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Super Gene

Chapter 1

By a stony creek in a valley, a black-clad young man was holding a black beetle
with a metallic sheen that looked like a cross between a crab and a Hercules
Holding a dagger in his other hand, the young man swiftly cut the still-struggling
claws off the beetle, revealing white and tender meat.
Almost without hesitation, the young man sucked the meat out of the claws as if he
were eating a crab, and swallowed it together with larger pieces of tougher meat.
"Black beetle killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the flesh of the black beetle to
gain zero to ten geno points randomly."
"Black beetle flesh eaten. Zero geno points gained."
A strange voice sounded in Han Sen's mind, and some data also appeared.
Han Sen: Not evolved.
Status: None.
Life span: 200 years.
Required for evolution: 100 geno points.
Geno points gained: 79.
Beast souls gained: none.
"I have received zero geno points from more than thirty black beetles in a row. I
must have eaten too much black-beetle flesh to evolve from it further. Zero points!
When will I ever finish the first evolution and gain status." Han Sen looked
Over a hundred years ago, science and technology reached a very high level, and
humans finally mastered space teleportation technology. Shockingly, when they tried
to be teleported, they found that they were neither sent back to the past nor
teleported to the future. They didnt even travel from one planet to another. A
completely different world lay at the other end of the space teleport channel.
A world that human beings could not have imagined. In this world, all scientific
and technological means lost their function: a machine gun in this world was not
even as useful as a steel knife. Missiles and nuclear weapons would not explode,
same as a heap of scrap iron. No mechanical or electronic equipment would work
All kinds of horrible creatures inhabited this world. Human beings, who used to
stand on top of the food chain because of their wisdom and technology fell to the
But when people killed certain relatively weak creatures and ate their flesh, they
were surprised to find that their own bodies changed considerably and evolved
quickly in ways that science could not explain.
What made people pleasantly surprised was that in this world, with the evolution of
the body, their lifespans also increased, which was amazing news to all mankind.
In the following century, more and more people entered this world called "God's
Sanctuary," gradually became familiar with the rules of this world, hunted its
creatures, and saw their own bodies evolve. The higher the degree of physical
evolution, the longer the life. Theoretically, if you could continue evolving, it
could be possible to live forever.
In this world, science and technology became completely useless. The only things
that could help humans were the most primitive fighting skills. Ancient martial
arts, which were almost forgotten in modern society, had an unexpected effect here.
All kinds of ancient martial arts had been re-developed, and after more than 100
years of development, new martial arts schools were formed and became prominent.
In addition to ancient martial arts, God's Sanctuary offered another tool to
enhance humans, the beast soul.
When killing a creature in God's Sanctuary, a person had a chance to obtain the
beast soul of the creature. Beast souls had all kinds of forms and appearances.
Some could be summoned to fight for men, and some appeared in the form of armor or
In addition, some beast souls could even help humans transform so they could take
the shape of terrifying monsters, magical birds flying between heaven and earth, or
insects drilling underground.
Neither martial arts nor beast souls had anything to do with Han Sen.
Even in modern society, advanced science and technology were in the hands of just a
few people.
Han Sen completed integrated compulsory education and entered Gods Sanctuary when
he turned 16. What he had learned from school was no more than the beginning level
new martial arts that everyone knew.
As for beast souls, they were so expensive that Han Sen couldnt afford even the
Without martial arts and beast souls, or even advanced man-made alloy weapons, Han
Sen was only able to kill some low-level creatures to eat their flesh and evolve,
and he was having a difficult time in Gods Sanctuary.
But the more meat of low-level creatures he ate, the less effect of evolution he
gained. Three months in Gods Sanctuary and he still could not complete a physical
Han Sen had tried to kill some of the more powerful creatures, but even the weakest
primitive creature, the copper-toothed beast, almost took his life. He had to rest
for nearly a month before returning to God's Sanctuary.
By this time Han Sen had eaten all kinds of ordinary creatures around him, and it
wouldnt help to eat their flesh any more. If he didnt risk hunting more advanced
creatures, he would never evolve.
When he was about to try to kill a copper-toothed beast, Han Sen saw something
climbing out from the ripples of the creek.
He originally thought it was a black beetle, but immediately noticed something
different: all black beetles had black shells, but a bright golden color caught his
Han Sen gazed at the creature climbing out of the water. It really was a black
beetle, but different from the ordinary ones because of its golden body as big as a
basketball. It was like a sculpture carved from gold, and its eyes were crystal
clear, like gems. It did not even look like a living thing unless observed
"Why is this black beetle so strange?" Han Sen stared at the golden black beetle.
Recently he had killed countless black beetles and knew everything about them.
Their vision was poor, but their hearing was very sensitive. As long as he remained
still, even in close proximity, a black beetle would not notice his presence.
Han Sen stared at the strange beetle, and unexpectedly, it climbed toward him.
Without hesitation, when the golden black beetle crawled next to Han Sen, he held
down the golden black beetle's shell with one hand and swiftly cut into its fragile
joints with the dagger in his other hand. He made six clean cuts vertically and
horizontally to remove all six claws of the beetle.
The golden black beetle struggled and flipped over. Taking this opportunity, Han
Sen pierced his dagger into a white mark on its belly and turned it sharply. The
golden black beetle suddenly stopped moving.
"Sacred-blood creature black beetle killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black beetle
gained. Eat the flesh of sacred-blood black beetle to gain 0 to 10 geno points

Chapter 2

Han Sen was stunned by the sudden voice in his head, and he could hardly believe it
was true. Sacred-blood creature and sacred-blood beast soul: were those even real?
The creatures of Gods Sanctuary were divided into four parts: ordinary creatures,
primitive creatures, mutant creatures and sacred-blood creatures. Different geno
points could be gained by eating flesh of creatures of different types.
At that time, there were four Gods Sanctuary phases known to men. With each
physical evolution completed, access to the next space would be permitted. The more
powerful the geno points used in evolution, the higher the likelihood of surviving
in the next space.
Sacred-blood beast souls were without any doubt the best beast souls. Any sacred-
blood beast soul could be sold at an enormous price.
When Han Sen finally realized what had really happened, he was almost trembling.
Holding the dagger to pick open the shell of the black beetle, he filled his mouth
with meat as tender as jelly.
"Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred geno point gained."
Feeling the flesh turn to energy and hearing the voice in his mind almost brought
Han Sen to tears.
He grabbed a claw and sucked out all meat from it, feeling waves of energy hitting
his body and boiling his blood.
There was not much difference between eating a sacred-blood black beetle and eating
a crab. After sucking the meat clean from all six claws, Han Sen started to cut the
meat inside the shell.
"Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred geno point gained."
"Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred geno point gained."
The strange voice continuously sounded in Han Sens mind and made him feel on top of
the world.
As Han Sen was cutting away, he felt his dagger cut into something hard that made a
sound like metal. Han Sen stopped.
Black beetles and crabs are alike: They looked tough, but inside their shells there
would be nothing but boneless meat, so how could there be metal?
He removed the dagger, pulled aside the meat that had been cut, and saw a corner of
black metal. Han Sen cut open all the meat surrounding it, and soon the black metal
was completely exposed.
At first he thought it was metal, but taking it out, he discovered that it was a
black crystal the size and shape of a pigeon egg.
Han Sen took the crystal in his hand and didnt feel anything abnormal. The crystal
was just like a beautiful, rounded black pebble.
But with a closer look, there seemed to be millions of stars shining in it,
creating incredible beauty.
"Here is the easiest area in Gods Sanctuary," Han Sen thought. "Even primitive
creatures are hard to find here, let alone sacred-blood creatures. How did this
sacred-blood black beetle suddenly appear? And Ive never heard of a sacred-blood
black beetle before. Black beetles are such low life after all. And this sacred-
blood black beetle is so outrageously weak. Is its appearance related to the
There was no clue, so he simply ate all the rest of the black beetle meat and was
stuffed. He gained a total of seven sacred geno points.
Seven sacred geno points were beyond his wildest dreams. With his background, he
needed to risk everything even to kill a primitive creature, let alone a sacred-
blood creature.
The shell of the sacred-blood black beetle was also precious material, so Han Sen
picked up all the claws and stuffed them into his pocket, together with the upper
and lower shells.
The shell of ordinary black beetles almost had no value, but the shell of a sacred-
blood black beetle would probably make a soup that could give him one or two more
sacred geno points.
It was the first time Han Sen had eaten a sacred-blood creature. Technically he
could max out and get ten sacred geno points: he already had seven from the meat,
and the other three should be in the shell.
If he were to sell the shell, he could probably afford a nice private aircraft in
Levo Interstellar Alliance with the money he received.
On the way back to Steel Armor Castle, everyone was pointing at him, gloating and
laughing, and no one would come near him.
Everyone in the Sanctuary was looking at him as if he were a monster.
Normally, when an ordinary person went to the Sanctuary, even if he were poor, if
his martial skills were not too bad, he could always find some companions and kill
a few primitive creatures together, and he would be nowhere near as miserable as
Han Sen.
However, in the entire Steel Armor Castle, no one was willing or had the courage to
have anything to do with Han Sen.
More than three months ago, Han Sen had entered Gods Sanctuary for the first time.
The moment he stepped outside Steel Armor Shelter, he saw a giant white wolf
unicorn standing with its back towards him around the corner of the rampart.
Without hesitation, Han Sen grabbed his dagger and fiercely stabbed the unicorn in
the ass.
This stab turned Han Sen and Qin Xuan together into the biggest laughing stock in
Steel Armor Shelter.
Yes, the white wolf unicorn was not a beast, but a human like Han Sen himself. She
was just transforming using a beast soul.
Qin Xuan was also the most powerful woman in Steel Armor Shelter. She was likely to
finish her first evolution with sacred geno points and embark on the path of
A new guy stabbing Qin Xuan's rear end became the biggest joke in Steel Armor
Shelter. Although no one dared to mention this to Qin Xuan's face, secretly
everyone was laughing their asses off.
And "Ass Freak" became Han Sens well-known nickname in Steel Armor Shelter.
Then Qin Xuan declared that whoever spent time with Han Sen would become her enemy.
In Steel Armor Shelter, few people could afford to be Qin Xuans enemy. Even if they
could afford it, no one would risk antagonizing Qin Xuan for the sake of a nobody
and Ass Freak.
That was why Han Sen had such a difficult time, but he didnt really blame Qin Xuan.
It was his fault in the first place: He was too nervous the first time he came to
Gods Sanctuary, plus he had never seen creatures in his previous world or
transformers before, which all led to the unforgivable mistake.
Han Sen was already grateful that Qin Xuan did not kill him in anger.
The only lucky thing was that the teleportation into Gods Sanctuary was always
random, and there were no familiar faces in Steel Armor Shelter, so no one knew his
real name.

Chapter 3

Han Sen returned to his room, made a fire, and started boiling the
black beetle claws and shells in a pot.
Without tools and know-how, he could only use the most primitive
methods to process the shells and extract the geno essence.
The shell of a sacred-blood creature would take more than an hour or
two to cook, so Han Sen covered the lid and took out the black crystal to take a
closer look.
Still, no clues whatsoever.
Suddenly, Han Sen caught a glimpse of the caged green-scaled beast the
size of a civet cat in the corner of his room and suddenly had an idea.

Like black beetles, this green-scaled beast was an ordinary creature.

Han Sen used to prey on them and bring them back to cook and eat to increase his
geno points.
But later, green-scaled beasts no longer increased his geno points, so
Han Sen didnt eat the last beast and forgot about it. Surprisingly, it was still
He grabbed the moribund green-scaled beast from the cage, hesitated
for a moment and was about to feed the black crystal to the beast.
To his surprise, seeing the black crystal, the dying green-scaled
beast gathered all its strength to stretch out its tongue, roll the black crystal
back into its mouth and swallow the whole crystal.
"There is indeed something magical about the black crystal!" Han Sen
was stunned and found that the green-scaled beast seemed considerably more lively
after swallowing the crystal, its four claws scratching and head moving to bite Han
Sens hand, which was on its neck.
Han Sen threw the green scaled beast back into the cage and carefully
watched it. The beast, which hadnt fed for days, completely recovered its vitality,
thrashing and scratching wildly in the cage, just like it had when it was first
Han Sen sat across from the cage and watched the movements of the
green-scaled beast. He had a guess, and if he was right, he might have obtained
something incrediblesomething more exciting than a sacred-blood creature.

But Han Sen was afraid he was wrong, so he could only stare at the
green-scaled beast anxiously, hoping to see the change that he desired.

Han Sen nervously stared intently and did not realize that he was
starving until he smelled bone broth from the pot.
Looking at the time, he noticed almost 24 hours had passed. Rising to
check the black beetle shell in the pot, he saw the golden color of the shell had
been boiled off and the broth had become golden. It smelled so good that the hungry
young mans mouth watered.
About to scoop up a bowl of soup, Han Sen suddenly heard iron breaking
from the cage of the green-scaled beast. He quickly turned around and saw the
green-scaled beast had bitten off an iron bar of the cage and stretched out his
head from the inside.
Its light green scales had now completely turned a dark green color.
Its teeth had become sharp and the tips of its four claws were like iron hooks. The
beast was about to come out of the cage.
Han Sen was pleasantly surprised and pulled out the dagger from his
waist. He rushed to the front of the cage and stabbed the dagger into the lower
belly of the green-scaled beast. With a turn of the dagger, the green scaled beast
stopped struggling.
"Primitive creature green-scaled beast killed. No beast soul gained.
Eat the flesh of the primitive green-scaled beast to gain zero to ten points
The strange voice sounded in Han Sens mind and left him stunned.

"Primitive green-scaled beast Primitive creature So the crystal can

really make these creatures evolve " Han Sen was overwhelmed with joy and did not
know how to react.
After a long time, he suddenly cut open the green-scaled beast with
the dagger and uncovered the crystal as big as a pigeon egg. Taking no heed of the
blood on it, he kissed the crystal twice and then wiped it clean, holding it in his
hands like it was a great treasure.
"The crystal was really the reason the black beetle became a sacred-
blood creature If the green-scaled beast had continued to evolve, could it have
become a sacred blood creature too? " Han Sen almost dared not think about it,
because it was just too amazing.
He was so excited that his hands were trembling while holding the
crystal. He bit his tongue and cried out of pain so as to know that it really was
not a dream.
After remaining excited for quite a while, Han Sen carefully put the
crystal away, gobbled up the shell broth, and gained another sacred geno point,
bringing his geno point count to eight.
Without tools and means, his primitive method couldnt extract all geno
essence from the shell, but it was good enough that he gained one sacred geno
Han Sen realized that he had gained a sacred-blood beast soul of a
black beetle when he killed the golden black beetle, and he quickly accessed his
Han Sen: Not evolved.
Status: None
Life span: 200 years.
Requirements for evolution: 100 geno points.
Geno points gained: 79 geno points; 8 sacred geno points.
Beast soul gained: Sacred-blood black beetle.
Type of sacred-blood black beetles beast soul: Armor.
"What would the armor of sacred-blood black beetles beast soul look
like?" Before Han Sen finished the thought, a golden shadow shot out of thin air,
looking exactly like the golden black beetle.
The golden black beetle flew to Han Sen's chest, turned into a golden
liquid and started to cover his whole body. In the blink of an eye, Han Sen's whole
body, together with his hair, was all wrapped up.
The streamlined gold armor was full of power and impact, and covered
his whole body as if it were a suit of gothic Medieval armor instilled with
improved aerodynamicsit looked just like a piece of art.
The whole suit of armor felt full of power and speed, making Han Sen
look slender and majestic, as if his whole body were full of explosive power.

With shining metallic luster, the armor was gorgeous and had a solid
texture. At first glance, it was even somewhat like the gold cloth worn by Golden
The difference between the gold cloth and the beast soul armor was
that the armor covered the head and body completely, with only a few gaps in the
joints where different pieces overlapped, just like the black beetle itself, which
was the only weakness of the beast soul armor.
Han Sen moved around in the armor and there was no feeling of
heaviness or clumsiness. Instead he felt that his body had become a little lighter
and full of energy.
"Indeed, this was armor from a sacred-blood beast soul. It is way more
gorgeous than the ones from primitive beast souls that I often have seen at Steel
Armor Shelter." Han Sen felt ecstatic. He used to envy people in armor of primitive
beast souls and had never thought he would get a suit of a sacred-blood beast soul
one day.

Chapter 4

"Yate Group President Zhao Yalong completed the third evolution, entered Fourth
Gods Sanctuary, and became the 83rd human in history to enter Fourth Gods
Sanctuary. His life span has reached 500 years and he has gained the status of

"The prodigy from Raikot Galaxy, Lange, entered Second Gods Sanctuary with 100
mutation geno points. His life span has reached 300 years and he has gained the
status of evolver..."

"The speaker of the House of Representatives, Hemingway, killed a demigod creature

star of the ocean yesterday, and was the first to accomplished this feat... "

"According to authoritative experts, in ten years someone will complete the fourth
evolution for the first time and advance into Fifth Gods Sanctuary..."


Han Sen had just teleported from the Steel Armor Shelter and the news was playing
on a virtual screen.
"Evolver, surpasser and demigod. With the black crystal, I will be able to do all
that, and go even farther." Han Sen shook his fist, stepped away from the teleport
station, and took the maglev train home.

Before he went into the yard, Han Sen heard a harsh female voice.

"Luo Sulan, do you want to take the old house of the Hans? This house was our
parents, and my two elder brothers and I each own a part. Now my eldest brother has
passed. We wont bully you, since you are a widow, and will leave you his share. But
if you want to take everything, we will never agree. "

"Thats right!" The voice of a middle-aged man chimed in. "The old house has always
been the inheritance of our parents. All of us have rights to it, and you cant keep
it for yourselves. Your family has lived here for more than 20 years, so you have
already taken advantage of us in a big way. It is time to divide the inheritance."

"My brother has said it," a soft-pitched male voice continued. "You lived in the
old house for more than 20 years. We will not collect the rent, but this old house
is our inheritance and has to be divided."

A young womans voice could be heard saying, "We have an estimate from a lawyer, and
this old house is now worth more than three million. We are three households, so we
should get a million each. You can either give each of us a million and own this
old house outright, or sell the house, and then we all split the money. We are okay
with either option you choose."

"Exactly, now that our eldest brother is gone, we wont bully his widow and kids.
You can give us money or sell the house, as you like," the harsh first voice began

"Brother and sister, there is no need to force me. You know our situation. We dont
have two million," a woman said sadly.

"Then put the house up for sale," the harsh woman immediately said.

"Where would we live without a house? Han Sen just graduated and Han Yan is about
to go to school," the sad woman said.

"Sister-in-law, this is not reasonable. How are you the only one with troubles?
Your kids Han Sen and Han Yan are only enrolled in integrated compulsory education,
while my Han Hao goes to a private school. His tuition gives me grey hair every
year. "

"Sister, you are right. We are all having a hard time and everyone needs money. Why
dont we just sell the house? We could all take some, and you could afford Han Yans
education," said the effeminate voice.

"Anyway, you either give us money or sell the house. Your choice," the young woman
said coldly.

Outside the house, Han Sen became furious as he listened. He pushed the door open
and saw his mother shedding tears while holding his sister, Han Yan. The five-year-
old girl curled up in the arms of her mother, her big eyes full of fear. Next to
them, two men and two women were all smiling indifferently.

"How dare you come here and ask for the old house?" Han Sen pointed to the fierce-
looking fat woman and exclaimed in anger. "Aunt, you used to be an accountant in
the company and brought about tens of millions in bad debts. Did my dad not help
you after you begged him?"

"Han Sen, what nonsense. Who caused bad debts? Stop lying," the skinny guy with the
effeminate voice cried, pointing to Han Sen.

"Uncle, you embezzled the company's public funds to invest and lost a few million."
Han Sen pointed to the skinny guy. "Did you not come to my home and get on your
knees to beg my dad for help?"

"And you, uncle, you owed so many gambling debts that you were almost forced to
commit suicide. Who helped you? When you were almost beaten to death, who saved
your life?" Han Sen pointed to the fat, middle-aged man.

"Starry Group wanted to acquire our family business. If my dad didnt represent all
of you and then had a falling out with Starry Group, would he have died in such a
shady way?" Han Sen clenched his teeth, looking at the four. "But you, you skipped
my dads funeral and sold the company to Starry Group upon his death. Did you give
us any of the money you got from selling the company? Also, who paid for YOUR
houses when you got married? Were those houses any cheaper than this old house? Did
you take care of your parents for a single day when they were alive? How dare you
come here to ask for a share of the old house?"

"Stop it! Your father only did what he wanted to do. The company belonged to my
father, and we all have shares. He cant decide for us. And surely, we can spend the
money of the company," Uncle Han Lei said brazenly.
"Thats true. Your father was a dictator, and we are only getting our own money
back. It does not matter what you say. Give the money or sell the house, otherwise
well see you in court. You will lose the case wherever we go," Aunt Han Yumei

"Its all your dad's fault " They started to accuse Han Sens late father.

Han Sen was shaking with anger and felt wronged for his father. When his father
took over the company, it was only a small business, worth one or two million. He
spent so much effort for the company to bloom and had to look after his family and
make up for their mistakes. A few times the company was on the brink of bankruptcy
due to liquidity problems. And he even died for the company. After his death,
however, his wife and children were bullied by the relatives that he used to help.

When Han Sen's father was alive, he always said that they were family and theres no
need to argue. And what an irony it has become now!

If they truly needed the money and had difficulties, Han Sen would just agree to
give it. But all the private aircrafts they piloted here were worth more than a
million. And they at least got ten million from selling the company, which all fell
into their pockets, and nothing was given to Han Sens family. It was simply
impossible that they didnt even have a million.

Chapter 5

After making a fuss at Han Sens home, Han Yumei and Han Lei gave his family an
ultimatumthey had to come up with the money or sell the house in one month,
otherwise they would file a lawsuit.

"Im so useless that I cant even keep the house." Luo Sulan held Han Yan, her face
covered with tears.

Luo Sulan was a gentle lady. When Han Sen's father was still alive, she was treated
like a princess. She didnt even know how to sweep the floor, let alone do other
chores. Han Sen knew how difficult it was for her to raise his sister and him after
his father passed away.

"Dont worry, Mom. I am here even though Dad isnt. I will not let them take away our
house. You take a rest and Ill consult Uncle Zhang on the matter." Han Sen called a
friend of his fathers, Mr. Zhang. He was the lawyer who used to work in their
family business as legal counsel.

"Hi, Uncle Zhang? This is Sen ... Is your back any better? I have a legal matter
that I want to ask you about ... so ... " Han Sen looked a little pale when he hung

He had confirmed that his relative told the truththey do have rights to a part of
the house. And if they really did go to court, the verdict would be close to what
theyve asked forto either pay them money or sell the house.

"Sen, what did Mr. Zhang say?" Luo Sulan asked Han Sen, looking at him nervously.

"Dont you worry, Mom. I have checked with Uncle Zhang and there is a solution. You
just make sure Yan is okay, and Ill take care of this. The house will not be taken
away by anyone," Han Sen said with a smile.

"That's good ... that's great " Luo Sulan breathed a sigh of relief.

Having rested at home for a night, Han Sen took a train to the teleport station and
entered Gods Sanctuary in the morning.

Han Sen was teleported to his room at the Steel Armor Shelter. When one was
teleported into Gods Sanctuary, one would appear in a certain room only accessible
to him or her. Unless permitted by the owner, others were not able to enter the

Before finishing the first evolution and entering Second Gods Sanctuary, this was
Han Sens home in Gods Sanctuary.

Now Han Sen had no power or influence. The only solution was to come up with two
million dollars in a month if he wanted to keep the house.

Although he felt it was unfair, without power, there was nothing left to do.

Two million Levo dollars was an enormous amount for a young man who just finished
integrated compulsory education.

In the past, Han Sen couldnt have earned two million in a year, let alone in a
month. But now everything was different. In fact, if he had not already cooked the
shell of the sacred-blood black beetle, the shell alone would be worth one or two

Even without the shell, he still had the black crystal that could make creatures
evolve. As long as he had that, two million was nothing.

Looking at the body of the primitive green-scaled beast on the ground, Han Sen
hesitated for a moment before cutting the body into pieces. He then dried the meat,
made it into beef jerky and carried it with him in his waist pack.

He must first catch a creature before he could use the crystal to make it evolve
and trade the flesh of the evolved creature for money. Now that Han Sen owned a
suit of sacred-blood-beast soul armor, he could up his game and start to hunt
primitive creatures instead of ordinary creatures.

Primitive creatures werent worth much, and he would waste a days time waiting for
an ordinary creature to evolve into a primitive one. To come up with two million,
Han Sen would need to sell at least a mutant creature.

Primitive creatures were usually seen a dozen kilometers from Steel Armor Shelter.
Han Sen had not dared to go that far before, but now he his had his armor.

This time, his goal was no longer a copper toothed beast, the weakest among all
primitive creatures, but the swift mantis often spotted in Zephyr Valley.

Although a primitive creature, a swift mantis had a fragile body and could easily
be killed by a normal alloy dagger if stabbed in a vulnerable spot. However, a
swift mantis was so fast that ordinary people couldnt keep up with it. And its pair
of hacksaw-like forelegs could easily split human bones. Once hit by the forelegs,
a person would be crippled, if not killed. So few humans would go to hunt this

For Han Sen, however, the swift mantis was the best option. It was in the end only
a primitive creature, and there was no way it could cut open his sacred-blood-beast
soul armor. If he couldnt be hurt by the mantis, surely he could kill it.

The most important thing was that with claws and wings cut off, a swift mantis
could no longer fight back but could still live. This way, Han Sen could easily
take it back, keep it in his room, and use the black crystal to make it evolve into
a mutant creature before he sold its flesh.

Of course, if he were able kill a few swift mantises and got lucky, he might even
gain a beast soul.

The beast soul of a swift mantis was in the shape of a swift jagged blade, which
was a long dagger, a type of weapon Han Sen had mastered.

Although the swift jagged blade was only a primitive beast soul weapon, it was the
sharpest of all primitive weapons, and could even compare to some mutant beast soul

Because of the danger of hunting swift mantises, few would go to Zephyr Valley, and
even fewer had obtained a swift jagged blade. If the rare weapon were to be sold,
it would cost more than two million. So, if Han Sen could score a beast soul of a
swift mantis, there would be no need to sell mutant creature flesh any more.

The closer Han Sen got to Zephyr Valley, the fewer people he could see. Around the
valley, there was no human activity at all.

Han Sen did not dare to go too deep, so he found a hidden place and summoned the
sacred-blood black beetle beast soul to cover himself in the golden armor. Taking a
deep breath, he sneaked towards Zephyr Valley.

Han Sen did not dare to go too fast. The valley was covered with trees and wild
grass as tall as a man. As the trees and grass swung with the wind, it was
difficult to spot any swift mantis that might be hiding there. Even momentary
carelessness could lead to broken bones from a mantis attack.

Chapter 6

Suddenly, Han Sen saw something green, about a foot-long, sticking to the grass
like a leaf. If he didnt look closely, he wouldve thought it was part of the grass
and would have never imagined it to be a swift mantis that could split a human
skull with a single blow.

Its pair of sickle-like, jagged forelegs were even longer than its body. Dark green
in color, the forelegs were covered in a metal sheen, and were nothing like its
fragile body. The rigidity of the forelegs was definitely comparable to the most
advanced alpha alloy.
Han Sen was lucky that he found the swift mantis before it saw him. Moving towards
it, he calculated the nearest he could get to it before being noticed by the swift

When he was about six feet away from the swift mantis, Han Sen did not dare to go
any farther, fearing he might lose the opportunity to attack by stealth.

Tightly holding the dagger in his hand, Han Sen rushed out from the grass and cut
at the swift mantis waist in a fast and ruthless strike.

But Han Sen had still underestimated the speed and responsiveness of the swift
mantis. It had noticed his presence the moment he rushed out. All of a sudden, it
rose into the air, gliding with wings spread towards Han Sen in a truly swift move.
Its forelegs had cut him in the head before he could even react.

Han Sen subconsciously stepped back in shock, yet the mantis foreleg still hit his
head. With a sound of metal clashing, Han Sen felt only slight discomfort, as if
his head were hit by a stone. And there was not even a scratch on the sacred-blood-
beast soul armor.

Filled with ecstasy, Han Sen seized the opportunity to cut into the slim waist of
the swift mantis in front of him with a fierce stab. The swift mantis was cut into
two halves, green mantis blood splashing him wet all over.

Han Sen didnt care at all and listened to the strange voice in his head blissfully.

"Primitive creature swift mantis killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the swift mantis
to gain zero to ten primitive geno points randomly."

Touching his helmet where the swift mantis cut to feel it was still smooth, Han Sen
thought to himself in excitement, "Ha-ha, the armor is everything! With my armor, I
could kill whatever I want to kill and no one could ever hurt me. I wouldnt even
fear mutant creatures."

Han Sen suddenly gained courage and stopped hiding. He marched to Zephyr Valley and
alerted several swift mantises to attack, but they couldnt hurt him at all by
cutting his armor. Han Sen took the opportunity to kill them all, each with one

"Primitive creature swift mantis killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the swift mantis
to gain zero to ten points randomly."
"Primitive creature swift mantis killed ..."

The voice continuously sounded in his mind, adding to his thrill. He stabbed his
way through the valley and killed more 20 mantises in succession.

Su Xiaoqiao was on his way to Zephyr Valley as well, quietly mulling over his own
bad luck.

His parents were the owners of an interstellar conglomerate and were considered
both distinguished and aristocrats. He, however, was randomly assigned to Steel
Armor Shelter, where he had no friends or even acquaintances.

To get an aristocratic title, Su Xiaoqiao could only choose to follow Qin Xuan in
order to max out on mutant geno points and become an evolver.

There were two types of titles in Levo Interstellar Alliance. One was
"distinguished"once one became a surpasser, one could be certified as
distinguished. The other was an "aristocratic." If one could evolve with 100 mutant
or more advanced geno points, one could be certified as an aristocrat.

Either title involved a lot of benefits in the Alliance, and most importantly they
were a symbol of social status. Today in the Alliance, people were more and more
snobby. People from the upper class wouldnt even talk to someone without a title,
even when doing business.

Advanced titles like sacred-blood aristocrat were beyond Su Xiaoqiaos dreams. All
he wanted was to gain the title of ordinary aristocrat by maxing out on mutant geno
points and completing an evolution.

However, to get 100 mutant geno points was still too difficult for him on his own.
He did bring a lot of money to Steel Armor Shelter, but money could only buy
ordinary and primitive creature flesh, as very few people would sell mutant
creatures. Only people who aimed to max out on sacred geno points like Qin Xuan
would sometimes sell the mutant creature flesh they had. However, it wasnt money
that she wanted, but loyalty and service.

Su Xiaoqiao was now running errands for Qin Xuan, exploring the places less known
to people and looking for traces of sacred-blood and mutant creatures to gather
information for her. With the information, she could then gather a team to hunt
down these creatures, and the team members would get mutant creature flesh in

Su Xiaoqiao had been exploring for a month and found no traces of mutant creatures,
not to mention sacred-blood ones. Running out of supplies, he had to return to
Steel Armor Shelter. When he passed Zephyr Valley, he thought there might be mutant
creatures around, as the area was so sparsely populated.

After he sneaked in the valley, he felt something strange.

He didnt see any swift mantises, not even one. A mile into the valley, all he saw
were some messy traces on the ground.

"Someone must have wiped out the swift mantises. Fist Guy or Son of Heaven? No.
Although there are signs of fighting, there should be more damage if it were a
group of people ... "

Surprised, Su Xiaoqiao sped into the valley, wondering what had happened.

As he expected, there were many green blood stains from swift mantises along the
way. He followed the blood stains and turned a corner. What he saw stopped him in
his tracks, appalled.

Next to the piled bodies of swift mantises stood a golden figure. In the sun, the
figure looked like a robot in gold cast armor.

Chapter 7
"Brother, you killed all these swift mantises?" Su Xiaoqiao saw no one
except for the guy in golden armor.
The dead mantises were still bleeding, so they couldnt have been dead
for long. Su Xiaoqiao couldnt believe that someone was able to kill so many
mantises in such a short amount of time.
Although the swift mantis was only a primitive creature, considering
the sharpness of its forelegs and its speed, even those who had maxed out on
primitive geno points didnt dare to provoke it.
After all, there were too many weak spots on human body, and no one
wanted to risk losing his life or getting severely injured from a mantis cut.

There were at least three dozen dead swift mantises on the ground.
Even Qin Xuan would need some helping hands to achieve this. Su Xiaoqiao wouldnt
believe that someone could have done it alone.
"Want some? A thousand Levo dollars each." Han Sen was just
considering what to do with the mantises. He was on a killing spree and forgot the
fact that there was no way he could eat so much mantis meat. And even if he could
eat them all, only the first few could gain him geno points.
"A thousand each? Are you sure?" Su Xiaoqiao looked at him, surprised.
Although many people were able to hunt primitive creatures, they were in short
supply, especially the ones that most people had never eaten, like swift mantis.

After all, people's energy was limited, and there was a limit to how
many geno points the meat from the same type of creature could offer. Only by
eating the flesh of a variety of creatures could one keep collecting geno points.

Those who were relatively well-off would all be willing to pay for the
creatures they hadnt eaten yet in order to be able to quickly max out on their
primitive geno points.
Therefore, the primitive creatures that were easy to kill could bring
a few hundred each, while the ones that were difficult to hunt, such as the swift
mantis, could sell for two or three thousand each and still be in short supply.

Su Xiaoqiao calculated and figured that he could double or triple the

price if he could transport these mantis bodies back.
"Yes, a thousand Levo dollars each." Han Sen nodded.
It wasnt that Han Sen did not know what the mantises were worth.
Without a car or other tools, there was simply no way he could move all these
bodies back on his own.
And if he left now, the bodies might be stolen when he returned.

Moreover, Han Sen did not want to waste his time and energy on this.
He had more important things to do, and he could take some loss of the profitsas
the wholesaler, he had to leave some profit to the retailer.
"Sure, Ill take them all. How many are there?" Su Xiaoqiao was
onboard. The swift mantises could bring him more than money.
Primitive creatures like the swift mantis that ordinary people couldnt
easily access would make great gifts. No one could refuse such a nice offer, as
long as they hadnt maxed out on primitive geno points.
"A total of forty-three. Ill give you a discount and charge only forty
thousand." Han Sen was just casually asking and did not expect this ordinary-
looking guy to be so rich that he could buy them all.
Su Xiaoqiao took out his wallet and pulled out ten ten-thousand-dollar
notes. "Brother, Ill give you fifty thousand for these mantises. The other fifty
thousand is a down payment for whatever good stuff you may have in the future. Ill
always give you a good price and would pay even higher for mutant creature flesh."

A hundred thousand was a small amount for Su Xiaoqiao. It would even

cost him as much to buy someone a fancy dinner. This person was so bad-ass that he
killed all these mantises on his own, so it was highly likely that he could hunt
mutant creatures too. If it was possible to purchase mutant creature flesh from
him, a few hundred million was nothing.
"Couldnt tell you were rich," Han Sen took the money and said bluntly,
looking at Xiaoqiao slightly surprised.
"In all honesty, money is all I have. If you have mutant creature
flesh to sell, do let me know. The price is definitely not a problem," Su Xiaoqiao
boasted, afraid that he might lose this great opportunity.
"Great. Whats your name and address? I will come and find you if I
have something." Han Sen appreciated Xiaoqiaos generosity, and thought he might be
an ideal buyer for the mutant creature he planned to produce using the black
After all, the black crystal had to remain a secret. Selling the
creature to one person was much better than selling it in the market in front of
And he didnt even need to worry about the price since Xiaoqiao was
incredibly rich.
"Brother, my name is Su Xiaoqiao, and thats my real name. My room
number at Steel Armor Shelter is 1046. How about you? Whats your name and where do
you live?" Su Xiaoqiao said.
"Dollar. Thats the only thing I care about. Prepare some money, and
Ill go to room 1046 once I have something." Han Sen put the money into his pocket,
waved goodbye to Xiaoqiao and left Zephyr Valley.
Having been through his fathers death, Han Sen did not want to have
too many exchanges with others. He just wanted to take care of his mother and
sister and do his own thing. Other people or things didnt really affect him.

"Brother, Ill wait for you. You must come! Remember, the price is
definitely not a problem..." Su Xiaoqiao shouted at the back of Han Sen while
waving his hand.
After Han Sen left, Su Xiaoqiao couldnt help but call out: "How could
I get these back?"
Su Xiaoqiao thought for a while and decided to carry some back in a
bag and ask some friends to help him carry the rest.
Fortunately, there were almost no humans in Zeohyr Valley. When Su
Xiaoqiao came back with friends, all the bodies were still there.
"Xiaoqiao, is it true that Dollar killed all these swift mantises?" Su
Xiaoqiaos friends looked wide-eyed at the pile of mantis bodies.
"Of course. Although I did not see him hunting, there was no one else
in Zephyr Valley at the time and the mantises had just died. Who else could it be?"
Su Xiaoqiao said.
"I think it must be a gang of people that killed these swift mantises,
and others must have left him to deal with the bodies. I dont believe one person
could kill so many mantises. He must be bragging! "
"He was definitely bragging."
None of Su Xiaoqiaos friends believed Han Sen killed the swift
mantises alone.

Chapter 8

Han Sen didnt go back to Steel Armor Shelter after leaving Zephyr Valley. In a
flash, he killed every swift mantis in a frenzy so that there were none left.

"Well, Ill just go hunt a copper-toothed beast. There are plenty of them near Steel
Armor Shelter and there is a high chance of catching a mutant copper toothed beast,
so it wouldnt seem too suspicious if I were to produce a mutant one using the
crystal." Han Sen found a habitat of copper-toothed beasts and wanted to catch one
that was alone.

Only able to find a small group of copper-toothed beasts, Han Sen went ahead and
killed all of them but one, taking advantage of his tough armor.

"Primitive creature copper-toothed beast killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the
flesh of copper-toothed beast to gain zero to ten primitive geno points randomly."

"Primitive creature copper-toothed beast killed. Primitive beast soul of copper-

toothed beast gained. Eat the flesh of copper-toothed beast to gain zero to ten
primitive geno points randomly."

Han Sens eyes widened in surprise. The forty-three swift mantises and thousands of
ordinary creatures he had killed didnt render a single beast soul. Now he had
killed only two copper-toothed beasts and gained a beast soul!

"To get a beast soul requires pure luck." Han Sen was filled with joy. Although it
was common, the beast soul of a copper-toothed beast was quite nice to have.

The copper-toothed beast was one of the weakest among all primitive creatures, but
its beast soul was popular. Han Sen summoned the new beast soul, and a porcupine-
like shadow with bronze fangs shifted into a bronze crescent spear in his hand.

The crescent spear had a bronzy sheen and a menacing look with its crescent-shaped
spear head.

Type of primitive beast soul of copper-toothed beast: Weapon.

Han Sen played with the spear for a while, looking quite fierce. He was taught
basic spear skills at school. Han Sen was interested in all kinds of weapons, so he
learned well.

Han Sen put away his spear before he grabbed the living copper-toothed beast and
went back. On his way back, he found a lonely spot to remove his armor. Looking
like himself again, Han Sen went back to Steel Armor Shelter, carrying the knocked-
out and tied-up copper-toothed beast on his shoulder.

At the gate of the shelter, a gang of about a dozen people were marching out, all
riding on different tall beast soul mounts, headed by a man wearing steel armor and
carrying a blood-red sword on his back. The man was riding a triceratops-like beast
soul mount, looking mighty and majestic, attracting envious glances from all

In Steel Armor Shelter, there are three outstanding persons who aimed to complete
evolution by maxing out on sacred geno points. This man, Son of Heaven, was one of
them. Han Sen didnt know his real name and identity, but he was definitely a king
in Steel Armor Shelter.

Carrying the copper-toothed beast, Han Sen stepped aside to let the gang pass.
However, Son of Heaven stopped his mount when passing by him.


Son of Heaven looked at Han Sen and slashed him on the shoulder with a leather
whip. The copper-toothed beast fell on the ground, and Han Sens clothes were ripped
apart. A wound started to swell on his shoulder and back.

"Who had the nerve to sell you this primitive creature?" Son of Heaven asked in a
cold tone, looking down at him condescendingly.
In Steel Armor Shelter, everyone knew that Son of Heaven was wooing Qin Xuan. Ass
Freak who stabbed Qin Xuan in the rear naturally became his enemy. He was also one
of the reasons why Han Sen was miserable.

When learning Qin Xuan was stabbed, Son of Heaven not only had Han Sen beaten up
but also let everyone know that whoever would dare to do business with Han would
become his enemy for life.

"I hunted it myself." Han Sen stared back coldly, fist clenched but standing still.

Not only had Son of Heaven gained a lot of geno points, but he also had collected
many beast souls. Since he had help from his gang, Han Sen wouldnt be able to touch
the guy even with his best effort. Even with his sacred-blood armor, he would be
beaten to death before he approached Son of Heaven.

Gods Sanctuary was different from the Alliance in that there was no law at all.
Power was everything. Han Sen would only die in vain. Plus, Son of Heaven was said
to be of prominent origin in the Alliance. Even if Han Sen were killed by him in
the Alliance, Son of Heaven might not be subject to legal sanctions.

Han Sen was not afraid of death. But if he died, what about his mother and sister?

"If I find out that someone dares to sell to you, Ill make sure you both die in
pain." Son of Heaven looked around and rode away.

"Ass Freak, dont make trouble. Or else I dont mind teaching you another lesson,"
Luo Tianyang smirked at Han Sen before following the gang on a black wildebeest.

Luo Tianyang, a henchman and old acquaintance in the Alliance of Son of Heaven, was
one of the those whom he sent to beat Han Sen up.

Han Sen watched the gang going away with fire burning in his eyes. He picked up the
copper-toothed beast quietly and walked towards Steel Armor Shelter, with everyone
watching him with derision.

"Stronger, I need to become stronger." With scorching anger in his chest, Han Sen
knew he was far too weak to fight the gang on his own.

The black crystal, however, was his biggest opportunity.

"Son of Heaven, just get rid of him for good," Luo Tianyang said coldly.

Son of Heaven smiled and said, "Qin Xuan is a stubborn girl. She doesnt like people
to intervene in her business. Since she did not kill Han Sen, she might be upset if
I did."
"What an unwise woman!" another henchman of Son of Heaven, Peerless Sword, said.
"Its her honor that you, bro, would chase her, while she just puts on airs. If it
werent for you, I would have killed her already."

"Dont put Qin Xuan down. She is quite something in both Gods Sanctuary and the
Alliance. If she becomes mine, it will be a huge advantage to me." Son of Heaven
said grimly, "End of discussion. We need to get to Sunset Slope before Fist Guys
gang. That sacred-blood creature has to be ours!"

Chapter 9

Han Sen returned to his room, tied the copper-toothed beast to a cage
and put the black crystal in front of it. The beast gobbled up the black crystal
After an entire day, Han Sen noticed some changes to the copper-
toothed beast. Its fur had been gray-black like a wild boar, and its fangs had been
bronze. Now its fur also started to show a bit of bronze luster, and the fangs had
become brighter in color.
However, this was not a true mutant copper-toothed beast, which ought
to look like a bronze statue. Although this one did show some show some bronze
luster, it was still quite different from a mutant one.
"It seems that the evolution from a primitive creature to a mutant
creature is a more complex process than from ordinary to primitive, so it requires
more time than one day," Han Sen pondered.
After more than two days, its bronze color thickened, but the copper-
toothed beast still didnt look like it was going to evolve anytime soon.

Han Sen had to let the beast evolve at its own pace, and go kill some
primitive creatures for money. Plus, he could also use some primitive geno points.

Even if one didnt choose to use the primitive geno points to complete
evolution, the more primitive geno points one gained, the stronger the body would
become. And the same went for ordinary and mutant geno points.
If one could max out on ordinary, primitive and mutant geno points,
ones physical conditions would still be far beyond the average level, even without
With the black cystal, it wouldnt be difficult for Han Sen to max out
on all four types of geno points. At the moment, he wanted to max out on the other
three before he focused on sacred geno points.
Han Sen left his room and walked into the shelter, feeling slightly
different: today the streets seemed to be a lot less crowded than usual.

"Whats going on?" Han Sen walked past the plaza and found fewer stalls
there than usual as well. People there were all whispering something to each other.

Han Sen listened for a while and started to figure out what had
A few days ago, someone had spotted a new sacred-blood creature near
the Sunset Slope. Somehow the three gangs in Steel Armor Shelter all found out
about it and gathered at the slope, but the outcome was terrible: the sacred-blood
creature ran free while a lot of men were killed.
Today, Qin Xuan, Son of Heaven and Fist Guy had reached an agreement
to hunt the sacred-blood creature together. They also recruited a lot of lone
wolves and smaller groups, forming the largest campaign in Steel Armor Shelter in
recent years. The three gangs were determined to kill this creature.
Han Sen suddenly had an idea, so he turned around and ran out of the
city. When there was no one around, he summoned the black-beetle beast soul and
covered himself in armor. After running for two hours, he came to a stone hill west
of Sunset Slope.
Having finally climbed to the top of the hill, Han Sen took a look in
the direction of Sunset Slope. Among thousands of people fighting and yelling,
there was a monster with the head of a cow, the upper body of a human and the lower
body of a horse. It was holding a double-edged golden axe and pushing its way
through the crowd. No one could withstand the fierce blow of its axe.
Han Sen happened to see the monster swinging the axe at Son of Heaven.
who even had his blood-red sword, Son of Heaven did not dare to block the axe. He
stepped on his own mount and leaped back a few feet.
The monster's double-edged axe hit the triceratops-like beast soul
mount and split it in two halves. That broke Son of Heavens heart. A mutant beast
soul mount was very rare, with the same value as a small interstellar spaceship.
"How is this sacred-blood creature so strong?" Han Sen was shocked.

The sacred-blood creature ran and killed thousands of people in a

flash, and no one was able to fight back. Even people as strong as Qin Xuan, Son of
Heaven and Fist Guy didnt dare to engage in a frontal attack. Hit by all sorts of
alloy arrows and beast soul arrows, the monster still didnt even get a scratch.
When it swung the axe, no one could get close.
Such a mighty creature corresponded to Han Sens impression of a
sacred-blood creature. The sacred-blood black beetle he killed was way too weak
compared to this monster. It was only a little stronger than an ordinary black
beetle and didnt even feel like a sacred-blood creature.
People were expecting to trap the sacred-blood creature, but now a key
buffer was lost as the mount of Son of Heaven was killed. The sacred-blood creature
was charging madly, waving the golden double-edged axe and leaving screams, blood,
and limbs behind. It took it only moments to rush out of the siege to the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, it even smugly turned around and stood on
its back legs, mooing like a cow before it ran into the mountain.
"F*#k! It wants to escape!" Son of Heaven furiously summoned a green
eagle-shaped beast soul, which turned into a green iron bow in his hand. Then he
summoned a fiery beast soul in the shape of a giant six-winged wasp as his arrow.

Seeing the arrow, Qin Xuan and Fist Guy exclaimed, "A sacred-blood
beast soul of a six-winged wasp!"
They had joined force with Son of Heaven in hunting the sacred-blood
six-winged wasp. Son of Heaven was the one who had launched the final blow. They
just didnt expect him to be so lucky to have gained its beast soul.
There were less than ten beast souls known to people in the entire
Steel Armor Shelter, and many were left by those who already had evolved and gone
to Second Gods Sanctuary.
"Son of Heaven, stop! Its a beast soul that can only be used once. If
you failed to kill it" Luo Tianyang wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Son of Heaven had already shot the sacred-blood beast soul arrow with
a full draw. The arrow turned into a red lightning bolt flying towards the sacred-
blood creature.
The sacred-blood creature felt the imminent danger and turned around.
The wasp arrow shot into its chest and exploded, bursting open its flesh. The
monster fell to the ground, losing its vitality as its internal organs and blood
sprayed out.
"How dare you kill my mount? There is no way Id let you live after
doing that," Son of Heaven yelled loftily, standing like a king, leaving everyone
in shock.
While proud to see the crowd being impressed, including Qin Xuan, Son
of Heaven suddenly saw a green shadow shooting down from the sky into the dying
sacred-blood creature and ended its life.
A golden figure immediately rushed down from the stone hill nearby and
approached the sacred-blood creature. Lifting the golden double-edged axe to his
shoulder, the mysterious figure ran towards the mountain in a flash.
"Dollar!" Su Xiaoqiao recognized Han Sens unique golden armor in no
time and called out loud.

Chapter 10

Han Sen was hiding on the stone hill when the sacred-blood creature charged in his
direction. As he was deciding whether to retreat, he saw Son of Heaven shoot down
the sacred-blood creature.

Anger surged and Han Sen rushed down the stone hill while summoning the bronze
crescent spear. He shot the spear at the monster and hit it in the wounded chest,
killing the dying creature.

"Sacred-blood bloody slayer killed. Sacred-blood beast soul bloody slayer gained.
Eat the flesh of bloody slayer to gain zero to ten sacred geno points randomly."

The voice in the back of his head brought him intense joy. He had just gained
another sacred-blood beast soul! His luck was too good to believe.

However, Han Sen did not have time to celebrate. The body of the bloody slayer was
too large for him to take away, but what he could take away was the giant golden

The creatures in Gods Sanctuary could produce certain treasures through special
means. People called these treasures "gears". Although gears were just like solid
items and could not be summoned like beast souls, they could perform as well as
beast souls if they were produced by advanced creatures.

The bloody slayer was peerless when holding the golden axe, and the axe could
easily break normal beast soul weapons and beast soul mounts, so it proved to be an
excellent sacred-blood gear.

Han Sen's goal was to get the golden axe, and the beast soul of bloody slayer was
completely unexpected loot.

Watching Han Sen running on the mountain with the golden axe, everyone was stunned.

"Motherf*#ker!" Son of Heaven let out a raging roar when he realized what had
happened. With a black wildebeest summoned as his mount, he rode madly in Han Sens
direction. Behind him, his gang all raced off on their own mounts to chase Han Sen,
roaring and rebuking him.

Han Sen did not expect the golden axe to be so terribly heavy. With eight sacred
geno points, he was already lot stronger than before, yet he could still barely
walk with the axe, not to mention run.
"The bloody slayer made it seem so light! How could I run off with such a heavy
weapon?" Hansen looked back and could already see Son of Heaven and his gang only
half a mile from him.

Although it was too heavy to carry, Han Sen would never leave behind such an
excellent sacred-blood gear. He suddenly thought of his newly gained beast soul of
the bloody slayer, took a look at it and suddenly cheered up.

Type of sacred-blood bloody slayers beast soul: Shapeshifting.

Without thinking, Han Sen summoned the beast soul of bloody slayer and a majestic
shadow galloped out, looking just like the monster, only missing the giant axe.

The beast soul ran towards Han Sen and was instantly integrated with him. His body
was transformed into a bloody slayer and the black-beetle armor changed its shape
accordingly, still fully covering Han Sen's body as a bloody slayer.

After all, beast soul armor was not as rigid as man-made ones and could change
according to the shape of the body.

After shapeshifting, Han Sen felt so energetic that the golden axe was now nothing
to him. Running with four hoofs, he also became incredibly fast.

Han Sen surged up the mountain at full speed and disappeared, far outpacing the

Everyone was speechless, as everything happened so fast. Many smirked as they

watched Son of Heaven and others who were still chasing Han Sen.

"S*#t! Who was that guy? Hes got some nerve jumping into the boiling pot! And what
loot! In addition to the golden axe, he gained a sacred-blood beast soul! Can you
imagine how much it must be worth?"
"You think you could buy a sacred-blood beast soul just with money?"
"Ha-ha, Son of Heaven must be so mad. A sacred-blood beast soul! It would have been
his but was taken away."
"The arrow he used seemed like a one-off sacred-blood beast soul. And what did he
get in return for such investment LOL"
"Im just afraid Son of Heaven will lose his mind."

"Didnt expect there to be a sacred-blood beast soul! How lucky that guy is! He
could never have killed the monster alone. And a dozen sacred-blood creatures may
not even render a single beast soul. It just happened that he gained everything
with the last hit."

"Who was that guy indeed? Is there such a person in Steel Armor Shelter?"

"I heard someone call him Doll, but not sure."

"Doll! Interesting name."

After less than an hour, Son of Heaven returned gloomily with his gang, but people
already knew it was impossible to find someone on the winding mountain trails.

Son of Heaven immediately questioned Su Xiaoqiao when he got back. His exclamation
"Dollar" had been a mistake.

Su Xiaoqiao had no choice but to tell him everything about how he met Han Sen,
which wasnt very helpful since all he had was a name, Dollar.

Son of Heaven didnt fully believe him, but couldnt do much as Su Xiaoqiao was in
Qin Xuans gang. He bitterly led his gang back to Steel Armor Shelter and locked
down the shelter, swearing to find Dollar and cut him into pieces.

Most people did not learn the name Dollar, while "Doll" became popular. For a
while, Doll, Son of Heaven, sacred-blood creature, and sacred-blood beast soul
became the most popular topics in Steel Armor Shelter.

Chapter 11

Han Sen was digging a pit at the foot of the mountain, planning to
bury the giant golden axe there.
Although he escaped the manhunt of Son of Heaven by shapeshifting into
the blood slayer, there was a limit to how long he could shapeshift.
As one of the most powerful beast soul types, shapeshifting beast
souls could directly impart significant changes to a human body, which could be
unbearable for those with weak genes.
The stronger the creature one wanted to shapeshift into, the more geno
points and bodies were needed.
In general, for primitive beast souls, the number of minutes the body
could withstand the shapeshifting was equal to the number of primitive geno points
gained. In addition, one mutant geno point could support ten minutes of
shapeshifting with primitive beast souls; and in turn, ten primitive geno points
could support one minute of shapeshifting with mutant beast souls.
Now Han Sen had eight sacred geno points, which could last him only
eight minutes for shapeshifting as a blood slayer. Even counting the ordinary,
primitive and mutant genes he had gained altogether, he could shapeshift for less
than ten minutes.
It was enough for escaping, but if he were to fight a gang of people,
he could only kill one or two before his time was up.
No one could see a sacred-blood beast soul if it wasnt summoned, yet
the golden axe could not be turned invisible. The person he mainly had offended was
Son of Heaven, yet the campaign was a joint one, and the axe shouldve been the
mutual gain of all three gangs. Hence, Han Sen had pissed off all of them and could
only bury the axe in that spot for the time being.
"If I could sell the giant golden axe, it should easily bring at least
two million." Han Sen was still excited after burying the axe.
A sacred-blood gear was not as valuable as a sacred-blood beast soul,
but still considered almost priceless. If he could sell it, two million would be a
small amount.
As for the sacred-blood beast soul, Han Sen had not even thought of
selling. This was the bedrock of his survival and success in Gods Sanctuary, and it
would be like kiling the goose that lays the golden egg if he were to sell it.

Returning to Steel Armor Shelter, he saw Luo Tianyang guarding the

gate with others. Everyone who tried to enter the shelter was interrogated.

"Can you even see what beast souls I have?" Han Sen had no fear as he
had already buried the golden axe.
A young man at the gate stopped him and wanted to do a body search on
him, while Luo Tianyang said, "Why waste any time on that scumbag. How is it even
possible that he would be Dollar?
"F*#k off." The young man pushed Han Sen away and turned to search
other people.
Han Sen looked at Luo Tianyang with a sneer and went into the shelter.

Everyone in the street was talking about what had happened at Sunset
Slope. Listening to people calling him Doll, Han Sen thought, "Damn Su Xiaoqiao.
Who told you to call me Doll?" He was happy to know that Son of Heaven was furious
and strode back to his room.
In another room, Su Xiaoqiao stood in front of Qin Xuan, almost in
tears. "Xuan, you need to believe me. Ive told you everything I know. I really did
not know Dollar, but only saw him once in Zephyr Valley and bought some swift
mantises from him, which I gave to my bros as gifts. Just ask around if you dont
believe me. They even helped carry the mantises back from the valley.
"I am not blaming you. I just want you to contact Dollar, tell him I
am willing to buy his sacred-blood beast soul and gear, and ask him how much he
wants," Qin Xuan said quietly.
"But I really do not know where he is!" Su Xiaoqiao said sadly.

"Then go find him. Dont let anyone know about this and go look for him
secretly. If you manage the task, Ill reward you." Qin Xuan showed Su Xiaoqiao out
after she gave the order, not waiting for his reply.
After he left, Qin Xuan frowned to herself, "Who could Dollar be? Is
he someone in Fist Guys gang? Or was the whole thing orchestrated by Son of Heaven?
If he really is on his own, can I get him on my side? If I cant, it would also be
nice to purchase the sacred-blood beast soul and gear."
Almost at the same time, Fist Guy sent his men to look for Dollar in
secret, trying to buy the sacred-blood beast soul and gear from him.
Although it was a joint action, the only one who suffered a loss was
Son of Heaven.
If it had not been for his sacred-blood wasp arrow, the bloody slayer
would have run away and there would have been nothing for Qin Xuan and Fist Guy.
Now they could share some flesh of the bloody slayer, so it had gone well for them.

However, Son of Heaven lost a mutant beast soul mount and a sacred-
blood wasp arrow, while being robbed of the sacred-blood beast soul and gear.
Anyone in his place would have been exasperated.
The entire Steel Armor Shelter was looking for Dollar, yet no one
connected him to Ass Freak.
Son of Heaven also put a price on his head, and even offered to pay a
reward for any substantive information. The price was so good that even Han Sen
wanted to offer himself for the reward.
"Primitive green-scaled beast flesh eaten. One primitive geno point
Han Sen squatted in the bushes, watching a deep pond near him while
chewing meat jerky made from the green-scaled beast.
Up until this point, he had gained 91 ordinary geno points, 26
primitive geno points, zero mutant geno points and eight sacred geno points.

The copper-toothed beast was still slowly evolving, so Han Sen could
only go out to hunt some primitive creatures, hoping to gain more primitive geno
Because the black beetle armor would draw too much attention, he could
only go deep into the mountains where nobody goes, fearing that Son of Heaven would
know where he was.
Fortunately, Gods Sanctuary was so vast that there were many places
where humans had never set foot, so it was rather easy for Han Sen to disappear.

While staring at the deep pond, Han Sen suddenly heard a distant voice
of a man and immediately tensed up.

Chapter 12

Soon, Han Sen saw a young man walking towards the pond in ragged clothes. He was
covered with cuts and bruises all over and looked extremely tired.

"Friend, there are iron-toothed crocodiles in the pool," Han Sen came out of the
bushes and cried from afar. He meant well in warning the young man, but was also
afraid that he might alert the crocodiles that he wanted to hunt.

This young man looked very tired and seriously injured. If he drank from the pond
without knowing the crocodiles were there, he could have gotten killed by the iron-
toothed crocodiles hiding under the water.

The young man saw Han Sen and became ecstatic. "What is this place? And how do I
get to Glory Shelter?" he asked, staring at Han Sen.

"Glory Shelter?" Han Sen hesitated, looking at the young man strangely. "We are in
Tekees Mountains north of Steel Armor Shelter, and I do not know where the Glory
Shelter you mentioned is."

"I have come so far that Im now in the territory of another shelter?" the young man
whispered to himself, looked up at Han Sen, and said with an almost commanding
tone. "Take me to the shelter."

Han Sen frowned, as the tone of the young man wasnt very polite. Quietly he said,
"You go south from here. If you dont walk too slowly, you can reach the shelter
before dark. I have to hunt, so I cant accompany you. "

Han Sen was preparing to go back into the grass, not expecting the young man to
suddenly hit him in the back. Losing balance and falling to the ground, Han Sen
knocked his head on a rock and started to bleed.

"What are you doing?" Han Sen covered his wound and stood up, glaring at the young

"All I want is obedience, not bulls*#t. Take me to the shelter." The young man
looked at Han Sen coldly.

"F*#k you." Han Sen summoned his bronze crescent spear and poked it at him.

"Rubbish basic spear skills taught in integrated compulsory education! Even though
my beast souls were all ruined on the way here, scum like you cant compare to me."
The young man looked at Han Sen contemptuously, raised one palm and slashed it at
Han Sens spear.

The young man's hands looked nothing like hands of a man, but rather like they were
sculpted out of a whole piece of white jade, giving off an incredible sheen.


The beast soul spear was cut in half by his palm as easily as a steel knife cutting
through wood.

"Hyper geno art!" With only half of the spear in his hand, Han Sen was horrified.

Science and technology were of no use in Gods Sanctuary, but ancient martial arts
played an unexpectedly important role. With all the geno points gained, humans were
able to perform some mythical ancient martial arts in the real world. Nonetheless,
it wasnt the so-called qi but the power of genes that powered the ancient martial
arts. So, the more geno points gained, the more effective ancient martial arts
would be.

The research showed that ancient martial arts could stimulate and bring out the
potential of genes, offering extraordinary power to mankind. A new type of martial
arts was developed called "hyper geno arts."

Hyper geno arts were deeply rooted in ancient martial arts, full of mysteries that
couldnt be explained by science. Their practice methods were mostly monopolized by
the upper class. The most advanced hyper geno arts were the least accessible.

For those who graduated from a public school of integrated compulsory education
like Han Sen, hyper geno arts were never an option. Only the advanced schools would
teach basic hyper geno arts.

If the process of gaining geno points was compared to turning mud into steel, then
hyper geno arts could decide whether the steel was to be made into knives and guns
or simply left as a piece of metal. Acquiring genes to make the body evolve was
merely acquiring the material, while hyper geno arts taught one to use the material

"You know a lot for the scum you are." The young man looked at Han Sen
indifferently. "This is your last chance. Lead the way or die."

Again, he raised the jade-like palm as if he was an executioner about to perform

his duty. If Han Sen didnt comply, he would cut his head off.

"Kiss my ass!" Han Sen summoned the black beetle armor and covered himself, kicking
the young man with a leg sweep.

"You asked for it." The young mans face darkened, his jade-like palm chopping
towards Han Sens leg.


Han Sens leg was knocked away, and there was a white mark on the golden armor.

The young man was also forced to step back from Han Sens kick. Surprised, he looked
greedily at Han Sens armor. "It didnt break under my Jadeskin! Must be sacred-blood
beast soul armor then! A scum like you having such a nice thing is just a gift sent
from heaven. Hand over your armor and Ill spare your life."

Han Sen turned around and launched another kick in rage.

The young man grabbed Han Sens leg and twisted it, wrestled him down and came down
hard on his back with a knee.

"Ah!" Han Sen uttered a scream, feeling his spine about to break.

"Scum is always scum, even with a sacred-blood beast soul." The young man (named
Xue Longyan) continuously hit Han Sen on the back of head, knocking his head into a
rock. He cried ferociously, "Surrender the sacred-blood beast soul. Its not meant
for scum like you."

"Asshole!" Han Sens blood was burning. He suddenly raised his head and butted Xue
Longyans face with his helmet. Blood splashed from Xue Longyans nose. He covered
his nose and backed off.

Han Sen regained freedom and immediately summoned the bloody slayer. The moment he
turned into the monstrous figure, he threw himself at Xue Longyan.

Xue Longyan kept chopping at Han Sen, while Han Sen ignored all the attacks from
his tough hands and held him down tightly, the cow-shaped head knocking on his

"Who is scum who the f*#k is scum" Han Sen knocked madly on Xue Longyans head over
and over again.

Chapter 13

While Xue Longyan was struggling to kick Han Sen, the latter ignored
him and rammed his face with the cow head. It didnt take long before Xue Longyans
body went limp. When Han Sen finally calmed down, he was already dead, with his
face smashed in like a hunk of meat.
With the body of a bloody slayer and sacred-blood beast soul armor,
even those who practiced hyper geno arts couldnt resist such brutal impact.

Han Sen let go of the body, and Xue Longyan fell to the floor like a
pool of mud.
Having dismissed the beast souls, Han Sen felt a severe pain. It was
hurting so much in a few spots that it felt like his bones were broken.

Han Sen dreaded to think what could have happened. He was injured so
badly, even with the shapeshifting and armor. Xue Longyans hyper geno art was
really quite something.
If he had the same beast souls, Han Sen wouldnt be a match for him.

Looking at the dead body, Han Sen hesitated and then searched the
body. There was a wallet, with no cash but several crystal credit cards in itdeluxe
ones with high credit lines. He also found a memory chip. After some thought, Han
Sen destroyed the wallet and credit cards and threw them, along with the dead body,
into the deep pond, while keeping the memory chip.
Several iron-toothed crocodiles emerged from the water and snapped at
the dead body. Soon even the bones were gone. Han Sen was relieved and turned away.

Too injured to keep hunting, Han Sen returned to Steel Armor Shelter,
enduring the pain.
The gang of Son of Heaven were still looking for Dollar, and the
bounty had been raised. Unfortunately, no one had any interaction with Han Sen, so
no one would know Dollar was actually Ass Freak. People were still talking about
Dollar on the streets.
Han Sen went all the way back to his room and checked out the copper-
toothed beast, which had turned bronze in most parts, although the shade was still
lighter than a true mutant copper-toothed beast. It probably would take more time
for the evolution to complete.
Teleporting out of Gods Sanctuary, Han Sen went to see a doctor.
Multiple fractures of the bone were diagnosed, and it took the doctor a long time
to fix all of them.
Fortunately, Han Sen still had the ten thousand he earned from Su
Xiaoqiao, or else he wouldnt even have been able to afford the medical bills.

Back home from the hospital, Han Sen closed the door and inserted the
memory chip into a smart gadget, trying to find out Xue Longyans identity.

Able to cross the mountains and swamps to reach Steel Armor Shelter
and having practiced a hyper geno art that looked very advanced, Xue Longyan would
be very a formidable opponent if he still had his beast souls with him and had not
been injured.
The smart gadget displayed the contents of the memory chip and Han Sen
only had to look for a while before he became wild with joy.
"Hyper geno arts its a tutorial for hyper geno arts..." Han Sen almost
laughed out loud.
The hologram stored in the chip was a naked woman making odd movements
while reciting arcane incantations. With each movement, she would also give some
Although the woman was extremely beautiful, Han Sen was completely
attracted to what she was talking about and had no other thoughts.
"Jadeskin! Isnt this the hypo geno art used by Xue Longyan?" Han Sen
had seen the power of jadeskin when Xue Longyan used it, and became even more
Having locked himself in the room for 48 hours, Han Sen finally
memorized everything in the chip and destroyed it, as it could become a pitfall in
the future. After watching the jadeskin tutorial, Han Sen had a stronger sense that
Xue Longyan must have been somebody significant.
Han Sen began to practice jadeskin as he was recovering. He had
thought before about buying a tutorial of a hyper geno art, after he had earned
some money. However, the ones that could be bought were all cheap, unlike jadeskin,
which he could tell was premium.
Knowing that practicing jadeskin might eventually expose him, Han Sen
still decided to begin. If he missed jadeskin, he might never have the opportunity
to practice a premium hyper geno art.
Having practiced for several days, Han Sen felt his body had become
cooler. And his body temperature was indeed 35 degrees Fahrenheit lower than
normal. It was not a discomfort, but rather a refreshing feeling. Han Sen felt more
fit, as if his body cells were full of energy.
His body temperature didnt change further as he kept on practicing.
Han Sen became more and more fit and his skin more and more smooth.
"Han Sen, what have you been up to lately? Its been awhile since we
met. Lets hang out sometime!" The hologram of a smiling handsome long-haired man
about Han Sens age popped out from the comlink.
"Where are we going?" Han Sen was delighted to see Zhang Danfeng, the
long-haired guy. They grew up together, and he was son of Mr. Zhang, the lawyer.

"Come out first! Han Hao and Xue Xi are also with me, and we are
almost there," Zhang Danfeng said.
"Sure." Han Sen nodded and went out the door. There was a small
private jet parked outside, and Zhang Danfeng was waving to him from the drivers
Han Sen got in and saw a girl and a guy talking in the back seats. The
girl named Xue Xi was very pretty and gentle. And the guy was Han Hao, son of Han
Sens fat aunt.
Han Sen's aunt was an aggressive woman, so Han Hao inherited her
family name.
The four young people had all grown up together. However, after Han
Sens fathers accident, he could only go to integrated compulsory education, while
the rest were in private schools.
Han Sen nodded to Han Hao and Xue Xi and sat in the co-pilot seat. Han
Hao took a look at him and continued to talk to Xue Xi, ignoring Han Sen.

"Xue Xi, you should see it! Dollar just waved his hand and turned into
a monster with horse legs, a human upper body and a cow head in golden armor. Son
of Heaven and his gang could do nothing but watch him gallop away..."

Chapter 14

Han Sen was somewhat surprised to see Han Hao sputtering on. He did not know Han
Hao was also randomly sent to the Steel Armor Shelter.

Han Hao was three months younger than him, so he shouldve just had his birthday and
gained access to Gods Sanctuary.
For unknown reasons, if those under 16 were teleported, their bodies would suffer
irreversible damage. So according to the Alliance laws, one must be 16 years old to
be teleported to Gods Sanctuary, regardless of social status.

"Hey Frenzy, where are we going?" Han Sen asked Zhang Danfeng. Although Zhang
Danfeng was a good-looking man, he became crazy whenever he was in a fight, hence
the nickname.

Zhang Danfengs face lit up, "Starlight Martial Hall. My idol Tang Zhenlius going to
be in an exhibition fight held there! He was the Chosen last year, and his
broadsword skills are so fierce!"

Zhang Danfeng was full of yearning. In this era where everyone was focused on
evolution, stars no longer came from acting, singing, sports and E-sports, but from

In Gods Sanctuary, once every year the martial hall of each shelter would open at
the same time, and those in the top 100 could have their names on the martial stele
in the martial hall. The champions from each shelter would be eligible to compete
among themselves. And the same happened in all four phases of Gods Sanctuary. The
top 10 from each phase could have their names on the Sacred Stele, which was public
to everyone in the same phase, and gain the title "the Chosen."

And the ten Chosen would become the hottest stars of the year.

In recent years, Qin Xuan had always been the champion of Steel Armor Shelter, but
her name was never on the Sacred Stele, so she was never among the top 10 of First
Gods Sanctuary.

Ranking number 5 last year, Tang Zhenliu was known for his fierce broadsword
skills. He was very popular among young people and even more well-liked than the
top 4. He was paid as high as ten million Levo dollars for any exhibition match.

Knowing his popularity, Han Sen was nevertheless shocked when he saw a full house
at Starlight Martial Hall, which could accommodate more than a hundred thousand

Many crazy fans were holding signs and calling out Tang Zhenlius name. When he
appeared, a girl was so excited that she fainted.

"If I could have my name on the Sacred Stele like Tang Zhenliu once in my life,
then Id know Ive lived." Zhang Danfeng said admiringly.
"You will Frenzy." Han Sen smiled and said, watching the young people around him
going crazy for Tang Zhenlius appearance.

"Its so hard. I have entered Gods Sanctuary for three months already. Although I
bought some primitive flesh and a primitive beast soul, its still difficult for me
hunt any mutant creatures. If I could buy a mutant beast soul, it would be much
easier. But even if I had the money, people wouldnt necessarily sell their mutant
beast souls." Zhang Danfeng shook his head with a wry smile.

Han Sen thought to himself regretfully, "The only thing that could be brought from
Gods Sanctuary to the real world was a beast soul, while it can only be used but
not traded there. Otherwise I could produce mutant creatures and would gain some
mutant beast souls eventually, which could be really helpful to Frenzy."

"Ha-ha, then I have better luck then you, Danfeng. I just entered Gods Sanctuary
and have already gained a mutant beast soul. Such a pity you are not in Steel Armor
Shelter, or else we could hunt together and I could help you," Han Hao said

"Youve gained a mutant beast soul already? Tell the truth, did you hunt it or pay
for it? " Zhang Danfeng cried, staring at Han Hao.

"Of course I hunted it myself," Han Hao said loudly.

Han Sen laughed to himself. Since he was a kid, Han Hao had always raised his voice
when he lied. His parents probably bought him the mutant beast soul with an
enormous amount of money.
The cheapest mutant beast soul would cost millions, and good ones tens of millions.
So thats why his relatives were after the old house. It was a huge expense for
them. Although the company had earned a lot of money, they had probably spent it
all by now.

Tang Zhenliu was indeed awesome. Although it was just an exhibition fight, his
broadsword skills were so swift and fierce that his broadsword almost became

After watching for a while, Han Sen knew that Tang Zhenliu must have practiced
premium hyper geno arts and learned his weapon skills from masters, and he was no
competition to Tang Zhenliu.

Tang Zhenliu won the fight and summoned a beast soul to perform, shapeshifting into
a three-meter-tall tyrannosaurus creature and smashing a huge stone with its head,
arousing a burst of screaming.

"Sacred-blood beast soul of raging dementor! I would do anything for a beast soul
like this." Zhang Danfeng stared at Tang Zhenliu, who turned into a monster with a
watering mouth.

"This is nothing! This beat soul is nothing like the one Dollar has..." Han Hao
sputtered about Dollar as if it were himself.

"It would take a showdown to tell." Tang Zhenliu was Danfengs idol, so he was upset
to hear that. "I dont know how good Dollar was, but his sacred-blood beast soul was
robbed from others, and it was not a chivalric act. Even if he had a great beast
soul, he would not be comparable to Zhenliu."

Han Sen blushed with shame and thought, "Oh Frenzy, you didnt know what a hard time
I was having! How could I let go of an opportunity like that! Not to mention Son of
Heaven was my enemy."

Han Sen was hesitating whether or not to tell them that Dollar was himself but
decided not to. It wouldnt do them any good, after all.

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 - Selling Flesh

Han Sen kept practicing Jadeskin and recovering after he returned home. Every two
days he went to Gods Sanctuary to check on the copper-toothed beast.

It took the beast half a month from the time it swallowed the black crystal to
become a mutant creature, but it was still the size of an ordinary copper-toothed
beast, while the mutant copper-toothed beasts Han Sen had seen were twice that
size. In addition to the size, the one he evolved into wasnt much stronger either,
not even close to a true mutant one.

Han Sen took out his alloy dagger and slashed the beast on the neck, but caused no
damage at all. It was his dagger that chipped.

"So it is somewhat different from an ordinary one." Han Sen shapeshifted into a
bloody slayer and snapped its neck by force.

"Mutant copper-toothed beast killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its flesh to gain
zero to ten mutant geno points."

The sound in his mind overjoyed Han Sen. It might look different than a wild mutant
copper-toothed beast, but it was fine as long as it was indeed a mutant creature.

Now what was troubling him was how to sell this mutant copper-toothed beast. He
really needed the money, or else he could just eat it to gain mutant geno points.

"It is too dangerous for me to sell it showing up as Dollar, now that the entire
shelter is looking for him. But it would also be troublesome if I were to sell it
using my own true identity." Han Sen still decided to use Dollars name after some
Su Xiaoqiao was depressed these days. Qin Xuan asked him to find Dollar, but he
didnt know Dollar any more than she did, so what was he supposed to do?

Early in the morning, Su Xiaoqiao was tripped by something and fell flat on his

"Who is this f*#ker that placed a stone in front of my room? Hes dead if I find
out." Even more depressed than before, Xiaoqiao saw that there was something under
the stone.

He took a closer look and found a note and a bundle. The note said, "Goods worth
fifty thousand delivered. We are square. If you want more, come to Zephyr Valley
tomorrow. Cash only."

Although there was no signature, a coin was drawn at the lower left corner, making
clear who it was from.

"Dollar!" Su Xiaoqiao was thrilled but didnt make a sound this time. Looking around
and seeing no one, he took the bundle and note and closed the door.

Su Xiaoqiao carefully opened the bundle and saw a long strip of meat jerky the size
of two or three bites.

Su Xiaoqiao chewed up the meat jerky and swallowed.

"Mutant copper-toothed beast flesh eaten. One mutant geno point gained."

The voice in his mind surprised Xiaoqiao, "Mutant copper-toothed beast flesh! So it
was hunted by Dollar? He must have more now that he asked me to bring cash to
Zephyr Valley."

Thinking of this, he got even more excited that he could bring Qin Xuans message to
Dollar and buy mutant flesh from him at the same time.

Early in the morning, Su Xiaoqiao set off to Zephyr Valley. He waited from early
morning to noon but didnt see Dollar coming.

"S*#t, he must have fooled me!" Su Xiaoqiao was so upset that he was preparing to
leave, but then heard someone say, "You brought cash?"

Shocked, Su Xiaoqiao turned around and saw Dollar in golden armor emerging from
below the ground.

"Brother, did you hide there all morning?" Su Xiaoqiao said, staring at Han Sen.

"I've been hiding here since last night. You know whats going on right now, and I
have to be careful," Han Sen said casually.
"I admire you Dollar, but you really have nothing to worry about. Im so grateful
you would sell me mutant flesh and would never betray you."
Su Xiaoqiao gave Han Sen the thumbs-up. It was incredible that he could stay
underground for the whole night and the entire morning. It must have been so

"Cut the crap. Did you bring the money?" Han Sen pulled out another bundle from the
pit where he was hiding and placed it in front of Xiaoqiao.
Su Xiaoqiao looked inside the bundle, which was full of the same meat jerky he had
eaten yesterday. There must have been more than five pounds of it. He excitedly
asked, "Dollar, did you make all this from the mutant copper-toothed beast?"
"Yep. An entire mutant copper-toothed beast is right here. Two million, and no
bargaining," Han Sen said.

"Well, two million is fine." Su Xiaoqiao handed two stacks of ten-thousand notes to
Han Sen, but doubted whether the entire beast was really there, as there should
have been more meat.

Han Sen noticed his doubt, took the money and said, "This meat jerky is made in
traditional ways, so it shrank a bit. Rest assured that the whole beast is here."

Han Sen made the copper-toothed beast into meat jerky so that no one would wonder
why the beast was so tiny..

"Of course I trust you!" Su Xiaoqiao paused and said, "Dollar, you should know that
I work for Qin Xuan. She has a message for you: she wants to buy the sacred-blood
beast soul and golden axe you gained the other day, and she could offer you a good

"Oh, what is the price?" Han Sen was interested in selling the golden axe, as it
was not that portable. He hadnt found a chance to use it, so it was still buried.

"You will have to figure this out yourselves. Im just the messenger," Su Xiaoqiao
shrugged and said.

"If you meet with Qin Xuan, tell her if she really wants to buy it, she can name a
price and you can bring it to me," Han Sen said lightly. It was too risky for her
to meet Qin Xuan.

Chapter 16

Han Sen took back the beast soul armor and returned to Steel Armor Shelter. When he
was entering the gate, he met an acquaintance.

"Sen?" Han Hao was surprised to see him.

"Han Hao, you know Ass Freak?" Han Haos companions all recognized Han Sen and
looked at Han Hao strangely.

"No, wrong guy. Lets go!" Han Hao paused and looked embarrassed. Without saying
hello, he walked past Han Sen.

Han Hao hadnt expected Han Sen to be in the same shelter, nor that he was also the
infamous Ass Freak. If word got out that he was Han Sens cousin, Han Hao couldnt
imagine what Son of Heaven and Qin Xuan would do to him.

Han Sen smiled wryly and did not expose Han Haos lie. Since Han Hao didnt want
anything to do with him, why would he do his cousin any harm?

With two million on him, Han Sen left Gods Sanctuary and went back home. He asked
Mr. Zhang to help with the legal procedures regarding the old house to avoid any
further disputes with his relatives. After that, Han Sen felt a lot more relaxed.
Everything would be taken care of and life would only get better. When he earned
more money, Han Yan could go to a private school, where she could get a much better
education than he did. In some elite schools, she could even learn hyper geno arts
and have a much better start.
To enter an elite school, however, her family must be aristocratic. So Han Sen must
complete one evolution and gain the title.

"That would be a piece of cake for me. I could even have the title of sacred-blood
aristocrat if I want." Han Sens spirits were high.

"Brother, you here?" Han Yan, in floral pajamas and holding a doll in her arms,
poked her head through the door and searched for Han Sen.

Seeing Han Sen sitting on the bed, she ran over and leaned against him with the

"Naughty girl, why are you still up?" Han Sen pinched her little nose.

"Yan wants to listen to a story! Its been forever since you told me stories, and
Ive missed you so much since youve been gone." Han Yan looked at Han Sen with
watery eyes.

Han Sen sighed secretly. Since he graduated and entered Gods Sanctuary, he had
almost no time for his little sister, which he felt so guilty about.

"Ill tell Yan a story right now." Han Sen sat Han Yan on his lap, opened a story
book and read softly, "Once upon a time ..."

After Han Sen returned to Gods Sanctuary, he decided to catch a primitive creature
to feed, which, incredibly, would turn to a mutant one in half a month.

But Han Sen was more curious to know how long it would take for it to become a
sacred-blood creature, which is what he needed most.

It was still relatively easy to hunt a wild mutant creature, but almost impossible
to hunt a sacred-blood one. Take the bloody slayer for example: he could never have
killed it if it werent already severely injured by Son of Heaven.

The moment Han Sen left his room, he was pulled away by someone.

Han Sen turned and saw Han Hao, who pulled him to a remote spot. After confirming
there was no one nearby, Han Hao said, "How did you cause such trouble! You havent
even been here long, and youve managed to piss off gangs of both Qin Xuan and Son
of Heaven.

"I didnt mean to," Han Sen said casually.

"I do not care. You are on your own for the stupid things you did. You are not
allowed to say that I am your cousin or that you know me in front of others. I just
started here and have a bright future, and will not be destroyed like you were,"
Han Hao said, glaring at Han Sen.

"Sure, I wont tell." Han Sen knew his cousin had been looking down on him since he
went to integrated compulsory education, and there was no way he would support him
under these circumstances. Of course, he was not obligated to either.

"That's settled then. Dont say you know me," Han Hao told Hen Sen once again before
leaving, fearing that someone might see them together.

Han Sen left Steel Armor Shelter and went all the way into the mountains. He didnt
plan to hunt copper-toothed beasts anymore, as he had had enough of their meat and
would no longer gain primitive geno points from it. It was another primitive
creature that he was going after. He could eat several and also bring back a living
one to evolve.

Han Sen had chosen a place called Barathrum Cave for hunting this time. It was a
remote cave in the mountains, where primitive creatures, quartz scorpions, lived.

Because it was so dark and narrow in Barathrum Cave, even with lighting equipment,
sometimes it was still difficult to see quartz scorpions hidden in rock tunnels.

If stung by these scorpions, it would take a mere three to five minutes before
someone who had maxed out on primitive geno points would be poisoned to death.

Therefore, few people would choose quartz scorpions as their targets. With black
beetle armor, however, Han Sen wasnt risking much, as it was not likely that quartz
scorpions could get to him.

His chose quartz scorpions because, first, it was easy to hide himself from the
public in the cave. And second, a quartz scorpion was only the size of a fist, so
it would be easy for him to carry their bodies back, unlike the large prey which
were hard to transport. Third, if he happened to gain the beast soul of a quartz
scorpion, he would also make a fortune, as it was a weapon like a military knife
which was poisoned and incredibly sharp. As a primitive beast soul, its price was
almost as high as a mutant one.

At the mouth of the cave, Han Sen made sure he was alone and summoned his armor,
entering Barathrum Cave prepared.

As modern lighting equipment didnt work in Gods Sanctuary, Han Sen brought a self-
made torch, with which he could only see several feet in front of him. With mica in
the rocks reflecting the light, he could hardly see the hidden scorpions.


Han Sen soon felt a hit on his foot. He looked down and saw a deep blue scorpion
the size of his fist stinging him on the feet with its tail.

Chapter 17

Fortunately, Han Sen's feet were also wrapped in armor, and the
scorpion tail couldnt hurt him at all.
Han Sen stepped on the quartz scorpion and crushed it.
"Primitive creature quartz scorpion killed. No beast soul gain. Eat
the flesh of quartz scorpion to gain zero to ten primitive geno points."

Han Sen picked up the dead scorpion, put it into a prepared bag, and
walked further into the cave with the bag on his back.
Protected by the black beetle armor, Han Sen killed all quartz
scorpions he saw on the way, and there were nearly a hundred scorpions in his bag
after he had walked for an hour.
"Georgie Porgie, Pudding and Pie, kissed the girls and made them cry.
When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away." Han Sen collected the
dead scorpions as he was humming a nursery rhyme.
His mother had to work to support their family, and he was the one who
took care of Han Yan. Thats why he was used to humming nursery rhymes.
"Dollar?" Han Sen heard the other name he had given himself when he
was on a spree. Shocked, he peered in the direction where the voice came from.

In the cave sat a woman in her twenties leaning against stalagmites,

looking at him surprised.
"Qin Xuan!" Han Sen exclaimed. Not expecting to see this woman here,
Han Sen turned around to run.
Since he had stabbed her in the rear, he had had nightmares about it.

"Dont go. I dont care about the grudge between you and Son of Heaven.
And even if I wanted to look for trouble, I wouldnt be able to," Qin Xuan quickly
Hen Sen paused and looked back at Qin Xuan, whose ankle was swollen
and badly bruised. Clearly, she had been stung by a quartz scorpion.
It suddenly hit Han Sen that Qin Xuan must have so many treasures on
her since she had been in Steel Armor Shelter for years and wished to evolve with
the maximum sacred geno points. She must have sacred-blood beast souls and very
many mutant beast souls.
At this point she was injured, and it looked quite serious. She had so
many geno points that the scorpion poison might not kill her, but her ability to
fight surely had suffered, or at least she couldnt move her injured leg.

"Although I was the one who stabbed her, she hit me back right away
and has been ruthless to me ever since. If I could blackmail her right now, that
would be some compensation for my suffering these months," Han Sen thought, leering
at Qin Xuan.
As if she could see through him, Qin Xuan summoned a beast soul in the
shape of a purple butterfly, which turned into a purple dagger in her hand.

"You know the name of this dagger?" Qin Xuan asked him with a smile.

"I dont." Han Sen noticed the gleam of the dagger, but she couldnt
have summoned it for its beauty. It must be at least a mutant beast soul and even
possibly a sacred-blood beast soul.
"This dagger is the beast soul of a malicious butterfly, and it is
envenomed with strong poison. You decide if your armor could block my dagger." Qin
Xuan was still smiling.
Qin Xuan couldnt see Han Sen blushing because his armor blocked his
face. "You worry too much. We just met and have no hard feelings between us
whatsoever. Why would I try to hurt you?"
The sacred-blood armor might not have been able to block the sacred-
blood dagger. Han Sen would not take the chance. Besides, they werent really
enemies either, as Qin Xuan didnt do anything more than make a few threats. It was
Son of Heaven and his gang that really bullied him.
Qin Xuan smiled and took back her dagger. "I cant move. If you can
take me out of the cave safely, I will pay you a generous reward."
"How come you came here alone?" Han Sen asked, not agreeing straight
away. He was curious how Qin Xuan was able to come this far when there was no trace
of quartz scorpions being hunted on the way.
"Originally I wanted to kill a mutant quartz scorpion, but it was more
cunning than I thought. It started to attack me, leading other scorpions when my
incense was about to burn out, so that I couldnt leave the cave. The primitive
scorpions no longer feared me when the incense was gone. I was able to fight them
off but was stung by a mutant quartz scorpion. So now its even less likely that I
can leave here."
Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen and said, "Didnt you barter with Su
Xiaoqiao for money? Take me out and Ill offer you that."
"You were stung by a mutant quartz scorpion?" Han Sen looked at her,
"If it was just a sting by a primitive quartz scorpion, I wouldnt have
asked for help," Qin Xuan said casually.
Han Sen now knew it was incense that kept the quartz scorpions sway
from Qin Xuan, and she thought that he must have used the same method. What she
didnt know was that he had killed all quartz scorpions on the way out. If she had
known, she would have walked away herself.
"Did you not kill the mutant scorpion?" Han Sen asked again.

"Yes, but I did not get a beast soul. No one could get the flesh
either, as its full of scorpions out there," Qin Xuan said.
"Ill take you, not for money but for a mutant beast soul."

"You are too greedy." Qin Xuan glanced at him.

"Miss Qin, for you, a mutant beast soul is nothing. Is your life not
worth it?" Han Sen said.
"Alright then." Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen earnestly.
"Amazing. You have a deal Miss." Han Sen walked farther into the cave.

Chapter 18

"What are you doing?" Qin Xuan frowned.

"Ill take you out after picking up the corpse of the mutant quartz scorpion you
killed." Han Sen continued to go inside.

"There are so many scorpions there. Dont you need incense?" Qin Xuan looked at Han
Sen, puzzled.

"Why do men need incense?" Han Sen came back with a giant blue scorpion about a
foot long in his hand.

Qin Xuan sighed after looking him up and down, "I was tricked by you. You have
already killed all the quartz scorpions out there, havent you?"

"Smart girl." Han Sen poured the dead scorpions from his bag, which soon piled into
a heap.

Although Qin Xuan had guessed it, she was still surprised to see that Han Sen had
killed so many scorpions.

Han Sen put the corpse of the mutant scorpion in his bag first before he started to
fill it with primitive scorpions. There were still a few that wouldnt fit in there,
and he didnt waste those but ate all the flesh until he had cleaned them up.

"Primitive quartz scorpion flesh eaten. Four primitive geno points gained."

"I havent seen anyone quite like you, willing to eat such disgusting things." Qin
Xuan had never met someone who had such nice equipment but remained so stingy.

"Come on." Han Sen squatted next to Qin Xuan, wanting to carry her out on his back.

"Since there are no scorpions anymore, I could just walk out," Qin Xuan said.

"You have promised me a mutant beast soul and couldnt take that back anyway. Why
not enjoy my service with your injured leg?" Han Sen said.

"You are right. Why not?" She bit her bottom lip, got up and carefully climbed onto
the back of Han Sen.

With the armor, Han Sen couldnt really enjoy the feeling of her body against his.
He walked out, carrying Qin Xuan, with his bag in one hand.
She only weighed about 100 pounds, which was nothing for Han Sen, who had already
gained quite a lot geno points. They emerged from the cave in no time.

"Where are you going?" asked Han Sen.

"Back to the shelter,." Qin Xuan said.

Han Sen no longer spoke and carried her towards Steel Armor Shelter. After an hour,
he let her down.

"It is not too far away from the shelter now, and people pass by here all the time.
Wait for a while, and then ask them to bring you back." Han Sen extended an empty
hand to Qin Xuan: "Now, my mutant beast soul."

"I have asked Su Xiaoqiao to send a message. Would you sell me the sacred-blood
beast soul and gear?" Qin Xuan didnt hesitate before she handed over a mutant beast
soul in the shape of a black cat to Han Sen.

"What is your offer for the golden double-edged axe?" Han Sen asked.

"Two million."

"That is a piece of sacred-blood gear, while two million wont even get you a mutant
beast soul." Han Sen frowned.

"Sacred-blood gear is very nice, but you cant take it to the real world, while
beast souls could be used outside Gods Sanctuary. That explains the price. If you
would sell a sacred-blood beast soul, Id give you twenty million," explained Qin

"A mutant beast soul, plus two million," Han Sen said.

"A mutant beast soul is out of the question. Ill give you five million."

"Flesh of two mutant creatures and two million."

"You are asking too much. Final offer, six million. After all, you cant take it
outside," Qin Xuan said.

"Okay, get the money ready. I will tell Xiaoqiao when and where we trade," Han Sen
said and left with his bag.

"You really would not consider selling the sacred-blood beast soul? Twenty million
is just a tentative offer. We could discuss further," Qin Xuan said to his back.

"No way." Han Sen left without pausing.

Qin Xuan looked at him leaving and thought, "His armor was tougher than the quartz
scorpion sting. It must also be a sacred-blood beast soul."

"Who was he? He doesnt look like a soldier." She had no clue.

Han Sen went back to his original look and returned to the shelter with his bag.

There was no one guarding the gate anymore: they had searched for Dollar for so
long and found nothing, so they had to give up.

Coincidentally, Han Sen ran into Han Hao and his friends again.
"Nice to see you again, Ass Freak! You have a full bag with you. How many mutant
creatures did you hunt?" A young man ridiculed him.
"One." Han Sen replied calmly.
"Ha-ha, you are funny. Could you even hunt primitive creatures? It must be full of
black beetles there," laughed the young man, leading everyone to burst into
laughter. No one believed Han Sen could get a mutant creature.

"Han Hao, dont mistake him for anyone. If you knew him, youd forever have bad
luck." A young man patted Han Hao on the shoulder.

"No way Id know Ass Freak!" Han Hao looked embarrassed.

Han Sen ignored them and carried his bag back to his room.

He saved the mutant quartz scorpion and was going to sell Xiaoqiao all the rest.
Although he could evolve a creature into a mutant one in half a month with the
black crystal, hed rather use the crystal to get sacred-blood creatures.

Chapter 19

In the middle of the night, Han Sen placed a bag of dead quartz
scorpions and a note at the door of Su Xiaoqiaos room before knocking a few times.
Then he hid in an alley close by and made sure Xiaoqiao took the bag and note
It turned out to be a nice collaboration, and Han Sen got the six
million promised by Qin Xuan and another eighty thousand for the scorpions. He went
back to his room with boxes of cash and almost jumped with joy.
Even when his father was still alive, he had never seen so much money
at once.
Han Sen left Gods Sanctuary with the money, since the only thing he
wanted to do right now was to share the joy with his mother and sister. Their
adversity had finally ended.
The two million he earned before was all used on solving the issue of
the old house, and he could eventually have the six million to himself, which was a
totally different feeling.
Although the money was not even enough for the rich to buy a luxury
airplane, for Han Sen it was already the most money he had seen in his life.

"Mom, Yan, I have something to show you." Han Sen pulled them into his
room and poured the cash onto his bed.
"Where did you get so much money?" Luo Sulan was first frightened
instead of being surprised, fearing that her son might have done something
"Mom, I was lucky to have killed a mutant creature and gained the
beast soul, so I traded it for this money." Han Sen did not dare to tell the truth,
afraid that Luo Sulan might get worried.
He didnt dare to leak anything about the black crystal, as the
precious stone may land its innocent possessor in jail. His whole family could be
wiped out if word got out.
Luo Sulan said ruefully, "Sen, you should not have sold it. It could
be of great help to you, and we could always get by... "
"Mom, no worries. I will have another chance. Ive eaten the mutant
flesh and gained mutant geno points. In the future, itll be much easier for me to
hunt, and everything will get better."
"But..." Luo Sulan still felt bad, as it was not that easy to kill a
mutant creature. For ordinary people, it would be great luck to hunt one, just like
winning the lottery, so there may never be a second time.
"Yan is about to start school, and Im not letting her to go to a
public one like I did," Han Sen said.
Luo Sulan looked at her children with tears in her eyes, "Its all my
fault. I didnt take good care of you."
"Mom, you are a great woman, and you were the one who raised us. Let
me contribute a little as well!" Han Sen picked up Han Yan: "Yan, lets go out to
eat. You can have whatever you want today."
Han Yans face lit up: "I want to eat Sapphire ice cream."
"Sure, lets go have Sapphire ice cream!" Han Sen pinched Han Yan's
small nose.
"Sapphire ice cream is too expensive. You dont need to splurge with
the money. Save it to buy some meat..."
"Just once!" Han Sen went out, holding Luo Sulans hand.
"Dont tell others you have hunted a mutant creature or you sold a
mutant beast soul I dont want anything bad to happen to you" Luo Sulan urged her
son. Since Han Sen's father had the accident, Luo Sulan had changed. She no longer
wanted Han Sen to be in charge but just to be safe.
"Mom, relax. I will not say a thing. You keep the money and decide
what to do with it." Han Sen went out of the house holding his sister with one hand
and his mother with the other.
Sapphire ice cream was famous throughout the Alliance and was also
very expensive. Even the cheapest type cost more than ten thousand.
Their neighbors kids were always having Sapphire ice cream. And Han
Sen also had tried it a few times when he was younger. However, when Han Yan was
born, they were already bankrupt, so they couldnt afford such luxuries any more.

Having the impression that the ice cream was delicious, Han Sen could
no longer remember what it tasted like.
When the three came to Sapphire, all the seats were taken, and there
was a long line to buy ice cream.
"Lets go upstairs." Before Han Sen entered the store, he saw through
the window that the second floor was almost empty, so he thought the ladies could
go upstairs and have a seat while he would stand in line alone.
At the stairs, he was stopped by a waiter.
"I am sorry, you cannot go up," the waiter said.
"Why? Arent there any seats upstairs?" Han Sen frowned.
Contemptuous and impatient, the waiter pointed to a notice on the
wall, "You should have heard about our rule even if you have never had our ice
cream before."
Han Sen looked at the notice, which said, "The Distinguished and
Aristocrats Only" and understood what he was referring to. So the second floor was
an area exclusively for people with privileges, and ordinary people werent even
allowed to enter.
No wonder the second floor had much better decorations yet was so
"We dont need to sit down. Well just wait here, and you go get Yan ice
cream," said Luo Sulan, trying to spare Han Sen.
"I'm going." Han Sen smiled and went to the back of the line. He
seemed to be indifferent, but was suddenly possessed by an aspiration.
"Whats so special about the distinguished and aristocrats? Soon I
shall have it all and more. The stupid notice will never get in my way again."

