication.
Learning to comprehend and employ communication in the workplace can aid to prevent such
problems after viewing some of the effects that it has on a business.

2. Communication Methods

Face-to-face contact is typically the most productive method of communication among

employees since it enables the clear sharing of thoughts and ideas. Face-to-face communication
is not always available, which presents a difficulty that necessitates the adoption of other
techniques. Written notes, phone conversations, emails, and text messages are all standard forms
of communication, but an increasing number of businesses are starting to use social media and
blogs as well. Organizations may work more productively and efficiently by employing
numerous communication channels successfully. Good nonverbal communication is just as vital
as effective verbal communication, which is something that many individuals do not know.
Despite what coworkers may be saying, body language is one of the finest indications of
nonverbal communication since it may reveal their true moods and thoughts. Coworker morale
can be impacted by nonverbal cues, such as when someone is delivering a presentation about a
project and they glance around and see that, Everyone is slouching in their chairs and not looking
each other in the eye, which might make them feel as though their job isn't good enough. The
employee would feel successful if you took the other approach and ensured that everyone was
paying attention and making eye contact during the presentation. It's crucial to interact with
clients outside of the workplace and get their opinions. For consumer feedback, many businesses
use social media, comment cards, and satisfaction questionnaires. Receiving consumer feedback
makes it simpler to comprehend and satisfy their demands and wants.

3. Communication Flow
Within an organization, communication can flow in one of five ways: downward, upward,
lateral, diagonal, and external. Communication that travels from upper to lower levels of an
organization, or down the chain of command, is referred to as downward communication. Give
directions, provide comments on a worker's performance, and explain the nature of their position
and how it relates to the business.

• Expressing the organization's mission and vision.

Group meetings, organizational publications, circulars, letters to workers, and other channels all
contribute to this communication flow. In order to be successful, it is important that:

• Establish a clear goal.

• Ensure that the message is clear, precise, and correct.

• Verify that the method being employed is the one that is most appropriate for communicating
the message.

Employees may keep a clear direction for what they are doing and have a comprehensive grasp
of the role they play when this is done correctly, which will enhance productivity and reduce
frustration. Employee thoughts and ideas may be expressed through upward communication,
which travels from lower to higher levels of a company and aids in relaying the value of
downward communication. Employees are given a voice through upward communications,
allowing them to express their complaints, thoughts, and suggestions for the company. This
enables managers to resolve any difficulties and maintain a nice work environment. The
Grievance Redressal System, the Complaint/Suggestion Box, face-to-face interactions, etc. are
used to support this communication. When used effectively, this leads to more devoted workers
who feel like they have a voice and can take some ownership within the company. Within an
organization, lateral communication occurs at the same level of hierarchy and is used to:

 Save time,
 Facilitate task coordination
 Foster employee cooperation,
 Address organizational issues,
 And disseminate information.
 Deal with conflicts
Effective lateral communication fosters teamwork and improves relationships with coworkers.
Coworkers often become closer as a result of this communication since it helps them in the
workplace emotionally and socially. When a manager collaborates with staff members from a
different department or work group, this is known as diagonal communication. This is used when
a project spans numerous departments or when a management is developing a training module
and working with staff members from other departments to ensure that the training is accurate. A
cohesive organization is a result of effective diagonal communication, which also helps avoid
any potential misunderstandings that can arise along the communication chain.

A management will communicate with an external group, such as vendors, suppliers, banks, etc.,
through external communication. Through this communication, the organisation is able to make
sure that everything is available to enable proper operation.