There still were no empty seats when it was his turn to buy the ice
cream, so Han Sen had to order takeout. Before leaving, he took another look at the
notice"The Distinguished and Aristocrats Only!"

Chapter 20
The next morning, Han Sen was on the train going to the teleport station, with many
passengers sharing his destination.
Most people could not afford a teleport device, so they had to enter Gods Sanctuary
using a public teleport station.
Today, the conductor seemed to be in a bad mood. While Han Sen was deep in thought
about what to do in Gods Sanctuary, a violent shake of the train left everyone who
was standing falling to the sides.
Since he wasnt paying attention, Han Sen also involuntarily staggered a few steps
forward and fell on something soft.
Subconsciously wanting to seize something to regain his balance, he felt strange
because what he was holding on to was even more soft and tender.
Then he found that he had bumped into a woman in military uniform, and his hands
were on her chest.
"Bastard!" The woman scowled and elbowed him fast and hard. If she were to succeed,
Han Sen would have lost half his face. He subconsciously raised an arm to block the
hit, felt a strong hit on his arm and involuntarily stepped back several steps.
The woman turned around and viciously stared at Han Sen. She exclaimed with just
one look: "You! Ass..."
"Qin Xuan!" She didnt finish her sentence, but Han Sen cried in fear. This woman in
uniform happened to be the woman from whom he had gotten the nickname Ass Freak.
Han Sen did not expect Qin Xuan also to be on Roca Planet, and it seemed that she
had enlisted in the army.
Being in the military was nothing uncommon in the Alliance, as all legitimate
residents of the Alliance needed to serve at least five years when they turned
twenty. When Han Sen turned twenty, he would also become a soldier, if there were
no special reason for him not to serve.
Qin Xuan recognized Han Sen, but didnt initiate a fight. She just looked at him
with a cold and slightly disgusted look.

Han Sen thought ruefully, "She must think Im a pervert now. I dont even blame her.
I did stab her in the bottom and now If I were her, Id assume the same. "

"There are so many planets in the Alliance, how is Qin Xuan here as well? And what
are the chances that I would meet her and did this to her," Han Sen thought
plaintively. There was no way around it; he would have to let the situation play
itself out.

In the Alliance, wounding others was not allowed. Qin Xuan did not want to make a
scene, so she just glowered at him and didnt move further.

Han Sen had goosebumps from her staring and immediately got off the train once he
reached the teleport station. To his surprise, Qin Xuan followed behind him.

"Dogs can't help from eating sh*t. I thought you were just innocent, while you are
by nature a disgusting person," Qin Xuan said fiercely.

"You saw what happened. It was the train, and so many others also fell. It was just
a coincidence," Han Sen said with a wry smile.

"Would you believe that if you were me?" Qin Xuan said coldly.

"What do you want?" Qin Xuan had identified him as a bastard, so there was no need
to explain.

"You really are brazen, showing no remorse for what you did. It must not be the
first time you have done something like this." Seeing that Han Sen wasnt going to
apologize, Qin Xuan raged, "You think Ill just send you to the police? Its not that
easy. I cant beat you up here, but in Gods Sanctuary, it will be a different story.
You are going there right? Ill wait for you."
Qin Xuan immediately left and the soldiers saluted her, "Good morning,

Han Sen stumbled and couldnt believe what he saw. He almost wanted to cry.

All teleport stations belonged to the military system. A garrison was assigned to
each station, and the stationmaster was the garrison's chief executive.

Han Sen had heard that the old stationmaster was to be transferred, and he couldnt
believe that Qin Xuan would be the new stationmaster, not even in his wildest

Han Sen had a bad feeling about the whole thing. As the stationmaster, Qin Xuan
would know his whereabouts very well.
And it wasnt even possible for him to use a different teleport station. There are
three public teleport stations on Planet Roca, but the other two were too far away,
and he couldnt waste two days on travelling.

Han Sen entered Gods Sanctuary when Qin Xuan went to her office. He decided to wait
until she left the shelter before he teleported back home.

Han Sen gave Qin Xuan no chance to intercept him. Taking some meat jerky made from
the mutant scorpion, Han Sen left Steel Armor Shelter.

"Did I use up my luck when I found the black crystal?" Han Sen thought, depressed.

He did not go far before seeing Son of Heaven and his gang standing outside the
shelter chatting.

Han Sen wasnt interested in meeting up with them and went the other way. However,
Luo Tianyang called him from behind: "Ass Freak, come here!"

Reluctantly, Han Sen had to turn around toward Luo Tianyang, perplexed.

"Im calling you. Come here and youll get lucky." Luo Tianyang waved to him, smiling

"There is no need. Im not strong. I can only deal with ordinary creatures and cant
even fight primitive creatures. I am afraid I cannot help you." Han Sen knew it was
never good when Luo Tianyang called him.

"Cut the crap! Do you want a beating? I said come!" Luo Tianyang gazed at Han Sen
with his face dark.

Chapter 21

In addition to Han Sen, Son of Heaven and his gang were also joined by a few thugs
they paid to come along. The group left Steel Armor Shelter and marched into the

Although they expected nothing good to happen, they still wanted to take the chance
for the sake of the generous reward.

In the past, if Han Sen had not been blocked by Qin Xuan and Son of Heaven, he
might also have risked his life for the bounty.

Now Han Sen had no reason to take such risks, but it was clear that Son of Heaven
and Luo Tianyang wanted to use him as a stepping stone, which made him want to kill
them both.

Han Sen quietly followed them, guessing what they were about to do. When recruiting
people, the gang had said they were hunting a mutant creature, and it was only
because there were also many ordinary and primitive creatures that they needed more

Han Sen of course couldnt take this seriously. To kill a mutant creature, the
regular gang was more than enough. The dozen people around Son of Heaven could all
kill a mutant creature on their own, let alone Son of Heaven himself. The extra
hands were completely unnecessary, according to their story.

Luo Tianyang and others casually killed the creatures they encountered along the
way, and gave the meat to the hired people casually, which made everyone quite

The group had been going for six or seven days, and the gang still had no intention
of stopping. On the eighth day, they halted at a mountain pass.

Very far from the shelter, there was no human activity. They encountered many
different creatures. Son of Heaven and his gang had killed a lot of primitive
animals on the way and kept some of the flesh as food.

"It seems that we are almost there. What on earth are they up to?" Han Sen had not
heard anything, but judging from the grave look on their faces, this couldnt be a
simple operation.

They rested for a day at the campsite and crossed the mountain pass the next
morning. After hiking a dozen miles, they saw a gap in the canyon so deep and dark
that no one could see the bottom.

Everyone lit a torch. The gang sent the hired people as the vanguard and followed
them into the gap.

The hired ones all knew it was time to put their life on the line, so they were

"Why are you going so slowly, bitches? Do you still want the rest of the money?"
Luo Tianyang whipped a few people in the back and shouted.

The thugs could only speed up going down.

Han Sen was among them. It was not too difficult to walk down, and nothing happened
along the way until they reached the bottom. The thugs were relieved and started to
talk and laugh again.

It was very dark at the bottom of the gap, and the group had to rely on the
torches. There was an underground river running through the huge space.

"Cross the river and go into the cave on the other side." Luo Tianyang pointed his
whip to the other side.

"Luo, I cannot swim. This river is too wide," said a young man who had been

"Who told you to swim? We have inflatable boats. Just row across." Luo Tianyang
opened the parcel on the back of his mount, and there were indeed inflatable boats
in there. After they inflated the boats, each one could sit four to five people.
The group started to row the boats across. The speed of the water was not fast, and
there was no risk of being rushed downstream. Two boats soon reached the center of
the river.

All of a sudden, with a splash, a dark creature emerged from the water with half of
its python-like body exposed. Its body was wider than a bucket and covered with
shiny black fine scales. Its mouth was so large that it could fit a cow.

But it wasnt a cow that was swallowed, rather someone on the boat. The giant body
then put its full weight on the boat, which exploded with everyone on it falling
into the water.

Everyone was shocked and trying to row the boats back. Those who hadnt gone on the
boat just dropped their boat and started to run back.

With a glint of cold steel, the two running the fastest were beheaded by Luo
Tianyang and another gang member. Luo Tianyang pointed the knife with blood on it
at the rest and cried ruthlessly, "There is but one monster, so whoever reaches the
other side can live. And Ill kill anyone who took the money and tries to run away.
To live or to die, it is up to you."

Everyone was intimidated by Luo Tianyang's vicious act and started to row towards
the other side.

"Assholes, you just want to feed the monster with humans," Han Sen cursed in his
heart. Those who fell into the water before were trying to swim to the other side
but were suddenly pulled into the water by something.

It was so dark that no one saw what happened to them, but their fate could be
imagined from the thick scent of blood.

The hired boys dared not move forward, and Luo Tianyang used his knife again to
force them. They didnt want to stay in the river, so they had to row hard.

Han Sen lit the surroundings with his torch while rowing the boat. In case the
monster came out of the water, he had to summon sacred-blood beast soul armor at
once to save his life.

The monster again collapsed a boat, and everyone on it was screaming. Then what
could be heard was only the waves rolling.

"Row harder if you want to live!" Han Sen yelled at the two on the boat with him
who were petrified as he was rowing his heart out.

"F*#king heartless bastards!" He swore quietly.

The two men were revived by Han Sens shout, and started to row desperately. From
time to time there were screams and splashes. Countless men must have been buried
in the snake belly.

Chapter 22

There was no doubt that this giant snake was a sacred-blood creature. Aquatic
creatures were hard enough to kill, let alone a sacred-blood creature.

With his normal gang, Son of Heaven didnt even dare to hunt it, but was only trying
to fill out the group, so that they could safely reach the other side.

Han Sen took a look at the other side as he was rowing. After they passed the
middle of the river, the torch could light up the other side a little bit.

Since Han Sen had started to practice Jadeskin, his body function seemed to get a
lot better. vision was also a lot stronger than before and he seemed to have gained
night vision as well. Now he could clearly see a cave six to nine feet wide on a
cliff. Although there was no path, the cave must have been the gangs destination.

Han Sen was looking at the cave when he heard a loud splash. His heart sank as he
saw the giant snake popping out of water less than six feet from their boat, its
mouth moving towards the boat and its fangs showing.

Without thinking, Han Sen jumped into the water and summoned his armor underwater.
Like a fish, he struggled to swim across the river.

The whole process of crossing the river was tragic. It wasnt clear whether the
black snake was insatiable or just determined to kill humans, but only two boats
reached the other side, and only seven people lived. All the others were in the
water and most likely dead.

The snake didnt show up again.

"Son of Heaven, although the snake was a sacred-blood creature, it was not
intelligent. Now it is full, we should not have too much risk crossing," said Luo
Tianyang, smiling.

"Go over." Son of Heaven gave the order, and the gang went over in three boats. As
expected, the snake didnt attack anymore and they all landed safely.

"Continue." Luo Tianyang whipped the seven survivors, who were forced to walk
inside the cave, trembling. They regretted so much that they had coveted the
bounty. What was money good for if they died here?

But they did not encounter any other creatures along the way. In half an hour, they
reached the end of the cave.

At the end of the cave there was a pool, and next to the pool was a gravel nest 30
feet wide. In the middle of the nest there lay two eggs the size of ostrich eggs
with black patterns.

Son of Heaven was overjoyed."Ha-ha, awesome! Eggs of sacred-blood creatures, and

there are two of them. Now my sacred geno points could go over 80."

Even so, he did not lose his caution and winked at Luo Tianyang, who was equally
excited. The latter understood immediately and forced the survivors to fetch the

Trembling, they walked into the gravel nest and carried out the two eggs.

However, before they were able to leave the nest, the pool started to bubble, and
BANG! A huge snake head stuck out, the dark-red snake eyes staring at the egg

"Damn! Throw the eggs over," Son of Heaven shouted to them, but they were
dumbfounded by the snake up close and did not reply him.

"Useless motherf*#kers!" Son of Heaven scolded and summoned his red sword, running

The gang all summoned their weapons and followed him. Rushing in front of the
survivors, Son of Heaven grabbed the eggs and ran towards the mouth of the cave.
The snake was originally concerned about its eggs and didnt move. Seeing Son of
Heaven running away with them, it went into a rage and left the pool, chasing the
gang madly.

"Block it," cried Son of Heaven, while he kept running without pause.

Luo Tianyang was even more ruthless. He grabbed two shivering survivors and threw
them at the snake. Catching one in the mouth, the snake swallowed him without

The rest of the gang all followed suit, using the survivors as human shields, which
temporarily resisted the snake's attack. They took advantage of it and retreated.

Son of Heaven ran fast, holding the two snake eggs. It took him no time to arrive
at the mouth of the cave. When he was excited, a golden fist appeared in front of
him and hit him on the face.

He hadnt expected someone hiding behind the cave mouth and was unprepared for the
attack. Blood spilling and nose crooked, he fell back with his hand covering his

The two snake eggs suddenly flew out from his arms. A golden figure jumped up,
caught one egg with each hand, and ran toward the river.

"Dollar!" Son of Heaven fell to the ground, clutching his face. He immediately
managed to climb up, saw the unique golden armor and recognized who it was.

After jumping in the water, Han Sen had swiftly swum to the shore in the chaos, and
instead of going into the cave, he hid behind a boulder and waited until the gang
entered the cave. He then followed them and watched. When he saw Son of Heaven
running with the eggs, Han Sen gave him a hard punch and captured the eggs.

Han Sen just regretted that his bronze crescent spear had been ruined by Xue
Longyan, or he might have been able to kill Son of Heaven with this secret attack.

Han Sen reached the river and suddenly saw waves roaring. A huge black-scaled
snake appeared from the river.

"F*#k! There is another one?" Han Sen looked back and saw the other snake chasing
the gang.

"Dollar, you are so f*#ked!" Son of Heaven hated Dollars guts and gloated that he
was stopped by the snake.

Han Sen quickly had an idea as the snake in the river glared at him. He pushed hard
with his right hand secretly, and then threw the snake egg at Son of Heaven.
"Catch. We will each keep one egg, and lets deal with the snakes together first. "

"Who agreed to that? I will get both eggs and kill you!" Thinking Han Sen was
terrified, Son of Heaven sneered and caught the egg, but the egg broke when it hit
him and the egg was all over him.

Son of Heaven was stunned.

Chapter 23

The giant snake shrieked and rushed madly toward Son of Heaven, who
was covered in egg, leaving Han Sen alone.
Han Sen turned and ran with the remaining snake egg. Jumping on an
inflatable boat, he desperately rowed to the other side without looking back.

He still had an egg with him, and if both snakes decided to go for
him, it would be no fun at all.
"Dollar, f*#k your" Han Sen heard cursing from behind, followed by all
sorts of human voices and the beasts roar.
Han Sen went to the other side, jumped onto the shore and ran out of
the big gap. Without a pause, he ran toward the shelter.
After running for a while, Han Sen started to get uneasy. In case Son
of Heaven and his gang escaped, they would definitely go for him, and he could by
no means outrun their mounts.
Han Sen decided to go into the forest and take a detour so that he
didnt risk being caught by them.
They had been in the shelter for years, and everyone was fit and had
plenty of beast souls. Even though they were no match for the snakes, surely some
of them could get away. It was best to be careful.
That night, Han Sen found a corner to take shelter from the wind and
got some firewood. Sealing the snake egg with a layer of mud, he put it on the fire
and barbecued it.
While cooking, Han Sen murmured, "Pure life, before you see this dirty
world, let me handle the sin and send you back to heaven."
"Young obsidian dragon killed. No beast soul gained. Eat it to gain
zero to ten sacred geno points randomly." Having barbecued it for a while, Han Sen
heard the voice.
"So it was not a snake unfortunately I didnt gain the beast soul," Han
Sen thought greedily.
Soon the egg was cooked and Han Sen used a stick to get the egg out of
the fire. Breaking the burnt mud crust on the outside, he saw the delicious egg
Han Sen took a bite, and the egg was so much better than a chicken
"Young obsidian dragon eaten. One sacred geno point gained..."

Han Sen ate the whole egg and was so full he couldnt move. He had
gained five sacred geno points. Adding the eight points he already had, Han Sen now
had thirteen sacred geno points.
It took Han Sen eight or nine days to reach Steel Armor Shelter. Son
of Heaven and his gang had been back for two days already when he arrived.

There were only eight in the gang that returned alive, and everyone
was injured. Even some of Son of Heavens henchmen had died. Son of Heaven wouldnt
say what they had done, and Qin Xuan and Fist Guy failed to find out.
Several hired thugs, however, had come back alive after they had
fallen into the water. And through them, Qin Xuan and Fist Guy eventually learned
what had happened. They still had no idea what had happened after the hired men
fell into the water, so just took for granted that the gang was hurt by the
obsidian dragons.
Their guess was only half right, because the egg thrown by Han Sen
also contributed a lot the gangs predicament. After all, they wouldnt have had to
fight the dragons if he hadnt done that.
Son of Heaven was afraid of being ridiculed, and did not tell what
happened later, while secretly he launched a new search for Dollar.
"It is a pity that Son of Heaven and Luo Tianyang didnt die." Han Sen
learned what had happened and felt relieved.
He was afraid that Son of Heaven might suspect something, seeing he
had returned alone.
Now that there were other survivors, Han Sen naturally had nothing to
worry about, and caught a primitive copper-toothed beast on his way back to the
shelter. If Son of Heaven and his gang came to interrogate him, he could just say
he was rushed downstream and got lucky.
Han Sen was thinking too much, because Son of Heaven did not have the
time to ask him and didnt make the connection at all.
More than half a month was spent on the expedition. Han Sen teleported
out of Gods Sanctuary to see his mother and sister. However, at the gate of the
transport station, Qin Xuan was standing at the exit, looking at him coldly.

"You sure can hide. Its been more than half a month since I saw you.
Do you think Ill spare you from the punishment you deserve?"
"Miss Qin, what do you want?" Han Sen looked at her, depressed. Qin
Xuan was now the stationmaster, and there was no way to bypass her.
"Easy, take this and come with me." Qin Xuan threw a combat suit at
Han Sen.
"You would not kill me anyway," Han Sen thought, taking the combat
suit and following her back to the station. They didnt teleport to Gods Sanctuary
but to the combat room in the station.
Han Sen put on the combat suit and entered the room, where Qin Xuan
stood in a red combat suit with black stripes.
A combat suit was not just clothing, but a high-tech product that
could function as armor, with in-built sensors which recorded all data during
fighting, including heart rate, breathing, punch speed and the impact taken. This
allowed the users to understand their physical status and determine their future
practice methods.
"If you win, I will leave you alone for good." Qin Xuan curled her
finger, indicating Han Sen should attack.
"You are about to max out on sacred geno points and have so many beast
souls. I just graduated, and you have trained in the army for so long. Why dont you
just say you want to kill me?" Even if Han Sen could win, he didnt want to expose
the fact that he was Dollar. And he wasnt confident about the fight.
"No beast soul allowed. And we are clear if you can still stand after
50 movements," Qin Xuan said casually.
"Deal." Han Sen believed he could endure 50 movements if he focused on

Chapter 24

Qin Xuan had made up her mind to kick Han Sens ass. The first time, when Han Sen
stabbed her in the rear, she could attribute it to his ignorance, while the
harassment on the train couldnt be a coincidence.

Having identified Han Sen as a freak and bastard, Qin Xuan walked up to him with
anger in her eyes and said, "You start."


Han Sen punched her in the face. Clutching her nose and stepping back, Qin Xuan
stared at him, not believing what had happened.

Han Sen was not like any man she had seen. She let him start and he just
immediately punched her, which was completely beyond her expectations. Thats why
she was not prepared for it. They were standing close to each other, so she was hit
on the nose.
In her understanding, in a showdown, the two opponents should go to the middle and
take their positions. And men always acted as gentlemen in front of her. Even if
they were weaker, theyd still want to show their masculinity. No one was like Han
Sen, who threw a punch without a sign, hitting her face, where she wasnt even
covered by protective gear.

"I'm sorry ... so sorry have we not started?" Hansen repeatedly apologized. He
thought hed let her beat him to let out the anger, and wanted it to end sooner. He
didnt expect that he could hit her nose, which soon turned red.

"We had started, and well continue, you ... bang!" Qin Xuan had more to say, but he
acted hearing "continue" and hit her on the nose again. She was in so much pain she
had to squat on the floor.

"You said continue, so I thought ..." Han Sen quickly explained.

"Ill kill you..." Qin Xuan jumped from the ground. Not caring about the rules any
more, she moved forward and started to beat Han Sen up.

Resisting Qin Xuans beating, Han Sen found his fighting skills were much weaker
than Qin Xuans, and he couldnt even play defense. He barely got through a dozen
punches and was beaten down.

"Way less than 50. See you next time." Qin Xuan turned away, leaving behind Han
Sen, who was wounded all over.

Han Sen stood up with a wry smile on his face. Wearing a combat suit, he wasnt
injured seriously. It was just some pain he would have to put up with. The worst
part was he seemed to have enraged Qin Xuan even more.

After Han Sen left the station to return home, Qin Xuan took a shower and was about
to delete the video and data of the fight right away.

She was the stationmaster and the strongest woman in Steel Armor Sanctuary. There
was no way shed let people see the video of herself being punched in the nose by
Ass Freak.

Before deletion, Qin Xuan watched it again, and she was momentarily shocked. She
thought that the reason she was hit was that Han Sen took advantage when she wasnt

After carefully reviewing it several times, Qin Xuan suddenly found that although
this was a very important reason, it couldnt fully explain her being hit.

"Was it," thought Qin Xuan, and repeatedly watched the part when he hit her and
compared the data collected by the combat suit.

"So, his fist fighting skills are really poor, just about the normal level of a
compulsory education graduate, but his movements were explosive and unexpected,"
Qin Xuan mumbled as she was checking the data. "And there was something about him
like a killer Before he made a move, I could not predict his intention, and that
had left me unguarded. When he threw a punch, there wasnt even the slightest change
in his emotions, not even when he was hitting hard. The separation of behaviors and
emotions should belong to a good assassina fatal blow under ordinary cover."

"No, he just graduated, and there is no way he is an assassin. Also, his movements
were too bad for him to be one. So, this separation was just his innate talent?"
Qin Xuan could only think of this one possibility.
What she didnt know was that Han Sen was really poor when he entered Gods
Sanctuary, at the time he offended both Qin Xuan and Son of Heaven.

No one dared to be with him, and no one dared to trade with him. The new graduate
started to hunt creatures using an ordinary alloy dagger, without any experience.

Even just ordinary creatures posed great threats to a beginner, not to mention that
they often came in groups, so Han Sen must have taken an individual creature by
surprise and killed it. Once surrounded by a group, he could only wait to die.

To minimize the danger, he had to ambush and attack, and the most important part
was not to alert the creatures, who had more acute senses than men. In the first
month, Han Sen was honing this skills.

In failure after failure, he learned to hide his emotions and intentions, so that
the creatures sensed no danger even when he approached.

It was like playing dirty, but it was also the only way for him to survive at that

Later, he had to keep practicing and improve his skills in order to kill primitive
creatures, and gradually they became part of his instinct.

Although Han Sen's fighting skills were not even close to advanced, he was no worse
than a great assassin in his explosiveness and timing. Like an assassin, he skills
were also honed between life and death, and the only difference was that it was the
creatures instead of men that he killed.

Chapter 25

"He seems to have great strength, speed and explosiveness, which indicates that he
has fairly high geno points, unless he is practicing hyper geno arts." Qin Xuan
looked at some data, but didnt worry too much about it.

Han Sen's data was indeed better than average, but data like this can be seen
anywhere in the shelter. It was only a bit unexpected that it belonged to Han Sen.

"Talented but vulgar and despicable. Ill just teach him a lesson next time,"
thought Qin Xuan bitterly.

Because of Han Sen's sneak attacks, she labelled him as despicable again. It was
indeed hard for most people to imagine that Han Sen had integrated the sneak attack
skills into his practice and instinct.

The reason why Han Sen could hit Son of Heaven in the face was his sneak attack
skills. Or else someone like him could never hit Son of Heaven, who had great geno
points and hyper geno arts.

Sneak attack didnt sound good, but it was practical.

When he got home, Han Sen had dinner with his mother and Han Yan. The next day, he
did not go to Gods Sanctuary but took the train to a martial hall.

Han Sen had only learned basic martial arts in the past, and those were designed
for people who had no geno points.

As one started to gain geno points in Gods Sanctuary, one became stronger in
general. With the practice of hyper geno arts, the body had become even more
unique, and this difference allowed people like him to practice certain martial
arts that normal people could not practice.

These martial arts can be learned at martial halls as well as at advanced colleges.
And martial masters who worked at martial halls taught these for a living.

Unlike in ancient times, these martial masters did not rely on their inherited
fame, nor did they want to leave legacies. Their only goal was to make profit. So,
the more money a student spent, the better martial arts were taught.

Martial arts all had certain requirements for physical conditioning. If the
requirements were not met, it wouldnt be possible to practice.

In the past, Han Sen had no money and no significant enhancement in his physical
conditioning. Now with thirteen sacred geno points and lots of other geno points,
he had become stronger. The practice of Jadeskin had also helped. Now his physical
condition was among the best in his peer group..

Ares Martial Hall was famous on Roca planet. The tuition there was very expensive,
but the martial arts taught were very good. The owner of the martial hall was a
veteran and was famous back in the days when he was serving. After getting severely
injured in a battle, he went back to Roca to open Ares Martial Hall.

Everyone called the veteran "Old Devil." As long as you paid enough, he would teach
you anything, and you could indeed learn some really good skills.

"Young man, want to learn something? We have elementary classes, intermediate

classes, advanced classes and special classes here. You can learn fist fighting,
weapon skills, and even hyper geno arts here. For an elementary class, you could
choose to learn a martial art that I define as elementary for ten thousand dollars.
For an intermediate class, you could choose a martial art that I define as
intermediate for a hundred thousand. Advanced classes are each for a million, and
special classes are each for ten million. At these prices, I could guarantee a good
learning outcome. Fellow, you look like you have a bright future ahead of you. Do
you want to sign up for all special classes? All twelve martial arts for only fifty
million." Old Devil looked at Han Sen with a greedy smile, like a dragon looking at

"I would like to sign up for an advanced class to learn Ghosthaunt." Han Sen came
here for a reason. His Dad had learned from Old Devil and told him Old Devil has a
great martial art called "Ghosthaunt." Unfortunately, his Dads physical condition
hadnt reached the required level for Ghosthaunt, so he couldnt learn it. He always
had regretted that and asked Han Sen to learn Ghosthaunt when he grew up.

Han Sen also heard from his father that Ghosthaunt was especially effective on
women. Han Sen had once again offended Qin Xuan, and it didnt look like she would
let it go easily. Not willing to be bullied by her, he thought of his fathers words
about Old Devil and Ghosthaunt and wanted to take the opportunity. After all, a
million was a piece of cake for him right now.

"Although Ghosthaunt is among the most advanced, its requirements were even higher
than those of special classes. You must at least max out on mutant geno points to
stand a chance. How fit are you?" Old Devil looked at Han Sen in surprise. No one
had chosen Ghosthaunt in a while because of its high entry barrier.

"You can test me to see if I can meet the standards." Han Sen was not sure whether
he would pass either. Technically, with 13 sacred geno points, he should be more
fit than those who had maxed out on mutant geno points.
"Ten thousand test fee for a physical fitness test." Old Devil placed a card reader
in front of Han Sen.

Han Sen took out his credit card and paid ten thousand, and Old Devil was quite
pleased by his generosity.

After scanning and testing in a dozen instruments, the test result was out, which
slightly surprised Old Devil, "your physical fitness is very good. You must have
almost maxed out on ordinary, primitive and mutant geno points."

"Can I learn Ghosthaunt? " Han Sen gave no reply, as his mutant geno points were
less than ten, and sacred geno points and Jadeskin would explain his fitness.

"Yes. One million." Old Devil did not ask further, placing the card reader once
again in front of Han Sen.

While a bit upset about spending his hard-earned money, Han Sen paid for it.

"Young man, you have great things lined up for you. Come with me. Youll have to
memorize Ghosthaunt first." Old Devil showed Han Sen into a screening room, turned
on the hologram and left him alone in the room. It was Old Devil himself practicing
Ghosthaunt in the hologram.

Han Sen looked for a while, and his eyes widened. He thought to himself, "Wow, so
thats what you mean by especially effective on women, Dad!"

Chapter 26

Ghosthaunt should really be called skin-to-skin, as all movements were aimed at one
thing, which was to stick on the opponent.

Wrapping, blocking and winding, all sorts of movements allowed the body to act like
a snake to tightly trap the limbs of the opponent, so that there was no way for the
opponent to attack.

If the opponent was a woman, with the practice of Ghosthaunt, one would be able to
feel her up. If it was a normal woman, she would feel overwhelmed in just a few

"If I were to use Ghosthaunt to fight Qin Xuan, she would consider me even more of
a pervert. Han Sen suddenly regretted picking this martial art to learn. However,
the tuition was non-refundable.

"Well, Ill just learn it first and see." Han Sen calmed down and started to
carefully watch and memorize Ghosthaunt.

With a closer look, Han Sen found that the martial art was not so nasty as it had
seemed at first. There were indeed a lot of advanced skills, especially in
wrestling and close combat. Many were very practical and could save a life at
critical moments.

It did indeed have high requirements for fitness, especially for flexibility. Even
for those who had maxed out on mutant geno points, it would be somewhat difficult
to meet the requirements.

The reason Han Sen was able to pass, in addition to his sacred geno points, was
Jadeskin training, which had greatly enhanced his flexibility.
The teaching method of Old Devil was straightforward. You could learn the movements
from his pre-recorded hologram, and then he would correct you where you made
mistakes and remind you where you should be more careful. He could be reached via
comlink, and his replies were detailed. Although he charged a lot, he was very
engaged in teaching. With a strong body, Han Sen was able to start practicing
Ghosthaunt in half a month.

But only to get started was not enough. Martial arts that required close combat
like this were the most dangerous. If not a master, one could be easily killed in
the actual battle. Han Sen would never hunt creatures or fight with others in Gods
Sanctuary using Ghosthaunt before he mastered it.

"Qin Xuan, if you leave me alone, Ill let it go. If you insist on giving me a hard
time, I will have to use you to practice Ghosthaunt," thought Han Sen.

When he came to the teleport station, Han Sen still did not want to see Qin Xuan.
Looking around from time to time, he didnt see her until he entered Gods Sanctuary.

In his room at Steel Armor Shelter, the primitive copper-toothed beast had become a
mutant creature.

Han Sen decided to let it keep evolving into a sacred-blood creature.

At the gate of the shelter, the gang of Son of Heaven was gone. It had been half a
month since Han Sen left Gods Sanctuary, so Dollar was never spotted. They werent
very patient, so they just left.

In fact, Son of Heaven had been aware that it was useless to guard the gate, as
they didnt know what Dollar really looked like. So even if he did walk in front of
them, they wouldnt be able to recognize him.

Han Sen left the shelter and went into the mountains, ready to find a remote place
to hunt.

After entering the deep forests, human footprints became scarce. Han Sen summoned
his armor when he was alone and went further into the mountains.

Han Sen no longer bothered to hunt ordinary creatures. He would just chase them
away or ignore them. And was only interested in hunting rare primitive creatures
for food.

Now Han Sen had maxed out on ordinary geno points and had over 80 primitive geno
points, so he didnt really need commonly-seen primitive creatures.

Now what he really needed was mutant and sacred-blood geno points. Han Sen wanted
to complete his evolution with all four types of geno points maxed out. It would be
really slow if he used only the black crystal to do this.

"For primitive creatures, I dont even need to do the hunting. The mutant beast soul
I got from Qin Xuan was a pet. It should be able to kill some primitive creatures
if summoned." Hen Sen looked at the beast soul in the shape of a black cat that he
got from blackmail.

Type of beast soul of mutant three-eyed cat: pet.

Han Sen summoned the mutant three-eyed cat, and a little black kitty the size of
his palm appeared. It was rubbing at the foot of Han Sen, looking just like a
normal pet cat with its tiny body and wide eyes.
"Could such a little thing kill those creatures?" Han Sen picked it up to take a
look, not convinced that a cute thing like this possessed great strength.

But then he thought, size didnt necessarily matter. Since it was a mutant beast
soul, it must be able to hunt primitive creatures.

Seeing some primitive triangular-scaled beast wandering nearby, he ordered the cat,
"Go kill the triangular-scaled beast."

The little guy meowed and got up its nerve to streak toward the triangular-scaled
beast, biting it on the tail.

The triangular-scaled beast hesitated and looked back at the cat. Throwing up its
tail, the triangular-scaled beast then whipped the cat away like a basketball.

The mutant three-eyed cat screamed and ran behind Han Sen's feet, shivering.

"She tricked me! No wonder she didnt even blink when she gave me this. Its a
useless beast soul." Han Sen stared at the cat hidden behind him with widened eyes.

Han Sen tried a few times more, and the cat was indeed of no use, not even able to
beat the weakest primitive creature, a copper-toothed beast. Chased around and
running, it was not like a mutant beast soul at all.

Suddenly, Han Sen thought of the type of beast soul. According to his knowledge,
the beast souls that can be summoned to fight on their own were normally either
fighters or mounts, while he knew nothing about pet beast souls.

Chapter 27

"What the heck is a pet beast soul? Its not just for fun, right? I was really
tricked by Qin Xuan. What am I going to do with it?" Han Sens heart sank, and he
killed the copper-toothed beast that was chasing the cat. When he was about to take
the cat back, it started to meow around the body of the copper-toothed beast with
its mouth watering.

"Go ahead." Han Sen looked at the mutant three-eyed cat curiously. Normal fighter
beast souls and mount beast souls didnt have to eat, and they could just recover in
a vacuum once injured.

Receiving the approval from Han Sen, the cat rushed to the corpse and started
gnawing, but it was clear that its teeth and claws were not sharp enough to break
down the skin.

Depressed, Han Sen peeled the skin off, sliced the meat with a dagger and fed it to
the cat. And this little thing sure could eat. The copper-toothed beast was at
least twice its size and it managed to eat all the flesh. Lying on the ground with
a full belly, the cat could barely move and Han Sen was almost worried about it.

Helplessly shaking his head, Han Sen took the cat back and decided to research the
use of a pet beast soul on Skynet when he got back home.

Mutant creatures were not so easy to find. Han Sen had been in the mountains for
more than half a month, and did not encounter any mutant creatures. He did find
quite a few primitive creatures new to him and now had more than 90 primitive geno
Hunting alone in the mountains was quite boring, so Han Sen would summon the cat to
play with and feed for fun when he was resting.

The protection from the black beetle armor allowed him to practice Ghosthaunt even
when hunting primitive creatures.

Although he was still not skilled at it, he noticed the strengths of this martial
art, especially in wrestling. It was very easy to use, and would incapacitate the
creatures in a short time. However, close combat can be dangerous, and there were a
few times when he used the wrong movement and could have been killed by the

For over a month in the mountains, he had not found a single mutant creature, while
he made a lot of progress in using Ghosthaunt.

Later, Han Sen no longer needed to rely on his armor when hunting primitive

One of his biggest gains was that he finally maxed out on primitive geno points.

Thinking of the fact that he was struggling for ordinary geno points just a few
months ago, he was suddenly in a great mood and started to make a fire and barbeque
some meat.

"Help ... Help..." Han Sen was sharing the barbeque with the mutant three-eyed cat
he named "Meowth" when he saw a guy in ragged clothes running toward him, crying
for help.

He quickly got up and looked over there. With just one look, Han Sen abandoned the
meat on the ground, took back Meowth and started to run.

"Buddy, please help me! Ill give you money, however much you want," cried the man
while running.

"You can keep your money." Han Sen did not turn his head and ran desperately.

You first needed to be alive to spend money, and there were at least a hundred
mommo beasts chasing him. Although mommo beasts were only primitive creatures, they
each weighed more than a dozen tons and had the toughest skin. If hit or trampled
by one, his internal organs would probably be shattered even with his armor on, not
to mention there were so many of them.

Even if Qin Xuan, Son of Heaven and Fist Guy were all here, theyd have run under
such circumstances.

"Buddy, not so fast! Give me a hand and I will thank you!" Behind Han Sen, the man
was out of breath.

"Im in danger as well. Just pray!" After running for a while, Han Sen saw a cliff
ahead of him with green vines hanging, grabbed a vine and started climbing up.

The benefits of the gained geno points and practice of Ghosthaunt were showing. Han
Sen was in the air with just a bit of climbing and jumped on a large stone platform
extending from the cliff.

Seeing Han Sen climbing up, the man also ran over and wanted to follow him.

The man was either too weak or too tired, so he slipped down after a few tries.
"Buddy, help!" With the mammo beast less than 30 feet from him, the man was about
to cry out.

"Hang on!" Han Sen grabbed the vine the man was holding on to and started pulling
hard. Overjoyed, the man climbed with all fours, leveraging Han Sens strength. When
he was 30 feet from the ground, he heard mammo beasts running into the cliff.

Han Sen and the man felt as if even the mountains were trembling. With pulling and
climbing, the man was finally on the platform.

Once on the platform, the man lied down as if he were paralyzed, while breathing
heavily, unable to speak.

"Friend, what on earth did you do to them?" Han Sen looked down at the mammo beasts
running into one another. They wouldnt even leave after they got up, roaring at the
But they couldnt climb up as they were even bulkier than elephants.

"Do not mention it. Worst luck ever." The man calmed down, fished out a packet of
cigarettes from his pocket, lit one and offered one to Han Sen, "You saved my life
and I, Lin Beifeng, will always remember. I will show my gratitude after returning
to the shelter."

"Best with cash." Han Sen looked at the cigarette and knew the man must be rich. A
packet of Schwarzwald cigarettes cost more than ten thousand, and there was no need
to be modest with such a wealthy guy.

Chapter 28

"Buddy, whats your name?" Lin Beifeng threw a lighter at Han Sen.

"Han Sen." Han Sen caught the lighter and lit the cigarette. Made from the tobacco
produced from Schwarzwald, the cigarettes were harmless to the body and especially

For those who were risking their lives in Gods Sanctuary, the Schwarzwald
cigarettes were definitely heaven-sent.

"Sen, trust me, when we are back at the shelter, you can have as much money as you
want. Problems that can be solved by money are no problems for me..."

They chatted for awhile, and Han Sen understood what had happened. Lin Beifeng was
not only rich, but super rich. He was also lucky to be assigned to a shelter where
he had very close acquaintances. So he bought a whole lot of mutant beast souls:
armor, weapons, mounts, fighters, etc. He also hired a group of people to hunt with
him, wanting to hunt a sacred-blood creature. With his great luck, they indeed
caught a sacred-blood creature, but what happened after was not so lucky. The
people he hired either died or escaped, and he just went running into the
mountains. After all sorts of danger, he had managed to survive, but lost almost
all the beast souls he bought. If it was not for Han Sen, he would have been killed
by the mammo beasts.

"Sen, how far is our Glory Shelter from here?" asked Lin Beifeng.

"Its your Glory Shelter." Han Sen laughed.

Lin Beifeng was shocked. "Sen, are you joking?"

"I came from Steel Armor Shelter, and it takes two weeks to return there."

"S#*t! Im really in the range of another shelter." Lin Beifeng was very depressed.

He had friends in Glory Shelter, and it was easy for him to buy flesh and beast
souls. But it was likely that no one knew him at a different shelter, so even with
money it would be hard to buy advanced flesh and beast souls.

"Hey, what did you do to the mammo beasts? They are being so persistent." Han Sen
looked down again and the mammo beasts were still there, roaring and standing on
their hind legs, trying to climb onto the stone platform.

"Uh, I was walking and got hungry. So I saw a young mammo beast grazing, and..."
said Lin Beifeng bitterly.

"It was unfortunate. It seems that we are trapped here for some time, so before
they leave, lets be nice to each other." Han Sen laughed.

"Right, lets do that." Lin Beifeng smiled agreeably and approached Han Sen, "Sen,
Im so thirsty. Can I drink from your water bag?"

"Ten thousand per cup," Han Sen said, narrowing his eyes.

"S#*t! What happened to being nice?" cried Lin Beifeng.

"You are paying, Im selling. Isnt that nice?"

"But your water is too expensive. It is even more expensive than water from Planet
Snowspring. And ten thousand can buy a few bottles of that. It cant be water from
Planet Snowspring that you have," Lin Beifeng glanced at Han Sen's water bag and

"Although this is only water from a pool, we do not know how long well be trapped
here. Water is life at this point, and well die within a week without water. And
you think its not worth it? " Han Sen smiled.

"Its worth it... but my wallet was lost on the way. Could you give it to me on
credit and Ill pay you double when we arrive at the shelter," Lin Beifeng said.

"We dont know each other, and you still owe me the life-saving fee. And now you
want to get water on credit. You are making this so hard for me." Han Sen looked

"Triple... no... quadruple..."


Han Sen took out his own cup and poured Lin Beifeng a cup of water. Lin Beifeng
drank the water in a gulp and gave the empty cup back three times for more water.

"Thats it for today. I dont have much water and need to save. We still dont know
when the mammo beasts will leave." Hansen put the water bag away when Lin Beifeng
asked the fourth time.

"Sen, you are so strong, so brave and so impressive that you are able to hunt alone
deep in the mountains."

"What do you want?" Han Sen rolled his eyes.

Lin Beifeng approached Han Sen and said, "Sen, my beast soul was completely
destroyed on the way here. Now I feel so insecure with no beast soul on me. Do you
have extra beast souls to sell?"

Speaking of beast souls, Han Sen had killed quite a few primitive beasts in recent
days and had gained no beast soul. He might have used up his luck on the two
sacred-blood beast souls he got.

"No beast soul. Would you like some primitive meat jerky?"

"Yes, of course."

"Ten thousand per piece."

"Sen, this is such a small piece!"

Trapped on the stone platform for eight days, they still didnt feel like the mammo
beasts would ever leave.

"We cannot wait any longer. We must find a way out," Han Sen told Lin Beifeng

"We still have some food and water. Lets wait. And maybe the herd is about to
retreat." Lin Beifeng had a lingering fear about the mammo beasts.

"We still have water and food, as well as physical strength. When we have used up
everything, we would stand no chance," Han Sen said.

"But how is it even possible with such a herd?" Lin Beifeng said bitterly.

"So we will have to climb up." Han Sen pointed to the cliff above.

Lin Beifeng looked at the cliff standing straight into the clouds and suddenly
shuddered, "Are we capable of doing this?"

"We have to. It beats waiting to die, and we dont have to climb over. If we could
climb up a bit and find somewhere to stand, we could just walk around and go down
on the other side of the cliff," Han Sen said.

"Sen, I agree," Lin Beifeng quickly said.

"Great. We will start to climb now using the vines." Han Sen grabbed a vine, made
sure it was tough enough and began climbing.

Chapter 29

"Sen, you are so fit! You must have maxed out on mutant geno points. " Lin Beifeng
stopped climbing as he felt his arms hurting too much, while Han Sen was still
climbing briskly.

"Hang in there. There is a rock sticking out up there, and we can go there and
rest." Han Sen looked down at Lin Beifeng.

"Sen, I cant. Shall we just go back down?"

"You stay here. I will go up first and then pull you up with the vine." Han Sen
started to climb with all fours, and he was so fast it looked like he was walking
on the ground, which stunned Lin Beifeng.

It took a little while for Han Sen to reach the rock and use the vine to pull Lin
Beifeng up. The rock was the size of a table. The two huddled on the rock and
looked around. The cliff was so steep and there was no way to climb if it wasnt for
the vines, which only covered a part of the cliff.

"Sen, lets stay here for two days and maybe the mammo beasts will leave if they
dont see us. The cliff is so steep and Im not as fit as you. I really cant go up,"
Lin Beifeng said anxiously.

"Well, you just rest here, and Ill go see if there is a way out. If there is, Ill
come back for you. If not then we could just wait for the mammo beasts to leave,"
Han Sen said and got up to climb.

"Sen, you will not abandon me?" Lin Beifeng grabbed Han Sen's clothes like a little

"Dont worry. How can I abandon you when you owe me so much money?" Han Sen patted
Lin Beifeng on the shoulder and climbed away.

Because he had practiced Ghosthaunt, Han Sen was particularly good at climbing. As
he was much stronger now, it wasnt too hard for him either.

Han Sen climbed for a few hundred feet and still saw nothing but the cliff. The
vines continued to go up, and he was wondering where their roots were.

Han Sen felt a little tired and was thinking about going down. But with another
look, he felt like there was a rock sticking out above him.

"Ill climb up to the rock above and have a look. If there is no way out, Ill just
go down to eat and drink. Maybe we could outrun the mammo beasts," Han Sen decided,
and kept climbing.

The stone was farther and larger than Han Sen had imagined. It was half the size of
a basketball court. When he got on the stone, Han Sens eyes suddenly widened.

On the stone was a nest made with tree limbs and vines. It looked like a huge
swallows nest, almost taking up a better half of the stone. An egg at least three
feet tall lay in the nest.

"Wow, such a big egg! How big would the creature that laid it be?" Han Sen
shuddered. The creature was not here now, but he dared not think what would happen
if it came back.

Being big did not necessarily means it was advanced. Mammo beasts were huge but
merely primitive creatures.

However, the ability to make a nest and lay an egg on the cliff proved the creature
was no average creature. It could very likely be a sacred-blood creature.

If the egg belonged to a sacred-blood creature, Han Sen would not want to miss it.

After some hesitation, Han Sen approached the egg and cut a hole in the egg shell
with the tip of his dagger. Fishing out a straw from his pocket, he stuck it in the
hole and started sucking.

Suddenly the sweet juice filled Han Sens mouth.

"Sacred-blood creature stormbirds egg eaten. No sacred geno point gained.

Although no sacred-blood geno point was gained, the fact that the egg was indeed a
sacred-blood creature left Han Sen in joy.

It was such a huge egg, with at most only ten sacred geno points, that he was not
surprised that he hadnt gained a point with just a mouthful. And he already had
some sacred geno points and couldnt have all ten points, so he could only get six
or seven if he was lucky.

But sacred geno points were so hard to get that even just a few more would help.

Han Sen was desperately sucking the liquid with the straw that he used to drink
from his water bag when he was hiding from the creatures that he didnt have to
move. It was unexpectedly handy as well for sucking the egg juice.

The egg was so big that when Han Sen finally heard the cue that he was gaining one
sacred geno point, he was so full that he could drink no more. Han Sen pulled out
the straw, and then sealed the hole with mud. Putting the straw back, he descended
using the vine.

"Sen, what took you so long? Is there a way out?" Seeing Han Sen coming from above,
Lin Beifeng, who had been worried sick, asked immediately in a low voice so as not
to alert the mammo beasts below.

"No. It is as steep as a mirror, and we have nowhere to go." Han Sen shook his

"Then we have no option but to wait for the herd to leave," Lin Beifeng said

"Its alright. We still have some food and water left." Han Sen was really taking
his time now as he couldnt finish drinking the raw egg any time soon, and he
wouldnt leave before that.

They huddled on the stone to spend the night, and the next morning Han Sen climbed
up to eat more egg. He made sure there was no creature in the nest before he went
up and broke the seal to drink from the egg.

"Sen, why are you climbing up again?" Lin Beifeng wondered when Han Sen came down.

"There are sacred-blood creatures above, and I was having a feast up there. Do you
want to go together?" Han Sen laughed.

"You can keep it." Lin Beifeng glanced at him and didnt believe a word he said.
Even if there really were sacred-blood creatures, Han Sen was more likely to be
their food.

Chapter 30

Han Sen climbed up every day to steal some egg juice and never met a sacred-blood
creature returning to the nest. Han Sen thought the eggs parents might have been
hunted already. But to be safe, every time he finished drinking from the egg, he
would return to where Lin Beifeng was instead of staying inside the nest.

Lin Beifeng just assumed that Han Sen was going up to find a way. When they had
waited for two or three days, Lin Beifeng looked down, and with the fog he wasnt
sure if the mammo beasts had left.

"Sen, how about we go down a bit and check if they have left?" Lin Beifeng couldnt
handle the heat during the day and coldness at night on the cliff anymore.

"Lets wait for two more days to be safe. If they see us now and guard the place for
another week, we will run out of food." Han Sen's geno points were higher, so he
had heard the mammo beasts leaving the previous night. But he didnt want to go now,
as he hadnt finished the egg.

Lin Beifeng felt that made sense, so he held on.

However, after two days, Lin Beifeng still saw Han Sen making his daily climb. The
vines only covered a small part, and if Han Sen was just exploring the way, he
should have done that already, so why did he keep climbing?

"What is it?" Lin Beifeng wondered, yet he still did not believe there could be
sacred-blood creatures.

"Sen, why is it that you climb every day?" Lin Beifeng could not help but ask.

"I told you, there are sacred-blood creatures, and Im going up to eat," replied Han

"Would you take me with you?" Lin Beifeng did not believe Han Sen's words but was
very curious.

"OK!" Hanson smiled, grabbed a vine and started climbing.

Lin Beifeng followed him up, but he was so weak that he stopped halfway and asked,
"Sen, Ive gotta stop. Where are you going?"

"We are almost there. Wait here and Ill pull you up." Han Sen climbed up like a

In a short while, Lin Beifeng saw a vine thrown from above. Tying himself to the
vine, he borrowed Han Sens strength and climbed.

When he reached the stone, Lin Beifeng was stunned by the size of the egg. "My God,
such a big egg. Is it sacred-blood?"

"Yes, this is a sacred-blood creatures egg." Han Sen nodded.

"Gee, it really is a sacred-blood egg. Sen, you are amazing." Lin Beifeng was
pleasantly surprised. He smashed the egg with a fist and wanted to drink.

Stretching his tongue out and waiting, Lin Beifeng saw no egg juice flowing out and
smashed a few times more, making a big hole in the eggshell.

"Where is the egg juice?" Lin Beifeng looked blankly inside the hollow eggshell.

"I drank it." Han Sen blinked.

"You drank it?" Lin Beifeng looked at Han Sen.

"A few days ago, I told you that and invited you to join me. I thought you didnt
want to come." Han Sen spread out his hands.

Lin Beifeng regretted so much that he was ready to kill himself right then. "Sen, I
had no way of knowing you were telling the truth. Who could have imagined a sacred-
blood egg on the cliff? If I knew, I would have come, even if I had broken all my

"Beifeng, dont worry. Ill inform you next time I find a sacred-blood egg." Han Sen
smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Sen, next time such good things happen, you must remember to let me know. Money is
not a problem, and I promise I will never say no to you again." Lin Beifeng was

"I promise." Han Sen made such an effort to bring him up just to hear these words
from him. People like Lin Beifeng made great customers.

Lin Beifeng sighed for a while, smashed the eggshell and carried it with him. He
wanted to see if he could boil some sacred geno points from it.

"Not in a hundred years," Han Sen chuckled to himself.

When they got to the bottom of the cliff, the mammo beasts had left already, so the
two went back to Steel Armor Shelter.

When they were about to arrive, Hen Sen smiled and said to Lin Beifeng, "Beifeng,
my reputation is not that great here, so I wont go in with you. Ill see you

Lin Beifeng quickly said, "Sen, what do you take me for? We have been through death
together, and Ill kill whoever is disrespectful to you."

"Its fine. I have to go and want no trouble. Just enter alone." Han Sen would not
believe someone as glib as him, so he waved goodbye and entered the shelter first.

The stormbird egg added five more sacred geno points to Han Sen, which were fewer
than he had expected, but it was a surprise in itself, so it was still great. Now
Han Sen had 18 sacred geno points.

It was a shame that he didnt get a beast soul from it, but it was quite normal,
since killing ten creatures wouldnt even guarantee a beast soul. Han Sen just got
lucky previously.

Han Sen happily returned to his room, and was teleported out of Gods Sanctuary.
Before he left the station, a slim figure blocked his way.

"Stationmaster! Such a coincidence." Han Sen groaned inwardly. He had totally

forgot about his discord with Qin Xuan.

"Come with me," Qin Xuan said coldly, walking toward the combat room. She was upset
that Han Sen had been able to hit her last time and wanted to kick his ass before
she could let it go.

Chapter 31

"Ill just fight her. Shes just a woman after all," Han Sen whispered to himself.

Han Sen knew that Qin Xuan would not leave him alone no matter how he restrained
himself. So he would no longer do that. He had almost mastered Ghosthaunt, and it
would be great for him to practice it on her.
When Han Sen stood in front of Qin Xuan in a combat suit, she didnt spare any
effort and kicked him with a leg sweep.

For Han Sen, who was good at sneak attacks, as long as he had no chance to sneak
up, he was doomed to lose. Hence Qin Xuan hit first and didnt give Han Sen any

But she had still committed a great mistake: she still didnt take Han Sen seriously
enough and did not regard him as an opponent. All she wanted to do was to kick his
ass. Thats why she didnt use even half her strength.

In her mind, he was still the ignorant Ass Freak, a rookie who could be bullied by
anyone in the shelter.

Qin Xuan did not really want to harm Han Sen, so she wasnt hitting hard.

But what she didnt know was that Han Sen now had 18 sacred geno points and was
practicing Jadeskin. Although not as fit as her, the gap between them was not so
big either.

Seeing her leg sweep, Han Sen moved to a spot where Qin Xuan couldnt reach and
twisted her leg with his arms. She immediately lost balance and fell to the ground.

Han Sen immediately pressed himself against her and locked her limbs down.

Qin Xuan hadnt expected such nifty moves from him, and when she realized her
mistake, she was trapped and couldnt wriggle free.

Feeling anger and shame, she struggled and failed because of the clever techniques
of Ghosthaunt. If she struggled with all her strength, her arms would be dislocated
or even broken. Trapped by Han Sen, she blushed and still couldnt believe Han Sen
had taken her with the first move. She wanted to teach him a lesson, and
everything went wrong.

"Stationmaster, did I win?" Han Sen was secretly pleased. "I did not expect Old
Devils teaching to work. I even beat Qin Xuan."

"You will never win." Qin Xuan raged and refused to throw in the towel.

If it was anyone else, it might be fine. But for this despicable Ass Freak, she
would not bow her head.

Qin Xuan roared and shapeshifted into a golden lion taller than a man. Han Sen was
thrown off her instantaneously, and the lion swooped down at him.

"Foul! We have agreed not to use any beast souls," Han Sen quickly shouted.

Qin Xuan paused as her lion paw was about to hit him. She did promise last time
that she wouldnt use beast souls. But under the circumstances, she had completely
forgotten about it.

"Alright, no beast souls." Qin Xuan secretly blushed, took back her beast soul and
launched an attack with her fist.

Han Sen still hadnt completely mastered Ghosthaunt, and his fitness and experience
fell short compared to Qin Xuan. Although he resisted over 20 movements from her,
he was still beat.
Qin Xuan did not say anything and turned away. In fact, she felt ashamed because if
she hadnt used her beast soul, she couldnt have gotten rid of Han Sen. So, she had
already lost at that moment.

"Im still not strong enough. My geno points and fighting skills were not even close
to hers." Han Sen knew that he couldnt have caught up with the best in Steel Armor
Shelter in such a short amount of time, while he was still a little disappointed
that he couldnt even take 30 movements from her.

Qin Xuan was still blushing after a shower. She was truly abashed that she was put
in such a tough situation by Ass Freak.

"Something is wrong. Although his wrestling skills were not bad, he couldnt have
locked me down without great fitness. How did he gain so many geno points?" thought
Qin Xuan suddenly. She quickly called out the data collected in Han Sens combat

Qin Xuan clenched her lips and cursed bitterly, "That bastard, he must have maxed
out on his mutant geno points already. He was just playing weak to make me
underestimate him. Ass Freak, Ill never make peace with you."

From then on, every time Han Sen passed the teleport station, Qin Xuan would always
call him into the combat room.

Han Sen was glad to oblige. Wrestling skills such as Ghosthaunt really need much
practice, and with a training partner as good as Qin Xuan, he could not really hone
his techniques. Some pain was nothing compared to his gain.

If it was not for Qin Xuan, Han Sen could only practice when risking his life,
which was far more dangerous than his fights with her.

Of course, Han Sen was careful so that she didnt notice he was using her. Each time
he would get on her nerves on purpose so that she would keep calling him to the
combat room.

Qin Xuan picked on Han Sen many times but still didnt get over it. Every time she
saw his smiling face, she would get mad and have an urge to beat him up. It almost
became a habit of hers.

Chapter 32

The copper-toothed beast fed by Han Sen had become purple in color and
bigger in size two months after it had become a mutant creature.
"Whether I could keep rising in the world all depends on you. Please
become a sacred creature soon." Han Sen looked at the purple color of its skin and
thought it was about time.
Judging from the situation, it would take about three months for a
mutant creature to evolve into a sacred-blood creature. This period was neither too
long nor too short. It was almost impossible for most people to hunt a sacred-blood
creature in just three months. Even Qin Xuan might not have been able to hunt a
sacred-blood creature for a year.
Now with this black crystal, Han Sen could have an entire sacred-blood
creature to his own every three months, which was simply incredible.
"Just give me enough time, and I could easily evolve with all four
types of geno points maxed out. By then I will gain the title of sacred-blood
aristocrat for sure." Han Sen was getting excited.
He did not see Qin Xuan at the teleport station on his way home. She
could be either tired of this game or simply busy.
Outside the station, he saw a girl standing at the roadside and
stopped walking.
It was Xue Xi, the girl who grew up with Zhang Danfeng and him.

Xue Xi was from a single-parent family, and her mother had raised her
by working at Han Sens fathers company. With no one to babysit her, her mother had
often brought her to work, and she had always played with Zhang Danfeng and Han
Later, Han Sen heard that Xue Xis father was still alive and found her
mother and her. After his Dads incident, Han Sen didnt have the energy to learn
more about her family. But he did hear that she was an illegitimate daughter and
her father only took her back after his wife passed away.
"Sen!" Xue Xi also saw Han Sen and exclaimed.
"Why are you here?" asked Han Sen, puzzled.
"Sen, Im over 16 and can enter Gods Sanctuary now," Xue Xi chuckled
and said.
"So fast?" Han Sen was startled. In his mind, Xue Xi was a little
girl, and now she could even enter Gods Sanctuary.
"I'm only a few months younger than you. Dont think of me as a child,"
Xue Xi said discontentedly.
"Indeed. How time flies!" Han Sen looked at her well-developed body
and smiled. She was no longer a little girl.
Xue Xi blushed as Han Xin looked at her. When she was about to say
something, there was a roar of an engine, and they saw a well-dressed young man
coming down from a private aircraft parked on the roadside.
The young man was about 20 years old, and that private aircraft alone
was worth more than ten million.
"Sister, I said earlier to use our private teleport equipment. Its
just inevitable that we should meet some annoying people at a teleport station."
The young people did not even look at Han Sen and went straight to Xue Xi.

"Brother, he is my childhood friend," Xue Xi quickly explained.

"Well, we should go back." The young man ignored her explanation, took
her hand and led her on the aircraft.
"Sen, Ill come back," Xue Xi said to Han Sen softly before she went.

The young people returned to warn Han Sen: "People like you arent
worthy to be her friend. Leave her alone or youll be sorry."
"Are you talking to me?" Han Sen glanced at him.
"You dont believe what I said?" The young man suddenly stepped
forward, and quickly hit Han Sens lower abdomen with a knee.
He was very close to Han Sen, and he was incredibly fast. His knee
suddenly came toward Han Sen.
Han Sen looked calm, but secretly sneered. "Nothing is better for
wrestling than Ghosthaunt. Even Qin Xuan dares not let me get close now."

Leaning to one side, Han Sen avoided his knee and stuck a leg behind
his leg on the ground. Han Sens also clamped the young mans neck and pulled hard.

The young man suddenly lost his balance and fell to the floor.

Lying on the ground, he looked at Han Sen in shock and forgot to get
up. He didnt expect his hit would be in vain, and couldnt believe he was pulled
down by Han Sen.
"Sen, what happened?" Seeing things going wrong, Xue Xi ran down from
the aircraft and quickly helped the young man up.
"Nothing, just a ritual between men. It is late and I need to go. Lets
eat together sometime." Han Sen smiled, waved goodbye and went to the train
"Brother, you alright?" Xue Xi asked the young man.
"Interesting... really interesting..." The young man watched Han Sen
leaving with a strange smile.
Seeing the young man smiling, Xue Xi was suddenly anxious. "Brother,
dont pick on him. He didnt mean it."
"He could make me fall even when he didnt mean it. If he meant it,
then would I, Fang Jingqi, be killed?" he said with his eyes narrowed.
"Brother... thats not what I meant..." Xue Xi panicked and did not
know how to explain.
"No worries sister. As he said, it was a ritual between men and I
shall return the favor." Fang Jingqi stared frantically in the direction where Han
Sen went. "In a few days, please invite him to dinner at home."
"What?" Xue Xi looked at Fang Jingqi and could not believe her own

Chapter 33

Han Sen didnt go far to hunt these days. He was on his own, so unless
he went somewhere no one would go, it wasnt likely he could find mutant or sacred-
blood creatures before the gangs of Qin Xuan, Son of Heaven or Fist Guy did.

Han Sen went on the Skynet and logged into a forum called "Polar
Night" whose members were people from different planets currently struggling in
Gods Sanctuary. Here, people from the same shelter could exchange information and
needs. Although the Alliance had a similar official site, it was much easier for
people to go on Polar Night because all you needed was a username. On the official
site, youd need to register with your real identity.
Not wanting anyone to know his identity, Han Sen went to the section
of Steel Armor Shelter, where there were a lot of postsroughly a 1,000 or more per
He went through the postings, most of which were buying or selling
information, and then there was some recruiting information. For example, the rich
would spend money to hire some people from the same shelter to protect or help the
Recently, Han Sen's luck had been poor. Not only couldnt he find any
mutual creatures or sacred-blood creatures, he also failed to gain any beast souls.
So, he decided to work for money.
Han Sen browsed for a while and saw a job posting that paid well. He
was surprised to see it was Lin Beifeng who posted it. Han Sen hadnt seen him since
the last time they met. It was unexpected that he had also posted in Steel Armor
Lin Beifeng was not only recruiting good men, but also making offers
for beast souls and mutant creature flesh. He wanted all the good things, and was
willing to pay for them. People who answered his thread were mainly just onlookers.
After all, the demands for mutant creature flesh and beast souls were so high that
no one would sell easily.
Han Sen browsed a while and turned to other threads, and soon he found
a satisfactory job.
There were several young people who had just entered Gods Sanctuary
hiring a skilled hunter to help them kill primitive creatures. The requirement was
to be able to deal with ten primitive creatures and protect them at the same time,
In a word, this was a babysitting job: Watching these rookies fight
primitive creatures and save them when they encountered danger.
This job was not difficult, but quite troublesome. Generally speaking,
the experienced would not take such a job. But these young men were paying well,
ten thousand to protect them each day, and one contract was for at least half a
Han Sen sent a text message to the number they had left and didnt
leave voicemail or send an image of himself. He didnt want his personal information
to leak out, and that was why he had chosen Polar Night. He couldve gone to the
official site, where everything was regulated and protected by law, but he would
need to sign the contract with his real identity.
After a while, he received a reply, which said they had to see how
well he could fight before deciding to hire him. Han Sen had no problem with that
and agreed to meet at a certain time and place in Steel Armor Shelter.
After agreeing to meet, Han Sen did not close the window but continued
to browse the trading section. After his bronze crescent spear was destroyed, he
had wanted to hunt himself a weapon beast soul, but he had had no luck with a beast
soul at all.
Han Sen wasnt trying to buy a weapon beast soul but a man-made alloy
bow and arrow.
Alpha alloy weapons could now easily kill primitive beasts, but not
mutant creatures. They were not cheap either, and normally even more expensive than
primitive beast souls.
Han Sen could use most of the weapons, but he had worked hard on
archery since he had planned to hunt alone at a distance before he entered Gods
Sanctuary. But he overlooked something. He couldnt afford any good bow and arrows,
and without those, he couldnt even pierce the skin of any creature.
Now he had earned some money and it would be possible for him to
purchase an alloy bow and arrows. And he wanted to start hunting with archery. It
was, after all, both a safe and powerful way of hunting.
The most important thing was that, in Gods Sanctuary, only the one who
launched the last hit had the chance to gain the beast soul. And archery must be
among the top three methods when it came to the potential windfall.
Archery required special training, so most people preferred swords and
knives. There werent many posts about selling a bow and arrows.
Han Sen was trying to save money, so he wanted to buy some second-hand
goods. The alpha alloy bows all cost more than a million, which was too expensive
for him.
The silver lining was that due to the unpopularity of archery, there
were not many competing buyers either. Han Sen noticed a post from seven days ago
written by someone who was about to go to the Second Gods Sanctuary and planned to
sell all his belongings. All the stuff was sold except for an alloy bow and six
alloy arrows.
"A bow from the Black Vader series and arrows from the Saber series!"
Han Sen had practiced archery for a while and carefully studied all types of bows
and arrows.
To make weapons, the alloy didnt necessarily need to be the stiffest,
because if it was too stiff, the edge could chip. However, stiff alloy didnt wear
out easily.
Bows and arrows were no exceptions. There were three types alloy used
in a Black Vader bow. Two were mixed to make the bow itself in order to guarantee
its flexibility and stiffness at the same time. And the alloy used in making the
string was even more special, its manufacturing methods monopolized by a few
interstellar metal production companies.
The Black Vader series was a classic series of alloy bows, and the
prices were overwhelming. The cheapest one, Wanderers Bow, cost two million, with
no arrows or quiver included in the price.

Chapter 34

The bow for sale in the post was "Doomsday" in the Black Vader series, which cost
6,680,000 dollars in the store. Its farthest range could reach 2,400 feet. Using
this bow, Saber arrows could pierce steel armor and the skin of most primitive
creatures from more than 900 feet away. However, one would need to have a 7.0
strength rating to draw the string of Doomsday.

Normally only those who had maxed out on mutant geno points could reach a 7.0
strength rating, and this requirement was only to draw the string. Unless you could
kill with only one shot every time, so that you didnt need a second draw, you would
need a rating of more than 8.0 to use the bow.

Generally, if one had maxed out on original, primitive and mutant geno points, ones
strength rating would reach 10.0, but many would choose to complete evolution and
go to Second Gods Sanctuary before their rating reached 8.0.

"No wonder no one would buy this bow, those with the ability to use the bow wouldnt
care about such a small amount of money and try to save with a second-hand weapon.
Those who couldnt use it wouldnt bother to buy it either." Han Sen sent the poster
a message and offered one million for the bow and arrows, which altogether would
probably cost more than seven million at a store.

He had only kept two out of the six million he earned from selling the golden axe
and gave the rest to his mother. Having spent a million learning Ghosthaunt, he
wasnt sure if he could purchase the bow and arrows with just one million.

The poster didnt reply. He was either offline or didnt want to dignify his offer
with a response. Han Sen waited for more than half an hour and almost lost hope. He
checked other posts and found nothing.

"Well, some cheap stuff will have to do for now. Maybe I can get an arrow beast
soul in a few days," Hansen comforted himself and went into the shower.

When he was back in front of the screen, he found the poster had sent a message to
him, which only contained a webpage of a well-known trading site, where the price
was marked as one million.

Han Sen almost jumped with joy and paid for the items after confirmation.

Soon the item was shipped, and would reach Planet Roca the next day.

Gods Sanctuary could be used as a transfer station for transporting goods produced
in the Alliance, so many transactions between different planets were completed this
way, and it was also much faster than interstellar spaceship.

The next morning, Han Sen got a package from a robot postman. After signing for it,
he couldnt wait to open it.

The black and purple metal bow had a bow string like a silver line. Holding the bow
in his hands, Han Sen immediately felt powerful. The bow was also carefully kept
and looked almost like new except for a small scratch.

Six brand new Saber alloy arrows were gleaming with a cold shine. To Han Sen's
surprise, they even came with a matching quiver. It was used, but there was no

"A bow in my hand, the world is mine. I wont have to risk approaching it the next
time I steal a sacred-blood creature from Son of Heaven." Han Sen stroked the bow
and laughed.

With no shooting range nearby, Han Sen could only try to draw the string a few
times. It was indeed quite heavy. Even with his strength, he could only draw a
dozen times before his arms started to ache.
"Not bad." Han Sen was pleasantly surprised. He hadnt tested his strength recently,
but his rating must be more than 8.0 now, or else he couldnt have used this bow so

Han Sen went to a weapon shop nearby and bought 20 Thunder arrows and 20 Skyfall
arrows. The quiver that could hold 50 arrows still looked a little empty, even with
the arrows in it.

Although these arrows had impressive names, they were in fact cheap. Each Thunder
arrow only cost a thousand, and only the arrowhead was made of alloy. It was too
stiff and would chip easily on bones or shells.

Skyfall arrows were even cheaper, a hundred each. They looked like Saber arrows but
didnt function that well. Han Sen only bought Skyfall arrows to practice with, as
Thunder arrows were too easy to break and the six Saber arrows were too expensive
to be used for practicing.

Han Sen played with his new bow, Doomsday, for quite a while and fell in love with
it. When it was almost time for him to meet his young clients, Han Sen took his bow
and arrows and entered Gods Sanctuary.

When he arrived where they were supposed to meet, he saw dozens of people
surrounding several young men in biological armor and realized that he wasnt the
only candidate.

Walking around to earn ten thousand easy dollars per day seemed to be a great deal
for many. After all, a primitive creature was only worth several hundred, and it
also took energy to hunt and move the dead creature around.

Han Sen frowned at the crowd and was ready to turn away. He just wanted to find an
easy job to earn some money. With such competition, hed rather look for another

When he was ready to leave, Han Hao and a few people came together. It looked like
they were also coming for the young men.

"Well, well, Ass Freak himself here, looking sharp with the bow and arrows. Did you
come to protect the masters as well?" a young man next to Han Hao ridiculed him,
with a tone of exaggeration.

His remark got the attention of the crowd, as Ass Freak was well-known in Steel
Armor Shelter. People suddenly started to heckle Han Sen.

"Ass Freak, who do you think you are?"

"Ass Freak, can you even beat the original creatures?"
"Its more likely that the young masters will need to protect him."

Chapter 35

Ass Freak was so infamous that a torrent of scornful abuse was lavished on him. The
young men who were paying came to them, and one of them with harsh, angular
features curiously looked at Han Sen and said, "You are the legendary Ass Freak?"

"Yes," Han Sen answered casually. He did not think it was a bad thing, because in
the entire Steel Armor Shelter, he was the only one who had ever stabbed Qin Xuan
in the butt. This was a kind of achievement in a sense.
The young man was obviously curious about Han Sen. Suddenly he said, "You are also
here for the job?"

Han Sen nodded: "If you dont like the idea, I can go right now."

"No, if you do not have any questions, we can sign the contract right here," the
young man quickly said.

A roar went up in the crowd as they heard the young mans decision. Even the young
mans friends looked surprised. They pulled the young man to the side and said,
"Yuan, thats Ass Freak. What are you going to do with him?"

"Thats right, Yuan. If we are in danger, he will probably run even faster than us.
Its just a waste of money."

"Ive hired him, and you can choose the rest," the young man named Yuan insisted and
signed the contract with Han Sen.

The others didnt say much after that and selected several more candidates who
looked experienced. Han Hao showed them his mutant beast soul weapon and was
chosen. The two coming with Han Hao showed some skill and got the job as well.

"Ass Freak, you got lucky thanks to your young masters kindness and curiosity," Liu
Feng, one of the two, said when walking past Han Sen.

"My luck has always been good," Han Sen said faintly.

The clients had selected ten experienced men to protect them in hunting primitive
creatures. With such a team, they could even hunt primitive creatures by herd.

Those who had been hired were in a good mood and tried to flatter the clients all
the time. They clearly understood the background of these young men who were paying

The clients actually had very good fighting skills, and they must have graduated
from posh schools. Although they had just entered Gods Sanctuary, their fitness and
skills were much better than Han Sens when he had just arrived. They were only
lacking the experience of hunting.

When the clients were hunting primitive creatures, Han Sen was just practicing
archery on the side. Initially he had chosen to practice archery because it was
less demanding than other weapons. He was unlikely to be able to learn advanced
techniques of sword or knife fighting in the public education system, while all he
needed for archery was accuracy.

Han Sen was still getting to know the performance and characteristics of Doomsday,
so he had selected some of the trees nearby as his targets to practice on.

"Ass Freak, you are just taking up space. Why are you shooting in vain and ignoring
our clients?" Liu Feng was confused by Han Sens behavior and looked at his shots
contemptuously. "You cant even shoot something within 60 feet."

Han Sen did not look at Liu Feng or reply to him. He was just trying the arrow and
did not focus on one target, and that was why his shots looked messy.

"Just let him be. It was just a charity act. Our clients didnt expect him to help
at all," other hired hands laughed.
"That is true. Just be grateful, Ass Freak!" Liu Feng spit and joined the rest.

"Do not say you know me," Han Hao found a chance to whisper to Han Sen and went
back to laugh with his friends.

The clients were making incredible progress. In the beginning, they needed some
assistance, while they soon became better and could hunt some rather vicious
primitive creatures one-on-one. Indeed, posh schools had great teaching outcomes.

Those who were in integrated compulsory education wouldnt dare to hunt primitive
creatures alone with no previous experience.

It went so well that everyone lost their vigilance. When the clients were hunting
three primitive spotted beasts, one of the beasts played dead and attacked a young
client when he approached it.

Han Hao and others didnt expect this, and the spotted beast was too close to the
client for them to rescue him. In an instant, the claws of the spotted beast were
on the delicate neck of the young man.

The young client was horrified, regretting that he wasnt wearing his alloy helmet.
But it was too late for that. Everyone watching screamed in horror.


An arrow flew by the clients face and hit the spotted beast in the left eye. The
beast whimpered and fell to the ground.

Han Hao and the rest swarmed to the spotted beast and cut its corpse into pieces.

"Ass Freak, why did you shoot the arrow? You almost hurt Qing!" Liu Feng turned
around and scolded Han Sen.

Other people all followed him, criticizing Han Sen. They were secretly ashamed, but
instead of self-reflection, they chose to blame Han Sen. In their view, Han Sen
just shot the beast by pure luck, because Ass Freak could never be so good at

"Get lost!" Yuan suddenly shouted with a dark face.

"Did you hear that Ass Freak? Yuan just asked you to go," cried Liu Feng.

"Im letting you go." Yuan stared at Liu Feng coldly. "I paid you to protect us, and
what did you do when Qing was in danger? Nothing! And you even tried to blame the
only person who did his job. All of you, get lost, and I dont want to see you

Chapter 36

"Yuan, you can let us go, but according to our contract, this is a breach. You will
have to pay us the rest of the money," sneered Liu Feng.

"Just go." Yuan threw a few stacks of money at them and didnt look at them again.

Liu Feng and the rest picked up the money. Although they were angry, they didnt
dare to harm the clients because they knew who these young clients were. They gazed
at Han Sen and said, "Misters, we are far from the shelter, so please be careful,
as you are trusting someone unreliable."

"He is a hundred times more reliable than you," Yuan replied.

The hired ones didnt dare to express their anger in front of Yuan, so they just

"Ass... your arrow was so powerful..." commended Qing after the rest were chased
away. He didnt want to call Han Sen Ass Freak but awkwardly discovered that he
didnt know his name.

"His rating must have reached 7.0 to use Doomsday. Of course it was powerful," said

"7.0? But they said that he..." Qing and the other clients looked at Han Sen and
his bow, unconvinced.

After all, the story of Ass Freak was so well-known that even they knew about it.

"I mean at least 7.0. He shot so many arrows in practice, and if his strength hadnt
reached 8.0, it would certainly not be so easy for him," Yuan said, looking at Han

"8.0!" They were even more surprised and kept looking at Han Sen as if they hadnt
seen him before.

Anyone with an 8.0 rating would be rather advanced in First Gods Sanctuary, so they
couldnt believe Ass Freak would be so strong.

"Let me try your bow?" One client still didnt believe Yuans words.

Han Sen smiled and handed Doomsday to him. The young client held it with both hands
and tried to pull the string, but the string didnt even move. He tried a few times
more and still failed to draw the string. Although they graduated from top schools
and had practiced hyper geno arts as kids, their bodies hadnt been modified by geno
points, so their strength could reach 3.5 at best, which was far below the
requirement to use Doomsday.

"You are so weak. Let me." Another client could not stand to watch and grabbed the
bow. He too had failed after a few tries.

Everyone gave it a shot except for Yuan, and none could draw the string. Only then
had they felt impressed by Han Sen.

Archery was practiced by very few people and required a lot of effort. So most
people didnt know much about bows and arrows, let alone how good Doomsday was. For
example, Han Hao and his friends had no idea that Han Sens bow was worth millions,
or they wouldnt have ridiculed him like that.

The clients stopped underestimating Han Sen, not least because Han Sen also had
saved Qings life. They asked his name and called him "Sen" from then on.

After all, Gods Sanctuary was a world where only the strong were respected, and Han
Sen's archery and strength were truly impressive.

"Sen, would you show us real archery skills?" Qing proposed. All the other clients
looked at Han Sen with great anticipation.

"My archery skills are just ordinary," Hansen laughed.

"Dont be modest. When one is being too modest, one is actually proud," Qing said.

"OK, I will try to shoot then." Han Sen also itched to exercise his skills. Since
he received Doomsday, he hadnt tested its limits yet.

The clients were overjoyed. Han Sen looked around and walked to a hillside. He
aimed at something and slowly drew a Saber arrow. As he drew the string, blue and
swollen veins popped on his arms. The arrow left the string in the blink of an eye
and disappeared in the woods.

"Did he miss?" Qing and others didnt hear any prey being hit and thought he had

"It is too far away. The woods must be at least 400 yards from here. It is
understandable to miss," said Qing.

"Come on, let's go and find out," Han Sen said and walked down the hill into the

The clients followed with suspicion. A hundred meters into the woods, they saw a
spotted beast nailed on a tree with an arrow through its head.

"No wonder we did not hear a thing. The arrow directly destroyed the nerves of the
spotted beast and it didnt even have time to shriek." Everyone was so impressed. It
was at least 400 yards from where Han Sen had been standing, and the beast was
killed with just one shot. Han Sens archery must be among the best in First Gods

After that, all the clients worshiped Hansen and did everything he said. Han Sen
protected them for half a month and received 150,000 in cash.

The clients wanted to sign a long-term contract with Han Sen, but he declined. He
was only short of money at the moment. In the long run, he still needed to focus on
his own evolution.

Han Sen returned to Steel Armor Shelter alone and was stopped by those who had been
chased away by Yuan at the gate. These men were led by Liu Feng, and Han Hao was
also among them.

"Ass Freak, you have really pissed me off. How can you make it up to me?" asked Liu
Feng, cracking his knuckles while slowly approaching Han Sen.

Chapter 37

A crowd of spectators started to gather. They were used to seeing Han

Sen getting bullied.
"How do you want me to compensate you?" said Han Sen calmly, watching
Liu Feng approaching him.
"Let me kick your ass," Liu Feng said, throwing a punch at Han Sens
Liu Fengs punch was fierce and fast. If Han Sen was hit, his nose
would be smashed.
When everyone was thinking that he would suffer, Han Sen leaned his
body and dodged the punch. Meanwhile, he tripped Liu Feng with his leg and made him
fall on his face.
Liu Feng fell so hard that his nose was bleeding and his eyes were
watering. Burning with anger, he drew his alpha alloy broadsword from the sheath
and slashed it toward Han Sen. "Little scum! How dare you resist? Ill kill you."

Han Hao had mixed feelings watching this. Although he despised Han
Sen, Han Sen was still his cousin, and Han Hao felt terrible watching him being
bullied and perhaps getting killed.
But if he helped Han Sen and people knew him to be the cousin of Ass
Freak, how could he stay at Steel Armor Shelter?
Having hesitated for a while, Han Hao turned his face to the side,
deliberately avoid seeing Han Sen. Han Hao thought that he would immediately hear
Han Sens screams, but the screams he heard were not from Han Sen, but from Liu
Han Hao quickly turned to see what had happened and couldnt believe
his own eyes. Liu Fengs alpha alloy broadsword was now in Han Sens hand and Liu
Feng himself was pinned to the ground with his arm twisted behind himself,
screaming while too scared to struggle.
Han Hao did not see how it happened, but others all saw clearly. They
were so surprised that they stood there with their mouths wide open.
When Liu Feng slashed his broadsword at Han Sen, everyone thought Ass
Freak was doomed. But as soon as Liu Feng wielded the alpha alloy broadsword, Han
Sen grabbed his hand and twisted, bringing Liu Feng to his knees. Han Sen then
knocked his back with a knee and held him down to the floor.
No one could believe that Ass Freak would have such fine movements and
were all in a daze. There was no sound except for Liu Fengs screams.
"What are you doing? Kill this bastard... Ouch!" Liu Feng shouted to
the onlookers while screaming.
His arm was broken by Han Sen before he could even finish the
sentence. Covered in cold sweat, Liu Feng was deathly pale.
Liu Fengs friends saw this and rushed to Han Sen, raising their
weapons. Hen Sen was still holding Liu Fengs alpha alloy broadsword in his hand,
and used it to block the first alloy weapon swung at him. To his surprise, the
weapon was cut in half by Liu Fengs broadsword instantaneously.
"This dumbass had a really nice alpha alloy broadsword. Its at least
worth one or two million," Han Sen thought and decided not to give it back.

In a short while, all the other weapons were cut off by Han Sen, and
their owners were scared off. No one dared to attack Han Sen anymore.
Han Hao was stunned, almost thinking he was in a dream. Liu Feng had a
strength rating of 6.7 and a nice weapon, so he enjoyed quite a lot of attention in
Steel Armor Shelter.
Although Han Hao had a mutant beast soul weapon, he knew he could not
match Liu Feng. All of a sudden, Liu Feng became the one lying on the floor without
his weapon, while Han Sen became the winner. The change was so drastic that Han Hao
couldnt process it.
"Hadnt he been isolated by both Qin Xuan and Son of Heaven since he
entered the shelter? Didnt he fail to hunt even a primitive creature? Didnt he..."
Han Hao looked at Han Sen blankly, with a variety of complex emotions entangled in
his mind.
Han Sen did not continue the fight with the rest, but went back to
take Liu Fengs sheath away, hung the sheath on his own belt, and returned his new
broadsword to his new sheath.
"The next time you want compensation, just come to me," said Han Sen
as he strode toward the gate of Steel Armor Shelter. The onlookers all looked at
him as if it was the first time they saw him.
"Stop!" Someone approached riding a beast soul mount when Han Sen was
about to enter the gate. It was Luo Tianyang, Son of Heavens henchman.
"Luo, Ass Freak broke my arm and seized my broadsword. You have to
avenge me," shouted Liu Feng in delight at the sight of Luo Tianyang.
"Douchebag." Luo Tianyang first glanced at Liu Feng and then at Han
Sen. "I was wondering who was so daring to hurt my guy. So, it was you, scum."

Luo Tianyang took out his alloy whip, and whacked it at Han Sen.

Han Sen paused and wielded his broadsword at the whip. When the two
weapons collided, Han Sen and Luo Tianyang both shuddered.
Luo Tianyang suddenly shouted, "How come you have such strength?"

Luo Tianyang's own strength rating had reached 9.6. Although with this
whack he did not use all his strength, Han Sen must have had at least an 8.0 rating
to be able to block his whip, which he could not believe.

Chapter 38

"This person must die." Luo Tianyang suddenly had an urge to kill Han Sen and was
about to raise his whip again. When he looked at Han Sen, however, he stopped and
his whole body became tense.

Han Sen had put away the broadsword and held Doomsday in his hands. Drawing the
string to the fullest, he pointed the arrowhead at Luo Tianyang.

Although Luo Tianyang did not recognize Doomsday, thanks to his rich experience of
fighting, he could smell danger from Han Sen and his bow and stayed completely

The two were into a deadlockLuo Tianyang did not dare to move, and Han Sen did not
have the confidence to kill Luo Tianyang with only one shot. Even time seemed to
stand still.

The onlookers were completely shocked. When Han Sen beat Liu Feng and his friends,
they simply couldnt believe it, and now he was even well-matched with Luo Tianyang?

Luo Tianyang was one of Son of Heavens henchmen, his strength rating was near 10.0,
and even he didnt dare to move with Han Sens arrow pointed at him.

Anyone with a strength rating of more than 9.0 would be among the top 100 in Steel
Armor Shelter, where there were more than 100,000 people. That someone like this
could be scared by Han Sen was an overwhelming fact to all. No one knew how Han Sen
could gain such strength when isolated by both Qin Xuan and Son of Heaven.

"Han Sen, put down your bow," said Qin Xuan, leading her gang, who were all riding
beast soul mounts.

Han Sen put away his bow and arrow. His strength was still weaker than Luo
Tianyang, and Han Sen was not sure if he could shoot his opponent when Luo had his
guard up. Keeping the posture was consuming his energy very fast, and the deadlock
was not good for Han Sen.

"Miss Qin, Ill kill this bastard for you," said Luo Tianyang, whipping at Han Sen,
who had already disarmed himself.

Han Sen seemed to be prepared for this and was about to block the whip with
Doomsday. Before he acted, a beast soul bronze sword was thrown over and hit the
whip. The strength of the throw was so fierce that the whip fell from Luo Tianyangs

"I will discipline my guy, and you can mind your own business." Qin Xuan looked at
Luo Tianyang coldly and summoned back her sword before she rode into the shelter.

"Follow me," Qin Xuan turned back and commanded Han Sen.

Han Sen quickly caught up with her and followed her gang into the shelter.

The entire Steel Armor Shelter was suddenly in an uproar. Ass Freak beat Liu Feng
and his friends, was well-matched against Luo Tianyang and was, most importantly,
declared by Qin Xuan to be her guy. All the news had driven everyone mad.

No one understood what had happened: it was all guesswork.

"Did they develop a love affair from the stab?"

"I have to learn from Ass Freak and stab a beautiful and capable woman in the ass.
Maybe I can become rich and powerful."
"Qin Xuan looks so serious, but she is actually a flirt."

Rumors spread across the entire Steel Armor Shelter, and Han Sen was once again put
under the spotlight.

However, Han Sen's strength was not really the focus. People cared more about
whether he was Qin Xuans boy toy. Even Qin Xuans gang would look at Han Sen

"You know archery?" asked Qin Xuan after she called Han Sen to a hall.

"I used to practice," Han Sen shrugged.

"You can use Doomsday, so you mustve worked hard on it," said Qin Xuan matter-of-
factly. "You can join Bullseye and follow me in the future."

"No," Han Sen refused.

Qin Xuan bite her lips and said snappily, "You just offended Luo Tianyang. Without
my protection, do you suppose hed let you live?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I will deal with it myself," Han Sen said

"You should have known who I am. My men are more or less related to the military,
and Bullseye belongs to me. Follow me and you will gain great advantages when
applying for military schools," Qin Xuan suppressed her anger and said to Han Sen.

"I never wanted to go to a military school." Han Sen knew that he could apply to a
military school for further education after he finished integrated compulsory
education. However, all military schools had high requirements of fitness. If ones
fitness index was below 10 before the first evolution, one had no chance at
military schools. For Han Sen, to reach 10 in the fitness index was not hard, but
he wasnt interested in going to school at all. Hed rather put more effort into

Exasperated, Qin Xuan said, "Without education from military school and an
aristocratic title, you could only be an ordinary soldier when you are of age to
serve. Only through a military school can you become something in the army. At
least by then you wouldnt have been sacrificed."

Chapter 39
"Lets talk about this another time. I have to go now, and thank you so much for all
your help. Ill buy you dinner sometime," said Han Sen, ready to go back.
He knew that what Qin Xuan said made sense, but he had his own plan. He wanted to
get an aristocratic title before he turned 20 and went to serve, because
aristocrats had certain privileges in the army and would not be sent to the front.
"Stop! Have I excused you?" Qin Xuan stared at Han Sen fiercely.
"Stationmaster, please, thats not my thing," said Han Sen bitterly.
"Its fine if you dont want to go." Qin Xuan suddenly smiled at Han Sen and said,
"If you do not go, each time you enter the teleport station, I will fight you."
Looking at her evil smile, Han Sens heart sank.
He knew that Qin Xuan hadnt tried her best at all when fighting with him in the
past, because he was no match for her at the moment. Judging from her expression,
he knew if he declined, he would really have a hard time in the future.
"Ill just join Bullseye then," Han Sen said, depressed.
Qin Xuan snapped at Han Sen, "Do you have any idea how many people in Steel Armor
Shelter want to join my gang? And you just acted like Ive asked you to take
"Freedom is priceless, and to lose my freedom is exactly like taking poison," Han
Sen sighed.
"Then you could die a slow death. Even if you died and became a ghost, youd still
be my ghost," Qin Xuan pouted and said.
Han Sen knew that Qin Xuan had made up her mind, and he accepted the offer
unwillingly. Feeling dejected, he left the hall.
Qin Xuan watched him go and was very pleased by his upset look for some strange
reason. She couldnt help but smile.
"Stationmaster, why do you have to recruit such a person to our Steel Armor Gang?
Hes not worthy of being a member of Bullseye," a woman of the same age as Qin Xuan
came out from a side door and asked after Han Sen had left.

"Manli, trust me, although this guy can be a bastard sometimes, he does have great
potential in some aspects," Qin Xuan told Yang Manli seriously.
Qin Xuan had witnessed what a fast learner and diligent student Han Sen was.
Repeatedly defeated by her, he didnt go down but grew stronger and stronger. Now
even she had to take him seriously. Such progress and mentality were truly amazing.

Qin Xuans opinions of Han Sen had improved a great deal, or else she wouldnt have
defended him in front of everyone.
Han Sen returned to his room and teleported back home before Qin Xuan had the
chance to leave Gods Sanctuary.
He was not the least interested in going to a military school. Before, it would
have been a great option for him, because he could learn hyper geno arts there.
Now, with Jadeskin, he didnt have to waste his time in a military school at all.
It would be much wiser for him to spend time hunting and increasing his geno
As for Bullseye, Han Sen had even less interest in joining. Although as a member of
Bullseye he could gain assistance from Qin Xuans information network to improve his
chance of finding mutant and sacred-blood creatures, he would also have to share
the meat hunted with the rest of her team.
Han Sen decided to go hunting alone after some preparation. If Qin Xuan didnt see
him for a while, she would probably forget about the whole thing.
Han Sen had wanted to buy an alpha alloy dagger with the 150 thousand he had
earned, but now he had the broadsword he seized from Liu Feng,so the other was no
longer necessary.
The broadsword was made of a special alloy with Z-metal, which made it very stiff.
Its edge could easily cut primitive creatures open. So weapons made from this kind
of alloy had always been expensive.
"Nice!" Hen Sen touched the edge and his finger was cut immediately. Looking at the
shiny edge, Han Sen loved the weapon so much he couldnt put it down. "Its worth the
price," he thought to himself.
The Han family had an alloy business before, and although it was a small factory,
they had unique formulas. Their products might not be as good as this broadsword,
but could also cut open the skin of some primitive creatures. So the business was
quite profitable.
If it was not for those terrible family members, their company could surely be
among the top three on Planet Roca. But now the company had been bought by Starry
Han Sen was too young back then, and to this day he still didnt quite understand
why Starry Group had to acquire their company. He knew his fathers death must have
had something to do with Starry Group, but he had no ability to find out the truth,
so he had to lay low.
"Son, today I have something important at work. Can you take Yan to school?" Luo
Sulan knocked on the door and asked Han Sen.
"School has started already? I did not know that. No worries Mom, Ill take her,"
Han Sen quickly said.
"School started a few days ago, and you were in Gods Sanctuary so I didnt want to
bother you," said Luo Sulan.
"Which school is it?" asked Han Sen.
"It is Saint Paul, and I used to the money you left to pay the tuition." Luo Sulan
felt slightly uneasy, as she had spent almost all the money on Yans school.
"Great! Saint Paul is the best on Planet Roca except for the posh schools." Han Sen
was very happy. He didnt have an aristocratic title for the moment and couldnt send
Yan to a posh school, but a good private school is still much better than
integrated compulsory education.
After chatting with his mother, Han Sen took Han Yan on a maglev train to school.
The entrance of Saint Paul was almost blocked by private aircrafts, and some of
them were deluxe. Almost all rich people without an aristocratic title would send
their children to Saint Paul. And almost all students here were from affluent
Walking his sister to school, Han Sen saw a middle-aged fat guy getting off an
aircraft with a flirtatious woman on his side and an eight-year-old boy in his
He paused, as the middle-aged fat guy happened to be his uncle, Han Lei.

Chapter 40

"What are you doing here?" Han Lei was surprised to see Han Sen here.

"Taking Yan to school," replied Han Sen.

"Yan is coming to Saint Paul?" Han Lei looked at Han Sen and Han Yan, unconvinced.

"Since a few days ago." Han Sen said, ready to walk Han Yan into the school gate.

Han Lei thought for a while and ran in front of Han Sen. He grabbed Han Sens wrist
and raged, "I knew it! My elder brother managed the company for so many years, he
must have embezzled lots of money. You were just lying to me about not being able
to come up with two million, while you are now spending millions to send Yan to
Saint Paul. Im telling you, this money belonged to the whole family, just like the
house. We must split it, or Ill"

"Or what? What can you do about it?" Han Sen looked at Han Lei coldly. He was
completely disappointed in his relatives and wouldnt give them a cent more.

"Boy, watch it. Im your uncle." Han Lei flinched with Han Sen watching him, but he
didnt plan to let Han Sen walk free.

"Uncle?" Han Sen smiled dismissively. "Well, please go home and review the legal
documents we signed and see if you have the right to anything we own. From now on,
do not think you can take a penny from us ever again."

The reason why Han Sen gave them two million so promptly was to draw a line between
his relatives and his real family. To get the two million, his relatives all signed
a document prepared by Mr. Zhang which made it impossible for them to take anything
from Han Sens family in the future.

"That is fraud! Ill go find your Mom right away. How dare you hide money from
us..." cried Han Lei angrily.

"Uncle, dont even think about it. I have the right to kill a trespasser." Han Sen
looked at Han Lei gloomily.

"Little brat, how dare..." Han Lei threw a punch at Han Sen furiously.

With a blank expression, Han Sen grabbed Han Leis arm and threw Han Lei over his
own shoulder. Han Lei shouted out in pain.

"Uncle, if you want to die, welcome to our house." Han Sen stared at Han Lei

Han Lei opened his eyes wide, as if he didnt know Han Sen. The look on Han Sens
face had terrified him.

Han Lei was an evolver, although just by maxing out on primitive geno points. He
didnt really do much in Second Gods Sanctuary, but he was still an evolver. It was
abnormal that Han Sen, who hadnt evolved at all, could give him a shoulder throw
easily. His nephew suddenly looked like a different person.

Han Sen suddenly smiled and pulled Han Lei up.

"Im sure my aunt doesnt know about this woman and child. I think I should talk to
her," Han Sen whispered, while Han Lei was still shocked by his sudden change.

"You think my wife will believe you?" Han Lei said madly.

"That doesnt matter, as long as she believes this." Han Sen showed Han Lei the
comlink on his wrist. He turned the video camera on the moment he saw Han Lei.

"You..." Shocked, Han Lei reached to grab the comlink.

Han Sen only moved slightly to make Han Lei fall again.

"Uncle, we can negotiate a price, and I can sell you this." Han Sen smiled and was
about to pull him up again.

Han Lei grinned and suddenly reached to twist Han Sens hand, ready to break it and
seize his comlink.

Han Sen flipped his hand and held Han Leis hand down, making him kneel on the floor
and howl like a pig.

"Uncle, it seems that you have no intention to negotiate. Ill have to show it to my
aunt then." Han Sen released Han Lei's hand and turned to leave.

"Wait." Han Lei quickly stopped Han Sen and gritted his teeth. "Ten thousand. Ill
give you ten thousand, and you delete it."
Han Sen turned away. "Two hundred thousand, or Ill go to my aunt."

"Okay, okay," said Han Lei, limping over to take hold of Han Sen.

"Thanks then, cash or bank transfer?" Han Sen asked with a faint smile.

Han Lei unwillingly transferred two hundred thousand to Han Sen, "Well, now can you
delete it?"

"Of course I will delete it, but only when Im in a good mood," Han Sen said and
walked away.

"Brat, you lied to me..." Han Lei became furious and raised his fist. However, he
froze at the sight of Han Sen, as his nephews movements had really left a strong

"Uncle, I received your money so I will certainly delete it, but I did not say when
I will do it. So youd better keep me in a good mood." Han Sen patted Han Lei on the
shoulder and stopped smiling. He whispered, "Also, do not let me see you in my home
again, otherwise I will kill you."

Han Lei shuddered, and for some reason, he knew Han Sen meant it.

"S*#t! The brat has become so evil," Han Lei cursed as Han Sen moved away. Ashamed
that he was terrified by a boy, Han Lei was still nervous deep down and changed his
mind about going to Han Sens home.

After sending Yan to school, Han Sen was in a great mood. On his way back, he saw a
physical test center and went in, wanting to know his current physical fitness

Chapter 41

In the unevolved test hall of the physical test center, Zhao Boshan
looked at "A-level" displayed on the virtual screen and was secretly feeling proud
of himself.
In order to get A-level in the test, an unevolved person must reach
more than 10.0 in at least 100 items, including strength, speed, quickness, leaping
ability, muscle toughness, bone strength and organ function.
With A-level fitness, one was also very likely to be admitted into a
military school, as long as one didnt make a huge mistake during the entrance exam.

In his fantasy, Zhao Boshan had already graduated from a military

school with stellar scores and become a captain of an interstellar warship,
directing battles in the space and receiving respect and worship after all his
"I didnt do that well in the live combat test. If I had done better, I
might be assessed at AA-level. Maybe Ill try again." Zhao Boshan went back, but
found the test hall he had used was occupied.
Zhao Boshan thought the testing process was quite short, so he decided
he might as well wait there. But after he had waited for quite a while, the person
inside still hadnt come out.
"So slow! This person inside must be stupid? If I had gone to a
different hall, I wouldve finished by now." Zhao Boshan was quite upset but not
willing to give up.
Zhao Boshan gave it some thought and paid to observe the test.
Suddenly, the holographic image was projected in front of him.
"I wonder how dumb this person could be to take so long." Zhao Boshan
looked to the golden figure in the holographic image. That person in the image was
about to take the final test, the robot channel.
The robot channel was the last part of the entire test. In the 300-
foot-long one-way channel, one had to beat a combat robot with biochemical alloy
shell every six feet, and the performance of combat robots was stronger and
stronger toward the end.
As an unevolved, being able to cross the 180-foot line was "pass,"
210-foot line was "good," 240-foot line was "excellent," 270-foot line was
"advanced," and going all the way was "super."
Zhao Boshan had earned a "good" score himself, but he might be able to
pass the 240-foot line if he put in more effort.
"This is weird. How come it took him so long?" Zhao Boshan felt
strange, as all the tests before this one should have taken the same amount of
time. What he didnt know was that Han Sen actually took each test twice, the first
time without beast souls and the second time with beast souls, so as to know his
abilities under different circumstances.
Thats why it took Han Sen so long. In fact, Han Sen had already been
through the robot channel twice. This time, he summoned black beetle armor and
bloody slayer at the same time and wanted to try the robot channel one last time
under his best conditions.
When Zhao Boshan saw clearly the golden figure, he was amazed by how
great the bloody slayer and black beetle beast souls looked.
"S*#t! This guy wants to use beast souls to take the robot channel
test. Well, even so he could hardly go all the way, unless..." While Zhao Boshan
was still thinking, the majestic golden figure had rushed toward the robot channel.

What happened next rendered Zhao Boshan speechless. The golden figure
ignored all combat robots trying to block him and forcefully went through with his
strong body. The combat robot, which was much heavier than the man, was knocked
away immediately.
The golden figure was like an armored vehicle, brutally hitting his
way through the combat robots. Even the robots biochemical alloy shells were
smashed. Nothing could stop that figure.
30 feet... 60 feet... 90 feet... 180 feet... 210 feet... 240 feet...

Zhao Baoshan knew that the performance of the combat robots placed
behind the 240-foot line was beyond the ability of average unevolved persons. But
they were smashed by the golden figure as if they were a pile of clunkers.

The robot channel that was viewed as a cruel test by most unevolved
became an easy path for the golden figure.
Unmatched strength.
All combat robots in the channel, including the last one, were knocked
away within seconds. Zhao Boshan opened his mouth and didnt recover from shock for
a long time. When he looked at the virtual screen, it already changed to "SSS-
"OMG, who is this fierce fellow?" Zhao Boshan saw the door of the test
hall open and the person in the hall was gone.
Zhao Boshan immediately chased him out, but the center was so crowded
and he had no idea who that person was.
"The video!" Zhao Boshan ran back to the hall, paid to play the
recorded video and made a copy. Having watched the video a few times, he regretted
that he didnt see the golden figures performance before the last test.
Zhao Boshan suddenly had an idea. He logged into his account and
uploaded this copy to the official forum, and named it "788 Robot Channel
Chapter 42

In the beginning, Zhao Boshans video didnt attract much attention. After all, there
were so many videos online about the robot channel test.

7.88 seconds was also considered a gimmick, as those who could pass the test within
ten seconds would be among the very best of the unevolved.

Even stars like Tang Zhenliu could finish the test in just under ten seconds and
couldnt improve any further. If someone really finished it within 7.88 seconds, he
or she would surely be a star. Therefore, it would be impossible for it to be
uploaded by an unknown account.

Almost everyone who saw the title would choose to skip the video, and it could soon
be lost in the massive number of videos. Only a few who were bored would play the

However, those who had seen the video were all impressed by the brutal method used
to pass the test and chose to forward the link to their friends.

Coincidentally, someone from Steel Armor Shelter also watched the video and
recognized the man in the video as Dollar from Steel Armor Shelter. Immediately
after he finished watching the video, he posted a new thread titled "SSS-level,
Dollar Conquered Robot Channel in 788 to the section of Steel Armor Shelter.

"That Dollar who robbed Son of Heaven of the beast soul?"

"Is the title for real?"
"Is Dollars real identity exposed?"

The name Dollar was so well-known in Steel Armor Shelter that the post soon got a
lot of attention, and many watched the video with a skeptical attitude, which
turned into admiration when they finished watching.

"Dollar is my idol."
"This is how real men should pass the test."
"Ha-ha, the combat robots were all crushed."
"His beast soul was stolen from Son of Heaven, and he is nothing without beast
"Dollar is invincible."

The video was watched so much in Steel Armor Shelter that the administrator soon
noticed it and put it on the front page.

At this point, this video became viral in the entire alliance, and almost all
unevolved now knew about Dollar.

"It must be fake."

"No way! Did you not see its an official video?"
"This is not possible. The robots in the beginning were not that strong, but it was
so incredible that he knocked away the ones close to the end as well."
"No way this looks too fake. It is definitely modified. If its not, Ill eat s*#t."
"Who is this man? One of the Chosen?"
"This is Dollar from Steel Armor Shelter."
"What Dollar? I have not heard of him."
"That is because you are ignorant..."

Dollar brought honor to the entire Steel Armor Shelter. Many people in the shelter
were telling the story all over the Skynet of Dollar robbing the beast soul from
Son of Heaven.

"Zhenliu, come and look at this," a good-looking young man waved to Tang Zhenliu,
who was training.

"Lin Feng, what is it?" Tang Zhenliu approached the young man while wiping his face
with a towel. Taking a look at the video the young man was watching, he commented,
"7.88 seconds, robot channel conquered. This is crap. It took me ten seconds. How
can anyone finish it in 7.88 seconds?" Tang Zhenliu played with his hair casually.

"Just watch this." Lin Feng played the video.

"No way! This cant be Who is this guy? Where is he from?"

"No idea. But according to my analysis, he must have maxed out on all geno points
except for sacred geno points. He also has practiced advanced hyper geno arts. His
armor and shapeshifting beast souls were all sacred-blood." Lin Feng paused the
holographic video and continued to analyze, "His shapeshifting beast soul is fast
and... "

"Enough with the analysis. I just want to know who he is. Finally, all the top guys
have gone to Second Gods Sanctuary, and I now have a chance to rank second among
the Chosen. And now heres this guy!" Tang Zhenliu gritted his teeth. "Find out who
he is. Ill have him killed before he can ruin my chances."

Lin Feng rolled his eyes, "First, this video is from the official physical test
center, so there is no way you could find out his identity. Second, someone with
this fitness level must be from a prominent family or even have something to do
with the military. You think you dare to have someone like that killed?"

"Ahem, I was just expressing my anger Dont take me seriously..." Tang Zhenliu was

"Who could he be?" Lin Feng frowned, staring at the golden figure in the video.

There were many who shared Lin Fengs question and wondered about the background of
Dollar. Due to the limited information available, no one had any clue.

Some people also tried to ask Zhao Boshan, the poster of the video. However, Zhao
Boshan had no idea who that man was. So, all people knew was that Dollar took the
test on Planet Roca.

But interplanetary travel was so convenient that many people were even working on a
different planet from where they lived. Hence, no one knew whether Dollar was
passing by or lived there. Plus, there were a dozen billion people on Roca, so it
was impossible to locate a single individual anyway.

Chapter 43

While everyone was discussing who Dollar was, Han Sen was practicing archery alone
in a waste factory near his home, avoiding entering Gods Sanctuary in case Qin Xuan
would send him to Bullseye.

"If I had not used beast souls, my strength would only have been rated 9.1 due to
the lack of mutant geno points. If I could max out on mutant geno points, my rating
would reach 12," secretly calculated Han Sen while he was resting. The improvement
in physical fitness levels got more and more difficult as he became stronger.
Han Sen had checked the data. Those who had maxed out on all four types of geno
points could have a rating at 15. If they were also practicing hyper geno arts,
then their number might reach 17 or 18, which was the limit for the unevolved.

For individual indicators such as speed, there was the same limit. An average
person would be considered a genius with a rating of 15. Some indicators could be
further improved to 17 or 18 with the practice of hyper geno arts.

Maxing out on all four types of geno points was incredibly difficult, and there
might not even be anyone who could achieve this in several years in a shelter. At
that time, Qin Xuan was the only one who had any chance of maxing out on all four
types of geno points.

As Han Sen was thinking, suddenly his comlink rang. He took a look, and it was a
strange number. Han Sen hesitated and took the call. The holographic image of Qin
Xuan popped out. She looked at Han Sen coldly and said, "If I do not see you in
front of me in an hour, then you better pray I will never see you again."

Qin Xuan hung up immediately and her holographic image also disappeared.

"How did she know my number? I have not told her." Han Sen helplessly got up and
went to the teleport station. Qin Xuan was the stationmaster, so there was no way
he could avoid her.

"I am a dignified man, and I fear nothing." Han Sen came to the teleport station
and cheered himself up.

"Come here," Qin Xuan spat out as she saw him coming.

"Stationmaster, I was busy with some family business and..." Han Sen forced a smile
and tried to explain when he saw Qin Xuans grim face.

"Busy playing archery every day in the waste factory?" Qin Xuan didnt even blink.

"Stationmaster, stalking is not a good idea. I understand what you want, but our
age difference is more than three years. Even if Im willing, my Mom" Han Sen joked.

Qin Xuan, who was walking ahead, was pissed off but didnt turn back. Entering the
combat room, she threw a combat suit and some protective gear in front of Han Sen
and said sharply, "Put it on."

Han Sen suddenly felt something was very wrong. Qin Xuan had never given him
protective gear before, and this was certainly a red flag.

Han Sen wanted to run, but Qin Xuan had already anticipated his thought and locked
the door of the combat room before he even moved.

"Stationmaster, dont do this. We must talk this out. I never thought age was an
issue. Ill bring you home right... Dont come close..." Han Sen kept backing off
while Qin Xuan gritted her teeth and approached him.

"Damn you." Qin Xuan raised her fist and threw a punch at Han Sen.

She was really mad this time. She had finally persuaded Yang Manli to let Han Sen
join Bullseye, but Han Sen had completely disappeared in recent days.

Han Sen felt a lot more pressure than usual, and his arms went numb after blocking
two punches from her.
When Qin Xuan was ready to beat him senseless, the holographic image of Yang Manli
popped up from the comlink in the combat room.

"Stationmaster, Starry Group sent someone to discuss killing the sacred-blood

creature," Yang Manli said.

"OK, take them to the conference room and Ill be right there." Qin Xuan stopped and
fiercely stared at Han Sen.

"Stationmaster, we are cooperating with Starry Group?" asked Han Sen.

"You didnt know? Son of Heaven is the son of the CEO of Starry Group," replied Qin
Xuan. "Think about it. Will I do you harm by asking you to join Bullseye?"

"No need to think. How could I ever go against your will? Ill join Bullseye right
away, and you dont have to stalk me anymore," Han Sen said bitterly.

"Good to see that youve come to your senses. Your family is not rich. What are you
going to do if you dont go to military school?" said Qin Xuan before leaving the
combat room. She didnt forget to arrange for a guard to accompany Han Sen to report
to Yang Manli.

The reason for Han Sens sudden change of heart was that he learned Son of Heaven
was the son of Starry Groups CEO. Since Qin Xuan was collaborating with Son of
Heaven, maybe he could find out the facts of Starry Groups acquisition of their
family business as a member of Qin Xuans Steel Armor Gang.

The guard took Han Sen to the front of an office. Han Sen knocked on the door and
found that the woman who had been in the holographic image just then was sitting
behind the desk, looking at him seriously.

"Stationmaster asked me to report to you," Han Sen said politely.

"Fill this out." Yang Manli showed no expression and passed a sheet to Han Sen.

Han Sen took it and saw it was just a basic information form. He filled it out and
gave it back.

"You can go back. Show up at the training camp of Bullseye tomorrow morning at six
o'clock. Remember, I dont like people who are not punctual. And this is your last
chance." Yang Manli's impression of Han Sen was terrible, especially after his
absence from Bullseye.

Chapter 44

Han Sen could tell that Yang Manli did not like him. When he was ready to go, Yang
Manli answered a comlink call and Qin Xuans holographic image popped out.

"Manli, come to my office right now." Qin Xuan saw Han Sen there and said, "Bring
him with you."

Han Sen followed Yang Manli to Qin Xuans office and saw Qin Xuan watching a video
from the Skynet.

"Manli, come see this video." Qin Xuan replayed it.

Standing on the side, Han Sen secretly thought, "This is the video of me taking the
physical test! Someone paid to record this. People must have found out that Im

There were so many halls in the test center, and it cost money to watch others
taking the test. He thought no one would care about a nobody like himself and did
not expect this to happen.

If Son of Heaven knew Dollar was Han Sen, he would be in a lot of trouble. Starry
Group was powerful in the Alliance, and there was no way Han Sen could compete with

"Dollar? You know who he is?" Yang Manli was somewhat surprised to see the golden
figure in the video.

"No. The video only covered the robot channel, and he was wearing beast soul armor
the entire time. Couldnt tell who he is."

Qin Xuan's words suddenly sent Han Sen from hell back to heaven. He secretly wiped
the cold sweat off his forehead.

"I have to be more careful. This time I got lucky, next time there may really be a
leak," Han Sen secretly warned himself.

"Excellent." Yang Manli only said one word after watching it.

"Son of Heaven told me about this video. After watching this, we can be certain
that Dollars armor is a sacred-blood beast soul, and he must be from a prominent
family because he is definitely practicing an advanced hyper geno art. Another clue
was that he took the test on Planet Roca. We must find him. He can be of great
value to us," Qin Xuan said.

Yang Manli thought about it and said, "There are no prominent families on Roca.
Maybe he was just passing by and has left by now."

"I agree. Lets give it a shot. Hes worth it," said Qin Xuan.

Han Sen was frightened that Qin Xuan and Yang Manli might find out the truth. Han
Sen cleared his throat and said, "Dollar was just relying on his sacred-blood beast
souls. He had no real skills. Theres no need to look for him."

Yang Manli gave Han Sen a hard look and said, "What do you know? The ability to get
the beast souls is enough proof of his ability. Also, those beast souls can be of
great use to Bullseye."

"What ability?" Han Sen thought. "Its just pure luck."

"Manli is right. His armor brings amazing defense, and bloody slayer has
strengthened his physical strength and speed. Coupled with his practice of advanced
hyper geno arts, he must be able to contain most sacred-blood creatures, and thats
very useful to us," said Qin Xuan.

"If we have him in our gang, we wont have to collaborate with Son of Heaven and
Fist Guy anymore to hunt sacred-blood creatures," Yang Manli said with great hope.

"Wow. You just wanted me to risk my life as your tank. How vicious!" thought Han
Sen, drinking from a cup to cover up his fear.

"Agreed. So, do your best to find him," Qin Xuan nodded.

"But since hes from a prominent family, even if we find him, he may not be willing
to join us," Yang Manli sighed.

Qin Xuan blinked and joked, "I know you like a strong man like him. Try to seduce

"Ahem!" Han Sen choked on the water he was drinking.

Yang Manli gave Han Sen a fierce glare, and Han Sen quickly took another sip from
his cup.

"I dont mind seducing him. Im only afraid he isnt man enough."

"Ahem!" This time, Han Sen choked so hard that he was almost in tears.

Yang Manli looked at Han Sen with disgust, "Fortunately, Dollar wont be a scum like

"Hey!" yelled Han Sen. Yang Manli shut the office door and completely ignored him.

"Stationmaster, your minion is too arrogant. Im your guy and she shouldnt talk to
me like that," Han Sen said with anger. "Transfer me to another team. I dont want
to be in Bullseye where she is the leader."

Han Sen was a little worried that Yang Manli would see that he was Dollar if he
stayed close to her for a long time.

Qin Xuan patted Han Sen on the shoulder, "You were a scum, but you can change.
Follow Manlis lead. Although you may never be like Dollar, you could stop being a
scum. There is still hope."

Sending Han Sen out, she did not give him a chance to speak again.

Han Sen left the teleport station, went back home and checked out the video on the
Skynet. He then found out that the video had more than a hundred million hits.

Han Sen made sure that he couldnt be identified from the video and felt relieved.
Seeing the compliments under the video, he was quite pleased with himself: "Looks
great indeed."

Chapter 45

The next morning, Han Sen entered Gods Sanctuary and saw the copper-
toothed beast had become purple all over except for the tip of its tail. He was
happy to know it was about to become a sacred-blood creature in a day or two.

Watching the beast over and over again, Han Sen left for the Bullseye
training camp. When Han Sen arrived, he met an acquaintance.
"Su Xiaoqiao!" Han Sen was surprised to see Su Xiaoqiao, who was
wiping the bows and arrows at the shooting range.
"Ass Freak, how do you know me?" Su Xiaqiao was also surprised.

"How do I not know you? Everyone was calling Dollar Doll because of
you." Han Sen smiled while secretly hating Xiaoqiao. Thanks to him, Han Sen had
such a strange nickname.
Su Xiaoqiao was very proud, "If it wasnt for me, Dollar wouldnt be as
popular as he is now."
"Good job." Han Sen gave him a thumbs-up, while thinking, "You little
"Brother, why did you choose to enter Bullseye?" Su Xiaoqiao asked Han
"Because you can stand away from the creatures to reduce risks. Safety
first," laughed Han Sen.
"Great minds think alike." Su Xiaqiao felt like he finally met someone
who understood him. "The only good thing about Bullseye is safety. I wouldnt come
here in a million years if it wasnt for this. The team leader Manli looks great but
she is a sadist. You know what we call her behind her back? Nazi..."
Su Xiaoqiao and Han Sen suddenly shuddered as they were talking. They
turned back and saw Manli standing near them. She must have heard everything they
Han Sen and Su Xiaoqiao were petrified. Su Xiaqiao quickly put on a
smile, "Manli, I was just teasing the new guy. In fact, you are so charming
"Use a 7.0 practice bow. You each have to shoot a thousand arrows.
Dont leave until you are finished," said Yang Manli coldly and turned away.

"My god! 7.0 practice bow, a thousand arrows? Why doesnt she just kill
me?" Su Xiaoqiao's smile collapsed.
"She wont be here anyway. She wouldnt even know how many arrows we
shoot," said Han Sen.
"Brother, you are too naive. Of course Nazi has thought of this. There
are people who are in charge of counting arrows. You cant shoot standing over the
line. Nor can you miss the target," Su Xiaoqiao said in desperation.
"We will take our time then. She didnt say when we have to finish."
Han Sen patted Su Xiaoqiao on the shoulder.
With a strength rating of 9.1, a thousand arrows with a 7.0 practice
bow could be a difficult task, but it wasnt the end of the world. However, for Su
Xiaoqiao, who only had a strength rating of 7, it was different. If he was going to
shoot continuously, a hundred arrows could kill him.
The two took the practice bow and started. Standing next to Su
Xiaoqiao, Han Sen was shooting at a slow pace. The other members of the Bullseye
team were all gloating at them.
Several Bullseye members carried a few bundles of practice arrows, and
one of them said to Su Xiaoqiao, "Xiaoqiao, keep practicing. We will hunt the
sacred-blood creature tomorrow."
"Another sacred-blood creature found? When? Why didnt I know?" Su
Xiaoqiao said with wide eyes.
"Son of Heavens gang found it. They couldnt hunt it by themselves so
they asked us to help. We will leave in the morning to hunt but you wont be able to
make it. A thousand arrows will take you at least three days," the team member said
with a grin.
"Enough said. Xiaoqiao, go practice!" yelled an angry young man, the
deputy head of Bullseye.
After the other members had left, Su Xiaoqiao begged the angry man,
"Hongtao, please ask Manli to let me go tomorrow. I will double my practice time
when I come back."
"You think this is a farmers market where you can bargain? Manli said
shoot a thousand arrows, so you cant miss even one." Liu Hongtao gave Han Sen a
hard look and said, "And you, dont think you can get away with anything here just
because you know Qin Xuan. This is just a small lesson. Dont let me catch you or
you will regret it."
"Liu, you know we meant well. Please help us out." Su Xiaoqiao passed
a pile of cash to Liu Hongtao.
Liu Hongtao threw the money on the floor and rebuked Su Xiaoqiao, "You
think you can bribe me? Rules are rules. You cant go anywhere unless you finish
shooting a thousand arrows."
Liu Hongtao turned away after his speech.
Han Sen was a bit surprised and asked Su Xiaoqiao, "Are the rules
really so strict at Bullseye?"
"Strict my ass. Liu always takes money from us," Su Xiaoqiao gritted
his teeth and said.
"Why didnt he this time?" Han Sen was confused.
Su Xiaoqiao looked at Han Sen and whispered, "You better be careful
now. I think Manli is very upset with you, and Liu likes Manli a lot. He must be
deliberately messing with you. Or else you are supposed to still go hunting even
when punished."
Han Sen suddenly realized why Liu Hongtao had looked at him with
disgust and hatred.
"This is my fault. But no worries, we can still go tomorrow." Han Sen
patted Su Xiaoqiao on the shoulder.
"What if we cant finish a thousand arrows?" Su Xiaoqiao sighed and
suddenly thought of something, "Brother, are you sleeping with Qin Xuan? If its
true, just talk to her and we can definitely go."

Chapter 46

"Even if I am sleeping with Qin Xuan, I wouldnt bother her with this.
Moreover, there is really nothing going on," explained Han Sen.
"In our gang, Manli would only listen to Qin Xuan. So, unless she
helps us, we wont be able to go tomorrow." Su Xiaqiao held Han Sens hand, "Brother,
dignity is worthless, but the sacred-blood creature is priceless. If you really
have something going on with Qin Xuan, you need to beg her and let her do whatever
she wants with you. You need to focus on the big picture."
Han Sen sighed, "Unfortunately, there is really nothing."
"Then we are doomed. We will practice while others go hunting," Su
Xiaoqiao said dejectedly.
"You dont have to be so frustrated. Even though I am not sleeping with
Qin Xuan, we can still go hunting tomorrow," Han Sen laughed.
"What do you have in mind?" Su Xiaoqiao watched Han Sen helplessly.

"Just finish shooting these arrows today." Hansen pointed to the

bundles of arrows.
Su Xiaoqiao said weakly, "Brother, we each have one thousand arrows to
shoot while standing 450 feet away from the target, and those that miss the target
will not be counted. We need at least three days to do that."
"Not necessarily." Han Sen tried the practice bow, which was much
lighter than Doomsday. A 7.0 practice bow means that you use the bow to practice
rapid shooting with a strength rating at 7.0. For Doomsday, you only draw the
string with a strength rating at 7.0.
He picked up an arrow and shot it toward the target. Instantly, it
ended up on the bullseye.
Han Sen didnt pause but kept shooting. While he didnt hit the bullseye
each time, all his arrows were on the target.
Su Xiaoqiao had thought it was impossible to finish practicing today.
Yet Han Sen had shot three dozen arrows in a short while and didnt seem to need a
"Brother, great job! Ten arrows in a row with a 7.0 bow," praised Su
Any archer knows that rapid shooting consumes a lot of energy and a
normal archer can only shoot a dozen arrows in a row while those who shoot two
dozen arrows in a row must be a lot stronger than what the bow requires.

Han Sen just smiled and said to Su Xiaoqiao, "Dont just stand there.
Lets finish the two thousand arrows and go hunt the sacred-blood creature.
"Ignorant," Liu Hongtao who was supervising them said with contempt.

Being able to shoot three dozen arrows was impressive, but a thousand
arrows was not so easy. Even if Han Sen had a strength rating over 8.0 or 9.0, he
couldnt keep shooting at this pace. His arms and fingers would be wasted, so there
was no way he could join the hunting tomorrow anyway.
Han Sen also knew that shooting for a long time required more than
just strength. However, he discovered that his muscles were incredibly tough and
resilient. After shooting two dozen arrows, his muscles got slightly sore. But as
he shook out his arms, he felt fine again.
Even if he used his muscles for a long time, his body would stay cool
and strong.
Han Sen knew it wasnt because of his geno points, but his practice of
Jadeskin. A thousand arrows with the 7.0 practice bow was not hard for him. He had
enough strength and endurance to do the task.
Han Sen kept shooting, while the man counting arrows was thunderstruck
at the sight of four dozen arrows thickly dotting the target. "This guy is out of
this world," he whispered.
"Who are you talking about?" someone heard his whisper and asked.

"Ass Freak! He shot four dozen arrows and didnt even pause," the man
counting the arrows said.
"Ass Freak? For real?"
"Come and see if you dont believe me."
Soon a few Bullseye members came to watch Han Sen shooting. After
watching for a while, everyone was stunned.
"Wow, all three targets we are full. That was all him?"
"Yeah! Xiaoqiao only shot a dozen arrows and hasnt even filled one
"No way! That must be a 4.0 practice bow."
"You cant even tell the difference between a 4.0 bow and a 7.0
practice bow? They look nothing alike." The man counting rolled his eyes.

More and more Bullseye members came around. Liu Hongtao could not help
but stand up, staring at Han Sen who was still shooting.
"More arrows." Han Sen hadnt had such fun with archery in a long time.
When he was practicing alone, he could only shoot the few arrows he owned and then
stop to collect the arrows from the target himself. Now he could shoot as many as
he wanted and as long as he wanted.
"Buddy, great job! This is the second bundle." Su Xiaqiao untied
another bundle of practice arrows, grabbed a bunch of arrows and stuck them in Han
Sens quiver.
"Just started warming up." Han Sen smiled and shot another arrow.

"Brother, if you shoot all the arrows and we can go hunting tomorrow,
I will do anything for you. Ill even do your laundry," cried out Su Xiaoqiao.

"Forget about laundry. How about cash?" laughed Han Sen.

"Talking about money would hurt our friendship," replied Su Xiaoqiao.

Han Sen paused every 50 arrows and used only his right hand to draw
the string, instead of using both hands in turn.

Chapter 47

"What is the noise outside?" Yang Manli heard it getting more and more
noisy outside her office as she was reviewing the data of the sacred-blood creature
sent from Son of Heaven.
Yang Manli asked twice, but no one answered. She frowned and went to
find out.
Almost the entire Bullseye team was at the shooting range, cheering
from time to time.
Yang Manli took out a telescope. Most of high-tech products lost their
function in Gods Sanctuary, but primary instruments like the telescope still
Yang Manli, starting to feel skeptical, put down the telescope and
went to the shooting range.
"Ass Freak, a real man, hes been going at this pace for so long."

"His endurance is invincible."

"I think a thousand arrows was too light a punishment for him. He can
probably finish before dinner..."
The Bullseye team saw Yang Manli coming over, and quickly ran back to
training. They were not afraid of Liu Hongtao, but terrified by Yang Manli.

"Those arrows were all shot by him?" Yang Manli asked Liu Hongtao.

"Except for Target 9 and Target 10." Liu Hongtao felt somewhat
reluctant to answer her.
"I see." Yang Manli did not say anything and turned back to the
Liu Hongtao did not know what Yang Manli was thinking and quickly
asked, "Manli, the punishment is too mild and it would set a bad example. Should we
add another thousand to their punishment?"
"No." Yang Manli left.
Back in the office, Yang Manli took out Han Sens profile and reviewed
it. "Great endurance, good geno point counts, strength rating is probably at 9.0.
Integrated compulsory education graduate with excellent scores."
Yang Manli carefully read the profile, pondered for a moment and
muttered: "Ill give him a chance, even just for the stationmaster."
Han Sen stopped after five hundred arrows and rested for two hours
before he resumed shooting. Although he could continue, he was afraid to scare
everyone so he took a break.
By midnight, Han Sen and Su Xiaoqiao had shot two thousand arrows.

Han Sen had become famous in Bullseye and all members had changed
their view of him. Anyone who could shoot a thousand arrows in a day deserved
"Sen, Im not easily impressed, but you are amazing." Although most of
the arrows were shot by Han Sen, Su Xiaoqiao was also sore and tired. He put his
arm around Han Sens neck and gave Han Sen a thumbs-up.
"Dont mention it. Do you know what kind of sacred-blood creature we
are going to kill tomorrow?" asked Hansen.
"Im so handsome that Manlis assistant couldnt resist my charm and told
me everything," Su Xiaoqiao said triumphantly.
"So what is it?" Han Sen didnt care for his bragging.
"It seems to be a flying creature. There arent many archers in Son of
Heavens gang, so they want our help," replied Su Xiaoqiao.
Hansen frowned, "A sacred-blood creature that can fly. Thats tough."
Sacred-blood creatures were strong enough. If they had the ability to fly, it would
be even harder to hunt them. After all, the range of the best alloy bows was only
about half a mile and only a few people in First Gods Sanctuary could even draw the
string of those bows. If the sacred-blood creature flew too high, arrows wouldnt do
it much harm.
Also, the skin of sacred-blood creature was so stiff that even the tip
of Saber arrows couldnt cut through.
Han Sen knew that Bullseye must have beast soul bows and arrows. And
there must be alloy arrows better than Saber arrows as well. But he didnt think
that Yang Manli would give him access to those.
If he couldnt even pierce the skin of the sacred-blood creature, even
if this opportunity was heaven sent, he had no means to grasp it.
"Seems that I should buy a Z-steel arrow," Han Sen pondered.

Z-steel was not steel, but a kind of metal humans discovered fifty
years ago. Its characteristics were similar to steel, but its toughness were far
beyond steel.
The toughness of an alloy arrow could be greatly improved by adding
just a little Z-steel. And all alpha alloy had Z-steel added.
Doomsday and the broadsword Han Sen seized from Liu Feng had Z-steel
in them but the content was quite low. The broadsword contained 0.3 percent Z-
steel, while Doomsday contained 0.4 percent Z-steel in its body and 0.5 percent Z-
steel in its string. If a weapon contained more than 10 percent Z-steel, it could
cut through the bones of mutant creatures. And if a weapon contained more than 60
percent Z-steel, it would be as strong as the bones of sacred-blood creatures.

However, Z-steel was extremely rare and therefore, its price was quite
high. The Alliance also had strict control over its production, so any alloy with
more than 1 percent Z-steel would be hard to find.
Although the tip of Saber arrows contained a little Z-steel, it would
not exceed 0.1 percent. Hence to hunt a sacred-blood creature with Saber arrows was
next to impossible, even if he could shoot the arrows directly into a wound.

Han Sens ideal arrow was the Z-steel arrow, which was 1 percent Z-
steel. However, it was so expensive that even with all the money he had at the
moment, which was around three hundred thousand dollars, he could only afford one
arrow with about 0.6 percent of Z-steel.
Han Sen went home at night and logged in to Polar Night Forum. If he
couldnt find the right second-hand goods, he would have to buy a new one at the
In Polar Night Forum, there was a post that claimed to sell weapons
with 1.2 percent Z-steel. Han Sen noticed that the post was from an owner whose
store had no license or legal permit. On the webpage of the store there were only
holographic images of the products and a comlink number.

Chapter 48

Han Sen took a closer look and saw that there were holographic images of weapons in
the making, which proved that the weapons were all handmade

After reviewing the images, Han Sen dialed the number on the webpage.

Someone answered, but didnt allow video chat. Han Sen could only hear his voice.

"How can I help you?" the owner asked in a low male voice.

"I saw on the forum that you sell weapons. Do you have arrows with higher
percentage of Z-steel?" Han Sen did not expect that the content of Z-steel could
really reach 1.2 percent. Hed be happy if it reached 0.8 percent.

"I have two arrows made by myself. 1.2 percent Z-steel. Three hundred thousand
each," replied the man.

"I want one. Where can I check it out?" asked Han Sen.

"Ill tell you the address," the man gave him an address and hung up.
Han Sen followed the address to a red-light district. Although it was already the
middle of the night, the streets were still crowded.

Han Sen waited for a while at the agreed spot and saw someone waving at him across
the street. Hansen warily walked over to him.

"You want to buy an arrow?" asked a guy in sunglasses and hoodie. Han Sen could
only tell he was a middle-aged man.

"Yes," Han Sen nodded.

The man took out a box and placed it in front of Han Sen. He opened it up and there
was a black steel arrow inside.

"Can I test it?" asked Han Sen.

"Suit yourself," replied the man casually.

Han Sen took the arrow out and tested its balance. If an arrow wasnt balanced, it
didnt matter what material it was made from.

"Excellent." Han Sen found this arrow had better balance than Saber arrows. If the
bow was strong enough, this arrow would always maintain stability.

The man nodded and did not say anything.

Hen Sen pulled out his broadsword and asked the man, "Can I test it with my own
weapon?" Without his permission, Han Sen didnt dare to test it that way. But
technically speaking, if the arrow contained more than 0.7 percent Z-steel, his
broadsword wouldnt even leave a mark on it.

The man looked at the broadsword in Han Sens hands and again said, "Suit yourself."

With his permission, taking the arrow in one hand and the broadsword in the other,
Han Sen fiercely slashed the broadsword at the arrow.


Han Sen checked the arrow and was pleased to see there were no mark on the arrow,
while his broadsword was chipped.

Although he wasnt sure if the Z-steel content reached 1.2 percent, he knew it was
great stuff.

"Great stuff. Ill take it." Hansen took out the three hundred thousand dollars he
had brought with him and paid the man.

"Of course, it was made from the bearing steel of old interstellar warships, hence
the Z-steel content is a standard 1.2 percent. Also the machine-made weapons are no
match for my products. Let me know if you need something in the future," the man
said and disappeared in the back lane.

Han Sen returned home and tested the arrow more thoroughly. It was truly great,
similar to the name-brand arrows, and only one-tenth of the price.

"I was really lucky to find a true craftsman." Han Sen hadnt had high hopes because
a lot of sellers of handmade weapons only produced mediocre products. For weapons
like arrows that required a lot of skills to make, it was even less likely to find
good ones from independent sellers.

Han Sen was very satisfied with this arrow. Just the tip of the arrow showed
incredible craftsmanship, as it must have been manually polished to be so sharp.
Han Sen had briefly learned weapon-making at school, but his work was not the high
caliber of this weapon maker.

"It is a good arrow, but unfortunately I can only afford one. If I dont hit the
target, there wont be a second chance." Han Sen checked his bank account and found
he had less than one hundred thousand dollars left.

"I wish I could buy something with it tomorrow." Han Sen slept for a while and
teleported to Gods Sanctuary early in the morning.

In Qin Xuans Steel Armor Gang, Bullseye was the smallest team. Few people among
civilians were interested in archery, so most Bullseye members had military
background and could enter military schools if their scores qualified.

When they entered Gods Sanctuary, they would report with the military force into
the shelter they were assigned. Qin Xuan's Steel Armor Gang was the military force
in Steel Armor Shelter.

The Alliance didnt have much power over Gods Sanctuary, but it still maintained
some control. In each shelter, the largest gang typically had military background.

Qin Xuan led her people to the agreed place, and Son of Heavens gang was already
there. Compared to Steel Armor Gang, Son of Heavens gang seemed rather unorganized.

Luo Tianyang gave Han Sen, who was in the crowd, a cold stare and judging by his
look, Han Sen knew their business was not finished.

After the two sides joined, Son of Heavens gang led the way, marching into the
mountains. Bullseyes place was at the end of the line, and Han Sen and Su Xiaoqiao
were walking behind everyone else.

"Sen, I think we should each bring a shield, to protect ourselves," Su Xiaoqiao


"You're rich. Just buy a suit of Z-steel armor," said Han Sen.

"Z-steel is so heavy and not as portable as beast soul armors. And even primitive
beast soul armors are tougher than Z-steel armor, unless the Z-steel content
exceeds 10 percent. You know we could only find weapons with at most 1 percent Z-
steel. So beast soul armors are in general much better." Su Xiaqiao continued to
say, " How nice if I could have the same beast soul armor as Dollars. Thats the
only sacred-blood beast soul armor Ive seen in Steel Armor Shelter. I wonder what
beast soul it was."

"From its look, I think it must be a fierce and mighty beast soul," another
Bullseye member jumped in.

"That goes without saying. It must be a from phenomenal sacred-blood creature,"

others agreed.

Han Sen chuckled silently and wondered what they would say had they known the armor
was from the weakest creature, black beetle.
Chapter 49

The two gangs had marched more than half a month before they reached a mountain Han
Sen had never been to.

On the way, Han Sen had truly understood there was strength in numbers. No
creatures could block their path with the rain of arrows from the archers and the
charge of the cavalry. Of course, the scouts would inform them if there were herds
of strong creatures ahead of them and they would take a detour.

At the destination, Bullseye hid on a cliff and was ready to shoot the sacred-blood
creature drawn out by Luo Tianyangs team.

The rest went under the cliff and was ready to chase the creature.

In addition to Bullseye, Son of Heaven and his henchmen also stayed on the cliff.
Han Sen knew they must also be good at archery because he had witnessed Son of God
almost killing the bloody slayer with an arrow before he snatched its beast soul.

Son of Heaven looked at Han Sen coldly as he had heard rumors about Han Sen being
Qin Xuans boy toy, which annoyed him.

"Son of Heaven, where are the arrows youve agreed to offer?" asked Yang Manli.

It was Bullseye that Son of Heaven really needed this time. As normal arrows
wouldnt harm a sacred-blood creature at all, and Z-steel arrows were too expensive,
Son of Heaven had agreed to provide Bullseye with the arrows needed this time.

Son of Heaven smiled and waved his hand. His henchmen then carried a box down from
the back of a mount. They opened the box and it was filled with Starlight arrows,
each worth more than a million. It was made by Starry Group with 1 percent Z-steel.

"Manli, here are a hundred Starlight arrows we agreed on. Would you distribute them
among your best archers?" Son of Heaven smiled.

Yang Manli turned around and started calling out names. She had good arrows
herself; so did Liu Hongtao. Hence, she planned to pick five other members of
Bullseye out to use the Starlight arrows.

Soon she had four people picked out and with some thought, she looked at Han Sen,
"And you."

Han Sen was slightly surprised, as he did not expect Yang Manli to choose himself.
But this was a good thing, and Han Sen quickly stepped up and stood together with
the other four.

While Yang Manli was preparing to distribute the arrows among the five, Son of
Heaven suddenly said grimly, "Manli, are you sure about the archers?"

"What is the problem?" Yang Manli looked to Son of Heaven.

"How is someone like him qualified to use the Starlight arrows?" asked Son of
Heaven coldly, pointing to Han Sen.

"I chose him, and thats why hes qualified," replied Yang Manli.
Son of Heaven looked at Han Sen disgustedly and said to Yang Manli, "I am not
questioning your decision, but this person just will not do. Please replace him."

Yang Manli frowned, but she knew this campaign was dominated by Son of Heaven,
since he had provided everything. Bullseye was just here to help. So, she couldnt
refuse him.

"Zhao Hua, come here." Yang Manli had to let Han Sen return to the team, and called
out another name.

Son of Heaven continued to stare at Han Sen coldly.

"Sen, you are really unlucky. You had the opportunity to get 20 Starlight arrows
and kill the sacred-blood creature. Now its all gone," said Su Xiaoqiao with

Han Sen shrugged. Although it was a shame he didnt get the 20 Starlight arrows, he
had an even stronger arrow in his quiver. He still had a chance.

The archers each took position on the cliff and prepared their bows and arrows,
waiting for the sacred-blood creature to fly out from below.

Han Sen and Su Xiaoqiao found a comfortable spot and Son of Heaven suddenly walked
over and said, "What are you useless scums doing here? Go away." Then, Son of
Heavens henchmen shoved Han Sen and Su Xiaoqiao aside.

Su Xiaoqiao fiercely stared at them with anger. Han Sen tugged on his arm and said,
"It doesnt matter. Lets go over there."

"They are pushing too far," said Su Xiaoqiao bitterly.

" Revenge is a dish best served cold. Just wait until you see Son of Heavens face
when we kill the sacred-blood creature," smiled Han Sen while walking to the other
side with Su Xiaoqiao.

"Its not that easy. This cliff is wide and Son of Heavens men are waiting on the
other side. If the sacred-blood creature went to their side, it would be too far
from us. Even if it were only three hundred feet from us, we couldnt even injure it
without Starlight arrows. Basically, we are just a decoy, a distraction," Su
Xiaoqiao smiled wryly.

"You have money. Why didnt you buy a few Starlight arrows?" Han Sen looked at
Xiaoqiao puzzled. He remembered Su Xiaoqiao to be very rich. One million should be
nothing for him.

"What do I need those for? Its outrageously expensive and you may not even be able
to recover it. One million each, and you probably need to shoot seven or eight
before you could hit something. No guarantee of killing anything either. Id rather
spend the money purchasing mutant creature meat." Then Su Xiaqiao lowered his voice
and said, "Now Z-steel is extremely overvalued. As the young master of Starry
Group, Son of Heaven owns mines and factories of Z-steel. So, he doesnt need to
spend much on these arrows, as the cost of each arrow is at most ten thousand."

"Such huge profits?" Han Sen was surprised.

"Well, now Z-steel mines have been monopolized by a few groups. Also the
manufacturing technologies are not ready for producing alpha alloy with more than 5
percent Z-steel. For some reason, the alpha alloy will become as brittle as glass
if Z-steel content exceeds 5 percent." Su Xiaoqiao explained to the Han Sen.
While the two were chatting, they suddenly heard a howling like dragon under the
cliff. Grabbing their bows, they looked down from the cliff.

Chapter 50

"Such a gigantic lizard!" Su Xiaoqiao saw the creature under the cliff
and let out a cry.
Han Sen also saw what the sacred-blood creature looked like--a huge
lizard covered in purple scales, flying out from the deep valley with a pair of
feathered wings.
The sacred-blood creature was closer to where Han Sen was, but still
about 250 feet away. With the order of Yang Manli, everyone started shooting down
at the the sacred-blood creature that was trying fly up from the valley. The arrows
rained on it but couldnt even hurt the feathers on its wings, let alone the scales
on its body. Even the Starlight arrows could only leave some sparks before they
fell. As the tips of the arrows were turned, its features remained intact.

Han Sen had already put his arrow with 1.2 percent Z-steel on the bow,
but did not shoot it out. This was the only arrow he had and it would be useless if
he didnt have the best angle.
"Its feathers and scales were too tough. Our arrows are useless unless
we could shoot it in the eyes." Su Xiaoqiao also shot a few arrows, which were
completely wasted.
As Su Xiaoqiao was talking, Son of Heaven had summoned his eagle beast
soul bow and a beast soul arrow in the shape of a wolf tooth. Aiming at a wing of
the sacred-blood creature, Son of Heaven made his shot.
Han Sen saw that the beast soul arrow Son of Heaven used this time was
much inferior to the sacred-blood six-winged wasp arrow he used last time, so it
must either be a mutant or primitive beast soul.
The beast soul arrow flew across the sky like a black lightning bolt,
cut through the purple feathers and nailed on the wing of the creature, making the
creature utter a roar.
Yang Manli also summoned a white pigeon-like beast soul bow, along
with a blue swordfish-like beast soul arrow. As she made the shot, the arrow also
pierced the purple feathers and blood started to flow down the arrow.
Neither Son of Heavens arrow nor Manlis arrow was one-use this time.
After the arrows hit the target, they summoned them back to their hands.

"This means infinite arrows! Beast soul arrows are so much better than
Z-steel arrows in this sense." Han Sen was green with envy, wishing he could grab
the beast soul arrow from Son of Heavens hands. It must be a mutant beast soul, or
else it wouldnt have penetrated the wing of a sacred-blood creature so easily.

Son of Heaven and Yang Manli both knew the wings were the weakest part
of the creature and aimed again at its wings. The creature took another two shots
and flew away from the cliff.
Son of Heavens beast soul bow was obviously stronger than Doomsday.
When he made a shot 600 feet away from the creature, the arrow still went through
its wing.
Everyone was desperately shooting at the creature, while the injuries
they made were still not fatal. The creature escaped and flew away.
"Go after it! It wings were hurt so it cant go far." Son of Heaven
gave the order and those who had beast soul mounts all summoned their mounts and
chased after the creature.
Han Sen and others who had no mounts could only follow by running and
were soon left behind. After all, those with two legs could never outrun those with
In a while, they could no longer see the mounts and suddenly heard the
thud of hooves. It was Qin Xuan and others who were attacking in the valley.

"Up." Qin Xuan called to Han Sen when her mount passed by him,
considering her mount could take a second person and Han Sen was a good archer with
Han Sen was delighted and quickly leapt on the mount. He thought his
chance had gone, but now Qin Xuan would take him so he had a second chance.

Qin Xuan followed the hoof prints and went ahead. Sitting behind her,
Han Sen had to put his arms around her to keep himself on the mount. She was in
beast soul armor so he couldnt really feel a thing.
In addition to the hoof prints, there were also traces of blood on the
ground, which must be from the sacred-blood creatures woundsproof that they were in
the right direction.
After eight hours of chasing, Qin Xuan finally saw Son of Heaven, Yang
Manli and others ahead of them.
Son of Heaven stopped in front of a mountain, and looked up at the top
of the mountain.
Qin Xuan and Han Sen approached. The mountain was like a sword plugged
into the ground, standing at least half a mile high. And the sacred-blood creature
was crouching on the mountain top, howling from time to time.
"This mountain is too high. Even the beast soul arrows couldnt
possibly hurt the creature," seeing Qin Xuan, Yang Manli said.
Son of Heaven also looked to Qin Xuan and saw Han Sen sitting behind
Qin Xuan with arms around her waist. Suddenly he had an urge to kill Han Sen.

"We must try to climb up to kill it as soon as possible, or we can

chase it down. With the self-healing ability of a sacred-blood creature, its wounds
woul heal in a few hours and we could no longer kill it by then," said Qin Xuan,
staring at the mountain top.
"Then we will climb up and kill it." Son of Heaven put away his mount.

"This mountain is too steep. If we were attacked halfway, we would

die," Yang Manli objected.
"We could send a few people up and we will watch here. If it attacked,
we would shoot it dead," Son of Heaven said calmly.
"Who should go up?" Qin Xuan looked at Son of heaven and frowned.

Obviously, whoever going up will be in great danger and no one would

not want to take the risk.
"Only Manli and I could threaten it with arrows. And we need you, Qin
Xuan to stay and give orders. The rest should all go up. Weve come too far to give
up. Whoever goes up can have a bigger share of its meat, so it is fair, right?" Son
of heavens gaze swept across the faces of the men in front of him and turned cold
when it met Han Sen.

Chapter 51

Son of Heaven's proposal was a risky one, but it was indeed their best
chance to kill the sacred-blood creature. The creature was now lying on the
mountain top bleeding, its wings hardly moving. If they missed this opportunity,
they might never be able to kill it.
Finally, Qin Xuan agreed with Son of Heaven, but she decided to go up
the mountain, leaving Son of Heaven and Yang Manli, the only two mutant beast soul
arrow owners, at the foot of the mountain.
"Xuan, no need to go up yourself. Just give orders from down here,"
Son of Heaven advised.
"There are no orders to be given. Since I have no mutant beast soul
arrow, I might as well go up." Qin Xuan started climbing as she spoke.
The crowd was divided into seven groups, and each group was climbing
toward the mountain top from a different direction. Han Sen immediately followed
Qin Xuan. He noticed Son of Heavens cold stare at him and knew Son of Heaven was
about to stab him in the back. Probably it would be Han Sen himself instead of the
sacred-blood creature who got shot at first.
Hence Han Sen had made up his mind to follow Qin Xuan everywhere, so
that Son of Heaven had no chance to play dirty.
Indeed, Han Sen was right. Son of Heaven had the idea of shooting Han
Sen dead from the moment he proposed everyone to climb up. On the slope, Han Sen
would have nowhere to hide and thus be doomed.
But now Han Sen was always following Qin Xuan. If Son of Heaven made
any move, Qin Xuan would save Han Sen for sure.
However, Son of Heaven didnt give up just for this. Instead, he now
had an even stronger desire to kill Han Sen. All he needed was a moment when Qin
Xuan went away from Han Sen.
Although the slope was steep, the groups were all equipped with a full
set of climbing tools and they soon climbed halfway.
The sacred-blood creature was severely hurt, when it noticed the
climbers, all it could do was howling at them as it was unable to go down and
attack or fly away.
As Qin Xuan and others approached the top of the mountain, the
creature tried to fly away by flapping its blood-stained wings, while it
immediately fell.
All groups were overjoyed and started to shoot at it with arrows.
Although they couldnt harm the creature, it was infuriated.
Suddenly, the sacred-blood creature flapped its injured wings and
pounced on the closest man.
The man had no place to hide on the slope and helplessly hacked his
blade at the sacred-blood creature. His blade cut the creature on the head but
didnt even leave a trace on its scales. The man himself was bitten by the sacred-
blood creature and torn into two halves.
His blood sprayed everywhere, which scared people off. Everyone
started to climb down. It would be hard to go down the mountain, but luckily they
had secured ropes on the slope when they were climbing up. Everyone just ended up
using the ropes to slide down.
Seeing the sacred-blood creature being lured down and madly chasing
after the climbers, Son of Heaven and Yang Manli quickly raised their bows and
continuously shot their arrows at the creature.
Son of Heaven shot two arrows and both missed. He was more interested
in shooting at Han Sen than the creature. However, Han Sen was sly and kept
following Qin Xuan, giving him no chance to make an insidious attack.
"Coward." Son of Heaven secretly cursed and again shot at the sacred-
blood creature.
At this point, everyone knew the the sacred-blood creature was a spent
bullet. It had bled too much and could hardly fly. If it came down now, it wouldnt
be able to fly back up.
Despite the casualties, they were going to kill this sacred-blood
Not able to find a chance to kill Han Sen, Son of heaven had to take
it out on the sacred-blood creature. Arrow after arrow, the sacred-blood creature
was in more pain and howled harshly.
Flapping its bleeding wings, the creature wanted to return to the
mountain top, but it was hurt too badly to fly. With its desperate flapping, it was
still falling. Suddenly, it flew to the slope and gripped on a stone with its claws
as its fingers cut four holes in the stone as if it were butter. The sacred-blood
creature gripped harder and started to climb up the mountain.
"We cannot let it climb up." Qin Xuan summoned her beast soul and
shapeshifted into a golden lion, climbing up using the holes left by the creature.

Han Sen was anxious. If Qin Xuan went away, he would become the target
of Son of Heaven.
Han Sen reached out to grab the lions tail and was suddenly dragged
up. Qin Xuan gave him a fierce gaze, but he pretended not having seen it and still
held on to her tail. Qin Xuan had no time to beat Han Sen up and just chased after
the creature at full speed.
Seeing the sacred-blood creature going out of his shooting range, Son
of Heaven put away his bow and arrows and suddenly shapeshifted into a black ape
more than nine feet tall.
Son of Heaven quickly ran to the slope and started climbing at a speed
much faster than the other climbers. It was as if he were running on the ground.

"Let go!" cried Qin Xuan. She couldnt keep up with the sacred-blood
creature as Han Sen was tugging at her tail.
Han Sen quickly let go of her tail. Son of Heaven was in a rush to
kill the sacred-blood creature so he had no time to harm Han Sen.
"Son of Heaven is a real asshole. He has such a strong mutant beast
soul, yet he still sent us up and put us in danger." Han Sen felt jealous as he saw
the ape climbing up at an incredible speed.
He did have the bloody slayer, but its strengths were its galloping
speed on the ground and the dexterity of its human hands. For mountains as steep as
this one, the bloody slayer could never climb up with its four hooves.
Son of Heaven soon went ahead of Qin Xuan the golden lion and was
directly behind the sacred-blood creature. The creature that was already on the
mountain top clawed at Son of Heaven as it saw him.

Chapter 52

Han Sen found a place that was not so steep and held Doomsday in both
hands while watching the fight on the mountain top. Pulling out a Skyfall arrow
from his quiver, he shot it at the sacred-blood creature.
He barely hurt the sacred-blood creature with his arrows and two were
shot at Son of Heaven who was fighting the sacred-blood creature.
Of course, Skyfall arrows wouldnt hurt Son of Heaven either. It was so
badly made that it wouldnt even pierce the skin of mutant creatures.
Han Sen was just warming up. After all, he only had one Z-steel arrow
and wanted to make sure he would succeed with it.
"Damn it. Do not shoot if you dont know how to use your bow. Put away
your useless arrows," growled Son of Heaven who had been shot twice by Han Sen.

Qin Xuan rushed to the top and started to attack the sacred-blood
creature. Others also climbed back to the top and started shooting at the creature.

Although the sacred-blood creature was dying, it was still powerful.

Howling on the mountain top, it forced everyone back. Neither Son of Heaven nor Qin
Xuan could approach it.
Suddenly, Son of Heaven shapeshifted back into his own body. He had
only shapeshifted for an hour, although he couldve shapeshifted longer than that
with his geno points.
As Han Sen was wondering what Son of Heaven was trying to do, he saw
Son of Heaven summoning his red beast soul sword and slashing it at a bloody wing
of the creature.
Qin Xuan also shapeshifted back into herself, summoned her malicious
butterfly dagger, and stabbed it at the creature.
Several others on the mountain top also used their own weapons to
attack the sacred-blood creature.
The creature was injured heavily and Son of Heaven made a foot-long
wound on its wing. The creature was bathed in its own blood.
Qin Xuan took the chance to stab her dagger into the creatures wound
and its blood suddenly turned black as it was poisoned by the dagger.
"Attack harder. It is almost dead," yelled someone. And then everyone
stepped up their game.
Han Sen saw clearly from where he was standing that the henchmen of
Son of Heaven did have incredible skills. They moved around on the slope as though
they were walking on flat ground. If they hadnt been there to distract the
creature, Son of Heaven and Qin Xuan would not have succeeded so easily.

Seeing that the sacred-blood creature was almost gone, Han Sen grabbed
Doomsday and stared at the creature, looking for a chance to make the shot. If he
made the last attack before the creature died, he would have an opportunity to gain
its beast soul.
Although the chance was very slim, an opportunity was still better
than nothing. Son of Heaven took the risk and climbed up himself for the last
attack as well.
Whoever made the last hit could keep the beast soul for him or
herself. That was a default rule in the shelter. The reason was that only those who
made the last attack would know if they had gained the beast soul or not. And no
one would know if they were lying.
Son of Heavens sword was slashed into the neck of the creature and
made a cut so deep its bones were exposed. More blood started to gush out.

The creature once again suffered a fatal hit and went mad. It gathered
all its strength and swept its wings across the crowd, forcing everyone to back
off. Trembling, it flew up again toward a different mountain.
Everyone knew from how bad it was bleeding that it was going to die
very soon. Son of Heaven quickly summoned his own mutant beast soul bow and arrow,
shooting at the creature in the sky.
The arrow penetrated its wing. The sacred-blood creature couldnt take
it any more and started to fall with its wings helplessly flapping.
It was falling too fast and it was too late for others to shoot at it.

Son of Heaven was overjoyed as even if the sacred-blood creature fell

and died, he was still the one who attacked last and had a chance at its beast
Suddenly, an alloy arrow was shot from the slope and disappeared in
the creatures wounded neck.
Son of Heaven suddenly raged. And everyone else was shocked. In the
blink of an eye, the sacred-blood creature had fallen at the foot the mountain and
"Sacred-blood creature purple-winged dragon killed. Sacred-blood beast
soul of purple-winged dragon gained. Eat the flesh of purple-winged dragon to gain
zero to ten sacred-blood geno points randomly."
The voice sounded in Han Sens mind. Han Sen almost shed tears for
happiness. However, he managed to fake disappointment, helplessness and
Everyone on the mountain top was looking at him, especially Son of
Heaven. If he could kill with his sight, Han Sen must have died a million deaths.

Although there was the default rule, Han Sen made up his mind not to
admit he had gained the beast soul. Or Son of Heaven would definitely kill him.

People who saw his disappointed look did not entirely buy it, but did
feel better somehow.
After everyone had come down from the mountain, Son of Heaven seized
Han Sen's collar and asked, "Have you got the beast soul?"
"No," Han Sen insisted that he had gained nothing.
Son of Heaven was skeptical and tried to beat Han Sen up, but Qin Xuan
stopped him.
"Son of Heaven, my guy broke no rules. He said he didnt get it. And
even if he did, you have no right to ask him to hand it over to you," said Qin
Xuan, her face grim.
Han Sen was in her gang. If he was beat up by Son of Heaven, she would
have no authority in the future.
Son of Heaven stared at Han Sen for a long time before he walked
toward the dead body of the purple-winged dragon, pulled out Han Sens arrow, and
snapped it into two halves.

Chapter 53

After wrapping up the dead body of the purple-winged dragon, everyone

returned to Steel Armor Sanctuary and Qin Xuan called Han Sen into her office.

"Did you get the beast soul?" Qin Xuan stared at Han Sen.
"Stationmaster, I really did not get the beast soul. Had I known this
I would never have shot the arrow," said Han Sen wryly.
Qin Xuan didnt believe him, "Stop acting. If you have gained the beast
soul, I will not take advantage you either. If you want to sell it, Im willing to
pay. I can even pay you up front."
"Stationmaster, Id be a fool if I dont want to earn the money. I
really did not get the beast soul. If I could show you I would," Han Sen looked
Qin Xuan felt Han Sens emotions were authentic. She frowned and said
to him, "Forget about it then. Do not go anywhere alone and stay in Bullseye these
days. Son of Heaven might try to kill you."
"I will behave," Han Sen nodded.
Back to Bullseye, Su Xiaoqiao put his arm around Han Sens neck and
asked, "Sen, I heard that you made the last attack. Did you get the beast soul?"

"I wish, but unfortunately I dont even own a primitive beast soul, let
alone a sacred-blood one," Han Sen shrugged and said.
"Right Beast souls are very hard to come by. We cant all be as lucky
as Dollar," Su Xiaoqiao sighed and said. He did not have too much doubt. After all,
the probability of gaining a beast soul was too low.
"Recently you must be careful not to leave the shelter. Although you
did not get the beast soul, Son of Heaven wouldnt let you off the hook easily,"
said Su Xiaoqiao.
"I know." Han Sen patted Su Xiaoqiao on the shoulder, thinking, "He
seems a nice guy."
Back in his room, Han Sen could not help but smiled and started to
review his new beast soul.
Type of sacred-blood purple-winged dragons beast soul: Flying.

The introduction was brief, but reminded Han Sen of so much he had
heard about this type of beast soul. A flying beast soul meant the beast soul could
turn into wings that could give its owner the ability to fly like a bird.

Flying across the sky without the need for tools such as aircrafts was
certainly a dream coming true. The most important part was that with the ability to
fly, ones survival would become so much easier in Gods Sanctuary. A flying beast
soul also allowed one to go where ordinary people couldnt reach.
Flying beast souls were super expensive, even more so than the
shapeshifting beast soul of the same level. Also, flying beast souls were so rare
in Gods Sanctuary that you might not even be able to buy one even if you had the
"Amazing! A sacred-blood flying beast soul. I wonder how many of these
exist in the entire First Gods Sanctuary," Han Sen was so excited that he almost
jumped up.
Primitive flying beast souls had a low speed and didnt allow the users
to go very high. It could only bring people ten feet above the ground.
Mutant flying beast souls were better but still slow and clumsy.
Sacred-blood flying beast souls were much better than the others. But Han Sen had
never seen even mutant flying beast souls in Steel Armor Sanctuary.
Of course, this had something to do with the fact that there were less
flying creatures near Steel Armor Shelter.
The room was too small for Han Sen to summon the wings. When he calmed
down from excitement, his eye fell on the copper-toothed beast that had turned
completely purple and shiny as if it had been polished.
"Sacred-blood... The copper-toothed beast has evolved into a sacred-
blood creature..." Han Sen was filled with unspeakable joy, staring at the beast.

For three months, Han Sen had been anxious about the result, but now
he knew it for sure: Every three months, he could have a creature evolved into a
sacred-blood creature. If the words got out, everyone would go crazy.
Like today, it was so hard for such a huge group of people to hunt a
purple-winged dragon. And after it was killed, every member in the group would
share its meat. Son of Heavens gang would have a bigger share, and Qin Xuans gang
would have the rest. After everyone got their own part, how many geno points can a
small part of the entire body offer?
Hunting that cost a lot of resources and effort like this one would
happen at most once per month, and the success rate would be at most 50 percent.
Yet Han Sen could have the meat of an entire sacred-blood creature all to himself
every three months.
Son of Heaven and Qin Xuan were both several years older than Han Sen,
but they still hadnt evolved to enter Second Gods Santuary, which meant maxing out
on sacred geno points took a lot of time and effort.
Behind Son of Heaven was Starry Group, and behind Qin Xuan was the
military. Even they were not able to max out on sacred geno points within 10 years.
It might take them 15 years or even longer if they had bad luck.
Now with the black crystal, Han Sen only needed at most five years to
evolve with max sacred geno points.
Han Sens first reaction was not to kill the copper-toothed beast and
eat its meat, but to go to the square to buy a living primitive creature.

He did not want to waste any time before he started to feed the next
sacred-blood creature. Also, he didnt dare to go out hunting, fearing Son of
Heavens revenge.
Taking the primitive creature he had bought back to his room, Han Sen
didnt hesitate before he killed the sacred-blood copper-toothed beast. It was far
less strong than a wild sacred-blood creature and was easily slaughtered.

"Sacred-blood copper-toothed beast killed. No beast soul gained. Eat

its meat to gain one to ten sacred geno points randomly."
Although there was no beast soul gained, Han Sen was still over the
moon. He quickly set up a pot and was ready to make a stew.

Chapter 54

"Meat of copper-toothed beast eaten. One sacred geno point gained."

"Meat of copper-toothed beast eaten. One sacred geno point gained."

Two days later, Han Sen finished a big pot of copper-toothed beast meat and even
sucked the bones clean. He threw the bones into the fire so that there was nothing

A total of seven sacred geno points was added to his former 18 points. Now Han Sen
had 25 sacred geno points and his fitness had been further improved. He felt as
though he had endless strength.

Looking at the primitive shrieky beast he kept in the cage now, Han Sen couldnt
help but smacked his lips.

Shrieky beasts were relatively small and had no hair, so he could just throw it in
the pot entirely when it finished evolving. That was why Han San had chosen a
shrieky beast to evolve.

Yesterday Qin Xuan had divided the meat of the purple-winged dragon among her gang.
All she had was a smaller half of the body so all each person would get was just a
slice, about a thousandth of the body, which wouldnt be of much use at all. Hence
like most people, Han Sen chose to get two hundred thousand dollars as the reward
instead of the slice of meat.

Han Sen was still short of cash. It cost money for his family to live better and he
also needed money to buy some necessities. When checking his bank account, he
found that he still only had less than three hundred thousand dollars.

"Three hundred thousand, a Z-steel arrow would cost that much," Han Sen put on a
wry smile. He had collected the parts after his Z-steel arrow was broken by Son of
Heaven and wanted to see if he could pay the seller to repair it.

"I have to get myself a beast soul arrow. Z-steel arrows were expensive and not as
convenient. If I had a beast soul arrow, I wouldn't have to buy new arrows or pick
up the arrow after I made the shot," though Han Sen, wondering where to find a
beast soul arrow.

He wasnt interested in primitive beast soul arrows, which were barely better than
his Z-steel arrow but much more expensive. What Han Sen wanted was a mutant beast
soul arrow like the ones used by Son of Heaven and Yang Manli.

After some thinking, Han Sen was ready to ask Yang Manli from which creature she
had gained her mutant beast soul arrow. Maybe he could go hunting it and try his
luck as well.

"Yang Manli seems to dislike me. Im afraid she will not tell me. Forget it, I
havent been back home for days. Ill go back and search on the Skynet for
information about where the arrow beast soul are generally found near here." Han
Sen teleported out of Gods Sanctuary.

When he returned home, his mother was still in Second Gods Sanctuary and Han Yan
was at school.

After taking a bath, he started searching the Skynet. There were many former
members of Steel Armor Sanctuary that had written about their experience. Although
most was useless to Han Sen, he did manage to find one useful article.

When Han Sen was going to read carefully, he suddenly heard the doorbell. Looking
through the monitor, he found standing at the door were Xue Xi and her brother Fang
"Why is he here?" Han Sen knew Fang Jingqi didnt like him and they also had some
conflicts before, so he did not expect to see Fang Jingqi here.

Opening the door, Han Sen said with a smile, "Xi, you have not come to my house for
many years."

Xue Xi looked a bit uneasy and whispered, "If this isnt a good time, we will just

Although she tried to pull Fang Jingqi away, Fang Jingqi stood still and smiled at
Han Sen, "Its always a good time for friends, isnt it?"

"Indeed." Han Sen already understood that Fang Jingqi was looking for trouble.

Letting Fang Jingqi and Xue Xi in, Han Sen handed them two bottles of water,
"Sorry. There is only water."

"Doesnt matter." Fang Jingqi did not touch the water and asked, "Sen, which shelter
are you in?"

"Steel Armor Shelter," replied Han Sen.

"Sen, you are also in Steel Armor Shelter? How come Han Hao never mentioned it?"
Xue Xi was slightly startled.

Han Sen said indifferently, "Maybe we have never run into each other."

Xue Xi clearly didnt buy it, but she didnt continue to ask.

Fang Jingqi said, "It so happens that a classmate of mine is also there. His name
is Fist Guy. Have you heard of him?"

"One of the three major leaders. Itd be hard not to hear about him," said Han Sen.

"Awesome." Fang Jingqi smiled at Han Sen, "Last time you treated me with a ritual,
so today I have a gift for you. Not sure if you are interested."

"I dont like gifts. Your visit has already made me a happy man." Looking at Xue Xis
upset face, Han Sen shook his head and said. He didnt want to cause any trouble and
put her in a difficult place.

"A mutant beast soul. Are you still not interested?" asked Fang Jingqi slowly.

" A mutant beast soul!" Han Sen looked at him, slightly surprised. He immediately
understood why Fang Jingqi had mentioned Fist Guy.

Fang Jingqi looked at Han Sen with faint smile, "Lets go to the combat pit and have
a fight. Regardless of the outcome, I will let Fist Guy give you a mutant beast
soul. Sen, what do you think about this gift?"

If it was up to Han Sen, he would definitely accept it. However, he knew Xue Xi
wouldnt want him to fight her brother, so he just said, "I cant accept the mutant
beast soul. If you havent eaten, Ill cook us dinner."

Fang Jingqi thought Han Sen did not believe him, so he picked up the comlink and
dialed a number. Suddenly the holographic image of a hunk popped up. The hunk
smiled at Fang Jingqi and said, "Jingqi, its been so long since we saw each
other... "
"Fist Guy, I need your help. I have a friend in Steel Armor Shelter and want you to
take care of him. Would you give him a mutant beast soul?" asked Fang Jingqi with a

"If others asked me for this, I would tell them to f*#k off. Since its you asking,
just send your friend to me in the shelter. And remember you owe me one," replied
Fist Guy.

After hanging up, Fang Jingqi looked at Han Sen and asked, "Now, are you willing to
accept my gift?"

Chapter 55

Han Sen knew Fang Jingqi had misunderstood him. He smiled back at Fang Jingqi,
"Lets not to go to the combat pit. Would you play a small game with me here at

Xue Xi shot Han Sen a look of disapproval, but this time Han Sen did not respond to

Han Sen knew a guy like Fang Jingqi would not give up unless he was defeated.

"What game?" frowned Fang Jingqi.

"Have you ever played red hands?" Han Sen asked with a faint smile.

Fang Jingqi turned down the corners of his mouth, "Of course, but thats such an
easy game."

"Red hands" was a game played between two players. One player (the "slappee")
placed their hands palm down, hovering above the other player's (the "slapper")
hands. The slapper hovered their hands below the slappee's, palms up. The two
players' hands should be touching each other.

The slapper was on offense, and attempted to bring his hands over to slap the
backsides of his opponent's hands. This must be done with sufficient speed, because
the slappee's goal was to pull their hands away, and out of the area where the
hands overlap, to avoid the slap. If the slapper missed the hands of the slappee
during the slap, then the roles must switch.

"If our hands touch, it would be easy. How about we play with our hands not
touching?" Han Sen was still smiling.

"No problem," laughed Fang Jingqi.

Red hands mainly tested ones reflexes and Fang Jingqi was confident that his
reflexes were superior to Han Sens.

Also, Fang Jingqi was glad that the rule of this game was that as long as the
slapper was able to hit the slappee, their roles would never change. Fang Jingqi
wanted to take advantage of this rule and slap Han Sen so hard on the hands that he
couldnt raise his arm.

"So, as long as the slappers hand moved, it would be counted as a slap and he could
not take it back." Han Sen first set the rules down.

"OK, I will let you slap first." Fang Jingqi was very confident and reached out his

Han Sen did not reach his arms out but smiled at Fang Jingqi, "Jingqi, you said
there would be a mutant beast soul?"

Fang Jingqi was not stupid. Although he did not care about a mutant beast soul, he
didnt want Han Sen to take advantage of him either. He said, "A mutant beast soul
is for a fight in the combat pit. Since we are now playing red hands, lets consider
it a prize. You could win it if you could slap me."

"Jingqi, this is not fun. And I dont want to take advantage of you either." Han Sen
pondered and said, "Forget about the beast soul. Lets change the prize to ten
thousand dollars. Every time you are able to slap me, I will pay you ten thousand
dollars and vice versa. What do you think?"

The mutant beast soul pet Meowth that Han Sen got from Qin Xuan was useless and ate
a lot. Han Sen had thus learned a lesson and asked for cash as he didnt know what
beast soul it would be.

"Fair and square. Im beginning to like you. But ten thousand is too little. How
about a hundred thousand?" Fang Jingqi looked at Han Sen.

Han Sen shook his head, "We are all friends. Losing too much might hurt our

Xue Xi quickly said, "Right. Its just a game. No need to bet too much money. Ten
thousand is already too much."

"Since you are afraid to lose, then we will stick with ten thousand," Fang Jingqi

Han Sen did not say anything, but kept smiling at Fang Jingqi. Now in his eyes,
Fang Jingqi was not a person, but a walking ATM. Fang Jingqi came to him just when
he was worried about money. All he needed to do was accept.

If the opponent wasnt too much stronger than him, Han Sen believed that he could
win most people at playing red hands.

His understanding of his opponents and timing were among the very best. Before he
got the black crystal, that was how he made his living. Fang Jingqi who thought the
game was only about reflexes wouldnt be his match at all.

"Ill let you be the slapper first." Fang Jingqi again reached out his hands. He
didnt think Han Sen stood a chance.

Judging from Han Sens age, he was in Gods Sanctuary less than one year, so he
couldnt have gained many geno points. In addition, the situation of his family
wouldnt allow him to buy the meat of advanced creatures either.

Fang Jingqi himself had already been in Gods Sanctuary for several years and had
gained many geno points. So, his fitness and reflexes must be far better than Han
Sen and Han Sen wasnt likely to be able to hit him.

"Alright." Han Sen reached his hands under Fang Jingqis hands and kept a little
distance from them. Han Sen kept his hands still and then asked, "Can I start?"

"Ye" Han Sens hand slapped on the back of Fang Jingqis hands before Fang Jingqi
could finish his reply.
"Ten thousand," Han Sen said. "Xi, write it down."

"Write it down," Fang Jingqi gritted his teeth and said to Xue Xi.

Xue Xi quickly opened the holographic note board on her comlink and drew a line.

"Again." Fang Jingqi reached his hands out.

"Can I start?" Han Sen asked again.

Fang Jingqi just nodded, staring at Han Sen's hands wholeheartedly without
blinking. With the lesson learned, Fang Jingqi swore he would not be tricked by Han
Sen again.

Han Sen didnt rush this time and turned to speak to Xue Xi, "Xi, do you want to
hear a funny story?"

"Now?" Xue Xi was surprised.

Han Sen nodded and started, "A lovely puppy was traveling in the desert. It had
brought enough water and food, but still died after two days. Can you guess why it
was? "

"Was there a sand storm?"

"No, the weather was fine."

"Because it was lost?"

"There was plenty of water and food, so it would not die even if it got lost," Han
Sen said.

"I cannot guess. Why did it die?" Xue Xi didnt want to guess anymore because she
was nervous about the result of red hands.

"Because that cute puppy could not find a utility pole in the desert, so its
bladder exploded," laughed Han Sen.

Xue Xi blushed, "Sen, thats so corny."

"Vulgar..." Fang Jingqi said with his face grim, and suddenly felt a pain on the
back of his hands.


Chapter 56

Fang Jingqi regretted his own carelessness as his face turned red. He also blamed
his loss on Han Sens slyness. If Han Sen didnt tell Xue Xi the vulgar story, he
would not have been distracted and gave Han Sen the opportunity.

"Another ten thousand," said Han Sen to Xue Xi.

"Again." Fang Jingqi reached his hands out.

When Han Sen was ready, he said to Xue Xi, "Another lovely puppy was traveling in
the desert with plenty of water and food. It found a utility pole but it still
died. Can you guess why? "
"Why?" Snow Xi thought about it seriously but did not think of an answer.

"I was asking you." Han Sen ignored Fang Jingqi, and turned to look at Xue Xi.

"I dont know the answer," Xue Xi said.

"Alright, Ill tell you. It is because there was a sign on the pole that said no
peeing zone, then the puppys bladder exploded again."

Snow Xi burst out laughing.

Fang Jingqi knew that it was Han Sens trick to get him distracted, but he couldnt
stand Han Sen ignoring him and said to Han Sen, "Would you rather tell stories


Han Sen's hands once again slapped him on the back of his hands, which had turned
red after three slaps. However, Fang Jingqis face was redder than his hands.

"Come again." Fang Jingqi gritted his teeth and stretched out his arms again.

Han Sen put his hands back and continued his story, "Another lovely puppy was
traveling in the desert with plenty of water and food and it found a utility pole
with no sign on it. But it still died. Can you guess why? "

Fang Jingqi was focused on Han Sens wrists, neither talking to nor looking at Han
Sen. He would give Han Sen no chance to distract him this time.

After Han Sen told Xue Xi the answer, Fang Jingqi was still staring at Han Sen's

"Little brat, you will learn your lesson when its my turn to be the slapper,"
thought Fang Jingqi.

Seeing Fang Jingqi was still focused, Han Sen sighed and said, "Jingqi, you are so
calm. Ive been the king of red hands for two decades and no one could escape my
storytelling yet. You are indeed impressive."
"Cut the crap..." Fang Jingqi said and suddenly changed his expression. It was too
late. His hand was once again slapped hard by Han Sen.

Fang Jingqi bristled with anger. He hadnt expected to be tricked by Han Sen again.

"Again!" Fang Jingqi clenched his teeth and squeezed the word out, making Xue Xi
anxious on the side.

Han Sen put his hands in position and didnt tell a story this time. He said to Fang
Jingqi with a faint smile, "Did you think I won just because you were distracted?"

Fang Jingqi ignored Han Sen, as if he couldnt hear anything Han Sen was saying.

"I wont move even if the sky collapsed..." thought Fang Jingqi, determined to win
this round and kick Han Sens ass. When he became the slapper, hed be the one
telling Xue Xi stories and hitting Han Sen on the hands

Having noticed Fang Jingqi was still focused, Han Sen sighed and said, "Jingqi, you
are indeed a genius in playing red hands. I will now focus and use up to 30 percent
of my skills to deal with you."

Seeing Han Sen putting on airs, Xue Xi laughed out loud.

Fang Jingqi was still staring at Han Sens wrists.

"Attention, I will use the secret skill of red hands king..." Han Sen suddenly

"Well, Ill keep still and see what tricks you have," Fang Jingqi sneered and


Fang Jingqi couldnt escape when Han Sen made the move although he was paying full
attention this time.

"Again..." Fang Jingqi refused to concede defeat and wondered why he didnt dodge
the slap. It must be some tricks used by Han Sen.

"Lets call it a day. As the king of red hands, I dont want to bully you," Han Sen
looked up and sighed.

"You think I cannot afford to pay? Next round." Fang Jingqi wanted to slap Han Sen
in the face so bad, but he wasnt a sore loser.

"Dont blame me then." Han Sen stretched out his hands.





Snap! Snap! Snap!

Fang Jingqi went berserk, not accepting the truth that he simply couldnt move his
hands away fast enough. Han Sen was nothing but cunning. How could he lose when he
was paying attention?

However, Fang Jingqi could not avoid the slap no matter how hard he tried.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Crisp sounds kept ringing in the living room. Xue Xi was shocked. She didnt expect
Fang Jingqi to lose, let alone to lose in such a miserable manner. She had been
worried about Han Sen but found that she really should be worried about her

When Fang Jingqi left Han Sens home, his hands were swollen like trotters and his
face was pale from anger and shame.

"Jingqi, come to play red hands when you have time." Han Sen waved goodbye to Fang
Jingqi with a stack of cash in hand.

Fang Jingqi almost fell from the aircraft when he heard Han Sen. "Ill be damned if
I ever play red hands with you again."
Han Sen had more comments but the aircraft made a loud noise and went away at full

"A million easily earned. Shouldve agreed with him and made the bet a hundred
thousand each round." Han Sen licked his lips and took the money back to his room.

Chapter 57

Han Sen returned to his room and continued to read the article he had found on the

It was a post written by a Steel Armor Shelter member from a long time ago. He was
once chased by a creature and had to run into Dark Swamp.

Han Sen knew about Dark Swamp. It was more than two hundred miles in the southwest
of Steel Armor Shelter and had lots of poisonous creatures in it. Almost no one
would choose to go there. Even the big gangs did not dare to set foot in Dark

According to the poster, he was in a critical situation and had to escape into Dark
Swamp. Fortunately, he eventually passed through Dark Swamp and got out.
It had taken him nearly six months to go through the swamp as one could easily sink
into the mud. He also had to constantly change his route to avoid all sorts of
dangerous creatures. It was indeed a miracle that he could come out.

The poster shared a lot of his experience in the Dark Swamp.

Once he had walked into a forest where the trees were sparse but very tall and
thick, whose trunks would take several people to wrap their arms around. The soil
under the trees was covered with a variety of beautiful flowers. As the poster
thought he had walked out of the swamp, he found that it was only a strange area in
the swamp. Hanging from the trees were a lot of huge hornet's nests, and even the
smallest among them were the size of a queen size bed. Each hornet flying from the
nests were the size of a bat.

He had killed a hornet so he learned from the voice in his mind that the name of
the hornet was black stinger, a type of primitive creature. And he was lucky to get
its beast soul, which was in the shape of a sharp and poisonous arrow. The beast
soul arrow was later purchased by someone with a high price.

Although he didnt dare to go into the forest but chose to walk around it, he saw
from afar a hornet's nest as big as a house hanging on an especially tall tree. The
black stinger flying from that nest was in a red color. He guessed that those red
hornets should be mutant black stingers.

He had also posted the pictures of the black stinger beast soul that he had taken
before he sold it. Indeed, it was a black arrow with an arrow head the size of a
mouse, glowing with a dark luster. Youd know it was poisonous from the look of it.

"That would be great to have," thought Han Sen. If it was before, he wouldnt dare
to think about going to Dark Swamp, but now he had beast soul wings so he could fly
into the swamp.

In case of any danger, he also had his armor and bloody slayer, so this trip
shouldnt be too risky.

According to the poster, the poisonous creatures lurking in the mud were the most
dangerous ones and there were not many flying creatures there. He himself had only
seen a few primitive carrion birds.

"I still dont know where the forest is in the swamp. It would take too much time to
search for it after I got in the swamp," thought Han Sen, who then put the trip on
hold and dialed the blacksmiths number and asked him to meet.

When they were both at the agreed place, Han Sen showed the blacksmith the broken
arrow and asked him if he could repair it. The blacksmith said indifferently,
"Nope. You could weld the parts together with any welding machine, but the
toughness and stability wouldnt be the same. The arrow is wasted."

"Do you recycle the material? It has 1.2 percent Z-steel, which is worth something,
right?" asked Han Sen.

"Five thousand dollars," the blacksmith said.

"I bought the arrow for three hundred thousand, and the Z-steel is only worth five
thousand?" asked Han Sen with his eyes wide.

"Or you can keep it," the blacksmith simply said.

"Fine, five thousand it is." Han Sen secretly vowed to gain himself a beast soul
arrow, as Z-steel was not economical at all.

He had already known from Su Xiaoqiao that the manufacturing cost of Z steel was in
fact not high and it was only expensive because of the monopoly.

Han Sen gave the arrow parts to the blacksmith, who gave him a five-thousand bill
in return.

Han Sen put away the money and asked, "Do you have better Z-steel arrows?"

When he shot the arrow at the purple-winged dragon, the arrow only went three or
four inches deep and the dragon still died from falling. If they were on the flat
ground, he could by no means kill the dragon, so Han Sen was not satisfied with
this arrow.

"No. I have a dagger with 5 percent Z-steel though. You want it?" replied the

"How much?" Han Sen knew that 5 percent Z-steel was the limit of the contemporary
technology. Alpha alloy would become as brittle as glass if the percentage of Z-
steel was higher than that.

"Three hundred thousand," said the blacksmith.

"Three hundred thousand for an arrow with 1.2 percent Z-steel and the same price
for a dagger with 5 percent Z-steel?" Han Sen looked at the blacksmith, puzzled.

"It was much more difficult to make the arrow than the dagger," the blacksmith

"Deal." Han Sen handed over the money after inquiring about the size of the dagger.

The blacksmiths price was high, but much more reasonable than the prices in regular
stores, where a dagger with 5 percent Z-steel would easily cost a few millions.
Also, blacksmith's craft was excellent, as this arrow was a lot better than
Starlight arrows.

"I dont have it on me. Come with me," the blacksmith said and went into the alley.

Han Sen followed him through a few blocks and then into a dilapidated underground
warehouse, where Han Sen saw a lot of manufacturing machinery and equipment,
including a large punching machine, which could crush a small aircraft.

Through the warehouse, the blacksmith showed Han Sen into a room. This room looked
like an armory and Han Sen was dazzled.

A variety of weapons were neatly arranged inside, their shining blades exuding a
thirst for blood.

The blacksmith grabbed an eight-inch dagger and threw it to Han Sen, "This is the
one. Take it and leave."

Han Sen's eyes were attracted to the knife on the north wall of the room. The style
of the knife was ordinary, but it was the only weapon on the north wall, while the
other three walls were fully covered with different weapons.

Chapter 58

"How much is that knife?" asked Han Sen curiously.

"A hundred million," the blacksmith said coldly, pushing Hen Sen out.

"A hundred million? What material did you use to make that?" Han Sen
could not help but asked.
"75 percent Z-steel," the blacksmith said. "Next time you need to buy
something, come here directly."
"75 percent Z-steel? He must be exaggerating. With the current
technology, we cant even produce alloy with more than 5 percent Z-steel." Han Sen
whispered to himself. He didnt say anything though since he wouldnt buy it anyway.

Back home, Han Sen carefully reviewed the dagger. Pulling it out from
the wooden sheath, Han Sen suddenly felt a cold breeze. The dagger was eight inches
long, its blade green with ripple patterns.
The angle of the blade was very small, about just 20 degrees; the edge
of the blade was as thin as onion skin with double blood grooves. The handle was
made of high-tech materials with ergonomic design, so it had a comfortable grip.

Han Sen drew the alpha alloy broadsword out and slashed the dagger at
the the broadsword to test the hardness and toughness of the dagger. Alloy with 5
percent Z-steel should be much stronger than this broadsword so it shouldnt chip.

The broadsword was chopped into halves by the dagger and half of the
blade fell to the ground.
"My god!" Han Sen was taken aback. He then remembered that the
blacksmith had said, this dagger was made from the cutting blade of a manufacturing
machine so it was meant to cut alloy.
Checking the blade of the dagger, Han Sen found absolutely no damage.

"S*#t! My broadsword..." Han Sen suddenly realized that he had

destroyed a weapon that could be sold for a million in the store and let out a
He had thought that the dagger might leave a mark on the broadsword
but didnt expect the dagger to be so sharp that it could cut off the broadsword.
While banging his head with his hands in frustration, he heard the
ringtone from his comlink and saw Zhang Danfengs number on the screen. He answered
the call.
"Sen, come to Twilight. I have a gift for you," said Zhang Danfeng
"What gift?" asked Han Sen.
"Youll know when you get here. See ya," replied Zhang Danfeng, keeping
Han Sen in suspense.
Han Sen changed his outfit and went to Twilight Tavern, which was a
restaurant Zhang Danfeng often took him to. The dishes served here were delicious
and the decoration was outstanding.
When he arrived at the reserved private room, Han Sen was surprised to
see Han Hao there as well. Han Hao saw him and looked very uncomfortable. Han Hao
forced a smile and said hello.
Han Sen smiled back at him, and was then pulled aside by Zhang
Being a private person, Han Sen thought it was quite alright if Han
Hao didnt want to have any contact with him, and he had no hard feeling about it.

Zhang Danfeng did not pay attention to any of these and asked Han Sen
to sit on the sofa. Zhang summoned a white sabre-toothed tiger beast soul, which
turned into a sharp knife in his hands. Showing a few tricks with the knife, he
asked proudly, "Sen, what do you think of my newly gained mutant beast soul?"

"One word, awesome." Han Sen gave him a thumbs-up. Han Sen had wanted
a mutant beast soul weapon for a while, but he had no luck with beast souls
"Old friend, now I have a new knife, so I want to give my old weapon
to you, if you dont mind." Zhang Danfeng slipped Han Sen an alpha alloy broadsword.

Han Sen was a bit surprised to see the broadsword, which was of the
same style as the one he just cut off.
"This broadsword..." Han Xin was touched. Zhang Danfeng was such a
dear friend that he would just give away a weapon worth a million dollars to him.

Before Han Sen had time to say something, the door of the private room
was pushed open and a fat woman draped in jewels squeezed herself in.
"Son, I saw you when you came up here. You said you had important
things to do when I asked you to go Mr. Hus banquet. So, this is what you call
important? What do you expect to gain from hanging out with these lads? Mr. Hu has
invited his sons friends, who are all young leaders on Planet Roca. You should make
friends with them to succeed in the future..." Han Yumei threw a rampage at Han
Hao, taking him out.
"Mom, I..." By the time Han Hao wanted to explain, he had been pulled
out the room.
"Stop it. The young master of Sunwood Mining, Lin Beifeng is also here
at the banquet, I heard that he is also in Steel Armor Shelter now. If you two can
bond, you would do so great in the shelter..." said Han Yumei.
Han Hao was a little depressed. He had come here to make things right
with Han Sen and use his connections to enter Qin Xuans Steel Armor Gang.

Han Yumeis words had rendered that impossible.

Han Hao thought that Han Sen was definitely sleeping with Qin Xuan to
get where he was. Or else how could he confront Luo Tianyang and be recruited into
Although Han Hao was disgusted by a gigolo like his cousin, he wanted
to use Han Sens connections to enter Steel Armor Gang himself. That was why he
didnt show up at the banquet and came to Zhang Danfengs gathering instead.
Surprisingly, Mr. Hu's banquet was also held in this building, and Han
Yumei happened to see him. Hence he had no time to mend his relationship with Han
"Nevermind, the young master of Sunwood Mining, Lin Beifeng happens to
be in my shelter and now he has come to Planet Roca for the banquet. This is indeed
a great opportunity. I heard he is an upstart and spends money like water. It would
be great if I could cozy up to him," thought Han Hao, as he straightened his
clothing and followed Han Yumei to the banquet hall.

Chapter 59

"Your aunt is outrageous," Zhang Danfeng was upset.

"It does not matter. They are strangers to me," said Han Sen casually.
He then asked curiously, "Who is this Lin Beifeng she was talking about?"

Han Sen also knew a guy named Lin Beifeng who had traveled through the
mountains and ended up in Steel Armor Shelter. Han Sen had even saved his life.

"Just one lucky dude."

Zhang Danfeng started to tell Han Sen about Sunwood Mining. Sunwood
Mining used to be a small company with several mines, and later they bought a
garbage planet to deposit their waste, where they ended up finding a lot of
precious minerals.
Within 20 years, by selling the rare minerals they discovered on that
planet, Sunwood Mining had become a prominent interplanetary mining group, the boss
of which was Lin Beifengs father.
Lin Beifeng had just entered Gods Sanctuary and was already known for
his generosity. Many were trying to make friends with him for that.
"Such good luck," Han Sen sighed.
"Such is life. He must have outperformed billions of other sperms to
be who he is," Zhang Danfeng smiled and said. "But Sunwood Mining has no facility
here on Planet Roca. What is he doing here?"
In the banquet hall of the same building, the social elite were
chatting and drinking, many of whom had already entered Second Gods Sanctuary in
their 30s. However, the focus of the banquet was a sixteen-year-old teenager.

If Han Sen were here, he would recognize the teenager was Lin Beifeng
who he had saved.
Lin Beifeng was entertaining all guests gracefully. From his good
manners, no one would think he was nouveau riche and several socialites were
attracted by him.
Han Yumei and Han Hao had wanted to speak with Lin Beifeng, but they
found no chance as there were too many people who were more powerful than them at
the banquet and everyone wanted to talk to Lin Beifeng. Naturally they didnt dare
to offend these people by cutting in.
The banquet was over, when Lin Beifeng was stepping outside the
building, they finally found an opportunity and wanted to approach him.

At the time, Han Sen and Zhang Danfeng also happened to come over.
When they saw Han Hao, Zhang Danfeng wanted to greet him so Han Sen had to follow.

Before Zhang Danfeng could finish his sentence, Han Yumei pushed him
and Han Sen aside and said harshly, "You two stay away from my son. Especially you,
Han Sen, you are already notorious in Steel Armor Shelter, so do not implicate your
cousin. Dont even say you know him. Or I will come after your family."
Han Yumei then walked toward Lin Beifeng with Han Hao.
Zhang Danfeng was stunned and asked Han Sen, "What? You and Han Hao
are in the same shelter?"
Hansen nodded, "Lets go to a quiet place and Ill explain to you."

Having heard Han Yumeis words, Han Sen knew that Han Hao had told her
about what had happened in Steel Armor Shelter.
Han Yumei and Han Hao finally managed to approach Lin Beifeng. As Lin
Beifeng happened to be looking in their direction, Han Yumei said hurriedly, "Mr.
Lin, this is my son Han Hao. Hes in the same shelter as you..."
Lin Beifeng acted as if he hadnt heard her and directly went past her
and her son. Han Yumei was dumbfounded and watched Lin Beifeng leaving.

Lin Beifeng walked faster and faster toward Han Sen and Zhang Danfeng
who were just leaving. He grabbed Han Sens arm and cried, "Sen, I have finally
found you. Brother, Ive missed you."
Lin Beifeng then gave Han Sen a big hug.
Both Han Yumei and Han Hao were shocked. They had no idea how Lin
Beifeng would know Han Sen and call him brother.
Han Sen pushed Lin Beifeng away and frowned, "Why are you here?"

Lin Beifeng wasnt offended at all and quickly offered cigarettes to

Han Sen and Zhang Danfeng. He said excitedly, "I came to look for you. I heard you
live on Planet Roca so I came here. But I dont have your address and it took me
days to ask about it. Now Ive met you, you must look out for me in the future. "

Han Sen saw everyone was looking this way and said to Lin Beifeng,
"Lets not talk here. We can catch up later."
Han Sen and Zhang Danfeng went out, and Lin Beifeng quickly followed
them. "Sen, my aircraft was parked outside. Let me give you a ride."
Han Yumei and Han Hao watched Lin Beifeng cheerfully following Han Sen
around and couldnt believe him to be the elegant young master they saw at the
"Han Hao, it was indeed Han Sen who was talking to Mr. Lin?" Han Yumei
still couldnt believe her eyes and asked Han Hao after they were out of the
Han Hao clenched his teeth and said, "Yes, its him."
"Why on earth did Mr. Lin know him and respect him like that?" asked
Han Yumei.
"Well, there is nothing remarkable about him. Hes just a gigolo, using
a womans connections," Putting his cousin down, Han Hao was green with envy.

"What? Didnt you say that he offended a powerful lady in Steel Armor
Shelter and was having a hard time?" asked Han Yumei.
"If he werent Qin Xuans boy toy, how would Mr. Lin know someone like
him?" Han Hao then bitterly recounted Han Sens experience, adding his imagination
here and there.
"No wonder he could come up with two million dollars. A gigolo! Ive
always known he was a scourge, a disgrace to our name. Our ancestors would be so
mad had they known..." said Han Yumei viciously.
Filled with jealousy and hatred, the mother and son left the building.
Seeing Lin Beifeng opening the door of the aircraft for Han Sen and Zhang Danfeng,
their faces darkened further.

Chapter 60

Han Sen made some brief explanation to Zhang Danfeng after he parted with Lin

Han Sen understated everything and didnt say much about Han Hao, as he knew Zhang
Danfeng wouldnt let Han Hao off easily had he told Zhang Danfeng what had really

Zhang Danfeng thought they were always good brothers and friends because they grew
up together and certainly would not accept what Han Hao had done.

Walking on the way to the maglev train station, Han Sen was wondering what he
should take with him to Dark Swamp.

There were almost no human activities there, so he would definitely return with
lots of prey. Even if it werent for the beast soul arrow, Han Sen would still want
to go therehe now had sacred-blood beast soul wings and the swamp that might be
dangerous to others was easy for him.

Han Sen suddenly heard a glitch sound and all the lights started flashing.
Surprised, he looked up and saw a meteor-like fireball quickly falling from the sky
toward his direction.

"Warning Warning Unidentified flying object detected..."


After the alarm of the planet's defense system sounded for a few times, the
fireball hit a tall building followed by an explosion. It turned dark as the
electricity was out.

Even the earth seemed to have shaken a bit. Han Sen looked up to the collapsed
building and saw a strange spherical aircraft crashed into the building with half
of its body sticking out, surrounded by burning flames and thick smoke.

People were screaming, crying, and running around. This area was a school district
and the building hit was a school's main building. Those running from the building
were mostly students about ten years old.

Because it was a public school in the integrated compulsory education system, it

was not equipped with a good security system. After the explosion, there was no
immediate response.

The electricity had been cut off for some reason and the automatic fire protection
system was also paralyzed. In the dark, people could only see the fire at the
impact site.

Hen Sen saw the appearance of the aircraft and suddenly clenched his fists. He had
seen aircrafts like this one before. A spherical aircraft was beyond current human
technologies and could only be produced by the only enemy of mankind in the
interstellar eraShuras.

Shura was the name given to them by mankind, and their true name could only be
described in their own language.

Shuras looked like men except that their males had one horn on their head and their
females had two.

Both Shura males and females wore masks from childhood. Their masks and horns
symbolized their identity.

Human beings had fought them for centuries in the space. In the beginning, because
both Shuras physique and technology were superior, men kept losing in the battles
against them.
About two hundred years ago, mankind discovered Gods Sanctuary and started to gain
geno points in this other world, so humans physique had been greatly improved.
Gradually, humans were able to hold the line and face off Shuras.

Planet Roca was a commercial planet and was nowhere near the warzone. Han Sen felt
incredible to see a Shura aircraft here.

He grew up on Planet Roca and had only seen Shuras and Shura aircrafts on the news
and Skynet.

When Han Sen was staring at the aircraft, he saw a seven-year-old girl who was hung
on the collapsed building with her clothes caught on a steel bar sticking out from
the building. She tried to climb back into the building by grabbing the steel bar
but she was not strong enough. Struggling, her clothes caught on the steel bar were
about to tear.