4. Boosting Interaction

It is crucial that all members of an organization, from the top down, improve their
communication abilities for it to succeed. Lack of good communication procedures within a
business may be problematic on many levels. A misunderstanding of expectations results from
vague communication, while confusion and distraction can be brought on by
overcommunicating. Before you even need to communicate a message, one of the first and most
crucial steps in enhancing communication is listening. There is more to communication than
simply relaying messages and ideas; It also involves being able to listen to others in order to
better comprehend them. The best technique to communicate will become clear to you after you
have a deeper knowledge of your target audience by listening first. Additionally, listening
enables you to ask questions before it's too late and discover answers to any questions you might

Whether the message is delivered verbally or electronically, it must be accurate and coherent.
Leaving out details can, and most likely will, have an impact on the quality of the work that is
being done. It can leave employees unable to complete their work, and lead them to be frustrated.
It is simpler to grasp and will boost productivity and efficiency if the message is tailored to meet
your target audience. Any organization that wants to succeed must have effective
communication; the results speak for themselves. An organization's efficiency and productivity
increase along with employee happiness as a result of better communication. Simplifying
communication should be your first priority when searching for solutions to enhance your
company's operations. Organizations with effective communication practices are more likely to
be more efficient, to have satisfied employees, and, most importantly, to have satisfied


Elaborate the role of management information system in control. Discuss consequence of

inadequate control in an organization.


The MIS assists the administrative staff in processing transactions and provides information on
transaction-related data, the status of a specific record, and references to a range of documents.
Strategic planning, managerial control, operational control, and transaction processing are all
made easier by the MIS. The MIS assists the administrative staff in processing transactions and
provides information on transaction-related data, the status of a specific record, and references to
other documents.
Here are a few of the MIS's crucial functions:

i. The MIS meets a range of demands through a number of systems, including

query, analysis, modelling, and decision support systems.
ii. The management information system (MIS) aids in transaction processing, The
MIS assists the administrative staff in processing transactions and provides
information on transaction-related data, the status of a specific record, and
references to a range of documents. The MIS assists the junior management
staff in making decisions at the operational level to regulate an out-of-control
situation by providing operational data for planning, scheduling, and control.
iii. The MIS supports middle management in short-term planning, goal-setting,
and operational control. It is backed up by the application of planning and
control as management techniques. The MIS aids top-level management in
goal-setting, strategic planning, and the evolution and execution of corporate
iv. The MIS plays a role in the creation of information, communication, problem-
solving, and decision-making. Therefore, the MIS is crucial to the
management, operation, and administration of a company.


The functions, performance, and productivity of the organization are all impacted by the
influence that MIS has on them.

When MIS is managed well, it has a positive effect on the functions. MIS aids in more effective
administration of staff, production, finance, and marketing. The functional objectives are simple
to track and monitor. The progress, successes, and failures relative to the activity and the goals
are communicated to the functional managers. By giving specific information suggesting and
likely patterns in the many company elements, the manager is constantly informed. This aids in
planning from a long-term view and forecasting. An foreseen issue is brought to the manager's
notice, prompting him to act or make a choice on the subject. A structured database and
knowledge base are created for every employee in the organization through a disciplined
information reporting system. The information is accessible in a way that makes it immediately
usable through blending and analysis, saving the manager's precious time.

Another effect of the MIS on the organization has to do with how well the business is
understood. The definition of the data, entity, and its properties forms the first part of the MIS. It
makes use of a dictionary of data, entities, and characteristics that was created for the
organization's information creation. All information systems employ dictionaries, so there is a
consistent knowledge of terms and terminology throughout the company, which improves
communication and fosters a shared understanding of events. For an efficient system design, the
MIS asks for systematizing business activities. This causes the processes to stream, which
complicates the system architecture. By adding discipline to the business's activities and
requiring everyone to adhere to and apply processes and procedures, it enhances the
administration of the company. The business activities get much more professionally conducted
thanks to this approach.

Business goals and objectives produce the MIS's goals and objectives. By giving the
organization the pertinent information, it indirectly aids in guiding the entire organization
towards the corporate aims and objectives. The management efficiency is affected by a well-
designed system that puts the manager first. An informed manager is motivated to apply a range
of management methods by the wealth of knowledge. He finds it beneficial to use activities like
experimenting and modelling. He is able to employ tools and methods that are not feasible to use
manually thanks to the usage of computers. This task is made easier by the pre-made packets.
The management capacity to perform is affected. It significantly raises decision-making
capacity. The clerical labour is shifted to the computerized system by the MIS since it relies on
fundamental systems like transaction processing and databases, freeing the human intellect to
perform better job. It can be seen that the organization is using a lot of personnel for this
operation. The time that is spent recording, finding, processing, and transmitting accounts for
seventy percent of total time. This overhead is directly impacted by this MIS. It develops an
information-based working culture within the company.