Face covered in tears and hands covered with dust and blood, she was almost
desperate. Even if she could get inside the building, there was fire anywhere and
there was no way she could survive.

The little girl gradually lost her strength and her clothes was slowly tearing.
From such a height, even an adult who had max mutant geno points would fall to
death, not to mention a kid.


Next to the little girl, the door of the Shura aircraft suddenly opened and out
came a Shura with a single golden horn on his head and a white mask that covered
all his face but his eyes.

The Shura was in a broken suit of alloy armor and bleeding dark green blood all

The blood of Shura was different from that of human and was as green as bile, which
was another way to tell if someone was Shura.

Han Sen was shocked by the look of this Shura. The decors and materials of the
Shura masks had a lot of meanings behind them, but Han Sen didnt really know much
about that. However, just by the look of his golden horn, Han Sen knew this Shura
was not ordinary.

Shura's horns were their most prominent symbol of identity. Their horns were in
four colors: black, white, gold, and purple. The black-horned were civilians, the
white-horned were elites, the golden-horned were aristocrats, and the purple-horned
were royalties.

From this random aircraft had walked out a Shura aristocrat, which surprised Han

The Shura held in his hands a black katana. The Shuras all had great physiques. Any
adult Shura could match a human evolver in a hand-to-hand fight. Stronger Shuras
could even reach the level of surpassers.

The Shura came out from the aircraft and saw little girl crying. With a cruel gleam
in his eyes, he raised his katana and slash it toward the little girl's head.

Han Sen summoned the black beetle, bloody slayer and purple-winged dragon all at
once and turned himself into a giant winged centaur covered in golden armor, and
even his wings were covered in golden armor.


The huge wings brought him to the middle of the building almost instantaneously.
Taking the girl with one hand, Han Sen grabbed the blade of the Shuras katana with
his other hand.

Blood suddenly flowed out along the blade.

Chapter 61

Fang Mingquan had been very depressed recently. As a reporter, he had

been in charge of a program about Gods Sanctuary on Skynet. Although it was not
super popular, the program was gaining momentum and he was considered a minor
Because of a decision made by the management, he was transferred to a
remote planet, Roca. His job was so-called new market development, which actually
meant that he was pushed out because he was in the way of others.
As Fang Mingquan understood, now his program belonged to a recent
graduate who was related to a board member. Knowing nothing, the kid had screwed
the show up and many loyal audience were asking to transfer Fang Mingquan back,
which didnt change anything. Fang Mingquan knew clearly that he could never go
Planet Roca had very few resources and was far away from the economic
center, so there was really no breaking news to be covered. For the few months he
had been here, Fang Mingquan were wasting his time doing interviews of minor
celebrities who thought too highly of themselves, which completely disgusted him.

"How can I leave this s*#t hole?" Fang Mingquan was wandering
aimlessly in the street, holding a small metal jug and sipping liquor from it from
time to time.
Although he was upset, Fang Mingquan still kept looking around out of
professional habits.
Suddenly, darkness fell and there was a huge explosion and fires. As a
good journalist, Fang Mingquan turned on his recording device.
"A Shura aircraft!" Fang Mingquan saw the aircraft and his heart
started pounding. He hurried off to the nearest high-rise as he kept shooting with
the recording device.
Soon, Fang Mingquan noticed the little girl as well. When he saw the
golden-horned Shura coming out the aircraft, he was thrilled and worried at the
same time.
He was thrilled because this was a great opportunity for him. A Shura
aircraft falling on Planet Roca was such a rare incident. Plus the Shura in it was
an aristocrat. This was the golden ticket for him to become a more famous reporter.

But at the same time, Fang Mingquan was also worried about the fate of
the little girl.
As a professional journalist, regardless of his urge to yell "help,"
Fang Mingquan stayed quiet and just recorded and uploaded everything faithfully.

However, when seeing the Shura slashing his katana at her, Fang
Mingquan saw her frightened little face and could not help but cried, "Someone save
But no one could respond to that. The rescue team had not arrived, and
even if someone had an aircraft it would be hard to park it on such height.

A pair of golden wings cut into the frame and a majestic figure took
the little girl into his arm, his other handing catching the blade of the Shura.

Blood dropped down from the katana, and Fang Mingquan felt as if his
heart had stopped.
"Someone rescued the child..." Fang Mingquan burst out a cry.

Han Sen was shocked when he caught the blade of the katana. His
sacred-blood armor couldnt even block the sharp katana and his palm was still cut.
Although the cut wasnt deep, he realized this Shura was a tough opponent.

Han Sen flew back several yards flapping his wings, holding the little
girl in one arm. He suddenly felt a chill from behind and quickly turned around.
The Shura was raising his katana and was about cut it at Han Sen.
Han Sen gritted his teeth and span around in the air, barely escaping
the Shuras attack. The Shura jumped up and stepped on the wall, throwing himself at
Han Sen.
"Does he has some genes from a flea?" Han Sen thought and flew to a
building nearby, broke a window and put the little girl inside.
Han Sen took a look inside the room and found it to be a classroom
with dozens of children inside, shivering in the corner.
"Damn." Before Han Sen could figure out a solution, the Shura was
already in his face with the katana in hand, hatching it down at Han Sen.

Han Sen could dodge this attack, but when he was ready to move, he
suddenly froze. Behind him was the classroom full of children. If he dodged, the
Shura would enter the classroom. The Shura was on a human planet and there was no
way he could survive here with so many enemies around him. He would choose to kill
as many as he could before he were to die.
By no means would Han Sen let him enter the classroom. Facing the
katana, Han Sen only leaned to his side to protect his vital organs, while throwing
a punch toward the Shuras face.
The Shura was slightly surprised, as he did not expect Han Sen to stay
where he was. Although the Shura didnt put all his strength into this attack, his
katana still cut through the sacred-blood armor into Han Sens shoulder, making a
squeaking sound when its blade met the bone.
At the same time, Han Sens fist also hit the Shura in the face,
forcing him to bend his body backwards. The material of the Shuras mask was made of
extreme tough material and did not crack at Han Sens punch.
The Shura caught the alloy framework in the wall with his toes and
swung back to reach for the katana stuck in Han Sens shoulder.
Not wanting to give his katana back, Han Sen blocked his palm with one
hand and punched at the Shura's throat with the other hand.
The Shura returned a punch at Han Sens chest. And soon it became a
fist fight. In a short while, Han Sen started spitting up blood.
"Why didnt he dodge? Since he could fly, he could have dodged the
attacks," wondered Fang Mingquan.
Sharing his thought were the audience watching Fang Mingquans

Chapter 62

Fang Mingquans new program didnt have much popularity yet but there
were still some old fans who had followed him here. Seeing the webcasting was on,
many of them had chosen to watch.
When they saw the Shura was to kill the little girl, they were all
praying that someone could save her. And when Han Sen showed up, they were all
thrilled. However, what they didnt understand was why Han Sen didnt choose to dodge
the katana and thus lost his advantage. He could have dodged as he could fly.

Fang Mingquan suddenly realized something and focused the lens behind
Han Sen. Everyone suddenly saw that the room was a classroom with dozens of
shivering children in it.
Fang Mingquan and the audience had thus realized why Han Sen didnt
dodge. If he had dodged, the Shura would have entered the classroom and caused
unimaginable damage.
Although the Shura was stopped outside the classroom, Han Sen had been
severely injured in the shoulder and were still bleeding, which rendered him the
losing side.
But this was an adult Shura with a golden horn. Even if he hadnt
practiced any skills yet, his physique would be as strong as an evolver, if not
"Dollar...its Dollar..." the audience recognized him and left many
comments under, reminding more people that it was Dollar.
Fang Mingquan had long recognized Dollar. After all, he was working in
journalism. The video of Han Sen passing the robot channel was such a hit that he
had watched it as well.
Because he had watched the video, he knew that Han Sen was still
unevolved while his opponent could at least reach the level of an evolver, so this
was not a fair fight.
So were the audience aware of this.
"This is not good. Dollar has not become an evolver yet. Could he stop
the golden-horned Shura?"
"Dollar, hold on!"
"Damn, why am I not there? I would love to help him kill the Shura!"

Han Sen took another hit in the face. Although he was armored, his
head was still ringing and his eyes even went blind for a second. Feeling a
churning in the chest, he spilled up another mouthful of blood.
Han Sen was very clear that he was far weaker than the Shura even
after he had shapeshifted into the blood slayer. If the Shura hadnt already been
hurt badly, Han Sen probably couldnt last this long at all.
Fortunately, he had been practicing Jadeskin for a long time and had
gained lots of geno points, which allowed him to fight until now.
Bang bang!
Each time Han Sen's punched at the Shura, he could only force the
Shura to bend backward, while when the Shura punched at him, he would definitely
But Han Sen knew that he could not step back. Seeing the malice in the
Shuras eyes, Han Sen knew he had been eyeing the children in the classroom.

Using his majestic body to block the window, Han Sen was hit in the
head several times. He suddenly lost control of his body and leaned his shoulder
toward the Shura, which allowed the Shura to pull out his katana from Han Sens
shoulder. Blood was splashing as the black blade was pulled out.
"Die!" the Shura scowled as he hacked at Han Sen, both hands on the
katana and eyes bloodshot.
It was a gut-wrenching scene for Fang Mingquan and the audience to
watch. The tenderhearted ones could not even bear to watch.
"Step back You have tried... No one will blame you..." some even said,
as they could not bear to see Han Sen killed by the Shura.
But with a gleam in his eye, Han Sen moved forward instead of backward
when the katana fell, and threw himself at the Shura.
Although the katana had hit Han Sen on the head, as the distance was
shortened and the Shuras body had bounced off in the middle of his hacking, the
speed of the katana was not high, and it only broke Han Sens helmet and left a
shallow wound on Han Sens scalp.
Without a pause, Han Sen flapped his wings and moved behind the Shura.
He locked the Shura with his own body in the air so that the Shura could make no
Ghosthaunt had worked wondersHan Sen was able to lock down the Shura
who had much greater strength than himself.
As he knew his shapeshifting time was almost up and his body would
probably suffer permanent damage if he went over the time limit, Han Sen tumbled
upside down with the Shura locked between his arms and jumped, speeding up toward
the ground with his wings moving.
"You are crazy..." cried the Shura, with horror in his voice.

At this moment, everyone seeing this was stunned and the comments
online had stopped.
Fang Mingquans lens followed the golden meteor falling rapidly toward
the ground.
Because other buildings had blocked the view, the golden meteor
disappeared at the sixth floor of the building. All that could be heard was a bang,
followed by silence.
After a long time, a new comment appeared, "Dollar???"
Then there was a burst of comments, which were posted so fast that the
words became a blur.
Not in the mood to check the comments, Fang Mingquan desperately ran
to the spot that Han Sen was falling to. He could vow that this was the fastest he
had ever run in his life.
When Fang Mingquan got there, there was already a crowd. The Shura was
on the floor with his limbs twisted and there were even spider cracking on the
pavement made of high-tech materials.
But he did not find the majestic golden figure here.
"Dollar did not die!"
"Where did he go?"
As the comments were posted under the webcasting, Fang Mingquan looked
around and asked people nearby and no one had seen dollar.
The spot was in an alley and no one was here before they fell.

Chapter 63

Fang Mingquan didnt find Dollar and stopped looking. He returned to his studio in
excitement and started to edit the footage he took.
"My futures on this video!" Fang Mingquan stayed up all night editing the footage.
This was definitely an exclusive headliner. With the webcasting last night, word
would get out and the edited video was sure to go viral.
It was the desire for success and the admiration for Dollar that drove him to edit
the video so fast. Fang Mingquan thought that this must be his best work since he
first became a journalist many years ago.
On the Skynet, Fang Mingquan saw a lot of messages asking him about the webcasting
At that time, power was out and no monitoring camera was working. There were some
individuals who tried to film the incident, but their work was either from a bad
angle or too blurred, and could not be compared to his professional work.
Fang Mingquan took a deep breath, named the video "The One and Only, Dollar Our
Angel," and then clicked "upload."
After uploading it, Fang Mingquan didnt look at the screen any more but sat down
and lit a cigarette. He kept smoking and remained silent.
Fang Mingquan did not even dare to look at his watch, as he was afraid to know the
time, which was the most important thing in journalism.
He knew very well that when the video was uploaded, his comlink would ring, but how
successful his video was would depend on how long it took for the comlink to ring.
"If it takes half an hour, then it means its phenomenal; if it takes one hour, then
its probably just so-so; if it takes more than one and a half hours..." Fang
Mingquan heard a ringtone when he was still counting.
Fang Mingquan suddenly rose to his feet and stared at his comlink on the desk. A
familiar number was flashing on its screen.
"Eight minutes and forty-three seconds..." Fang Mingquan clenched his fists and
teeth excitedly, crumpling the cigarette case in his hand.
Fang Mingquan only started to relax after three minutes. Ignoring the ringing
comlink, he lay on the couch and watched it ring as he smoked. He enjoyed this
feeling, for only at times like this did he feel alive.
"The One and Only, Dollar Our Angel" didnt have voiceover and was less than three
minutes long.
It started with the little girl when she was about to fall. Her frightened face
with tears, her widened eyes, and her blood-stained little hands grabbed peoples
attention from the beginning.
The next moment, when people were still worried about the danger facing the little
girl, out from the aircraft walked not her savior but death itself.
When the Shura wielded his katana at the little girl, no one could sustain their
anger and despair.
Suddenly, a golden figure appeared in the scene. The huge golden wings looked like
they belonged to an angel. When the little girl was taken into his strong arm
covered in golden armor and the katana was stopped by him, everyone was overjoyed,
there eyes welling up with tears.
The following scenes were carefully editedthe Shura and Han Sen exchanged some
blows and Han Sen broke a window so he could carry the girl into a room. The Shura
was attacking Han Sen frantically but the latter did not dodge or run back. Fang
Mingquan inserted the scene of dozens of students shivering in the classroom here
so that everyone would understand why Han Sen had chosen to stay there.
Fang Mingquan refined the fighting scenes and highlighted Han Sens selflessness and
bravery. He also edited out the less impressive scenes.
While in fact Han Sen was miserable and much weaker than the Shura, in the video it
looked like it was just a tough-luck loss.
The final scene was the suicidal fall.
The entire video was very smooth. With the passionate background music added by
Fang Mingquan, all the viewers wanted to fight the Shura themselves, even if it
meant risking their lives.
And the female viewers were covered in tears after watching the video.
This video really went viral. In just a few hours, the entire Alliance knew about
it. And the hits had climbed up to a few hundred million.
A strong and cruel Shura aristocrat, a golden angel, and the little faces that were
full of fear all formed a story that moved every viewer in less than three minutes.

Dollars name was famous now in the entire Alliance, as this video was far more
popular than the video of robot channel, which did have its limitations.
Men and women, young and old, everyone was spell-bound by this video, and Dollar
had become a bigger hit than the ten Chosen this year.
"This kid has some guts, just like me when I was his age."
"F*#k Shuras!"
"Poor children, they are lucky, because theres an angel guarding them."
"Dollar, you are my one and only."
"Dollar, you are my angel."
More people were concerned about Dollar's life and death, because the video did not
include the result and ended with a bang from the fall.
Everyone was concerned whether Dollar and the Shura had both died, but Fang
Mingquan did not plan to publish that, as other reporters must have written about
it already and it would not make a difference whether he wrote about it.
In the meantime, the hero was also watching this video edited by Fang Mingquan.

Chapter 64

"Thats really me?" Han Sen couldnt believe he looked so good. The way the video was
edited made him blush a little.

At that time, he was only doing what he could to help the children out. Although
the fall in the end looked tragic, he was in fact able to kick the Shura off him
and fly away when they were about to hit the ground. It was not quite as risky as
it looked.

The Shura was already badly injured and had died from the fall.

Han Sen knew that he just got lucky. If the Shura hadnt already suffered severe
injuries, Han Sen would probably have fled or died.

Moving his body around, it still hurt so much that Han Sen had a hard time
breathing. He didnt dare to go to the hospital, but luckily it wasnt too bad, for
none of his vital organ was hurt. Having taken some medicine, he was recovering
slowly but steadily.

Hen Sen had gained something from it as well. The katana belonging to the Shura was
taken home by Han Sen, which was so much better than the weapons made by human.

Shuras were much more advanced in making alloy weapons than human. Han Sen had
heard since a long time ago that Shuras katanas were awesome. Even the black-horned
Shuras used better katanas than Z-steel weapons. Now what Han Sen had was a katana
from a golden-horned Shura, which should be the best of the best. There was simply
no product of the same level as this katana.

Han Sen wielded the katana and felt that it was frighteningly sharp as it felt as
if it could break the air.

Han Sen no longer dared to try the katana out with any weapon for he knew the
katana was probably even sharper than his Z-steel dagger.

The video was so widespread that Han Sen was also worried that people might
recognize the katana and thus himself to be Dollar. So he had decided to make some
changes to the katana, which were mainly to change its color. He spray painted the
katana in a golden color so it looked as if it were made of brass. He also ordered
a cheap but flamboyant sheath on the Skynet so no one could tell it was a Shura
katana when it was in the sheath.

In fact, Han Sen did not intend to use it in front of others. These were just
precautions he took.

Han Sen had also wanted to replace the hilt of the katana to make it even less
recognizable, but was unable to remove the hilt. However, he found a bead embedded
in the hilt and took it out. To his surprise, the bead was hollow.

Inside the bead, there turned out to be a small memory chip. Han Sen inserted the
chip into his device, trying to figure out what was stored there.

What he didnt expect was that there was a Shura's martial art recorded in the chip,
which was called Bladestorm. The description said it was the top secret of a Shura
aristocratic family.
"Can a human learn Shura's martial arts?" wondered Han Sen. After reviewing
Bladestorm, he was convinced that he could learn it as long as his physical fitness
level was high enough.

Han Sen started to try and practice Bladestorm and didnt encounter too much
obstruction, which meant his physique had reached the prerequisite of Bladestorm.

Bladestorm sounded like weapon skills, but it could also be used without any
weapon. The key was to fully explore the potentials of ones body in order to launch
swift and powerful strikes. If one became skilled in Bladestorm, one could launch
those strikes with any part of ones body.

Han Sen hadnt recovered at the moment anyway, so he didnt go back to Gods Sanctuary
and stayed home practicing Bladestorm. Lin Beifeng was the only one who called
daily to check when he would go back to Steel Armor Shelter and start to hunt. Qin
Xuan thought he was just hiding from Son of Heaven, so she didnt call.

Han Sen checked his ringing comlink and it was Lin Beifeng again. He hesitated
before picking up.

"Sen, how come you are still not in Gods Sanctuary? Ive been waiting for you,"
lamented Lin Beifeng. Han Sen didnt even turn the video chat on because he was
depressed enough just by listening to Lins voice.

"I will not hide from you. The truth is that I am recently preparing for a big
campaign," Han Sen said mysteriously.

"What kind of campaign do you have in mind? Count me in!" said Lin Beifeng eagerly.

"I wont disclose the details now, but at least well be able to hunt mutant
creatures." Han Sen was telling the truth. He was planning to go into Dark Swamp as
soon as he recovered. He couldnt guarantee sacred-blood creatures but there would
surely be mutant creatures.

"Sen, you must count me in..." said Lin Beifeng hurriedly.

"Im working with others on this, so the team members are fixed and I cannot add
anyone in," Han Sen kept Lin Beifeng in suspense before he continued. "But Im short
of money recently, and if you can provide me with some Z-steel arrows with 5
percent Z-steel, I will send you part of my share of the preys, and it wont be less
than an entire mutant creature."

"Excellent. Ill send you those arrows right now," replied Lin Beifeng without

"Hang on. Im busy at the moment. Just have the arrows ready and Ill contact you
when Im ready," said Han Sen.

"Its a deal then. Dont eat your own words," Lin Beifeng still felt insecure.

"You can rest assured that you will get your share." Han Sen had been concerned
where he could get some nice arrows. Now that Lin Beifeng was willing to sponsor
him, he was all set. It was mutually beneficial as well. He would give Lin some
mutant creature meat when he came back.

In the worst-case scenario, if he couldnt hunt anything, he could still evolve any
creature into a mutant one using the black crystal in a few days and pay Lin with
Han Sen rested at home for a dozen days before he fully recovered. While he was
resting, he did nothing other than practicing Jadeskin and Bladestorm. Eventually
he could start to use Bladestorm.

Chapter 65

Before Han Sen teleported to Gods Sanctuary, Qin Xuan called to ask him to go to
the teleport station.

When Han Sen came to station, Yang Manli gave him a cold stare and brought him to
the office of Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan was taking care of some business when he came in, so Han Sen had to sit
aside and wait.

After dealing with everything on hand, Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen and said, "I plan
to recommend you to Blackhawk Military Academy."

"Recommend me to Blackhawk Military Academy?" Han Sen wasnt sure what she meant, as
one could apply to military schools oneself and take the exam, no recommendation

Qin Xuan knew what he was thinking and went on, "Blackhawk Military Academy has
special quotas every year for those specialized in archery. But even the specially
recruited students must pass the entrance exam and fulfill certain requirements.
You are good at archery so its alright if you are lacking in fitness. Thats why I
plan to recommend you. Entering military school at an early stage and going through
formal training will do you good."

Han Sen was wondering what to say to decline Qin Xuan. On the one hand, he wasnt
really interested in going to military schools. On the other hand, he had to leave
Planet Roca if he was admitted to Blackhawk. And he couldnt leave his mother and
sister behind.

But Han Sen found Qin Xuan was very enthusiastic to get him into a military school.
If he didnt give her a reasonable explanation, she probably wouldnt let go of the
matter. Also she meant well, so Han Sen also felt obliged to give her an

"Stationmaster, you are too kind, but I already have an ideal military school in
mind and Im afraid I have to let you down," Han Sen frowned.

"Oh? Which military school do you have in mind?" asked Qin Xuan curiously,
surprised by his sudden motivation.

"I want to apply to Roca Military School," replied Han Sen, sticking out his chest.

Qin Xuan and Yang Manli both looked at him as if he were an idiot.

Yang Manli said grimly, "Blackhawk is in top 50 in the Alliance and you are
comparing it to Roca Military School, which is not even among top 1000?"

Qin Xuan advised, "Han Sen, you should really think about it. Roca Military School
is no match to Blackhawk whether in faculty or facilities. You cant even practice
operating warframes and warships in Roca Military School and you wont have good
coaches in martial arts. If you graduate from Roca Military School, you wont have a
bright future in the army. Why would you want to do that?"

Han Sen smiled wrylyhe could not tell Qin Xuan that he would like to enter Roca
Military School just because it was close to home.

Yang Manli said, "You were not qualified to be recommended by the stationmaster,
but she broke the rules for you because she saw something in you. You need to think

Ready to reply her, Han Sen heard a knock on the door.

"Stationmaster, your data analysis is ready."

"Great, send it over." Qin Xuan turned on a smart device and a video was displayed.

Han Sen took a look and was slightly surprised, as the video was his fight with the
golden-horned Shura.

It was not, however, the edited version, but Fang Mingquans original footage.

A comprehensive data analysis was made and each movement of Dollar and the Shura
was accompanied with detailed real-time combat stats including the agility,
punching speed, critical strike and damage. There was also the scene of the dead
Shura in the end. When the display was over, Qin Xuan asked Yang Manli, "What do
you think of Dollar?"

"Stupid!" was Yang Manlis reply.

Han Sen who was secretly proud and ready for Yang Manlis compliments almost choked
on his own saliva.

"Please explain," Qin Xuan did not seem to be surprised.

Yang Manli said, "Dollar's strength and speed are very good. Although we do not
know his exact fitness rating, he is definitely among the top in First Gods
Sanctuary when he shapeshifts. However, his strength and speed are still much
weaker than the Shura. We could even estimate that he would have died a million
times if the Shura werent badly injured already."

Qin Xuan nodded, agreeing with Yang Manli.

Yang Manli continued, "Dollars wings look like advanced flying beast soul. Judging
from his speed, its very likely a sacred-blood beast soul. With such a flying beast
soul, a fleet-footed shapeshifting beast soul, and great speed, he is the ideal
archer. He should shoot arrows from afar instead of engaging himself in a stupid
fist fight."

Qin Xuan smiled, "You are right. But it was an emergency and it looked like Dollar
wasnt good at archery. He has never used bow and arrows before and has always been
fighting head onthe complete opposite of this one."

Yang Manli knew Qin Xuan was referring to Han Sen and said, "If Dollar can become
an archer, he will be the best archer in First Gods Sanctuary. His moving and
flying speed will help him maintain his distance from the enemy, and his strength
will allow him to shoot fast and powerful arrows. Thats why he would be perfect."

Yang Manli did not mention Han Sen at all. Apparently, she doesnt think Han Sen
could even be compared to Dollar.

Moreover, Yang Manli might think Dollar's way of fighting was somewhat stupid, but
it didnt change the fact that he was a respectable man, unlike Han Sen, who was a
coward with some talent.

Qin Xuan sighed, "Unfortunately, there was a blackout in the area because of the
damage caused by the Shura aircraft, so we didnt get anything that can reveal the
identity of Dollar. Although we have Dollar's blood sample, everyones genes are
changing rapidly these days as they gain geno points. So, by comparing the DNA in
the sample and in our database, its almost impossible to find out who he is."

"He has appeared on Planet Roca twice. Maybe its not a coincidence," Yang Manli
thought about it and suggested.

"I have checked the population on Planet Roca, and there isnt anyone that fits the
profile. Roca is just a fifth-tier commercial planet. Its highly unlikely that
someone like Dollar lives there, even less likely than winning the lottery," Qin
Xuan shook her head.

Han Sen was secretly relieved that the two did not associate the unambitious Han
Sen with Dollar at all. He was afraid that the wings might remind them of the
purple-winged dragon, but his caution proved to be unnecessary. The beast soul
wings didnt look the same as the dragons wings, and they were also covered in the
black beetle armor, so it was difficult to associate the two together.

Chapter 66

Qin Xuan asked Han Sen to give Blackhawk more thoughts, as he would
benefit a lot from such experience.
Han Sen left Qin Xuan's office thinking to himself, "Qin Xuan is
really kind, but how can I leave mother and Yan now? Before I turn 20 when I have
to serve, I need to constantly go home and take care of them. In the meantime, I
must earn enough money so that when Im off to the army, they could live a good life
without care."
After he got home, Han Sen contacted Lin Beifeng and asked him to send
the Z-steel arrows over. He wanted to go to Dark Swamp as soon as tomorrow. After
all, improving his own physique was his priority.
Yang Manli was right about the fact that the beast souls he owned now
would make him a great archer. And right now, what he lacked most was a good beast
soul arrow.
"Sen, I have ten sniper arrows with 5 percent Z-steel. Please take
them." Lin Beifeng put a box of ten sniper arrows in front of Han Sen.
"I'll take two and I'll give them back to you if Im able to retrieve
them," Han Sen said.
"Take them all. You can give me a bigger share of mutant creature meat
in return; it would be even better if there is sacred-blood meat," Lin Beifeng
smiled and said.
"Dont be greedy. All I can spare is probably one mutant creature. You
can take the rest of the arrows back." Han Sen took out two arrows and pushed the
rest back in front of Lin Beifeng.
"Sen, just take them all. You can give them back after. These arrows
are nothing to me. Dont you know what business my family does?" Lin Beifeng
insisted, offering Han Sen the arrows again.
"Your family owns Z-steel mines?" Han Sen looked at Lin Beifeng,
Lin Beifeng shook his head, "We do not have Z-steel mines, but we do
have some collaboration with groups that produce Z-steel alloy. We have a mine of a
rare mineral, which is a must to increase the percentage of Z-steel to 7 or above.
This mineral is very expensive and those groups are always in demand of it, so they
sell me Z-steel weapons at production cost. These didnt cost me much, and feel free
to let me know if you need anything in the future."
"You rock!" Han Sen gave Lin a thumbs-up.
Lin Beifeng shook his head and said, "In fact, Z-steel alloy is great
for large-scale military use, but too heavy for individuals. For example, Z-steel
armor has great defence but its weight affects ones speed and endurance. Compared
with beast souls, its not that practical. If future technology can raise the Z-
steel content to more than 50 percent, the weight can be reduced a lot."

"Sen, would you talk to your friends and let me join you? I could
provide them with Z-steel supplies," Lin Beifeng asked.
"Unfortunately, theres nothing I can do," Han Sen smiled at Lin
Beifeng. "In fact, you are so rich that you can set up your own team and march into
the mountains. Mutant creatures would be easy to come by then."
Lin Beifeng smiled wryly, "I have tried, but it is not as easy in
Steel Armor Shelter as in my previous shelter. Qin Xuan's military force is stable
and no one could challenge that. Those who can be bought with money are in Son of
Heavens gang already. Although I am rich, I dont dare to provoke a monster like
Starry Group. The rest of talents are all controlled by Fist Guy. So, there is no
talented freelancer at all. I basically have nowhere to spend my money."

Han Sen nodded, he also felt deeply about this. When he was isolated
by both Son of Heaven and Qin Xuan, he almost had no way to survive in Steel Armor
Han Sen teleported into Steel Armor Shelter and sneaked out in the
middle of the night, so that Son of Heavens gang wouldnt notice him.
Carrying his supplies, Han Sen picked up the paths less trodden and
marched toward Dark Swamp. Others saw the swamp as hell, but it was paradise to Han
Sen who had the beast soul of purple-winged dragon.
Without any surprise or risk on the way, Han Sen successfully entered
Dark Swamp. He saw no one near the swamp, let alone in the swamp.
Han Sen took no risk and found a spot with absolutely nobody there
before he summoned the black beetle and purple-winged dragon beast soul. Wearing
his purple wings and golden armor, Han Sen checked his equipment again and flew
toward Dark Swamp.
The environment of Dark Swamp was similar to the posters description.
There were indeed very few flying creatures. Occasionally he saw a few carrion
birds, for which he didnt even use arrows. If any bird dared to get close, he would
cut then into two halves with the Shura katana.
There were many poisonous beasts and insects in the swamp. Having
flown less than a day, Han Sen saw a mutant creature. It was a scary-looking three-
footed toad the size of a truck crouching in the mud, covered in lumps and exuding
green gas.
Han Sen was not interested in it at all. Even if he killed this thing,
it was too huge for him to carry its meat out. And it would take him months to
finish eating the meat, which was not worth it for a few mutant geno points.

"This is indeed a paradise." After flying for more than two hours, Han
Sen saw another mutant creature.
Surrounded by a group of black and white snakes, a blood-red snake
king was swimming in the reeds.
Han Sen did not approach it but hovered in the air, flapping his
enormous wings. The snakes did not notice his presence at all.
Pulling out a sniper arrow from the quiver, Han Sen put a thread into
the hole on the nock, nocked the arrow and aimed at the foot-long snake king.

Suddenly, Han Sen narrowed his eyes and the sniper arrow flew across
like a lightning bolt.
The blood-red snake king was just opening its mouth, about to swallow
a mouse-like creature. Just when it opened its mouth, a black shadow disappeared
there and went into its stomach, piercing its belly.
The snake king suddenly twisted its body in agony, hissing
desperately. The black and white snakes surrounding it all went crazy, but could
not find where the enemy was.
The snake king bleeded heavily through its pierced belly and stopped
struggling after a while.
"Mutant ghost-toothed snake king killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its
meat to gain zero to ten mutant geno points randomly."
The wonderful voice sounded in Han Sens mind. He excitedly pulled the
thread and dragged the body of the ghost-toothed snake king up in the air.

That thread was not much thicker than a hair, but as a high-tech
product, it was very strong and could bear more than a ton. This ghost-toothed
snake king weighed just dozens of pounds and he easily pulled it up.

Chapter 67

Han Sen found a safe spot, picked up some branches and made a fire.
Boiling a pot of water, he threw some pieces of snake king meat into the water and
cooked slowly.
The snake was not too big. After thoroughly boiled, there were only
about two bowls of soup left. Han Sen poured them out from the pot and gobbled the
meat up.
"Ghost-toothed snake king meat eaten. One mutant geno point gained."

After drinking the soup, Han Sen got another mutant geno point.

Han Sen dried the rest of the snake meat and made it into meat jerkies
to bring along with him. Although the snake wasnt too large, he couldnt finish it
at once, so it became his field rations.
"Meow..." Meowth was gnawing at a piece of snake meat jerkies, which
wasnt quite enough for the cat, as the cat meowed at Han Sen again after finishing
it, rubbing its fluffy body against him.
Han Sen took Meowth back. Its insatiable appetite would make it gorge
on an entire snake.
Continuing to fly inside the swamp, looking at the various poisonous
beasts and insects below, Han Sen felt more and more excited. The place was full of
treasures it was usually easy to find mutant creatures where human could not reach.

Han Sen had seen three mutant creatures in two days. Aside from the
snake king, the other two creatures were both too large so he didnt hunt them.

Except for the necessary rest time, Han Sen kept traveling. His
destination was the forest where mutant black stingers lived.
Another two days had passed and Han Sen didnt have good luck. All he
saw was a mutant creature that looked like a crocodile, but that guy was more than
ten yards long and very strong. Han Sen didnt bother and flew past it.
On the fifth day since Han Sen entered Dark Swamp, he finally got
lucky. In a not-so-large lake, the water was so clear that the bottom of the lake
can be seen in the sun. The lake was only about three to six feet deep. In the
lake, Han Sen saw groups of big silver fish, each about a foot long, with a jagged
dorsal fin stretching from head to tail.
And among the groups of silver fish, there were occasionally one or
two golden fish of the same size, flashing their golden scales in the sun.
Han Sen was so excited that he almost jumped up. There were seven or
eight golden fish in the lake and they were all mutant creatures.
"Ha-ha, Dark Swamp is truly my paradise." Han Sen took Doomsday off
his back, nocked a sniper arrow, and shot it at a golden fish in the water.

The sniper arrow was shot into the water on the back of the golden
fish. With a clank, the arrow slipped aside, leaving only a white mark on the
golden scale, which wasnt even pierced.
Han Sen quickly pulled the sniper arrow back with the thread he
attached to it. The golden fish that was under attack madly scurried in the lake.
Failing to find the enemy, it knocked several silver fish dead. The jagged dorsal
fin on its back was so sharp that it could probably cut steel.
Han Sen frowned as he didnt expect that even arrows with 5 percent Z-
steel couldnt pierce the scales of the golden fish.
Considering the size of the golden fish, Han Sen could certainly eat
an entire fish per day. With so many fish here, it was the perfect opportunity to
increase his mutant geno points.
"I need a good arrowa beast soul arrow," Han Sen was upset. If he had
a beast soul arrow now, he could shoot all these golden fish dead in a short while.

Han Sen hovered above the lake and carefully observed these golden
fish. After a while, his eyes lit up. He flew away to cut off a long branch and
stirred it in the water.
The alarmed silver and golden fish started to swim in all directions
swiftly. Han Sen was thrilled.
Because their dorsal fin was too stiff, these fish could hardly bend
their bodies. Therefore, although their speed was high, they could hardly change
their directions or jump. Han Sen was thrilled as he could now approach the lake
and didnt need to worry about being attacked by the fish.
Z-steel arrows could not hurt the fish, but he had a katana that was
sharper than Z-steel arrows. If he was close enough to a fish, he could probably
kill it with the katana.
The katana was, after all, four-feet-long and considered a short
weapon. Hence Han Sen cut off a six-feet-long branch as thick as his arm and fixed
the Shura katana to one end of the branch, making a long spear.
Han Sen hovered closely to the surface of the lake and observed for a
long time. When a golden fish swam up to the surface, Han Sen swiftly poked the
katana down like how a fisherman would spear a fish. The katana cut through the
scales of the golden fish into its body. Han Sen was overjoyed. He pulled the
katana back and flew back up in the sky.
After all, the katana was fixed on a branch, if he continued to fight
with the golden fish, the brittle branch might break and he didnt want the katana
to fall into the lake.
The injured golden fish scurried madly in the water, hurting numerous
silver fish in its way. Soon, it lost its strength and floated to the surface
upside down.
"Mutant sawfish killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain
zero to ten mutant geno points randomly."
Han Sen took out the dead fish and was so happy that he almost moaned
out loud.
He decided to strike while the iron is hot and used the same method to
hunt three more mutant sawfish before the sun went down.
"Ha-ha, four mutant creatures in one day. This is my blessed land."
Han Sen found a safe place by the lake and cut off all the meat from the mutant
sawfish. He cooked some and used salt to preserve the rest.
"Mutant sawfish meat eaten. One mutant geno point gained..."

"Mutant sawfish meat eaten. One mutant geno point gained..."

Delicious fish in his mouth and wonderful news in his ear, Han Sen
felt over the moon.

Chapter 68

"Meow..." Meowth was circling around the fire rapidly. In the fire,
there were pieces of jelly-like sawfish meat. When heated up, the oil oozed from
the fish, sizzling with a strong and fresh fragrance, making ones mouth water even
from afar.
Han Sen threw a large piece of cooked sawfish to Meowth and took one
for himself. The fatty fish almost melted in his mouth, making him want to swallow
his tongue.
Sawfish, as a mutant creature, had way more tasty meat than ordinary
fish. Even fish like groupers were a far cry from it. Even just barbecued plainly
with just some salt and pepper, the sawfish didnt have a fishy smell at all, it was
purely sweet and delicious.
"If this could be brought outside Gods Sanctuary, it would probably
become the king of all fish. The ordinary dish wouldnt even have any market. One
mutant sawfish could probably be sold at tens of million. Such a shame..." Han Sen
threw another piece of sawfish at Meowth.
Mutant creatures could not be brought away from Gods Sanctuary. Also,
he didnt have the energy to take all the sawfish he had hunted out of Dark Swamp.
There were more sawfish in the lake than he had imagined. He had killed 15 these
days. After eating several, his mutant geno points could no longer increase from
eating sawfish. Since he couldnt bring it all out, he decided to feed it to Meowth.

"My mutant geno points are 31 now. Such a fruitful trip! Dark Swamp is
too dangerous for ordinary people, so there live so many mutant creatures. Probably
I could even max out on my mutant geno points on this trip." Han Sen was in a great
mood and rewarded Meowth another piece of fish.
The rest of the sawfish meat was made into jerkies by Han Sen. Before
he left, he took another look inside the lake, to check if there was any fish that
he had missed.
Seeing another mutant golden sawfish, Han Sen killed it in the same
"Mutant sawfish killed. Beast soul of mutant sawfish gained. Eat its
meat to gain zero to ten mutant geno points randomly."
It took Han Sen several seconds before he realized what had happened.
He almost jumped up. It had been a long time since he had gained any beast soul and
he suddenly gained one now. A mutant one!
Han Sen could not wait to see which type the sawfish beast soul was.
If it was an arrow, he would be so satisfied.
Type of mutant sawfish beast soul: Spear.
Hen Sen was slightly disappointed, but overall excited. Although it
was not a beast soul arrow, spear was still a popular type of weapon, especially a
mutant beast soul spear.
Summoning the mutant sawfish beast soul, Han San suddenly had a gold
spear in his hands. The spearhead was an inch long with sharpened cutting edge on
both sides. The spear was frightening even by its look.
Han Sen wielded the spear and felt that it was heavy but easy to use.
The sharp spearhead had cut down a thick tree with just a casual slash, as if he
were cutting tofu.
"Whoever pisses me off in the future will have to deal with this
spear!" Han Sen tried the spear for a while, and didnt put it away until he had
sweat on his forehead.
A mutant beast soul weapon had already made his trip to Dark Swamp a
success. This spear was enough to make an ordinary household rich.
After all, beast soul weapons did not need to be repaired and was easy
to carry. Unless it was destroyed completely, it would recover on its own, unlike
Z-steel weapons that needed fixing if chipped.
Although he had gained a lot, Han Sen still hadnt reached his main
goal, which was to gain a much-needed mutant beast soul arrow. So, he carried the
rest of the jerkies and flew into the Dark Swamp again.
The poster was only trying to escape and couldnt tell the directions.
Hence it was difficult to find the forest he mentioned.
Fortunately, Han Sen had the ability to fly, so he could see far from
the sky.
In the next two days, Han Sen was not so lucky. He did not encounter
mutant creatures, but ran into swarms of poisonous insects several times. Watching
countless insects moving under him like flood and leaving nothing alive behind
them, Han Sen could not help but shuddered.
If he couldnt fly and were attacked by these insects, it wouldnt even
matter if he was fit or not. Swarms of ants could kill an elephant, let alone these
poisonous insects. Even someone with max sacred geno points could hardly survive.

Finally, Han Sen found some clean water. After replenishing his water
supply, he made a pot of fish soup and added some snake king meat in it.

It didnt take long before the fragrance spread everywhere. Han Sen
wasnt afraid of attracting poisonous beasts as he had been wearing the black beetle
armor since he entered Dark Swamp.
When the soup was almost ready, Han Sen was preparing to enjoy it with
Meowth. Suddenly he heard a bird call followed by a whistle. A huge black bird
flied down from the sky, its wings a few dozen feet long and claws sharp as metal
Hansen was shocked, "Damn, didnt the poster say there were no advanced
flying creatures in Dark Swamp? Judging from its look, this bird is at least a
mutant creature."
Hansen stepped back and saw the huge bird landing by the fire. When it
stood on the ground, it was taller than an elephant head. Its gleaming dark bird
eyes gave it a regal look.
After the bird landed, a black-clad young man jumped down from the
back of the bird and looked at the meat in the pot, "Boy, Ill buy your meat."

He walked swaggeringly over and threw a piece of raw meat that looked
like a cow leg on the ground and said, "Its your lucky day kid. This is the thigh
of a mutant poisonous-clawed beast."
Finishing the sentence, the black-clad young man reached for the
fragrant fish and snake meat in the pot.
"I wont trade with you," Han Sen frowned.
The black-clad young man was fast and had already gobbled up a piece
of fish. When he was about to ridicule Han Sen by pointing out the fact that he was
offering Han Sen some mutant creature meat, he heard the voice telling him that he
had gained one mutant geno point. His eyes suddenly widened, "How could this be? It
was just one piece of meat, and it added one mutant geno point. So there must be an
entire mutant creature in the pot?"

Chapter 69

Lu Weinan was sick of eating the meat of poisonous-clawed beast these

days. Relying on his mutant iron-feathered bird beast soul, he flew into Dark Swamp
to hunt mutant creatures and only killed this one poisonous-clawed beast in days.

This beast was larger than a cow, and he had been eating its meat for
more than half a month and still had a thigh left. He had only gained five mutant
geno points from it so far.
Just now, he had gained one mutant geno point already by eating just a
piece of meat from the pot. He suddenly understood why Han Sen didnt want to
tradealthough both were mutant creatures, the thigh he had was worth much less than
what was in Han Sens pot.
Lu Weinan looked at the pot of meat eagerly and then his eye fell on
Han Sen. A knife in hand, he blew a whistle. The iron-feathered bird beat its wings
and hovered over his head.
"Do you want to trade, or let me beat you up before I eat your stuff?"
Lu Weinan was ready to dine and dash. There was no one in Dark Swamp and no one
would even know if he killed Han Sen. Since he had the iron-feathered bird mount,
no one would be his match here.
"F*#k off," Han Sen said quietly.
"You asked for this," Humiliated, Lu Weinan yelled and hacked his
knife at Han Sen. Although he had gained the beast soul of mutant iron-feathered
bird, he apparently didnt have the same luck in beast soul weaponshis knife was one
with 5 percent Z-steel.
Han Sen was wearing sacred-blood armor so he was not afraid of such
weapon. He didnt even shapeshift into the bloody slayer, but just summoned his
mutant sawfish spear and wielded it at Lus knife.
The sawfish spear cut the knife off as if it were made of tofu and
continued to stab at Lu.
"S*#t!" thought Lu Weinan. He twisted his feet like a snake and barely
escaped Han Sens attack.
Without a pause, Lu Weinan quickly ran back with strange but smooth
body positions. Han Sen missed several stabs in a row and Lu swiftly jumped on the
back of his bird mount and rose in the air.
"How dare you challenge me? Ill just kill you," said Lu Weinan
triumphantly, taking his bow and arrow to shoot at Han Sen who was on the ground.

Wings suddenly grew from Han Sens back and he rose in the air higher
and faster than the iron-feathered bird.
"Damn..." Lu Weinan was dumbfounded. How could he know this guy could
also fly and even had wings instead of a mount?
Subconsciously, Lu Weinan ordered the iron-feathered bird to go
Even if what Han Sen had were mutant beast soul wings, he wouldnt be
able to fly too fast or too high. The iron-feathered bird should be able to get rid
of him.
But soon Lu Weinan found himself completely wrong, his enemy could fly
not only very high, but also very fast, catching up with him in the blink of an
"Who is this monster? His wings couldnt be sacred-blood, right?" Lu
Weinan almost burst into tears.
He didnt expect his enemy to be so strong. With his wings and his
golden armor and spear, Han Sen looked more like an angel than a human.

Having caught up with Lu Weinan, Han Sen poked the spear at him. All
Lu wanted do was to knock his own head on a wall. Why on earth did he try to escape
on the back of the iron-feathered bird? Now he couldnt even use his body positions.
Sitting on the bird, he had nowhere to hide. If he moved around, he would fall.

The spear was poked into Lu Weinan's butt, leaving a long woundLus
soft armor didnt stop the spearhead at all.
"Brother...Brother...Calm down...This is just a misunderstanding!" Lu
Weinan shouted hurriedly.
Han Sen ignored him and stabbed at him again, making a symmetrical
wound on the other side of his butt. Blood started to ooze from the wounds.
"Big brother, uncle, I was wrong. Stop poking or I will die. I
surrender," Lu Weinan screamed while begging for mercy.
Han Sen ignored him and kept poking. Lu Weinan saw the horrifying and
shining gold spear and cried, "Big brother, please slow down. We are both men. It
will do you no good if you kill me. You see I have a flying mount, which will be of
some use to you if you need me to run some errands for you...Ouch..."
Lu Weinan was stabbed again and his face had turned pale. He was
bleeding too much and he would die before long. He looked down at himself and saw
he was wearing black all over. Lu reached into his clothes and ripped off his white
underwear stained with blood. Waving his underwear in one hand, he cried, "Big
brother, dont poke! I surrender. We can have a discussion. Isnt it true that we
have a policy in the Alliance to offer good treatment to the captives?"

Han Sen was silent all the time. Lu Weinan thought Han Sen couldnt
hear him because the wind was too loud in flying. Thats why he thought of the
universal way of surrender, to wave a white flag.
Han Sen saw Lu Weinan waving his ripped underwear and almost laughed
out loud. "Fly back," He held his laughter back and ordered.
Lu Weinan was suddenly overjoyed, and quickly ordered the mutant iron-
feathered bird to go back where he met Han Sen.
When they were back to the place where the fire was made, the pot of
meat was still there. Lu Weinan fell to the ground and screamed as he pulled the
wounds on his buttocks.
"So, tell me, how are you going to compensate me for my loss?" Han Sen
smiled and looked at Lu Weinan who was covering his ass with both hands.

Lu Weinans face suddenly went stiff, "Big brother, Ill give you
whatever you want, except for this iron-feathered bird. You can take your pick." He
summoned several beast souls and said bitterly, "These are all I have. Please
forgive me."
Han Sen checked the seven or eight beast souls summoned by Lu Weinan
and there was even a mutant beast soul. He knew Lu was definitely holding back. But
since Lu had summoned a mutant beast soul, it meant that he would like to give away
the mutant beast soul for his life. At the same time, he was using this beast soul
to decline Han Sens asking for the iron-feathered bird before Han Sen even asked.
He was depending on the bird to survive here and wouldnt give it up for the world.

"That mutant beast soul. And you, before I leave Dark Swamp, you have
to follow my command." Han Sen thought this kid could be of some use, also Han Sen
didnt want him to wander alone. If Lu found the forest first and killed the mutant
black stingers, Han Sens ultimate purpose of this trip would be defeated.

Chapter 70

Lu Weinan agreed, but remained alert when he transferred the mutant

beast soul to Han Sen, worried that Han Sen would kill him once having the beast
Fortunately, Han Sen did not attempt to kill him after receiving the
mutant beast soul. He returned to the fire and used a cup to take out some soup. To
Lus surprise, Han Sen only took some soup and none of the meat.
Although there would be some geno points in the soup, most geno points
would remain in the meat. Why would Han Sen only drink the soup?
While Lu Weinan was puzzled, he saw Han Sen had summoned a black cat,
and put all the meat in the pot into a bowl in front of the cat.
The black cat meowed and rushed to the bowl, starting to gobble.
Lu Weinans mouth twitched. He just realized that the meat he just
tried to snatch and paid a huge price for turned out to be cat food.
"Where did this guy come from? Feeding mutant creature meat to a
catwhat kind of people would do that?" Lu Weinan now really wanted to bang his own
head on the wall. He just risked his life fighting for cat food.
Thinking of the cat, he was shocked. Among all the beast souls known
to men, only a beast soul pet needed to be fed, while mounts and other types didnt.
Han Sens cat was of course not an ordinary animal. It must be a beast soul pet.

Now not many could keep a beast soul pet. A beast soul pet didnt have
any ability to fight in the beginning and had to be fed the meat of different
creatures to grow. When it had grown to a certain stage, it would transform once,
and after the transformation it would have fighting ability.
But it took too much creature meat for a beast soul pet to grow until
its transformation. There were people who tried to feed ordinary and primitive
beast soul pets, but their fighting ability wasnt strong after the transformation.
As for mutant beast soul pets, almost no one would try to feed them, as they would
need a lot of mutant creature meat to transform, the amount of which was enough to
make several individuals reach max mutant geno points. Who would feed that to a
Thinking of this, Lu Weinan thought Han Sen was an impressive person
indeed. He thought to himself, "This is someone who could afford feeding a mutant
beast soul pet. He must be the successor to some powerful family to have received
such attention and training."
"Big brother, whats your name?" Lu Weinan asked with a smile, wanting
to find out about Han Sens background.
"You do not know me?" Han Sen was somewhat surprised to hear the
question. He felt odd as Lu Weinan didnt find out from his armor that he was
Dollar. Even after seeing his wings, Lu still didnt recognize him, which meant Lu
really didnt know about Dollar.
"We have seen each other before?" Lu Weinan looked at Han Sen puzzled,
misunderstanding Han Sens reply.
"No." Han Sen continued to drink his soup.
Lu Weinan suddenly understood that Han Sen was saying that he should
have recognized Han Sen, which meant Han Sen was someone famous, which convinced Lu
that Han Sen was from a prominent family, or else he wouldnt have made such an
arrogant remark. Lu suddenly looked at Han Sen more eagerly.
Han Sen just thought that Dollar was so viral on the Skynet so most
people should have heard of him.
"When did you come to Dark Swamp?" Han Sen looked at Lu Weinan and
Lu Weinan became very enthusiastic and told Han Sen everything he
Han Sen finally knew why Lu Weinan had not heard about Dollar. This
young man had never teleported back since he entered Gods Sanctuary a year ago. It
looked like he had done pretty well for himself too.
Han Sen looked at Lu, surprised. He could not believe that Lu Weinan
would be so capable.
Lu Weinan knew what Han Sen was thinking from his looks. He blushed
and quickly said, "We the Lus specialize in practicing body positions. There is no
one that could compare with us in this field. Although I my humble self have no
special capabilities, I would love to carry the torch. Since I entered Gods
Sanctuary, Ive been pushing my limits until I reach the threshold transcendence...
"Be concise." Han Sen gave him a cold stare.
"Ahem, the truth is, we the Lus have great skills of escaping that
were handed down in the family and we knew how to run from danger..." Lu Weinan
cleared his throat and said.
Hen Sen now remembered that Lu Weinans body positions were strange
indeed. If Lu Weinan hadnt fled into the sky using his bird mount and lost his
advantages, Han Sen wasnt sure whether he was able to hurt Lu.
"For the month you have stayed in Dark Swamp, have you seen a forest
where the trees are very tall but sparse, and under the trees there were flowers?"
asked Han Sen.
Lu Weinan thought about it and then shook his head, "I have not seen
such a place. I dont think there are tall trees in Dark Swamp."
Not knowing if Lu Weinan had told the truth, Han Sen did not ask
again. He rested for a while, and hit the road again with Lu after dawn.

Lu Weinans wounds on the butts had not recovered yet. Luckily, he had
a flying mount, so he was fine.
Every time when it was time to eat, Lu Weinan would stare at Han Sen
feeding Meowth with dried fish piece after piece and sigh secretly, feeling himself
inferior to a cat.
Maybe luck had finally come. At the end of the day, when Lu was
complaining that they hadnt seen a single mutant creature the whole day, Han Sen
spotted a black hornet the size of a fist in the grass.
"Black stinger!" Han Sen was surprised and quickly made a gesture to
Lu Weinan to remain silent and watch the hornet from here.
"Watch the poisonous hornet. Do not disturb it, and do not let it
leave your sight." Han Sen said and flew into the sky to look around, as it was
often foggy in Dark Swamp. He saw no tall trees or hornet nests in twenty miles.

"It seems that the black stinger's nest is not near. Follow it and we
may be able to find its nest," thought Han Sen as he flew to Lu Weinans side and
gestured him to quietly follow the black stinger.
Lu Weinan guessed what Han Sen wanted to do, and the two silently
followed the black stinger. Fortunately, they could both fly, so it wasnt so hard
to keep up with the black stinger.
Following the black stinger, they flew dozens of miles, and started to
see more and more black stingers.
Before long, Han Sen suddenly saw a huge tree standing in the swamp.
Under its canopy hung a huge black hornet nest the size of a hot air balloon.

Chapter 71

Swarms of black stingers flew in and out the nest and there were at
least tens of thousands of them, filling Han Sen and Lu Weinan with dread.

"Big brother, you do not mean to kill all these hornets, do you? Looks
like they are all primitive creatures. There are so many of them and they can fly.
Itd be hard for us to get out safely," Lu Weinan swallowed and said.
Han Sen was happy to see the towering old trees and the flowers on the
ground. He thought, "The poster did not lie. There is indeed such a place."

After watching for a while, Han Sen said to Lu Weinan, "Let's go

Lu Weinan had to follow Han Sen. They didnt dare to approach the
nests, so they flied high in the sky. The flower field was dozens of miles long and
there were tall trees everywhere. There was a huge hornet nest on almost every
tree. No one knew how many black stingers there were in this area. It was scary
just to think about it.
Soon after, Han Sen saw a giant tree that was more than twice as tall
as the others. The hornet nest on this giant tree was the size of a castle, and
there were scarlet black stingers the size of a pigeon flying in and out from time
to time.
Lu Weinan looked at the nest eagerly and said, "Are those scarlet
hornets all mutant creatures? How many of them must there be?"
Han Sen was also a bit dumbfounded. The poster said he had seen one.
Although Han Sen had guessed there should be more than one, he didnt predict that
there would be a whole nest of them.
"There must be a beast soul among so many mutant black stingers." Han
Sen was excited, realizing it was difficult to handle so many mutant black stingers
at the same time.
The needle of the mutant black stinger was blood-red and at least two
inches long. It looked very sharp as well. No one could resist the poison on it if
After all, they were mutant creatures. Han Sen didnt want to depend on
his sacred-blood armor completely. Once the armor was pierced, he would be risking
his life.
The only fortunate fact was that the closest primitive hornet nest was
a mile away, so the primitive black stingers didnt dare to get too close to this
"Comrade Lu, its time to test your loyalty." Han Sen patted Lu Weinan
on the shoulder.
Lu Weinan suddenly changed his expression, "Big brother, you do not
want me to lure the mutant black stingers away, right? I will die."
"Do not be so pessimistic. Well, you do not really need to go there
yourself. Just use your iron-feathered bird to attract their attention and Ill use
that opportunity to ruin their nest. When the mutant hornets run wild and scatter
around, we could just kill some of the single ones." Han Sen said with a smile.

Han Sen said before Lu Weinan could say anything, "Do a good job, and
I will give you two mutant hornets when the plan goes through. Think about it,
In order to keep Lu Weinan in line, Han Sen promised him the reward
Lu Weinan suddenly swallowed the reply he had, patted his chest and
said, "Its my honor to risk everything for you. Tell me what to do, big brother."

Two mutant hornets could gain him quite a few mutant geno points.

"Very good, I am seeing great things in you. You are responsible for
directing your iron-feathered bird to poke at the nest and attract most hornets
away. But dont let the bird fly too high. If the hornets couldnt follow, they would
return to the nest. Try to keep them away as long as possible, and Ill take care of
the rest," Han Sen said.
Lu Weinan looked surprisedly at Han Sen, "Even if I can get most of
the hornets away from the nest, there are certainly some remaining inside. Are you
gonna be fine walking over like this?"
Lu Weinan did not expect that Han Sen would risk approaching the nest
himself, which was far more dangerous than his part. He wasnt in direct danger by
using the iron-feathered bird to lure hornets away. If things got bad, he could
also take the beast soul bird back.
The fortress-like hornet nest was connected to the tree trunk, and it
wouldnt be easy to take down.
"I have a plan. Just buy me some time and do not let those hornets
come back too fast," Han Sen said calmly.
As long as the majority of mutant black stingers were lured away, he
wasnt afraid of a dozen that might still be in the nest.
"Will do!" Lu Weinan hid behind a boulder with Han Sen and commanded
his iron-feathered bird to seize a large stone with its claws and flew above the
The iron-feathered bird dropped the stone at the nest and the three-
foot-long stone made a big hole in the nest.
With a buzzing sound, mutant black stingers rushed out from the nest
madly toward the iron-feathered bird like a scarlet cloud.
Lu Weinan quickly commanded the iron-feathered bird to lead the mutant
black stingers away.
Han Sen was watching the nest closely all the time and saw almost no
mutant black stingers around the nest.
When the mutant black stingers were led dozens of yards away. Han Sen
suddenly summoned the beast souls of the purple-winged dragon and bloody slayer,
with the mutant sawfish spear in hand, he flew toward the nest, looking like a
winged centaur warrior from the myth.
Almost just in the blink of an eye, Han Sen threw himself at the nest,
breaking the nest badly. Swinging the spear into a storm, he tore the nest apart as
if it were made of paper. Some mutant black stingers were trying to attack him, but
were all killed with the spear in a short while. None could stop him.
There was a mutant black stinger that approached him, and its sting
didnt even pierce his armor, leaving only a small white mark on it.
Lu Weinan was shocked. He knew Han Sen was strong but didnt realize
Han Sen had such great shapeshifting beast soul.
When the better half of the huge hornet nest had been destroyed by Han
Sen, a hornet twice the size of a mutant one flew out, its whole body transparent
as red crystal.
The moment this biggest hornet flew out, all the mutant hornets that
were lured away by the bird all flew back to the nest, as if they could feel
"Be careful. The hornets are all back. That may be their queen!" Lu
Weinan roared.

Chapter 72

Lu Weinans heart was trembling. The swarm was only about 600 feet from Han Sen.
With the speed of the hornets, they could make it back in seconds. In addition, the
queen hornet, which could be sacred-blood, was eyeing Han Sen. His situation was

Looking at the queen hornet flying over, Han Sen narrowed his eyes, stepped back
and threw the mutant sawfish spear at it.

The queen was too fast and dodged the spear at a short distance.

When Lu Weinan was lamenting the loss, Han Sens majestic golden figure had rushed
to face the queen, hacking a gleaming katana at the queen hornet.

That katana was so swift that even the sacred-blood queen hornet couldnt dodge it
and was cut into halves by Han Sen.

"Sacred-blood black stinger killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain zero
to ten sacred geno points randomly."

With that wonderful voice, Han Sen rocketed into the sky without any pause.

The swarm chased Han Sen into the sky, but could not to catch up with him or fly
any higher than half a mile above the ground.

Han Sen turned beautifully and made a big circle before he returned to the side of
Lu Weinan.

Lu Weinan was very impressed. From destroying the hornet nest to killing the queen
to getting rid of the swarm, Han Sens movements were so smooth and clean that he
felt like he was watching an action movie.
"Awesome, really awesome." Lu Weinan gave Han Sen a thumbs-up. He was sincere.

"Just my routine." Han Sen laughed but kept his eyes on the swarm. He didnt have
the time to get the body of the queen hornet out, but it was fine. The nest was
destroyed and the queen was killed. These hornets would go through a chaotic phase,
which would be Han Sens best opportunity.

Sure enough, after suffering major blows, the swarm was a mess. Many mutant black
stingers had left the swarm.

"You continue to harass the swarm with your iron-feathered bird, and I will go hunt
the single black stingers." Han Sen flapped his wings and approached a mutant black
stinger flying away from the swarm.

Although his shapeshifting time was up, Han Sen was still able to use Bladestorm
with the Shura katana to kill the mutant black stinger.

Just now he was only able to kill the sacred-blood black stinger with one blow
because he used the strength of Bladestorm to cut on its fragile waist.

"Mutant black stinger killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to
ten mutant geno points randomly."

Although he hadnt gained a beast soul yet, Han Sen was not worried at all as there
were at least thousands of mutant black stingers here and he would surely get a
beast soul sooner or later.

Taking the dead black stingers back, Han Sen directly gave them to Lu Weinan. He
didnt want to bother preparing the body. As the black stingers were poisonous, only
parts of the body were edible and the rest had to be removed. Although it was
nothing difficult, it was quite troublesome.

Han Sen continued to fly out to kill more single black stingers. With the
collaboration with Lu, Han Sen hunted more than 20 black stingers in a day. The
only pity was that Han Sen still did not get a beast soul.

Han Sen was not in a hurry. The iron-feathered bird was constantly harassing the
hornets, which made it difficult for them to rebuild their nest. The two men had
enough time to hunt.

For several days, Han Sen had been hunting mutant black stingers. On the fourth
day, he finally heard the voice saying, "Mutant black stinger killed. Beast soul of
mutant black stinger gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten mutant geno points

"Finally!" Han Sen thought in ecstasy, though not showing it on his face or
summoning the black stinger beast soul.

He did not want others to see Dollar shooting arrows and thus connect Han Sen with

"These mutant black stingers are quite enough. We could not carry more anyway." On
the fifth day, Han Sen had hunted nearly 80 mutant black stingers.

Han Sen gave Lu Weinan the two mutant black stingers he had promised. Lu used the
bird to lure the swarm away several times and had done a good job. Han Sen was
quite satisfied.
"Great!" Lu Weinan nodded, regretting not having asked for more mutant black
stingers. Han Sen had dozens of them and all he got was two.

But even so, it had been a great trip, much better than his own gain in Dark Swamp.

"Use the iron-feathered bird to drive the hornets away one more time and I will go
get the body of the queen," said Han Sen.

Lu Weinan quickly nodded, and Han Sen retrived the two parts of the queen hornet.

Lu enviously watched Han Sen putting the body away. Not knowing if the queen hornet
was sacred-blood, he was still coveting it.

Hen Sen quickly prepared the queen hornets meat, took out the poisonous and
inedible parts and made a pot of broth. Eating it up, Han Sen heard the voice four

"Sacred-blood black stinger meat eaten. One sacred geno point gained..."

"Sacred-blood black stinger meat eaten. One sacred geno point gained..."

The queen black stinger had contributed four more sacred geno points.

"This is the end of our collaboration. You take care." Han Sen took his own mutant
black stingers and got up to leave.

These days he ate a lot of mutant black stingers and now had 47 mutant geno points.
With four more sacred geno points from the queen, his sacred geno points were now
29. It had been a fruitful trip and now he needed to prepare the dead mutant black
stingers he had and trade them for cash.

"Brother, can we continue to collaborate? Ill follow your lead. No question asked."
Lu Weinan quickly got up and said. He had tasted sweetness from this collaboration
and trusted Han Sen as well. He would never suffer losses from working with such a

Looking at Lu Weinan, Han Sen pondered and said, "I do not have much time to hunt
together. If Im recruiting people to join me, I will tie a piece of cloth with my
name on it to the crooked tree on the west side of Steel Armor Shelter. If you are
interested in participating, just go to Zephyr Valley and wait for me."

"Brother, you have not told me what your name is?" Lu Weinan quickly asked.

"Go back and go on the Skynet. You will find out." Han Sen smiled, took his own
package and flew away.

Chapter 73

Han Sen returned to Steel Armor Shelter, expecting trouble from Qin
Xuan as he had disappeared for so many days. However, he did not see Qin Xuan at
Not just Qin Xuan, there was almost no one on the streets. The entire
Steel Armor Shelter seemed empty.
Finally seeing a man hurrying through the street, Han Sen quickly
stepped forward and asked, "Friend, whats happening? Where is everyone?"
"Its you, Ass Freak." The man recognized Han Sen at first glance.

Han Sen rubbed his own nose, "Friend, can you tell me where everyone
The man was very easy-going. He smiled and said to Han Sen, "Where can
they go? To the martial ring of course. This years martial arts contest has already
begun. People are talking about it in Gods Sanctuary and on all the planets in the
Alliance. You dont know about it?"
"Ahem, I have been sick recently and almost missed such a great event.
Can I still register now?" Han Sen asked.
"Ha-ha, you must be hiding from Son of Heaven," The man smiled.
"Hurry! You can still make it."
"Thanks so much for the information," Han Sen thanked the man and
trotted back to his own room. Putting away the package full of mutant black
stingers, he hurried to the martial ring in the shelter.
There was no doubt that the martial ring was the most magnificent
building in the shelter. It looked like the Colosseum in Rome and could accommodate
at least a hundred thousand audience. What was different from the Colosseum was
that it was built with metal, which made it look like a steel monster.
Han Sen ran to a gate of the martial ring. There was a gate every 60
feet around the round martial ring and each one of them could be used to access the
Now, almost everyone in Steel Armor Shelter was already in the martial
ring. Han Sen picked a gate at random and placed his palm on the metal gate, where
a string of numbers suddenly appeared.
"88888!" Han Sen was surprised and then realized this must be his code
as he should be the 88888th person to enter the martial ring. The martial arts
contest was also arranged according to these codes.
Only those entering the martial ring for the first time would be
assigned this number. So the next time he came in, there wouldnt be a second
As the metal gate opened, Han Sen went through a path that felt like a
tunnel. When he came out, he was in a venue larger than where the Olympics were
The stands were full of people. Above the ring floated a huge crystal
stele full of groups of codes. There were 100 codes in each group, which meant
these 100 people were arranged in the same match.
Han Sen had learned at school that the martial arts contest in each
shelter operated automatically and humans couldnt interfere in it. The preliminary
round was conducted in groups of 100 people, and only the last one who stayed on
stage was qualified to go to the next round.
This was indeed a strict selection. Since so many people had
registered, the match had only come to Group 50 something on the third day of the
preliminary round, so Han Sen probably wouldnt have to do anything until tomorrow.

Han Sen looked around, searching for Qin Xuan and others. Before he
could find Qin Xuan, he ran into Son of Heavens gang.
"Dont let me see you in my group. Or you will be dead." Luo Tianyang
stared at Han Sen coldly.
The last time they met, he was frightened by Han Sen, which was a
disgrace to him.
Son of Heaven also looked at Han Sen gloomily. Although he did not say
it, Han Sen knew from his look that he would try to kill Han Sen at all costs if
they were in the same match.
"I'm afraid I have to let you down. I do not intend to participate in
the martial arts contest," Han Sen shrugged and said.
Han Sen will certainly participate, but in Dollars name, so that he
could show his real strength.
"You are unworthy to be called a man. Shame on you!" Luo Tianyang said
contemptuously, setting the whole gang in an uproar.
Son of Heaven ignored Han Sen and walked past him. While he was
walking, he smiled and said, "Qin Xuan, you have improved again. It seems that this
year you will still be the champion."
"You are flattering me. Dont forget that Dollar is also in Steel Armor
Shelter," Qin Xuan said casually.
Han Sen turned and saw Qin Xuan, Yang Manli and other major members of
the Steel Armor Gang. Yang Manli was frowning at him.
After talking to Qin Xuan, Son of Heaven led his gang away. Qin Xuan
gave Han Sen a look, while Yang Manly said coldly, "Originally I thought you were
just timid, but I did not expect you to be such a coward. You dont have a mans
dignity and backbone."
After she finished, Yang Manli went away with Qin Xuan without looking
When Liu Hongtao passed by Han Sen, he patted Han Sen on the shoulder
and smiled, "Han Sen, you did the right thing. A man can take temporary setbacks.
Step back to enjoy a better view, right? There is no need risking your life."

But anyone could see Liu Hongtaos disdain and contempt. It was all
written in his face.
Other members of Steel Armor Gang were also somewhat disgusted by Han
Sen. Those who were able to enter the core of Steel Armor Gang were either military
school students or recently enlisted soldiers. They certainly despised such
Han Sen did not explain anything. Everyone thought he didnt want to
participate because he was afraid of Luo Tianyang, which worked in his favor. No
one would then question why he did not participate or why he wasnt there when
Dollar appeared.
"I do not care how others see me. The most important thing is that my
family and I can have a stable life," Han Sen thought to himself.
Starry Group was so powerful that he didnt have the resources to
counter them at the moment. If Son of Heaven knew he was Dollar now and tried to
harm him in the Alliance, even he wasnt afraid, what would happen to his mother and
"I need to be more powerful." Han Sen came out of the martial ring,
looking down. There was no point of staying as it wouldnt be his turn today anyway.

After he teleported to the teleport station on Planet Roca, Qin Xuan

stopped him there and called him to her office.
"You are afraid of Son of Heaven?" Qin Xuan stared at him, her eyes
were like daggers that could pierce his thoughts.
"Yes." Han Sen noddedhe had to be afraid.
Hearing Han Sens answer, Qin Xuan didnt show disappointment but
continued to ask, "Because of your family?"

Chapter 74

Surprised, Han Sen looked to Qin Xuan. She smiled and said, "Listen to me, go apply
to Blackhawk. If you could be admitted, I guarantee that Son of Heaven would not
dare to touch your family."

"How can you guarantee that?" Han Sen stared at her.

"Every time we fought, I recorded and observed your combat data. I could tell you
for sure that you have the talent to be a great sniper or archer. Your timing and
prediction of your opponent are outstanding," Qin Xuan said.

Han Sen did not speak. These words of praise were not what he wanted to hear.
"In the army, in addition to being the stationmaster, I am also responsible for
organizing a special squad. I think you are someone I need. As long as you join the
squad, your family can get protection from the military. I can tell you for certain
that if you become a member of the squad, Son of Heaven cannot use any unlawful
means to hurt your family," said Qin Xuan. "However, the prerequisite is that you
have to be admitted to Blackhawk. Only then would I be able to nominate you to join
the squad."

Han Sen did not answer Qin Xuan immediately, but pondered for a moment. He looked
at her and asked, "Is it possible for you to tell me the nature of this squad?

"No." Qin Xuan answered without the slightest hesitation.

"Give me a little time. I need to think about it," Han Sen said.

"Sure, I still have time. Think about it." Qin Xuan smiled and seemed very

Han Sen left the teleport station, returned home and rested for a day. He went back
to Gods Sanctuary the next afternoon.

Han Sen deliberately circled around Steel Armor Shelter before he put on his
sacred-blood armor and went in the shelter, attracting a lot of people's attention.

"Wow, thats Dollar himself..."

"Ha-ha, Dollar made his appearance..."
"Dollar my angel is here..."
"Among all the people in First Gods Sanctuary, only Dollar is my idol."

The whole Steel Armor Shelter became a hit. Although everyone knew Dollar was
there, they were still pleasantly surprised to see Dollar making his appearance.

Han Sen did not speak, but walked toward the martial hall. Soon, behind him
gathered a lot of people. Some that had already participated in the contest
returned to the martial hall following Han Sen. They all wanted to see Dollar
fighting in person.

The preliminary round was almost finished and there were just a few people on the
stands. However, the martial hall became full again soon after Han Sen had arrived.

Han Sen checked the martial stele and there were two more groups before him. He
then found a front seat to sit down.

It didnt take long for Son of Heaven, Fist Guy and Qin Xuan to arrive. Watching Han
Sen closely, Son of Heaven would have killed him if they were alone.

"Dollar, can we talk?" Qin Xuan approached Han Sen and asked.

"What is it?" Han Sen replied in a hoarse voice.

"I want to invite you to join Steel Armor Gang and you can put forward any
condition." Qin Xuan said.

Yang Manli said on the side, "If you are willing to join Bullseye, Ill concede the
position of team leader to you. You would make such a perfect archer."
"Sorry, I am not interested in joining Steel Armor Gang or being an archer,"
replied Han Sen.

"Dollar, I think we should be talking about nothing but business. If you had beast
souls or meat of mutant or sacre-blood creatures, I would gladly pay for them. For
example, the beast soul of the bloody slayer," Fist Guy also approached Han Sen.

"I do have some mutant creature meat to sell," Han Sen said to Fist Guy.

Fist Guys eyes lit up, "What creatures? How much?"

"Some mutant hornet. The meat was all cleaned up. There are 20 to 30 hornets." Han
Sen said casually, but people surrounding him were shocked.

"Twenty to thirty? You did not destroy an entire mutant hornet nest, did you? Where
did you find them?" Fist Guy asked hurriedly.

"Dont you mind where I got them. Just tell me if you are interested," said Han Sen.

"Yes, of course Im interested. If you really have them, give me a quote and Ill
take them all." Fist Guy quickly said.

"Fist Guy, what do you mean by taking them all? You think Qin Xuan and I are dead?"
Son of Heaven scowled and said to Han Sen, "A million each. Ill buy however many
you have."

"One million? Son of Heaven, dont look down on others. Ill bid 1.2 million each,"
cried Fist Guy.

Son of Heaven gave Fist Guy a stare, "1.5 million. Do you think you could keep up
with me?"

"Being rich does not mean youd be willing to bid--1.6 million," replied Fist Guy,
not to be outdone.

"Dont bid yet. I dont intend to sell these separately, nor will I trade them for
money," Han Sen said.

"Name your price." Although Son of Heaven wanted to kill Han Sen right now, seeing
a large amount of mutant creature meat of rare hornets, he would not let others
beat him to it.

"I want to exchange these mutant creatures for an S-Class license for Saint Hall,"
Han Sen said quietly.

Hearing Han Sen's words, both Son of Heaven and Fist Guy looked reluctant.

Saint Hall was a research institution of martial arts. Most of the popular hyper
geno arts were developed by Saint Hall.

Saint Hall also sold some advanced hyper geno arts, but there were restrictions on
the purchase, especially for the most advanced S-Class hyper geno arts. Ordinary
people were not eligible to purchase even if they had money. Han Sen wanted to buy
an advanced hyper geno art for his mother and sister to practice, as he didnt dare
to show Jadeskin to anyone before he knew where this hyper geno art came from.

"Your price is too high. Ill buy all your mutant creatures at two million each.
Plus I will let go of our previous grievances," said Son of Heaven, staring at Han

"Sorry, I want nothing but the S-Class license for Saint Hall. You can think about
it." Han Sen rose and walked onto the stage. It was his groups turn.

Watching Han Sen coming, others in the group felt bitter, as they knew it was
impossible for them to pass the preliminary round now that Dollar was here.

Chapter 75

"Do not be afraid, Dollar is on his own and we can join forces to get rid of him
first," a young man geared up and said.
"Exactly, lets get rid of the little angel first." Someone looked at Han Sen
greedily, as if he were looking at a naked woman.
"Ha-ha, Dollar. I am a big fan, so Ill try to be gentle with you."
"Dollar, do not run, take my punch..."
Suddenly nearly a hundred people on the stage all threw themselves at Han Sen while
yelling frantically.
"S*#t! What the heck? Shouldnt my fans be protecting me rather than beating me
up..." thought Han Sen bitterly.
Although these people looked menacing, they werent using any weapon. No one was
trying to get involved in a desperate fight with Han Sen.
Basically, the stronger persons had all registered relatively early. Those who had
waited until this time to register were most likely relatively weak or new to Gods
Han Sen did not use any weapon either. Seeing the first persons fist almost in his
face, Han Sen moved slightly and dodged the blow. Using his hand as a knife, Han
Sen attacked back with Bladestorm.
The man did not have time to react before he was cut on the back of his neck and
fell directly to the ground.
Han Sen moved like the wind, flashing his hand knife. He could almost always get
rid of an opponent with just one blow. Wherever he went people were thrown off
their feet and it was like the scene after a tornado.
The best thing about learning Ghosthaunt was that Han Sen now knew the various
aspects of the human body very well. Although he didnt use Ghosthaunt, he was still
able to use Bladestorm appropriately so that no one got seriously hurt when they
were defeated.

Watching nearly a hundred opponents knocked out by Han Sen, many smiled and chose
to quit after they got back on their feet.
"Dollar is out of this world."
"Dollar my angel, you are so handsome."
"I want to bear your children, Dollar!"
On the stands, the audience was roaring in excitement.
When the last opponent got off the stage, Han Sen was pleased with himself while
waving at the audience. He thought, "It seems I also have the potential of being a
star. Should I say give me ten more now? Never mind, whats ten to me? Ive already
defeated a hundred."
Han Sen automatically got into the next round. Just when he walked out of the
martial hall, he saw a few young girls running to him, offering him a pen. They
asked in slightly trembling voices, "Dollar, can we have your signature?"
Han Sen paused as he didnt expect this.
Fortunately, it took him only a second before he took the pen and said yes.
But the next second, Han Sen was embarrassed. These little girls only gave him a
pen, but did not give him any kind of paper. Where should he sign?
"Where do I sign?" Hansson asked in a hoarse voice.
"Dollar, can you please sign here?" A plump girl stuck out her breasts, stretching
out her blouse.
Han Sen was just a young man, and his nose almost bled from the view. Practicing
Jadeskin secretly, he calmed himself down and signed "Dollar" on the girls tight
"Dollar... Dollar... Sign here..." More and more girls squeezed over, scrambling.
Some even stuck out their butts for him to sign.
After signing for a few, Han Sen turned around and saw himself surrounded by a
A man nearly six feet tall raised an arm and flexed his muscles at Han Sen, crying
in a muffled voice, "Dollar, sign here please..."
Han Sen finally got out of the martial hall, and was surprised to see Son of
Heaven, Fist Guy and Qin Xuan waiting for him there.
"Dollar, other than the license to purchase at S-Class section, would you consider
other options? I can trade mutant beast souls and some money with you," Fist Guy
"Sorry, I wont consider anything else." Han Sen said.
Son of Heaven stood aside and did not speak. Although he had what Han Sen wanted,
he was not willing to trade it for mutant creature meat. If it was sacred-blood
creature, it might be different.
"Dollar, if you have 30 mutant creatures, I will make the deal with you. How do you
like to proceed?" asked Qin Xuan.
"If you trust me, you can first transfer to me the license and I will send the
goods to you later. If not, we could schedule a time privately to trade in person,"
replied Han Sen.
"OK. Lets schedule a time then. I need some time to get you the S-Class purchase
license," Qin Xuan said.
"Great," Han sen nodded.
"Then lets talk about it on our way back." Qin Xuan was thoughtful to ask her gang
clear the path for Han Sen.

After making the appointment with Qin Xuan, Han Sen was already outside Steel Armor
Shelter. He thanked Qin Xuan, summoned the wings to fly into the mountains and soon
Han Sen did not doubt Qin Xuans ability to come up with an S-Class license. After
all, Saint Hall was semi-military. With her profound military background, it should
be easy for her to get a license.
After walking around in the mountains for a while, Han Sen used his own identity to
go back in the shelter. He went back to his room and repackaged the meat of 30
mutant black stingers in a bag, ready to trade with Qin Xuan tomorrow.
The rest of the black stinger meat was dried by Han Sen. He did not plan to sell it
as he will keep it for Meowth.
The transaction was very smooth. Han Sen got the S-Class license and teleported out
of Gods Sanctuary. He wanted to buy an advanced hyper geno art for his mother and
sister to practice.
Back home, Han Sen logged in on the Skynet and entered the site of Saint Hall.
Using the S-Class license, Han Sen entered the official online community of Saint
Hall, which was inaccessible to most. He then entered the most advanced section, S-
Class section.
There were many hyper geno arts in the S-Class section. Although their content
couldnt be browsed, there was a detailed description of each. Han Sen carefully
read the descriptions. Each license could only be used to purchase one hyper geno
art, so he had to think carefully.
Mutant black stingers could only be sold this once, as the value would decrease if
there were too many on the market. Even if Han Sen hunted more mutant black
stingers, no one would be willing to use an S-Class license to trade for them

Chapter 76
Just by reading the descriptions, Han Sen was already feeling excited. Except for
the ones that had high prerequisites and could only be practiced by those with
evolver or higher status, Han Sen wanted every hyper geno art listed in there.
Unfortunately, one license could only be used to purchase one hyper geno art. Han
Sen wanted to choose one that laid the foundation for better fitness for his
sister. With such a hyper geno art, Han Yan wouldnt be inferior to those posh
school students. She would even be better than them, because even posh schools
didnt offer such advanced hyper geno arts to students.
Finally, Han Sen carefully selected and bought a hyper geno art named "Holy Angel."
According to its description, this hyper geno art would help improve all types of
genes and had been tested for a long time. Its practice was smooth and didnt
involve much risk, so its excellent for laying the foundation. Many who had
practiced it had seen great effects.
This hyper geno art fulfilled all the requirements of Han Sen. It was easy to
practice and had low risk. There were many who had practiced it too. So even if
people noticed that his mother and sister were practicing Holy Angel, they wouldnt
be surprised.
Han Sen downloaded the tutorial of Holy Angel and checked it out. He was surprised
to see that this S-Class hyper geno art was still not as good as his Jadeskin.
"Who was that Xue Longyan? How come he had such an outstanding hyper geno art?" Han
Sen felt glad that he didnt let anyone see Jadeskin.
Holy Angel and Jadeskin were similar, so that there was no need for Han Sen to
practice Holy Angel as well. If someone asked him which hyper geno art he was
practicing, he could just answer Holy Angel, which was another reason why he had
bought it--it would very hard for one to tell Jadeskin from Holy Angel indeed.
Han Sen put away the tutorial of Holy Angel and went to Saint Paul to pick Han Yan
up. He wanted her to come home to practice Holy Angel, so she would have to stop
living on campus for a while.
Han Yan's teacher was a twenty-seven-year-old woman in a professional suit. Under
her knee-length skirt the flesh-colored stockings really showed off her long legs.
She had her hair pulled back and was wearing a pair of wire-rimmed glasses.
Although she looked demure and full of mature women's charm, Han Sen knew well that
she was definitely already in Second Gods Sanctuary, which was the minimum standard
for teachers at Saint Paul.
"You are Han Yan's brother?" Qu Wange slightly frowned at Han Sen.
"Yes, Ms. Qu, I want you to give Yan a few days off," Han Sen said.
Qu Wange was displeased and said with some disgust, "Where are your parents? Why
havent they come?"
"They are very busy. I have come of age and can be considered one of Yans
guardians. You could tell me if you have something to say," Han Sen said.
Qu Wange said bluntly, "What do your parents take education for? Do they think
everything will simply work out if they spend the money and send their daughter to
an expensive school? The school has started for quite a while now, yet your parents
havent been here or asked about her study once. Do they know what Han Yan needs?"
"Im so sorry, Ms. Qu. We have a lot going on in the family. Its our fault. Did
anything happen to Yan?" Han Sen asked worriedly.
Shaking her head, Qu Wange said with some bitterness, "Han Yan is fine. She is a
talented girl and would do so much better if she could use advanced nutrient
solutions and care. Now, shes only using an ordinary nutrient solution package and
does not have a physician assigned to her, which has affected her grades. Since
your parents have sent her to Saint Paul, are they going to allow this to happen
just to save some money?"
The families that could afford tuition of Saint Paul must have tens or hundreds of
millions in their accounts. Qu Wange didnt realize that Han Sens family might be
short of money.
Han Sen knew what she was saying. Nutrient solutions couldnt improve ones genes
like the meat of creatures in Gods Sanctuary did, but it could offer all the
nutrients needed by the human body. In this sense, it could also improve ones
fitness, though not as greatly as the meat would.
The more advanced the nutrient solution was, the more benefits it could bring to
ones study and body. Han Sen had used some when he was a kid, but as his family
went down, he had to stop.
A physician was someone responsible for conditioning a students body. If there was
any accident in the process of studying, the physician would timely condition the
students body and use scientific methods to keep the student always at his or her
Both purchasing nutrient solutions and hiring a physician would cost a lot of
money. The several million Han Sen gave to Luo Sulan were just enough to send Han
Yan to Saint Paul, so the nutrient solution package they bought for her was the
cheapest type, which only cost a hundred thousand per month. Hence the result was
not ideal. The physician and conditioning equipment Han Yan had been using were
shared ones at school.
"Ms. Qu, you are right. We will buy Han Yan the premium nutrient solution package
next months and please assign a good physician to her as well," Han Sen said.
Fairly satisfied with Han Sens reply, she nodded and said, "Thats more like it.
Although it costs more, Yan is an outstanding girl, so it would be a waste if you
dont cultivate her well. Now what she uses is worse than all her classmates, but
she still has good grades, which goes to prove her talent."
Qu Wange paused and said, "If possible, think of a way to buy her an advanced hyper
geno art. The one provided here is too basic, so the result might not be limited."
"OK, Ms. Qu, I will think of a way." Han Sen now started to believe that Qu Wange
did think Han Yan was special.
Encouraging Yan to practice advanced hyper geno art wouldnt do the teacher any
good, while she could probably earn a referral fee from recommending nutrient
solutions and physicians.
The most expensive nutrient solution package cost a million per month; a senior
physician plus professional equipment would cost a few hundred thousand per month.

Han Sen had no money before, but now he could earn a lot. Of course he would want
the best for his sister.
Qu Wange put away her things and rose to feet, "Lets go. Yan should be out of class
soon. Lets pick her up and Ill give you a ride home."
Han Sen said no need, but Qu Wange clearly saw him as a teenager.
Han Yan was ecstatic to see Han Sen, but she remembered to greet her teacher
politely before she ran into her brothers arms.
Holding Han Yan in his arms, Han Sen followed Qu Wange out of the school. At the
school gate, he saw two familiar persons waving at them.

Chapter 77

One of the familiar faces was Fang Jingqi. Han Sen had never seen him again since
playing red hands with him and was surprised to see him here today.

As for the other person, Han Sen felt like having seen him somewhere, but the guy
was in a high collar windbreaker, a hat and a pair of oversized sunglasses, which
made it difficult for Han Sen to tell who he was.

The man wearing sunglasses was waving at them, but Han Sen soon found out that the
man was not waving at him, but at Qu Wange.

As soon as Han Sen and Qu Wange were out of the school gate, Fang Jingqi and his
friend came over. The man wearing sunglasses started to talk to Qu Wanger
immediately. They seemed by know each other well.

Fang Jingxi was reluctant to smile at Han Sen. "Han Sen, I did not expect to meet
you here. Who is this beautiful little girl?"
"This is my sister Han Yan, I came to pick her up. Ill let you guys talk," Han Sen

"You did not come in an aircraft? Let me give you a ride," said Qu Wange when she
saw Han Sen leaving for maglev station with Han Yan in his arms.

The man in sunglasses said reluctantly, "Since you all know each other, lets go to
dinner together.
"I will not bother you. I have some errands to do, so Ill go back first. Ms. Qu, we
will just use the train," Han Sen said.

"No way your parents are outrageous." Qu Wange did not see Han Sen as an adult.
Indeed, he was just about seventeen and was young and comely, which made him look
more like a teenager than a man.

"You and Yan can come with us to eat first, and I will give you a ride home after."
As a teacher, Qu Wange was an authority figure, not taking no for an answer.

"Han Sen, since Ms. Qu has put it this way, just join us for dinner. We are all
friends, right?" Fang Jingqi smiled and advised. It seemed that he suddenly had an

In fact, Han Sen was not going to refuse as Qu Wange had already picked Yan up and
walked toward her aircraft.

The man in sunglasses seemed a bit unhappy, but he did not dare to show it in front
of Qu.

Han Sen and Han Yan were on Qus aircraft, while the man in sunglasses was on Fangs
aircraft. Just when he sat down, the man in sunglasses asked Fang Jingqi, "Jingqi,
who is that kid? Why did Wange care about him so much?"

"That kid is a boy toy liked by many women. Probably Wange is into him as well,"
Fang Jingqi said with a straight face.

"Jingqi, Roca is basically your planet. You are just going to watch Wange falling
into his lap?" said the man in sunglasses. Thinking about Han Sens look, he agreed
that he had nicer skin than many girls and believed what Fang Jingqi told him.

In fact, Han Sen just had nice skin because he was practicing Jadeskin.

"What can I do about it? They are both consensual adults, so I cant really beat the
kid up for that. I am afraid that Wange wouldnt let me either," Fang Jingqi
shrugged and said.

"You are so weak man! Just wait and see how I scare him off without really hurting
him," the man in sunglasses curled his lip and said. He took his sunglasses off and
it chanced that he was Tang Zhenliu, the fifth among the ten Chosen last year.

"Great, Ill see how you do it," Fang Jingqi said with suspicious sparkles in his
eyes. He thought, "Brat, youve given me a lot of troubles these days. Ill let you
suffer a bit to ease my anger. Han Sen is a formidable opponent and Ill see how you
are scared off by him."

Since Fang Jingqi suffered in Han Sens hand last time, he had been afraid of Han
Sen. This time, however, he could use Han Sen to make Tang Zhenliu suffer.

Tang Zhenliu was quite something, but Fang Jingqi could still make correct
predictions about him. However, he really lost his confidence when playing red
hands with Han Sen.

If Tang Zhenliu and Han Sen were in a fight, Fang Jingqi did not think that Han Sen
would win. But if it was just games played at dinner table, Fang Jingqi believed
Tang Zhenliu would be miserable.

Fang Jingqi also wanted to see Tang Zhenliu completely defeated by Han Sen, so that
Tang wouldnt brag about himself all day, as if everyone should worship him because
he was the Chosen.

The place they were heading to was a club exclusive to the distinguished and
aristocrats. Han Sen and Yan werent qualified to enter, but since the rest of the
party were all VIPs there, they could be the plus ones.

Inside the private room, Tang Zhenliu took off his sunglasses and hat, smiled and
reached out a hand to Han Sen. "Havent introduced myself. My name is Tang Zhenliu."

Tang thought to himself while smiling, "Tang Zhenliu the star is here! You must be
stunned by my name. It would be great if you and your sister happen to be my fans
and ask for my signature."

"My name is Han Sen." Han Sen shook his hand and said, unimpressed.

He did recognize Tang Zhenliu, but he wasnt really interested in stars. He was
always busy making a living, and had no time to gather information about the stars.
That was why he wasnt star-struck at all.

Tang Zhenliu felt at loss. Even if Han Sen wasnt a fan, he should still have a
bigger reaction than that. But he acted as if he had just seen a passer-by!

"Is he an alien? He does not know me. Me, Tang Zhenliu!" Tang wanted to grab Han
Sen and tell the kid his name again. The only reason he wasnt doing it was Qu Wange
who was sitting at the table.

Fang Jingqi almost laughed out loudhe naturally knew what Tang was thinking.

Soon the waiter brought them a variety of food and drinks that looked expensive.
Han Sen and Han Yan had never had any of these before.

Since it was someone elses treat, Han Sen ate without manners and was putting nice
food into Yans plate from time to time. Yan did not engorge like her brother did,
but also enjoyed the food quite a lot.

Qu Wange was displeased with Han Sens rudeness, but liked Han Yan more and more.

"Fortunately, Han Yan was sent to Saint Paul and made my student. Or such a good
girl as her would be ruined by her family." Qu Wange was secretly determined to
teach Yan well and keep her away from her brother.

Chapter 78

"Drinking without a drinking game is always a little boring. How about we play a
little game?" It only took a short while before Tang Zhenliu suggested a game.

"Drinking game? We have a kid here." Qu wange rolled her eyes at Tang.
Tang winked at Fang Jingqi and the latter smiled and said, "Wange, no worries.
Nothing over the line. We are kid-friendly here."

Fang Jingqi turned to ask Tang, "How about red hands?"

When Fang Jingqi said these words, Han Sen was slightly startled. He thought that
Fang was trying to set him up, but in fact, it seemed that he was setting Tang
Zhenliu up.

Tang frowned. "Red hands is too easy to play and not good for drinking. Lets play
pouring the wine."

"Pouring the wine" suggested by Tang Zhenliu, was a game where two players sat
across a table with a cup of wine and a plate on it. The two would play rock-paper-
scissors first and the winner should grab the wine and pour it at the losers face.
The loser needed to grab the plate and block the wine with it.

"Is this game appropriate?" Fang Jingqi only knew Hen Sen was good at red hands but
wasnt sure if hed be good at this game.

"Well, you three play. Ill take Yan to the gym." Qu Wange was afraid that this
would be a bad influence on the little girl and led her away.

With the ladies gone, Tang felt more at ease and challenged Han Sen, "We are all
men here so dont be afraid of losing face. Do you dare to play or not?"

"Of course, but a games no fun without a bet," Han Sen said.

Hearing Han Sens reply, Fang Jingqi was thrilled. He thought to himself, "It seems
Han Sen is confident. Tang, you are going to make a fool of yourself. I will record
how miserable you are and show it to you if you dare to brag about yourself again."

Tang rejoiced over Han Sens reply as well. He thought, "Fortunately this kid does
not know who I am, or he wouldnt even dare to play with me, let alone to suggest a

"Whats the stake?" Tang Zhenliu pretended to be reserved.

"A hundred thousand per round."

Han Sen was just concerned about the money to pay for Yans nutrition solutions and
physicianmore than one million per month was simply beyond an average households

He didnt even have the number for the first month in his account and had to sell
mutant creature meat back in Gods Sanctuary to come up with it.

But all he had left was mutant black stingers, and he didnt really want to sell
more after the 30 he sold to Qin Xuan. If the same creature appeared too often, its
value would drop and people might think it was easy to hunt that creature.

So, Han Sen did not intend to sell mutant black stingers any more unless he had to.

"Good, I really like playing with a straightforward guy like you. One hundred
thousand per round it is." Tang was overjoyed inwardly. He was just thinking it
wouldnt be satisfactory enough just to pour wine on Han Sens face and it chanced
that the kid had offered money as well.

"You will have to wait ten thousand years before you could win money from me. I am
the king of rock-paper-scissors and I can win nine of ten rounds. I will wait to
see you cry." Tang wanted to give Han Sen a banner for being a great citizen. He
was just so nice to offer Tang both his face and wallet.

The three soon decided on the rules, to win rock-paper-scissors didnt count as
winning the round; a winner must also successfully pour the wine on the opponents

"You guys can start. Im terrible at rock-paper-scissors, so Ill first observe."

When they were deciding which two were to play first, Fang threw his hands up.

He had no intention to play and just wanted to record the game.

"Alright, you can play when we get tired." Tang was pleased by Fang Jingqis
quitting as it gave him more time to kick Han Sens ass.

Tang laid the plate and a glass of wine on the table. The glass was an ordinary one
and could hold about five ounces of wine.

"Shall we use water instead?" proposed Han Sen. He was afraid that Tang would be
soaked in wine and it wouldnt be safe if Tang caught on fire.

"Water is boring. Wine it is." Tang wouldnt miss an opportunity to humiliate Han
Sen more.

Han Sen did not speak. Tang Zhenliu said to Fang Jingqi: "Fang, you call it so that
it is fair. I am afraid someone may challenge the result otherwise."

"OK." Fang Jingqi agreed, stood between the two, cleared his throat and called,
"Rock... paper... scissors!"

When Fang Jingqi said "scissors," Han Sen and Tang Zhenliu almost reached out their
hand at the same time. Han Sen used scissors, while Tang used rock.

Excited that he had won, Tang grabbed the glass of wine and poured it at Han Sen.

Unfortunately, Han Sen had put up the plate with some panic and blocked the wine.

"Could Han Sen actually be bad at this game?" Fang Jingqi hesitated as he did not
expect Han Sen to lose. Looking at Han Sens smiling eyes, Fang could not help but
wince,"No, Han Sen is ruthless. He is just trying to get more from Tang."

Having understood what was going on, Fang Jingqi grinned and thought, "Tang, you
are doomed tonight. I will try to record everything."

Han Sen was of course setting Tang up, since he had asked for it himself anyway.

And Tang was rich enough as well. Others might not be able to come up with the
stake, but since Tang could earn more than ten million with one performance match,
he probably would feel nothing from losing a few million.

The game itself was a test of reflexes and timing. Both rock-paper-scissors and
fetching the object one should choose was highly demanding for ones reflexes. The
one who could respond fast had a great advantage in the game.

However, what was more important was the ability to predict the opponents next
move, which was the essence of rock-paper-scissors.

Chapter 79

Han Sen was no master at rock-paper-scissors, but he had made an effort to improve
his ability to make more accurate predictions. It wasnt for games, but for knowing
in advance a creatures habits and movements.

For an archer, it was undoubtedly a very important ability.

Almost anyone could shoot at a target. And there were numerous people who could hit
the bullseye from 150 feet away. However, creatures wouldnt stand still all the
time, so it was important to be able to predict their movements.

To grasp the fleeting opportunity, prejudge the enemy's action, and shoot to kill
were Han Sens specialties. Or he wouldnt have chosen archery to practice.

When he first entered Gods Sanctuary, he didnt have a nice bow and arrows, so he
practiced sneak attacks, which had even higher demands for ones pre-judgment and
reflexes. A little mistake would leave him unable to kill a creature with one blow,
which would result in the most terrible counterattack.

After his first month in Gods Sanctuary, Han Sen never missed in a single attack,
which proved his outstanding skills of pre-judgment and timing.

Now with so many geno points gained, Han Sen had improved greatly in his reflexes
as well. It would be difficult for one to win against him in a game like this one.


The moment when Fang Jingqi said "scissors," Han Sen and Fang Jingqi reached their
hands out again. Han Sen had struck with scissors, while Fang went with paper.

Tang didnt expect to lose, and when it hit him that he should grab the plate, his
face was covered in wine and some even got into his nostrils, leaving a burning

"Tang lost a point." Fang Jingqi wrote it down on a notepad seriously.

Tang of course didnt take the loss well. After wiping his face with a towel, he
stared at Han Sen and said, "Again."

Han Sen was certainly happy to oblige. The two were at it again. Claiming to be the
king of rock-paper-scissors, Tang won less than 40 percent of the rounds, in which
Han Sen was able to block the wine he poured every single time. In the rounds where
Tang lost rock-paper-scissors, Han Sen was faster than him and got him every time,
leaving Tang soaked in wine.

In the beginning, Tang would wipe it away, but later he was so focused on beating
his opponent that he would just let it be.

"No! Lets play finger-guessing instead. Its easy to cheat in rock-paper-scissors,"

Tang Zhenliu could not help but yell after losing seven, and then eight, rounds in
a row.

"OK, but please tell me the rules, as Ive never played finger-guessing before," Han
Sen said.
"The rules are simple..." Tang explained the rules.

Finger-guessing was the same type of game as rock-paper-scissors, but in finger-

guessing, the two players hands had to be placed in front of their body at all
times, so the other party could see more clearly and there was less a chance of
cheating and changing ones mind.

Han Sen had not played this one before, so he lost the first four rounds of finger-
guessing, but Tang wasnt really cheered by this fact as he was still unable to get
any wine on Han Sens face.

After four rounds, Han Sen had mastered the essence of finger-guessing and his
excellent skills in pre-judgment and quick reflexes gave him the upper hand again.

Wine constantly hit Tangs face, which made him even more eager to win. In a while,
he was so wet that it was as if he had just climbed out of a wine bucket. Even his
trousers were dripping with wine.

Tang thought to himself, "How could this be... I should be invincible... Something
must be wrong."

Fang Jingqi saw that Tang was miserable and tried to stop him twice. But Tang was
completely amuck, and all he wanted was to get his money back.

"I need revenge! I have to soak him in wine as well."

"No, I will definitely win the next rounds!"

"One win, I need one win at least."

"Let me have one win... Just one and then Ill stop..."

Tangs expectation shrunk lower and lower, but he didnt win a single round in the

In the last few rounds, Tang was a mess and couldnt even win finger-guessing
anymore, so Han Sen was in complete control.

Qu Wange saw it was late and took Yan back to the private room. She thought Han Sen
was probably miserable now, playing drinking games with Tang Zhenliu and Fang

When she approached the room, she couldnt hear anything, so she was wondering if
Han Sen was already dead drunk by then.

Pushing the door open, she was surprised.

Han Sen and Fang Jingqi were sitting at the table, drinking tea while chatting. Han
Sen looked sober and clean, as if nothing had happened.

However, Tang was sitting on the sofa alone, soaking wet and haggard.

Qu Wange thought Tang looked almost like an assault victim, with his eyes full of

"Tang, what happened to you?" Qu Wange was shocked. By no means could she believe
that Tang Zhenliu was the one getting bullied.

Tang just understood what had happened. Without answering her, he fiercely threw
himself at Fang Jingqi, shouting, "Damn you Jingqi, how dare you set me up..."

Not quite sure what was going on, Qu Wange saw Han Sen smiling at her. He asked,
"Ms. Qu, whats the price of the advanced nutrition solution packages?"

"Now Yan is on the package thats one hundred thousand dollars per month, the effect
of which is very limited. The course intensity at Saint Paul would probably call
for the package costing three hundred thousand dollars per month. Or her grades and
fitness would both suffer," Qu Wange explained.

"If she were to use the top package, plus senior physician service, how much would
that cost annually?" Han Sen asked again.

"If that's the case, you can choose the school's S-level package, which includes
the best of everything and costs 15 million per year." Qu Wange regarded Han Sen

"Great, please get Yan the S-level package when you get a chance," said Han Sen
after he saw the newly transferred 16.7 million dollars in his account.

Chapter 80

After returning home, Han Sen showed Yan the tutorial of Holy Angel and asked her
to memorize it.

With the holographic demonstration, it was not difficult to learn. Being

intelligent, Yan memorized Holy Angel after watching just a few times.

On the next day, the geno solution compatible with Holy Angel was delivered to
their home by the staff of Saint Hall. Han Sen asked Yan to drink it in accordance
with the instructions.

Because practicing hyper geno arts could generate a burden on ones body and each
hyper geno art had different effects, most hyper geno arts would have to be
practiced along with the using of its correspondent geno solution.

An S-Class hyper geno art usually came with three bottles of geno solution, so it
could be practiced by up to three persons.

If the matching geno solution was not used, Saint Hall would be exempt from any
obligations and medical bills if there was an accident during the practice.

Before this, Han Sen did not know how advanced hyper geno arts worked, so he felt
lucky that he had successfully practiced Jadeskin.

"Yan, this hyper geno art is the secret of our family. Do not let others know about
it, OK?" Han Sen did not even tell Yan the name "Holy Angel."

Han Yan nodded seriously, "Yan will not tell anyone that I practiced a hyper geno
art my brother gave me."

"Good girl. If you encounter some danger and someone asks you which hyper geno art
you are practicing, tell him you do not know and its taught to you by your
brother," Han Sen said.

"Yan understands," Han Yan said solemnly.

"Excellent." Han Sen patted Han Yan's head, feeling pity for his sister.

Children who grew up in poor families were better prepared to deal with problems.
Han Sen had spent some care-free years when he was a child. When Han Yan was born,
however, their family had been declining, so she had never lived a good life. For
this, she was more mature than her peers.

Luo Sulan was in Second Gods Sanctuary these days and just returned home on the
fourth day since Han Sen came back.

Han Sen also showed Luo Sulan Holy Angel, which shocked her. Although she didnt
know too much about hyper geno arts, she could tell that this was no ordinary stuff
as the tutorial was very carefully arranged.

"Sen, where did this hyper geno art come from?" asked Luo Sulan, worried.

"Mom, dont worry. I bought this," Han Sen said.

"How is possible that you have this kind of money?" she asked again.

"Mom, I am much stronger than before and have joined a military gang in Steel Armor
Shelter. This hyper geno art is just a start. We will live better in the future"Han
Sen explained how he joined Qin Xuan's Steel Armor Gang, reassuring his mother.

"Son, you have gone far." Luo Sulans eyes were wet from happiness. She had endured
so many hardships to see this day.

"Mom, dont get emotional. Its a good thing." Han Sen had more than a million left
in his account after paying for the S-level package for Yan. He gave it to his
mother and said, "This is what I earned in Gods Sanctuary recently. Mom you can use
it to pay for the daily expenses."

"You take it yourself. You need the money..." Luo Sulan refused to take it.

"Its fine. I am now with a military organization and my boss is generous. There
will be more in the future." Hansen was trying to prepare Luo Sulan for more good

"Sen, keep in mind that you shall never be aggressive. Dont get involved in any
trouble..." Luo Sulan said earnestly.

"Mom, I understand. You know your son. I have always been low-key," Han Sen quickly

"Good, good. As for the hyper geno art, youve got Yan started, right? Tell her
never to show it off, in case people would be envious." Since father's accident,
Han Sens mother had changed a lot and was constantly afraid that her children would
be in danger.

"Mom, do not worry. I have told Yan and she promised me she would never tell."

"No, I have to personally tell her again." Luo Sulan got up and went to find Yan.

Watching Luo Sulan leaving, Han Sen felt very upset. If it were not for Dads
accident, Luo Sulan wouldnt have become so cautious and live in panic all day

"What happened?" Han Sen regretted that he was so young and didnt understand
anything. All he knew was that Dad had an accident.
He had asked Mom and Mr. Zhang, but they were both hesitant to say anything. Han
Sen knew it was not just an accident.

In the stationmasters office at the teleport station, Yang Manli placed a capsule
in front of Qin Xuan.

"Stationmaster, you are sure you want to use this?" Yang Manli looked at Qin Xuan
who had picked up the capsule.

"I have to know why he is not willing to go to Blackhawk, and whether he wants to
join my squad," Qin Xuan said.

"There are so many guys like him: cowardly, greedy and lecherous. There is no need
to win him over. I think we should make every effort to get Dollar on our side
instead, who can become the best archer possible," Yang Manli said.

Qin Xuan just smiled. "Dollar is of course amazing, but a man like him would not
give us any chance to control him. Han Sen is still very talented, and I think he
can do well. But the person I need must have a clean slate and be willing to join
my squad, which takes me some effort to confirm."

Yang Manli wanted to say more but Qin Xuan stopped her, "Unless you can get Dollar
to join our squad, Han Sen is my choice."

Yang Manli did not reply, but was secretly determined to find Dollar and persuade

Han Sen did not know what Qin Xuan saw in him that she wanted him to join her squad
so bad. Before he entered the teleport station, he made sure that he wasnt in Qin
Xuans sight.

Unfortunately, nothing could go unnoticed under her nose.

Looking at Qin Xuan standing in front of him with a faint smile on her face, Han
Sen had to step forward.

"Its been a long time since we fought. Show me your progress." Noticing Qin Xuan
did not mention other matters, Han Sen was secretly relieved.

Han Sen was now much better, but he did not dare to show her all he got. Even if he
did, she would probably still beat him.

"Drink some water." Qin Xuan took off her helmet and fetched two bottles of water.
She unscrewed a bottle for herself and handed another to Han Sen.

Han Sen had no suspicion and drank from the sealed bottle of water.

"Han Sen, do you think Im pretty?" Qin Xuan suddenly asked.

"Pretty... of course you are..." Han Sen was surprised and looked up at her, not
understanding why she was asking this question. It was not her style.

"Do you think my lips are prettier or my eyes?" Qin Xuan asked again.

Han Sen felt dizzy. He could not help but look to the mouth of Qin Xuan, and
gradually his sight moved up and fell on her bright eyes.
Chapter 81

The scripture of Jadeskin opened with these words, "Jade skin and flawless body,
evils away and spells vain."
When he sipped the water, Han Sen knew something was wrong, but he still drank it
without hesitation.
Hearing a humming, Han Sen felt like his mind and eyes were sucked into Qin Xuans
eyes and the he almost lost his consciousness.
Almost at the same time, a coolness welled from his limbs. Jadeskin started to run
in his body automatically and the coolness restored his senses.
"This woman wants to hypnotize me. Whats she trying to do?" Han Sen sneered
inwardly, but didnt show anything on his face. He maintained that confused look.
"Han Sen, are my eyes not pretty?" Qin Xuan asked.
"They are pretty," Han Sen answered in a low voice.
"Which part of my body do you like best?" Qin Xuan asked again.
"Your boobs," Han Sen did not hesitate to answer.
"Why?" Qin Xuan asked again.
"They are big, soft and bouncy," Han Sen replied.
"Nasty!" Qin Xuan whispered. When they were in the combat room, Han Sen must have
touched her boobs when they fought.
"Come and touch them," Qin Xuan said, lifting her chest.
Han Sen did not hesitate to reach out his hands and Qin Xuan suddenly pushed his
hands aside. Now she could confirm that Han Sen had been completely hypnotized by
her, as any normal person would hesitate when hearing such an odd request, which
Han Sen did not.
"Are you Dollar?" Qin Xuan's first question scared the hell out of him.
Han Sen didnt realize Qin Xuan had connected some dots. Without time to think any
further, he answered, "No."

Qin Xuan nodded, apparently not believing the two were the same person herself. She
continued to ask, "Why are you unwilling to go to Blackhawk?"
"Because it was too far away from home," Han Sen replied.
"How is that relevant?" Qin Xuan did not understand his logic.
"I wouldnt be able to take care of my mom and my sister if it is too far away from
home," Han Sen replied slowly.
Qin Xuan was a bit surprised and then her look softened. She asked, "Have you ever
considered to join my squad?"
"Why?" Qin Xuan was slightly angry.
"I'm afraid of danger. I cannot die," replied Han Sen.
"Why cant you die?" Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen, finding his reply curious.
"If I die, my mom and my sister will be bullied by my relatives, and I cannot let
them be bullied," Han Sen continued to answer.
Qin Xuans expression became more and more gentle, and she continued to ask, "Why
did you agree to join Bullseye?"
"Because of you."
"Me?" Qin Xuan was confused.
"Because I like you." Han Sen still had a dull face on.
Qin Xuan blushed a little, "Why do you like me?"
"Because you are beautiful."
"Is there any other reason?"
"What reason?" Surprisingly, Qin Xuan was slightly excited to hear the answer.
"Because you are beautiful."
"Isnt this the same reason?" Qin Xuan frowned.
"Why not?" Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen, puzzled.
"Because the first time I saw you, I thought you are beautiful; the second time I
saw you, you are more beautiful. I cant move away my eyes and want to look at you
Qin Xuans cheeks turned crimson. She raised her arm and wanted to slap Han Sen out
of it, but eventually didnt have the heart to do that and just gave him a pinch
Han Sen fell to the ground suddenly with an "ouch," acting as if he had fallen
under the bed in sleep.
Qin Xuan subconsciously reached out her hand, but took it back and let Han Sen fall
to the ground as she blushed at certain thoughts.
"What did you do to me?" Han Sen suddenly climbed up from the ground and pretended
to be frightened.
"You do not have to worry, I just wanted to know why you do not want to go to
Blackhawk." Qin Xuan said softly.
"You hypnotized me?" Han Sen was raged.
"One must go through this process to join the squad. The people we serve are
special, so we must guarantee that every member had a clean slate. I myself had to
go through the same thing." Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen and said gently, "You can
rest assured that your family will be protected by the military once you go to
Blackhawk and join my squad. No one could hurt them."

Han Sen looked uncertain and remained silent.

"Also, I can tell you that each shelter has the same kind of squad, providing
service for special clients. This job wouldnt put you in great danger. And thats
everything I can tell you. You can think about it yourself."
Not hearing an answer, Qin Xuan had to ask, "What do you think? Do you want to join
my squad?"
"Do I still have an option?" Han Sen said with a wry smile.
"Try to be admitted to the Blackhawk. After joining my squad, you will be glad
about your decision today." Qin Xuan patted Han Sen's shoulder, pleased.
"Oh, if you need anything just let me know. Ill try to assist you so that you could
prepare for the entrance exam of Blackhawk," Qin Xuan said.
"I just want to know one thing. When I was hypnotized, did you ask me any other
question other than why I wasnt interested in Blackhawk?" Han Sen asked.
"No, I am a well-behaved soldier. And I am not interested in your private matters,"
Qin Xuan said categorically, with her heart pounding as if there were a cat
scratching at it.
"Really?" Han Sen seemed to be worried still.
"Of course not. Let me know if you need anything. As long as it doesnt cost too
much, I will help you prepare for the exam, which is in less than two months," Qin
Xuan side said and left, her face burning.
After Qin Xuan left, Han Sen let out a long sigh of relief. From now on, Qin Xuan
probably wouldnt suspect him again.
"This is an excellent opportunity. Qin Xuan would completely trust me after this so
she can become my cover. Others would think I got stronger and better because of
her help and wouldnt suspect that I am Dollar. Then, I could gradually show my real
ability using my own identity and abandon the guise of Dollar altogether," Han Sen
thought to himself. This was why he had agreed to Qin Xuans ask. Also, his family
could indeed use the protection of the military.
Han Sen then teleported into Gods Sanctuary as it was Dollars time to participate
in the second round of the martial arts contest.

Chapter 82

Han Sen: Not evolved.

Status: None
Life span: 200 years.
Requirements for evolution: 100 geno points.
Geno points gained: 100 ordinary geno points; 100 primitive geno points; 47 mutant
geno points; 29 sacred geno points.
Beast souls gained: Sacred-blood black beetle; sacred-blood bloody slayer; sacred-
blood purple-winged dragon; mutant three-eyed cat; mutant black barracuda; mutant
black stinger; mutant sawfish.
Han Sen looked at his current data and felt satisfied. Now he had as many as three
sacred-blood beast souls and several mutant beast souls.
Only two of the mutant beast souls were less than satisfactory and they were both
from someone else. The mutant three-eyed cat was a pet that was useless at the
moment and the mutant black barracuda Lu Weinan gave him was an aquatic mount,
which was completely useless on the land.
At a grove near Steel Armor Shelter, Han Sen was meeting with Lin Beifeng. Han Sen
was deliberately giving Lin the mutant creature meat he promised a few days later
than when Dollar sold mutant black stingers.
"This is for you." Han Sen took two dried sawfish out of his bag and gave them to
Lin. Black stingers were no longer an option, so he had to give the fish to Lin.
"Two!" Lin was overjoyed.
"Yes, it was a good trip." Han Sen gave him back the rest of the arrows, which were
not really put into use.
"Its fine. Keep them. Sen, can I join you next time?" Lin Beifeng looked at Han Sen
"I will if there is an opportunity. Please take the arrows back." Han Sen insisted.

Lin had to take the arrows back, and the two returned to the shelter as they were
At the gate of Steel Armor Shelter, they ran into Son of Heavens gang. Luo Tianyang
stared at Han Sen as if he were to devour the guy.
"Son of Heaven, long time no see," Lin said.
"Lin, why are you with him?" Son of Heaven gave Han Sen an unkind glance.
"Sen is my friend and there seems to be nothing that cant be forgiven between you
two. How about we let Han Sen buy us drinks and you can just let it go?" Lin asked
Son of Heaven.
"Let it go? Who do you think you are?" Luo Tianyang looked at Lin contemptuously.
"Shut up!" Son of Heaven stopped Luo Tianyang, and said to Lin, "Lin, its not that
I dont respect you, but it is not that simple. If it is not settled properly, it
will never be over."
"Settle how? I will pay however much you think he owes you," said Lin.
"Its not about money. You can ask him yourself," Son of Heaven said and entered the
shelter with his gang.
"Sen, what was that about?" Lin looked at Han Sen puzzled. He thought their
conflict was only the "Ass Freak" incident.
Han Sen told him about the purple-winged dragon and Lin smiled wryly, "It was
indeed a big deal for Son of Heaven."
Lin paused and laughed. "But it does not matter, you did not get the beast soul
anyway. I will try to mediate between you two. Its not a good idea to have Son of
Heaven as an enemy. Just between us, you could offend a gentleman, but never a
The two also entered Steel Armor Shelter. Everyone inside the shelter seemed to be
talking about some news.
Han Sen listened carefully, and it turned out that Dollar was against Luo Tianyang
in the second round.
"Dollar against Luo Tianyang! It must be an excellent fight. Son of Heaven must
still be bitter from Dollar seizing his bloody slayer beast soul. Luo Tianyang
would probably try to kill Dollar for him."
"Kill Dollar? I dont think he can even last longer than ten minutes."
"Thats not fair. Dollar is strong but so is Luo Tianyang. With the support from Son
of Heaven, Luo probably has as many beast souls as he wishes. I think the result is
hard to tell."
"I say its easy to tell! Dollar will win."

"Ha-ha, I agree. Does Luo Tianyang have wings? Can he fight a golden-horned Shura?"
"Exactly, how can Luo Tianyang even compare? I think it will take three minutes for
Dollar to get rid of him."

Han Sen did not expect to meet Luo Tianyang in the second round. He sneered
inwardly, "The mills of God grind slowly. This bastard is now in my hand."

Lin Beifengs eyes lit up. "Last time I missed Dollars fight. Lets go watch this
"I will not go. There is some family business I need to take care of." Of course
Han Sen couldnt watchif he went, then Dollar would be missing.
"You wont come? Its Dollar." Lin was shocked.
"What's so special about him? He is just a person." Han Sen shrugged.
"He is special. I never admired anyone, but Dollar is an exception, just because he
fought that Shura," Lin said.
"OK, but I really need to go home, so maybe next time." Han Sen chuckled inwardly.
"Unfortunately, video cameras dont work in Gods Sanctuary, or we can record it and
post it on the Skynet. It will go viral for sure." Lin Beifeng bemoaned and left
for the martial hall.
Han Sen took a detour and reappeared in the shelter after he put on the black
beetle armor. This time he was prepared and wore a cape over the armor, covering
almost everything. Although he looked strange, he wasnt recognized like last time.
Han Sen found a corner seat in the stands and sat down, watching others fight as he
waited for his turn.
Before long, a group of people sat down close to him. Han Sen was shocked to see
they were the Bullseye members, with Yang Manli leading the team.
They were a big group and Han Sen had picked a sparsely seated corner, so they all
came here.
Su Xiaoqiao was seated next to Han Sen. Yang Manli and Liu Hongtao were only two
seats away.
"I say buddy, why are you covered all over in such hot weather? Are you dressing as
a witch?" Su Xiaoqiao always liked joking and threw a comment at Han Sen.
"Brat, Ill deal with you later," thought Han Sen, not saying anything.
"Manli, who do you think will win, Dollar or Luo Tianyang?" Several members of
Bullseye started a heated discussion.

Chapter 83

"Dollar of course. Right, Manli?" Su Xiaoqiao asked.

Yang Manli nodded, apparently agreeing with Su Xiaoqiao.

Liu Hongtao commented on the side, "Even Dollar is strong, he is just one person,
without anyone behind his back, while Luo Tianyang was supported by Son of Heaven.
It is still hard to tell who will win."

"One person is enough. Dollar fought a golden-horned Shura alone. Even with a gang
behind him, I dont think Luo Tianyang could do that," Su Xiaoqiao said with

"Young man, you are too young to understand." Liu Hongtao acted as an elder.

"What dont I understand?" Su did not take that comment well.

"Think about it. If Son of Heaven and his whole gang all let Luo Tianyang use their
beast souls, who do you think will win? Dont forget that Son of Heaven has a
sacred-blood shapeshifting ape beast soul, and god knows how many mutant beast
souls he has. If Luo Tianyang use them all, do you still think Dollar will win?
"Liu Hongtao said confidently.

"Its just an ape beast soul. Dollar has a bloody slayer beast soul, wings and
sacred-blood armor. It would be easy for him to win Luo Tianyang. I dont think Luo
Tianyang could last a minute." Su Xiaoqiao said disapprovingly.

"This kid sure knows how to speak." Han Sen was pleased with Su Xiaoqiaos words.

"Well, you just said Luo Tianyang couldnt last a minute, so lets make a bet. If Luo
lasts less than a minute, you can have my mutant beast soul of red-hoofed beast. If
he lasts longer than that, your mutant nocturnal wolf beast soul will be mine. Do
you dare to bet against me?" Liu Hongtao looked at Su Xiaoqiao and said.

Su Xiaoqiao suddenly got nervous. One minute was just a figure of speech. How was
it possible for one to end the match in a minute after all?

Like Liu Hongtao had said, Son of Heaven had Luos back. With some beast souls here
and there, Luo Tianyang could definitely stay on the stage longer than a minute.

The nocturnal wolf beast soul was a lucky gain of Su Xiaos when he shot an arrow at
the nocturnal wolf king in a recent campaign. He had been bragging to everyone
about it. Yet Liu Hongtao had proposed to use this beast soul as the stake in a bet
that was less than fair.

"Liu, we were just chatting. No need to get serious."

"Yes Liu, Xiaoqiao was just saying."

"Yeah, figure of speech."

Several Bullseye members tried to smooth things over, but being unreasonable, Liu
Hongtao said with a mean tone, "Im trying to teach him not to comment on things he
doesnt understand. He could say whatever he wishes at home, but in the society, a
wrong comment could get him killed."

"S*#t! You insist? A bet is a bet. Im game. Dont be a deadbeat when you lose."
Although Su Xiaoqiao was usually joking and messing around, he still had his pride
as he was from a wealthy family. Even at the cost of a beast soul, he wouldnt be a

"Xiaoqiao, just suck it up." The teammates next to him all tried to stop Su
Xiaoqiao from getting involved in this unfair bet. He would be basically giving the
beast soul away.

Liu Hongtao didnt have the best personality and not many liked him except for a few
henchmen of his. Almost everyone was on Sus side.

"Well, I appreciate a young man that can stick to what he believes in. If you dont
trust me, we can both transfer our beast souls to Manli and let her be our witness.
So that we could both reassured," Liu Hongtao said and gave his beast soul of red-
hoofed beast to Yang Manli.

"Liu, its just a small difference. We all are in Bullseye, and there is no need to
do this." Yang Manli frowned.

"Manli, Im doing this for his own good. If he keeps being insolent like this, he
might get into bigger troubles elsewhere in the future." Liu Hongtao gave Su a
contemptuous glance and said to him, "If you apologize to me right now, Ill let
this go. And remember to watch it in the future."
Everyone thought Liu Hongtao was just shameless. If these words came from another
person, Su Xiaoqiao might apologize; but Liu saying this himself made an apology an
impossible option for any guy with dignity.

Everyone knew there was no going back at this point. Su gritted his teeth and
raged, "Liu Hongtao, cut the crap. Im down."

Su Xiaoqiao then transferred his mutant nocturnal wolf beast soul to Yang Manli,
"Manli, keep this for me. When I win, Ill treat everyone to barbecue."

"I like a young man who doesnt know any better." Liu Hongtao was overjoyed. A
mutant beast soul was very rare and he had just gained one with a few words. Also,
the mutant nocturnal wolf was a shapeshifting beast soul which was worth even more
than his mount beast soul, red-hoofed beast.

Yang Manli frowned. She had wanted to mediate the dispute with a few words, but Liu
Hongtao said those words first so that Su Xiaoqiao had to bet against him now.

"The young man is too impulsive, maybe a loss could be considered a lesson for
him." Yang Manli sighed. Things had come so far that there was nothing she could
say to turn it around.

Su Xiaqiao felt upset after accepting the bet. Although he was confident in Dollar
and believed he could win, one minute was simply too short. Even the exchange of
pleasantries could last that longnot to mention Luo Tianyang did have many
resources. If he had really borrowed the ape beast soul from Son of Heaven, the
match could easily last longer than ten minutes

The match between Luo Tianyang soon began and Su Xiaoqiao murmured his prayers,
"Dollar, it was me who spread your name. Please help me. I havent had the nocturnal
wolf beast for long and dont want to give it to Liu."

Sitting next to Su and hearing everything, Han Sen was mad, "Help you! In the
beginning, everyone was calling me Doll, and it was all because of you!"

Chapter 84

Finally, Dollar and Luo Tianyangs codes were displayed on the martial stele. Each
digit in Han Sens code was an eight, so everyone knew that was him.

Luo Tianyang went on the stage first. From his leisurely look, it seems that he was
confident about the upcoming match, which made Su Xiaoqiao quite nervous.

"Where is Dollar? The match is about to begin but we dont see him yet. If he is not
here in three minutes, he will automatically be considered the losing side."

The stands were filled with people eager to see Dollars match, but the familiar
golden figure was missing.

Su Xiaoqiao became even more tense. Liu Hongtao smiled unkindly, "Su Xiaoqiao, it
seems that you are in a bad place. If Dollar doesnt show up at all, you wouldnt be
convinced even if I won the bet, right?"

"What is this nonsense? It is still very early, and the boss always comes late.
Dont you understand that?" Su Xiaoqiao retorted, but felt unsure as Dollar didnt
show up. He thought, "Could Dollar be delayed by something? Then my mutant
nocturnal wolf would be gone..."

"Great, Ill see how long you could keep that thought," Liu Hongtao ridiculed.

Suddenly, the guy in cape sitting next to Su Xiaqiao who had been silent the whole
time suddenly stood up and walked toward the stage, leaving Su Xiaoqiao and others

The guy took off the cape while walking, revealing the golden armor underneath,
leading to an uproar in the stands.

"Dollar... Dollar..."

"Ha-ha, the angel came."

"I know theres no way he would miss this."

Su Xiaoqiao was so happy that he jumped up, "My God, Dollar you are truly amazing.
Kick Luos ass for my sake please. And remember, keep it under a minute... one

Su Xiaoqiao was now certain that Dollar have just heard the dialogue about the bet,
that was to say Dollar knew he should defeat Luo within a minute, which was
undoubtedly good news for Su.

Other Bullseye members were also very excited, "Dollar was just sitting here and we
failed to recognize him!"

"Indeed, we shouldve asked for his autograph! I hear you could sell that for a good
price now."

"Xiaoqiao, you didnt say what you said because you knew it was him, did you?"

Su Xiaqiao laughed, "God helps those who help themselves. How could I know it was
Dollar? He wrapped himself like a rice dumpling on such a hot day, and I was just
wondering about that myself."

Liu Hongtao's face was grim. He sneered and said, "Dont be happy now. Even if he
wants to help you, it is impossible to defeat Luo in a minute."

"Nothing is impossible with Dollar. As long as he wants to do it, it will be done."

Su Xiaoqiao immediately retorted, with all his faith in Dollar.

Although Yang Manli was surprised that Dollar was sitting beside them, she was not
as optimistic as Su Xiaoqiao. Rationally speaking, what Liu Hongtao said made

Luo Tianyang might not be Dollars match, but he had Son of Heaven behind him, so he
must have plenty of beast souls on him. Despite that Luos fitness wasnt the best in
Son of Heavens gang, his fitness index should still be over ten. With strong beast
souls, it would be difficult to beat him.

"If Dollar is an archer with advanced beast soul bow and arrows, he might be able
to get rid of Luo fast. Unfortunately, it seems that he never uses arrows," Yang
Manli sighed inwardly.

Son of Heaven shot a harsh stare at Han Sen and eyed Luo Tianyang on the stage. Luo
nodded knowingly.
Son of Heaven had prepared well for this match. Knowing Luo wouldnt be Dollars
match, he didnt count on Luo to defeat Dollar. Still, he lent Luo his sacred-blood
ape beast soul and many powerful mutant beats souls. All he wanted to see was
Dollar injured. Even if Dollar could not be injured, he must show his real skills
in this match.

Son of Heaven saw Dollar as a fierce rival, which was why he was using Luo as a
pawn to weaken Dollar before he ran into Dollar himself and to find out how strong
Dollar was.

Luo Tianyang was both cunning and ruthless. He didnt take Dollar lightly and
summoned the ape beast soul and a mutant suit of armor as soon as the stele lit up
and the match started.

Suddenly, stood on the stage was a giant age more than nine feet tall in a suit of
bone armor with a long mace in its hands. The look alone was terrifying.

A wisp of a smile crossed Son of Heavens face. That was why he liked Luo. Luos
ability was less than impressive in his gang, but Luo had always been careful and

Son of Heaven had always believed that one must know ones limits, which Luo did.

Being meek towards the brutal and brutal towards the meek might be viewed as a bad
thing. But the way Son of Heaven saw it, it was also a wise attitude. Luo Tianyangs
decision now was much to Son of Heavens satisfactionplaying it safe and trying to

Of course, Luo Tianyang's life was not very important to him. But if Luo died, the
ape beast soul would be ruined as well. So, Luo must not die.

"Thats it. Just do whatever you can and try to force Dollar to show all he got. If
anything went wrong, just go off the stage and throw in the towel." Son of Heaven
looked at the two on the stage and thought with a smile, "Dollar, let me see what
youve got."

Liu Hongtao was amused by what Luo Tianyang did. "I told you Son of Heaven would
definitely give the ape beast soul to Luo. You see? With that mutant bone armor, it
would take Dollar at least an hour to beat Luo."

"What are you talking about? Can someone like Luo Tianyang even shapeshift for an
hour?" Su Xiaoqiao disagreed. His heart did freeze a little as he didnt think Luo
would really have the ape beast soul on him.

"Anyway, it would be easy for him to last ten minutes, which means I could win ten
times, so its a pity that you dont have ten mutant beast souls," Liu Hongtao

Chapter 85

But soon, Liu Hongtaos smile disappeared.

The moment the martial stele lit up, Dollar summoned the bloody slayer and ran
toward the ape called Luo like a hurricane, a golden spear in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, Dollar was in Luos face, his spear stabbing Luos stomach.

Luo Tianyang roared and hacked his mace madly at the mutant sawfish spear, making
the spear fly out of Han Sens hand.
Liu Hongtao was ready to applaud, but then he saw that Dollar calmly reached for a
golden katana at his waist and slashed it toward Luo Tianyang, who was only inches

The ape did possess great strength, but it was also clumsy. When fighting from
afar, this disadvantage wouldnt show. But at such a short distance, there was no
time for the ape to dodge.


The nine-foot-tall ape was cut in half. Luo only gave a whimper before he turned
into his own body and died. Blood flowed like a river.

Everyone was blankly watching Han Sen, who put the katana back into its sheath and
took back the spear calmly. Dollar killed Luo who had shapeshifted into a sacred-
blood creature in less than ten seconds.

After the moment of silence, cheers broke out like a tsunami. Everyone was calling
Dollars name, bringing the whole martial hall to a boil.

Su Xiaoqiao was the happiest person among all. Twerking on the stands, he shouted,
"Dollar Dollar I love you, like a mouse loves rice..."

Liu Hongtao was dumbfounded. He sat there like a deflated balloon, not accepting
the fact that Luo had died.

"Red-hoofed beast... My red-hoofed beast... how could this be..." Liu Hongtao
almost spilled out blood.

Son of Heaven gritted his teeth very hard. He didnt care that Luo was killed. But
his ape beast soul was one of the few sacred-blood beast souls he had. It, along
with all the mutant beast souls, was ruined with the death of Luo. Son of Heavens
heart was bleeding.

"Dollar, Ill make you regret you were born," Son of Heaven cursed inwardly. He very
badly wanted to kill Dollar, but felt somewhat helpless about it.

Before, there had been a chance to besiege Dollar with his gang; now that Dollar
had wings, that plan would no longer work.

Now Son of Heaven regretted very much that he had used his one-use sacred-blood
wasp arrow. If he still had it, he would be able to kill Dollar, even if Dollar
could fly.

He thought more about it and realized that if he had never used that arrow, Dollar
wouldnt have the bloody slayer beast soul. Without that shapeshifting beast soul,
Dollar couldnt have killed Luo so easily.

Thinking of this, Son of Heaven wanted to eat Dollar alive. There was something
stuck in his chest which he could neither swallow nor spit out.

"I must find out who Dollar is! If I couldnt kill him in Gods Sanctuary, I will
kill him in the Alliance." Son of Heaven was determined to have Dollar killed, or
he could never let this go. His loss was indeed huge. Luo was dead, and he had lost
many beast souls, including a sacred-blood one, while Dollar walked free.

Han Sen did not dare to get stuck in the crowd and simply flew away with his wings,
not giving the audience any chance to approach him.
Dollar killing Luo Tianyang was the headline in Steel Armor Shelter. People had
posted the story on the Skynet, but without a way to record images in Gods
Sanctuary, words alone didnt attract much attention. In addition, Luo Tianyang was
a nobody, so no one cared.

After all, this was only the martial arts contest within Steel Armor Shelter. If
Dollar became the champion of Steel Armor Shelter and entered the contest among
champions from all the shelters, then his match could be seen by the entire First
Gods Sanctuary. If he became the Chosen, it would truly be something amazing
throughout the entire Alliance.

But people in Steel Armor Shelter were clearly scared of Dollar. His opponents in
the next few rounds all quit before they fought and simply didnt show up.

Killing someone in seconds was a brutal thing to do. And that someone had even
shapeshifted into a sacred-blood beast soul. No one had the courage to put their
life on the line.

Some people even accused Dollar of being a murderer and posted articles describing
how cruel he was. Su Xiaoqiao and other Bullseye members were pissed off by those
articles and wrote about the bet between Su and Liu, leading to compliments from
Dollars fans.

But it had not changed the fact that Dollar had killed someone. Later, someone
posted anonymously that Luo Tianyang had mutilated and raped many victims using Son
of Heavens gang when he was alive. Many people from Steel Armor Shelter echoed the
post and said it was a great thing that Dollar had done.

"Luo Tianyang was an animal. If I were Dollar, I would have killed him long before
the martial arts contest."

"Well done. Thirty-two likes."

"An animal who deserved it."

"Ignorant, all of you. Murder is murder, regardless of who was killed. Dollar is a

"Dollar is a piece of s*#t!"

"Dont comment on something you dont understand. Everyone in Steel Armor Shelter
knows it was justice well served."

"Exactly. I hate those who follow the herd."

There was quite a debate on the Skynet, but then the posts criticizing Dollar
became overwhelming, and many posts that supported Dollar got deleted.

People in Steel Armor Shelter knew that Son of Heaven was behind it. However, no
one had the nerve to antagonize Son of Heaven. After all, there werent many who
dared to be the enemy of Starry group.

No one was willing to do that for a stranger anyway.

Chapter 86

"Sen, check out my new mount!" Su Xiaoqiao was riding his newly-gained mutant red-
hoofed beast in the yard of the Bullseye team, bragging.

The mutant red-hoofed beast looked somewhat like an antelope with a pair of buffalo
horns on its head. It had the size of a camel and was satin black all over, except
for its four blood-red hooves.

Han Sen was very depressed to see this gorgeous mount. He wasted so much effort in
helping this brat win a mutant mount, while he himself ended up with nothing.

Although he did have a mutant mount beast soul, it was aquatic and was useless on
the land.

"After the martial arts contest, I have to find a way to gain a beast soul mount.
It was too much trouble going everywhere on foot and it was bad for my image as
well," Han Sen thought to himself.

Dark Swamp was out of the question. Even if he gained a mount beast soul there, it
would be something ugly like a toad.

"Han Sen, come to my office." Yang Manli called from on the second floor.

"Sen, you offended her again?" Su Xiaoqiao ran over and asked, grinning.

"Why would I do that?" Han Sen said, touching his nose.

"That was not a kind look she had. You have to be careful," Su Xiaoxiao laughed.

"You know about looks? Why dont you say you are psychic as well." Han Sen laughed
and went to the second floor.

"Manli, you asked for me?" Han Sen asked.

"I do not know what Qin Xuan saw in you. But since she asked me to help you prepare
for the entrance exam, Ill do my best. Starting from today, you will report to me
at the teleport station every day and I will train you, hard. You better be
prepared as you will suffer. Blackhawk isnt just any school."

Yang Manli paused and said casually, "If you cannot bear it, you better ask Qin
Xuan to allow you to quit. I will not stop you."

"When do I start?" Han Sen asked.

"Now," said Yang Manli before she got up and teleported to Planet Roca with Han

Yang Manli took Han Sen to the test hall at the teleport station, which was a
military-standard test hall that provided more accurate tests.

"You will do a detailed test first and let me see whats the difference between your
fitness level and the lowest standard for Blackhawk," Yang Manli said with no

"No need for that. I think I could definitely pass that bar." Han Sen did not dare
to do the test, afraid he might scare Yang with his data.

The last time he took the test, he had approached 10 in all his numbers. Having
gained lots of mutant and sacred geno points after that, his fitness index should
be well beyond 10 now.
"Do the test." Yang Manli commanded coldly.

"If you insist." Han Sen muttered and slowly walked toward the entrance of the test

Han Sen had made up his mind not to use his full strength, in case Yang could tell
something was wrong.

Fortunately, Han Sen was very confident in his control of his own body. The more he
practiced Jadeskin, the more he was amazed by this hyper geno art. He hadnt
practiced it for long, but he already felt that he could adjust each bone and each
muscle in his body.

With Jadeskin, he could even change his heart rate, blood pressure and body
temperature to a certain extent.

The more he understood Jadeskin, the more scared he felt. Fortunately, Xue Longyan
had already been seriously injured when they met, or else it would have been Han
Sen who got killed.

It was precisely because of this that Han Sen wouldnt let anyone know that he was
practicing Jadeskin, for fear that people might know Xue Longyan was killed by him.

The test items here were similar to those in the test center, but were more
sophisticated in general. Hence Han Sen knew what each item was for.

Soon, Han Sen completed all the test items and came out of the test hall covered
with sweat.

Yang Manli had no idea that Han Sen looked so tired mainly because he was trying to
control the test result. To control ones reflexes and heartbeat was extremely
difficult in such sophisticated test items. If Han Sen hadnt practiced Jadeskin, he
wouldnt have been able to hide his real physical condition at all.

Yang Manli looked through Han Sens test results and said, "Less than 10 in all
items, but close. Ten is just the standard of ordinary military schools. For
Blackhawk, even for specially recruited students, 10 was just a narrow pass."

After reading something on a smart machine, she said, "During the time we have left
which is little more than a month, I will make all your fitness index pass 10.
Meanwhile, I will train you in archery. Only with proper archery skills will you be
specially recruited."

"Manli, may I ask, without special enrollment, what kind of score is Blackhawk
looking for?" Han Sen asked curiously.

"When you are able to beat me, you could be admitted to Blackhawk on your own."
Yang Manli went to the gym, not even glancing at Han Sen.

Han Sen followed her to the gym and looked at all sorts of training equipment in
the gym curiously. Many of the equipment he had never seen before. Many soldiers
were training in the gym.

The teleport station was part of the military, so everything here followed military
standard. The only difference was that most soldiers here were new to the army and
had never been to the battlefield.

Those who could be assigned here typically had certain connections, or else they
would have been sent to the front.

Chapter 87

Yang Manli led Han Sen in front of a sealed device the size of a train compartment.
The device was around 150 feet long. She turned it on and entered some data before
she took off her jacket, revealing a black professional training suit underneath.

The suit was made of a material unknown to Han Sen, which had a formfitting effect.
Han Sen noticed that Yang Manli had a great body. Her legs were especially long and
straight, seducing one to touch them.

"Look carefully. I will only show you once. For today, you need to finish this
training every day before you go anywhere else." Yang Manli said and went into the

The moment Yang Manli entered the device, all soldiers who were exercising came
around and drooled over the holographic image displayed.

"Yang's body is getting more and more perfect. I could play with those legs for
three years."

"Three years? I can play with them for thirty years."

"Check out her ass."

These animals stared at the holographic image almost with their eyeballs popped

Inside the device, Yang Manli had started. There are many exercise items in the
device and she finished them one by one effortlessly. The items didnt look very
difficult either.

"Brother, what is this device? Looks like it is not that difficult." Han Sen asked
a soldier curiously.

"Not difficult? Kiddo, you are too nave. Yang seems effortless because shes got
great fitness index. If you were to do it, you would be too tired to finish three

"This is called gravity trainer. There are such devices on all interstellar
aircrafts and warships and they are used to adjust the internal gravity. With the
parameters set by Yang, one would need at least 10 in fitness index to train. Or
else walking in the device alone would be a torture, even worse than screwing seven
times in one night."

"Son, all you could do is pray."

These soldiers knew Han Sen. They were all aware that Qin Xuan had often called him
into the combat room.

Yang Manli stepped out of the gravity trainer in a little while, and the soldiers
quickly scattered back to do their training as if nothing had happened.

Yang Manli had some sweat on her forehead. She put on her jacket and said, "Now you
complete the exercise and then come to find me."

She left with no intention of watching Han Sen do the exercise.

Yang Manli knew very well that Han Sen's physical fitness index was only close to
ten and it was impossible for him to finish such intense training. She just wanted
to humble him so that he would follow her orders better.

A soldier ran toward Han Sen when the latter was about to enter the gravity trainer
to start training. Putting his hand over Han Sen's shoulder, the soldier smiled and
said, "Buddy, if you can bring us some R-rated holographic resources when you come
here in the future, Ill let you in on a secret and make the gravity trainer a piece
of cake for you."

"Deal. Whats the secret?" Han Sen agreed, knowing he was asking for porns.

"Great." The soldier patted Han Sen's shoulder and whispered to his ear, "Once the
parameters were set up, Yang could tell if you have modified them after. However,
the device has a protective mechanism, which is designed mainly to prevent dangers
to your body. My method allows you to change the parameters through this mechanism
so that the result doesnt show the modification. So, you can easily complete the
test without being found out by Yang."

"Fantastic. What should I do?" Han Sen asked.

"I can tell you the secret, but a deal is a deal. You need to get me those R-rated
holographic resources or you will regret it," said the soldier.

"Brother, rest assured. Ill get you those," Han Sen patted his own chest and

The soldier nodded with satisfaction and told Han Sen the method to change the
parameters. He repeatedly told Han Sen to bring him the porns and designated a few

"Parameters set up, please confirm..." Han Sen went into the gravity trainer and
heard the AI.

"OK," Han Sen replied.

"Confirmation completed. Start testing in ten seconds. Countdown starts. Ten, nine,

When the countdown was over, Han Sen feel his body sank, as if he had suddenly
gained a few hundred pounds.

Han Sen did not use the soldiers method. He wanted to see if he could finish the
exercise like Yang Manli did.

Han Sen was not used to the added gravity and warmed up a little before he started.

When Yang Manli was back from her office, it was already in the afternoon. She
thought Han Sen should be worn out like a dead dog by now and would probably be
more obedient in the future.

When Yang Manli returned to the gym, she was surprised to see Han Sen chatting with
the soldiers there. The soldiers were even showing him how to play with all sorts
of devices. He looked rather lively and not tired at all.

"Han Sen, I asked you to train. What are you doing?" annoyed, Yang Manli asked
The soldiers were scared away like mice met a cat, leaving Han Sen standing there
alone in front of Yang Manli.

"Captain, Ive completed the training." Han Sen saluted the way the soldiers had
just taught him.

"Completed?" Yang Manli frowned and walked quickly toward the gravity trainer. She
pulled out the data and as she checked each item, her face became darker and

There was no doubt that Yang Manli did not think the data was real. Only those who
with more than 12 in fitness index could achieve this. She had just tested Han Sens
fitness and he wasnt even a 10. So, this could not be his real performance.

Chapter 88

"Who told you about the protection mechanism?" Yang Manli stared at Han Sen madly.
Of course, she knew about this trick.

"What protection mechanism? I do not understand what you are talking about?" Han
Sen looked innocent.

"You wont tell? Go get a 7.0 practice bow and some arrows," Yang Manli calmed down
and said coldly.

Han Sen did not know what she wanted to do, and did what she asked.

"You know the standard stance to draw the string?" Yang Manli looked at Han Sen and

"Yes." Han Sen nodded.

"Very good, pull the string to the fullest on standard stance," Yang Manli said

Han Sen had worked hard on archery so his stance was perfect and he easily pulled
the string to the fullest.

"Good stance." Han Sen was surprised to hear Yang Manlis compliment.

"Thank you, Captain." Still, Han Sen knew he was in trouble.

"Hold this position until midnight. If you move during this period and I do not get
the answer I want, you do not need to show up here again. Even if the stationmaster
came here herself, one of us must go." Yang Manli turned to leave.

Seeing Yang going away, the soldiers ran back and the one who told Han Sen about
the protection mechanism felt guilty and said, "Sorry buddy, I did not expect Yang
to be onto you. I did you harm instead of good."

"Its just a few hours. Ill be fine." Han Sen said casually.

"Do not underestimate the standard stance. Twenty minutes was all right, but two
hours is just torture. A 7.0 bow is not a joke, usually we cant even last two hours
with a 6.0 bow. Its four hours until midnight. Yang is really brutal this time."
"I say lets go apologize. Just tell her we all told him about the loophole. Or else
he would probably not be able to use his arms ever again."

"If we have to. Judging from her look, we would suffer as well."

The soldiers complained and sighed.

"No need. Ill give it a shot. My endurance has always been good. Four hours, I
think there should be no problem." Han Sen called the soldiers who were going to
apologize back.

"It doesnt matter how good your endurance is. Its torture."

Han Sen smiled, "Ive seen worse. Dont go yet. If I cant do it, you could go then.
Maybe by then Yang Manli will see how miserable I am and lessen the punishment."

"That is also true. Buddy, you hang in there first. Let us know when it gets bad.
We will go and confess." The soldiers were loyal.

Hen Sen nodded and did not speak. Remaining motionless was sometimes even worse
than violent movement, especially when he was also drawing a 7.0 bow.

In the beginning he didnt feel much, but after half an hour, his arm muscles began
to feel numb, and with the passage of time, this numb feeling was more and more

In just an hour, Han Sen was sweating like rain, his arms burning and whole body

Han Sen gritted his teeth and started to practice Jadeskin. A spring-like coolness
flowed through all his veins, where the numb feeling was gradually relieved.

Through the monitor, Yang Manli would glance at Han Sen from time to time. She saw
him keeping the stance but started to tremble when it was approaching an hour. His
endurance was already beyond her expectation. Even the soldiers can only last this

Yang Manli predicted he could last about at most one and a half hours, certainly
less than two hours.

"Cheating in your first training session. I have to put you through hell." Yang
Manli did not really want a name from Han Sen. His silence was a quality she could
appreciate and if he had confessed about the person who had told him, she would
have looked down on him.

After working for a while, Yang Manli checked on him again when it was an hour and
a half, and found he was still standing there.

Yang Manli could not help but frown, as Han Sen looked better now than half an hour
ago. He had stopped trembling and was sweating less. In general, he looked more

"He moved?" Yang Manli was not sure and played the footage backward, noticing Han
Sen had not moved in the last 30 minutes.

"Odd!" Yang Manli did not go back to work, but paid full attention to Han Sen's

Han Sen had been standing for two hours.

"Buddy, you're awesome. Can you keep going?"

"Your endurance is out of this world. If you are this good in every aspect, you
could definitely go to the Alliance Central Military Academy."

"Brother, you a real man!" A soldier gave him a thumbs-up.

"Let us know if you cant keep going. Dont risk hurting your own body. Its not worth

Keeping his body motionless, Han Sen smiled and said, "I feel okay. I can
definitely hold until midnight. No need to check on me."

"Brother, if you can really hold until midnight, you will be under my protection in
the future."

"Your protection? Do you dare to fight Yang or Qin Xuan?"

"Ahem, I was just saying. Do not be so serious."

The soldiers took a shower and went to the cafeteria, leaving Han Sen alone in the
gym. He was practicing Jadeskin secretly and felt its power welling from every body
cell, eliminating his fatigue.

When Han Sen had insisted for three hours, even Yang Manli was shocked. She even
doubted if the soldiers had hacked the monitor and all she saw was a loop.

Soon she ruled out that possibility and left the office for the gym.

Chapter 89

"Now, do you have something to say to me?" Yang Manli approached Han Sen who was
standing like a statute.
Han Sen hadnt reached a certain level in Jadeskin, so his fatigue wasnt cleared
away completely. Having stood there for over three hours, he was drenched in sweat.

Even so, his stance was still firm as ever and his hands holding the bow didnt even
Yang Manli for the first time felt that maybe Han Sen was somewhat talented. He had
been standing like that for more than three hours and his hands were still steady,
which was a great quality for an archer.

"Captain, I really have nothing to say," Han Sen said.

"Well, since you are so tough, you could keep standing here." Yang Manli went away
without looking back. She was a little angry, but also respected Han Sen for what
he did. That was a difficult task for a sixteen-year-old. She herself could only
last two hours with a 6.0 bow at his age.
After Yang Manli had closely observed Han Sens situation and made sure he was fine,
she was surprised to see that he did have the energy to continue.
Although this was a test of endurance, and didnt have much to do with his other
qualities. It still showed that Han Sen was outstanding in something, as someone
with a fitness index less than 10 wasnt likely to last this long.
"How can he have such strong endurance?" Yang Manli thought she probably couldnt
even accomplish this herself, while Han Sen, someone with much worse fitness than
she, could pull through.
After Yang Manli went back to the office, she continued to monitor Han Sen. On one
hand, she wanted to find out how long Han Sen could last in the end; on the other
hand, she was afraid his arms would be damaged.

She did not want Han Sen on her team, but she did not mean to harm him either. That
was why she couldnt let anything happen to him. Not to mention she had started to
appreciate his endurance and perseverance.
As for Han Sen's answer, in fact, Yang Manli did not really want to hear it. If Han
Sen had really confessed, Yang Manli would have thought he was a snitch.
Before long, the soldiers took some water and food and sneaked back into the gym.

"Brother, great job. Come and drink some nutrition solution to get some strength."
A soldier opened a bottle of nutrient solution and lifted it to Han Sens lips.
"Eat something. Although this meat is as good as the meat from Gods Sanctuary, it
was cooked by a chef here and the taste is good." Another soldier held a large
piece of barbecue on a fork and put it up to Han Sens mouth.
"Its fine. I only have one hour left and must satisfy Yangs demand. I am afraid she
would say it doesnt count if you help me," Han Sen said.
"Brother, you are really a tough guy. I dont admire anyone but you."
"Right, what is your name?"
"Han Sen."
"You are just over 16 right?"
"Havent had my 17th birthday."
"Are all kids so tough these days?"
"I do not know about others, but I'm definitely the toughest."
"Do not talk to him anymore. It consumes his energy."
The soldiers saw Han Sen was fine and set up a table next to him to play cards. Han
Sen was upset and thought, "You animals. Are you trying to help or piss me off?"
Han Sen had been standing there for more than four hours. The soldiers watched the
clock turning to one second past midnight, put the cards down, took the bow over
and raised Han Sen up, ready to throw him into the hydro massage machine.
"Dont! I do not need the massage. Its too late now. I have to go home." Han Sen
quickly waved his hands. He had seen this kind of machine before, and it would take
at least an hour before he could get out. He did not want to waste his time here.
"That is not okay. You have been stretching your muscles for too long, which could
severely harm your body. You must fully relax through the massage so that your
veins and muscles could be revitalized. You have to stay in it for at least three
hours with the strongest mode on," said a soldier seriously.
"I'm alright." Han Sen couldnt really wait three hours. As the soldiers insisted,
he used a technique from Ghosthaunt and grabbed a soldiers neck. With a twist, he
wiggled free like a snake.

"Brothers, Im really okay. I have to go home now. If you dont believe me, I will
show you that I still have the energy to perform military boxing," Han Sen said and
performed the complete set of military boxing.
Military boxing was something taught at the integrated compulsory education, and
was something as simple as gymnastics. But all the soldiers were dumbfounded by it.
They watched Han Sen as if they had seen a ghost.
"S*#t! Kid you must be a monster under the human skin," the soldiers suddenly
shouted when Han Sen finished the military boxing.
"A Shura under the human skin!"
"A perpetual motion machine under the human skin!"
When Han Sen left the teleport station, it was one oclock in the morning. His
mother and sister werent home so he cooked himself something to fill his stomach
and went to bed.
Although Han Sen's body was fine, he did feel rather tired and almost fell asleep
He didnt get up until it was noon.
Han Sen stretched and felt very good all over. It was as if all his cells and pores
were revitalized. He discovered that he had made great progress in Jadeskin.
Although it was still just a little, it was about the effect of ten days practice.
"So Jadeskin is practiced more efficiently under extreme conditions?" Han Sen was
It was worth a shot anyway. If it was true, it would be great for his practice of
Han Sen was not in a hurry. He had lots of time to train in the gravity trainer in
the future. If he didnt do it, Yang Manli would make him anyway.
Han Sen had carefully thought about his current situation. It would still be a
while until he could become an aristocrat and it was not a bad thing to join Qin
Xuans squad to gain protection for his family.
As Qin Xuan had said, if Son of Heaven wanted to harm his family. There wasnt
really much he could do even if he was home. The militarys protection was more
Son of Heaven was careful with Qin Xuan in Gods Sanctuary, so Han Sen believed that
Qin Xuans background would deter Son of Heaven. As long as Son of Heaven didnt know
he was Dollar, Han Sen didnt think the guy would risk offending the military force
for some small conflict.

Chapter 90

On the next day, Han Sen brought porns to the soldier who had asked him for them.
The soldier was so happy that he wanted to become sworn brothers with Han Sen and
said Han Sen would be responsible for his happiness from now on.
Han Sen was covered in sweat. Fortunately, Yang Manli came fast enough so that Han
Sen got rid of the soldier successfully.
Yang Manli spent half an hour to explain some archery knowledge and gave Han Sen a
few tasks to finish on his own.
Han Sen had learned basic archery knowledge at school and what Yang taught him was
more practical, which benefited him a lot. Yang was indeed an expert.
There were a lot of tasks for him to complete, which included the gravity trainer.
Han Sen wanted to use the gravity trainer himself. This time he used the protection
mechanism to adjust the parameters, not to reduce the gravity, but to increase the
gravity a notch so that it suited his real fitness level better.
The gym did not seem to be the place where ordinary soldiers trained. Han Sen had
never seen other soldiers here than the ones he talked to.
During lunch break, Han Sen was chatting with the soldiers he knew. The soldier who
asked Han Sen for porns regarded Han Sen and asked, "Sen, in addition to bow and
arrows, what other weapons do you use?"
"Dagger." Han Sen showed him the Z-steel dagger.
Han Sen only knew the nicknames of these soldiers. This guys name was "Gambler."
Han Sen learned from others that he was greedy and lewd.
Gambler took over Han Sens dagger and played with it. The dagger seemed like a
living thing in his hand, making dazzling moves like a snake.
"Watch this." Gambler held the dagger an inch away from Han Sens eyes. With a
simple wave of his hand, the dagger disappeared in front of Han Sen and Gamblers
hand was empty.
"S*#t! Your nickname should be Magician!" Han Sen looked everywhere and didnt see
the dagger.
Gambler laughed and shook his hands in front of Han Sen. He curled his fingers and
the dagger returned to his hands magically.
"How did you do that?" Han Sen widened his eyes.
"Pretty cool, huh?" Gambler asked proudly.
"Yep." Han Sen quickly nodded.
"Dazzling, no?" Gambler played with the dagger.
"For sure." Han Sen nodded again.
"Want to learn?" Gambler looked at Han Sen with a faint smile.
"I do. Do you want to teach me?" Han Sen asked.
"If you can bring me all my girls new movies, I will teach you." Gambler said with
a smile.
"No problem." Han Sen agreed, knowing the girls Gambler referred to were certain
porn stars.
Although it cost some money to buy new movies, Han Sen really wanted to learn these
"Come, we will find a place so that I can show you." Gambler took Han Sen aside and
told him the key to it.
Han Sen then found out that it was not really magic but finger tricks. Although it
was taking advantage of the blind spots, the most important part was ones control
of the muscles on the arm.
Yes, it was the entire arm instead of just the hand.
Gambler told him that this trick was called "heaven in sleeves," also known as
"Sleeveblade." It was passed down in his family as the foundation of their family
business. The dirk Gambler used was specially made. Thin and sharp, it had a
crescent-like double-edged blade but no hilt.
Gambler was playing with one dirk in each hand, and it looked like there were two
butterflies dancing around his hands, which was amazing to watch.
"How long will it take for me to become a master like you?" Han Sen looked at
Gambler enviously.
Gambler smiled, "I started at the age of three, and became better at seven. Im now
intermediate and still far from being a master."
He gave the dagger back to Han Sen and said, "Do not underestimate this trick.
Although it is just lays the foundation, but it is fundamental and will benefit you
for the rest of your life."
"Gambler, what does your family do?" Han Sen could not help but ask.
"Aha, you will never be in our business and I do not intend to let you. Im just
showing you a trick. You could practice it if you think it is fun. Never mind other
issues." Gambler walked away and turned back to ask Han Sen, "Have you ever played
games on the Skynet?"
"Rarely." Han Sen had spent all his time trying to survive, and had no time for
"Go play Hand of God. It will help you learn this trick. If you can level up in
that game, you will be getting somewhere with this trick." Gambler pointed to the
holographic training machine.
Han Sen was very interested in Sleeveblade, so he went to check out Hand of God on
the holographic training machine. Soon he understood why Gambler asked him to play
this game.
This was a holographic game. Its idea was like Whack-a-Mole, but instead of using
fingers alone, the spots to touch could appear everywhere around ones arms. One
must use all muscles rationally to hit all the spots to pass a level. It was highly
demanding for ones dexterity and accuracy.
In addition to the beginner level, the game was divided into three levels: evolver,
surpass and demigod.
The intention of the classification was obviously to correspond with the three
phases of Gods Sanctuary, and to guide players to choose the right level.
Han Sen first chose the beginner level. Actually, when Gambler said "level up," he
meant to clear the beginner level. As for which level Gambler himself was in, Han
Sen had no way of knowing.
Soon, Han Sen was hooked. He was not that smooth in the beginning, but was soon
addicted to the satisfaction gained from hitting rapidly as he got familiar with
the game.
"Faster, faster, faster..." Once started, the game would push one to pursue the
exhilaration in speeding up.
But Han Sen did not have much time to play this game. After a few rounds in the
martial arts contest, Han Sen reached the final match as expected.
Not sure it was good luck or bad luck, Han Sen didnt encounter either Fist Guy or
Son of Heaven. Son of Heaven had eliminated Fist Guy, and Qin Xuan had eliminated
Son of Heaven. The final match was between Qin Xuan and Han Sen.
In fact, Han Sen wanted to fight Son of Heaven more, so that he would have the
opportunity to kill Son of Heaven on the stage. Usually the young master was
surrounded by many strong men and there was almost no chance for Han Sen to
approach him.

Chapter 91

On the day of the final match between Dollar and Qin Xuan, the stands were packed
with at least a dozen hundred thousand audience. Even many of those who didnt
register came.

In addition to it being the final match, it was popular also thanks to the fame of
Dollar and Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan was undoubtedly the legend of Steel Armor Shelter. As a woman, she had
been the champion of the martial arts contest for several years now, although she
was never among the Chosen. There was no doubt that she was the NO.1 in Steel Armor
Shelter. In addition, she was also beautiful. All of these made her the goddess of
Steel Armor Shelter. People loved, feared and respected her.

Dollars recent rise was even more legendary. He came from nowhere, but there had
been so many headlines and controversies about him.

Both seizing Son of Heavens sacred-blood beast soul and killing Luo Tianyang made
Dollar a somewhat negative figure. But smashing through the robot channel and
fighting golden-horned Shura made him an idol.

When one legend met the other, everyone wanted to know about the outcome. Will Qin
Xuan continue to be the invincible goddess? Or will Dollar become the new champion?
Everyone was looking forward to this match.

When Qin Xuan and Dollar almost arrived at the same time, all expectations peaked
and the cheers were deafening.

"Dollar, a bet?" Qin Xuan didnt move, but looked at Han Sen with a smile.

The audience heard Qin Xuans words and quieted down, wanting to know what bet she
was proposing.

"What bet?" Though looking calm, Han Sen was puzzled. Did she want to buy the
victory from him?

"If you lose this one, join my Steel Armor Gang and be my deputy. When I evolve and
go to Second Gods Sanctuary, you will be the head of the gang." Qin Xuan had a
sweet smile on.

There was an uproar among the audience. No one thought Qin Xuan would say something
like this. Steel Armor Gang was far more than just a gang. It also represented the
presence of military and the Alliance in Gods Sanctuary.

Qin Xuans was asking Dollar to become the official spokesman of the Alliance at
Steel Armor Shelter. It was a great honor.

"Sorry, I cannot accept this condition." But unexpectedly, Dollar refused Qin Xuans

"Why?" Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen, stunned. The head of Steel Armor Gang was a
position pursued by many. It was a ladder toward the power center of the Alliance,
but Dollar turned it down without considering.
The audience also thought Dollar was crazy. How can he turn down such a great

"There are two reasons," Han Sen smiled and said. "First, you cannot beat me."

The answer left many slightly shocked, while Qin Xuan asked, "What is the second

"I will go to Second Gods Sanctuary earlier than you, so although I appreciate your
kindness, I cant take your offer," Han Sen calmly said.

His reply was arrogant. With her gang, Qin Xuan could gain geno points a lot more
easily than most people. While Dollar was on his own, he said he could evolve
earlier than her.

But no one felt that Dollar was mistaken. It seemed that everything was likely with
Dollar and he shouldnt be questioned.

Qin Xuan smiled. "Well, then I would like to propose something else. If you lose,
tell me who you really are."

Qin Xuans words had led to a burst of cheers on the stands. All the audience were
dying to know who Dollar was. Qin Xuans proposal was embraced by all.

"And if you lose?" Han Sen grinned and asked.

"You can propose something as well." Smiling, Qin Xuan looked full of confidence.
It was as if she would never lose.

"An S-Class license at Saint hall." Han Sen was obsessed with the hyper geno arts
in Saint Hall, he had neither the money nor the license.

"Deal." Qin Xuan did not even lift her eyes before she agreed, as if an S-Class
license was nothing to her.

"Then lets begin." Han Sen drew the Shura katana. He didnt dare to slack when
fighting Qin Xuan, who had the most geno points among all in the shelter. She was
probably ten sacred geno points away from maxing out on everything.

Han Sen had never seen Qin Xuan using her full strength, but he still thought he
stood a chance.

Han Sen's biggest advantage was his understanding of Qin Xuan. She would never
thought that Dollar was in fact Han Sen, whom she had fought a million times.
Although she was always kicking his ass, he had learned a lot of her fighting

Qin Xuan on the other hand knew nothing about Dollar.

Qin Xuan stretched her hand and a beautiful purple butterfly started to dance in
her palm, which turned into a purple dagger. Elegant and demure, she stood there
like a goddess.

Han Sen had seen her using this sacred-blood poisonous butterfly dagger once, but
it was on the purple-winged dragon. The dagger wasnt really effective as the dragon
was gigantic. However, it would be different for a person. Han Sen didnt know if he
could stand the toxin if stabbed with the dagger.
So, Han Sen wasnt going to give Qin Xuan any opportunity to attack. He wielded the
katana using Bladestorm and the strike was so fast as if it could break the wind.
It was a similar strike as this one that had ended Luo Tianyangs life.

Qin Xuan smiled, and moved away like a butterfly, dodging the fierce strike and
stab her dagger at Han Sen's throat.

Han Sen stepped forward and ignored the dagger. The katana was wielded at Qin Xuan

That was a move that put both their lives at stake. If Qin Xuan did not dodge
again, she would be cut in half; since Han Sen was in sacred-blood armor, he had a
bigger chance at survival even cut by her sacred-blood dagger.

"Scoundrel," Qin Xuan scowled, gracefully moved sideways and avoided Han Sens

Chapter 92

Han Sen was thrilled to see Qin Xuan moving away. A storm of katana strikes poured
on the lady as Bladestorm was fully brought into play. Each strike was faster than
the last. Qin Xuan was forced to defend herself and had no chance to attack.
Han Sen knew well that Qin Xuan was nimble. He had been practicing Ghosthaunt for a
long time now and had improved a lot on his footwork. However, he had never been
able to get close to her in any combat except for the first time when she had
underestimated him.
Sure enough, Qin calmly dodged all the strikes Han Sen made calmly as if she were
dancing. Meanwhile she fought back from time to time with grace.
None of it mattered to Han Sen. He hacked the katana at her regardless and worked
both Bladestorm and Jadeskin to the maximum. A coolness gushed in his veins like a
spring and activated every cell in his body.
Qin Xuan quietly warded off all attacks from Han Sen. She was very confident in
herself. It took her a few years to finally get to the first stage of "Atomic
Fission." With her current geno points and beast souls, Qin Xuan believed that she
could become the Chosen this year and even the first place was not impossible.
"Atomic Fission" was an advanced hyper geno art, which could fortify all body
parts. As suggested by its name, it was close to the root of all hyper geno arts
and could produce long-lasting power that improved ones physique significantly.
It would be the perfect hyper geno art if it wasnt so difficult to get started. Qin
Xuan had started to practice Atomic Fission under her family members guidance since
she was a toddler, but her progress had been slow. Now she had practiced it for two
decades and she just got to the first stage a few months ago.
Yes, just the first stage. But she had made a leap in her strength already with the
first stage.
Twenty years of practice did not go wasted. Once she got somewhere, her improvement
was skyrocketing.
Even Son of Heaven who was on the same level as she was easily defeated by her this
year. It wasnt that Son of Heaven was weak, but that she had become too strong
after getting to the first stage of "Atomic Fission."
Qin Xuan believed that she could definitely reach the top this year and Dollar
wouldnt be an issue.
Qin Xuan wasnt even thinking about winning or losing, but how to win Dollar to
better impress him.
Qin Xuan did not care about the storm of blades. As fierce as it looked, it couldnt
hurt her. She only felt it was a bit troublesome as she didnt want to kill Dollar.
"If you like driving, Ill let you drive. I will wait until you are so completely
exhausted that you cant even move your arm. By then I will still be calm and
appreciate your despair." Qin Xuan smiled and dodged another strike, thinking, "As
long as you lose to me this way, you will think I am invincible and never dare to
fight me again."
Qin Xuan intended to burn Han Sen out. The way Han Sen wielded his katana would
consume his strength fast. Each strike brought all his potentials out at the cost
of his stamina.
For Qin Xuan's Atomic Fission, stamina was one of its key strengths. A metaphor
would be that a nuclear power plant was much more efficient than a coal-fired power

As Qin Xuan kept avoiding Han Sens attacks, she was patiently waiting for him to be
worn down.
The blood of the audience were set afire. Han Sens katana was swift and fierce, and
Qin Xuans dancing was ethereal and elegant. Their movements were so fast that they
became a blur. It was indeed a great match.
And in the eyes of ordinary people, Han Sen was chasing Qin Xuan and seemed to have
the upper hand. Cheers of "Dollar" could be heard from time to time.
"It seems that the champion in Steel Armor Shelter would be someone else this
"Of course, Dollar is absolutely invincible."
"Ha-ha, men are the master of this world. Tremble, women!"
Yang Manli curled her lips with disdain, looking like a goddess who didnt deign to
argue with the mortals.
Son of Heaven was even more scornful. He had experienced how strong Qin Xuan was.
He had always known about Atomic Fission. If he had wanted to learn it, he could
have. But as it took at least two decades for someone talented to get to the first
stage. He chose not to. Indeed, everyone knew that this was a great hyper geno art,
but few dared to practice it. No one wanted to put two decades into a hyer geno art
that they didnt know would work or not. If one failed, one would not even have a
chance to start over with a different hyper geno art.
Son of Heaven hadnt had the courage to practice Atomic Fission, and regretted it
now that he saw how well Qin Xuan was doing.
"Son of Heaven, it looks like Qin Xuan was in trouble. She was continuously under
attack," A young man in Son of Heavens gang said nervously.
Son of Heaven twitched his mouth and replied, "What do you know? Qin Xuan has got
to the first stage of Atomic Fission and she is basically impossible to beat.
Although Dollar was attacking, he will soon lose his strength to even lift the
katana. His loss would be miserable."
"So thats what it is. How experienced and knowledgeable you are!" The young man
quickly kissed up to him.
But next to them, another young man commented abruptly, "Keep silent if you dont
understand it. Dont you have any common sense? Men are simply stronger than women,
and it will be Qin Xuan who is worn down first."
Son of Heaven was provoked to wrath, but he paused when he saw the young mans face.
It was the young master named Qing who had once hired Han Sen as his bodyguard.
Yuan and the rest of the group were also there.
"Qing," Son of Heaven gave a hollow laugh and explained, "there are differences
between men and women. But those differences were negligible. Dollars stamina is
far worse than that of Qin Xuan who had reached the first stage in Atomic Fission.
I believe in half an hour, Dollar wouldnt even be able to wield his katana."
"How come I cant see that?" Qing was not convinced and said. "My father told me
that women are inferior to men. I know that Dollar will win and that woman will
definitely lose."
Son of Heaven smiled with confidence. "Qing, no need to debate. We will see what
happens in half an hour. You will find out who is right at that time."

Chapter 93

But half an hour later, Son of Heavens face became a bit stiff as Han Sen was still
fiercely brandishing the katana at the same speed.

"Son of Heaven, didnt you say that Dollar would be worn out in half an hour? Im
telling you my Dad was right. Men are better than women," Qing said proudly.

Looking at Son of Heavens grim face, Yuan smiled and did not speak.

Son of Heaven was really upset. According to common sense, Dollar would not last
half an hour. With that kind of strikes, few in First Gods Sanctuary could.

"Ahem. It seems that Dollar has practiced some special hyper geno art that improves
his stamina. Even so, he couldnt possibly last an hour. In another half an hour, he
would be worn down." Son of Heaven wanted to restore some authority of his.

"Son of Heaven, you are a guy. Why do you keep cheering for a woman? My Dad says
that men are the best. I think Dollar must be better than that woman. You have no
vision." Qing obviously did not agree with Son of Heaven's argument.

Son of Heaven almost choked. Pretending to be calm, he said, "Qing, if you dont
believe me, keep on watching. In half an hour, you will know who is right. Im just
stating the fact here."

"Is there any need to watch? Dollar will certainly have no problem. He killed a
golden-horned Shura. Why will he lose to a woman?" Qing said with open worship in
his eyes.

Son of Heaven did not say anything, considering argument with such a kid
unnecessary. In a while the kid will see what is good judgment.

But another half an hour had passed, and Dollars spirit was still high. There was
no sign of him burning out at all, which made Son of Heaven uncomfortable as if he
had just swallowed a fly.

Qing was very pleased and patted Son of Heaven on the shoulder, "Son of Heaven,
what did I tell you? Men cant be weaker than women. A man that cant beat a woman is
not a man. Its been an hour and Dollar is still fierce. I believe that woman will
be beat in a while. You need to learn from me so that you can have better judgment.
Remember to take mens side instead of womens."

Son of Heaven was seething with anger. He pretended not having heard Qing and kept

"Right, Son of Heaven, why didnt you enter the final. Who did you lose to? Dollar?"
Qing wasnt even aware of Son of Heavens emotions and kept asking him.

"How could I lose to that guy?" Son of Heaven immediately said coldly.

"Who did you lose to then?" Qing asked.

Son of Heaven felt his own face was burning. He lost to the woman on the stage, but
it wasnt time to tell Qing that.
Knowing that Son of Heaven had lost to Qin Xuang, Yuan almost laughed out loud. He
pulled the sleeve of Qing and asked, "Are you here to talk or to watch the game?"

"Its only fun to discuss the game while we watch," Qing retorted.

"Fun for you. Son of Heaven was about to be set on fire," Yuan glanced at Son of
Heavens sullen face and thought.
Displeased, Son of Heaven felt strange. "Dollar has been wielding the weapon so
fiercely that its impossible for him to keep going for such a long time. Unless he
has also practiced Atomic Fission."

Other than Son of Heaven, Qin Xuan felt something was off as well. Attacking at
such a high speed, Dollar had sustained way longer than she had expected, making
her alarmed and surprised.

In such a high-intensity duel, even she had begun to feel a little tired. Dollar,
however, seemed to feel nothing and kept attacking with the katana swiftly, as if
he could do this forever, giving birth to a trace of powerlessness in Qin Xuans

"No, I cannot go on like this. He must have also practiced some hyper geno art that
enhances his stamina. Maybe I will be the one who is worn out first" Qin Xuan
gritted her teeth and dodged another strike. She took back her dagger and two beast
souls appeared in the air.

One beast soul was the mutant golden lion that she had always used. She
instantaneously shapeshifted into a magnificent golden lion.

And the other beast soul was a ball of blue liquid, which poured into the lion and
turned its golden body blue. The lion also grew larger and looked fiercer.

"That is sacred-blood water spirit! Qin Xuan actually got its beast soul!" Son of
Heaven was shocked to see that. He knew very well how scary a sacred-blood water
spirit was. It could coexist with another creature and make that creature
exceptionally strong.

Qin Xuan made the final attack to the water spirit when she was hunting it with Son
of Heaven, who did not know she got the beast soul. It seemed that the beast soul
had the same power as the creature it once belonged to.

With the help of water spirit beast soul, the mutant golden lion had become
stronger than normal sacred-blood creatures. Qin Xuan could then fully display the
power of Atomic Fission.

Son of Heaven was surprised. "Qin Xuan has become so strong. It seems that this
year she could be among top 3 of the Chosen."

Han Sen knew Qin Xuan really well. He glanced at her expression and knew something
was off. Just before she summoned the water spirit beast soul, he summoned his
wings and flew up high.

Everyone was stunned, including Qin Xuan. Who could have thought Dollar who looked
like he was going for mutual destruction had flown away the minute Qin Xuan

Qin Xuan who had shapeshifted did not know what to do. These two beast souls were
fierce enough for sure. Even Dollar used a sacred-blood shapeshifting beast soul
she could beat him.

She chose the moment when Han Sen was making the most powerful strikes to
shapeshift so that he wouldnt disengage himself. She didnt have sacred-blood wings,
so she wanted to end the match as soon as possible.

What she did not think of was that Dollar who was chasing her just flew away faster
than rabbits.
Qin Xuan suddenly felt very embarrassed. As fierce as she was right now, she could
not fly and as a lion, she could no longer use weapons, so she couldnt even throw
things at Han Sen.

Chapter 94

Flying in the air, Han Sen summoned the mutant sawfish spear and cast it down at
Qin Xuan like how a fisherman would use a harpoon. The lion that Qin Xuan had
turned into reached out a claw and hit the spear hard. The spear as thick as an arm
bent and bounced off.
Fortunately, the spear was tough enough so that it wasnt broken under her claw.
Han Sen took back his mutant sawfish spear and watched her from above, not
intending to attack again or to land.
Everyone suddenly came to understand that Dollar was trying to consume Qin Xuans
shapeshifting time. Shapeshifting beast souls required a lot of energy to use. Even
Qin Xuan couldnt stay like this for very long, or it would hurt her body.
"So shameless!"
"Do you call yourself a man?"
"What do you know? It's tactics."
"If she could fly as well, then good for her."
There was suddenly a chaos on the stands. Some supported Dollar and some Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan simply could not reach Han Sen. She quickly dismissed the shapeshifting
beast soul. But the moment she did that, Han Sen flew down and slashed his katana
at her.
Qin Xuan had met a lot of strong enemies, but she had never been as depressed as
she was at this moment. Once she shapeshifted, Han Sen would immediately fly into
the sky; when she turned into herself, Han Sen would then rush down. She became
sullen as she couldnt make use of her own strength.
"Ha-ha, Dollar is just great. He is fighting like a guerrilla."
"He is bullying her. Qin Xuan is almost crying."
"Shameless scum. How can a man be so brazen?"
Unabashed, Han Sen believed it did not matter how he won as long as he won. If he
could go to the contest among the champions of all the shelters and rank top 10, he
would be rewarded a sacred-blood beast soul. He would definitely try his best for
that sake.
Qin Xuan did not expect that Dollar would sink so low to make her unable to use her
power. Now she was only happy that Dollar was not an archer, or she would be even
more miserable.
"Dollar, you are a dignified man. Do you dare to fight me head-on?" Qin Xuan wanted
to prod Dollar into action.
Unfortunately, Han Sen ignored her intention and replied, "You are a soldier. Dont
you understand that victory is all that matters? Even if I let you win today, what
if you encounter champions of other shelters who could fly? Do you expect to
persuade them to give up their ability to fly as well?"
Qin Xuan paused and people who accused Han Sen of being shameless also lowered
their voices.
In fact, they should have thought of this. There had been more than one person who
could fly among the Chosen before. Not being able to fly was a weakness of Qin
Xuans and even if she won today, others might still choose to exploit that in the
Many people who supported Qin Xuan kept silent. Qin Xuan smiled wryly. "Well, I
give up. We do not have to go on."
Qin Xuan knew that she had such a fatal weakness, but did not think Dollar would be
so brazen to use that to his advantage. Now that she had no way of winning, she
chose to throw in the towel instead of staying in this awkward match.
Qin Xuan now regretted that she did not work hard on archery. Or she could have
used an advanced beast soul bow and arrow to beat Dollar.
"You can pick up the S-Class license of Saint Hall at Steel Armor Gang." Qin Xuan
said and left the martial ring, which made Han Sen this year's champion of Steel
Armor Shelter
Dollars victory was very controversial. A lot of people thought it was not
honorary. But Han Sen didnt mind his reputation as long as he could win the sacred-
blood beast soul given to the Chosen.

Qin Xuan left in good grace, but she had also set Han Sen up. If he went to pick up
the S-Class license at Steel Armor Gang, she might be ready to ambush him. Han Sen
knew her so well that he didnt dare to pick up the license under her nose, as he
knew she must be quite upset with him.
The contest in Steel Armor Shelter was officially over. The top 100 all had their
names on the martial stele in the martial ring. The first name there was "Dollar."
Han Sen hoped that no one would call him "Doll" again. However, many still did.
All the shelter champions would start to compete in ten days. By then everyone in
First Gods Sanctuary could see the match taking place in the Chosen Martial Ring.
The top 10 participants would each gain a random sacred-blood beast soul and be
named "the Chosen."
If one had been the Chosen for the second or more time, one would no longer be
awarded more sacred-blood beast souls, but an upgrade to ones beast soul awarded
the first time.
Many of the Chosen would just go into the entertainment industry and become a star.
Countless agents and companies would try to sign the Chosen with a large chunk of
money. Unfortunately, the ten Chosen were normally the same persons from last year.
Fresh faces would only have an opportunity once they evolved and went to Second
Gods Sanctuary.

Han Sen didnt care for the entertainment industry, but he would spare no effort in
gaining the reward of a sacred-blood beast soul.
Legend has it that as the Chosens reward, someone had once gained a beast soul in
the shape of a beauty woman. Some rich guy offered more than a billion dollars and
even an interstellar warship for it. No one knew if the deal was made, but no one
had seen that beast soul again. It must be collected by some rich beast soul lover.

Han Sen naturally wanted to be assigned a beast soul in the shape of a beauty and
become rich overnight. But he would first have to become the Chosen.
Only ten days to go until he started competing with other champions. There was no
time for him to hunt for more geno points. Han Sen decided to use the time to train
himself in the teleport station.
The gravity trainer was indeed a wonderful training device which had helped Han Sen
a lot. He could push himself really far in a short amount of time inside it and
practice Jadeskin much more efficiently.
He would then complete the training tasks assigned by Yang Manli and use the rest
of the time to play Hand of God.
Han Sen was not sure what Gambler meant by "pass." He thought he had to clear all
levels, but in fact what Gambler meant was just to pass the beginner level.
That was why Han Sen felt terrible that he still hadnt been able to pass the
beginner level in so long.
"This game is so demanding on my dexterity of the entire arm and my control of
muscles and bones. If I use Jadeskin when I play, I should be able to improve my
score greatly." Han Sen tried it, and his scores indeed boomed. On the sixth day,
he was able to level up for the first time.
Han Sen was still vexed with the fact that it took him so long to pass the beginner
level and he even had to use Jadeskin. However, if Gambler knew Han Sen had already
passed beginner level, he would be so shocked that his chin should fall to the
Chapter 95

Because of the misunderstanding, Han Sen continued to challenge the evolver level
of Hand of God, but he was making little progress even when using Jadeskin.

Recently, Yang Manli was satisfied with Han Sens performance. He had finished all
the tasks she assigned him and the data of the gravity trainer became normal again.
She thought it was because he had stopped exploiting the loophole, but little did
she know that he was actually increasing the difficulty so that his result could
look normal.

It was almost midnight and Han Sen was the only one left in the gym, playing Hand
of God. He had discovered that the game was almost designed for him.

Since he started practicing Jadeskin, he had gained exceptional control of his

bones and muscles, and he had also become much more flexible. This game could help
improve his reflexes and agility, which was a great for his progress with
Sleeveblade and other skills that required handwork.
Qin Xuan teleported out of Gods Sanctuary to look for Yang Manli, who chanced not
to be in the teleport station.
When passing by the gym, Qin Xuan saw the light in the gym was still on and knew
someone was still in there. She curiously took a look and saw Han Sen was playing
Hand of God.

Qin Xuan felt nostalgic as she played this game a lot when she was in military
school, putting a lot effort in it as well.

Although autonomous vehicles had been the mainstream in the Alliance for a long
time, manual control was still needed when one was operating a warframe. In an
interstellar war, warframes were fundamental as it would be hardly profitable to
destroy a planet with weapons of mass destruction.

Warframe, as an individual combat tool, played a vital role in wars these days.

All military schools were training their students to operate warframes, which was
one of the basic skills of a soldier. Hand of God was one of the best ways to
improve ones speed and control, which were relevant to warframe operation.

Qin Xuan felt that she should teach Han Sen some tricks of the game. As he was
handpicked by her, she would like to make him better.
"Lets see how you are doing first." Qin Xuan approached Han Sen and watched
carefully. She was a bit far from him just now so all she could see was that he
kept failing, and that was why she wanted to teach him.
But when Qin Xuan got closer, she suddenly felt that the holographic spots were
disappearing too fast, which was why he kept making mistakes.

"Which level did he choose?" Qin Xuan checked the data on the screen.

"Evolver-3?" Qin Xuan could not help but frown. She thought that Han Sen was too
ambitious. The evolver level was designed for evolvers, as the name suggested. The
unevolved could sometimes pass the evolver level, but the was very rare.

Even for Qin Xuan with her current abilities, she could only pass evolver-2
occasionally, which was already incredible for an unevolved. After all, the
unevolved werent the target players here.

But Han Sen was challenging evolver-3. And he was just aiming too high.

"Biting off more than you can chew will get you nowhere," she thought, while she
did not interrupt Han Sen but watched him starting over again and again. She wanted
to teach him a lesson when he chose to give up.

Having watched for a while, Qin Xuan became serious, then surprised, and eventually

Han Sen was failing again and again. But in this process, he was making less and
less mistakes and improving at a shocking rate.

As someone who had worked hard on this game, Qin Xuan knew that once you had
reached your limit in the game, you could hardly improve again even with months

A limit is a limit. And no practice could bring you over your limit. Unless your
strength had improved significantly, no exercise could raise your score.

The purpose of playing Hand of God was to show ones potential. But one couldnt
improve ones potential by playing the game over and over again.

Now Han Sens improvement could only mean one thingevolver-3 was not yet his limit.
That was why he could still reduce his mistakes and get better.

"Evolver-3 is not his limit. Is his talent in this area so great?" Qin Xuan did see
great things in him, but did not expect he would be so good at this game.

When she was in military school, the champion of the military academy league was
just able to pass evolver-3. And that guy was top 10 in the warframe contest of the
league. He was known for his swiftness and accuracy, and even had a nickname
"Lighting Hand."

Han Sen reached the same level without any professional training, which was why she
felt shocked.

"Can he pass evolver-3?" Qin Xuan stood aside, watching Han Sen with a complicated
expression on her face.

Han Sen did not notice the arrival of Qin Xuan at all. Now, all his attention was
focused on hitting the spots appearing everywhere. Jadeskin was fully employed.

"Faster, I can go faster!" Han Sen's arms kept making swift and odd moves, twisted
like serpents from time to time. Using all the muscles in his fingers and arms, he
kept hitting all the spots appearing from nowhere.

After the completion of evolver-2, Han Sen had experienced countless failures
adapting himself to the difficulty of evolver-3. He felt easier and easier to keep
going and started to feel that he could definitely pass this time.

Chapter 96

Qin Xuan felt suffocated as she almost stopped breathing when she saw Han Sens
hands dancing madly.

Halfway through evoler-3, Han Sen had made no mistake yet. His hands were moving so
fast that sometimes all she could see was the afterimage, which amazed her.

Although the test had not yet been completed, Qin Xuan was able to determine that
Han Sen had the ability to pass evolver-3. Judging from what she saw, he was not
just lucky, but making progress constantly.

"Evolver-3... This is evolver-3!" Qin Xuan was suddenly pleased with herself.

She was the one who discovered Han Sen and insisted that he join her squad. The
potentials he was exhibiting proved her decision extremely wise.

An unevolved who could complete evolver-3 in Hand of God was very likely to be
invincible among all the unevolved once he learned how to operate a warframe.

"This kind of ability seems wasted on a sniper or archer." Qin Xuan was swayed for
a moment, as he would make a better warframe operator in an open battle than a
sniper in the dark.

But thinking of Han Sens cautious character, Qin Xuan soon gave up the idea as he
was not cut out for close combat.

But this discovery still made Qin Xuan happy, because Han Sen was the best
candidate to operate a warframe equipped with multiple long-range shooting weapons.


A crisp sound interrupted the thoughts of Qin Xuan. It was the tone of Han Sen
passing evolver-3. She was no longer surprised, because she had predicted that this
was not his limit.

But she was now more convinced of Han Sens amazing potentials and felt more
determined about one thing.

"This person is mine," Qin Xuan thought eagerly, as Han Sen started to play
evolver-3 again.

Even Qin Xuan herself could not have foreseen that she would have such high hopes
for this guy who mistook her for a creature and stabbed her in her butt the first
time they met.

"Evolver-3, if he got more geno points and became an evolver, how great could he be
then?" Qin Xuan was slightly excited. She quietly watched Han Sen practice for a
long time before she went out of the gym.

"Maybe I could raise the bar for him," Qin Xuan thought with a smile that would
make Han Sen shudder.

Ten days had soon passed. Han Sen was stuck and couldnt pass evolver-4 in such
short time. There were ten phases in each level and Han Sens performance had been
exceptional for an unevolved.

Practicing Hand of God not only benefited his Sleeveblade skills, but also helped
his speed of Bladestorm, as his improvement.was comprehensive.

"The contest of all champions has finally come. I have to be in the top 10." Han
Sen had read a lot of information from previous years and felt that he stood a good

It was not to say that he was invincible. This year, several powerful Chosen had
gone to Second Gods Sanctuary, which meant he had less competition.

Han Sen studied his potential competition for a long time and found that his
biggest rivals were likely to be Tang Zhenliu and Lin Feng.

Tang had been the Chosen several times. He was the fifth last year and three of the
four that ranked higher than him had gone to Second Gods Sanctuary this year. The
only one who didnt go was named Lin Feng, similar to the name of Han Sens friend
Lin Beifeng. Lin Feng was the second place last year.

There was no doubt that this year the two men would be the ones to beat.

He looked through the description from a lot of people who had watched last years
contest and found the two strong indeed.

Great fighting skills, plenty of advanced beast souls plus the sacred-blood beast
souls awarded to them last time, as well as their growth this year, all meant they
shouldnt be taken lightly.

Han Sen has met Tang Zhenliu before. Although he kicked Tangs ass in the game, it
was completely thanks to his reflexes and prejudgment. In a real combat, he needed
more to win and just Tangs beast souls alone were trouble enough.

"How come these two guys did not go to Second Gods Sanctuary?" Han Sen was ever
more concerned after he read the description. No matter how well they could fight,
the beast souls they had would be fearsome enough.

"I hope I wont run into them too early, or I would probably be in bad shape even if
I won, which would be a disadvantage in the following matches," Han Sen thought.

He could gain a sacred-blood beast soul as long as he was top 10, and the beast
soul was assigned randomly. Therefore, Han Sen did not think of the first place,
but would be happy as long as he was one of the Chosen.

When Han Sen was considering all kinds of possibilities, he heard his comlink and
saw a strange number on it.

Han Sen frowned. He was not sure who it would be and answered the call hesitantly.

Beyond Han Sens expectation, popped up in the holographic image was Tang Zhenliu.

"Surprise!" Tang laughed.

"It sure is. What's up?" Han Sen asked.

"I need a favor from you," Tang said.

"Lets hear it. I am just a nobody and may not be able to help you," Han Sen said
with a smile.

"You sure can. It has to be you, too. But no worries, you could name your price,"
Tang Zhenliu said.

"What favor exactly?" Han Sen cringed.

"Lets talk about it in person. Are you home now? I'll pick you up," Tang said

"No need. Tell me the place and Ill go to see you." Han Sen felt strange. Tomorrow
was when the contest would start. What was Tang doing looking for Han Sen rather
than preparing himself?
"Is it about the contest?" Han Sen guessed and felt it necessary to figure out what
Tang was up to.

Chapter 97

When Han Sen arrived at the place Tang Zhenliu told him, he saw Fang Jingqi was
also there. Tang led Han Sen into the living room.

After entering the living room, Han Sen saw that on the sofa sat a young man, who
was very quiet and did not speak when he saw Han Sen coming in.

"Tang, what do you need me for?" Han Sen asked directly.

"Brother, look at this first." Instead of answering Han Sens question, Tang played
a video.

The scene was shot in a martial ring. A man in combat suit was surrounded by a
group of people wearing masks. The moment Han Sen saw the man he shuddered,
although it was just through the holographic image.

Then the video began. Under the siege, the man started a gorgeous murder show.

It was a slaughter. In one minute and twenty-three seconds, the man in combat suit
was holding nothing but a dagger. He had killed a total of 34 people, each in one
strike. No one survived, and no one could stand up again after taking his strike.

The man was like death himself, harvesting lives casually.

"This person is a lot like you," after the video was played, Tang looked at Han Sen
and said.

"Thats not me," Han Sen said quietly.

"Of course its not you, but you fight in the same style. Before you strike, there
is no warning or signs. But the strike itself was fast and fierce, with perfect
timing. You are both assassins," Tang concluded.

Although Tang had not fought Han Sen, he was a great fighter and discovered many
things when he was playing that drinking game with Han Sen.

"So?" Han Sen frowned.

"This person is called Yi Dongmu, grandson of Senator Yi who is demigod. This year
he is the champion of Tsar Shelter. In other words, he is one of my competitors,"
Tang explained.

"What do you want me to do? Disable him so that he cannot participate in the
contest? I am sorry, but I do not have that kind of skills." Han Sen spread out his

"Of course not. He is the grandson of Senator Yi. Even we couldnt approach him
easily, let alone you. We could never assassinate him. In the Alliance, wherever he
goes, hes always closely guarded," Tang said. "We have invited you here because we
want you to imitate Yi Dongmus tactics and spar with us. Truth be told, I really
have no confidence to block his weird strikes and you can help us get used to his

"Whats in it for me?" Han Sen did not decline.

Tang pondered, moved his lips but didnt speak.

They were basically asking Han Sen to teach them how to beat himself, so it was
very hard to name the price. If Han Sen was someone important, they would not even
have asked as it could be perceived as provocative.

"We can try our best to accommodate whatever you propose," Fang Jingqi said.

"An S-Class license of Saint Hall," Han Sen paused and said.

"Deal." Tang replied so fast that Han Sen felt that he might have asked for too
little, maybe he should have said two S-Class licenses.

But Han Sen had always been an optimist. One S-Class license was a great price
already and what they asked him to do helped himself in turn as well, as Yi Dongmu
might be his opponent as well.

"I have to say this before we start. My skills are inferior to Yis. Even if you
could parry my attacks, you might still be stabbed by him," said Han Sen.

"I know. Here are some videos of him fighting. Watch carefully and then we will
start. We dont have much time left and we can only hope that our first opponent
wont be him so that wed have more time to practice." Tang Zhenliu sat on the couch
and joined Lin Feng, leaving Han Sen to watch the videos himself.

Han Sen watched one video after another. None of the videos were shot officially.
Han Sen felt this trip was worth it, because if he encountered Yi Dongmu without
knowing his style, he might be killed in the match.

Indeed, they shared the same style. The difference was that Han Sen had formed the
style himself, while Yi clearly had a great mentor. That was why Yis skills were
much better. He seemed to have a better fitness level than Han Sen as well.

As for beast souls, Han Sen was sure that Yi had better ones than his as well. As
the grandson of a demigod and senator, his grandfather would manage to get him
nice stuff no matter which shelter he was in.

Although time is limited, none of Tang Zhenliu, Fang Jingqi and Lin Feng asked Han
Sen to hurry. They let Han Sen repeatedly watch the footages.

Han Sen sometimes would replay some details several times. Yi had taught him a lot
through these videos, which meant more to Han Sen than an S-Class license.

In just less than four hours, Han Sen felt as if he had been through a
revolutionary change.

However, after full understanding Yis way of fighting, Han Sen was surprised to
find that although Yis strikes looked terrifying, there were subtle defects to his
style. And only those who deeply understood this style would be aware of these

Tang was getting impatient and wanted to interrupt Han Sen, but Lin Feng the quiet
man stopped him. It was in the evening when Han Sen had finished with the videos.

"Let's get started," Han Sen got up and said.

"Well, let me see how well you can imitate Yi." Tang took Han Sen into a combat
room in the villa.
Hen Sen grabbed a dagger the same shape of Yis dagger. Its edge was not sharpened
and its blade was retractable, so that no one would get hurt.

The way Yi Dongmu and Han Sen fought required them to do their best with each
strike. If real weapons were used, Tang was afraid that he would be injured by Han

"Lets begin." Tang tightly watched Han Sen, and did not step back. They wanted to
practice how to parry Yis strikes after being approached by him.