It goes without saying that all managerial tasks are carried out through decision-making. In order
to make an informed decision, decision-makers need timely, accurate information, which they
can obtain through a methodical, well-organized process of information gathering, processing,
and dissemination.

In the management world, a technique like this is commonly referred to as MIS. In today's world
of ever-increasing business and organizational complexity, in order to provide services and grow,
must have a properly planned, analyzed, designed and maintained MIS that provides timely,
reliable and useful information so that the management can make hasty and intelligent decisions.
Since a manager must make judgments under two major constraints nowadays, MIS has taken on
an even more crucial function. First, because of liberalization and globalization, where
businesses must compete not just locally but also internationally, managers must act quickly to
prevent losing their clients to rivals. This has made the need for such a system even more

Second, a manager must digest a big volume of data in this information era when information
doubles every two to three years; otherwise, he risks making a choice that might be highly costly
to the business. Managers must have the necessary systems or tools at their disposal to help them
in this difficult decision-making position. Due to the aforementioned factors, MIS is now viewed
as having enduring significance and even serving as an organization's focal point in some cases.
By delivering information at different phases of the decision-making process, such systems
support decision-makers in organizations and considerably aid such organizations in achieving
their set goals and objectives. 

The MIS that is badly planned, evaluated, constructed, implemented, or maintained, on the other
hand, may produce erroneous, pointless, or outdated information that might be disastrous for the
company. In other words, without properly planned, developed, implemented, and maintained
MIS, companies simply cannot survive and grow in the modern world. It is commonly known
that MIS gives even small businesses the ability to more than counterbalance the economies of
scale experienced by their larger rivals, aiding in the creation of a competitive advantage over
other businesses.

Different MIS Reports

Management information systems' primary functions are to store data and generate reports that
business professionals can use for analysis and decision-making. There are three different
categories of reports:

 Scheduled:

These reports are generated routinely using the rules the requestor has supplied to gather and
arrange the data. Businesses may examine data according to geography, time (for instance, an
airline can monitor the proportion of lost luggage by month), or other criteria with the help of
scheduled reports.

 Ad-hoc:

Its reports are special ones that a user makes in response to a query. Ad hoc reports can be
converted to scheduled reports if they are helpful.

 Real-time:

With this style of MIS report, one can keep track of changes as they happen. An unexpected
increase in call volume, for instance, might prompt a call centre manager to find a way to
boost productivity or divert some of the calls.

Write short notes on the following

i. Delphi Technique
ii. Gantt Chart
iii. Efficacy of the personnel
iv. Critical Path Method (CPM)


What Is the Delphi Method?

The Delphi Method: What Is It?

The Delphi method is a framework for predicting based on the responses to several rounds of
questionnaires distributed to a group of experts. Each expert is given a summary of the results
from the previous round of surveys after each round, allowing them to modify their responses in
light of the consensus. The advantages of expert analysis and aspects of the wisdom of crowds
are combined in this technique.

Getting to know the Delphi Method

The group of experts receives many rounds of surveys, and after each round, the anonymous
replies are compiled and shared with the group. In following rounds, the experts are free to
modify their responses in accordance with their interpretation of the offered "group response."s
The Delphi technique aims to achieve agreement on the correct solution through repeated rounds
of questions and disclosure of the panel's collective opinions. The Rand Corporation's Olaf
Helmer and Norman Dalkey first proposed the Delphi approach in the 1950s. The phrase is an
allusion to the Oracle of Delphi, a priestess at an Apollonid temple in ancient Greece who was
renowned for her prophesies. By distributing a number of surveys and making relevant input
available for the conversation to advance with each round, the Delphi method enables experts to
reach a consensus. As rounds are finished, the experts' replies change in reaction to the data
presented by other experts taking part in the study.