Chapter 98

Han Sen approached Tang, holding a dagger backhandedly, a way he had learned from

Two feet away from Tang, Han Sen suddenly wielded the dagger and stabbed it at him
from an unexpected angle.

Fang Jingqi was shocked, and the quiet mans eyes lit up. Tang was covered in cold
sweat and it was too late to parry that attack with his broadsword. He abruptly
turned sideways but was still stabbed in the waist.

"S*#t! Your strike was not that different from his," Tang called out, staring at
Han Sen.

Fang Jingqi looked at Han Sen with a strange look and the quiet mans eyes also fell
on Han Sens hands.

Hen Sen was surprised himself as well. He was practicing Jadeskin madly these days.
And practicing Hand of God had also enhanced his speed.

In addition, he just saw Yis way of fighting and had some new insights. Now his
strike was so powerful that he couldnt believe it himself.

"Ha-ha, God loves me. With you sparring with me, Yi will be no big deal." Tang
laughed out loud.

For a whole night, none went to bed, but the only one who was practicing with Han
Sen was Tang. Fang Jingqi didnt register in the contest and the quiet man was just
watching and did not meant to join them.

Having practiced for a night, Tang could not avoid Hans dagger as long as Han Sen
was within a foot from him. Tang didnt develop a way to defend himself, while Han
Sen was getting better and better.

"S*#t! I give up. There is no way to parry your attacks. Maybe Im doomed," Tang
said sullenly, as he saw it was about time to go to Gods Sanctuary for the contest
and there was no point in going on.

"Now you are able to deal with Yi," Lin Feng who had been watching in silence
suddenly said.

"Lin, what do you mean?" asked Tang, sitting up straight and staring at Lin Feng.

"Yi Dongmu is not as good as him. You cant parry his strikes, but with Yi you would
be able to avoid being stabbed in fatal parts. If your luck is not too bad and run
into Yi in a few days instead of today, you could block Yis strikes at a very small
price." Hearing this remark from Lin Feng, Tang and Fang all looked Han Sen,

They knew Lin Feng well and was shocked that he would speak so highly of Han Sen by
saying that Yi Dongmu was not as good.

Han Sens background was much inferior to Yi and Yi was probably also older, yet Lin
Feng said Yi Dongmu was not as good as Han Sen.

If the remark was from another person, they would certainly have scoffed, but they
knew Lin Feng and he was never wrong. Last year, the only reasons he was not the
first place were that he hadnt broken the bottleneck in his hyper geno art and that
he entered Gods Sanctuary two years later than his opponent.

"No need to look at him that way. Im just saying his style is better than Yi
Dongmus, but his fitness was still inferior to Yi of course." Lin Feng smiled, and
reached a hand out to Han Sen. "I am Lin Feng. Very pleased to know you. You are an
interesting person."

"Han Sen. A pleasure," Han Sen shook his hand, smiled and said.

"Well, it is late. Lets shower and teleport." Tang interrupted the eye contact
between Han Sen and Lin Feng. He turned to ask Han Sen, "There is a teleport device
here. You want to join us?"

"No, I did not register so I will not go," Han Sen declined and left.

Watching Han Sen leaving the villa, Tang asked Lin Feng, "Is he really so good?"

"Hes better than you think. If he had the same background as Yi, he would be 100
times more impressive than the latter. He understands the essence of assassination,
while Yi only has some skills. His growth was limited by his background but he will
be well-known in a few years," commented Lin Feng.

"Such high praise from Lin. He must really be something," Fang Jingqi said.

"In a few years, will he surpass you?" Tang was interested.

"In First Gods Sanctuary, I am invincible," said Lin Feng casually, exuding

This time Han Sen had gained a lot. Not only did he get an S-Class license from
Tang, he also enhanced his advantages in sneak attacks. As pointed out by Lin Feng,
his strikes were more threatening than Yis.

But no matter how powerful his strikes were, he had to first get close to his
opponent, which was not easy.

In practice, he started from the proximity of Tang, who would never let him get so
close in a real match. After all, the art of assassination was better used in the

Yi had practiced a kind of footwork that allowed him to easily approach others even
from the front, but Han Sen had never learned it so it was hard for him to get

That footwork was also a hyper geno art and involved special techniques. Han Sen
was never good at footwork and could not imitate from watching the videos. Even if
he tried, he couldnt get the essence of it. Therefore, it was essential that he
should learn his own footwork.

"Maybe I should consider using this on my footwork." Han Sen squeezed the S-Class
license in his pocket.

But now he had no time for that--practicing a new hyper geno art took time. Han Sen
went to the teleport station, entered Gods Sanctuary, dressed himself as Dollar and
entered the martial ring.

In the middle of the martial ring erected a giant sacred stele that was a hundred
times more magnificent than the martial stele. Under the watch of people from Steel
Armor Shelter, Han Sen marched into the sacred stele and was teleported to a huge
martial ring--Chosen Martial Ring.

In all the shelters of Gods Sanctuary, there was a similar sacred stele from which
the image of Chosen Martial Ring was projected. At this moment, champions from all
the shelters were entering Chosen Martial Ring from the sacred stele.

Chapter 99

Han Sen realized how large the population of the Alliance was and how large First
Gods Sanctuary was when he entered Chosen Martial Ring.

Every shelter had about 100,000 people like Steel Armor Shelter. And everyone in
Chosen Martial Ring now was the champion of their own shelter. The stands were
almost filled with at least 100,000 champions, which meant there were at least
100,000 shelters in First Gods Sanctuary. It was a dizzying figure indeed.

After humans entered the interstellar era, they had conquered lots of habitable
planets and had been thriving. Now the human kind was so huge that only Shuras
could compete.

Among the champions of all shelters, Dollar was the most famous one, in addition to
the Chosen from last year.

That video of Dollar fighting golden-horned Shura was so viral that all mainstream
media had covered it, so Dollar had become a household name in the Alliance.

Many people were curiously looking at Han Sen, as they wondered how Dollar really

But it was mostly just curiosity. They had all watched the video starring Han Sen.
Although the storyline was impressive, Dollar didnt really show much strength at
that time.

His sacred-blood beast souls were great but he himself not so much. Han Sen at that
time would be very far behind among the champions of all shelters.

After all, these people were one in a hundred thousand with great physiques and
advanced beast souls. It hadnt been long since Han Sen fought the Shura, so no one
believed he could have made much progress. People mostly just wondered about him
and didnt treat him as a fierce rival.

When the channel into Chosen Martial Ring was closed, the match list finally
appeared on the sacred stele.

The names on the list were the ones the champions left on the martial steles. Han
Sen quickly searched the list for "Dollar" and he found it very soon. The word
stood out to him for some reason and others had found their own names as well.

In this contest among the champions, a one-on-one model was adopted and the winner
of the two would enter the next round, so the list was like a pyramid. Han Sen was
relieved to see both Tang Zhenliu and Lin Feng were arranged far from him and there
was no chance they would meet before top 10. Han Sen scanned the list again and
another name caught his eye.

"Yi Dongmu, he used his real name?" Han Sen saw the name Yi Dongmu and followed his
path. He was suddenly startled.

If Yi and he could both win all the way, they would fight for the chance to become
the Chosen. So in order for Han Sen to gain the sacred-blood beast soul, he must
beat Yi.

"Tang Zhenliu was afraid of Yi, while I was the one who met him. Yi Dongmu, your
luck is no good. If Tang didnt come to me, I might lose to you. But now its
different. Maybe I am chosen," Han Sen thought happily. Perhaps others would be
afraid of Yi, but he was confident he could beat Yi after watching the videos.

Chosen Martial Ring was divided into a thousand stages stacked on top of one
another. Each time a thousand pairs could fight at the same time. Han Sen was in a
late match so he went to see other matches first, especially the one Yi was in. He
had to know how much better Yi was getting compared to his performance in the

Yi Dongmus match in this round was also rather late. Han Sen watched a few matches
and was surprised as no one was to be taken lightly in this contest.

He also watched Tang Zhenliu's first match. His opponent stood no chance under his
fierce broadsword skills. After Tang shapeshifted, his opponent was barely fighting
back. Tangs techniques and strength were both outstanding in the contest.

Lin Feng whom Han Sen was paying even more attention to also won his match, while
Han Sen didnt really understand the way he won. His opponent was a nobody, but Lin
Feng only won by a narrow margin.

Han Sen could even imagine that in the reports next day, Lin Fengs opponent would
be described as "had a glorious failure."

But for some reason, Lin Feng made Han Sen feel more threatened than Tang did.

Finally, it was Yi Dongmus turn. He was not well-known at the moment. Although he
was the grandson of Senator Yi, only a few people knew he was in the contest. After
all, this was his first contest.

However, his opponent was a celebrity who ranked number 10 last time, nicknamed
"Dragon Swordsman." Dragon Swordsman was very handsome and had great sword skills.
With lots of female fans in the Alliance, he enjoyed great popularity among all the

Dragon Swordsmans match was naturally high-profile. A lot of people thought that he
had a chance of being top 3 this year and all the girls were cheering for him. Few
paid attention to Yi Dongmu, his opponent.

But ten seconds from the match started, everyone was shocked. Before Dragon
Swordsman drew his sword, Yi Dongmus knife had cut his throat.

Watching Dragon Swordsman clutching his own neck in pain and collapsing, the
audience were silent. His female fans were covered in tears with hands on their
mouths, not accepting what they saw.

One of the Chosen last year, Dragon Swordsman was killed in his first match. That
would sure become the headline next morning. This was all it took for Yi to be
known throughout the Alliance.

Han Sen was calm. Although Yi had made some progress, the well-born kid still did
not understand the essence of assassination.

Chapter 100

It was Han Sens turn. His opponent was a guy called Lei Ban. The moment Han Sen got
on the stage, Lei Ban summoned a beast soul bow and three beast soul arrows and
shot all three arrows at him. The three arrows almost flew to Han Sen at the same

Han Sen was surprised. Lei Ban was at least as good at archery as him, and even had
better techniques than him. Judging from the look of his bow, it was likely a
sacred-blood beast soul bow and two of the three arrows were dark green, so they
were probably poisonous like his mutant black stinger arrow. The third arrow was
made from blue crystal and sounded as if it could tear air apart when it was in the
air, which suggested it could be a sacred-blood beast soul arrow.

"Sure enough, there is no one weak here." Han Sen swiftly dodged the strongest blue
crystal arrow and summoned his mutant sawfish spear to ward off the other two

Han Sen felt a bash as the arrows and his spear collided. The spear almost fell
from his hand.

"Excellent archer and weapons," thought Han Sen in awe. He squeezed the spear and
approached Lei Ban.

Lei Ban was not only fast, but was also able to shoot while running. The arrows
were not affected by his movement at all. Unable to trap Lei Ban with his spear,
Han Sen had to run after Lei Ban while dodging his arrows.

Han Sen had a lot of respect for this opponent, who had much better footwork than
him and could shoot arrows in all positions when moving with both great strength
and accuracy. Han Sen had also worked hard on archery but he was only able to shoot
when standing still. His accuracy would suffer a lot if he tried to move.

Lei Ban was indeed much stronger than him in archery, so Han Sen was not in a hurry
to end the match. Instead, he started to observe his opponent and learn from him.

Han Sen's match had also attracted a lot of people's attention. After all, Dollar
was popular. But compared with Yi Dongmu, his performance was less than impressive.
More than half an hour had passed and they were still running after each other,
rendering the audience drowsy.

In First Gods Sanctuary, people were quite disappointed in Dollar, except for his
hardcore fans. Since a match with an unknown person had cost him so much effort,
Dollar didnt seem to have what it took to become the Chosen.

When the match had been going on for more than an hour, Han Sen shapeshifted into
the bloody slayer, approached Lei Ban and beat him in a close combat, which Lei was
not good at.
The same day, all major media in the Alliance had covered the contest. Although
there was no image, the reporters managed to depict the matches vividly with words.

Their main focus was on Yi Dongmus match. Yis background was also publishedthe
grandson of Senator Yi who had graduated with stellar grades from the best posh
school before entering Gods Sanctuary.

His background and his seckill of Dragon Swordsman made him a major contender this

The victory of Tang had also made him a favorite.

Another top contestant was Lin Feng. His match, however, benefited his opponent,
who was considered to have lost by a narrow margin by the media.

There were articles on Han Sen too, but they were rather short in general. The
longer ones were all focused on the disappointment in Dollar.

Most of the reports were filled with phrases like "narrow win," "work to be done,"
"hard to live up to the reputation" and "to be improved." There was not much

In fact, those who saw Han Sens match, including his fans, had to admit Dollar was
just average.

The team of the TV program "Contest Center" was holding a meeting in their office
building. In the conference room, the station director Xu Kangnian was tapping his
finger on the table. He looked at Fang Mingquan sitting on his right side and
suggested with a smile, "Fang, do you think we need to make some alterations to
todays show?"

"Which alterations do you have in mind?" Fang Ming frowned, as he could guess what
Xu Kangnian wanted to say.

Since Dollars video became viral, Fang Mingquan was poached by Huaxing Stations
"Contest Center" team. Because he had taken the place of an old host in the
station, he was not the most popular person here. He was targeted here and there,
which made it difficult for him to realize his career goals.

"Fang, we journalists have to focus on the hot issues. Contest Center was designed
for this contest and we ought to focus on the more outstanding matches." Xu
Kangnian paused and said, "Shall we put Dollars content on hold, and release it
when he had a better match? Lets focus on Yi Dongmu first. What do you think?"

"The director has a point. Yi is so popular right now, of course we should focus on
him. Dollar was just lucky to have killed a badly injured Shura. His weakness was
exposed in the contest and he couldnt even be in the top 100, let alone the Chosen.
There is little point covering his match. We need to focus on Yi who could be the
first place." Wang Changqing said with his face stern, giving Fang Mingquan a cold

This program used to belong to Wang Changqing, and he was replaced by Fang Mingquan
in the end, which explained why Fang was not his favorite person.

"Yes. Its settled then. Fang, lets roll with Yi Dongmu for this one," said Xu
Fang Mingquan curled his lips and felt suffocated. He suppressed his anger and
scanned each onlooker. Shooting Wang Changqing a cold stare, he looked at Xu
Kangnian and said calmly, "Director Xu, if you still want me to host Contest
Center, I will talk about Dollar, not just for this episode, but for all future
episodes. I will also tell everyone that Dollar will be the winner of the contest."

Everyone in the conference room paused and looked like Fang Mingquan as if he were

Chapter 101

Every year during the contest, there was a lot of special programs that covered
different matches. Although Contest Center was just a new program, it was produced
by Huaxing Station, which was a prominent TV station. With a celebrity host Fang
Mingquan, the program had good ratings and was among top 100 in the Alliance.
Top 100 may sound less than impressive, but was in fact an amazing achievement. In
the entire Alliance, each planet had tens of thousands of programs, many of which
were from the authority. It was quite something to stand out and be among top 100.
And of course, during the contest, a program focusing on the contest itself would
naturally have higher ratings.
On this day, the content of Contest Center caused an uproar in the Alliance. Fang
Mingquan had introduced and analyzed Dollars current situation and predicted that
this year Dollar would become the final champion, which had lead to outspread
"Fang Mingquan is a retard. Look at Dollars performance, how can he win?"
"We know that you are famous because of Dollars video. But there is no need to kiss
Dollars ass like this."
"Rubbish. If Dollar is the champion, I will live broadcast myself eating s*#t."
"What do you think of Yi Dongmu if you think Dollar could win?"
"Ha-ha, Fang Mingquan is so dumb. Dollar will meet Yi Dongmu before he gets to top
10. Hed be lucky to survive. To win? LMAO."
"My Tang Zhenliu would never let him!"
"My Lin Feng would never let him!"
"Stupid, stupid, stupid..."
"Although I also like Dollar, he didnt do that well in the contest so far."
"Fang Mingquan, you are too subjective about this. I cant even watch this stuff and
I am a fan of Dollars."
"You call yourself a fan? Go be other peoples fan, please."
"Dollar is nothing compared to Yi."
"Yi must win."
"Dollar little angel, I will always support you."

Contest Center and Fang Mingquan had been made a hit by all the criticism. Many
peers were satirical about Fangs grandstanding, too. Some even asked him to quit
Except for a few hardcore fans of Dollar, all comments on Fang was negative. Even
many Dollars fans thought Fangs report was over the top and didnt dare to support
"Fang, Im sorry you are wronged." In the conference room of Huaxing Station, Xu
Kangnian grinned from ear to ear.
Although Contest Center and Fang Mingquan were severely criticized, the ratings had
risen a lot, sending the show in top 50.
A large number of other contestants fans flooded into Contest Center, especially
those who supported Yi Dongmu, this years dark horse who would encounter Dollar
before becoming the Chosen. The Skynet community of the show had almost burst.
Although it was only top 50, for Huaxing Station it was a great achievement. There
had been less than a handful of shows that could accomplish this in the stations

Therefore, Xu Kangnian was quite pleased with what Fang Mingquan had done and Wang
Changqing was naturally upset. He didnt know that Fang Mingquan would try to
improve the ratings this way.
"This is just my job. I have Director Xu to thank for my achievement." Fang
Mingquan said modestly, flattering Xu at the same time.
Xu Kangnian was even happier and patted Fang Mingquan on the shoulder. "Fang, keep
talking about Dollar and the stronger you say he is the better. If everything goes
well, we might have even higher ratings and could break our record."
"Please rest assured that I will do my best." Fang Mingquan did not think it was
grandstanding as he sincerely believed Dollar would win. However, others didnt see
it that way. Fortunately, the result was good anyway. For a journalist, criticism
was not always a bad thing.
Xu Kangnian praised Fang Mingquan some more. After the meeting was over and Xu had
left, Wang Changqing said coldly, "You are ignoring the facts for fame. You might
be popular now but the reputation of the program would be ruined by you. Which
station would hire you in the future? Xus compliment means nothing. You think you
can get away with it when he finds out the show was discredited?"
Of course, Fang Mingquan understood that as well. Someone had to take the fall when
the fad passed. He himself would be that someone in this case. Xu was just trying
to keep him onboard now to raise the ratings. Fang had been in this industry long
enough to know that.
Smiling, Fang Mingquan looked at Wang Changqing and asked, "What if Dollar really
Wang Changqing paused. If Dollar really wins, then Contest Center would become
famous for real and Fang Mingquans name would become a household name. Xu Kangnian
would treat Fang like the God of Wealth.
"Keep on dreaming," Wang Changqing scoffed. Anyone could see that Dollar did not
have what it took to win. He was just average and far from top 10, let alone
"Whether you believe it or not, I firmly believe that Dollar will be the champion."
Fang Mingquan got up and went away.
"Idiot," Wang Changqing whispered. He was waiting to see how miserable Fang would
Han Sen did not go on the Skynet, so he was not aware of the debate about Contest
Center. At the moment, he was practicing with Tang Zhenliu in Fang Jingqis villa.
Although Tang Zhenliu would not meet Yi Dongmu before top 10, he felt like they
were going to meet when they were both top 10 eventually. So, he was still
practicing with Han Sen when he had time.
Only Han Sen knew that Tang would not ecounter Yi Dongmu because he would eliminate
Yi himself before Yi rose to top 10.
But a sparring partner like Tang was so precious that Han Sen was happy to oblige.
Having practiced for two days, Tang finally let Han Sen go just before the next
round of match began.
Han Sen knew who his opponent was and did not panic. He had made up his mind to
practice in the match and gain some practical experience from his opponent.
After all, these were the champions of different shelters and it was such a rare
opportunity to fight them one-on-one. Han Sen had not much experience in this kind
of matches and was happy that he got a chance to gain some.

Chapter 102

Han Sen had made up his mind to practice Bladestorm in the contest by using
Bladestorm only when facing his opponents. If others dared to do this, they might
have died a million deaths already. But Han Sen was in sacred-blood armor, so
hardly any attack was fatal to him. That was why he could practice in the contest.
Han Sen had given up on using his mutant sawfish spear. Without good spear skills,
this weapon was useless in front of these champions.
Fighting opponents of different styles, Han Sen had made great progress and his
Bladestorm got better and better--as long as his opponent was not too fearsome, he
could always cope with using just Bladestorm, but it was always the bloody slayer
that got him the victory.
This way, Han Sen's matches had become very hard to watch. He was always winning by
a narrow margin and there were times it seemed that he was about to lose.
And there were two matches in which his opponents had already been seriously
injured in their last rounds and were thus easily defeated by Han Sen. Everyone
thought he got lucky.
The negative reports about Dollar were overwhelming. And in particular, the high
praise Fang Mingquan sang in Contest Center fanned the flames.
Fang Mingquan was talking through his hatas an evolver who could not even enter
First Gods Sanctuary, he managed analyze so much from his reporters oral account
alone. In general, he was saying Dollar was invincible, everything was in control
and Dollar would be the final winner.
This of course had attracted much hatred toward Fang Mingquan and Contest Center.
It chanced that although Dollars matches were never fun to watch, he had never lost
either, which supported Fangs claim.
The criticism got worse and worse. Especially those who were optimistic about Yi
Dongmu were sniffy about everything Fang said and objected each day.
Yi Dongmu was still keeping a formidable record. In two consecutive rounds he was
able to kill his opponents in one blow, causing many of his following opponents to
quit the matches against him.
In three consecutive rounds, all his opponents threw in the towel, which made Yis
fame peak. Many media were running lengthy features about him and many predicted he
would be the final champion this year.
He had even stolen Tang Zhenliu and Lin Fengs thunder.
As for the Contest Center, Fang Mingquan and Dollar, they had become a big joke in
the press.
"Dollar will win" had become a popular spoof this year, as an irony, of course.
Some people found that Yi Dongmu and Han Sen would meet before one became the
Chosen and posted the finding on the Skynet, which caused a heated discussion.
"I sincerely pray every day that Dollar had to keep winning so that he could meet
Yi Dongmu, who will teach him what a master looks like."
"Ha-ha, funny! I agree, God bless Dollar!"
"Bless Dollar!"
"Bless Dollar!"
"Bless Dollar" had also become a buzzword, and was seen everywhere in the comments
of all sorts of programs about the contest.

Especially in the online community of Contest Center, "bless Dollar" would flood
the screen every day.

Han Sen knew about this, but did not react at all. He never thought of Yi as his

In the Han Sens view, the likelihood of Yi Dongmu winning Tang was less than 30
percent, and if Yi met Lin Feng, he would stand no chance.

The opponent Han Sen really cared about was Lin Feng. These days he had seen many
matches and had a general understanding of most contestants, among whom he felt Lin
Feng was the most formidable.

This quiet and gentle man made him feel unpredictable. His every move seemed very
natural but followed a strange rhythm. Han Sens prejudgment was quite good, but he
was unable to predict Lins rhythm, which scared him.
Han Sen had seen every match of Lin Fengs and almost all the matches were closely-
fought. Lin was always winning by a small margin. Almost all Lins opponents
performed outstandingly and they all lost nonetheless. It felt so strange that Han
Sen cringed.

"Formidable guy," Han Sen commented. He knew his techniques and strength were both
weaker than Lin. Luckily he would not meet Lin before top 10, or else he was not
sure if he could become the Chosen.

Tang was still practicing how to avoid Han Sens attacks in a close fight. He was
not making much progress though.

But Lin Feng said if Tang met Yi Dongmu, Yi would not be much of a threat to Tang,
which was close to Han Sens judgmentYi didnt get the essence of the art of
assassination, so he could hardly beat Tang.

Perhaps the phrase "bless Dollar" played a role here. In the next rounds, Han Sens
opponents either were badly injured or lost important beast souls in the previous
rounds and some even had accidents in the Alliance. It took Han Sen no effort to
keep rising. Even Han Sen himself felt quite incredible.

Those fans of the Yi Dongmu gave Hen Sen another nickname "Lucky D," taunting his
lack of real skill.

One day, after the end of a match, Han Sen came down from the stage and saw Lin
Feng finishing his match as well. Their stages were close, so Lin saw him and to
his surprise, walked toward him.

Many around them had noticed this scene. After all, Lin Feng was the runner-up last
year. although his performance was not that brilliant this year, he was still a
favorite. Also, Han Sen had been the center of attention for a while.

Lin Feng approached Han Sen. He smiled and reached out a hand, "Always wanted to
say hello to you, but never had a chance."

"Same here." Han Sen shook his hand.

Lin seemed to be satisfied with this, and said, "See you at the final."

Lin turned away, but his words stunned everyone who was listening, as if they had
seen a 12.0 magnitude earthquake.

Chapter 103

It turned out to be a 12.0 magnitude earthquake in the press indeed.

Lin Feng had asked someone to meet him in the final, yet that someone was not Yi
Dongmu, but Dollar, who was considered an imposter.
All major media had reported this, and Fang Mingquan from Contest Center was
especially excited about it and had analyzed it from all angles. His conclusion was
that "Dollar was simply great."

But obviously the major media and fans didnt share his enthusiasm. They thought Lin
Feng wanted to gain popularity by participating in the grandstanding becaused he
was no longer the center of attention.
"Rubbish. Lin was the runner-up last year but he had no vision. No wonder he was
only the runner-up. Let him keep his ranking and be second to my Yi Dongmu this
"Keep his ranking? You think too much of him. Hed have to be lucky to make it in
top 10."
"Lin and Dollar are just two weak guys feeling bad about themselves."
"Ha-ha, Yi Dongmu will get rid of Dollar in seconds before he beats Lin to show
them who the real king is."
"What the heck? If Lin was going to see someone in the final, it should be Yi
"Even if it is not Yi, at least it should be Tang Zhenliu, right? How is Lucky D
The Skynet had exploded for this matter. However, Lin Feng and Han Sen, the two who
had caused it did not realize this at all. One was enjoying tea with Tang Zhenliu
and Fang Jingqi, and the other was playing Hand of God in the gym of the teleport
Han Sen had spent all his time playing Hand of God when he was not practicing with
Tang. But he had never been able to make another breakthrough. He always had one or
two small mistakes with evolver-4.
Han Sen knew that he had reached his limit in both physique and reflexes. If he had
no improvement in geno points, it was impossible for him to go any further.
Therefore he decided to take a break from Hand of God. Han Sen acquired two daggers
and tried to practice Sleeveblade with both hands. Although he was not as good as
Gambler, he could produce the daggers from his sleeves and put them back skillfully
at the moment. Even someone very observant could hardly see his hands move, but it
was just a start on Sleeveblade.
When Han Sen took the daggers back, his hands would shake slightly while Gambler
was able to keep his hands perfectly still and retrieve the dirks using only his
arm and palm muscles. Han Sen was not even close to that.
This mislead Han Sen to think that he needed to pass all the levels of Hand of God
before he could get somewhere with Sleeveblade.
"After I win tomorrows match, I will fight Yi Dongmu. If I beat him, I will become
the Chosen and enter the ranking round, where I will meet Lin Feng, which I
actually look forward to." Han Sen recovered his dagger, slowly closed his eyes,
and thought about all the matches he had experienced.
The next day, Han Sen had an easy victory once again. His opponent still had not
recovered from a bad injury and failed to show up.
Han Sen walked down the stage and wanted to see Lin Fengs match, but someone
stopped him.
"I hope tomorrow you will have the guts to stand in front of me, because I will
kill you." Yi Dongmu said coldly and walked past Han Sen without so much as
throwing him a glance.
Almost everyone who saw this went crazy. Yi Dongmus words caused another storm on
the Skynet.
Basically everyone was guessing if tomorrow Dollar would dare to show up. The
majority predicted that Dollar would quit.
After all, the difference between the two was huge. Yi Dongmus performance had been
outstanding and he had even killed several celebrity rivals, including Dragon
Swordsman, who had the tenth place last year.
Dollar, on the other hand, had a rough journey. And he was here more for his luck
than for his actual strength.
Except for Fang Mingquan who predicted Dollar would get a total victory, almost all
TV personnel believed Dollar would either quit or die.
On the day of the match, the martial rings in all shelters were packed with people
who were waiting to watch the match through the sacred stele.
This was absolutely the most controversial fight in the entire contest this year,
and people called it the fight between the king and the imposter. Almost everyone
in First Gods Sanctuary was watching and the number of viewers was even bigger than
that of the final last year.
The popularity of this match was in part due to Contest Center and Fang Mingquan.
Or else there wouldnt be so many people who were paying attention to Dollar and the
media would not have cooked up such a hype.
The field reporters all wished to interview Yi Dongmu and Dollar before they
started. Although there was no way to record it, it was enough that everyone in the
First Gods Sanctuary could see it at such a crucial moment.
Unfortunately, neither Yi nor Dollar had appeared, but they saw Tang Zhenliu and
Lin Feng. It was hours until their own matches so they must be here to watch the
fight between Yi and Dollar.
The clever reporters quickly squeezed over and circled Tang Zhenliu and Lin Feng.
They loudly asked,
"Lin Feng, Im from Contest Front. Who do you think will win this fight?"
"Lin Feng, I am from Contest Corner. You said you would see Dollar in the final. Do
you still believe that?"
"Im from Contest Center. Lin Feng, do you and Dollar know each other? Why did you
ask him to see you in the final?"
Lin Feng quietly smiled. "Havent I already said that I will see him in the final?"
Lin then walked toward his seat and sat down.
Those journalists quickly circled Tang Zhenliu who was behind Lin and bombarded him
with all sorts of questions.
Tang gracefully tossed his hair back and said with pride, "No matter who wins, it
will be the same for me, as I will get the first place."
He paused, and before the reporters reacted to his comment, he continued, "If you
are asking which of the two will win, then of course its Dollar. Isnt that
The reporters were shocked. Not only Lin Feng, but also Tang Zhenliu said Dollar
would win, which was the opposite what they had thought.
But when they were trying to ask again, Tang Zhenliu had gone away as well.
Only the reporter from Contest Center was overjoyed, who quickly teleported out of
Gods Sanctuary and reported what Lin and Tang had said.
When Yi Dongmu and Han Sen both showed up, First Gods Sanctuary went buzzing. The
cheers for Yi overwhelmed those for Dollar.
In the martial ring of Steel Armor Shelter.
"Stationmaster, do you think Dollar will win?" Yang Manli asked Qin Xuan sitting
next to her nervously.
"He robbed my quota to go so I will not forgive him if hes not even in top 10." Qin
Xuan said fiercely, while knowing that it would be difficult to beat Yi Dongmu who
had shown incredible skills in previous matches.
"He will lose for sure. He was simply not on the same level as Yi Dongmu." Son of
Heaven said in a cold voice.
"I do not want to listen to these words. My Dollar is the best," displeased, Qing
gave his mouth a downward twist and said. He and Yuan had been going to all Dollars
"Whether you like it or not, it is the fact," Son of Heaven said casually.
"Didnt you say the same thing last time? Well?" Qing grinned and asked, leaving Son
of Heavens face darkened.

Chapter 104

On the stage, Yi Dongmu coldly stared at Han Sen and said in a flat
voice, "Well, since you dare to come, then get ready to die."
Drawing the dagger from his waist, Yi had a murderous look on his
"Do you think this is some Kung Fu movie?" Han Sen scoffed inwardly.
He didnt believe someone would actually say such dramatic words in real life.

Han Sen did not reply, but shapeshifted into the bloody slayer,
grabbed the hilt of the Shura katana and ran toward Yi Dongmu.
The bloody slayer had a great speed, and was as fast as a fighter
aircraft at its full speed. Instantaneously Dollar was in Yis face.
The viewers all wondered whether Dollar had lost his mind to approach
Yi, who was best at close combat. Almost no one could avoid his fatal blow after
being approached by him.
"Wow Dollar is nuts. He not only approached Yi, but was also using a
katana. At least use your spear so that you can keep the distance."
"A misstep by Dollar. He should have come with a bow and arrows. Even
if he doesnt know archery, shooting down from the above is a thousand times better
than getting close to Yi."
Yis fans were overjoyed. "This idiot wanders so willingly into Yis
lap. It would be hard not to beat him."
Yi Dongmu sneered and shapeshifted into a mutant monkey more than six
feet tall with a thick tail, which greatly improved his strength and speed.

Yi Dongmu had a sacred-blood shapeshifting beast soul as well, but it

was not similar to the shape of a human body. If he could not use his skills and
sacred-blood dagger, the sacred-blood shapeshifting beast soul would do more harm
than good.
There were few creatures that had the shape close to human, and even
fewer that looked human. Except for that sacred-blood beast soul in the shape of a
lady that was awarded to the Chosen, there was hardly any sacred-blood beast soul
that takes human form.
Han Sen's bloody slayer was a precious sacred-blood shapeshifting
beast soul because it had a pair of human hands that allowed him to use all sorts
of techniques.
Yi Dongmu watched Han Sen bolting toward him and gave his dagger a
harder grip. He held the sacred-blood dagger backhanded and launched his body at
Han Sen. The distance between the two was shorter and shorter.
All the moves of Yi Dongmu fell in the eyes of Han Sen, who felt every
stretch and twist of his opponent had followed his expectation. He could see
through Yi as if Yi was no more than a puppet.
Between two assassins, if one was much better, something like this
would happen.
Han Sen knew everything about Yi while Yi didnt even know Han Sen was
good at sneak attacks as well. And that had determined Yis loss.
It did not matter that his speed and strength were both greater than
Han Sen.
When the two clashed, the katana painted golden by Han Sen moved and
was suddenly returned to its sheath. The movements of the weapon were as smooth as
floating clouds and flowing water.
They continued sliding nearly 30 feet in opposite directions before
they stopped. Han Sens magnificent body was as steady as a mountain, while Yi
Dongmu slowly turned around and stared at Han Sens back. He stressed each syllable,
"What is that skill called?"
"Bladestorm." Han Sen replied without looking back.
"I will fight you again. And next time I will not lose." Yi said and
walked down the stage. The moment he went down, he fell to the ground with a thump.
Blood was welling from a cut in his chest so deep that his bones could be seen.

The entire First Gods Sanctuary went quiet. Billions of viewers of the
match opened their mouths but could not make a sound.
No one could believe that the result would be like this. They could
accept it if it was the other way, but Yi Dongmu who was invincible like a king was
defeated by Dollar in one blow, which was hard to swallow.
Not to mention Yis fans, even Dollars fans had never thought that
Dollar could win like this. Even the optimistic ones believed it would at least
take Dollar quite some effort to win.
But no one thought that Yi would lose in such a shameful way and in
his strong suit, close combat.
Han Sen turned his head back and looked at Yi Dongmu who was
struggling to get back on his feet. He said calmly, "Not bad. You survived a
serious strike from me."
Han Sen turned away.
"Not bad... not bad"
This sentence blew all the viewers minds. In the eyes of the public,
Dollars figure suddenly became more and more grand and brilliant.
"Dollar..." Dollars fans finally came to realization of what had
happened and started shouting and jumping up and down.
The silence was broken and the entire First Gods Sanctuary became
festive. Everyone was talking about this incredible fight.
"That went down pretty fast!"
"Ha-ha, in your face, Yis fans!"
"Not just the fans, but also the media in the entire Alliance, except
for Fang Mingquans Contest Center. Yall thought Yi was gonna win. How about this?
He is beat before even getting to top 10... "
"Now think about it, Fang Mingquan sure had some vision. His analysis
actually made a lot of sense. We were just blinded by Yi Dongmus performance and
didnt listen."
"Lin Feng is the visionary one. No wonder he was the runner-up last
year. He knew this long ago."
"Ha-ha, it seems this year it will be between Lin Feng and Dollar."

"We really owe Fang Mingquan and Dollar an apology."

"Fang Mingquan was wronged."
"Not bad... ha-ha... what a line..."
A match that took less than ten seconds had changed Dollars image
"What a line! Next time I have to try it--not bad, you survived a
serious strike from me." Tang regretted that it was not him who came up with the

Chapter 105

Wang Changqings comlink was smashed by him. Eyes bloodshot, he panted heavily like
a hysterical beast.
Dollar had beat Yi Dongmu. The public opinion of the entire Alliance was suddenly
turned over. Contest Center and Fang Mingquan that had suffered lots of criticism
were sent to the altar. Lots of people were saying they owe the program and its
host an apology.
More and more people poured into the Contest Center to watch Fang Mingquans
analysis. The show had made it into the eighth place in ratings, a record high.
Huaxing Station had never seen such achievement with any show. In the past, the
best record they had was the 19th place.
Top 10! No one even dared to dream this big. The host would be proud enough if the
show was in top 100, and be thrilled if it made top 50.
There was no doubt that Contest Center and Fang Ming had both made it. Although
Contest Center was a show that would end after the contest, Fang Mingquans
outstanding performance had won him fame. No matter what show he host in the
future, he would always have great ratings.
Now Huaxing Station considered Fang Mingquan a pillar of the station. Even Xu
Kangnian was smiling at him all the time and showering him with compliments, making
Wang Changqing so jealous that he wanted to bite Fang with his teeth.
After Fang got off work and returned home, he sat in front of the French window and
looked at the view of a busy night with a cigarette between his fingers, taking a
puff from time to time. His body was still shaking.
Now that everything was over, Fang started to sense some fear. He didnt even
believe his own analysis as he didnt even watch the matches. He simply believed in
Dollar, the man who moved him by saving the girl and he thought a man like that
must do well.
So Fang Mingquan was just betting on Dollar to become the Chosen. Whether he could
get the first place or not, it was no longer important.
The fight against Yi Dongmu and Lin Fengs invite had made Dollars reputation peak
and Fang Mingquan had also succeeded.
"Dollar, you really are my lucky charm!" Fang Mingquan relaxed and celebrated the
fact that he had made the right bet. If he had lost the bet, he did not even dare
to think of the result.
He was not afraid to lose, but this time too much was at stake. If he had lost, he
might have to leave his favorite industry.
The puff reached his lungs and an intoxicating feeling started to spread from
there. Fang silently looked at the nightscape and his excitement gradually
When all the excitement was gone, Fang Mingquan got up to turn on his smart device.
He wrote an article titled "A King Marches in Loneliness."
A king is always lonely.
When others are laughing with friends to show off their humor,
He is sweating in silence.
The king is always lonely,
When others are chasing fair maidens,
He is bleeding on the battlefield.
A king is always lonely.
When the whole world is against him,
He stared into the front.
A king is always lonely.
When he is abandoned by all,
He is still firmly marching forward,
Only to realize his dreams afar.
I just want to say,
Dollar, please accept my allegiance.
A loner like me whishes to follow you who are lonely too.
You win, I will be with you.
You lose, I will be with you.
Fang Mingquan finished the article and did not sign leave his own name under,
instead he wrote "from a loner to the king."
When Fang Mingquan uploaded the article on the Skynet, it went viral at an
incredible speed, triggering a huge response.
"Damn, I cried reading this. It reminded me of when I trained hard to be admitted
to a military school. Others admired me for being admitted, while they had no idea
about the effort I made. I had to train even when I had a fever. It was tough."
"Fang Mingquan wrote well. I was reminded of the days I struggled in Gods
"This is simply my true portrayal!"
"I am also a loner. Spending at least 28 days in Gods Sanctuary each month, I just
want to work harder so that my family can live better. But I am so tired and I need
"No matter what happens in the future. From this moment on, I am a fan of Dollar
and Fang Mingquan's. I will be with both of you, too."
"Dollar, please accept my allegiance."
"You win, I will be with you."
"You lose, I will be with you."
"Loner +1."
"I like Fang Mingquan. You follow Dollar, I will follow you."
"If God gave me another chance, I would never have said anything bad about Dollar."

"Dollar, you are my king."
"A King Marches in Loneliness" had made Dollar and Fang a tremendous success. As
Fang became a real celebrity, Dollar had gained many hardcore fans who would not
sway easily.
Reading the piece himself, Han Sen felt touched, too. During the first three months
when he had just entered Gods Sanctuary, the loneliness and helplessness he
experienced were maddening. He had gone this far because of his dreams and the
people he cared about.
If it werent for his mother and Han Yan, Han Sen might have given up on himself.

Han Sen wanted to reply to the article, but he eventually let that thought go.
"Let us keep marching forward for what we truly cherish. No words could express my
feeling." Han Sen silently logged out.
Hen Sen rested for a while, and decided to check if there was any hyper geno art on
footwork that suited him in Saint Hall. Yi Dongmus footwork was paired perfectly
with his sneak attacks, and the footwork was what Han Sen lacked. If he could
practice some footwork to work with his Sleeveblade skills, he could reach an even
higher level in the combat.

Chapter 106

Articles about Dollar could be seen everywhere on the Skynet. But it was too late
to write about him as Contest Center was the only program everyone talked about.
The peer shows were much less popular.

A lot of businesses were looking for Dollar and wished to hire him to endorse their
products. Some people wanted to dig out his true identity and there were all kinds
of speculations, but no one was certain anyway.

Han Sen was now browsing the S-Class section in Saint Hall, dazzled by all the S-
Class hyper geno arts on footwork.

From the description alone it was difficult to see whether the footwork would suit
him, but Han Sen had no better choice than these S-Class hyper geno arts.

After reviewing all the descriptions, Han Sen locked down on a footwork named

Having purchased Sparticle, Han Sen watched the tutorial and started to learn.

Soon he found that Sparticle is somewhat different from the footwork he had in

Han Sen was hoping to have a footwork that helped him speed up and pull him close
to his opponent in an instant. Sparticle was fast enough and theoretically he could
reach the highest speed that his body could take by practicing Sparticle.

But this hyper geno art was focused on the explosive force. Although he could reach
a very high speed instantaneously, the speed could only last one or two steps.

Sudden burst of speed and one unparalleled step, that what Sparticle was all about.

Footwork like this was very powerful in a close combat and even more so when paired
with sneak attacks that Han Sen was best at. But the previous problem was still not
completely resolvedit was still hard for him to approach his opponent from afar.

"This is nice too. My abilities will be enhanced in close combat. And if my enemy
is not too far away, this will work." Han Sen was not too disappointed, Sparticle
was also helpful to him. It was just different from what he had imagined.
Originally, Han Sen thought that he should learn a footwork like the one used by Yi
Dongmu, which involved erratic and rapid steps, but this would do as well, just in
a completely different style than Yis.

Han Sen drank a bottle of geno solution for Sparticle and hurried to start
practicing. Hopefully it would make a difference in the ranking rounds that was to
begin in ten days.

In the afternoon, Fang Jingqi suddenly sent him a message to ask him to meet about
something important.

Han Sen went to Fang Jingqis villa and found out that Fang was asking him to join
Fist Guys team to hunt a sacred-blood creature.

"Fist Guy could not deal with the creature with his own men, but he did not want to
team up with Son of Heaven or Qin Xuan. He did find the weakness of the creature
and have a plan that calls for a good assassin. He did not know someone like this
but he did not want to share the meat of the creature with the other gangs either.
I know you are also in Steel Armor Shelter, so Ive recommended you to him. If you
join them, you wont get a share of the meat but will be paid with a mutant three-
eyed beast mount. As for the beast soul of the sacred-blood creature, we will
follow the traditionwhoever gets it could keep it." Fang Jingqi paused and said, "
The pay is very good. If Fist Guy does not insist on having the meat to himself,
the share you get could not possibly be of the same value as a mutant beast soul

Han Sen nodded, Fang Jingqis words were reasonable. The share of meat he could
potentially get was probably less than half of what a mutant mount was worth.

"When and where?" Han Sen was secretly calculating the time needed for this trip.
It was ten days until the next round, and he wondered if he could make it back.

"I cannot tell you the specific location, and you will need about six or seven days
in total," Fang Jingqi said.

Han Sen certainly understood that no one would leak the information of a sacred-
blood creature. With Fang Jingqis estimate, he felt reassured as even if there was
a delay, he could still make it back in time.
In fact, Han Sen did not care for the ranking matches. It did not matter to him how
he ranked among the Chosen as long as he could have the reward, which was the same
for everyone in top 10. He was really looking forward to fight Lin Feng though, to
see how good Lin actually was.

Han Sen promised he would join Fist Guy. He had always wanted a mount and here came
his opportunity to get a mutant one. Plus, he had a chance at the sacred-blood
beast soul as well. So why not?

Fang Jingqi gave Han Sen a coin and said with a smile, "I only said that I would
recommend someone good, but didnt name you. Take this to the agreed place and he
will know."

Han Sen nodded and took the coin. Fang Jingqi took him to dinner before letting him

The next day when Han Sen entered Steel Armor Shelter, almost all the people were
talking about Dollars match against Yi Dongmu and "A King Marches in Loneliness,"
but they preferred to call the piece "From A Loner to the King."
After all, Dollar was from Steel Armor Shelter and everyone in the shelter felt
honored about it, except for Son of Heavens gang.

"I am a celebrity now, but unfortunately I cannot tell anyone that is me," Han Sen

First, he went to find Yang Manli and took a leave, explaining that he wanted to
hunt an important creature, hiding the fact that he was in fact joining Fist Guys

Hunting was crucial and Han Sens training results were fairly good. Yang Manli did
not give him any trouble before she granted his leave.

Han Sen came to the agreed place and saw Fist Guy and his gang under a tree
enjoying the cool, obviously waiting for someone.

"Ass Freak, what are you doing here instead of following Qin Xuan around?" A gang
member saw Han Sen and ridiculed.

Han Sen did not speak, but fished out the coin from his pocket and flicked it with
his finger. The coin drew an arc and fell in the palm of Fist Guy.

Holding the coin, Fist Guy looked at it and felt incredible. He asked Han Sen, "You
are the person Fang mentioned?"

Chapter 107

"No way, Fist Guy. This is the guy you told us about?"
"Ass Freak is the master your friend recommended?"
"Brother, are you kidding us?"
"Brother, are you playing with us?"
Fist Guys men were talking at the same time as none of them believed Ass Freak was
the man.
Fist Guy was also upset. Fang Jingqi said he would send him a master of
assassination, but he did not expect it to be Han Sen.
Fist Guy knew Fang Jingqi well and knew that he would never mess around. Since Fang
had recommended Han Sen, he must have his own reason.
Fist Guy regarded Han Sen and said, "Fang said that you are skilled in
"Better than average," Han Sen said.
"Better than average? We are going to kill a sacred-blood creature. Can you manage
that?" Little Finger said with distrust and curled his lips.
This gang was different from the Qin Xuans gang and Son of Heavens gang. It had no
military background and Fist Guy did not pay for the gang members. Fist Gang was
formed by a group of friends and Fist Guy was their leader. The members all
referred to each other with nicknames.
Thumb, Index Finger, Middle Finger, Ring Finger and Little Finger, plus Fist Guy
were the backbone of Fist Gang. All six were here today, which showed the
importance they attached to this sacred-blood creature.
Fist Guy had almost maxed out on his sacred geno points and all he needed was the
meat from this one creature to get there. After that he could enter Second Gods
Sanctuary with max sacred geno points.
That was why this time they were not sharing the meat but chose to pay with a
mutant beast soul mount.
Fist Guy gave Little Finger a wave to stop him, gazed at Han Sen, and said, "I
trust Fang, but this is very important for us and I have to be responsible for my
brothers. Please show us what you got."
Drawing a dagger from his waist, Fist Guy handed it to Han Sen.
Han Sen was not offended as he knew his reputation in Steel Armor Shelter was not
great. He had thought this might happen and did not really blame these guys for it.

Han Sen reached out a hand and grabbed the dagger. When Fist Guy was about to
withdraw his arm, Han Sens hand moved. Just when Fist Guy wanted to dodge, the
dagger he just gave Han Sen was already on his neck. Suddenly Fist Guy froze and
his hands were still in the air as he was not even able to put them up for defense.

The rest of the gang were all dumbfounded with their face stern.
They knew well Fist Guys skills. Although it was a sneak attack from Han Sen, the
guy was still able to catch Fist Guy off guard and put a blade to his neck. None of
the finger brothers thought they could do the same.
Han Sen moved the dagger away, stepped back, and threw it back at Fist Guy. He
asked with a smile, "Do I need to do another test?
"No, lets hit the road." Fist Guy said simply. He contemplated Han Sen and tucked
the dagger back at his waist.
Little Finger and other members were curious about Han Sen, not expecting the
infamous Ass Freak to have such skills. But they did not say much either and
summoned their mounts to go.
Not having a mount, Han Sen was invited to sit together with Fist Guy on his mutant
mount, which was as strong as a rhinoceros. The gang marched toward the southern
Along the way, the gang had never stopped unless necessary. On the third day, they
finally stopped at a grand canyon. Han Sen estimated that if it were not for the
mounts, it would have taken them half a month to get here.
They could no longer ride in the canyon, so Han Sen followed the gang on foot.
Along the side of the valley they walked down and saw a billowing river, which was
still not their destination.
Having walked for more than two hours, they finally saw a large cave on the side.
It was dark inside and they lit torches before going in. Once they were in the
cave, columns of stalactites caught their eyes.
"Be careful. Although we have cleared them up last time we came, the cave has a
complex structure so there is no guarantee that weve got them all. Also there could
be some new creatures hidden somewhere. Everyone pay attention," said Fist Guy
All answered aye and Thumb led the way holding a mutant beast soul shield in his
hand. The rest followed him into the depths of the cave.
Little Finger was walking on the end with a pair of beast soul coutels in his hand,
vigilantly looking around.
Inside the cave, water was dripping from above, the sound of which was particularly
clear in the cave. The stones under their feet were slippery and held puddles of
water more than an inch deep here and there.
People were very careful, not because it was difficult to walk, but for fear of
dangerous creatures that might appear any time.
Along the way Han Sen saw a lot of old bloodstains, which must be left from when
the gang was here last time.
Obviously their worries were unnecessary as they had encountered no danger on the
way. The gang must have done a good job last time as there was not even a primitive
"Pay attention, guys. We are about to see it. Do not make a noise," whispered Fist
Guy who was directly behind Thumb after they had walked for four or five hours.
In fact, these words were meant for Han Sen, as everyone else had been here before
and knew that they were approaching the creature. They were tiptoeing like cats,
making absolutely no sound.
Han Sen nodded to Fist Guy, who then signaled Thumb to keep going. In a short
while, they were at the end of the path and the space suddenly became huge. A stone
hall appeared in front their eyes. The stalactites hanging from the ceiling were
about 30 feet long, which were not even one tenth of the height of the cave.
Unknown black vines were growing everywhere in the cave and the leaves on the vines
were as black as ink. There were even black flowers dotted on the vines.
Where they came from was like a tunnel that was connected to the halls wall and
there were many entrances like this one. Fist Guy indicated silence to Han Sen with
his finger and then pointed underneath them. Han Sen looked down and his eyes lit

Chapter 108

Han Sen saw that at the bottom of the cave, a black pangolin-like creature more
than six feet long with its whole body covered with in crystal scales was drinking
water from a pool.
"That is the creature. Its hearing is no good but it has got excellent eyesight.
Even a sacred-blood beast soul weapon could hardly hurt its scales. Its biggest
weakness is its soft belly," explained Index Finger unhurriedly, who was a refined
young man.
"Even if its stomach is its weakness, it is on all fours and I cant really flip it
over and stab there," Han Sen said.
"Of course not. As long as there is a sign of trouble, this guy will roll itself
into a ball. And then it would be like a snail hidden inside the shell and its
belly would be protected. Its scales could also flip up and become circular saw
blades. When it rolls, its like a spiked wheel and even the thickest armor would be
cut open by that. And no ones body could stand that either," Little Finger cut in.
"How is this a weakness then?" Han Sen could not help but frown.
"Certainly we cannot attack it head-on. Its strength is formidable and its speed is
too high. No one could afford taking a hit from it." Fist Guy hesitated before he
pointed at the pool at the bottom and said, "Our plan is that in a while, we will
go out to drive it away and you can take the opportunity to hide under water in the
pool. When it goes to drink again, you make the attack from below the water at its
soft chin. It would be great if you could leave the weapon in its chin so that it
could no longer curl up. At that time we could kill it however we like."
"Fist Guy, no wonder you are willing to pay me a mutant mount. Id be risking my
life." Han Sen said to Fist Guy.
"If it is easy, we will not pay such a big price. Can you do it or not?" Little
Finger whispered.
Everyone awaited Han Sens decision, looking at him.
"I can try. But since I am putting my life on the line here, I have to get paid
first in case I die there." Han Sen pondered and said.
"OK," Fist Guy agreed readily and transferred the mount to Han Sen.
Now that they were here already, as long as Han Sen got into the water, they did
not worry he would run away. So, it was fine to pay him first.

Index Finger took a small oxygen cylinder and respirator from his bag and gave them
to Han Sen, so that Han Sen could stay in the water longer.

After everything was ready, Fist Guy looked at Han Sen and said, "Well go out to
lead it to one of the tunnels and you should quickly go hide under water. You dont
have much time--30 seconds at best. Is that fine?"
"No problem," Han Sen checked the distance to the pool and then confirmed.

"Well, although its bare skin is relatively vulnerable, you would still need at
least a mutant beast soul weapon to pierce that. Do you have one?" Fist Guy was a
bit concerned.

Han Sen nodded again. His Shura katana was comparable with a mutant weapon, but he
was not Dollar now so he did not bring it along.

But Han Sen still had a mutant black stinger arrow and that would do.
Everything was ready. Fist Guy and his gang members exchanged a look and everyone
except for Little Finger climbed away using the vines. They carefully climbed to
other entrances to the hall and then threw fist-sized iron balls at the drinking
creature from each entrance.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

The balls hit the creatures black crystal scales and made noises of metal, not even
leaving a white mark on the scales.

But the sacred-blood creature was obviously angered. In just a moment, it curled up
its body and suddenly looked like a snaila spiked one. The black scales were
turning up and sharp as blades.

The creature started rolling with a thudding and even the stone was cut deeply by
its scales. It was fearsome indeed.

In just an instant, it rolled several dozen feet. Not only its speed was
incredible, it could also roll itself onto a steep stone wall.

Like a spiked wheel, it rolled upward on the wall and was behind Fist Guys men in
an instant.

They could not afford to relax and all hid in the respective tunnel next to
themselves. The sacred-blood creature followed Thumb into the tunnel closest to it.

"Come on! Thumb cant hold very long," Little Finger urged Hen Sen to go down.

Han Sen took a deep breath, grabbed the vines and quickly slid down to the bottom.
He ran to the pool but did not jump in for fear of making too much noise.

Instead, Han Sen went to the waterside, slowly slid himself into the water and

Seeing Hen Sen diving in the water with the respirator in his mouth, Little Finger
was relieved and wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead. When he was about to
check on the sacred-blood creature, he saw a shadow rushing from the tunnel where
it was and rolled to the bottom.

Its eyes on the side of its body twirled for a while and detected no danger. It
then slowly spread its body and crawled around to chew on the black vines.

The reason why the creature had stayed here for a long time was to eat the black
vines. Fist Guys gang had discovered this and was thus certain that it would not
leave before eating up the vines.

The creature was still gnawing the vines when Fist Guys gang returned from the back
of the tunnel. It chanced that all the tunnels were connected and they made a
detour and found Little Finger.

Thumbs arm was hurt. His blood was dripping and his bone was bared.

"Thumb, you all right?" Fist Guy and others asked nervously.

"Im okay, but my mutant shield was ruined when used to block the creature. If we
could not kill it, it would not be worth it at all." Thumb said distressed.

"I wonder if Ass Freak could finish the task." Little Finger watched the quiet pool
and the creature eating the vines with a worried look on his face.
Chapter 109

"I hope he can." Looking down, Fist Guy was not sure either.

One could never be sure about the result when one was about to hunt a sacred-blood
creature. The infamy of Ass Freak also added to their lack of confidence in Han

The gang watched the creature nervously, but it did not have any intention to
drink. After chewing on the black vines for more than half an hour, it lay down on
a stone and fell into sleep.

Fist Guy and others started to get anxious, as the oxygen cylinder they gave Han
Sen was only the size of a palm and the oxygen was quite limited. If the sacred-
blood creature spent a long time sleeping, the oxygen would run out.

When they were praying for the creature to get up, it eventually woke up and slowly
climbed to the pool, as if their prayers had worked. It stretched its head above
the pool and started to lap the water with its tongue. However, Fist Guy and the
finger brothers were not too happy about this, as where the creature stayed was far
from where Han Sen was hiding. If Han Sen started to swim now however, the waves he
made would alarm the sacred-blood creature for sure.

"What now?" The gang members hearts raced. Han Sen could not even touch the
creature in such distance, let alone kill it.

Unfortunately, the water below was too dark, and they could not see what Han Sen
was doing under the water.

Hearts in their mouths, the guys suddenly heard a screech from the bottom.

The sacred-blood creature lifted its head up and there was a black arrow deep in
its white jaw, with only less than half the length exposed. Blood was flowing along
the arrow shaft.

Not able to find its enemy, the creature wanted to curl up after being injured.
However, since its jaw had an arrow in it, it could not curl itself into a perfect
ball. Instead, it looked like a jagged tire in an accident, bearing much of its
white belly.

Overjoyed, the gang summoned all kinds of weapons and rushed out. The sacred-blood
creature was still fierce though badly injured. When it rolled, stones were still
crushed under its scales. No one could block it like no one could stand in the way
of a bulldozer.

The gang did not dare to fight it head-on and decided to carry on the fight while
beating a retreat. Then they saw the creature rolling itself into a tunnel and ran
away as fast as it could.

Only then did Han Sen appear from the pool holding Doomsday. The rest paid him no
mind and rushed to the cave and chased after the creature.

Han Sen quickly followed them. The creatures injury did not affect its speed. It
soon disappeared in the cave. Fortunately, it had shed a lot of blood, so the gang
was able to follow it.

There were toxins on the mutant black stinger arrow and the creature would surely
pressure the arrow deeper and deeper as it rolled. Hence its wound had not healed
and blood could still be spotted from time to time.

Having chased for more than two hours in the tunnels, they finally saw the light as
they had come out of the cave and entered a forest of hoodoos.

The ground was still stained with blood, so apparently the sacred-blood creature
had fled among the hoodoos.

"Damn, the vitality of this creature is just incredible. We would have died a long
time ago had we shed so much blood, and it was running fast as ever," Thumb cursed.

The terrain was rugged so they could not use their mounts. Everyone kept chasing on

As they were running, Han Sen suddenly heard a voice in his mind, "Sacred-blood
creature scaled armadillo killed. The beast soul of scaled armadillo gained. Eat
its meat to gain zero to ten sacred geno points randomly."

Han Sen paused and could not believe the scaled armadillo had already died. What
was more surprising was that he even gained its beast soul.

Seeing Han Sen suddenly stopped, the rest looked to him and asked, "What happened?"

"The scaled armadillo is dead," replied Han Sen.

"Scaled armadillo?" The rest suddenly realized that scaled armadillo was the name
of the sacred-blood creature and all became thrilled.

"Your arrow is poisonous?" Fist Guy quickly asked.

"Yes, but the toxicity does not seem to be strong enough to kill a sacred-blood
creature." Han Sen had some doubts himself.

"The scaled armadillo must have rolled itself so hard that the arrow pierced its
brain," Ring Finger guessed.

"Yes, that is quite plausible. Lets hurry," Thumb said eagerly.

The gang followed the blood stain and turned around a corner before they saw the
dead scaled armadillo.

However, they all paused. What they saw was different from what they had imagined.
The scaled armadillo was dead indeed, but it did not seem to die because of Han
Sens arrow.

A gorgeous bird more than nine feet tall with silver body and ruby eyes was using
its silver hook-like claws to tear the scaled armadillos body and peck at its
flesh. The scales that even a sacred-blood weapon could not break were torn apart
like they were made of paper.

Han Sen now knew that it was indeed not his arrow, but this silver bird that had
killed the scaled armadillo. For some reason, it was still counted as his doing.

"S*#t! Another sacred-blood creature, with wings!" Thumb screamed out loud.

His voice turned all faces dark. The bird that was enjoying its meal suddenly cast
its ruby-like eyes in their direction. The moment it spotted them, a murderous look
appeared in its eyes and it spread its wings like clouds that blocked the sky and
flew toward them.

"Scatter!" Fist Guy shouted, turned and bolted. This silver bird was so strong that
they were by no means its match. Since even the scales of the scaled armadillo
could not withstand its claws, they simply had nothing to fight it with.

Han Sen was also running as fast as his legs could carry him.

The gang had scattered, but as Han Sen looked back, he realized that the silver
bird had chosen him to follow, its ferocious bird eyes red as blood gazing at him

"S*#! Maybe God envies my newly-gained beast soul." Han Sen secretly cursed and
continued to run desperately.

Chapter 110

Fortunately, it was a forest of pagoda-like weathered rock hoodoos. Han Sen was
taking his cover behind the pagoda-like hoodoos and paid no mind which way he was
going as long as he could get rid of the silver bird.

However, the horrendous silver bird was still following him. Under its claws, even
a car-sized stone was crushed in an instant. Its strength was almost divine.

After running for a while, Han Sen was suddenly in the open and out of the hoodoo
forest. He complained inwardly, "Now without the hoodoos as my cover, how could I
outrun this damned bird."

Without the cover of the hoodoos, the silver bird uttered a ferocious hoot and
rushed toward him.

Without hesitation, Han Sen summoned the bloody slayer and black beetle and turned
himself into a golden centaur, running with all four hooves.

Han Sen had always trusted the speed of the bloody slayer, but this time he failed
to run away from the silver bird. Instead, the bird was catching up.

"Am I going to die here?" Han Sen complained inwardly. The shapeshifting time was
limited and his current geno points would give him less than an hour. Once his time
was up, how could he ever outrun the ferocious silver bird with his own feet.

But now Han Sen had no time to think. He had to focus on running as fast as he

As for the purple-winged dragon beast soul, Han Sen did not dare to summon it at
all. Once he used wings to send himself in the air, his flying speed would be even
lower and he would be turning himself into a meal for the bird.

Looking at the endless plain, Han Sen ran desperately while the silver bird was
snapping at his heels. As time passed, Han Sen started to feel a severe soreness
and knew that his shapeshifting time was almost up.

As Han Sen was considering whether to turn around and fight the bird head-on, he
heard a rumbling of water ahead of him. It seemed that there was a wide river
there. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Without thinking any further, he ran at his full speed toward the sound and used
Jadeskin fully so that he could shapeshift a bit longer.

Han Sen soon saw a wide river with roaring waves more rapid than the Yellow River.

Seeing this river, Han Sen was overjoyed. Now he only wished that this silver bird
did not know how to swim so that he could take refuge in the water.

Running desperately with four hooves, Han Sen felt his body muscles were being torn
apart as he had exceeded his shapeshifting time limit.

But the only thing left to do was to hang on and keep running to the river. Giving
up shapeshifting now was equal to giving up his life.

Six hundred feet away from the river, Han Sens eyes were bloodshot and the pain in
his body almost made him scream. Yet he had to run.

Five hundred feet... Three hundred feet... One hundred feet... Ten feet...

As Han Sen thought his body was about to explode, he had finally made it to the
river. With acute pain, he threw himself into the water.


Han Sen heard a loud noise behind him, and then felt a burst of pain on his back
that almost made him black out.

His heart froze, knowing the silver bird had followed him into the water. The
desire to survive made him muster what was left of his energy and try to dive deep
into the river.

At this point, Han Sen could no longer keep up shapeshifting, or else his body
would break down. The moment he turned into himself, he felt he was pushed
downstream at an incredible speed.

He tried not to faint, as he could drown in such torrents before he was eaten by
the bird.

He summoned the mutant black barracuda, and a mutant mount more than four feet long
appeared next to him. Holding tight on the mount, Han Sen controlled it to dive to
the bottom.

When Han Sen could no longer hold his breath, he sent the mutant black barracuda to
the surface.

Finally getting a little break, Han Sen was glad to find the silver bird was
nowhere to be seen. It seemed that it did not know how to swim and just clawed his
back when he jumped into the water.

His back was still in great pain, and his whole body felt like it was falling apart
with spasms in his muscles. He felt like he was made into a plate of sashimi with
his flesh being sliced off.

The consequence of shapeshifting overtime made Han Sen helpless. Fortunately, he

had his black beetle armor for protection, or else the creatures in the river that
had sniffed the smell of blood would have torn him apart.

Groups of strange fish more than two feet long hovered around him and tried to bite
his body from time to time. The sacred-blood armor had thwarted all their attempts.
Withstanding the maddening pain, Han Sen grabbed the Z-steel dagger in his sleeve
and stabbed it into a strange fish next to him. The fish was gutted as he pulled
the dagger fiercely, and it died without struggling.

"Primitive creature black lantern fish killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat
to gain zero to ten primitive geno points randomly."

Seeing other black lantern fish hurrying over to the dead one, Han Sen quickly cut
off a large chunk of fatty meat from its belly and threw the rest of the dead fish

Watching groups of black lantern fish chasing the dead body away, Han Sen took a
bite at the meat in his hand. It tasted fishy and bitter, but Han Sen could not
afford to be picky. When he jumped into the water, his back was clawed by the
silver bird and his backpack was lost. With no water or food left, he could only
rely on this creatures meat to gain some strength.

If he wanted to live, he must have enough strength.

But the fish meat was so unpalatable that Han Sen only ate half of it and threw the
rest away. He would throw up otherwise.

With some physical strength recovered, Han Sen started to observe the surroundings.
Although it was already at night, the starlight and moonlight were so bright that
he could still see mountains and forests along the river. But he still had no idea
where he was.

Gathering his strength, Han Sen commanded the mutant black barracuda to swim up to
the shore.

His luck was not too bad. Next to the shore was a grove of trees. He looked around
and found no trace of creatures nearby.

With a long sigh of relief, Han Sen climbed up into a tall trees crown. When he was
about to take a good rest and treat his wound, a beast roar rang in the mountain
near him.

"How bad can my luck be?" With a wry smile, Han Sen vigilantly looked in the
direction of the roar.

Chapter 111

Seeing it was actually several youths hunting a lion-like creature, Han Sen felt
God had not abandoned him yet.

Taking all his beast souls back and putting the dagger back into his sleeve, Han
Sen slowly walked toward the youths and said after they killed the creature,
"Friends, may I ask where this is?"

The youths that were still thrilled over their kill were startled by Han Sens voice
and turned to him with weapons in their hands. After seeing Han Sen who was in rags
that were dripping blood, they were suddenly relieved.

"Why are you here alone?" asked a young man in beast soul armor, looking at Han Sen
with some doubt.
"I came with some friends and not sure it was good or bad luck, we ran into a
flying sacred-blood creature and scattered. Im lucky to be alive," Han Sen told
half the truth.

"A sacred-blood creature? Where?" The youths were shocked.

"I dont know now. I jumped into the river to escape from it and was carried here by
the torrents. If you want to hunt it, you could go to the upstream and try your
luck. Im not sure if it would still be there though." Han Sen paused and asked,
"Could you tell me where I am first?"

A girl with wide eyes said, "We are not sure either. But if you are heading to a
shelter, go west and it will take you about a month to reach Glory Shelter."

Han Sen was a bit surprised. Glory Shelter was where Xue Longyan and Lin Beifeng
came from. It chanced that he was near Glory Shelter now. He wondered how far the
river had carried him.

It was fortunate that he did not encounter any great danger on the way.

The young man who spoke first suddenly said, "You dont look like you are in good
shape. It so happens that we are heading back. So if you are willing to pay, we
could take you with us."

Han Sen smiled. "Does it look like I have money with me?"

"We can sign a contract here and you could pay when we are back in the shelter,"
replied the young man.

"How much do you want?" Han Sen pondered and asked. He was not familiar with this
area. If he followed them, at least he would not get lost.

"A hundred thousand," The young man regarded the bow and arrows Han Sen was
carrying and said. "It looks like you are injured. We can give you some medicine
and food--meat of primitive creatures."

The rest of the youths were a bit shocked by this price, as a hundred thousand was
not a small amount.

"OK. But I would have to pay after we reach the shelter," said Han Sen, spreading
his hands out. This trip was fruitful enough and it was most important that he
could reach a shelter safe and sound. A hundred thousand was not much for him at
this point.

It was a shame that he probably would not be able to make it to the ranking rounds
of the contest.

It did not really matter to him though. Even if he did not show up, he would still
have the tenth place and would have an equal right to a random sacred-blood beast
soul. The only pity was that he would miss the opportunity to fight against Lin

Although he would miss the match, he had gained another sacred-blood beast soul,
which was far more attractive to Han Sen than his ranking. Even if he got the first
place, there would be no extra material reward. Therefore, if Han Sen could choose
again, he would still have come along. It would be nice though if he had not been
thrown in such panic.

"Deal." The young man happily took out pen and paper to draft a simple contract.
After Han Sen signed, he gave Han Sen some food and water.

After some self-introduction, the girl with wide eyes helped treat Han Sens wound.
Once she lifted his shirt up and saw the wound left by the silver bird, she almost
let out a yelp of surprise.

A foot-long wound spread across Han Sens back, with flesh ripped apart. The
bleeding had almost stopped.

Han Sen thought it was fortunate that he was already in the water and both his
backpack and sacred-blood armor provided some protection when the bird attacked, so
that his spine was not hurt. Or he would have died a long time ago.

The injury looked scary. However, he had great physique and Jadeskin. Even with no
medicine, his wound would not get any worse.

The girl cleaned his wound with alcohol and bandaged it. The youths all said Han
Sen was lucky to keep his life.

The guys in the group chopped up the lion-like creatures body, picked some
branches, made a fire, and put chunks of meat on it to barbecue. They shared a
chunk with Han Sen after it was ready.

Han Sen grabbed the meat and devoured it. He needed to gain some energy badly.

"Primitive creature yellow lions meat eaten. Zero primitive geno point gained."

Han Sen had got familiar with the youths after traveling with them for two days.
They were not bad people. Because they were from humble families and had nothing
special about them, they did not make it into some large gangs. Instead they
grouped up to hunt creatures themselves.

They did not dare to poke any strong creature for lack of strength. This way there
was not much risk involved as they were always picking on primitive creatures that
were alone.

Their situation was much better than Han Sen when he had first entered Gods
Sanctuary, as they were together while he had been alone. But he could still relate
to them sometimes.

With the medicine and food supplies, Han Sen was recovering much faster. With his
physique and use of Jadeskin, his wound was no longer serious just a few days

At the foot of a mountain, they suddenly heard a screeching. Several of them looked
up and saw some black figures rushing down from the mountain, terrified.

"Run! Its black-tailed monkeys!" shouted Xu Xiangqian, the leader of the youths.

Although the black-tailed monkeys were merely of the size of cats. As primitive
creatures, they were rather swift and their claws were toxic and it would be
dangerous for one to be scratched by them. Seeing at least a dozen monkeys rushing
down, the youths were all shocked.

They might be able to cope with one or two of them, but once they were caught up by
the dozen here, it would be hard for any of them to stay alive. Surrounded by
mountains, it was almost impossible for them to outrun the monkeys who were used to
Suddenly, a trill of the string was followed by a scream of a monkey. The youths
turned around and saw a black-tailed monkey was pierced by an arrow in the head and
fell to the ground. And the archer was Han Sen on the side.

"Han Sen, lets go! There are too many black-tailed monkeys here and we will be in
trouble if surrounded by them," sail Li Xiaogu, the girl with wide eyes hastily.

Chapter 112

Han Sen ignored her urging and drew the string of Doomsday at the black-tailed
monkeys sweeping across the slope, screaming.

The youths thought Han Sen was out of his mind. How many of the monkeys could he
possibly kill? Once he was besieged by them, one scratch would mean death.

While they were still anxious, they heard the string sounded once again and it did
not stop.

A black shadow flashed and instantly shot through a black-tailed monkey's head. The
next moment, the arrow went back to the hands of Han Sen and was driven through
another monkeys head.

There was no extra movement or any deviation. The bow and arrow were almost
integrated into one, with a mysterious beauty.

String, arrow, deatheverything was so natural and smooth, as if this was the way it
should be.

Xu Xiangqian and the other youths were stunned and stopped running. They could not
believe the black-tailed monkeys heads were penetrated just like this.

More than half of the twenty-some black-tailed monkeys were shot dead by Han Sen
before they could make it to the foot of the mountain, and the few survivors
screamed and fled back to the mountains.

The youths were still frozen and looked Han Sen up and down as if they had seen a

Suddenly, they heard a screech of anger from the mountains and soon saw a black-
tailed monkey more than twice the size of the normal ones reaching the foot of the
mountain in an instant like a whirl of wind.

"A mutant black-tailed monkey!" Li Xiaogu was shocked.

Following her cry, an arrow flew across with a firm sound of string.


The mutant black-tailed monkey was suddenly shot in the head, with its whole body
carried away and nailed on a tree behind it by an arrow.

Li Xiaogu and the rest were looking at the monkey nailed on the tree astonished.
And when they looked to Han Sen in a few seconds, he had put the bow back on his
back as if he just did something quite trivial.

On the day of the ranking rounds of the contest, almost everyone was watching the
matches, the match that they were most looking forward to being Dollar versus Lin

But until the start of the match, Dollar was still nowhere to be seen.

Because a total-point system was used in the ranking rounds, every contestant must
fight all nine others. Whoever won the most matches would have higher ranking.

So in the beginning, when it had not been Dollars turn yet, the viewers were still
hopeful that he might show up later. However, Dollar did not even show up at his
own rounds and ended up losing by default.

There was an uproar among the viewers, as they were very disappointed in Dollars
absence after waiting for such a long time. All kinds of speculations and gossips
began trending.

Some said Dollar was injured when hunting a sacred-blood creature and thus could
not make it.

Some said Dollar was an active duty soldier and was executing orders on the
battlefield, so he could not participate in the contest.

Of course, some said Dollar was afraid of Lin Feng, and did not dare to come.

However, this argument was relatively unpopular. After all, Dollars strength had
been recognized by the vast majority in his fight against Yi Dongmu.

With all kinds of speculations in the Alliance, people first thought of Fang
Mingquan and Contest Center and wished that Fang would have a satisfactory answer
to why Dollar did not show up at the ranking rounds.

Naturally, Fang Mingquan had no way of knowing that. So he simply wrote an article
"You Are My Uncrowned King" to indicate the Dollar was his only king and champion
forever no matter which place he ended up having.

Getting no answer from Fang Mingquan, people were still curious. But there was no
one who knew the reason why Dollar did not show up no matter how many analyses
there were.

Until the end of the contest, Dollar still did not make his appearance. He was
considered lost by forfeit in all his matches and ranked number 10 in the end.

But no one doubted the strength of Dollar. At least he would not be number 10.

And the champion was highly predictable. Lin Feng still allowed all his opponents
to perform wonderfully before defeating them. It was the same in every match of

The focus of the ranking rounds was not the ranking. There was not even much
discussion on who the champion would be. The hottest debate was if Dollar had come,
who would the champion be.

In an interview with Lin Feng, a female reporter asked him, "Did Dollar choose not
to come because he fears you?"

Lin Feng replied casually, "Just like I will never be afraid of any opponent,
neither will he."

He then ignored all other interviews.

Unable to reach Lin Feng, reporters then turned to chase his buddy Tang Zhenliu.

This made Tang really depressed. He was the runner-up this year, which was the best
ranking he had so far and no one cared about that. They might congratulate him on
that in the beginning, which was always followed by questions about Dollar.

"Tang Zhenliu, if Dollar were in the matches, who do you think would be the
champion, Dollar or Lin Feng?"

"Tang Zhenliu, why do you think Dollar was absent?"

"Dollar and Lin Feng, who would be more likely to win?"

"Do Dollar and Lin Feng know each other?"

"Are you and Dollar friends?"

All kinds of questions made Tang dizzy and he ended up hiding at home so that the
journalists could not besiege him.

The Skynet was also flooded with posts discussing these questions. Some were
praising Dollar and some criticizing. The debates lasted for about a month after
the contest was over.

It took Han Sen and the youths more than half a month to reach Glory Shelter.

The youths told Han Sen it would take a month, which was an estimate according to
their own speed, considering they had to bypass large groups of creatures. With Han
Sen on the team, they did not need to take detours any more, as the archer could
clear the path.

As long as the creatures were not in too large a group, Han Sen could always keep
them at least 30 feet away, making the youths realize the benefits a great archer
could bring.

Because of the performance of Han Sen, some of them had changed their focus to

After Han Sen reached Glory Shelter, he found that he could not claim the reward
for the Chosen there and had to claim it at the sacred stele in Steel Armor Shelter
where he registered in the contest.

Chapter 113

Han Sen could not immediately go back now, so he first teleported out of Gods
Sanctuary and as soon as he was in the Alliance, he saw on his comlink many
unanswered calls from Fang Jingqi. He called back and heard Fangs relieved voice,
"You are not dead yet?"

"Good people are not so easy to die. Tell Fist Guy that I cannot go see him right
now and will give him the mutant mount back." Their contract stipulated that if the
sacred-blood creature was hunted, Han Sen could have a mutant beast soul mount, but
since the scaled armadillo was taken by the silver bird, Fist Guys gang must have
gone back with nothing. There was no reason for Han Sen to keep the mount.

"No need. After you led the silver bird away, the gang managed to bring back the
body of the scaled armadillo. They lost a little bit to the bird but it does not
matter much. They have been really worried that you might have been killed by the
bird." Fang Jingqi laughed.

"Unfortunately, I had no sacred-blood beast soul bow or arrow, or I would have shot
the silver bird down as well. It got lucky," joked Han Sen.

"If you need sacred-blood beast soul bow and arrow, here is a chance." Fang Jingqi

"What chance? You are not asking me to risk my life again, right? I have no
interest to do it a second time," said Han Sen, actually feeling quite interested

Doomsday was good, but not quite enough to kill a sacred-blood creature.

"In two months, Fist Guy will enter Second Gods Sanctuary and will sell some of his
beast souls, including a sacred-blood bow. If you are interested, you could take a
look, "said Fang Jingqi.

"Will do." Han Sen hung up and went outside. Yang Manli was standing at the gate of
the teleport station, gazing at him.

"Where have you been? Arent you aware that the entrance examination to Blackhawk is
about to start? If you do not get admitted, do not say that I have trained you,
because I cannot afford to lose face like that," exclaimed Yang Manli in anger.

"I was hunting a creature with friends and something went wrong. I just got back to
the shelter. I am really sorry." Han Sen knew that he had been gone longer than he
asked for, so no wonder that Yang Manli was mad.

"Whatever, your admission had nothing to do with me. I actually wish that you wont
pass the exam so that I will not have to see you every day." Yang Manli was very
dissatisfied with his indifferent attitude.

Han Sen shrugged. He knew Yang Manli was not a bad person, but she always sounded
mean. She must want him to go back into training.

But Han Sen had to go home now that he had been gone for many days. He could only
let Yang Manli down for the moment.

Seeing Han Sen still left the teleport station instead of going back to train, she
thought bitterly, "It would make no sense if this bastard were admitted to

Han Sen returned home and checked in with his mother before going to bed.

He was not in a hurry to claim his sacred-blood beast soul. He could claim it any
time at Steel Armor Shelter before the next contest started.

Entrance exam to Blackhawk was in just a few days and he planned to take the exam
before finding his way from Glory Shelter to Steel Armor Shelter. But he had to
make it back to Steel Armor Shelter before Fist Guy auction his beast souls. He was
very interested in that sacred-blood beast soul bow. In addition, the shreeky beast
should finish evolving into a sacred-blood beast by that time and he could not
waste that.

Thinking of beast souls, Han Sen summoned the beast soul of the scaled armadillo,
which was a huge black round shield about four feet wide. the shield was covered in
scales and spikes and looked quite fearsome. It was more for offense than defense,
as whoever knocked over or cut by the shield would suffer severe injury.
"Really great stuff, if its paired with the speed of the bloody slayer, even Qin
Xuan would not dare to take a hit from it." Han Sen thought of the scene and
laughed out loud.

The next morning, Han Sen went to the teleport station for training, and Yang Manli
gave him another fitness test.

Han Sen used Jadeskin to keep all his score between 10 to 11, making Yang Manli
fairly satisfied.

Han Sen did not know how much his actual fitness index was as he had not used his
full strength in the tests recently. Also, he had gained another five mutant geno
points from eating the mutant black-tailed monkey and now had a total of 52 mutant
geno points.

Yang Manli used the few days left to put Han Sen on a detailed comprehensive
training program, so that he could not slack at all.

As a soldier, although she was no fan of Han Sen's, she still made every effort as
it was an order from Qin Xuan to train him. Whether he could eventually be admitted
was none of her business. She actually did not want Han Sen to be admitted as she
thought Dollar was the best candidate for the archer in the squad.

But Dollar's whereabouts were never predictable and she could not even locate him,
let alone persuade him to join the squad, which made her rather upset.

When the entrance exam was about to begin, Qin Xuan as the stationmaster could not
leave the teleport station to accompany Han Sen to Plant Hawk where Blackhawk
Military Academy was. Instead, she gave Han Sen an interstellar spaceship ticket,
and asked him to go take the exam.

Han Sen had already talked to Luo Sulan about going to a military academy. She was
very supportive of his decision. If he could go to a famous military school and
graduate, he could serve as a low-level officer instead of a soldier, even if his
grades were just average. This way he did not have to suffer too much and his
chance of survival on the battlefield would also be higher.

If his grades were excellent, then it would be even better. In that case, maybe he
would be assigned to a relatively safe position, which was what Luo Sulan wanted.
Her only worry was that Han Sen might not be able to pass the entrance exam to such
a good school as Blackhawk.

After all, Han Sen only graduated from the integrated compulsory education system
and his chance of entering a military academy which was challenging for even many
private school graduates was indeed worrisome.

On the interstellar spaceship, Han Sen looked at the infinite space outside the
window and his heart started to race. It was the first time ever for him to leave
Planet Roca.

At this moment, Han Sen suddenly remembered a line from a book he once read, "My
conquest is the sea of stars."

Chapter 114

Long interstellar travel was very boring. Many people would choose to go to the gym
or go on the Skynet to kill time.
Although Han Sens destination Planet Hawk was not too far away, it would still take
a few days.

Han Sen felt rather bored sitting alone and was trying to decide if he should go to
the gym. Suddenly he saw a girl sitting opposite him using her comlink to play a
game that looked like Hand of God online.

Han Sen thought it was similar to Hand of God because the game he played in the
teleport station was via a holographic device that monitored ones entire body,
while the one the girl was playing was a comlink game that could be played with one

The girls fingers were long and pretty, hitting the spots near her hand at a
dazzling speed.

What Han Sen did not understand was what seemed to be the difference between this
game and the one he had played.

In addition to those light spots, there were also the holographic image of a palm,
which was hitting the spots nearby as if it was trying to beat the girl to them.

Han Sen watched for a while and roughly understood that it was an online mini
version of the game Hand of God. The one he used to play was the single-player

After finishing her round, the girl saw Han Sen staring at her and gave him a cold

Han Sen then noticed that the girl was actually stunning. She was his age or maybe
older. Wearing a suit that looked like a uniform, she had a sweet face like a
porcelain doll with small red lips and black hair.

The girl saw Han Sen still staring at her and deliberately turned away, continuing
to play her game.

Han Sen stood up, walked next to the girl, and said with a smile, "Are you from

The girl turned back and looked at Han Sen, slightly surprised. "You also go to

"Not yet, I'm going to apply," Han Sen said.

The girl heard his reply and seemed to have lost interest in him. There were
numerous applicants to Blackhawk each year and the admission rate was less than one
in a thousand.

She thought it was just Han Sens pickup line. She had seen too many people like him
and was no longer surprised.

"Sister, what is that game you are playing? It looks like a bit like Hand of God,"
Han Sen sat down next to the girl and continued the conversation.

The girl had no choice but to turn back and look at Han Sen. Suddenly her lips
turned upward into a sly smile. "Dont ask and play against me. If you win, I could
even go on a date with you."

The girl took for granted that everyone knew the Skynet version of Hand of God,
especially an applicant to a military academy. Han Sen must be using this to get
her attention.

"So, if I win, you are willing to be my girlfriend?" Han Sen looked at the girl in
surprise, no believing what she said was true.

This girl had a sweet face and a nicer body. Her long legs and plump bosom were
accentuated by her small waist. She was a beautiful girl indeed.

She was still a bit young at this time, but in a few years, once she became a
woman, she would be as attractive as, if not more alluring than Qin Xuan.

A girl like her would become his date as long as he beat her in Hand of God. It was
a great deal for him either way.

"Of course, Ji Yanran always keeps her words. If you are admitted to Blackhawk, you
could ask around and everyone would tell you so." Ji Yanran grinned.

She was a junior at Blackhawk and the president of Hand of God Society. She was
definitely among the top 10 at this game in Blackhawk. Not even too many
professional players had the confidence to beat her, let alone Han Sen who had not
even made it to the military school yet.

"Great. Lets begin now." Han Sen felt he could not miss such a great dealto get
himself a pretty date before even going to school. He would not have too many
opportunities like this one.

Ji Yanran gave him a sweet smile, "Since it is a showdown and you could potentially
have me as your date, what would you offer if you lose?"

"If I lose, I will be your boyfriend. Is that fair?" Han Sen said earnestly.

Ji Yanran gave him a stare and said, "Save it. Your lines dont work on me. If you
lose, you cannot show your face in front of me from now until the moment we arrive
at Planet Hawk."

"Deal." Han Sen nodded.

He saw Ji Yanran play and thought she was much slower than himself. He was
confident that he could win.

"What is your game ID? I will add you and invite you into my group." Ji Yanran
wanted to get rid of him as fast as possible.

"I'm sorry sister, I have never played this version of Hand of God. Could you show
me how to play first?" Han Sen spread out his hands helplessly and said.

He used to play on the device in the teleport station and had never tried using his

"You really dont know how to play?" Ji Yanran did not believe him.

"Which name should I search?" Han Sen turned his comlink on.

"Well, I will see how long you could keep this up." Ji Yanran did not trust him at
all, but she was not angry either. She wanted to see how long he could keep his
pretense, so she told him how to enter the game.

She saw Han Sen using his comlink number to enter the game and was quite shocked,
because the pop-up window on his comlink was a tutorial, which would only appear
when the game was installed for the first time.

"You really have never played Hand of God?" Ji Yanran threw a surprised look at Han

"Not this version. I have only played the single-player version," replied Han Sen.

"The two versions are quite different, and you dared to play against me when you
have never played the versus mode?" Ji Yanran felt both shocked and amused, as she
thought this guy was driven purely by passion indeed.

Chapter 115

"Should be similar." Han Sen began to play in training mode, which could not be
skipped and was meant to show new players how to use the versus version.

Han Sen used to play the single-player version and had no opponent. In training
mode, there was a hand trying to beat him to the spots, which took some effort for
him to get used to, so he looked a bit clumsy.

Sometimes, Han Sen only found a spot gone when his finger moved over, which was
quite different from when he was playing alone.

In addition to paying attention to the spots, he also had to pay attention to the
action and intention of the other hand.

Ji Yanran saw him playing in the training mode and was rendered speechless. He was
such a rookie that she had no idea where he gained the nerve to challenge her,
president of the Hand of God Society.

"It looks a bit challenging indeed. Can I practice a bit before playing against
you?" Han Sen asked.

"Sure, anytime." Ji Yanran believed a rookie like him would not be her match even
after practicing for a semester.

She wanted to show him some grace, so that when he lost, he would have no excuse to
bother her again.

Han Sen got Ji Yanrans permission and returned to his seat to play online. He soon
discovered that versus version was much more interesting than the single-player

Playing alone simply required him to be fast, while more factors were added to the
versus version, including what and when the opponent would move, which made the
game more fun.

Han Sen played a few rounds and gradually mastered the versus version. In fact, as
long as one had the skills and ability to judge correctly, the versus version was
actually easier.

After all, the single-player version was all about speed and in the versus version,
all you had to be was faster than your opponent. If your opponent was weak, it
would be really easy to win.

Han Sen was only trying to study the game itself and did not care about the result,
so he lost five games in a row.
Han Sen played a final round when he had fully grasped the tricks. His opponent was
not even able to hit a single spot and he had a complete victory.

Feeling that he was ready, Han Sen went to Ji Yanran and said, "Sister, I am ready.
Would you add me?"
"What is your ID?" Ji Yanran was not about to make any comment. She would win
anyway, and all that was left to do was to drive this annoying fly away.

"Win-a-girlfriend," Han Sen told her his ID.

Ji Yanran stared sharply at Han Sen, but did not say anything. It did not matter.
He could not beat her no matter what ID name he used.

Han Sen saw a friend request and the ID name was Souvenir.

Ji Yanran looked at Han Sen's record and saw he had lost five out of six rounds.

She did not even know where to begin so she said nothing. Setting up an online game
room and password, she invited Han Sen to enter.

The moment Han Sen entered the room, Ji Yanran picked a level and started the

At the end of the countdown, a holographic image was projected from his comlink. in
addition to the image like a crystal ball, there was also the image of Ji Yanrans
pretty hand.

Ji Yanran saw a spot flashing and immediately moved a finger over to touch it, but
before she could do that, she saw a finger of her opponent on it and the spot

Ji Yanran did not mind it and thought Han Sen got lucky. That spot was closer to
his palm anyway.

When the second spot appeared, she pointed to it at full speed, but when her little
finger was about to touch it, a finger from the holographic image once again beat
her to it.


The spot disappeared and Han Sen gained another point, and Ji Yanran's score
remained zero.

Ji Yanran paused but still believed that it was pure luck. A rookie like him could
never be better than she.

But when the third spot appeared, Ji Yanran once again lost the spot she wanted to

Ji Yanran raged, as this time she saw clearly that Han Sen was targeting her, only
aiming at the one spot she wanted to press.

"Brat, I will let you know you should never mess with a Blackhawk girl." Ji Yanran
was fully focused this time and was prepared to teach Han Sen a lesson.

She still thought she had just lost a few points because of her carelessness.

However, the same thing happened to the fourth spot and she still did not get a
single point.

Ji Yanran was getting more and more angry. Her slender fingers danced away, but
regardless of which spot she went for, her opponent could always hit it first.

Ding ding ding!

The sound of spot getting hit continued to ring. Ji Yanran was dumbfounded as she
was not even able to get a single spot. Han Sen had got them all.

"Impossible... this is not possible..." At the end of the game, Ji Yanran was
stunned by the score, 0:59.

She had tried 59 times and was blocked 59 times. Han Sen did not hit any other spot
than the ones she was going for. He was just targeting her.

But Ji Yanran could not believe that as the president of Hand of God Society, she
would get no points at all, which seemed absurd.

"How is anyone able to do this? Even Jing, who is the best player in Blackhawk,
could not have done this, not to mention the kid has not even been admitted to
Blackhawk." Thinking of this, Ji Yanran bristled.

Because she thought of another possibility. Legend has it that a hacker had
designed a cheating device of Hand of God, which could 100% prevent the opponent
from getting any pointsexactly what had happened. Han Sen must have used this
cheating device in their game.

Ji Yanran was more convinced when she thought about it. Nothing could explain how
he could have blocked all her points. Human simply could not be so accurate.

Even some could achieve this, a kid who had not even been to military school would
not be one of them.

Chapter 116

"Sister, so I won, right?" Han Sen walked over with a smile. Having such a pretty
girlfriend when he just entered the school was something he would be quite proud

"You used a cheating device, so it does not count," Ji Yanran said angrily.

"Cheating device?" Han Sen was a bit shocked.

"Stop pretending. You blocked all my points and it simply looked fake. If it was
not for a cheating device, how could you have done it?" Ji Yanran pouted and said.
Her look seemed to be saying, "I have already seen through how despicable you are."

"I do not know what a cheating device is." Han Sen spread out his hands.

"Keep pretending if you will." Ji Yanran was certain that Han Sen had cheated.

"If you do not believe me, we can have another match," Han Sen said.

"You have a cheating device, so the result would be the same no matter how many
times we play." Ji Yanran curled her lips with disdain.
Han Sen was dumbfounded and said, "My comlink is here. You can check yourself and
see whether I have a cheating device installed."

"I do not understand how it works or where you hide it." Ji Yanran had determined
that Han Sen had cheated and she did have a point. Han Sens performance looked like
he was cheating indeed.

His ability to predict and his reflexes were so strong that even Yi Dongmu was not
his match, let alone Ji Yanran.

Han Sen felt that he was wronged, but Ji Yanran would not believe him.

"Then how can I convince you that I did not cheat?" Han Sen spread out his hands

"Easy. When we arrive at Blackhawk, we could have another match using the
professional equipment there and if you could still win, I will believe that you
did not cheat and will then honor my promise," Ji Yanran said with confidence. She
believed Han Sen must have used a cheating device which would not work on
professional equipment. His scheme would be exposed then.

"Alright then," Han Sen smiled and said, "but you gotta tell me what your name is?"

"My name is Ji Yanran, and you can ask anyone to find out where I am." Ji Yanran
believed Han Sen had cheated and would not be her match at all, so she told him her
real name without hesitation.

"Beautiful name." Han Sen smiled.

"Well, if you want to enter the school and play against me, you must be admitted
first, and a nobody could never enter Blackhawk," Ji Yanran thought to herself.

Han Sen did not bother her anymore, but went back to his own seat and continued to
play the versus version of Hand of God.

He only played against Ji Yanran because it was fun and did not really think that
this would win him a pretty girlfriend, so he did not really care.

Although Ji Yanran was beautiful, Qin Xuan and Yang Manli were not bad either.
Therefore he was not really smitten, but only thought she looked sweet and was an
interesting girl.

Ji Yanran was no longer in the mood to play. She gave Han Sen a stare before going
to the lounge and taking some rest.

As he continued to play the game, Han Sen was feeling less bored. He did not see Ji
Yanran again until disembarking. She took her luggage and got on a private luxury
aircraft, giving him another stare before leaving.

Han Sen paid no attention to that and checked in at the hotel Qin Xuan had booked
for him, waiting for the entrance exam to begin.

Military schools were different from how they had been centuries ago. In this era,
one could take the entrance exam of whichever military school one wanted to go to.
As long whoever qualified would be admitted.

With Han Sens condition, he could pass the exam on his own. But with Qin Xuans
recommendation, he could benefit from the special enrollment program and meet lower
standards. However, in this case, he needed to do much better in archery.

This was nothing difficult for Han Sen. He controlled his strength to reach just
the standard of special enrollment, and did not stand out in archery either, simply
finishing the task.

In spite of this, Han Sen's performance in archery was still among top 10. In this
era, very few people practiced archery. Although archers were highly valued in Gods
Sanctuary, in the Alliance any sniper could use a modern weapon to kill an archer,
despite the fact that it was much harder to learn archery.

In addition to specially cultivated soldiers, very few people would learn archery
on their own and even fewer were good at it.

The reason the special enrollment program existed was that Blackhawks Department of
Archery was one of the weakest among all military schools in the Alliance, which
was a disgrace to a famous school like Blackhawk. That was why they were trying to
recruit student archers to revitalize the Department of Archery.

Smoothly admitted to Blackhawk as a specially enrolled student, Han Sen went

through some procedures and became a military school student.

After reporting the result to his mother, Han Sen did not hear Luo Sulan speak for
a long while. He faintly heard her sobbing.

"My son was admitted to a famous school," Luo Sulan said with blissful tears after
a while.

Han Sen heard her voice and his eyes became wet. His mother had been through so
much these years.

After informing his mother, Han Sen called Qin Xuan and she said casually,
"Congratulations. I have taken care of the procedures for you to join the squad.
From now on, you are my guy."

"Stationmaster, what does the squad do?" asked Han Sen curiously.

"Babysit," Qin Xuan said in a strange voice.

"Babysit?" Han Sen was shocked and did not understand what a special squad would
have to do with nurse or nanny.

"Our task is to take care of some special kids, such as Yuan and Qing whom you
already knew. They are also our clients. By taking care of them in Gods Sanctuary,
we can gain handsome rewards. For example, S-Class licenses of Saint Hall that cant
be bought would be paid to you if you finish certain tasks." Qin Xuan explained and
then told him, "There are some formalities where your signatures are needed and you
need to keep some things in mind. But lets go into details later in the shelter."

"My family..." Han Sen wanted to ask the most important question.

"The report has been submitted. Within a week, your mother and sister will be under
the protection of the military. Unless you kill Son of Heavens father or marry his
wife, he probably will not be so desperate that he risk doing something stupid.
Your family will be safe in the Alliance, about which you can absolutely rest
assured," Qin Xuan solemnly committed.
"What if he really is desperate?" Han Sen asked again.

"He does not dare," Qin Xuan said casually, sounding full of confidence.
Chapter 117

After completing all the admission procedures, Han Sen did not go directly to
school. He must return to Steel Armor Shelter before school was in session.
Otherwise he would never have such a long period of free time. He needed to
participate in various training programs and could not spend half a month or even
longer in Gods Sanctuary.

Han Sen got in touch with Lin Beifeng and asked him about the route he took when
coming to Steel Armor Shelter from Glory Shelter. Then Han Sen also did some
research on the Skynet.

Because Glory Shelter was closest to Steel Armor Shelter, there were quite a few
people that had traveled between the two.

With all the information and his own experience, Han Sen soon figured out a way to
go back to Steel Armor Shelter.
This route was very dangerous for others, but for Han Sen it was fine. According to
his judgment, the hardest part in this route was to travel through Dark Swamp,
which he was familiar with and could fly across.

"Sen, you are still in Glory Shelter, right? Can you do me a favor? I will transfer
some money to you and can you acquire some beast souls of Jadeshell in Glory
Shelter?" Lin Beifeng asked.

"What is that?" Han Sen was puzzled.

"Its a primitive beast soul armor, very common in Glory Shelter. Although there is
the word armor in Steel Armor Shelter, there were very limited beast soul armors
nearby. I estimate that you could buy a Jadeshell beast soul with less than a
hundred thousand, which could sell at least two hundred thousand." Lin Beifeng said
excitedly, "Sen, I will offer the capital and you put in the effort. How about we
split the profit fifty fifty?"

"OK, lets do this. Remember to transfer me the money first. I am so poor now that I
dont even have ten thousand in my account." Han Sen was telling the truth as he had
less than ten thousand after paying his own tuition and fees.

"Ha-ha, I'll do that right away. In fact, there are a lot of good things in Glory
Shelter. If you have time, I will do some research," Lin Beifeng said eagerly.

"Next time. I am on a tight schedule and have to make it back to Steel Armor
Shelter as soon as possible. Otherwise when the military school is in session, I
could not afford to be absent," Han Sen said.

"Sen, I made so much effort to look for you, while you are going away to some
military school. I have to follow you there," cried Lin Beifeng.

"Why would you put yourself through such hardship? With your family's financial
resources and connections, you would not need to go to the front even if you
serve." Han Sen paused and said, "Moreover, now enrollment has almost ended."

"Well, forget about it then. I will go send you the money." Lin Beifeng was

Han Sen soon received the money from Lin Beifeng. It was as much as twenty million.
Even if one beast soul cost a hundred thousand, he could buy two hundred beast

Although it was a very common kind of primitive beast soul, it was hard to acquire
as many as two hundred. As Han Sen did not want to waste any time, he had to finish
acquiring them in one day. So he felt it would be good enough to get just one

The process was much smoother than he had thought. There were indeed plenty of
jadeshell beast souls in Glory Shelter. In the beginning, he could buy one at fifty
or sixty thousand. Later, the highest price he ever gave was just eighty thousand.

In one day, Han Sen bought 187 jadeshell beast souls and it was an incredible

If he had more time, he would love to spend more time in Glory Shelter. If he could
go back successfully this time, he would come here again for sure.

After preparing for the trip, Han Sen finally embarked on the road between the two

The journey was surprisingly uneventful. And as he had expected, both shelters were
on the verge of Dark Swamp and the paths from each shelter to the swamp were rather

The most dangerous part was inside Dark Swamp, but Han Sen was no stranger to the
swamp. He had not really been to the part near Glory Shelter and could only try to
fly in the right direction. A few days later, he saw the familiar black stinger

It was much easier after that. When Han Sen returned to Steel Armor Shelter safely
in only a little more than sixteen days, he let out a long sigh of relief.

It was just a couple of days until school started and he did not want to be kicked
out for being absent. He could come back so fast mainly because of the mutant beast
soul mount Fist Guy gave him. The mutant three-eyed beast mount was as strong as a
bull and carried him at full speed all the time except for when he was flying over
the swamp. It was much faster than him walking.

Otherwise he might not be able to return to Steel Armor Shelter even in a month.

Lin Beifeng widened his eyes when seeing Han Sen. "Sen, well done. You are back
safe and sound from Glory Shelter in just half a month."

"Here are the beast souls. You sell them however you like." Out of breath, Han Sen
transferred all the beast souls to Lin Beifeng.

Although he only spent half a month on the road, he barely had any shuteye. He was
almost practicing Jadeskin to keep himself awake all the time and was about to
collapse at this point. A deep sense of fatigue made him unwilling to speak and
want to go to bed right away.

Han Sen fell directly on the bed in his room in the shelter and slept for two days
straight. When he woke up, he felt like his whole body was falling apart.

He did make some progress with Jadeskin though. When he was practicing it, the
coolness that flowed in his body got stronger.

Han Sen sat up, his eyes falling on the shreeky beast he was feeding. Its fur was
dark and shiny like black jade. And it was twice the size it used to be.
"The shreeky beast has finally evolved into a sacred-blood creature!" Han Sen was
filled with ecstasy. Carrying a dagger to kill it, he felt his mouth watering. He
was so hungry after the long sleep and his body was so tired. This shreeky beast
would do well to provide him with some nutrition.

Chapter 118

"Sacred-blood creature shreeky beast killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to
gain zero to ten sacred geno points."

Han Sen had little interest in listening to the voice. He was staring at the meat
cooking in the pot with his mouth watering. His stomach was rumbling as he was

But Han Sen was still being patient. He waited until the meat stew was ready and
started to gobble directly from the pot.

"Meat of sacred-blood shreeky beast eaten. One sacred geno point gained."

"Meat of sacred-blood shreeky beast eaten. One sacred geno point gained."


Han Sen gorged himself silly and devoured nearly 20 pounds of meat and soup
altogether, which even scared himself.

But as the warmth spread in his body, he felt so comfortable as if he was a sponge
that was filled with water. He lay on the ground and almost moaned out loud.

"Sacred-blood meat is indeed wonderful. If I could have such a pot every day, I
would be so healthy and strong." Han Sen licked his lips. Unfortunately, he only
had such a blessing every three months.

With the five sacred geno points gained from eating the shreeky beast, he now had
34 sacred geno points. It had only been half a year and he had one third the
maximum count of sacred geno points. No one would believe him even he told people
the truth.

He went to the plaza and bought a primitive creature the size of a chicken and fed
the black crystal to it. While doing this, Han Sen had something else on his mind.

He could finally claim his beast soul reward from the contest. No matter what kind
of beast soul he got, it would be a sacred-blood one, what many people could only
dream of.

"What is the best? A bow? A mount? Or a humanoid beast soul?" Han Sen thought it
would be difficult for him to choose, because he wanted everything. However, he had
only one chance and it was not even up to him.

At midnight when there was no one around, Han Sen quietly entered the martial ring,
which had been closed after the contest. Except for him, no one could enter before
next years contest started. After he had claimed his prize, he would not be able to
enter either.

Standing in front of the sacred stele, Han Sen placed his palm on the stele and
suddenly all kinds of images of beast souls started shifting rapidly on the stele.
Han Sen removed his palm and the images were still changing and slowed down after a

Han Sen's heart was racing with the images. When the image froze on one beast soul,
Han Sen was completely attracted by it.

A seductive blonde woman with hourglass figure and scarlet pupils in red fitting
armor and a ruby crown, walked out from the stele and smiled at Han Sen, almost
stealing his soul away.

Then she became a shadow and entered Han Sens mind. He suddenly heard the voice
say, "Sacred-blood beast soul fairy queen gained."

Han Sen was ecstatic and quickly checked the details of fairy queen.

Type of sacred-blood beast soul fairy queen: shapeshifting.

"Shapeshifting!" Han Sen almost cheered, but on a second thought, it was a shame
that such a beautiful beast soul could not be summoned to stand alone, but had to
be integrated in his body.

But a shapeshifting beast soul was undoubtedly the most expensive beast soul type,
not to mention it was a humanoid.

Han Sen could not wait to summon the fairy queen beast soul and turn into a fairy.

Suddenly Han Sens body was wrapped in red armor, and a ruby crown was worn on his
head. His pupils became scarlet like the fairy queen and his dark hair turned
blonde. Basically he turned into the male version of the fairy queen.

Han Sen felt all aspects of his fitness had been greatly improved. Although the
improvement in speed and strength was not as great as with the bloody slayer, all
aspects were very balanced.

This beast soul also came with a suit of armor, which was not as strong as the
black beetle armor, but would be comparable to a top mutant armor beast soul. The
fairy queen beast soul had enhanced his abilities in all aspects in a balanced way.
To Han Sens surprise, his eyesight seemed to have become very strong after
shapeshifting into the fairy queen. He could even see the fine lines of a rock very
far away from him. He was also feeling odd about somethingas if everything has
slowed down in his eyes. Han Sen did not know whether it was just his illusion.

The only pity was that when using fairy queen, he could not use bloody slayer or
black beetle armor.

But this did not matter much, because fairy queen's own armor was also quite good.

The best part for Han Sen was that he could use this beast soul and shapeshift when
using his real identity and no one would know it was Dollars prize.

Therefore, as Han Sen, he could also use a powerful beast soul and did not have to
turn into Dollar to use bloody slayer and black beetle armor.

Fairy queen was just what Han Sen needed now. He did not want to be considered weak
by the world forever.

"All the fairies in myths and legends are with wings. If fairy queen also has
wings, it would be perfect," Han Sen thought greedily.
After the excitement, Han Sen sneaked out of the martial ring. The day after
tomorrow was the first day of school. He had to go register and then go to his

Blackhawk was a military school, so the rules followed military standards. Once
enrolled, a student could not go out of the school and had to stay in the
dormitory, except for holidays and special occasions.

Although Blackhawk was large enough to assign each student his or her own room,
four students would have to share a room in the dormitory so as to enhance team
awareness and collective sense of honor. Han Sens roommates were all specially
enrolled archery students like himself.

Han Sen was the last one to arrive in the dormitory. The other three had moved in
for several days.

"Brother, why are you so late? we cannot wait." When Han Sen had moved into the
dormitory, his three roommates surrounded him like a bunch of hooligans trying to
tease a maiden.

"What do you want?" Han Sen subconsciously protected his chest and looked at them
with vigilance.

"Brother, do not be afraid. We just want to discuss with you who our leader should
be. I think we should go by age. The oldest should be the leader. As you all know,
wisdom grows with age. So, I will make a great leader." The speaker was a big man
more than six feet tall. The rolling of his eyes suggested that he might not be so
trustworthy, unlike what was suggested by his muscular body.

Chapter 119

To enhance team spirit among students, Blackhawk always trained students by room.
So the leader of a room would have more say in most things. That was why they were
all trying to be the leader.

"Shi Zhikang, that does not really make sense. Age does not represent anything. I
think as a leader, one must be intelligent to gain most benefits for our room. My
IQ is 167. How about you? "A gentle and delicate teenager blinked and said.

"Lu Meng, that is not true either. IQ is nothing. I think for a leader the most
important thing is EQ. Many with high IQ are idiots in real life. How can someone
like that be our leader?" retorted the cunning big man Shi Zhikang.
"Who are you calling an idiot?" Lu Meng squared his shoulders and wanted to argue
with Shi Zhikang, but cringed as he saw Shi raising his sturdy arm that could bear
the weight of a horse.

"We are all in Department of Archery, so lets decide who the leader is by archery.
Whoever is the best shot should be our leader so that we could establish a goal
together," suggested Zhang Yang with big eyes, bushy eyebrows and sunny disposition
while doing push-ups.

"New guy, what do you say?" Shi Zhikang and Lu Meng looked to Han Sen.

"I think that fellow has a point. Since we are all archery students, the best
archer should be our leader." As a part of the group, Han Sen felt it was necessary
for him to express his opinion.
"Two votes versus one vote versus one vote. Its done then. We will see who is the
best archer by each shooting ten arrows and whoever gets the highest score will be
our leader," Zhang said and jumped up. Sweat fell from his bronze skin and he
disregarded it. Hugging Shi Zhikang and Lu Meng, he said, "In any case, we are
classmates and roommates. Learning and making progress together is the most
important thing. Before graduation, we need to make our Department of Archery the
best in the entire Alliance. Brothers, work together!"

"Get out!" Shi Zhikang and Lu Meng threw Zhangs arms off. They were tired of the
preaching of this hot-blooded kid the past few days.

The four young men went to the training hall, and Zhang Yang got the highest score,
shooting at bullseye every time.

Lu Meng was second, Han Sen third, and Shi Zhikang the biggest and oldest was

Han Sen did not want to be the leader, runner-up, or the last, so he got himself
the third place.

The first three months in Blackhawk was the hardest. Every day they must attend the
collective training and lectures. They must grasp all the basic knowledge in these
three months.

Although they were in Department of Archery, they still needed to learn using
firearms, operating warframes, driving aircrafts and other fundamentals.

Blackhawk had way better facilities than the integrated compulsory education
system. All kinds of firearms, warframes and aircrafts can be practiced on and Han
Sen had learned many things that he had not even heard of before. In these three
months, Han Sen was learning like a sponge constantly absorbing water.

Three months later, all four of them passed a comprehensive assessment and
officially became Blackhawk students.

In addition to a few compulsory courses, the rest were all elective courses. Apart
from not being allowed to leave the school, they were quite free. As long as one
could pass the semi-annual assessment, one could even skip all the courses.

But if one failed the assessment, there was only one opportunity to take it again,
and if one failed the second time, one would be expelled from school with no

There was a special teleport station on campus, and anyone could go to Gods
Sanctuary at any time. There was not too many restrictions about that.

The four young men who had just passed the comprehensive assessment ordered a few
dishes and several bottles of wine at the cafeteria, celebrating the beginning of
their life in Blackhawk.

When they were enjoying the meal, the holographic image in the cafeteria became a
match, and instead of combat, it was a game of Hand of God.

"Ji Yanran!" Shi Zhikang suddenly shouted, staring at the pretty girl in the
holographic image.

Even Lu Meng and Zhang Yang were staring at Ji Yanran.

"She is famous?" Han Sen saw Ji Yanran and was reminded of their agreement on the
way here. But then he was too busy and forgot about it.
"Are you serious? You dont know our campus belle? She is a junior now. Her sweet
face, seductive figure, fair skin and 36D..." Shi Zhikang stopped and looked
around. He continued when seeing everyone was paying attention to the image, "Ji
Yanran is also the president of Hand of God Society. She is among top 5 at this
game in our school. A goddess with both brain and beauty. She has many suitors but
no one was successful."

"Why?" asked Han Sen.

"No one is good enough for her. I heard that her family has quite some influence in
the military, and ordinary families simply are not their match," said Shi Zhikang
with some regret.

"Even if her family was okay with it, Ji Yanran will certainly not go out with
you." Lu Meng curled his lips.

"As if she would go out with you!" Shi Zhikang was unwilling to show any weakness.

"Ha-ha, where there is a goal there is hope. You have to stay hopeful. Since Ji
Yanran is the president of Hand of God Society, lets join that society and try to
approach her. If she sees our potentials, maybe she will go out with one of us,"
suggested Zhang Yang confidently.

Shi Zhikang and Lu Mengs eyes lit up, and they agreed hurriedly, "Great idea. Lets
go. We will apply for Hand of God Society right now."

Before Han Sen could finish eating, he was dragged by the three to Hand of God

When they got there, all four of them were stunned and understood the meaning of
"people mountain people sea." The line of applicants was so long that it almost
went out of the school gate.

"Ahem, I think we are so handsome that we dont need to be with Ji Yanran all day
and she will still go out with us," Shi Zhikang said.

"Shi, well-said. We are in Department of Archery and must join an archery society.
No need to waste our time here," said Lu Meng solemnly.

"I agree with both of you." Han Sen nodded quickly when seeing the long line. If he
waited in the line, his whole day would be wasted.

"Go in the line now! A real man never quits." Zhang Yang grabbed Shi and Lu and
joined the line.

Han Sen was lucky that Zhang Yang did not have a third hand. It chanced that his
comlink was ringing and he saw the call was from Fang Jingqi.

Chapter 120

"Brother, do you still want that sacred-blood bow? I havent been able to reach you
and Fist Guy has already entered Second Gods Sanctuary." Han Sen answered the call
and immediately heard Fang Jingqis complaint.

Han Sen suddenly smacked his forehead and cried, "I am sorry. I was in military
training and was not allowed to use comlink. I have completely forgotten about
this. Is the bow still there?"

"Yes. Fist Guy gave it to Thumb, but..." Fang Jingqi paused.

"But what?" Han Sen asked.

"I need to ask you something and you need to tell me the truth. Did you get the
beast soul of that scaled armadillo? Are you willing to exchange?" Fang Jingqi

Han Sen hesitated, and then said, "Yes I have it. Do they intend to exchange with
the bow?"

"What type of beast soul is it?" Fang Jingqi asked.

"A big round shield with spikes," Han Sen replied.

"Ha-ha, that will do. If you want to exchange, I will contact Thumb and you two
could meet and discuss between yourselves." Fang Jingqi laughed.

"Please contact him." Han Sen was not the kind of guy that purely relied on brute
force, so the shield was less useful to him. If he could trade it for a bow, it
would be fantastic.

"Okay, I will get back to you."

Han Sen hung up and took a look at Lu Meng and Shi Zhikang who were in the line,
and walked toward the teleport station at school.

The creature he started feeding before the military training should have evolved
into a sacred-blood creature by this time. That would provide some nutrition for

Before Han Sen reached the teleport station, Fang Jingqi called him again and asked
if he had time to meet Thumb right away. Han Sen entered Gods Sanctuary knowing the
time and place to meet.

"Good shield, it really is a masterpiece!" In a grove, Thumb caressed the shield as

if it were his lover.

"The bow is also a wonderful bow." Holding a large black horn bow, Han Sen was also

"How shall we trade?" Thumb looked at Han Sen eagerly.

"One priceless item for another," Han Sen said softly.

"Great minds think alike." Thumb gave Han Sen a thumbs-up cheerfully.

"Brother Thumb, I wish you will be unstoppable anywhere you go with this shield."
Han Sen laughed.
Thumb wielded the spiked shield, laughed and said, "And Brother Han, I wish you
will be invincible no matter who you are against with this bow."

The two smiled at each other, put away their treasures and left the grove, both
very satisfied with the transaction.

Han Sen returned to his own room in the shelter and played with the horn bow.

This horn bow was the beast soul of a magic-horned snake. Its effective range was
nearly six thousand feet, and that was not yet its maximum range.

The strength required to draw the string of this bow was even less than that for
Doomsday, so this was an archer's ultimate dream.

Han Sen even believed that he could use it to shoot a fly six thousand feet away
dead with the eyesight of the fairy queen.

"A good horse should be paired with a good saddle. If I could get a sacred-blood
beast soul arrow, it would be perfect," Han Sen stroked the curves of magic-horned
snake and thought blissfully.

Of course, a sacred-blood beast soul arrow was not so easy to find. Luckily, the
cloud beast that Han Sen had been feeding had evolved into a sacred-blood creature,
so he killed it to cook a pot of stew.

Han Sen regretted that his cooking skill was not up to par. All he could make was
stew and even it tasted good, he got tired of the same food after all this time.

But when the voice said he was gaining sacred geno points, Han Sen was still very

In the end, the sacred-blood cloud beast contributed five more sacred geno points
and Han Sens sacred geno points had reached 39.

Qin Xuan knew that his schedule would be rather full as he was just enrolled and
did not come to him, which gave Han Sen some time to relax himself.

Han Sen returned to his dorm at night and saw his three roommates playing Hand of

Seeing Han Sen back, Shi Zhikang ran over, threw an arm around Han Sen's shoulder,
and grinned, "Sen, we are playing Hand of God. Join us! Good brothers should share

Lu Meng curled his lips and said, "Your skills are so bad that even if he joins us,
he would still beat you."

"Cut it. You won only twice and it was because I was not paying attention. When I
get serious, you would lose so bad." Shi Zhikang smiled and said to Han Sen, "Sen,
lets play together. You dont have anything to do anyway. Practice with me."

"OK, on the Skynet?" Han Sen smiled.

"Our school has a special Battlenet designed for Hand of God. You can register an
account and add me. My ID is Optimus Prime." Shi Zhikang carefully taught Han Sen
how to register.

Han Sen registered a Battlenet account, and named his ID "My-girlfriend-is-Ji-


He registered successfully and Shi Zhikang hurried him to enter the game.

Han Sen entered the game and sent a friend request to Shi Zhikang.

"S*#t, Sen, you IDs got some swag," Shi Zhikang saw Han Sen's ID and called out.

Lu Meng quickly took a glance and gave a crooked smile. "Sen, you are asking for
trouble on the Battlenet with this ID. All the players playing this game think of
Ji Yanran as their goddess."

"I didnt know you have such ambition. I like it." Zhang Yang looked at it and
patted Han Sen on the shoulder, feeling satisfied.

"Well, cut the crap. Let me beat you no Let us practice..." Shi Zhikang was so
excited that he had a slip of the tongue and quickly corrected himself.

"Coming." Han Sen accepted the invitation of Shi Zhikang and entered his game room.
Shi Zhikang chose the difficulty and started the game.

After the countdown ended, the game officially began.

Lu Meng and Zhang Yang were not in the mood to watch the match and each found
another opponent online and started to play against.

Shi Zhikang was very excited as he kept losing to Zhang Yang and Lu Meng in the
game all afternoon and could eventually gain some self-confidence back by playing
with Han Sen. He was thinking that he should go easier on Han Sen the first round
in case Han Sen gave up too soon. As long as he let Han Sen win by a narrow margin,
he could get Han to play with him a few more rounds and settle his craving.

Chapter 121

A few seconds later, Shi Zhikangs face collapsed. Eyes wide and hands shaking, Shi
exclaimed, "Sen, you asshole, are you the reincarnation of Taka Kato?"

Seeing Han Sen's hand quickly moving as if he was having spasms, Shi Zhikang was
more and more shocked and panicked, as he had not touched many spots near him.

"Shi, you are yelling like a pig being slaughtered. Stop being so dramatic," Lu
Meng, who was in the middle of a game, protested.

Shi Zhikang had completely given up. Watching Hen Sen's hand dancing, he lost all
desire to play.
Shi Zhikang rolled his eyes and told Lu Meng, "Sens skills are strong. I believe in
our room, no one is his match except for the leader."

Lu Meng replied, "Shi, your loss is on you. Dont bring other people into it."

"Lu, you are not even as good as me. If you play against Sen, you would lose all
the same," Shi Zhikang deliberately raised his voice and said.

"I'll show you who the real master is, but if I win, this month you need to do the
cleaning," said Lu Meng.

Shi Zhikangs face suddenly showed a trace of joy, but he then immediately
suppressed it. He looked hesitant and said after a long while, "Alright. But if you
lose, you need to do the same."

"OK, no problem. Let me finish this round first." Lu Meng believed in himself. He
had passed unevolved-9 in Hand of God, which was quite good among all freshmen.
Maybe he was not the best player, but he could easily join Hand of God Society.

In addition, they were all in the Department of Archery, which had no high demand
for speed, so normally archery students were weaker at this game in general. Except
for Han Sen, Lu Meng did not think any of his roommates could beat him.
Shi Zhikang had lost to Han Sen because he had poor skills. Anyone could beat Shi
as he was too slow. Therefore, Lu did not believe what Shi had claimed about Han
Sens strength.

Lu Meng finished his game and flashed the score in front of Shi, "See? This is what
a landslide victory looks like63 to 45. Im a genius."

"Now that is useless. You have to beat Han Sen." Shi Zhikang smiled at Han Sen and
said, "Sen, you dont want to do cleaning either right? If you beat him, we dont
have to do anything for a month."

Han Sen smiled and said, "I know what to do."

Lu Meng invited Han Sen to his game room and said casually, "Sen, your ID is going
to cause trouble. If you dont believe me, try looking for a match on Battlenet. the
boys will line up to kick your ass."

"I'm used to it," Han Sen smiled.

"Failure is good. It helps you make progress." Lu Meng began the game, slowly
drinking from a bottle of water at the same time.

While drinking, he provoked Shi Zhikang, "Shi, check out how I beat Sen
singlehandedly. Dont deny it when you lose."

"Awesome. Lu, you are just awesome." Shi Zhikang curled his lips with his arms
folded, waiting to enjoy the show. He thought, "Everyone is only allowed to use one
hand in the versus mode anyway. Boast all you want now, you will cry later."

"So I am," Lu Meng answered proudly, unaware of Shi's sinister intention.

At the end of the countdown, the spots popped out and Lu Meng did not plan to put
aside the water bottle. Reaching out to touch the spots while drinking, he paid no
attention to Han Sen's hand.

He felt as long as he played normally, he could certainly beat Han Sen.

Only a few spots down, he caught a glimpse of the other hand and felt its speed was
abnormal, so he looked up.

One look and Lu Meng was suddenly stunned, forgetting even to reach for the spots.
The water bottle froze on the edge of his lips. He maintained that position and did
not move for a long time.

Han Sen's palm was shaking at a dazzling speed as if it had a secret engine
installed. All the spots were gone.

Lu Meng had picked unevolved-10 for this round and he could not even clear the
spots on his own side, while Han Sen had cleared them up for him, while looking
quite relaxed.

"Lu, what happened to beating Sen singlehandedly? How about you try with both hands
now?" Shi Zhikang saw Lu Meng stunned and laughed.

"Try your ass. Sen, you must have passed unevolved-10?" Lu Meng cried.

"Thats about right," said Han Sen casually. In fact, he had already passed evolver-
4, which was much higher than unevolved-10.
"S*#t!"Lu Meng cursed and cried, "Shi, you are so devious. There is no way our
leader could beat Han Sen. You were setting me up deliberately."

"You are the one who suggested cleaning, not me." Shi Zhikang grinned and spread
out his hands to show his innocence.

"Unevolved-10? Sen, lets have a go." Zhang Yang overheard their conversation and
flames were burning in his eyes.

Han Sen went into Zhangs game room and beat Zhang easily. Zhangs level was about
the same as Lu Meng, or maybe slightly better. They should both be around

"Play again." Zhang Yang was not discouraged.

Once again he was defeated.

"Play again." Zhang Yang wanted to play even more.

Defeated again,

"Again." Zhang Yang was almost burning.

"Brother, lets stop here. You can even consider me the loser." Han Sen was really
afraid of Zhang, a masochist who took pleasure in losing.

"I finally found my destined opponent. Sen, happy fighting!" Zhang exclaimed
excitedly and dragged Han Sen into his game room one more time.

Lu Meng and Shi Zhikang chuckled when seeing this. Such a person as Han Sen could
only be contained by someone like Zhang Yang.

Han Sen was scared of Zhang. Ever since they played that time, he would drag Han
Sen to play Hand of God whenever he had time. He was happy but Han Sen was

"This is not the way to go. I must curb his desire to fight me." Han Sens eyes were

Chapter 122

"Boss, today I'm free. Do you want to play a few rounds of Hand of God?" When Lu
Meng and Shi Zhikang went out, Han Sen took the initiative and suggested to Zhang

"Sure." Zhang Yang entered the game and sent Han Sen an invite.

Hansen clicked on "agree" and entered Zhangs game room with eyes glaring and a hint
of smile on his face.

When he was playing with his roommates, he usually only focused on the spots on his
own side instead of stealing the ones on the other side.

In order to make Zhang look for someone else to play with, Han Sen was ready to
disarm him completely and see if he could keep being happy.

From lunch to dinner, Han Sen and Zhang Yang had played numerous rounds in four or
five hours.

The preparation time included, one round would take a little more than minute. And
the two were at it the entire afternoon.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang had not even touched a single spot. Literally
zero. Even so, he still hung in there the entire afternoon.

Han Sen was almost driven out of his mind, but eventually Zhang Yang gave in first.
It seemed his blood had cooled down.

"Ahem, Sen, its time for dinner." Zhang Yangs words almost moved Han Sen to tears.

"OK, boss, we will go to dinner." Han Sen quickly turned off his comlink. He would
throw up if he kept playing.

He really admired Zhang Yang for being so committed. If Han Sen was in his place,
Han would probably have lost interest within an hour, while Zhang played in
excitement the entire afternoon.

But since this afternoon, Zhang Yang had stopped bugging him to play Hand of God,
which gave Han Sen some relief.

This was curious to Lu Meng and Shi Zhikang, who did not know what had happened in
the afternoon that could stop Zhang Yang.

But Han Sen and Zhang Yang remained silent about what had happened that afternoon
and it was referred to by Lu Meng and Shi Zhikang as "the most mysterious afternoon
in Room 304."

And Lu Meng and Shi Zhikang nevered play with Han Sen again, who could even put a
stop to Zhang Yangs enthusiasm.

Han Sen did not play the versus mode of Hand of God often. There were too many
limitations and he preferred the single-player version, which could better exercise
his arms.

Han Sen had been very interested in operating warframes recently. A warframe was a
semi-mechanical semi-biochemical humanoid weapon. Compared with tanks, warframes
had excellent maneuverability and could adapt themselves better to different
terrains, while the requirements for their operation were also very high.

When Han Sen was in the integrated compulsory education system, his school did not
have a warframe for students to operate. Therefore, Han Sen was interested but
never had the chance to try. To his joy, Blackhawk had some warframes for teaching

In the first three months, there was a training session of warframe driving and Han
Sen had learned the basics of driving a warframe then. He had also been practicing
after that.

In the battlefield, a warframe was the most fundamental fighting unit, because
generally no soldier would go fighting wearing bulletproof suits and carrying guns.
Even in a street fight, soldiers would always be in warframes.

Hence Han Sen felt it was necessary for him to practice operating warframes. In
case he was sent to the front, this skill might save his life.

If he could do well with a warframe, fighter aircrafts would be even easier. As for
interstellar warships, Blackhawk had but an old one for show and the operation of
warships could only be practiced using virtual reality.


While Han Sen was still practicing on a warframe, he suddenly heard the tone of
money transfer. Checking through his comlink, he saw ten million added to his
account, which shocked him. Before he could see who it was from, his comlink rang.

"Sen, did you get the money?" It was Lin Beifengs voice.

"So much?" Han Sen was slightly surprised, not realizing the Jadeshell beast souls
were worth so much. Originally, he thought it would be nice if he could make three
or four million.

"We earned about 20 million so I rounded it up for you. Sen, next time you go to
Glory Shelter, we will buy some beast souls in Steel Armor Shelter to sell there.
This way we could make money on both ends and earn even more, " said Lin.

"I'm not going anytime soon. When I do, Ill call you." Han Sen thought about the
hardships of going back and forth and temporarily dispelled the idea of going to
Glory Shelter. At the moment he really had no time to go.

His curriculum was intense at this point and he was still working on the semi-
annual assessment. He would only go when Steel Armor Gang had a hunting campaign
and when someone asked him to hunt mutant or sacred-blood creatures, as it was too
hard for him to hunt a sacred-blood creature alone.

Even if he was just trying to hunt mutant creatures, he had to go to places like
Dark Swamp.

As it was too hard to walk in Dark Swamp, he had to fly in and out, which made it
difficult for him to carry larger creatures meat out. Thus, he would not have much
gain there.

Mutant black stingers were useless to Han Sen at this point and all he could do was
to sell them. Meowth still had not finished eating what was left for it.

But Han Sen was in no hurry. The black crystal could produce a sacred-blood
creature every three months, which was much more efficient than hunting on his own.
He can wait.

He hung up, transferred a million to his mother and texted her to explain it was
his earning in the shelter. He did not dare to give her too much, afraid that it
might scare or worry her. He planned to transfer a part to her each month so that
she could get accustomed to it. It was time for her to enjoy life after so many
years of suffering.

Back to the dormitory at night, Han Sen saw Shi Zhikang in the room alone, cursing
while playing the game. Han Sen did not know what had happened but Shi looked mad.

Seeing Han Sen back, Shi Zhikang yelled angrily, "Sen, perfect timing. Enter the
game and kick this assholes ass for me."

"What is it, Shi?" Han Sen walked next to Shi Zhikang and saw him in a game room
but the game did not start. There were two more players in the game. Ones ID was
Birdy and the other players ID was Mangod.

Shi Zhikang and Mangod were calling each other names and Birdy would throw in a
bitter comment at Shi here and there, making Shi flushed.

Chapter 123

With the explanation from Shi Zhikang, Han Sen got the gist of things.
In the beginning, Shi was playing against Birdy. Shi was rather poor at this game
and hardly ever won on Battlenet, so he bragged a little after he had won several
rounds against Birdy.

Shi had good manners, so he just bragged about himself and said nothing bad about
his opponent. Even so, Birdy was mad and asked Mangod to avenge her. That was fine
as well. Shi did show off and that was the consequence.

However, Mangod cursed and said Shi was a dumbass. And Birdy ridiculed Shi as well.

Shi was not the type to let it go easily and was thus involved in a quarrel against
the two. But after all, his gaming skills were limited and had no confidence when
talking back to Mangod, which made Shi simmer with anger.

"Sen, help me kill destroy this disgusting couple. Im so mad," Shi raged.

"Right away." Han Sen turned his comlink on and entered the game.

"Just you wait. I called my brother to kick your ass, and we will see who the
dumbass is," Shi saw Han Sen entering the game and said to Mangod.

"Ha-ha, whoever comes will be equally useless. The brother of a scum must also be
scum. I can beat as many scums as I want," Mangod said arrogantly.

"Well, just you wait." Shi urged Han Sen to log in.

The reason Shi was playing was that his application to join Hand of God Society was
turned down. Although Zhang Yang and Lu Meng were accepted, they did not join
either for his sake.

Feeling sorry, Shi wanted to improve through practice and try to apply again later.
After all, in addition to Ji Yanran, there were lots of pretty girls in that
society and it would be a shame if they did not join.

That was why he was spending quite a lot of time on this game. Not expecting
something like this to happen, he was furious and was counting on Han Sen to avenge

"Ha-ha, it does not matter who you called. Brother Long is the backbone of Hand of
God Society, and top 20 in the contest last year," said Birdy proudly.

"Sweet sister, we have to be low-key and leave them some hope. Ha-ha" Wang Long

It was a rare opportunity for him to show off in front of a girl, so he had to do
well. Wang Long was full of confidence.

He was a key member of Hand of God Society and knew every good player on campus.
Even if he didnt know them in person, he would recognize their ID. If someone
better than him showed up, he would know and the person would probably recognize
his ID as well and show him respect.
Soon, Wang Long saw someone entered the room and checked the ID name. He almost
burst out a laughter.

"My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran, what a loser! What kind of loser would name himself

that? Hes asking for trouble." Wang Long asked, "This is your friend?"

"Yes. You got a problem?" Shi was not that confident. Last time when he was trying
to register, Hand of God Society did have a good player named Wang Long. Although
he knew Han Sen was good, Wang Long seemed to be one of the leaders in the society
and was in top 20 on campus, so he could be considered a pro. Shi was not sure if
Han Sen could beat him.

"Nothing. I intended to play casually, but now I see his ID, I have to kick his
ass." Wang Long then sent Han Sen an invite.

Han Sen did not hesitate to click on "agree," and the two entered the game.

Birdy who was watching ridiculed, "He must be so horny that he named himself that.
What a shame."

"We still dont know who the shameful one is," rebutted Shi. Although he was not
certain about the result, he would not let a woman throw mean comments at his

"The result is clear. You scums could never win Brother Long. Well, maybe you can
in your dream in another lifetime," Birdy said contemptuously.

Shi gritted his teeth and did not speak. If he cursed, he would be stooping to her

And Shi was not entirely sure about the result. Wang Long was a top 20 player after
all, it was questionable if Han Sen could beat him.

Wang Long was ready to teach Han Sen a lesion. And since it was a lesson, he could
not limit his hand to the spots on his own side, but must make his opponent unable
to touch any spot.

"Boy, its not your day. With such an ID, I will change my surname if I dont beat
you up." Wang Long saw the spots appear and reached out to the spots on the other

But just when his hand was out, he was surprised to see his opponent already
hitting that spot. He soon decided it was just pure luck and he just needed to keep

But then everything happened after made his face freeze. And Birdy was simply

Each time Wang Long reached out, Han Sen had already hit the spot he was aiming
for. And he had got zero point after a dozen attempts.

"Damn, I met a master." Being anxious, Wang Long gave up on hitting Han Sens spots
and focused his own side.

But it was too late, the final score was 100 to 29. Han Sen got everything, and
Wang Long only got 29 on his side and missed 71.

Seeing this score, Birdys face darkened while Shi Zhikang laughed and texted, "This
is what you call top 20? Sister, you are fooled. One hundred to twenty-nine. If
such a player could be top 20, then Hand of God Society must suck as well. Sister,
listen to me. If he is lying to get money from you, thats okay. When you havent
lost your body to him, just stop..."

Birdy was quiet and Wang Long was pale. He immediately invited Han Sen again and
thought maybe he simply used a bad strategy last time. Maybe he lost because he was
aiming for the spots on the other side. He wanted to prove himself, otherwise it
would be too big a shame.

Han Sen clicked on "agree" and the two were at it again. Wang Long used all his
efforts on his own spots and did not even look at Han Sens side. However, as Birdy
observed, the difference in speed was so great that it was like bicycle versus
motorcycle. Even an idiot could tell the two were not on the same level.

Chapter 124

Wang Long felt that this time he was even faster than usual and felt complacent
about his performance. When he felt that he must have won, the game suddenly ended
and he was stupefied.

A neat figure, 100:80. Eighty was the score of Wang Long, which meant his opponent
got all one hundred spots when he just hit eighty. A huge gap.

"Who are you?" Wang Long was shocked for a long while, and then texted his
opponent. He thought it must be some famous players alternate account. There were
few on campus that could beat him by 20 points anyway.

No reply from his opponent, but an invite to continue playing.

Wang Longs face turned red, but he could not decline. Wang bit the bullet and

Once again, Wang had no chance of winning. Han Sen did not even try to steal Wangs
spots and was only focusing on his own side. The result was again 100:80.

Wang Long did not know if it was a coincidence or design. If it was deliberate, he
could not believe how strong his opponent actually was.

Another invite, and Wang Long agreed again.

The result was the same, 100:80. Another difference of 20 points, Wang Long felt a
chill and did not know what to say.

"Boy, not so insolent now? You call yourself top 20?" Shi ridiculed and Birdy left
the game room quietly in the middle of their third game.

"Do you dare to wait ten minutes? I will find someone to knock you over." Wang Long
sent a message.

"OK, whoever comes will lose anyway. If you call two, we will beat a pair." Shi
gave him a confident answer and forgot about the displeasure before.

Wang Long did not reply. He must be calling someone.

Shi said excitedly, "Sen, you are so wonderful that you totally beat Wang Long. You
should become a professional player."
"Dont exaggerate. It was because he was too weak and did not deserve his
reputation," Han Sen shrugged and said.

"I like it when you beat such weak scums," Shi said in excitement.

Wang Long left the game window open and ran to the room next door. Seeing a guy who
was talking in that room, he was overjoyed and said, "Brother Li, here you are!"

"Whats the panic about?" Liu Ke cut in impatiently.

"Liu Ke, I lost in Hand of God, and you must avenge me," Wang Long quickly said to
Liu Ke.

"Go practice and avenge yourself when you get better." Liu Ke laughed.

"Too late. I played with him three rounds and he won by 20 points each round." Wang
Long was not afraid of losing face as Liu Ke was his buddy and also a better player
than himself. Last year Liu got the eleventh place on campus.

And Brother Li whose name is Li Ze, was a real master who ranked seventh last year.
it would be even better if he could help.

"Twenty points in all three rounds. Few in our school could achieve this. Who is
that guy?" Li asked.

But he was wrong about one thing. He thought that 20 points was a rough estimate
and did not realize it was the exact figure in all three rounds.

"I do not know. He wont tell," Wang said.

"Cant you tell from his ID?" Liu Ke rolled his eyes at Wang.

"It is a new ID never seen before, called My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran," Wang Long

quickly said.

"S*#t! Such a loser. No wonder he wont tell who he is. If Ji Yanran knows, he will
be a dead man. Lets go catch him." Liu Ke was interested.

Wang Long was overjoyed and took Li and Liu to his dorm room. He checked his
comlink and saw the two still there.

"It really is this ID. I will first have a go and see which sneaky guy it is." Liu
Ke said to Li Ze with a smile.

And then Liu Ke turned on his own comlink, entered the game room, and sent My-
girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran an invite.

Han Sen did not care who it was and clicked agree, because he knew no one anyway.
Shi didnt know much about the players on campus either. He only saw Wang Long when
trying to register and would not even recognize Liu Ke and Li Ze in person, let
alone their IDs.

Liu Ke began the game. While waiting for the countdown, he told Li Ze, "Brother Li,
I have made some progress in recent training. Let me know what you think."

"Looking forward," Li said with a smile.

Wang Long was just observing nervously. Although Liu Ke was much better than
himself and could also win him by 20 points, yet he was not sure about the result,
as that guy had beat him in all three rounds by 20.

The game started. One glance at the opponents speed, Liu Ke was immediately focused
and did not dare to slack even a little bit. He started to clear up the spots on
his side and was not distracted at all.

But Li Ze and Wang Long who were watching widened their eyes as if they had seen a

Absolute gap in strength. This guy was so much faster than Liu Ke that Lius hand
looked as slow as a snail.

Wang Long was beyond shocked. This guy was so fast. Liu Ke ranked number 11 on
campus and was not even on the same level as this guy.

And Li also watched the game with a grim face. This guy stunned him.

During the game, many friends of Li and Lius saw they were online and came to
watch, especially Li Zes friends. Many advanced players on campus flooded into this
game room.

"F*#k! My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran? Who is this loser?" Some people saw Han Sens ID
and yelled.

Soon they all noticed this ID, and felt it was too daring a move on Battlenet. They
could not think of a single person with such guts.

Chapter 125

Later they noticed the game itself, and then found that My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran
had the upper hand. He also seemed to be very fast and had an overwhelming

A simple look would not reveal much, but with Liu as the reference, they could tell
how fast he was.

"S*#t! His opponent was Liu Ke. Ji Yanrans boyfriend is so strong that he is
killing Liu who was number 11 last year." The man felt that Han Sens ID was too
hard to read, and changed it to something easier.

"Yeah, he is so much better than Liu. Who is Ji Yanrans boyfriend? This must be an
alt account of a master?"

"Of course. It must be one of the masters, or else no one could do this to Liu."

While they were talking, Liu Ke had lost, and the score was fixed at 100:80.

Seeing this score, others did not think much but Wang was dumbfounded as this score
was exactly what he got, no more and no less.

Liu lost and was shocked for a moment, not expecting to see such score. He
immediately sent another invite and seemed quite unconvinced.

Han Sen agreed.

Another game started, and everyone was discussing who this mysterious guy was. When
the game ended, all of them widened their eyes to see the exact same score.

The score was still 100 to 80, no more, no less.

Liu Ke could not believe it himself. He asked Wang Long, "Long, when you said you
lost by 20 in all three rounds, was it like this?"

Wang Long nodded yes bitterly. He did not expect this to happen with Liu again.

"I have to try." Li Ze looked serious, and sent an invite to My-girlfriend-is-Ji-


"Liu, who is the guy? He must be a master player using an alt account?"

"I do not know." Liu Ke had a wry smile on his face and shook his head. He really
could not think of anyone who would do this to him. He knew less than five could,
but none of them would.

"How do you not know?" His friends refused to believe him.

But soon, their eyes fell on Li Zes game.

Li Ze, the seventh best player last year, a celebrity at Hand of God was falling
behind in this game by a lot. It looked the same as when Liu was playing. If they
had not seen Lis ID and hand, they would think it was still Lius game.

Complete wipeout. Li Ze had even no way to fight back.

"Ji Yanrans boyfriend is so impressive!"

"Is this real? Li could lose like this? Is there anyone on campus who could do

"Ouyang Xiaosan and Li Yufeng should be able to do this?"

"Ji Yanrans boyfriend is Ouyang Xiaosan or Li Yufeng?"

As the crowd was gossiping, their chin almost fell to the ground when seeing the
score. Wang Long was the only one to feel relieved.

"One hundred to eighty, again. But if even Li Ze has the same score, then my loss
did not matter at all," Wang Long thought.

Li saw the score and his face twitched. Once again he sent an invite calmly. He
knew he was no match to his opponent, but wanted to make sure whether this score
was not a coincidence.

His opponent accepted the invite and the game started again.

At this time silence fell in the game room and no one was typing. Watching the game
in silence, all wanted to know if the 20 points was deliberate.

If someone deliberately controlled the difference to be 20, it was maddening just

to think about it. They could not imagine what kind of people could do this to Li

When the score was again at 100:80, all thought themselves must be insane. Li Ze
was beaten, or insulted completely.
His opponent was not even making every effort, but was simply playing with Li. They
could not imagine the gap in strength.

Now everyone suspected that it was either Obyang Xiaosan or Li Yufeng behind that
ID. In the entire school, they were the only two that might have such capability.


Li sent a message to My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran, "Who are you?"

After a while, Han Sen replied without answering Li Zes question, "Anyone wants to

Everyone was silent. Seeing even Li Ze lost like that, who would dare to go?
Whoever going would lose miserably.

Liu Ke could not help but ask, "Who are you?"

"Ji Yanran's boyfriend," replied Han Sen and logged off.

After Han Sen quit the game, Shi went offline as well and laughed, "Ha-ha, Sen you
are great. You were smoking out there. It was so cool. Do not worry, I will not
tell anyone your ID, or you will be murdered by Ji Yanran."

"They are too weak. I was just warming up," said Han Sen casually. Such difficulty
was not comparable to evolved-4 and he was currently trying to pass evolved-5. This
was indeed like a warm-up for him.

Shi despised Han Sen, "Sen, you are just like me."

"What do you mean?" Han Sen looked puzzled.

"Fake it until we make it," Shi said solemnly, and then could not help but laugh.

Han Sen and Shi had no idea whom they had beaten or what kind of storm was
triggered in Blackhawk.

Soon everyone on campus knew that Ji Yanrans boyfriend had beaten Liu Ke and Li Ze
by 20 points in every game.

People were all guessing who Ji Yan's boyfriend was and if he was actually her

None had assumed that in the beginning, but now that people knew what a master
player he was and thought someone like that should cherish his reputation and would
never make such a joke.

When going out the gym, Ji Yanran felt the world was crazy when people started to
ask her who her boyfriend was.

Chapter 126

"Yanran, we have been roommates and sisters for three years. Its okay you did not
tell others, but why didnt you tell me?" Qu Lili asked Ji Yanran, grinning.

"Tell you what?" Ji Yanran was confused.

"Who is your boyfriend? How is it confidential to me as well?" said Qu Lili,


Ji Yanran was suddenly upset and said, "Who told you I have a boyfriend?"

"Everyone on campus knows now. Your boyfriend beat Liu Ke and Li Ze in Hand of God
by 20 points." Qu Lili loved gossip. Leaning toward Ji Yanran, she said, "Tell me,
is your boyfriend Ouyang Xiaosan or Li Yufeng?"

Ji Yanran was even more confused, "What are you talking about? I dont understand
any of this nonsense."

"You really do not know?" Qu Lili stared Ji Yanran in the eyes.

"What happened?" asked Ji Yanran grimly.

Qu Lili told her what happened, and it was the edited version by Wang Long, who did
not talk about his own loss, but only about Liu Ke and Li Ze.

"Yanran, he was not your boyfriend?" Qu Lili asked with some disbelief.

"I swear, I really do not have a boyfriend and do not know who that person is. He
is so daring to joke like that," Ji Yanran bristled.

It had been a long time since the incident in the spaceship, and Ji Yanran had
already forgotten about it. In her memory, Han Sen was merely a guy who cheated and
probably never entered Blackhawk. Or he should have come to her already.

So, Ji Yanran simply did think of that and thought some master player was playing a

But more and more people started to ask her who her boyfriend was. She had to
explain that she wanted to know who that loser was as well.

Ji Yanran intended to scold him for being so insolent, but she could not think of
anyone who could have done this.

Blackhawks Hand of God Society barely made it into the top 10 in the entire
Alliance, and it was only because they had Li Yufeng.

Another master player, Ouyang Xiaosan, was not interested in joining the society.
and Ji Yanran was still considering whether she should personally invite him.

Only these two could have been able to do that to Li Ze. Ji Yanran knew Li Yufeng
would never do that, but she was not sure whether it was Ouyang Xiaosan.

"Who is it?" wondered Ji.

Although the school already knew that ID had nothing to do with Ji Yanran herself,
they had already gotten used to referring to him as Ji Yanrans boyfriend, which
made her quite upset.

After this, there was a trend on Battlenet and even Skynet to name ones ID as "My-
boyfriend-is-XX," "My-husband-is-XX," "My-girlfriend-is-XX," etc.

Han Sen and Shi who had caused this were unaware. Shi was sleeping while Han Sen
was reading materials on warframes.

Lu Meng and Zhang Yang pushed the door open and came to Han Sen.
"Sen, you are killing it! How did you beat Liu Ke and Li Ze? We know you are good
but did not expect you to be this good," Lu Meng stared at Han Sen and said.

"You certainly deserve to be my destined enemy." Zhang Yang was full of zest.

"What are you talking about?" Han Sen looked at them puzzled.

"Stop pretending. If I yell that Ji Yanrans boyfriend is in Room 304, people will
skin you alive," Lu Meng said with a crooked smile.

"Whats up?" asked Shi, who was awakened.

Lu Meng told them the gossip they had heard and grinned at Han Sen, "Sen, if you
dont do anything for us, we would turn against you. Ji Yanran must be so mad at
you. Many people out there want you dead now."

Shi could not close his mouth. He did not realize Han Sens opponents were so
famous. He thought they were weak.

"I do not care." Han Sen was not afraid. If Ji Yanran came to find him, he would
welcome it.

But Shi was terrified and quickly said, "Lu, dont mess around. Heres how it

Shi told the true story, and Lu Meng and Zhang Yang came to realize what had
happened. Zhang Yang patted Han Sen on the shoulder and said, "So you were sticking
up for a brother. Relax, Sen. I guarantee that no one will know it is you. There is
no traitor in our room."

Since Lu Meng failed to blackmail Han Sen, he turned to Shi and said, "Shi, Sen
made such an effort and offended so many people for your sake. Shouldnt you do

"That goes without saying. Lets go to the cafeteria and eat all the white rice you
can," Shi promised.

"Get lost." The other three gave him the finger.

In those days, Han Sen had been busy studying warframes. When he entered Gods
Sanctuary, he was usually with Qin Xuans gang, hunting sacred-blood creatures. They
had been successful three times, but in none of those occasions did he make the
final attack, so he gained no beast soul and just had some meat in the end.

Thumb had now become the leader of Fist Gang and had invited Han Sen to hunt twice.
Both times they were successful and Han Sen had also gained some sacred-blood
creature meat.

All the meat combined gave him one sacred geno point and he had 40 sacred geno
points at the moment.

Han Sen was not satisfied with such progress and started to investigate where he
could hunt sacred-blood creature alone. He at least needed some mutant creatures.
Meowth had also eaten up the black stingers and needed food supply.

According to Han Sens progress in study. He could totally cope with the semi-annual
assessment and had enough time for a safari.

After continuous research of various information about Stele Armor Shelter and what
was written by others, he finally had his eye on one location, Devil Desert.

Chapter 127

The reason he chose Devil Desert was that there were not many creatures that could
fly, hence it was relatively safe for Han Sen who could. Few people would go there,
so there was no shortage of mutant creatures, if not sacred-blood creatures.

Han Sen studied the conditions of the desert and was ready to ask Qin Xuan for a
leave. Qin Xuan smiled and said, "Perfect. Our squad needs to protect someone in
hunting and I was just thinking where we should take her. You could lead the team
to Devil Desert then. It is your first task in the squad, make sure you do a good

"What is the reward for this task?" Han Sen blinked and asked, he did not want to
do a job that would not pay well.

"If you can make the girl satisfied and designate you as her protector in Steel
Armor Shelter, you could get an S-Class license of Saint Hall." Qin Xuan looked at
Han Sen and laughed. "Any interest?"

"Yes, I am very interested," Han Sen quickly said. Babysitting alone would pay an
S-Class license. Such a good thing could only happen in a dream.

"Then do well. You will get nothing if she is not satisfied with you." Qin Xuan
handed him the portfolio.

After reading the materials, Han Sen felt he did not learn anything, as these
people's personal information was all confidential. All he knew was the name, age
and gender.

"Wang Mengmeng, female, 16 years and 47 days old. Stationmaster, you are not asking
me to take a girl who has just entered Gods Sanctuary to a place like Devil Desert.
I cant guarantee her safety." Han Sen looked sullen.

"Of course not. This is your first task, so I will ask Gambler to follow you. You
could also pick some people from Steel Armor Shelter." Qin Xuan smiled. "About Wang
Mengmeng, I can tell you one more thing. She is your schoolmate."

"My schoolmate? Blackhawk? You must be kidding me. She just entered Gods Sanctuary
and with that kind of fitness, she could not even have reached the standard for any
special enrolment program." Han Sen did not believe her.

"Some people do not need to pass the exam. We all have different starting points,
like you are to protect her, and she is to be protected." Qin Xuan smiled.
"Remember to keep a good relationship with her."

"I'm not interested in little girls," Han Sen shrugged and said.

Qin Xuan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Go pick some team members in Steel Armor
Gang. You can choose anyone but the team leaders. There should be less than ten
members and the fees will be covered by the squad."

Han Sen asked Su Xiaoqiao and some others who had a mutant mount. He did not want
to waste his time on walking and would not consider those without mounts.

As for Gambler, Han Sen was confident in him. He was an old member in the squad and
had amazing skills, like Sleeveblade.
When Han Sen saw Wang Mengmeng, he finally knew what privileges meant. A girl just
over 16 who had just entered Gods Sanctuary for one month had mutant shapeshifting
beast soul, mutant armor, mutant weapon and one sacred-blood beast soul mount,
making Han Sen and the rest rather jealous.

Although Lin Beifeng was rich, he was only an upstart when compared with Wang
Mengmeng. The beast souls she had probably could not be bought with money.

Fortunately, Wang Mengmeng was not an annoying princess. She was delightful and

She also fought well. Although she had only been in Gods Sanctuary for a month, it
looked like that she had gained quite a few geno points already. She must have
practiced multiple advanced hyper geno arts since childhood.

Using her advanced beast souls, she could probably beat Su Xiaoqiao in a combat.

The team had been traveling all the time and Wang Mengmeng never complained.

"Brother Han, I heard from Sister Qin that you are also in Blackhawk. Im in
Department of Warframe, which department are you in?" Wang Mengmeng called Han Sen
brother in a natural and sweet tone.

In fact, kids from prominent families like Wang Mengmeng, Qing and Yuan were all
quite well mannered and easy going.
"Ahem, you can call me Sen. I was enrolled this year as well. We are both freshmen
and I am an archery major." Han Sen enjoyed talking to an adorable girl like her,
which make the journey less boring.

"Archery Department is the department our school is trying to enhance this year and
Im sure the change will happen fast. You must be specially enrolled?" Wang Mengmeng
started to chat with him.

"Oh right, Brother Han, you came to Steel Armor Shelter early, so you must have
seen Dollar himself?" Wang Mengmeng asked hopefully.

"Yes, we have all seen him at the contest. Why do you ask about him?" Han Sen
looked at Wang Mengmeng, surprised.

"I am a fan of Dollars, but unfortunately he never showed up since I came here, so
I never got to see him," Wang Mengmeng said with some disappointment.

Wang Mengmeng asked again, "Brother Han, can you tell me something about Dollar?"

"Ahem, I have no way of knowing. You have to ask him, because he knows everything."
Han Sen pointed to Su Xiaoqiao.

Su Xiaoqiao quickly thumped his chest and said, "What do you want to know? Im
Dollars buddy and it was me who named him Dollar."

"Wow, then you must know what Dollar really looks like? He must be very handsome?"
Wang Mengmeng looked at Su Xiaoqiao happily.

"Handsome, of course, he is most handsome. He has wide chest, long legs and nice
round bottom..." Su Xiaoqiao babbled on and Han Sen almost wanted to kill him.

It took them four days to reach Devil Desert. Wang Mengmeng had nice skills and was
improving very fast in hunting.
Han Sen and Gambler were always shadowing her. Even when she was fighting with a
creature, Gambler was always following her and Han Sens bow and arrow were always
ready to rescue her.

If something happened to her, the entire squad including Qin Xuan would be in
trouble, so Han Sen did not dare to slack at all.

The next afternoon after they had entered the desert, Su Xiaoqiao who was the scout
cried in surprise, "A mutant creature!"

Everyone quickly urged their mounts on and saw a fox-like, fire-red and golden-
horned creature the size of a tiger barking at them.

"It is mine." It was the first time Wang Mengmeng had seen a living mutant
creature. She put away her mount and charged the mutant creature with a pair of
mutant beast soul lancets in her hands.

Chapter 128

Han Sen and Gambler exchanged a look and ran after her, in case of any accident.

Wang Mengmeng's fighting skills were impressive. She could even match the mutant
creature using several hyper geno arts.

The rest were going in left and right, trying to outflank the creature.

The mutant creature seemed to have quite some wisdom and simply fled when seeing
through the teams intention. It was also exceptionally fast and was 50 feet away in
an instant.

"Stop!" Wang Mengmeng quickly summoned her sacred-blood mount, a bear with silver
white fur and raced off on its back.

Then everyone was on the mount, trying to keep up with Wang Mengmeng.

But the mutant creature was running quite fast and after a while, they started to
fall farther behind.

Wang Mengmeng felt anxious and urged her bear to run faster.

"Wang Mengmeng, do not chase it on your own. It is too dangerous," cried Gambler.

"It doesnt matter. I could kill this mutant beast. Please hurry up." Wang Mengmeng
did not want to let the creature run off, so she raced off at full speed.

Han Sen and Gambler exchanged a glance and quickly followed up, but Wang Mengmeng's
mount was sacred-blood. Although strength was not its strong suit, it was still
much faster than their mutant mounts and soon she was pulling away from them.

The team could only desperately urge their mounts to catch up and try not to fall
too much behind. They did not worry too much though as their forces combined were
probably enough to kill a sacred-blood creature.

Wang Mengmeng looked around and see no creature but this one. In addition, she was
close enough and did want to lose the prey. So, she kept urge her white bear to
chase the mutant creature.
"Nowhere to run now?" She chased the mutant creature to a dune, and the creature
stretched its tongue out, panting and lying down, as if it was too tired to run.
Wang Mengmeng jumped off the white bear, summoned her lancets and rushed forward.

The mutant creature suddenly smiled like a person strangely, which scared her.

And then she saw many creatures that looked like this one though gray in color
walking out from behind the dune. They filled the place shortly and were at least
hundreds in number.

Wang Mengmeng was suddenly shocked and knew that things had gone south. The mutant
creature was sly enough to lead her to its nest. Although the other creatures were
just primitive ones, they were great in number and she could never handle all of
them. Wang Mengmeng immediately got on the back of her bear and ran away, with the
creatures chasing after her like a tsunami.

Fortunately, Han Sen and Gambler was not too much behind. Han Sen saw Wang trapped
in the middle of groups of creatures, so he summoned his horn bow and shot an arrow
in her direction.

Wang Mengmeng had been surrounded by the creatures. Although the white bear had
great strength and rampaged through the creatures, they still managed to throw
themselves at her. Wang Mengmeng swung her lancets, but could not get rid of all
the creatures close to her.

Seeing a claw on her shoulder and teeth biting at her white neck, Wang Mengmeng was
desperate that she could no longer fight this one off. At this moment, a whoosh was
followed by a whimper. The creature on her back was shot through with a black arrow
and fell on the ground.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Arrows came from afar and each killed a creature. Soon all eight creatures
surrounding her were killed. Any creature that might endanger her was immediately
shot dead with an arrow. No arrow was shot in vain. One even flew by her face and
killed a creature behind her without hurting a single hair of hers.

"Brother Han!" Wang Mengmeng saw Han Sen riding toward her while shooting arrows in
her direction. All the creatures around her were killed by him.

Wang Mengmeng was surprised and filled with joy. At least a mile away from her, Han
Sen could have such accuracy, which was something she had never seen even in posh

Among the other few people, only Su Xiaoqiao was good at archery. However, he would
not even dare to shoot in her direction from so far. Even if his bow allowed it, he
would risk hurting her with his skill level.

Wang Mengmeng was overjoyed and urged the white bear to run toward Han Sen.
Wielding her lancets, she tried to stop the creatures that came at her.

She did not worry about the ones that she could not fight off, as arrows would
definitely appear timely to kill them.

The distance between the two sides was gradually shortened, and soon they have
joined forces. When the team looked around, they were surprised to see thousands of
gray creatures flooding toward them.
"Damn, these beasts are really cunning. They even know how to lure us into their
trap." Su Xiaoqiao cried while drawing the string of his bow.

"Its all my fault," Wang Mengmeng blamed herself.

"Now is not a good time. There are so many creatures here that we could never kill
them all. Lets try to rush out." Han Sen headed forward where they came from.

He did not go far before he saw the sand in front of him tremor and sink. A giant
worm that looked like a silkworm but with the size of a locomotive came out of the
sand and opened its large mouth, trying to devour them.

"It is a rock worm. Damn, there must be more than one. They are gregarious." Han
Sen forced his mount to change the direction to avoid its attack. He felt a bit
worried as he had read about rock worms. Although they were just primitive
creatures, they are very large and had great strength. In addition, they had great
speed when crawling in sand. For sure, they were one of the most scary creatures in
Devil Desert.

Chapter 129

If Han Sen was alone, he could simply summon the purple-winged dragon beast soul
and fly up. However, he had Wang Mengmeng to protect and could not do that.


The huge body of the rock worm fell and made a pit in the ground. Sand flying and
pebbles rolling, it was more terrifying than a grenade explosion.

Even more frightening was that more rock worms were coming out from underground and
as far as the team could see, the ground was covered by these worms which were at
least hundreds in number.

In front of them were rock worms and behind them were the tide of fox-like
creatures. They were besieged by the creatures.

Han Sen and Gambler looked into each others eyes and understood each others
thoughts. Gambler gritted his teeth and said, "You protect her, I will clear the

Gambler took back his mount and rushed toward the fox-like creatures. He was even
faster than his mutant mount.

"Listen up. Follow Gambler out and whoever falling behind will die," said Han Sen,
lifting Wang Mengmeng from the back of her white bear to sit her behind him. He
cried, "Game is over. Now hold on to me and we will fight for our lives."

Wang Mengmeng fought well and had plenty of beast souls. However, in a melee like
this one, an inexperienced girl like her would not be able to survive. When it came
to life and death, only the veterans who had developed an acute instinct had a
bigger chance at survival.

Wang Mengmeng hurriedly hugged Han Sen from the back. Han Sen urged his mutant
three-eyed beast mount and the bull-like mount mooed as it charged the fox-like

Gambler was leading the way with one jambiya in each hand. The jambiyas were
flashing in his hands like butterflies, slitting the throats of all creatures near
him. Nothing could stop him and a bloody path was left behind him.

Han Sen rushed into that path and his arrows never stopped, killing all the
creatures trying to gather around. However, he only had fifty Z-steel arrows, which
had been used up. All he had now was the beast soul arrow, which could be taken
back and used again, but that process was too slow for him. Han Sen had to knock
some creatures away with his horn bow.

The rest of the team had also been fighting with every effort, wishing to clear out
a way out from the endless creatures.

Behind them, the rock worms were catching up at an incredible speed. Once caught up
by them, there would be no other way of survival than flying.

Blood was splashing and they had almost made it. Then the mutant creature that Wang
Mengmeng was chasing in the first place howled, standing on a dune far from them.

And then they saw more creatures coming toward them from all directions. There were
even some fox-like black-horned creatures that were almost exactly like the mutant
creature only with white fur.

Seeing those white creatures, everyones heart sank. Su Xiaoqiao cried, "No way.
That mutant creature was not a mutant creature, but a sacred-blood king of all
these fox-like creatures. These white ones are mutant creatures. We have poked a
hornet's nest."

Wang Mengmeng saw the white mutant creatures among others and was mortified. There
were so many mutant creatures that it seemed the whole team would die here.

Gambler exclaimed in the front, "Damn, it is a sacred-blood king. There are too
many mutant creatures that I cant keep going."

Han Sen said to Wang Mengmeng sitting behind him, "Hand me your lancets."

Wang Mengmeng paused and transferred her mutant beast soul lancets to Han Sen.

Han Sen grabbed a rope and got off his mount. He then carried Wang to the ground as
if she weighed nothing and put her on his back. With the rope he secured her there.

"What are you doing?" Wang Mengmeng said, horrified.

"Going out," said Han Sen in a cold tone. In a red shadow he shapeshifted into the
fairy queen and his entire body was then covered in red armor except for his head.

Eyes scarlet, ruby crown on his head and short black hair turning long and blonde,
Han Sen grabbed the lancets and ran toward Gambler like a red lightning bolt.

"Gambler, cover me. I will clear a way out," yelled Han Sen next to Gambler.

"You got it," covered in the creatures and his own blood, Gambler replied.

Han Sen had rushed to the front. The lancets were flashing in his hands and each
flash took a life.

"Primitive horned sand fox hunted. No beast soul gained..."

"Primitive horned sand fox hunted. No beast soul gained..."

The voice in his mind rang non-stop. Han Sen paid no mind to it and just stared the
mutant horned sand fox that were throwing themselves at him.

Su Xiaoqiao and others were trying to keep up desperately, but when they saw the
number of the mutant horned sand foxes, they were terrified.

Han Sen's eyes were red as blood. Moving like a lightning bolt, the lancets were so
fast they became a blur. Ignoring the mutant horned sand foxes, he continued
forward with Wang on his back.

Holding Han Sens neck tightly, Wang Mengmeng was filled with guilt and regret. If
it werent for her, they would not be under such danger.

Facing so many mutant creatures, she did not know if they could make it.

The few mutant horned sand foxes were in their face, yet Han Sen was still calm.
With the slightest movement, a lancet bit into a foxs throat.

A horned white fox head flew up. Han Sen and Wang Mengmeng were showered in fox
blood. Without a blink, Han Sen ran forward and charged the second mutant horned
sand fox.

Chapter 130

Wang Mengmeng watched what was happening with eyes widened. It felt like riding a
roller coaster, but this experience was more horrifying than any roller coaster.

She was lying on the back of Han Sen, and had the same angle of view as him. She
watched all his movements, dodging, turning, wielding, charging.

Seeing the endless horned sand foxes sweeping toward them and then the deaths of
all of them, she felt that Han Sen was like a killing machine, his movements
extremely swift and each attack harvesting a life.

Both mutant horned sand foxes and primitive ones were killed with one blow each,
without exception.

Wang Mengmeng and Han Sen were soaked in blood, and the original color of their
armor could no longer be discerned. Even the long blonde hair of fairy queen turned
red and was dripping blood.

Wang Mengmeng suddenly had a strange feeling. Everything seemed surreal to her, as
if she was watching a movie about a gorgeous killing spree.

Han Sen was like a tireless killing machine. All her fear went away when she knew
he could kill all of the foxes if he had to.

What Han Sen saw now was different from what average humans saw. All the movements
of the horned sand foxes had become so slow that he could see every single move of
them. In his eyes, even the mutant ones were as slow as a grandpa, inviting ones

Han Sen finally understood the best feature of fairy queen. When he shapeshifted
into fairy queen, his great ability to predict was enhanced. Now he could hit
anywhere he wanted.

"Too slow." Han Sen was even dissatisfied with the speed of the horned sand foxes,
because they could not keep up with the speed of the slaughter.

"I hope there will be more of them," Han Sen even thought.

But Han Sen's reason was telling him that they should run as fast as they could,
because shapeshifting could not last forever. Once his body could no longer bear
it, he would have to turn into himself and even if he used wings then and saved
Wang, Su Xiaoqiao and the rest would die.

"Must get out before shapeshifting time limit is up," Han Sen thought to himself,
wielding the lancets even faster.

The rest of the team were stunned. They had never seen Han Sen fighting in a melee.
They had always believed he was a good archer and did not like to place himself
under any danger.

But when they saw Han Sen put down his bow and arrow, they came to know how
fearsome he could be in a melee.

Mutant horned sand fox was also killed in just one blow. They had never seen Han
Sen miss so far.

"Formidable!" Even they could not help but shudder. Such efficiency in killing was
simply a spree, so terrifying and satisfying to watch that it made one want to

The sacred-blood horned sand fox howled again and the mutant foxes retreated, while
primitive foxes rushed to them faster.

Just in a moment, Han Sen knew what the sacred-blood fox king wanted. It was trying
to use the primitive horned sand foxes to consume his shapeshifting time as it was
aware shapeshifting did not last long. It wanted to launch strikes at them when his
shapeshifting time was up.

"Cunning beast," cursed Gambler. His jambiyas slit another primitive horned sofa
foxs throat, making it fall to the ground, twitching in pain.

Han Sen looked at the sacred-blood fox king and his eyes darkened. The lancets
disappeared in his sleeves and a black horn bow appeared in his hands.

The black stinger arrow was nocked and pointed at the fox king on top of the dune.

"Its too far away. Can the arrow reach there?" Su Xiaoqiao checked the distance
between them and the fox king. It was indeed too far. It looked so small from here,
so it should be about 1.5 miles away.

With such a distance, even if Han Sens arrow could get there, it would be languid
by then. And how can that kill a sacred-blood creature?

The fox king seemed to share Sus thought, standing there still and gazing at Han
Sen with a trace of mockery.

"Damn, that sacred-blood fox king is kind of evil," Gambler cried when he saw the
look of the fox king.

Han Sens hands were steady. The arrow suddenly turned into a black shadow flying
across the sky toward the insolent fox king.

The sacred-blood fox king was too intelligent to believe the arrow could actually
hurt it, and did not mean to dodge.

If his arrow had that kind of power, then he should have used it before the fox
king led Wang Mengmeng into the ambush.


But soon the fox king panicked as it discovered that the speed of the arrow got
even higher when approaching itself.

When the fox king eventually lost its grace and wanted to run, it was a bit late.
Although it leaped as high as it could, trying to dodge the arrow, the arrow still
dug into the muscles of its foreleg like a snake.

Blood splashed and its scream rang.

The arrogant and sly fox king was knocked out by the arrow and tumbled down the

Hearing the scream of their king, the skulk of foxes paused their attack and looked
to the dune where the king was standing.

Of course, they did not see it because it had fallen. The skulk was suddenly in a
chaos and did not know what to do.

"Hurry," commanded Han Sen and dashed.

Chapter 131

When the angry sacred-blood fox king limped back to the top of the dune, the team
had dashed out of the skulk.

Almost without any hesitation, Han Sen roared at Wang Mengmeng, "Summon your

Wang Mengmeng quickly summoned the big white bear. Han Sen leapt on the bear and
Wang urged the bear on at full speed.

The skulk of foxes was snapping at their heels, but only the few mutant horned sand
foxes could catch up with the teams mutant mounts.

Han Sen thought that the skulk would give up the chase soon, since their king was
injured and could not catch up with them.

However, they soon heard a strange howl and what they saw was shocking.

The fox king was standing on top of the head of a golden rock worm and, gazing at
Han Sen, bristled.

"F*#k! This fox king is abnormal. How could it command the rock worm? Is the rock
worm also a sacred-blood creature?" cried Su Xiaoqiao.

The team saw the golden rock worm approach them at a high speed and was horror-

"You go east, I will go west." Han Sen then asked Wang Mengmeng to control her bear
to go west.
Now Wang Mengmeng almost trusted Han Sen blindly and did not even think about it
before doing what he said.

"You have to be careful." Gambler had already understood Han Sens plan and led the
rest to the east.

The fox king ordered the rock worm and mutant foxes to chase Han and Wang
immediately. A fox never forgets. It would never give up until it tore Han Sen

Han Sen had already taken the fairy queen back to save his strength. He had also
untied the rope and sat Wang in front of him so she could better control the bear.

"Fox king, come if you want to eat me," Han Sen said and suddenly shot an arrow,
killing a mutant fox in the blink of an eye.

The fox king was stamping with rage, roaring on top of the golden rock worms head.
The worm moved faster.

The mutant foxes were also trying to catch up with the bear.

Han Sen glanced at the fox king and shot another mutant fox dead.

Watching the fox king losing its temper, Han Sen laughed, "Fox king, come at me if
you will, and watch me kill your buddies."

Hen Sens hands never stopped, his black stinger arrow killing one mutant fox after

"Mutant horned sand fox killed. Beast soul of mutant horned sand fox gained. Eat
its meat to gain zero to ten mutant geno points randomly."

Suddenly a different voice sounded in Han Sens mind. He gained a mutant horned sand
fox beast soul.

With great joy, Han Sen was shooting with great strength.

The fox king was about to explode. The white bear was a sacred-blood mount, so the
golden rock worm could not catch up with them any time soon.

Finally, at a howl of the fox king, all the mutant foxes stopped chasing.

Only the fox king continued with the rock worm as its mount.

There were no more mutant foxes for him to kill, so Han Sen made the fox king his
target. This time the fox king was prepared and dodged. Although the distance was
short, the arrow ended up hitting the golden rock worm.


It sounded like the worm had a shell harder than metal. The mutant black stinger
arrow only left a white mark that was barely visible on it.

Han Sen was taken aback with a surprise. "Sure enough, the golden rock worm is also
a sacred-blood creature."

"Brother Han, now what should we do? The white bear is slower than the golden rock
worm. They will catch up eventually," asked Wang Mengmeng, riding the bear.
She did not sound scared or worried, as for some reason, she believed Han Sen could
always take care of things.

In such a dangerous escape, she did not even have any sense of crisis.

Although there were occasionally some creatures in front of them, they would
scatter at the sight of the golden rock worm. Hence they did not encounter any
obstacles on the way.

"The rock worms are only fast in the desert. If we can get out of here, we should
be able to get rid of it," Han Sen pondered and said.

"Its full of sand and rocks here. I do not see any other color." Wang Mengmeng
looked around said disappointedly, "Just dunes and stony hills."

Han Sens eyes suddenly lit up. Pointing in one direction, he said, "Go over there."

Wang Mengmeng followed his order and urged the bear on. Soon she found they were on
a cliff facing a deep valley. The path ended and the valley was at least a hundred
feet wide.

"Brother Han, we have nowhere to go!" exclaimed Wang Mengmeng.

"Go over," Han Sen said with no expression.

"No, the white bear cannot jump so far," Wang Mengmeng quickly said, seeing the big
white bear approaching the edge.

"Trust me. Go over," said Han Sen firmly, while pointing an arrow at the fox king.

Knowing their despair, the fox king looked cruel and pleased.

"Well, Brother Han, I believe you. Going over..." Wang Mengmeng commanded her bear
to rush off the edge at full speed.

With her blind trust in Han Sen, Wang Mengmeng was trying to make the impossible

Behind them the golden rock worm was getting closer and closer. The fox king
watched the two humans viciously.
Pointing the arrow at the fox king, Han Sen did not shoot.
"Brother Han!" Wang Mengmeng screamed and closed her eyes as the white bear ran off
the edge.

Han Sen finally shot the arrow, put an arm around her waist, and covered her eyes
with his other hand. "Take your white bear back," he said quietly.

Chapter 132

The sacred-blood fox king didnt even move when seeing the arrow approach. It even
showed contempt in its eyes.

But soon, the fox king was aghast. That arrow was not meant for the fox king, but a
bean-sized eye of the golden rock worm.

Although the golden rock worm had a huge body, its eyes were as small as beans and
hidden in its stone-hard shell, hardly noticeable.

Hen Sen not only saw them, but also managed to shoot an arrow in one of them. with
a scream, the golden rock worm rampaged toward Han Sen who was in the air.

The sacred-blood fox king had extremely high intelligence, but golden rock worm
solely operated on instincts. Once it was provoked, it would go mad.

It was too late for the fox king to stop it, so it jumped off the worm with its
injured leg as fast as it could before the worm fell off the cliff.

Wang Mengmeng was held in Han Sens arms and took back the bear. She felt she was
falling with him.

With a sudden jerk, she felt ground under her feet. The impact was not that strong
though. It was as if they had jumped from somewhere three or four feet above the

Wang Mengmeng opened her eyes in surprise to find they were under a cliff more than
300 feet high. But nothing had happened to Han Sen and her.

When she was feeling incredible, the golden rock worm fell on the ground next to
them like a bomb.

With a boom, its stone-hard shell was broken in pieces. Worm juice, meat and inner
parts were splashing everywhere, staining the cliff wall.

"Sacred-blood golden rock worm king killed. Beast soul of golden rock worm king
gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten sacred geno points randomly."

A wonderful voice rang in his mind, almost making Han Sen laugh out loud.

The fox king was still lingering on the cliff, gazing at him full of resentment.

"Lets go." Han Sen summoned his mutant three-eyed beast mountm carried Wang to its
back, and went in the opposite direction of the fox king.

"Should we take some of the worm meat with us?" Wang Mengmeng asked.

"For such a big worm, there are only ten geno points in its meat. Even if we eat
for a month, we might still end up with no geno points. Also, it is hot in here and
the meat will go bad in less than two days. Just forget it," Han Sen said with a

A creature too big in size was hard to consume, which was just the fact. But he had
gained another sacred-blood beast soul and a mutant horned sand fox beast soul, so
the voyage was fruitful enough.

The only pity was that although he had killed many mutant horned sand foxes and a
sacred-blood creature, he did not even get to eat a mouthful of meat.

Han Sen took a look at the two beast souls he just gained and felt a bit bitter.

The beast soul of mutant horned sand fox was a mount, which was fine. Even if he
had no use of it, he could still exchange it for something else or just sell it.

The disturbing part was the beast soul of the golden rock worm king. It turned out
to be a sacred-blood beast soul pet.
Han Sen had been feeding Meowth for quite some time now, but it never transformed.
This was a sacred-blood pet, and God knows how much meat it would take for it to

And a sacred-blood pet must be fed with a sacred-blood meat, or else it would take
even longer.

Han Sen was rendered speechless. He did not even have enough sacred-blood meat for
himself. Just where could he find food for this guy?

Han Sen tried to summon the golden rock worm king and thought it should be huge.
When it appeared, Han Sen saw that it was just a mini golden silk worm, not looking
the least impressive.

"Brother Han, why were we safe after jumping from the high cliff?" Wang Mengmeng
had been puzzled.

When they jumped off the cliff, she was too scared to open her eyes, and did not
see how they landed.

In fact, even if she did not close her eyes, Han Sen was covering them anyway. He
did it so that he could use the wings of the purple-winged dragon beast soul. Or it
could never have been done.

"Because I know a special martial art." Han Sen smiled.

"What kind of martial art? Can you teach me?" Wang Mengmeng looked at him with

"It only runs in the family and only sons can be taught, so I cant even teach my
wife and daughter, let alone you." Han Sen laughed.

Han Sen did not go back and try to kill the sacred-blood fox king. It was a sly
creature. In the end, it did not escape but stood on the cliff. Han Sen knew from
its look that it was trying to lure Han Sen back to kill it.

If he was alone, he could give it a try. But since Wang Mengmeng was here, he gave
up the idea of adventure.

That fox king was the most cunning of creature he had ever seen, even more
formidable than the silver bird.

With this accident, the voyage had to stop. When Han Sen and Wang Mengmeng were on
their way back to the shelter, they met Gambler and the rest. They were all well
with minor injuries which had almost healed.

After some discussion, they did some hunting in the outskirts of the desert and did
not go to the center.

They had met scary sacred-blood creatures when they just entered Devil Desert. The
team became more careful especially they had to protect Wang Mengmeng in the

Han Sen made up his mind to return as soon as they could, and he will make some in-
depth exploration next time he came alone.

This task was successfully completed despite the accident. Qin Xuan was fairly
satisfied with his performance. Because Wang Mengmeng worshiped Han Sen very much
and named him her protector in Steel Armor Shelter, he could have an S-Class
license of Saint Hall as his reward.

But his mission would be only completed when Wang Mengmeng had maxed out on all
other three types of geno points than sacred geno points. Only by then he could
have the S-Class license.

Han Sen went back to school from Gods Sanctuary and continued to study warframe

"Sen, you are finally back. You are in trouble." His roommates said to him
excitedly when Han Sen just returned to his dormitory.

"What kind of trouble?" Han Sen asked puzzled.

"The best player in Hand of God Society Li Yufeng openly challenged you in campus
community," Shi Zhikang said.

"I do not know him. Why would he challenge me?" Han Sen felt quite puzzled.

"Ha-ha, everyone knows Li Yufeng is Ji Yanran's suitor. And with you ID name, the
entire school now knows you as Ji Yanran's boyfriend. Of course Li Yufeng needs to
challenge you. He said if you lose, you need to change your ID name or stop using
that account, and you will also have to apologize to Ji Yanran," said Lu Meng with
a trace of joy in his voice.

Chapter 133

"Sen, are you going for it?" Shi looked at Han Sen with hidden excitement. He felt
even Han Sens opponent was Li Yufeng, Han would still win. Although Shi had never
seen Li Yufeng play, he believed so. Han Sens performance so far made him think
that Han must be almost invincible in this game.

Lu Meng and Zhang Yang were also looking at Han Sen, awaiting his decision.

"Of course I will," Han Sen said casually.

Ji Yanran was the girlfriend he won with a bet. Although he was too busy to look
for her, he would not allow other guys to use himself to impress her.

In the Han Sens view, it was fine if Li tried to show off in front of Ji Yanran,
but there was no way Han Sen would allow himself to be used in the process.

Hearing Han Sen's answer, Shi and Lu were both thrilled. Zhang Yang rubbed his
hands together and said, "Now thats it. Young people should be motivated, and we
all support you to defeat Li Yufeng and make Ji Yanran your girlfriend for real."

"Right! If you really have such a gorgeous girlfriend, the entire Room 304 would
all feel honored," said Shi excitedly.

"Go on the forum and reply him with a time for the duel. Sen has a big chance to
beat Li, in my opinion." Lu Meng laughed.

"Chance? Li Yufeng is no match to Sen at all," Shi curled his lips downward and

Han Sen went to the campus community forum and found the post at the top. After he
clicked on it, he replied with a time using his account My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran.
"10:30 pm." Han Sen left just the time and did not even bother to read Li Yufengs

Han Sen never took any of his schoolmates as a serious match of his.

In a short amount of time, his reply attracted the attention of all the students.

Because Li Yufeng's post had been up for several days, people thought Ji Yanrans
boyfriend was too scared to reply. But today, seeing his reply and the ID name, a
student was in shock. Having rubbed his eyes and confirmed several times, he
started to spread the news, "Ha-ha, Ji Yanran's boyfriend replied directly with the
time of the duel. We have something to watch."

"Really? He did that?"

"So daring. It is Li Yufeng!"

"What about Li Yufeng? I think Ji Yanrans boyfriend is definitely stronger."

"That is hard to say. After all, Li Yufeng is a professional player and the best on
campus. He also had good performance in the contest across the Alliance."

"How do you know that Ji Yanrans boyfriend is not professional?"

"That makes sense. No one knows who Ji Yanrans boyfriend is, so he could be a
professional player as well."

"Would it be Ouyang Xiaosan?"

"I think not. According to Ouyang Xiaosans character, he would not have replied at

"If its not Ouyang Xiaosan, then who can it be? I really cannot think of anyone in
the school who is so strong."

"Could it be a freshman?"

"How can that be? Freshmen are all rookies. If there is such an outstanding person,
we should have known when they had the entrance exam."

Soon the duel between Li Yufeng and Ji Yanrans boyfriend was known by the entire

"Yanran, your boyfriend appeared." Qu Lili ran to the training hall, panting.

Ji Yanran paused and bristled, "I said a million times that he is not my boyfriend,
so do not call him that."

Qu Lili took Ji Yanran's hand, grinned and said, "I know. I wont do that again, but
your... My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran said online that he would have a duel against Li
Yufeng tonight at 10:30."

"Yanran, I envy you that there are two great guys fighting for you, making you
quite the princess," Qu Lili said admiringly.

"You can have them both if you want," Ji Yanran said sullenly.

She did not really like Li Yufeng, but Li had been chasing after her for two years.
She was quite upset by his pursuit.

As for My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran, he was using such a devious means that Ji Yanran

had even less interest in him.

But Ji Yanran was still a little curious and wanted to find out who that person
was. In addition to lashing out at him, she also wanted to know who had such a good
level as Li Yufeng and Ouyang Xiaosan.

If he is not beyond salvation, she could consider recruiting him into her society
so that their ranking this year could be further enhanced.

"I want to, but they did not do it for me," Qu Lili complained. "If there are two
men at a duel for me, I will give them a chance."

"You little fool. You said 10:30 tonight, right?" Ji Yanran asked.

"Yes, your boyfriend said that," said Qu Lili.

Ji Yanran was speechless, but she was not about to correct Qu Lili. In fact, the
entire school called him that and she was just powerless.

"This time I will find out who you are." Ji Yanran stopped training and went back
to get ready to see their duel.

As soon as she watched that person play, she should be able to tell who he was from
his style. Unless he was not one of the players on campus, she would have an idea.

After Li Yufeng saw the reply, his eyes lit up and continued his Hand of God

"Boss, Ji Yanran's boyfriend replied," A thin man rushed in and exclaimed.

Li Yufeng suddenly frowned at him, so the thin man quickly corrected himself, "No,
the despicable guy replied 10:30 tonight."

"I have seen it." Li Yufeng said casually.

"Boss, you must kick his ass this time, and prove our societys worth," said the
thin man.

"I will not go easy on him," said Li Yufeng coldly.

Chapter 134

This duel had caught the attention of the entire school. No one dared to gamble in
a military school, but students were betting in private and more were betting on Li

After all, Li Yufeng was the best player on campus and his skills were indeed
amazing. For the last two years, the reason Blackhawk got good ranking in the
Alliance was him. So students trusted him.

At ten thirty at night, the Battlenet had a historical number of students online.
Many of those who did not play this game even registered new accounts to watch this
Ji Yanran was also watching. When she saw Li Yufeng had a game room set up, she
entered the room. In fact, eighty percent of those online were in this game room to
wait for them to start. The rest saw there was still time and started gaming

When it was about time, the number of people in this game room was more than ninety
percent of all the students online, and more people were flooding in.

In an office building of Blackhawk, two middle-aged men were also in this game
room. One of them lit a cigarette and said casually, "Liu, you are too sensitive.
You know what kind of students we have. Unless Ji Yanran's boyfriend is Ouyang
Xiaosan, his level will not be very high."

"Maybe we will have some new talent." Liu Jianguo just smiled.

"What kind of new talent can there be? This year's freshmen are not that
impressive." Zhao Lianhua blew a smoke ring and said, "If that person is Ouyang
Xiaosan, maybe he could beat Li Yufeng. If not, Li Yufeng could certainly beat him
by five points or more."
"Lets check it out first. Even if he loses to Li Yufeng by five points, it would
still mean that he is a strong player. Our Hand of God Society has not made much
progress in the past two years, so maybe its time to add some fresh talents," Liu
Jianguo said.

Liu Jianguo was the coach of Hand of God Society, and Zhao Lianhua was the manager.
After they had heard about the ins and outs of things, they also logged in the
Battlenet and would like to see for themselves what level Ji Yanran's boyfriend was

Zhao Lianhua did not care about this person, as they knew the level of all the
returning students who played well and saw how the freshmen performed in their
entrance exam. The good ones were either already invited to join Hand of God
Society or other societies.

Even if there was someone out there, that person could not beat Li Yufeng.

Freshmen were just freshmen.

Liu Jianguo was just trying to hunt for talent, if not, he could also check to see
which level of Li Yufeng had actually reached.

At ten thirty, everyone suddenly saw a notification, "My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran

entered the room."

"Ha-ha, finally." The crowd was overjoyed.

Ji Yanran threw an angry gaze at the ID, and vowed to find him.

Zhang Yang, Lu Meng and Shi were not online, but standing next to Han Sen, watching
his holographic image directly, which was more interesting than viewing it online.

Seeing that ID, coldness flashed in Lis eyes. He simply sent an invite and texted,
"After you lose, I want you to get rid of this ID immediately and apologize to Ji

Everyone was staring at the screen, wondering what My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran would

say to that.

"It is too easy to beat you, so no strings attached this time. Just leave my Yanran
alone in the future." Seeing this line from My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran, the screen
was full in an instant.

"Ha-ha, shameless just like me."

"He's too arrogant."

"Brag if you want, our boss will not lose to you, idiot."

"Ha-ha, my Yanran."

"Is he really Ji Yanrans boyfriend?"

"Just leave my Yanran alone..."
"Just leave my Yanran alone..."

"Now he is bragging. It would be so shameful when he got his ass kicked."


"This person is really arrogant," Wang Long said in a bad mood.

"Li Ze, what do you think?" Liu Ke looked at Li Ze with a wry smile.

Li Ze pondered for a moment and said, "I used to play against Li Yufeng. He has
beaten me many times and once by 27 points."

"You mean that Li Yufeng will win?" Liu Ke looked at Li Ze and asked.

Li Ze shook his head and said, "Although Li Yufeng had beaten me by more points,
but Ji Yanran's boyfriend gave me more pressure than Li Yufeng. When facing Li
Yufeng, I could calm down to play; when facing Ji Yanran's boyfriend, I felt uneasy
and afraid."

Taking a deep breath, Li Ze then said, "If I am to predict the result, I think Li
Yufeng will be defeated by a lot. Dont ask me why, its just a hunch."

"What!" Wang Long and Liu Ke were stupefied and did not understand Li Zes comment.

Qu Lili pinched Ji Yanran and said with a grin, "My Yanranso intimate! Tell me the
truth, is he really your boyfriend?"

"Of course he is not, that bastard." Ji Yanran stared at the ID angrily. If the
game was not about to begin, she wanted to lash out at that guy in person.

"It begins!" Seeing the countdown end, the light spots lit up on both sides.

Li Yufengs fingers danced like a snake and almost hit a spot the moment it lit up.

Because he did not really know his opponent's style and this guy had won Li Ze by
twenty points, Li Yufeng played safe and chose to clear up his own side and gain
points as fast as he could, so as to beat his opponent in a dignified way.

Li Yufeng was playing very well and he was quite satisfied with how he performed.
With a glance, he saw his opponent also hitting a spot at a speed no lower than
his, which made him pause.

In the momentary pause, his opponent went for another spot.

Li Yufeng quickly calmed himself down and hit his second spot as fast as he could.
Knowing his opponent's speed, Li Yufeng did not dare to be distracted again and
played with his best speed and skills.

The two players hands were like two butterflies dancing away, hitting all the light
spots around them at an amazing speed.

Chapter 135

The game room was silent. In a room where more than ten thousand people were
watching, none typed anything. Everyone was staring at their screen.

It was not because the duel was so wonderful, but because it was not at all.

A person's speed had been completely overwhelmed by the other person. Even one with
high myopia without glasses could tell, there was no twists and turns in this game.

Everyone had a blank look on their faces, with their eyes and mouths both wide

Ji Yanran's lips were also O-shaped. Watching the holographic image of the game,
she was so stunned that her pupils enlarged.

In the office building, Liu Jianguo was also stupefied. He almost could not believe
his eyes. And Zhao Lianhua did not even realized that his burning cigarette had
fallen on his pants.
Zhao Lianhua did not even feel that, and kept gazing at the two hands in the
holographic image.

Li Ze, Liu Ke and Wang Long were all stunned.

A huge gap in strength was demonstrated by these two hands. Li Yufengs hand had a
speed and flexibility that were amazing to begin with.

But in front of the other hand, Li Yufeng's hand suddenly looked a bit clumsy. And
this feeling was just incredible, because this was Li Yufeng, the best player on
campus, who had a nickname "dreamy right hand."

How could his hand look clumsy? It was hard for the viewers to believe their own

But in contrast to the other hand, Li Yufeng's hand did look clumsy. It was
originally not the case, but the strong contrast had made people feel this way.

"It was not because Li Yufengs hand was clumsy, but because the other hand was too
fast and too flexible." At this time, people came to realize this fact and looked
to the other hand.

Slender but strong, this was an attractive hand. In addition to that, people could
not tell anything else from the image. How they wanted to see the owner of the

But in Hand of God, all they could see was the hand and wrist. There was no way
they could tell who he was.
Total silence.
Although the result was clear. Many refused to believe that Li Yufeng would be
beaten like this.

That was Li Yufeng!

Li Yufeng concentrated on his hand and raised its speed to his limit, constantly
hitting the spots.

"At least I will beat him by five points," Li Yufeng thought proudly.

He knew Ji Yanran was certainly watching this game, and he was glad to show off his
strength in front of her.

Although Ji Yanran had not given any response to his pursuit, and was even
deliberately keeping distance from him, he had never given up and believed that
with his ability and conditions, he must have the opportunity to make her his.

And this was a very good opportunity. He knew Ji Yanran was mad at that ID. If he
could beat this person to make him change his ID and apologize to her, she would be
at least grateful to him.

And this was enough, Li Yufeng had enough time and patience. Many a little make a
mickle. He believed that sooner or later he could make Ji Yanran fall in love with

But now, first he needed to beat this despicable and shameless bastard to approach
his goddess.

Li Yufeng was hitting the spots with all he had, thinking that if he went faster
and raise the difference to six or seven points, then the effect might be even

But when Li Yufeng was reaching for a spot again, all spots suddenly disappeared.

"Is it a server failure? Why did all the spots disappear?" Li Yufeng hesitated.
With his rich experience, he knew that the 100 spots were not up yet and there
could be no other explanation to their disappearance than a technical failure.

But when he looked up, he was suddenly stunned.

In front of him, the holographic image said "GAME OVER" and his score was also
fixed at 80.

He turned his eyes and looked at his opponents score.

One hundred points.

Li Yufeng could not move. He could not believe that he had been beaten by twenty

He could not believe this. Nor could anyone who knew Li Yufeng and his skills at
this game.

Everyone looked blankly at that score, and no one made a sound.

What Han Sen said just now was interesting when they were thinking back.

"It is too easy to beat you, so no strings attached this time. Just leave my Yanran
alone in the future."
At that time, they all felt it was pure insolence. But now thinking back, it was
just honesty.

"Another twenty," Li Ze snapped to attention and said with a wry smile.

His remark reminded Liu Ke and Wang Long, making their shocking expression even
more twisted. Their mouths were so wide open that they could fit a big duck egg.

This number was so familiar, and what it represented was even more shocking.

"Yanran, your boyfriend is so fierce!" Qu Lili just recovered from surprise and
said to Ji Yanran who was still staring at the score.

"Who is this person?" Ji Yanran had now forgotten about her anger and shame, and
simply wanted to find out who he was.

Twenty points! Whoever could beat Li Yufeng by twenty was absolutely top ten in the

If she could invite him into Hand of God Society, Ji Yanran could imagine how much
their ranking could be improved.

Now she just wanted to find out who this person was, but she just did not know.

Now her heart felt like it was scratched by a cat. She wanted to go and look for
him, but paused as she had no idea where to look.


The cigarette burned through Zhao Lianhuas pants, and brought him back from
surprise. While he was stamping, a big hole was left on his pants.

"I must have this person in Hand of God Society," Liu Jianguo looked at the score
and yelled excitedly.

He knew what this score meant. It was a score that would make Blackhawk soar in
Hand of God contest.

"Go get this person and make him join us," Liu Jianguo said to Zhao Lianhua.

Chapter 136

Zhao Lianhua looked depressed. "Liu, I do not even know who this person is. Where
should I start looking?"
Liu Jianguo paused and said, "Go look anyway. In any case, we must have him. He is
too important for us. With him, we would soar and it would be much easier for you
to seek sponsorship in the future."

"I will try," Zhao Lianhua said helplessly.

He knew this guy would have a great influence on them, but it was not easy to find
someone based just on an ID.

When Li Yufeng recovered from surprise and wanted to invite the guy to fight again,
he found that his opponent was already offline. He was at loss and did not move for
a long time.
Blackhawk went mad. It was at night but many continued to talk about the duel.

"What a speed! F*#king awesome."

"Ha-ha, after watching the duel, I know that my years of playing that game were

"Even Li Yufeng was wiped out. Ji Yanrans boyfriend was just amazing. Who is he

"You have to ask Ji Yanran."

"Twenty points, Li was not his match at all."

"It is too easy to beat you... ha-ha..."

"My Yanran... Could he really be her boyfriend?"

"You really have to ask her yourself."


Ji Yanran also wanted to know who her boyfriend was, but she did not.

After logging out of the game, she had contacted a lot of friends, wanting to find
out who that person was. However, almost everyone she called would tell her with a
trace of gloating, "You have to ask yourself who your boyfriend is."

"How do I know who my boyfriend is!" Ji Yanran blurted out after hearing that reply
a lot of times, feeling she was out of her mind after she realized what she had

In Room 304, Han Sen was surrounded by Shi Zhikang, Lu Meng and Zhang Yang.

"Sen, four dishes and a soup in the cafeteria. One dish less than that and I will
out you," Lu Meng said with a grin.

"All four dishes need to be meat. If I see anything green, I will expose you
first," Shi added.