The Delphi approach may be used to compile expert opinions from a variety of sources without
having to physically gather everyone for a meeting. Since the participants' replies are
anonymous, the individual panellists don't need to be concerned about the consequences of their
views. The technique is particularly effective since consensus may be obtained over time when
opinions are changed.

ii. Gantt Diagram

One of the most common and effective methods of displaying activities (tasks or events) plotted
against time is a Gantt chart, which is frequently used in project management. A list of the
activities is located on the chart's left side, and a suitable time scale is located along the top. A
bar is used to symbolize each activity, and the location and length of the bar correspond to the
activity's beginning, middle, and finish dates. This enables you to quickly determine:
The following are some recommendations to remember:

• Remain current with your Gantt chart.

Gantt charts are only helpful if they represent precise dates because they are dependent on
timetables and timeframes.

• Keep your Gantt chart straightforward.

Gantt charts may easily become overly complicated, particularly if you are managing several
items or projects in a single sheet without the use of sophisticated filtering capabilities.

• Be flexible with your Gantt chart.

Select a tool or template for a Gantt chart that is easy to edit.

You must be able to rapidly and easily modify your Gantt chart when plans or deadlines change.

Gantt chart creation techniques

Excel templates for Gantt charts or cloud-based Gantt charts make getting started simple.
Download one of the chart templates below to construct a Gantt chart in Excel or PowerPoint.
Strategic planning, portfolio management, product management, release planning, and project
management each have ten templates. You can start modifying your Gantt chart after
downloading your template.

iii. Efficacy of the personnel

The returns of many businesses are under pressure. Employees must therefore complete the
proper jobs (effectively) in the proper manner (efficient). More can be generated with the same
quantity of input (resources) if work is done effectively (1). In other words, doing more while
spending less money and under less stress.

Linked In

Efficiency refers to "doing things correctly." 2 Static efficiency and dynamic efficiency are the
two types of efficiency that are frequently mentioned.
Static performance.

Static efficiency refers to improving within preexisting constraints, such as current goods,
procedures, or opportunities. efficient change. Dynamic efficiency is the ongoing creation of new
goods, procedures, or chances to increase profitability. In 3 simple actions, improve employee
experience These 3 simple suggestions will teach you how to improve the employee experience
in your company. Get a copy right away!

Information on the employee experience

The significance of effectiveness

Only when something is effective can we say it is efficient. To put it another way, something is
effective if it produces a beneficial result. It must work properly. Efficiency is the capacity to
perform or create in an efficient manner while using the least amount of waste, money, or effort.
The emphasis is on the tools and efficiency with which organize.

iv. Critical Path Method (CPM)

The critical path method (CPM) is a method for determining schedule flexibility and identifying
activities required for project completion. The lengthiest series of tasks that must be completed
by a certain date in order for the project to be done is known as a critical path in project
management.ational objectives are accomplished.

The critical path method: Why use it?

CPM can offer insightful guidance on how to organize tasks, allocate resources, and plan
projects. Here are some justifications for employing this technique:

• Aids in better planning for the future: CPM may be used to compare expected and actual
progress. Future project ideas might be influenced by the data gathered from ongoing initiatives.

• Supports more efficient resource allocation: CPM gives project managers a better
understanding of how and where to allocate resources by assisting them in prioritizing activities.

• Assists in preventing bottlenecks: Project bottlenecks can cost precious time. You may better
determine which tasks can and cannot be completed in parallel by mapping out project
dependencies using a network diagram. Then, you can plan your timetable appropriately.

Finding the critical path

The duration of critical and non-critical tasks can be used to identify the critical path. Here is a
list of the stages along with examples. List your activities. List all the project activities or tasks
necessary to create the deliverables using a work breakdown structure. The rest of the CPM is
built on the list of activities provided in the work breakdown structure.

Determine dependencies.

Select the jobs that are interdependent based on your work breakdown structure. You may use
this to find any job that can be completed concurrently with other activities. These task
dependencies are based on the aforementioned example:

Tasks C and D can be performed concurrently;

Task B is dependent on A;

Task C is dependent on B;

Task E is dependent on D;

Task F is dependent on C, D, and E.

An activity sequence, which will be utilized to identify the critical route, is a set of dependent

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