"Sen, you deserve to be my destined opponent." Zhang Yangs eyes were full of

"Lets go eat then. I'm hungry anyway," Han Sen smiled and said.
The four walked toward a cafeteria. Blackhawk was the size of a small city and all
cafeterias ran 24/7. There was no need to worry about where to eat.

But after the four went out, they constantly heard people on the street talking
about the duel.
"Sen, just go ahead and admit its you. With your skills at the game, maybe Ji
Yanran will fall in love with you, and we can all benefit from that by asking her
to introduce her friends to us," Shi whispered.

"She is my girlfriend," Han Sen said.

Shi made a contemptuous gesture at him.

Ji Yanran was not the kind of girl that would fall for a good player. Or else Li
Yufeng would not have had to chase after her for two years. Everyone knew that.
The four went to the nearest cafeteria, ordered a few dishes and chatted over

While eating, Shi suddenly lowered his voice and said to the rest, glancing in one
direction, "There is a babe over there, the innocent kind. So pretty! And the other
two with her are not bad either."

"Shi, we dont trust your taste." Lu Meng laughed.

Han Sen and Zhang Yang also laughed. They had all witnessed Shis judgment. A tough
lady six feet tall was a little beauty in his eyes.
But you could not blame him either, as he was too tall himself indeed.

"Really... Oh... The babe looked at me, and smiled at me. Here she comes..." Shi

His roommates then felt a bit surprised. It looked like someone really was
approaching them. They turned to look and saw an innocent, sweet girl with a great
body walking toward them. It looked like she was a freshman like themselves.

"Brother Han," under the excited gaze of Shi, she walked to Han Sen and called in a
sweet voice, making Shi want to kill Han Sen.

"Mengmeng, why are you here?" Han Sen recognized Wang Mengmeng.

"I came to eat with my classmates and did not expect to meet you here. Let me
introduce them. These are my classmates and roommates, Li Zhenzhen and Wang Chun."
Wang Mengmeng introduced the two girls following her to Han Sen.

"Hello." Han Sen shook hands with the two girls, and introduced his three

"Since we are all friends now, shall we sit together?" Shi pulled the chairs and
invited the girls.

"Well, we happen to have something to ask," Wang Mengmeng blushed and said.

"What's the matter? We will do anything for you," promised Shi.

Wang Chun looked at Shi and seemed very happy, "It would be great if you could
help. We are looking for people to join our society. Have you already registered at
some societies? If not, can you join us?"

"Well, we did not register yet, so you have come to the right people. With us, your
society will do so well. Right, which society are you talking about?" Shi quickly
said, making faces to his roommates to ask them to play along. Judging from the
three girls looks, it was easy to tell that the society they were in must have lots
of babes.

"We are with Heavy Warframe Society," said Wang Chun.

Shi almost choked on the water he just drank.

Warframe Society was considered a temple of monks, where members were almost all
guys. And Heavy Warframe Society would be Shaolin Temple among all temples, where
girls were probably nowhere to be seen. The guys had not expected the girls to be
members of Heavy Warframe Society.
The reason why Heavy Warframe Society was independent from Warframe Society was
that heavy warframes were much bigger in size than average warframes and were much
harder to operate. Ordinary soldiers did not need to use heavy warframes, and 99.99
percent of those who operated heavy warframes were male.

Chapter 137

Shi was dumbfounded, but he could not take back his words, so they all had to go.
The next morning, Wang Mengmeng sent a text to invite the four of them to fill in
the application form at Heavy Warframe Society.

Fortunately, there were three beautiful girls, Wang Mengmeng, Wang Chun and Li
Zhenzhen. Therefore they thought Heavy Warframe Society would not be so unbearable.

But when they arrived at Heavy Warframe Society, they found out that it was even
worse than they thought. In addition to Wang Mengmeng, Wang Chun and Li Zhenzhen,
the Heavy Warframe Society had only two returning students--a fat guy and a skinny

There were barely any guys, let alone girls.

The fat guy was the president of Heavy Warframe Society and the skinny guy was the
only returning member. Han Sen and his roommates failed to memorize their names
because the girls only referred to them by their nickname, Fatty and Skinny.

Fatty was smiling ear to ear when he saw Wang Mengmeng taking four new members to
register, but his face collapsed when he found out they were from Department of

Since there was a special enrollment program for archery students, the requirement
of fitness index was lowered for them. Normally speaking, one would have to reach
11 in fitness index to be admitted, but archery students only needed to reach 10 as
long as they pass their archery test.

The difference of one point was a big gap, so archery students might be the weakest
in the history of Blackhawk.

The operation of heavy warframes required one to have great physique, so Fatty and
Skinny were very disappointed when they learned that all four were from Department
of Archery.

Han Sen and his roommates ignored that, filled in the forms and registered in the

"This is also good. Now we have less competition. Fatty and Skinny would not be
able to beat us anyway." Shi was very contented, checking the three girls out.

"Brother Han, we will first take you to see our training field." Wang Mengmeng was
very happy to show Han Sen around.

"Mengmeng, this is not right. Why do you call us by names, but call Sen brother? We
are all freshmen and he is third oldest among us, only a dozen days older than Lu
Meng," Shi said sullenly.

Wang Mengmeng thought about it seriously, tilted her head and said, "I think only
Brother Han looks like a brother to me."
"How come we dont?" Shu was not convinced, squared his shoulder made a pose like a
bodybuilding model.

"It does not depend on age or body size." Wang Mengmeng did not care about Shis

Shi was speechless, but he had to accept the fact that she would only call Han Sen
brother. Li Zhenzhen and Wang Chun soon followed suit.

When they came to the training field, the four guys were all shocked. They thought
that Heavy Warframe Society had so few members that their training field must be
small and shabby, and did not expect there to be any heavy warframes. Instead, they
had expected to train on a holographic simulator.

But their training field turned out to be a large warehouse, with huge space and
three real heavy warframes, each over 10 meters tall and looking domineering.

"How about these? Mengmeng has negotiated for these," Wang Chun said proudly.

Han Sen suddenly realized why a society with few members could have such a training
field. It was because of Wang Mengmeng.

But it made Hen Sen very excited, as he had been studying warframe operation, but
the performance of the warframe for practice was wanting and people had to take
turns to use it.

Although these are heavy warframes, they were warframes nonetheless. He did not
have to wait to practice on a warframe in the future.

But heavy warframes were different from normal ones in that they had stronger
horsepower and bigger sizes. They were generally used for special purposes and were
more difficult to operate. They could be very cumbersome as well.

But this was not a problem for Han Sen, the difficult operation worked for him. If
he could operate a heavy warframe well, an ordinary one would be easy.

The three heavy warframes on the training field were "Rhinoceros T," "Porter RS,"
and "Builder."

Rhinoceros T1 was a quadruped heavy warframe used for transport. It had a strong
load-bearing capacity, and its four feet allowed easy access to a variety of
terrains. It was also strong in digging and drilling. Even when buried in a mine,
it could get out on its own.

Porter RS was also a quadruped heavy warframe, with an extra arm and strong
horsepower. It was mainly used to organize a warehouse and carry goods. It came
with a variety of loading and unloading tools, as well as welding and cutting

Builder was a bipedal heavy warframe used for construction, and it was close to an
ordinary warframe. Builder, however, had four arms, and was much bigger and heavier
than an its peers.

In addition, the warehouse was also equipped with ten holographic virtual training
machines. Each member could have one and there were some left.

Han Sen suddenly felt that the decision to join the Heavy Warframe Society was
brilliant. It was like a paradise to him.
Obviously, his roommates were not very interested in practicing on the heavy
warframes. They preferred to use the holographic virtual training machine to
operate advanced fighting warframes.

Someone would use Rhinoceros T1 occasional, while Porter RS and Builder were never
used. They were too hard to operate and would not be used for fighting.

Generally speaking, those who driving heavy warframes were soldiers of lower ranks,
while officers would hardly use these. That was why his roommates were not very

Han Sen liked Porter RS and Builder a lot, and would practice on them when he had
time. The gratification he got from operating heavy warframes was much greater than
using a virtual training machine or warframe for practice.

Room 304 happily joined the Heavy Warframe Society, while everyone else in the
school was looking for Ji Yanran's boyfriend madly, especially Zhao Lianhua, who
was pressured by Liu Jianguo to find him. However, no one knew who Ji Yanran's
boyfriend was, not to mention where he was.

Chapter 138

In addition to Zhao Lianhua, Ji Yanran was dying to find Han Sen. Now she was sure
the boyfriend was not Ouyang Xiaosan, because during the match against Li Yufeng,
Ouyang was participating in the training of Martial Arts Society and could not have
been at the match.

Also, Ji Yanran did not believe Ouyang could have beaten Li Yufeng by 20 points.

"Who was it? Our school has such a hidden master at Hand of God." Ji Yanran thought
of that hateful ID and vowed, "I will find you after all."

"If you really want to find him out, I have a way," Qu Lili said with a smile.

"What way?" Ji Yanran did not believe Qu Lili.

"In fact, the approach is very simple. Since he used that ID, certainly he is one
of your admirers. All you need to do is to host a Hand of God contest at school and
say the champions prize is a kiss from you. I think he will participate for sure,"
said Qu, blinking.

Ji Yanran rolled her eyes. "What a bad idea! What if he does not show up?"

Qu Lili suddenly grinned at Ji Yanran and said, "So you are willing to kiss him if
hes the champion?"

"Hey! That bastard, how could I..." Ji Yanran was mad and shy at the same time. She
grabbed Qu Lili and threatened, "Little girl, wait and see how I tame you."

Qui Lili quickly begged for mercy, but Ji Yanran continued to tickle her and until
she was almost out of breath.

Qu Lilis idea was not that great, but it did remind Ji Yanran that in more than
half a month, a school-wide contest named "Starry Cup" sponsored by Starry Group
would start. The prize would be great and maybe that person would show up and

But Ji Yanran did not know which department he was in. Hand of God was just one
item in Starry Cup, which also included combat, warframe, archery and other items.

If that person did not come to Hand of God, but registered in another item, it
would be difficult to tell who he was.

"It calls for a little trick," Ji Yanran thought with a devious smile on her face.

In the training hall, several students were sitting together.

"Have you heard that the champion of Hand of God in Starry Cup could get a set of
Z-steel weapons of King series and visit the main factory of Starry Group."

"Who doesnt know that?"

"I heard that Starry Group had also invited the president of Hand of God Society to
visit their main factory."

"The president of Hand of God Society? Isnt that Ji Yanran?"

"Yeah, the visit is five days and four nights."

"Wow, I'm definitely going to participate in the contest this time."

"What is the point? This is clearly meant for Ji Yanrans boyfriend. Its their

"Everything is possible. People make mistakes. What if Ji Yanrans boyfriend did not
do so well this time?"

"He beat Li Yifeng by twenty points. Even if he makes 20 mistakes, he would still
be as good as Li. What chance do you stand?"


Soon the news was spread throughout the school. When Qu Lili heard the news and
asked Ji Yanran, the latter smiled and cunningly said, "That is what other people
say. I have not mentioned a thing."

"You are obviously stealing my idea. Pay me for the copyright!" Qu Lili reached out
to tickle Ji.

Ji Yanran thought that this could force Han to register for the Hand of God
contest, but little did she know that Han Sen had not even heard about it because
he had been practicing driving a heavy warframe, Builder.

This was more fun than driving the training warframes. Builders versatility allowed
Han Sen to reach the limit of his speed.

In principals office, Luo Xiangyang looked at Principal Wei and complained, "This
is nonsense. How could you give the 7th warehouse to Heavy Warframe Society as
their training ground? And the three heavy warframes are totally beyond the
abilities of those students. What if there is an accident?"

"Luo, you have to look at the specific circumstances. Those are good students and
thats why I gave them a relaxed training environment," Wei said slowly.

"More like rich and powerful students." Luo Xiangyang said with some disdain.

"You should know that the school has its own difficulties. Luo, you need to get rid
of this temper of yours," said Wei earnestly.

Luo Xiangyangs face was still gloomy. He said, "I do not care what privileges they
have. I can give them the warehouse, but the three heavy warframes cant be wasted
like this. I must get them back."

Luo left, disregarding Principal Weis calling him.

Wei shook his head and sighed. "A nasty temper indeed."
He thought about it and let it go. That young lady would not touch those heavy
warframes anyway, so there should be no problem that Luo were to take them away.

Luo Xiangyang stepped toward the 7th warehouse and was quite upset. He had wanted
this warehouse for a while and the school never agreed. Then they gave it to the
Heavy Warframe Society.

He knew everything about Heavy Warframe Society--just several people who were
wasting their time. Who would pay attention to heavy warframes anyway? Normal
soldiers would not even have the chance to touch them. only the specialized
soldiers would like them.

He was now the coach of the Warframe Society, which was doing very well and had
lots of members, among which a lot were excellent. However, their training field
and equipment were quite lacking.

He wanted to use the 7th warehouse as a training field, but the school had never
approved and later gave it to Heavy Warframe Society. How could he stay calm
knowing that?

But Luo Xiangyang also knew that Principal Wei was having a hard time. So he was
fine with giving them the warehouse, but the three heavy warframes should not be
wasted like that. He planned to take them back to his society and pick a few
students to practice on them. if possible, hed like to train those students into
professional heavy warframe operators.

When Luo Xiangyang came to the 7th warehouse, he saw Builder was driven by someone,
doing a lot of strange moves on the training ground.

Chapter 139

The reason that the moves seemed strange was that Builder was holding a thick and
long alloy tube in each of its four hands, wielding the tubes as swords like a
human. Because Builder itself was too cumbersome and had four arms, its actions
looked very odd.

Luo Xiangyang looked at it and was slightly surprised. Anyone able to drive Builder
like this must had reached the level of an evolver.

"Which teacher or coach in the school is driving Builder?" Luo Xiangyang could not
think of any student, as an unevolved person could hardly achieve this speed.

After watching for a while, Luo Xiangyang started to have a craving. He used to be
a heavy warframe soldier and operate heavy warframes as combat warframes for fun.

After he entered the school, he did not have heavy warframes to play with and few
knew how to operate heavy warframes, so he had no one to spar with either.

When he saw someone using a heavy warframe to mimic a combat warframe, his craving
was evoked.

Seeing Porter RS parked on the other side, Luo Xiangyang went directly into its
cockpit, and activated it using his coach authorization.

Han Sen was practicing driving Builder because it was the closest to an ordinary
combat warframe.

Suddenly, Han Sen saw a shadow coming toward him from the holographic image. With
his strong reflexes, he immediately operated Builder to raise one of the tubes it
was grabbing to block that shadow.


A loud clanking of metals rang and Han Sen saw that it was Porter RS that had
attacked him using its 30-foot-long multi-function wrench.

And on Porter RSs other arm, the cutter was turned on and waved toward him.

Han Sen did not have any time to consider who was driving Porters RS, but had to
block it with another tube in Builders hand.

The alloy tube was cut off by the cutter instantly and the fearsome blade spinning
at a high speed was approaching Builder.

Shocked, Han Sen pushed the speed of his hands to the limit, manipulating Builder
to step back and avoided the swing from Porter RS.

"Good!" Luo Xiangyang exclaimed in excitement, controlling the Porter RS to launch

crazy attacks against Builder. The giant wrench, cutter, drill bits, hooks and
other tools all became terrifying weapons with his control.

Luo Xiangyang took his opponent for a veteran, because he believed no one could use
Builder like this otherwise. An unevolved person could never achieve this level.

Han Sen was a bit dumbfounded and did not know who was driving Porter RS. This
person had better operation and speed than Han Sen as well. Even when Han Sen was
trying with all he had, he still could not make any progress and was about to be

Han Sen did not want to accept this failure, and used what he learned from Hand of
God, raising the speed of his hand to level evolved-4. Suddenly he became the
incarnation of the thousand-hand-Buddha, completing various complex operations at
dazzling speed.

Luo Xiangyang felt his opponent was a bit weaker in the beginning, and thought
maybe this guy was probably just a low-level heavy warframe soldier. Also, it
seemed this guy had not operated a heavy warframe in a long time and was obviously
a bit rusty.

But soon, Luo Xiangyang found the guy became so much better that it was like
Builder had become alive. Flexible and swift, it was more like a combat warframe
and a heavy one.

Luo Xiangyang was ecstatic. It was so rare that he encountered such an opponent.
Using all he had, he was on the same level as his opponent.

Then Luo Xiangyang found that this guy was also rapidly improving. When fighting
with Luo, this guys operation was more and more accurate, which again convinced Luo
that this was a retired heavy warframe soldier like himself.

"Awesome!" Luo Xiangyang had not been so happy in a long time. If he had to
describe, he would have said the ordinary combat warframes were like women, and
heavy warframes were like men.

The domineering feeling, the clanking of the wrench and alloy tubes, and the
pressure his body was under, all brought Luos blood to a boil, reminding him of the
days when he was in the army.

The two large-scale heavy warframes were constantly colliding into each other and
the sounds kept echoing in the warehouse.

Han Sen did not know who he was fighting, but felt much pressure. Even when he was
using all he got, he was still completely overwhelmed. His opponent was so much
better than him in technique and Han Sen had learned a lot.

"Is it Fatty or Skinny? Indeed they are more experienced than I am," Han Sen was
guessing. There were only a few people in the society and he knew his roommates,
and the girls were not able to achieve this level, so Fatty and Skinny were all
that were left.

Han Sen did not expect that the person he was fighting would be the coach of
Warframe Society and a veteran in heavy warframe operation.

Han Sen had no hard feelings, but was quite excited about a fight like this,
because he could learn so much more from it than when he practiced alone.

"It seems that I have underestimated Fatty and Skinny. I need to practice more
often with them," Han Sen thought.

Having been fighting for an hour, Han Sen was unable to handle the physical stress
brought by the fight and came out of the warframe. He was soaked in his own sweat.

Operating a heavy warframe like Builder could stress one out easily and it was
impressive that Han Sen had been operating it for such a long time.

Luo Xiangyang felt a bit unsatisfied, but did not insist when seeing his opponent
had stopped. He came out of the cockpit and wanted to meet this person. Since they
were both veterans, they could communicate and fight again later.

But he was stunned when he saw the man coming out of Builder.

He always thought that this guy must be a veteran, but the person coming out of
Builder was a fair-skinned young man of no more than 17 years of age. He must have
not even reached the age to serve, and thus could not be a veteran.

Chapter 140

"You are a student?" Luo Xiangyang asked.

"Hello, I am Han Sen. I have just entered the Heavy Warframe Society. Are you also
in our society? I have never met you. Your skills are amazing. Could you teach me
when you have time?" Han Sen said with a smile.

"You just entered the Heavy Warframe Society? You are a freshman?" Luo Xiangyang
could not believe that he was just sparring with a freshman.
"Yes, I joined our society seven or eight days ago," replied Han Sen.

"Have you ever driven a heavy warframe before?"

"No. Before I was using the training warframes at school to practice and only had
the opportunity to use a heavy warframe after I joined the society. It is much
harder than using a training warframe and I have not made much progress. You on the
other hand are so much better. I had to shapeshift using a beast soul to hang in
there," explained Han Sen.

Although in Hans view, this schoolmate seemed a bit older, Han Sen had to admit
that he was skilled.

Luo Xiangyang's thought sullenly, "You only touched a heavy warframe for the first
time a few days ago and now you can fight me! If you are calling this not much
progress, then everyone in my society should probably kill themselves."

"What is your department? How did you join the Heavy Warframe Society?" Luo
Xiangyang believed if he could poach this guy and get him to join Warframe Society
instead, then Warframe Society could probably be in the top 10, no, top 5 in the

"I am in the Department of Archery and a friend introduced me to join our society,"
Han Sen said.

"Archery Department?" Luo Xiangyang regretted so much that he had never looked into
that department full of specially enrolled students. Had he looked, he would have
never let a talent go somewhere like Heavy Warframe Society.

When Luo Xiangyang was thinking about how to persuade Han Sen to quit Heavy
Warframe Society and join Warframe Society, Hans comlink rang.

Han Sen only thought Luo Xiangyang was a senior, so he answered the call.

"Brother, I need to run now. Lets have another go next time," Han Sen hung up and
said, waving to Luo.

Not having had the time to start his persuasion before Han Sen took off, Luo
thought to himself, "Anyway, now that I know who he is, I can always come back

Looking at the three heavy warframes, Luo Xiangyang did not intend to move them
away any more. Since Han Sen was still here, he will let Han use them and move
these warframes when Han transferred to Warframe Society.

Luo Xiangyang was really glad when he left the 7th warehouse, celebrating the fact
that he had found such a genius. No longer discontent about the fact that Principal
Wei gave the warehouse to someone else, he was focused on the idea of getting Han
Sen to join Warframe Society. As a freshman, Han Sen still had years left in
Blackhawk. Maybe in these years, he could build a champion team in the Alliance.

After coming out of the 7th warehouse, Han Sen went to a cafeteria. His roommates
asked him to bring them some snacks and Han Sen was also hungry himself after his
warframe fight.

This cafeteria was very close to their dormitory and had great fruit juices. Han
Sen almost had a juice here every day.
But the juices were particularly sought-after and always sold out early. Han Sen
forgot about the time when fighting Luo Xiangyang and only came after being
reminded by his roommates.

When he arrived at the place, he was surprised to see there was only one bottle of
juice left and quickly swiped to pay for it.

But when he finished the payment and was reaching for the bottle of juice, another
hand grabbed the bottle.

Han Sen quickly looked up and saw that person looking back at him.

"You!" the two called out almost at the same time.

Han Sen saw the sweet face in front of him and was slightly surprised, not
expecting to see Ji Yanran here.

Apparently, Ji Yanran was also surprised to see him. She frowned and asked, "Why
are you here?"

"I am a Blackhawk student, and have, of course, come here to eat," Han Sen replied.

"Didnt think you would be admitted." Ji Yanran curled her lips and looked at Han
Sens hand on the bottle. "Let go."

"You are the one who should let go. I paid first," said Han Sen.

Ji Yanran gave him a glance full of disdain. "Your pickup line is too old. Let go,
or I will yell."

"What do you mean by pickup line? Why do I need that? Have you seen anyone using a
pickup line on his girlfriend?" Han Sen said.

Ji Yanran disagreed, "You have the nerve to mention that, cheater."

"Who cheated?" Han Sen frowned.

"If you did not cheat, why didnt you come to find me?" Ji Yanran had identified Han
Sen as a cheater because he did not dare to come to her.

"I did not have time," said Han Sen.

"Oh, save it please." Ji Yanran rolled her pretty eyes.

"Suit yourself, but I really did pay first for the juice." Han Sen did not bother
to explain.

"I grabbed it first, and I paid as well. Please come early next time." Ji Yanran
said with a smile.

Looking at Ji Yanran, Han Sen suddenly bowed his head, stretched out his tongue and
pretended to lick her hand on the bottle.

Ji Yanran screamed and cringed.

"Please come early next time." Han Sen grabbed the bottle, waved his hand at her
and walked away with a grin.
"What a shameless guy." Ji Yanran bit her lips and saw Han Sen taking the juice
away sullenly.

When she saw Han Sen go away to buy other things, she had an idea, so she took a
detour and approached him from another side. When he put the juice down to reach
for something else, she grabbed the bottle and turned away.

"Hey, how can you do that?" Han Sen was carrying his roommates snacks with both
hands and had to look at Ji Yanran who was already away.

"A tooth for a tooth." Ji Yanran stuck out her little pink tongue and made a face
before she happily walked away.

Chapter 141

"I did not expect that a cheater could actually be admitted to Blackhawk. Has the
school lowered its standards?" Ji Yanran thought as she walked and made no
connection between Han Sen and My-Girlfriend-Is-Ji-Yanran.

In her mind, Han Sen was a cheater and nowhere near a master.

Soon, Ji Yanran saw Han Sen was behind her, so she turned around and frowned at
him. "What do you want?"

"I'm going back to my dorm. You think Im following you?" Han Sen rolled his eyes.

"Which department are you in? Where is your dorm?" Ji Yanran refused to believe

"Archery Department, Building E10 Room 304." Han Sen smiled at her.

Ji Yanran paused, for Han Sen's dormitory was really this way. And the building
where Han Sen lived was right behind her building.

"Archery Department, no wonder you can be admitted to Blackhawk. Cheater in games

and cheater in the entrance exam," Ji Yanran said.

"Why are you treating your boyfriend like this?" said Han Sen helplessly.

"You can save that comment when you could beat me, cheater," Ji Yanran said.

"Piece of cake. I can do it now if you wish." Han Sen was a little annoyed by being
called a cheater.

"Want to cheat again?" Ji Yanran said with disdain.

Hansen was speechless. "You said I cheated, and refused to let me prove it to you.
What do you want?"

"If you really have what it takes, we could have a match on the professional
holographic training machine tomorrow," Ji Yanran said confidently.

"Well, give me your comlink number. I'll contact you tomorrow," Han Sen smiled and

Ji Yanran rolled her eyes, "Dont try to get my number. Tomorrow afternoon at three
o'clock, I will wait for you in Building E16 Room 138."
"Well, I will go. Wait to become my girlfriend." Han Sen laughed.

Ji Yanran did not talk to him again and walked away.

The next afternoon, when Han Sen was ready to go, Qin Xuan suddenly gave him an
order to go back to Steel Armor Shelter for an important task.

Han Sen had to give up the plan to meet Ji Yanran and teleported to Steel Armor

Although he would like to inform Ji Yanran, she did not tell him her number, so he
had no way to do it.

Ji Yanran went there at three o'clock and waited, but saw no one there. She was
even more convinced that he was a cheater.

Han Sen came back after two days, and there was still no way to contact Ji Yanran.
He did not worry about it too much and continued to study according to his own

"Everyone, I have something to say." Fatty cleared his throat and said, holding a
stack of paper in his hand.

"President, we can hear you," replied Shi as he was training on a holographic


Other people were also doing their own thing. Feeling helpless, Fatty said, "In a
few days, Starry Cup will begin and as a society of warframe, we must register for
some warframe items. Lets see which ones we should go for."

"You are the president. You decide," Lu Meng had nothing to contribute.

Zhang Yang was zealous, "Of course all of them."

"The number of our members would not even cover all the items." Wang Mengmeng
blinked her eyes and said.

"We are the Heavy Warframe Society, so we will fall short to the Warframe Society
in many items," Li Zhenzhen said.

Wang Chun added, "For the items in combat, we will not do well. And we havent even
practiced the five-on-five team combat and will be much worse than the Warframe

"That is challenging, but as long as we unite as one, we will be able to win."

Zhang Yang was full of self-confidence.

Fatty looked to Wang Mengmeng, "Which ones should we apply for?"

Wang Mengmeng looked at Han Sen who was reading, "Brother Han, what do you say?"

"That Starry Cup, what is in it for the champion?" Han Sen pondered and asked.

Skinny quickly said, "Of course. The prize depends on the item and all top 3 will
get something. Of course, the champions prize is the best. For example, all members
of the champion team of the five-on-five combat will gain a warframe of the
Starbeast series, which was worth more than a million each. The champion of the
single combat will win the lastest warframe of the King series, which has a value
of nearly ten million."

"There are prizes for the top 3 of all items. We should try our best. Even if we
dont win anything, it would be a great opportunity for us to practice," Fatty said.

"Lets register for all then." Han Sen heard there were so many awards paid by
Starry Group and decided to try.

"For real?" Fatty looked to Wang Mengmeng again.

"If Brother Han says so." Wang Mengmeng thought about it and asked, "It there any
overlaps between these items? Can one show up in all of them?"

Fatty checked the schedule and said, "There is no problem other than one item,
which is a single item, so one of us could go for that."

"Well then. Our president will take care of the registration." Wang Mengmeng said
with a smile.

"Mengmeng, will this work? Our society has so few people, and almost all of us are
freshmen. Would it look too bad if we lost in everything?" Li Zhenzhen said with
some concern.

"It does not matter. With Brother Han here, we will not lose." Wang Mengmeng had
blind trust in Han Sen.

Li Zhenzhen and Wang Chun cast an odd look to Han Sen. They could not tell what was
so special about this freshman that Wang worshiped him so much.

They had also asked Wang Mengmeng about it and Wang simply said she had known him
all her life and he had always been an impressive person.

But Li Zhenzhen and Wang Chun were quite skeptical about it, since they had not
seen any excellent performance from him.

And Han Sen had been practicing on heavy warframes instead of combat warframes
these days, so it would be unrealistic to say he would get any prize.

Chapter 142

Luo Xiangyang originally wanted to persuade Han Sen to join the Warframe Society,
but was delayed by something else. When he had finished his other business on this
day, he returned to school and immediately came to the Heavy Warframe Society.

When Luo Xiangyang arrived at the Heavy Warframe Society, the society members just
decided on their application in the upcoming Starry Cup.

"Han Sen," Luo Xiangyang walked into the 7th warehouse and called.

"Brother, you just came?" Han Sen got up and greeted Luo.

"Who is this man?" Li Zhenzhen felt puzzled and asked. Other people also looked at
Han Sen. Apparently, they did not know who he was either.

However, Fatty and Skinny were surprised because they knew who Luo Xiangyang wasthe
coach of Warframe Society, but they did not understand why Han Sen called him
"Isnt he a member here?" Han Sen hesitated. He never asked anyone about this and
assumed that Luo was a member student.

Hearing the words of Han Sen, Fatty and Skinny almost choked. Luo was a coach at
Warframe Society, how could he be a student?

Luo Xinyang smiled and patted Han Sen on the shoulder. "Han Sen, your warframe
operation skills are great. Are you interested in joining the Warframe Society? Oh,
I forgot to tell you that I am the coach at Warframe Society and I promise you will
be able to get the best training, use the best training equipment in school, and
get the best guidance."

Luo Xiangyangs words shocked everyone but Wang Mengmeng. They could not imagine
that a coach of Warframe Society would personally invite Han Sen to join them.

Warframe Society and Martial Arts Society were the two most popular societies. Many
talented students took the initiative to join them each year, and these two
societies never needed to recruit any members. Those who wanted to join even needed
to go through their selection.

These two societies carved up more than 60% of the talented students of Blackhawk.
Different from Heavy Warframe Society, they never lacked talents.

But then the dignified coach of Warframe Society even personally went to poach
someone from Heavy Warframe Society and made such a promise, which was quite

Fatty and Skinny had their mouths wide open but could not make a sound. They were
familiar with Luo, because the only reason they were here was that they had failed
to enter the Warframe Society in the first place.

They were surprised that someone that Luo Xiangyang would personally invite was in
their society.

"I am sorry Coach Luo, but I have joined the Heavy Warframe Society already," Han
Sen declined.

The reason Han Sen had promised to join Heavy Warframe Society was two-fold. First,
he did it for Wang Mengmeng. Second, he valued the freedom here. He could come and
go as he wanted and did not need to worry about anything. This way he could take
tasks as he wanted any time or go to Gods Sanctuary to hunt.

He would not quite like it if he had to practice on a warframe every single day.

Luo Xiangyang did not give up and continued to persuade him, "With your talent and
ability, it would be a waste if you stayed here. Give me two or three years and I
can get you into the top 3 in the entire Alliance. The championship is not
impossible either, which is exactly my goal."

The rest were dumbfounded and regarded Han Sen, since they had never seen anything
special about him that deserved these words from Luo.

"Sorry Coach Luo. I cannot take your offer," Han Sen once again refused.

"Do not rush to refuse. Think about it. If you become a champion in the warframe
contest in the Alliance during your study, your final rating will be a lot higher."
Luo Xiangyang added, "I will also try my best to give you the best rating possible.
When you figure it out, you can come to me at Warframe Society. I will always
welcome you to join."

After Luo Xiangyang left, the rest were still staring at Han Sen.

"Coach Luo offered you such conditions, and you actually refused him?" Fatty could
not believe what had happened and asked Han Sen, "Dont you know what higher final
rating means?"

"I certainly do," Han Sen said with a smile.

The higher the final rating, the bigger the chance to get a better position and
rank when one served.

"And you turned him down?" Li Zhenzhen said with a disbelieving look.

"If I wanted those extra points, I would not have chosen to join our society." Han
Sen shrugged.

His goal was his own perfect evolution, rather than a certain expertise. Although
he was interested in warframe operation, it was just a hobby. He would not put
everything in it or waste too much time on it.

If he could become a sacred-blood aristocrat, it would be much more useful than

getting the highest final rating, Level S.

In addition, he was confident that he would be rated Level S with or without any
extra points.

The rest looked at Han Sen as if he was an alien, not believing he had given up
such a great opportunity to get a better final rating.

His roommates were not too surprised. With Han Sens skill in Hand of God, he could
beat Li Yufeng by 20 points. Had he joined Hand of God Society, he could have
gotten the extra points a long time ago. Why would he wait for Luo Xiangyang to
invite him?

"I said that we would be great in the contest with Brother Han here. Now do you
believe me?" Wang Mengmeng said proudly.

Fatty thought of Starry Cup and became thrilled. With Han Sen, whom Luo Xiangyang
had invited personally in their society, maybe Heavy Warframe Society could get
somewhere this time.

Even if they could not win the championship, some third places were enough to give
them a reputation.

Obviously Fatty was still underestimating Han Sen. Had he known that Han Sen had
fought Luo Xiangyang for an hour without losing, he would have set his goal higher.

Han Sen was once again the last one to leave the 7th warehouse. He made a habitual
visit to the cafeteria and found the juices were all gone again. Then it chanced
that he saw Ji Yanran sitting there eating her meal.

Chapter 143

Ji Yanran had been preparing for Starry Cup recently as well and had spent long
hours practicing every day. She did not expect to see Han Sen here again.
She saw Han Sen and said nothing. Since he did not show up, it meant he had
admitted he was not good enough and she did not want to rub it in.

Han Sen sat across her and said, "Last time I was delayed by something else.
Without your number, I was not able to inform you, and I am so sorry about it."

"Why do men always have so many excuses?" Ji Yanran said.

Han Sen opened his mouth and felt it was hard to explain. He had failed to show up
indeed, so no explanation seemed good enough.

"Shall we have a match tomorrow?" Han Sen thought for a moment and decided he could
only prove himself with his ability.

"Forget it, I do not want to be played again." Ji Yanran had clearly identified Han
Sen as a cheater and did not intend to indulge him.

When Han Sen wanted to explain, a few students came to them. One of them saw Han
Sen and asked Ji Yanran, "Yanran, who is he?"

"A freshman, I dont know his name." Ji Yanran did not tell Li Yufeng about Han Sen,
afraid that Li might look for trouble.

Li Yufeng nodded and asked Han Sen, "Which department are you in?"

"Archery," replied Han Sen casually.

A thin man sat next to Han Sen, threw one arm around Hans shoulder and said while
squinting, "Brother, if you want to get yourself a girl, you need to be smarter.
Now this is our president. How dare you?"

"Anyone could chase after a pretty girl. Why cant I?" Han Sen seemed very naive.

The thin man grinned, put a spitball on the table, and took a cup to cover the
Taking two extra cups, he put them upside down and began to move the three cups
around so swiftly that it was bedazzling.

After a while, the thin man smiled and said to Han Sen, "If you can tell under
which cup the spitball is, you can go out with anyone you choose. If not, get lost
and do not show your face in front of our president again."

Ji Yanran did not stop the thin man, because she was interested to know Han Sens
reply. The thin man had a speed that was among the top 3 in the Hand of God
Society. It was not that easy to tell.

Han Sen looked at the thin man, and put his hand on a cup with a smile. The thin
man was overjoyed.

But Han Sen smiled and said, "There's nothing under this cup."

Then Han Sen lifted the cup and there was nothing underneath.

Han Sen put his hand on the next a cup, stroked it and said, "Not under this one

The cup was again lifted by Han Sen, and there was nothing on the table.
Han Sen placed a finger on the last cup and said with a smile, "No need to tell you
about this one."

The thin man and the rest were embarrassed and even Ji Yanran regarded Han Sen
curiously, not expecting him to be so good.

"You are lucky today. Do not let me see you again," snapped the thin man.

"You think this is finished?" Han Sen looked at the thin man, smiling. He was not
someone who would not fight back after being bullied.

"What do you want?" The thin man stared at Han Sen.

Without a word, Han Sen put the three cups upside down in front of him and covered
the spitball with one cup like the thin man, then quickly moved the three cups

Ji Yiran, Li Yufeng and the thin man all knew what Han was trying to do, but felt
he was trying to teach fish how to swim.

His speed was much lower than that of the thin man, so the latter even snorted.

Han Sen acted as if he had not heard it and continued to exchange the cups. Then he
sat up and looked at the group of people. "As you said, if you could guess right, I
dont care what you do. If not, then f*#k off and stay away from Ji Yanran."

The thin man sneered, reached out and was about to lift one of the cups. "You just
dont understand your limit, do you?"

Han Sen blocked the thin mans hand, and the latter stared at Han angrily, "What are
you doing?"

Han Sen looked at Li Yufeng, smiled and said, "I just want to know if you are sure
that you could represent everyone here? If not, please get me someone who could."

The thin man suddenly looked at Li Yufeng. Although he was sure, he did not know
whether he could represent Li Yufeng.

Li Yufeng said quietly, "Lift it."

Hearing Li Yufengs approval, the thin man was bathed in pride. He said to Han Sen
condescendingly, "Boy, I will now show you who the real master is. Its under this

The thin man lifted the cup in the middle up, full of self-confidence.

But after the cup was lifted, all were stunned, and the thin man looked dreadful.
There was nothing under that cup.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" The thin man widened his eyes and looked into the
cup he was holding. There was nothing.

Ji Yanran was also puzzled, as she thought that the spitball should be under the
middle cup. How could it disappear?

"In case you are not convinced, I will let you try one more time. Pick another
one," Han Sen pointed to the two cups left on the table, and said to Li Yufeng.

Li Yufeng snorted and put his hand on one cup. "There is nothing here."
Li Yufeng had learned Han Sens way. Since the spitball was not where it should be,
and there was no way they were all wrong about where it was, the only possibility
was that Han Sen used some method to hide the spitball. Therefore, the two cups
left should also be empty.

But when Li Yufeng lifted the cup, he paused, as the spitball was under that cup.

The thin man and the rest were stunned. If Han Sen simply took the spitball away,
they would not be surprised, because that was exactly what the thin man had done.
And there should be nothing under all three cups. However, the spitball was indeed
under a different cup, which appalled everyone.

Ji Yanran looked at Han Sen in surprise and did not know how he could have done

Chapter 144

"Now you can disappear, right?" said Han Sen while drinking water.

"Boy, dont be too arrogant..." exclaimed the thin man.

"Go," Li Yufeng stood up and said.

Watching the group going away, Han Sen was then able to focus on his food.

"How did you do that?" Ji Yanran looked and Han Sen curiously and asked. She
trusted her own judgment, and the spitball should be under the middle cup

What she did not understand was when Han Sen retrieved the spitball from the middle
cup and placed it in another cup. She did not see how he did it.

Han Sen just smiled at Ji Yanran and said faintly, "Its a secret."

"Big deal. You must have used some cheating method as well," Ji Yanran said,

"You show me how I cheated then," Han Sen blinked and said.

"I dont know how to cheat," Ji Yanran said, with her gaze on the three cups,
wanting to know how Han Sen did it.

"If you really want to know, I can tell you on one condition," he said.

"What do you want me to do?" Ji Yanran looked at Han Sen vigilantly.

"Since you are my girlfriend, shall we go to dinner and movie sometime?" Han Sen
suggested with a smile.

Ji Yanran stared at Han Sen and said, "Who is your girlfriend? If you say that
again, I wont be polite anymore."

"So, you do not want to know?" Han Sen was not the least scared by the ferocious
look on her sweet face.
Ji Yanran paused. She really wanted to know how Han Sen did it. The members of Hand
of God Society were always playing this game, the key factors of which were speed
and eyesight. If she could learn the method Han Sen had used, she would be
invincible in this game.

"Just a meal and movie?" Ji Yanran blinked and asked.

"Yes." Han Sen laughed.

"Well, thats fine. Now tell me how you did it?" Ji Yanran hesitated and said.

"In fact, it is very simple. As long as your hand is fast enough, you can do it
with some special gestures." Han Sen did not lie. He was simply using Sleeveblade.

But his hand was too fast and his movements too subtle, so Ji Yanran could not have
seen how he had managed to do it.

"If you wont tell me the truth then forget it." Ji Yanran refused to take Han Sens
word for it, as she did not believe that he was that fast.

"If you do not believe me then there is nothing I could do. Ive said all I could.
Dont forget about the dinner and movie tomorrow," Han Sen shrugged and said.

"I promised you dinner and movie, but did not say when. In a hundred years, liar!"
Ji Yanran spit out her tongue at him, chuckled and left.

Han Sen had intended to practice operating warframes before Starry Cup began.
However, Lin Beifeng told him excitedly that he had discovered a nest full of
mutant creatures, which Lin could not take care of alone and asked Han Sen to hunt
with him.

"Sen, hurry. Teleport now and we could split the mutant creatures fifty fifty." Lin
Beifeng did not dare to go alone and was reluctant to cooperate with any of the
gangs. If he did that, he might not even be able to get 30 percent.

After all, he only provided a location, and in accordance with the rules, if he did
not contribute anything else, all he could have was 30 percent.

"How long does it take?" Han Sen hesitated. The Starry Cup will begin in a few
days. He had promised Fatty that he would go. It was also his idea to apply for all
the items, so it would not make sense if he missed it.

"Its not far. Just in the southern mountains. With mounts, it would take us less
than a day." Lin Beifeng quickly said.

"Fine, wait for me at the gate of Steel Armor Shelter. I will be there." Han Sen
was very interested as he only had 52 mutant geno points and wished to gain more.

Han Sen used the school's teleport station to enter the shelter, and saw Lin
Beifeng walking around the gate in circles, looking very anxious.

"My brother, you finally come. Lets go now." Lin Beifeng grabbed Han Sen the moment
he saw Han.

The two summoned their mounts and marched into the southern mountains. Han Sen saw
that Lin Beifeng was still riding a primitive mount and laughed, "Lin, why are you
still riding a primitive mount?"

"Mutant mounts are very rare. I have been looking but no one was selling." Lin
looked at the mutant three-eyed beast Han Sen was riding admiringly.

"I have one. Are you interested?" Han Sen was ready to sell the mutant horned sand
fox mount since he had no use of it.

"You should have said so earlier. What kind of mount is it? Show me!" Lin quickly

Han Sen summoned the mutant horned sand fox. Lin fell in love with the strong white
fox and said, "Sen. I will take it. Name your price."

"Do you have S-Class license of Saint Hall?" Han Sen asked.

"Those are hard to come by. My family had some, but we have used them up," Lin said

"Alright, then I will take a larger share of the mutant creatures this time," Han
Sen pondered and said.

"No problem, but they all seemed to be the same type of creatures and it does not
do anything if you eat too many." Lin looked at Han puzzled, not understanding why
he would want so much of the same kind of meat.

"I'm not eating them myself, but feeding a pet." Han Sen summoned his golden rock
worm king.

"Feeding a pet with mutant meat How extravagant!" Lin saw the golden little worm in
Hans palm and asked, "It must be a mutant pet?"

"Guess again," Han Sen said with a smile.

Lin Beifeng suddenly widened his eyes. "This is a sacred-blood pet?"

"Why not?" Han Sen said.

"Wow, Sen, you are so awesome that even your pet is sacred-blood." Lin Benfeng
thought about it and said, "So I will take this mutant beast soul mount. No matter
how many mutant creatures we hunt, I will only take five and the rest are all

"Cool," Han Sen agreed right away.

What Lin Beifeng found was a large nest of mutant creatures and it would not be a
bad deal.

Chapter 145

When Lin Beifeng arrived at a crevice of the mountain, Han Sen was shocked.

A crevice was cracked into the mountain for either an earthquake or other reasons.
Many giant blue ants the size of mice were going in and out of the crevice. From
afar, they could only see an ocean of blue lights, so there should be at least one
or two hundred of them.

"Sen, these are the creatures. Their bodies are very hard, and there are too many
of them. When I just found them, I tried to wield my mutant beast soul knife at one
of them and was only able to leave a white mark on its shell."
Lin paused and then said, "Although they are small in size, they are very fast. In
shorter distances, their speed was about the same as our mutant beast soul mounts.
They couldnt keep that speed up though. After running for 100 feet, they will
become slow. And each of them can lift a stone of 300 pounds easily."

When Lin Beifeng was explaining, Han Sen examined the giant ants that looked like
they were made of blue crystal, and found that they were biting at the rocks and
making the crevice wider and wider.

The rocks were like chocolate in their mouth, and it was hard to tell the rocks
were hard just by watching.

"There are so many of them that the two of us would die there if we went inside,"
Han Sen said quietly.

"How should we hunt then?" Lin sounded anxious.

"It does not matter. I am an archer and we do not need to approach them." Han Sen
looked around to find a suitable location, and summoned his horn bow and mutant
black stinger arrow.

He then tied a high-tech load-bearing thread on the nock of his arrow. Although the
thread was as thin as a hair, it could withstand the weight of 100 pounds. A big
ant would be easy.

"Sen, is it too far from here? These creatures shells are very hard and even mutant
beast soul weapons could hardly hurt them." Lin Beifeng estimated that they were at
least half a mile from those ants, and even if the arrow was a mutant beast soul,
it probably still could not pierce their shells.

"If an archer could only shoot at the enemys armor, then he would not be considered
a competent archer," Han Sen said and aimed his arrow at the crevice.

"Not the armor? But these things are covered in shell and there is only a very
narrow gap in their joints..." Lin Beifeng said and saw the arrow had left the


Half a mile away, the arrow flew as fast as electricity and went deep into the gap
of a giant ants shell.

That blue ant was killed almost instantly, which amazed Lin.

"Mutant phantom ant killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten
mutant geno points randomly."

With the voice in Han Sens mind, he saw the phantom ants nearby were all alarmed
and looking around for traces of their enemy.

But after they covered the ground nearby, they found nothing and went back to the
crevice and started to consume the rocks.

Han Sen used the thread to pull back the arrow and the dead phantom ant. Soon he
made another shot and killed another ant.

Lin Beifeng admired Han Sen very much. From such a distance, Lin could not even
tell what the ants looked like, and yet Han Sen could hit the small gaps in their
shells each time. It was almost magical.
When Han Sen was hunting the ants, Lin Beifeng was treating their bodies. The ants
looked big but the edible part was only a piece of jelly-like meat the size of an

Lin Beifeng ate several and enjoyed the fun of mutant geno point growth.

But like any other creature, only the first few of the same kind worked. Lin
Beifeng had stopped after eating five ants. According to peoples general
experience, five was the limit. If one continued to eat the same type of meat after
the fifth creature, it might take a dozen creatures for one to gain another geno

The phantom ants killed by Han Sen afterwards were treated with salt by Lin. They
would then bake the meat dry so that it would be easier to carry and store.

Han Sen also ate five ants himself and heard the voice telling him about the growth
in his mutant geno points.

Han Sen's mutant geno points also rose from 52 points to 64 points. He had a
relatively high number of mutant geno points, so in the future, even when he ate
new meat, the effect would not be as good.

Han Sen summoned the golden rock worm king. The small worm almost devoured a
phantom ant instantaneously. And even the shell of the ant was crunched down by the

The worm king was not even as big as the ant, so Han Sen had no idea how it ate the
ant up. Having consumed a dozen phantom ants, the worm kings body swelled up and
became as big as a fist.

Han Sen told Lin not to treat the meat anymore and threw the ants bodies directly
at the worm king, which was still able to continue eating. After eating three dozen
ants, the worm king grew as big as the phantom ant and had no other change.

"A sacred-blood pet is indeed impressive. It at least has an Olympic-size

appetite." Lin Beifeng was already stunned. The worm king was basically eating

Han Sen was not distressed at all. He could not put large quantity of mutant meat
on the market anyway. So, he might as well feed it to his pet.

But Han Sen was not about to give it all the meat, as he needed to save some for

In front of Lin Beifeng, Han Sen could not summon Meowth. It was a beast soul pet
that Qin Xuan gave Dollar, so if he were to summon it, the secret might get out.

"Had I known that an archer could do so much, I should have learned archery." Lin
cast an envious look toward Han Sen, who was hunting casually.

"Its not like every archer can do this," Han Sen said with a smile. If he had not
practiced Jadeskin, without his sacred geno points, sacred-blood bow and mutant
arrow, there was no way he could hunt phantom ants like this. An average person
could not see the gaps in the ants bodies from such a distance at all.

Han Sen suddenly heard a different voice when he killed another phantom ant.

"Mutant phantom ant killed. Beast soul of mutant phantom ant gained. Eat its meat
to gain zero to ten mutant geno points randomly."

Chapter 146

Type of beast soul of mutant phantom ant: armor.

Han Sen summoned the mutant beast soul armor and was suddenly covered in blue
crystal. It had thorough protection like his black beetle armor and was even

Lin Beifeng was amazed. What a gorgeous suit of armor!

"If a woman wears it, it would be" Lin was very eager to ask for the phantom ant
armor, but did not know what to say.

He had just got a mutant beast soul mount from Han Sen and did not have the nerve
to ask for something else.

"Ahem, Sen, would you use this beast soul? If not, I can double no triple the price
of an ordinary mutant beast soul armor to buy it," asked Lin, obsessed with the
look of this suit of armor.

"I dont need money now, but I would trade it for an S-Class license." Han Sen
pondered and said. He did not really need this suit of armor, but could save it for
later. He could sell it as well, but not just for money.

"My brother, I really do not have any S-Class license. The military control is
strict. A-Class is fine but S-Class is really hard to get," Lin said bitterly.

"Isnt this beast soul hard to get?" Han Sen grinned and asked.

"Of course." Lin Beifeng frowned and thought for a moment, then said to Han, "Sen,
I dont have S-Class licenses, but do have one thing that you might like. When we
are back, I will show you and if you are interested, we could trade. If not, then
forget it."

"What is it?" Han Sen asked curiously.

"A super biological warframe," Lin replied.

"I know about biological warframes, but why super?" Han Sen asked.

Lin Beifeng said, "The ones we usually see are semi-biological semi-mechanical.
Although their appearance is almost like a creature, and they can complete many
difficult actions like human bodies, after all, there are manny limitations to

"Super biological warframe is the product of the latest technology in the warframe
industry. And it has not been sold in the Alliance yet. Now, only a few military
labs have several prototypes. Because the military needs the rare metal our company
produce, we have established a connection with the military. And this super
biological warframe was a prototype I managed to get from them. It is super cool."

"What is the difference?" Han Sen was very interested in the warframe.

"This super biological warframe is perfect except that it could not be used in Gods
Sanctuary. An ordinary warframe must be at least 12 to 18 feet tall, not to mention
the heavy warframes. Hence you could not bring them with you."
"A super biological warframe is different. It has adopted a particle restructure
technology. I dont know for sure. But it can fit in a suitcase and once its open,
countless small particles of intelligence will wrap your body up to form a super
biological warframe. Mine is a prototype and does not have a weapon system. It is a
little more than 12 feet tall and very powerful, much better than the King series
of Starry Group..." Lin Beifeng said passionately.

"It can fit into a suitcase?" Han Sen gestured the size and was very tempted.

"You can have a look later. I am sure you will like it," said Lin.

"OK, we will see," said Han Sen.

Lin Beifeng was filled with joy. He could always have another warframe, but had
never seen a beast soul like this ever since he entered Gods Sanctuary. It was so
gorgeous that even sacred-blood armor was not its match in appearance.

While talking to Lin, Han Sen was seeking opportunities to shoot the phantom ants
at the same time. There were less and less phantom ants left in the crevice.
However, the golden rock worm king was eating very fast.

Han Sen had hunted hundreds of phantom ants, and most of them fell into the stomach
of the golden rock worm king. It was never full and was constantly growing.

When the phantom ants were almost all gone, the body of the worm king had become
the size of a pillow and its shell grew as hard as solid gold.

"Will it become as big as the original golden rock worm king?" Han Sen was full of

Because he had been feeding Meowth, he had read a lot about beast soul pets, which
might the only type of beast soul that could fight on their own.

Beast soul mounts needed to be controlled by riders and could not attack creatures
themselves, so their main function was still transportation.

However, beast soul pets were different. Once they transformed, they would have the
ability to hunt and fight, which was what made them important and unique.

That was the reason why Han Sen was willing to pay such a big effort to feed Meowth
and golden rock worm king, although it had seemed a difficult task so far--not even
Meowth had transformed.

Han Sen felt something wrong when he was thinking about his pets. With a glance, he
saw a phantom ant the size of a pony climbing out of the crevice.

But the crevice was a bit narrow, and its body was stuck there. Using its sharp
claws to break the rocks and gnawing at the rocks as if they were tofu, the ant was
about to be able to come out.

Han Sen suddenly understood why the mutant phantom ants had been eating the rocks.
It was not because they enjoyed the taste, but because they were trying to widen
the crevice to allow this giant ant to pass.

"S*#t! It cant be a sacred-blood phantom ant, can it?" Lin Beifeng also saw it and
exclaimed with his eyes wide.
Chapter 147

Han Sen drew the string of the horn bow to the fullest and aimed his black stinger
arrow at the giant phantom ant. He paused for a second before shooting the arrow.


The black stinger arrow hit the ant in the head and fell, leaving nothing on its

"S*#t! So hard. Its absolutely a sacred-blood creature," shouted Lin Beifeng.

In the blink of an eye, the giant phantom ant had come out of the crevice and
rushed toward Han Sen and Lin Beifeng faster than a cheetah.

Han Sen took back the black stinger arrow, drew the string one more time and shot
the arrow at the giant phantom ant.


The arrow once again ended up hitting its head and did nothing, while the ant had
rushed forward more than six hundred feet in that moment.

"You go first." Han Sen once again summoned the black stinger arrow and shot it at
the ant.

"Lets go together. The gap on its shell is so narrow that no arrow could fit in
there!" Lin cried.

"I know what Im doing. Go!" When Han Sen once again pulled the string, the
formidable merely half a mile from them.

Lin Beifeng saw that Han Sen did not want to leave and had to go first. Lin knew
his limit. He could not even withstand one blow from this giant ant and would
become a burden of Han Sens if he stayed.

Lin was constantly looking back as he ran, worried about Han Sens safety.

Han Sen soon shot two more arrows, which were equally useless, while the giant
phantom ant was only less than 600 feet from him. Lin Beifengs heart was in his

Han Sen was as stable as a rock. Suddenly, he had a suit of fiery red armor on his
body and a ruby crown on his head. Even his hair turned blonde.

His scarlet eyes staring at the giant phantom ant, Han Sen paused.

Almost instantaneously, that giant phantom ant was less than nine feet from him.
Throwing itself at Han Sen, the giant phantom ant waved its saw-like claws at his

Lin Beifengs heart raced. He saw Han Sen suddenly took a step, which was incredibly
fast. Han moved forward instead of backward and stayed very close to the giant
phantom ant. He finally shot the arrow.


The distance between them was so short and Han Sens arrow directly went into the
giant phantom ants mouth. The entire arrow disappeared there and the giant phantom
ant made a painful hissing sound.

Han Sen took another step away from the giant phantom ant that was going on a

The giant phantom ant went after him at an incredible speed, making it impossible
for Han Sen to pull away from it. When it was about to get him, Han Sen again
stepped aside and perfectly dodged its deadly blow.

Watching from afar, Lin Beifeng was very nervous. The giant phantom ant was so fast
that Han Sen was treading upon sharp knives. Once mistake and he would be dead.

But this fight also made Lins blood hot, giving him the urge to go back and fight
with Han Sen side by side.

Checking the speed of the giant phantom ant, Lin Beifeng gave up this stupid
thought as once he went back, he would become an appetizer for the ant.

Lin Beifeng felt Han Sens movements were odd after he looked for a while. although
Han was not as fast as the giant phantom ant, he could always avoid its fatal
blows. The steps he made in those critical moments were incredibly fast.

Obviously, it was not luck, but a certain footwork Han Sen was practicing. Even so,
Lins heart was still racing when seeing signs of danger everywhere.

Han Sen had practiced Sparticle for just a short amount of time, so his
acceleration could not last more than one step. He must wait for a while before he
made his second step.

And that was enough for Han Sen. As long as he could avoid the fatal attacks from
the giant phantom ant, he still had time to seek opportunities.

The seemingly dangerous situation had become quite predictable for Han Sen since he
had shapeshifted into the fairy queen. The movements of the giant phantom ant did
not look too swift to him. And he had enough time to react. If it werent for the
fact that his speed was not as good as his reflexes, he would not even need

While dodging the attacks from the giant phantom ant, Han Sen was seeking
opportunities to shoot his arrows. He had but one goal, which was the mouth of this

The ants shell was too hard and it did not even matter when the arrow hit the gap.
He could only shoot the arrow directly inside its body.


Another arrow disappeared in its mouth, making the giant phantom ant roll around on
the ground in pain. Han Sen took the chance to pull away from it.

When the giant phantom ant again threw itself at him, he had already pulled the
string again.


Between his steps, Han Sen shot another arrow into the ants mouth.

Lin Beifeng who was watching from afar was dumbfounded. It was the first time he
had seen an archer like him. Han Sen was shooting the arrow from all kinds of weird
angles without so much as a pause, and all his arrows hit the target. Han Sens
achievement should be attributed to his opponent at the contest, Lei Ban, who
showed Han what a real archer should do. Shooting while moving was the key. Since
then, Han Sen began to consciously train himself. Coupled with the training from
Yang Manli and what he had learned at Blackhawk, Han Sen became very good at this.

But compared to Lei Ban, his accuracy was still lower. His fitness level and hyper
geno arts made up for it though.

The giant phantom ant slowed down after taking six hits. Han Sen knew the toxins
from his arrow were working. Although it was not fatal, the giant phantom ant was
losing its strength.

Hit the iron when it is hot. Han Sen would never give up an opportunity like this
and was looking for a chance to shoot his next arrow.

This giant phantom ant was not nearly as intelligent as the sacred-blood fox king.
When it was injured badly already, it still did not have the sense to retreat.

Chapter 148

"Sacred-blood phantom ant killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood phantom ant gained.
Eat its meat to gain zero to ten sacred geno points randomly."

The sacred-blood phantom ant finally collapsed in front of Han Sen. Hearing the
voice in his mind, Han Sen just wanted to laugh out loud. Another sacred-blood
beast soul, and it was an armor as good as his black beetle armor.

"Sen, awesome. Is it a sacred-blood creature?" Lin Beifeng trotted back and asked
Han Sen.

"It sure is," Han Sen said with a smile.

"Sen, did you gain its beast soul?" Lin stared at Han Sen and asked.

"Yep." Han Sen did not lie. Since Lin had seen the mutant beast soul armor, he
would recognize the sacred-blood version. There was no need to deny it.

"A sacred-blood beast soul! Honestly, did you sleep with Lady Luck?" Lin grabbed
Han Sens shoulder and shook him violently.

But Lin did not try to purchase the sacred-blood beast soul and meat. After Lin
calmed down, Han Sen smiled and said to him, "Lin, I also need the sacred-blood
beast soul and meat badly, so I cant share. You can take more meat of the mutant
ants if you want."

Lin Beifeng rolled his eyes at Han Sen. "What do I need that for? Sell them? Do I
look poor to you?"

"Maybe you can take it back to see if you could trade it for a mutant beast soul."
Han Sen laughed.

Lin Beifeng said, "After I saw the mutant phantom ant beast soul armor, I dont want
any other mutant beast soul now. Im not necessarily able to trade it for a beast
soul, even if I am, I am simply not in the mood."

Lin stared at Han Sen and said, "I dont want anything else. But if you want to sell
that sacred-blood phantom ant armor, you must come to me first."
Lin Beifeng had considered this thoroughly. Han Sen would enter Second Gods
Sanctuary soon and by that time, he still had the opportunity to get the sacred-
blood phantom ant armor.

"OK, this I promise you. If I want to sell it, I will ask you first," agreed Hen
Sen readily.

"Its a deal." Lin reached out his hand and wanted to pinky swear.

"This is too childish, right?" Han Sen was embarrassed.

"I do not care." Lin entwined his little finger with Hans, while murmuring,
"Whoever breaks the promise will have ten wives and no penis."

"S*#! That is devious." Han Sen quickly got rid of Lins finger.

"Thats what it takes." Lin laughed.

Then the two cleaned up the rest of the mutant phantom ants, which were about 500
in total. Most of them ended up in the worm kings belly, which was probably

Han Sen dried and saved 100 phantom ants as Meowths food. And all the rest was fed
to the worm king.

In addition to the five he ate, Lin Beifeng was not the least interested in the
mutant meat. Han Sen asked him to take some back, but he declined. Lin repeatedly
begged Han Sen to inform him immediately once Han Sen wanted to sell the sacred-
blood phantom ant armor.

Han Sen assured Lin that he would do that.

Lin Beifeng watched Han Sen ate a whole pot of sacred-blood phantom ant stew and
drank the liquid up, feeling upset.

Another five sacred geno points gained. Han Sen had a staggering 45 sacred geno
points, almost half of the max. And Han Sen had only entered First Gods Sanctuary
about a year ago.

To comfort Lin Beifeng, Han Sen gave him the mutant phantom ant armor first. So as
soon as Lin was back in Steel Armor Shelter, he immediately brought the warframe he
was talking about to Han Sen.

Sure enough, it was just a silver alloy box the size of a suitcase. Although heavy,
it was still hard for one to imagine that it contained a warframe more than 12 feet

In Gods Sanctuary, there was no way to test this warframe, but Han Sen believed
that Lin Beifeng would not deceive him for a mutant beast soul. Hence, he left Gods
Sanctuary with the case.

It was night when Han Sen teleported back to school. He paused and went to the 7th
warehouse with the super biological warframe.
The warehouse was empty. Han Sen opened the case the way Lin Beifeng taught him.

A light beam was projected from the case and scanned Han Sens body. "Scan
completed. Analysis completed. Super biological warframe Silver Killer unlocked."
The moment the case was opened, liquid like mercury mixed with colorful particles
flowed out of the case. The entire case then became part of the liquid and flowed
toward Han Sen. Soon, he was covered in that liquid.

That feeling was hard to describe. It was like the Ironman putting his armor on,
but a bit different in that all the parts were constructed by the particles.

Soon a silver humanoid warframe more than 12 feet tall appeared where Han Sen was
standing and Han Sen was sitting in a tight cockpit.

Han Sen could only praise the great power of science and technology. A small case
of less than one hundred pounds could become such a huge warframe. And its weight
was also matching the tonnage of a regular warframe.

"Unfortunately, human science and technology are completely useless in Gods

Sanctuary. Or else human would have dominated Gods Sanctuary already, and all the
creatures would have been wiped out." Han Sen sighed.

In fact, the reason why Han Sen had this idea was that he was still in First Gods
Sanctuary. If he evolved and went to the higher phases, he would change his mind.

Han Sen tried to drive the Silver Killer, which was indeed powerful as Lin Beifeng
said. Such a small warframe was actually more powerful than a heavy one like
Builder, and of course much more flexible.

As long as the operational level was there, Silver Killer could perform all the
movements a person could.

Like Lin Beifeng had said, except for the lack of weapon system, Silver Killer was

Of course, the more difficult the operation, the greater the burden on ones body.
Most people would have a hard time controlling their own bodies on a rollercoaster.
So, to operate a warframe at a high speed was not something anyone could to.

"After all, it was only a prototype from the military laboratory, so it was
impossible to equip it with a weapon system. Or else they would not give it to
Lin." Han Sen was content. Although there was no weapons system, Han Sen could
install some individual weapons himself, such as laser sword, laser gun and
particle gun.

In short, Han Sen was more than satisfied with Silver Killer. If it was not for Lin
Beifeng, he could never have a warframe like this for a mutant beast soul.

Chapter 149

Perhaps it was arranged by fate, Huaxing Station had designated Fang Mingquan to
host the live broadcast of Starry Cup in Blackhawk Division.

"Contest Center" was, after all, only a temporary show and went off the air soon
after the contest. It will resume until the contest next year.

Since Fang Minquan had no shows to host at this point, he chose to host the live
broadcast of Starry Cup in Blackhawk Division when asked to choose his next show.

Fang Mingquan and Han Sen seemed to have been brought together by fate once again.

But Fang Mingquan did not know that Dollar was a student at Blackhawk.
At the moment, Fang was quite distressed because he did not know which items he
should cover.

Because there were many items, some of them were arranged at the same time. As he
had brought limited manpower, he had to pick and choose which ones to cover.

"Liu, what were the traditionally strong items of Blackhawk?" Fang Mingquan asked
his assistant while checking some data.

Liu did some searching on his smart device and quickly replied, "Blackhawks
strongest item is mens singles in martial arts. In last years Starry Cup, they got
the third place in the final of the entire Alliance. The student who won is still
studying here. His name is Ouyang Xiaosan, and he has also signed up this year."

"Any other strong item?" Fang Mingquan asked.

"Not much. Their Warframe Society and Hand of God Society had good performance,
which was not that outstanding across the Alliance. They were both top 20 to top
10." Liu looked at the data and said with a smile, "But it is interesting that with
a terrible record in archery, Blackhawk had recruited lots of students specialized
in archery this year. I believe they will do much better than in previous years."

"Archery?" Fang Mingquan slightly frowned. Archery was, after all, an unpopular
game. The popular ones in the Alliance were mainly related to aircraft, warframe or
combat. Archery was quite peripheral, because most people were even more willing
to see a game of firearm.

"Anchor, the only highlight in Blackhawk will be martial arts. We should cover
Ouyang Xiaosans games and throw in some warframe and Hand of God matches in
between," suggested Liu.

"Still two days until the games start. We can decide after learning more about
Blackhawk." Fang Mingquan looked at the time. "Its late. Lets call it a day. We
have been working all night. Some snacks now would be a good idea."

Fang Mingquan and Liu left the room assigned to them by the school and went to a

It was midnight. The cafeteria was almost empty and food was still being sold at
the smart machines.

Fang Mingquan looked inside the hall, and only one student was sitting in the
corner, eating. Fang then took the food they just bought and sat opposite the

"Fellow, you are eating so late," Sitting opposite the student, Fang Mingquan said
with a smile.

Fang believed that the student would recognize himself, because judging from his
age, the student must be in First Gods Sanctuary and should have watched Contest
Center, of which Fang was the host.

Han Sen looked up and did not recognize Fang. He had read and appreciated "A King
Marches in Loneliness" written by him, but he had no time to watch Contest center.
That was why he had heard of Fang Mingquan, but had never seen his face, and thus
could not have recognized him.

"Because I just finished training and felt a bit hungry." Han Sen looked at Fang
Mingquan and Liu, wondering who they were, as they were a bit too old to be

Fang Mingquan was a little disappointed that Han Sen did not recognize him, but
soon let it go. He asked casually while eating, "What is your name? And which
department are you from?"

"Han Sen, Archery Department," Han Sen answered simply.

"Archery Department!" Fang Mingquan and Liu were surprised that they had met a
specially enrolled student the first day they had arrived.

Fang Mingquan looked Han Sen up and down. "So you are from the Department of
Archery. Have you applied for Starry Cup? Which items in archery did you sign up

"None in archery." Han Sen smiled.

"What did you sign up for then?" Liu could not help but asked.

"Warframe," Han Sen said.

"So you are in the Warframe Society?" Liu asked.

"No, I'm in the Heavy Warframe Society." Han Sen laughed.

Liu knew what the Heavy Warframe Society was about since he had graduated from a
military school as well. That society was most likely full of people who were just
wasting their time.

Fang Mingquan said with a smile, "Heavy Warframe Society is also a society of
warframe. Sen, you must be great at that then. Which items did you sign up for?"

"I have enrolled in all the items, with one exception due to a time conflict," Han
Sen thought about it and said.

Liu was even more convinced that Han Sen was a dawdler. Although there were many
warframe items, the differences between them were huge. Most people would focus on
one to two items to strive for the best results possible.

"So, what kind of performance can we expect from you?" Fang Mingquan asked with a

"I will try to get championship in all the items I have signed up for," Han Sen
casually replied.

Liu almost choked on his drink when hearing his reply. After coughing for a while,
Liu cast an odd gaze at Han, "Fellow, I think you should sign up for more items
then, such as Hand of God. The more championships the better, right?"

"Hand of God is boring." Han Sen did not care about the irony in Lius words.

"Why?" Fang Mingquan was quite curious.

"Because all the opponents are too weak," said Han Sen casually.

Liu regarded Han Sen, unable to believe what he had heard. Liu felt that students
nowadays were so arrogant that they would say anything just to impress others.
Chapter 150

Liu had checked Blackhawks record in Hand of God, which was quite impressive. And
Li Yufeng, among others, was in the top 50 in the Alliance.

However, he had never heard of Han Sen. From the data he had collected, Han Sen was
not even in the Hand of God Society.

Liu looked at Han Sen and ridiculed, "So, you must be much stronger than Li Yufeng
at Hand of God?"

"Not much, but I could beat him by 20 points," Han Sen said.

Liu thought this student was not making any sense at all and gave up talking to

Fang Mingquan, on the other hand, was intrigued by Han Sen. He said with a smile,
"Its great that young people have confidence. When is your game? We will go cheer
for you."

"I have not got the schedule yet, but I will be at almost all the warframe matches.
You could come at any time." Han Sen swallowed the last bit of his food, stood up
and said, "Please take your time. I will go back to rest now."

After Han Sen had walked away, Liu said, "The youth nowadays are really spoiled. He
was just talking through his hat."

"I think it is a good thing. He has signed up for everything, which is much better
than nothing," Fang Mingquan commented with a smile.

But Fang Mingquan did not take Han Sens words seriously. Archery Department had low
entrance requirements to begin with, so students in that department were generally
lacking in fitness. As a freshman from Archery Department and member of the
infamous Heavy Warframe Society, Han Sen was not likely to be the champion of any
warframe item.

Han Sen left the cafeteria and walked toward his dormitory. By chance, he saw Ji
Yanran, who was also walking back to her dormitory.

"Hey!" Han Sen walked up quickly to greet her, since she was his girlfriend,

Ji Yanran saw Han Sen and glanced at him sharply. Then she suddenly had an idea and
put on a smile. "You always wanted to prove that you did not cheat. So, you must
have signed up for Hand of God in Starry Cup?"

Han Sen sighed, "I was going to register for Hand of God, but the members of my
society have all signed up for warframe items, so it seems that there is no chance
for me to prove myself."

"Save it." Ji Yanran despised Han Sen, believing that he simply did not dare to
participate in Hand of God games.

"You are my girlfriend, so do you want to come and see my games?" Han Sen smiled
and asked her.

"Enough with the nonsense," Ji Yanran said. "Which warframe items did you sign up
"All of them, with one exception because of a time conflict."

"Why? You think this is like casting a net, the wider the better?" Ji Yanran was
slightly curious.

"For the prizes. There are nearly ten items under the warframe category, which was
the biggest of all. I could get several first places and easily earn ten million,"
Han Sen told the truth. He entered purely to get the rewards.

"Several first places? I dont think you could even make top 10, let alone top 3,"
Ji Yanran questioned him.

"You are underestimating me again," Han Sen said helplessly.

"Thats called analyzing, not underestimating," Ji Yanran said with a smile.

"Thats fine. Since you think I cannot get any prize, then shall we make a bet?"
proposed Han Sen.

"You want to cheat again?" Ji Yanran felt a bit uncertain when it came to Han Sen,
since she still had not figured out how he had beaten the thin man and Li Yufeng in
the cup game.

Li Yufeng was equally clueless when he thought about it afterwards.

"Missy, this is a school-wide game. What can I possibly do?" Han Sen really did not
know why she had this stubborn impression of him being a cheater. For heavens sake,
he had never cheated in front of Ji Yanran.

Ji Yanran suggested, "OK. Im down. You just said you will take several first places
in warframe items. I do not want to embarrass you, so if you can get five first
places in those items, consider yourself winning the bet."

"What do I get if I win?" Han Sen grinned and asked.

"If you can be the champion in five items, then you will be able to prove yourself,
and I will keep my promise to be your girlfriend," Ji Yanran said with a smile, not
believing he could get a single championship.

"Not fair." Han Sen shook his head again and again.

"How so?" Ji Yanran was a bit annoyed.

"You are already my girlfriend, so the stake means nothing to me. You will have to
kiss me if you lose, on the mouth, not cheeks." Han Sen then added, "It also must
be completed within one day after the end of the game. The penalty for any delay is
one kiss per extra day."

Ji Yanran was about to lose her temper before she suddenly smiled. "Alright. But if
you are not champion in five items, then I will have to punish you as well. Do you

"Any punishment you like. I will win anyway," said Han Sen confidently.

"Do not be so arrogant yet. We have to sign a contract, in case you deny it
afterwards." Ji Yanran did not have pen or paper, so she said, "Come with me. We
will print the contract out and both sign."
Ji Yanran led Han Sen to a self-service terminal and printed out two copies of the
contract. She showed them to Han Sen. "Check if you agree with everything stated
here. If you do, then sign it please."

Han Sen picked up the contract and carefully read it. It was a legally binding
document and he was afraid she might set him up.

Fortunately, Ji Yanran did not think she would lose at all, so the contract was
fair. If he lost, he just had to teach her how to do his trick in the cup game and
make sure she can do it as well. Also, he would need to promise that he would never
show up and talk to her without her permission.

After reading the contract, Han Sen hesitated because he was not sure if he could
teach Sleeveblade to others, as it was from Gamblers family, and he could not leak
it without his approval.

Ji Yanran saw Han Sens hesitation and thought he got cold feet. She pouted and
said, "You are scared now? Where did your arrogance go?"

Chapter 151

"I cannot agree on this term. Can we use a different one?" Han Sen said frankly.

Although he was sure that he would not lose, but he would not bet with what
belonged to others. It was a matter of principle.

"I know you will act this way." Ji Yanran looked like she had guessed this would
happen. She said with disdain, "Well, its fine if you do not teach me, but you will
have to show me how it is done until I dont want to watch anymore. Deal?"

Han Sen pondered and thought that should be fine.

Ji Yanran provoked him, "Are you a man or not? You are so fussy."

"Right away." Han Sen signed both copies of the contract and scanned them with his
comlink to approve with his personal code, which was key to the signature. None
could imitate a signature since it was linked to ones comlink number and personal

Ji Yanran was delighted and thought Han Sen was provoked to sign. She quickly did
the same.

"This one is yours. I will check on your matches later. Dont be a dead beat." Ji
Yanran proudly waved her copy of the contract.

"That's exactly what I wanted to say," Han Sen said with a smile.

The next morning, Fang Mingquan and his team started to prepare for the live
broadcast. The main game to cover was Ouyang Xiaosans martial art game, followed by
warframe and Hand of God games.

Fang Mingquan took some time to browse the Blackhawk online community, for he
believed that it was the best way to know the school better.

Soon Fang was attracted to one of the topics--many people were discussing who Ji
Yanrans boyfriend was.
As someone working in media, Fang Mingquan had heard of the name Ji Yanran, and
knew that she was the president of Hand of God Society and campus belle. However,
she was not a star and who her boyfriend was did not catch his attention originally
as it would not be interesting to the viewers.

But Fang Mingquan still read that through, and was shocked and enraptured by what
he had read.

Ji Yanrans boyfriend had beaten Li Yufeng by 20 points in Hand of God. Such

unexpected news thrilled Fang.

He was just worried that the live might be lackluster. If they simply showed Ouyang
Xiaosans game, their ratings could not be great.

And Fang had smelled something that had the potential to go viral about this topic
of Ji Yanran's boyfriend.

"Liu, come and see this," called Fang Mingquan.

Liu read the title with some doubts, wondering why Fang would show him campus
gossip, which seemed to be of little use to their show.

But after Liu read the entire discussion, he opened his mouth wide and said after a
long while, "That is impossible. Someone who could beat Li Yifeng by 20 points
would be in the top 10 of the whole Alliance. How is it possible that we never knew
of such a person?"

"There were many witnesses, so it could not be fake. You can browse and see what
others say," said Fang Mingquan.

Xiao Liu read some more and became more and more excited, "Fang, we should focus
our live on the game of Hand of God. If we could get this master player on camera,
our show will be a hit."

"Liu, you remember what the name of that student we met last night was?" Fang
Mingquan suddenly asked.

"No. Why did you mention him?" Liu was puzzled.

"Dont you remember what he had said? He said he could easily beat Li Yufeng by 20
points," Fang Ming recalled.

"You think that student is Ji Yanrans boyfriend? That is unlikely. He is a freshman

in the Archery Department, and a member of Heavy Warframe Society. All he signed up
for was warframe items. How could he be Ji Yanrans boyfriend? If he is that good at
Hand of God, why didnt he sign up for that?" Liu could not believe that Han Sen was
Ji Yanran's boyfriend.

"Thats what makes things interesting." Fang Mingquan smiled. "He did enroll in most
of the warframe items. Go move our equipment now. We will cover all the warframe

"Fang, since we cannot be sure that he is Ji Yanrans boyfriend, isnt this too
risky? And even if he is Ji Yanrans boyfriend and is great at Hand of God, it
doesnt mean he would do well in warframe as well." Liu was worried.

"There are enough media covering Ouyangs game, so it doesnt matter if we do it as

well. Just do as I just told you," Fang Mingquan said firmly.
Although he cannot be sure that Han Sen was Ji Yanran's boyfriend, Fang felt Han
Sen was an interesting person. If he is not the strongest player, he will
definitely be the most eye-catching one.

Fang Mingquan preferred taking the risk to following the crowd. It could turn out
to be great. If not, there would not be too much loss.

Although Liu did not agree with Fang Mingquan's idea, and did not believe that Han
Sen could be Ji Yanran's boyfriend, he had to follow Fang Mingquans instructions.

Their media peers saw Huaxing Station removing the installed equipment and felt
odd. When they asked if Huaxing was going after something big and found out Huaxing
was going to cover the warframe items, they simply laughed.

Blackhawk was just okay in warframe items. They would sooner broadcast the Hand of
God games, as there were at least the beauty Ji Yanran and the master Li Yufeng.

Huaxing Station had finally installed all their equipment at the site of the
warframe games. They had to work overtime for that. Fang Mingquan continued to
browse the campus online community.

Although there were a lot of equipment in the warframe game site, they were mostly
just backups of other media in case they wanted to say something about the warframe
items during the breaks of Ouyangs game.

Huaxing Station was the only one that had their full set of equipment at the
warframe game site, since martial arts were Blackhawks strong suit.

Chapter 152

On the day of the game, Han Sen drove Silver Killer out of the 7th warehouse,
because it was allowed to use ones own warframe in the warframe items.

After all, all players were skilled in different types of warframes, and it was
impossible to ask everyone to drive the same type.

For those who did not have their own warframe, the contest committee would even
provide their warframes. Since Starry Group was the sponsor, the warframes provided
were not bad, normally worth one million to several millions.

But many students were still using their own. Generally speaking, the advanced
players would all bring the warframes they used every day. This way, they would be
more familiar with the functions and parameters and able to eliminate errors.

The advanced players from the Warframe Society all had their own warframes, some of
which were even worth a dozen million.

"Sen, I did not know you are rich! This warframe is gorgeous!" Shi stared at Silver

Among the Heavy Warframe Society members, Fatty, Skinny, Lu Meng and Wang Mengmeng
all had their own warframes in addition to Han Sen.

Wang Mengmeng's was the most high-end one. Lu Meng's also looked quite expensive.

But when it came to the appearance, Silver Killer was the winner. The streamline
shape and exquisite craftsmanship was simply beyond any mass-produced products. It
was a true limited edition, and the only one in the laboratory.

All prototypes would be different as the design concept and technology changed. And
Silver Killer was especially unique.

"It is just an ordinary warframe, and doesnt even have a weapon system," Han Sen
told the truth about the only flaw of Silver Killer.

"With a weapon system, it would not look so fine," Lu Meng said.

The Heavy Warframe Society members went toward the match venue.

Silver Killer caught a lot of attention, but more people were attracted by Wang
Mengmeng's warframe. Some people even shouted out, "Destroyer, someone is driving a
Destroyer. Who is this player? Which master in the Warframe Society is it?"

More and more people were noticing the warframe Wang Mengmeng was driving.
Destroyer had been discontinued a few years ago. As a classic luxury model, many
warframe lovers took pride in owning a Destroyer. And it was so incredible to see
it in the school-wide match.

Although the performance of Destroyer was just as good as the current ones, its
value as a collective was over a hundred million. Who would drive it to a match!

Outside the venue, more and more people were paying attention to Destroyer, and
many were inquiring about who the driver was.

Later, they were stunned by what they learned. The person driving Destroyer was not
one of the advanced player in the Warframe Society, but a Heavy Warframe Society
member. And they also learned that the driver was a girl in freshman year and her
fellow society members were almost all freshmen.

"Heavy Warframe Society is in the match? Shouldnt they go participate in some

moving contest?"

"Do not say that. There is at least warframe in their name."

"It's a pity. Such a great warframe. It is the Destroyer!"


Naturally no one was optimistic about the Heavy Warframe Societys performance.
After all, no matter how good a warframe was, the key was the player.

On the other hand, Fang Mingquan had started the live and focused the camera on the
Heavy Warframe Society members. The holographic footage was being uploaded to the
Skynet simultaneously. Many loyal fans had been waiting in front of their screens
already. Most of them did not care too much about the content, but who the host

With Fangs reputation, the live started with several hundred thousand viewers.

"Wow, Destroyer! Starry Cup has some class," Many people could not help but praise
when recognizing the Destroyer in the holographic image.

"Hello friends. This is your host Fang Mingquan. From today, I will be covering
Starry Cup - Blackhawk Division for you. I will broadcast the warframe items
The viewers who knew something about Starry Cup started to leave comments.

"Fang, why dont you broadcast Ouyang Xiaosans martial arts match?"

"Why warframes? Blackhawk is just so-so in warframe items. Is there something shady
going on here?"

"Fang must be marginalized in the station."


Fang Mingquan saw these comments and smiled. "Thank you, friends, for your concern.
The reason I chose to broadcast live all the warframe matches is that I think this
year there will be a most valuable player from Blackhawk who will be a star in the
entire Alliance. So, this show will focus on all his matches. In addition, this
player is in all the items of warframe except for one due to a time conflict. Let
us wait and see his performance."

"Really? A star in the entire Alliance?"

"Last time he happened to be right and now he is trying his luck again. Nonsense. I
graduated from Blackhawk and that school is lucky to be in the top 20 in warframe
in the Alliance."

"Fang must be talking about the driver of the Destroyer?"

"Ha-ha, excited to see what will happen."

"Fang is so creative with his live show."

"Love you, Fang Mingquan."


Both the believers and nonbelievers gazed at the Destroyer.

"I will tell you something about this player briefly. He is a freshman in Blackhawk
and majors in archery. As a member of the school's Heavy Warframe Society..."
His introduction left the audience confused. Freshman, archery and Heavy Warframe
Society seemed to have nothing to do with a most valuable player.

"Fang Mingquan must be crazy," thought Wang Changqing who was also watching this
live show.

Chapter 153

In Blackhawk Military Academy, many students were also watching the live show
hosted by Fang Mingquan. No one could be in all the match venues at the same time,
so some students in other venues were watching warframe games through Fangs

But most of them watched because of the fame of Fang Mingquan. Military school
students were mostly in First Gods Sanctuary and all knew of Fang.

Ji Yanran was in the match venue of Hand of God, also watching warframe games
through Fang Mingquans live show.

"Fang Mingquan is so dramatic. A star? Our school does not have anyone like that,"
Qu Lili protested.

Ji Yanran smiled. "Journalists are all like that, and Fang Mingquan is no

Ji Yanran then started to search Han Sen's figure in the frame, but Fang Mingquans
introduction caught her attention.

"Freshman, archery, Heavy Warframe Society these all seem to fit that cheating guy.
Fang couldnt be talking about him?" Ji Yanran felt a little uneasy.

But she did not find Han Sen in the image since she did not know which warframe Han
Sen was in. And her gaze fell on the Destroyer like the rest.

With the intense discussion of the audience, the first match in warframe items had
begun. It was the most straightforward 30,000-feet ring race.

All the warframes were at the starting point, awaiting the order to start.

Everyone thought Fang Mingquans introduction was about the driver of the Destroyer.
Ji Yanran also watched the Destroyer with her heart racing.

A whistle sounded, and under the crowd's watch, the Destroyer took the first step
with the rest and all were waiting to see its performance.

But in the next moment, the Destroyer which was only one step away from the
starting point fell to the ground with a thump. A strange silence fell on the

"This is what Fang Mingquan calls MVP?"

"Is this supposed to be funny?"

"Ha-ha, hilarious!"

"Fang Mingquan, you should do standup comedy instead."

"It was a Destroyer!"


Ji Yanran could hardly believe her eyes. She had seen bad players, but not this
bad. Tripping at the start point in a race. It was difficult to imagine that
someone like this would dare to come to the competition.

"Ha-ha, this is what Fang Mingquan called a star! A star indeed, but a comedy
star." Qu Lili laughed herself into a state of helplessness.

But suddenly they heard the smart machine announcing the results, "Warframe ring
race, first place, No. 69, Han Sen from Archery Department and Heavy Warframe
Society; second place... "

Everyone was shocked and found a gorgeous silver warframe standing on the finish
line. When they were laughing at the funny Destroyer driver, the game had ended.
And the champion was someone fitted Fang Mingquans description.

Ji Yanran was also a little dumbfounded. She had clearly heard Han Sen was the
champion of the Warframe ring race.
The Starry Cup covered a wide range of schools, and within the Blackhawk Division,
the games were rather straightforward. The ring race, for example, did not involve
any pre-finals.

"S*#t! So the driver of that silver warframe was whom Fang was talking about. I
know that Fang would not joke like that."

"How did he win just now? I didnt even look."

"I do not know. I was just laughing too hard."

"Ha-ha, they are both in Heavy Warframe Society and are so different."

"This live is so interesting. Fang makes much better shows than others."

"Fang is the best host."

"Who is the driver of the silver warframe?"


Fang Mingquan clenched his fist and was so excited that he almost called out. Han
Sen was even better than he had thought. It seemed that he had made the right bet

Everyone watched the silver warframe walking on the podium and raising the trophy
and prize for the ring race champion.

The advanced players from the Warframe Society were rather mad. They thought that
the only reason Han Sen could beat them was the performance of his warframe.

Looking at the Heavy Warframe Society cheering, some members in the Warframe
Society sneered, "Lying back on his warframe isnt worth bragging about. We will see
how he does in the items that test operational skills."

"Yes, the next one is hurdle race, and we will kill it."


Luo Xiangyang gazed at his students in silence. He did not mention Han Sen to them
on purpose, to humble them so that they would focus more on improving their skills
than bragging about themselves.

Soon the hurdle race began, which took place on the same ring, only with many
obstacles. The players had to keep the speed while avoid the obstacles, which
called for more than a strong engine.

When Silver Killer stood on the starting point again, all eyes were focused on it,
and Fang Mingquans live was gaining popularity.

More and more people had heard about Fang Mingquan's prediction and wanted to see
for themselves the person Fang Ming had called a star in the alliance.

Ji Yanran was gazing nervously at the Silver Killer in the holographic image. She
was a little scared because she could not imagine what she should do if Han Sen
really got five championships.

The players from the Warframe Society vowed to show Han Sen their strength this
As the whistle sounded, all the warframes took off like arrows leaving the string,
and that silver figure was obviously faster than the others by a body-length,
pulling away from them.

"So fast!" Qu Lili could not help exclaiming.

"At this speed, he had no time to avoid the first obstacle wall." Ji Yanran
slightly frowned. Han Sens silver warframe was too powerful that it was now within
30 feet from the first obstacle wall. He had no time to run around the wall with
such speed and distance.

Chapter 154

The Warframe Society members were overjoyed to see this. They were slowing their
warframes down to bypass the obstacle wall, while Han Sen could not do that at the
speed he was going.

"What a fool! Doesnt matter if his warframe is good," thought the Warframe Society
members contemptuously.


The silver warframe in leading position knocked out the obstacle wall and kept
rushing forward at the same speed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One wall after another was crushed by Silver Killer. Foot-thick concrete walls were
like bubbles under the impact created by the silver warframe.

The viewers of the live show were in an uproar.

"S*#t! Is this a foul? Can you do it this way?"

"There is no provision that prohibits this either."

"That warframe's performance was so incredible that it could withstand such

collisions and maintain the speed at the same time."

"Ha-ha, this is a man's way of driving!"


"This is not even a fair game. Its more like a test of warframe performance."

"Other players are almost bursting into tears. It is even faster than others after
knocking out a wall. I dont recognize this warframe. Whose product is it?"

"What kind of warframe is that? I want one."

"Boring. You think you can bully people if you are rich? This game does not make
any sense, its only fair if they all use the same type of warframe."

"I did not see a star, only a rich bastard."

"Fang Mingquan actually supports such a person. Is he the same Fang Mingquan I used
to know?"
"What are you talking about? Winning is winning. The warframe performance is a part
of a warframe game. What is your problem?"

"Right. When you fight the Shuras, would you go off your warframes if they dont use


Han Sens approach caused a lot of controversy, while Ji Yanran was even more upset
by his crushing wall after wall.

"He is a cheater indeed. With such a warframe, it is highly likely that he will win
five championships." Ji Yanran regretted so much that she had signed a contract
with this guy.

She could not believe that this guy had a way to cheat in an official match.

In the end, Silver Killer was the first to cross the finish line again and became
the champion at the hurdle race. The Warframe Society members were shooting fiery
gazes at him.

Due to Han Sen's highly controversial win, many students who were watching other
games came to the warframe match venue.

Even the most popular martial arts games started to lose audience to the warframe

People at the news stations were confused to see students abandoning even Ouyang
Xiaosans match.

When they learned from a few students what had happened, it was too late to move
their equipment around. They had to use simple equipment to do the report of the
warframe game, which was not comparable to Fang Mingquans show.

On the Skynet, more and more people were watching Fangs live show. The number of
the viewers had reached a million and continued to grow.

Although a million people were nothing compared to the entire Alliance, for the
game in one division, this number was quite impressive.

After all, most people interested in Starry Cup would rather focus their attention
on the schools that were potential champions. Despite the fact that Blackhawk was a
famous school, it did not have one item that was outstanding. Therefore not many
people would choose to watch this division.

Many people watched because it was Fang Mingquan who was doing the live show. Other
stations that focused on Blackhawk Division had even less viewers, ten thousand

Fang Mingquans live show was also quickly gaining momentum. The viewers came for
Fangs fame, but became more and more interested in Han Sen and Silver Killer later.

Han Sen beat all his opponents in one item after another, relying on the excellent
performance of Silver Killer. When people believed that it was only because of the
warframe that he won, they had ignored the importance of his operation.

Even in warframe shooting, Han Sen was using a mounted manual weapon system and
achieved high accuracy, which was also considered to be one of the virtues of
Silver Killer.

Everyone thought it was the performance of Silver Killer that led to Han Sens
success and started to discuss which company had produced it. Other discussions
were focused on whether such a victory was meaningless. Most people ignored the
driver of Silver Killer.

Ji Yanran's face darkened when seeing Han Sen winning again and again. Each time he
won, she felt as if she was punched in the chest. When Han Sen won his fifth
championship, she was about to cry.

The thought of having to kiss that brat, which would also be her first kiss, made
Ji Yanran feel hopeless.

"Whats the matter? You look pale," asked Qu Lili, concerned.

"I am fine." Ji Yanran continued to watch the game, absent-minded.

Han Sen kept winning, which made Ji more and more upset. She was distracted when it
was her turn to compete in Hand of God and only got the 13th place in the end,
worse than her performance last year.
The thought of kissing that bastard made her uneasy.

Han Sens winning streak was unstoppable. He had won all the games he was in,
counting eight championships out of nine now. The Warframe Society won the only
item he did not participate in.

There were now only two items left. One was single warframe combat, and the other
was group warframe combat. The Warframe Society members could not wait to hit Han
Sen hard in these two items, because they needed to vent after being sullen from
the previous matches.

Chapter 155

Different from other warframe games, single warframe combat and group warframe
combat were both realized via the virtual simulation to avoid casualties and
warframe damages.

After all, it was not a real war, and the players were only military school
students, so they would not be asked to fight like real soldiers.

In a virtual combat, the data of their warframes would be scanned and virtual
warframes would be generated. The operation was also the same as that in reality.

As the sponsor of the game, Starry Group suddenly changed the game rules.

Luo Xiangyang put both hands on the table in anger, stared at Zhao Nengtian,
Director of Starry Cup, and asked, "Why did you change the rules of single warframe
combat? This is not fair for most of the players."

Zhao Nengtian looked calm and sipped from a cup of hot tea before he put on a fake
smile. "The change itself is to maintain fairness. Coach Luo, you think it is fair
for other players to compete with a warframe of such performance?"

"There is nothing unfair here. The weak will get be beaten. It is the same
everywhere. Since it is a single warframe combat, it is supposed to be one on one.
How can you change the rules so wantonly?" Luo Xiangyang said angrily.
"Coach Luo, this is not a random change, but a responsible one. No need to speak
further. As the sponsor, we have the right to make the most reasonable changes to
the rules of the game. In addition, such a change would actually benefit your
society," Zhao Nengtian said impatiently.

"The Warframe Society does not need such an unfair advantage. We want to win using
our own strength," Luo Xiangyang gritted his teeth and said.

"Does not matter. The rules are set, and if you are not satisfied with the rules,
you can quit," Zhao said coldly.

Luo Xiangyang was mad, but helpless at the same time. He could not ask his society
to step down just because of his anger. And technically speaking, Starry Groups
change would benefit the Warframe Society indeed.

The single warframe combat was changed to a melee. All players would be sent to the
same scene, and whoever survived in the end would become the champion.

Luo Xiangyang knew well that all the players had a problem with the Silver Killer
driven by Han Sen. This rule was basically allowing all the players to gang up on
Han Sen and the Heavy Warframe Society members. Even if Han Sen was outstanding, he
would not be able to withstand the attack from hundreds of warframes. He was

Starry Group did not do that to help the Warframe Society, but because of Han Sen
and Silver Killers excellence in Starry Cup. After all, Silver Killer was not one
of their products.

Before knowing which company made Silver Killer, Starry Group would not tolerate a
warframe that was not one of their own products to appear and stand out in the

That was why Starry Group had changed the rulesto eliminate Han Sen and Silver

Luo Xiangyang was extremely angry about this. He wanted his students to beat Han
Sen, but not in such a way. This would bring his society shame instead of glory.
People would probably even speculate that they were behind this change and consider
them sore losers.

When the changed rules were announced, there was suddenly an uproar. Not only the
Blackhawk students, but also viewers on the Skynet were debating.

"This rule is clear targeting Silver Killers driver."

"Can they change the rules just like this?"

"Ha-ha, it should have been done a long time ago. He is a bully with a good
warframe. Now its time for others to revenge."

"Starry Group is really shameless. They even changed the rules."

"So shameless and petty."

"My condolences to the driver of Silver Killer. Im waiting to see him being torn
into pieces."

"Heavy Warframe Society members will be miserable."

"This will be a good show."

"Silver Killer is doomed. A great warframe wasted. I wanted to see how far it could

Fang Mingquan was also upset at this time. He did not imagine that Starry Group
would be so shameless that they changed a one-on-one combat to a melee.
But Fang Mingquan also knew that a corporation like Starry Group was not something
he could confront. He had to say in the live show, "Because of the change of the
rules, Han Sen and his Silver Killer will be stuck in reverse. I do not know what
the sponsor of the Starry Cup was thinking, but this is undoubtedly an unfair
fight. I can only hope that Han Sen could fulfill his potential and thrive. The
result does not matter at this point."

"Agreed. Starry Group is disgusting."

"More than disgusting, it's rubbish."

"Starry Group has always been rubbish."


But no matter how the audience protested, the game still started in accordance with
the new rules.

"This change is very unfair to that archery student!" Qu Lili could not help but

Although Ji Yanran was unhappy to see the championships Han Sen had won, she felt
that this temporary change of rules was too much.

"Not just him, the whole Heavy Warframe Society will suffer. They will be regarded
as the first target to attack," Ji Yanran frowned and said.

The students and viewers originally displeased by Han Sens dependence on a high-
performance warframe suddenly adopted a sympathetic attitude. Only a few were

After all, most people were kind and sympathized with the weak, and Starry Group
had really gone too far.

In any case, the game began. All the participants used a holographic simulator to
scan their own warframes and generated their own virtual warframes, ready to fight
in the virtual world.

But when everyone saw the game map, they could not help but call the sponsor
shameless. The map turned out to be a large fighting ring--a huge circular space
without any shelters.

In other words, Han Sen and Silver Killer would be exposed to attacks from the very
beginning and did not even have any room to dodge or hide.

"Damn, Starry Group are a bunch of motherf*#kers. They are not leaving these guys
any chances to survive." Curses of the unfair treatment filled the comments of the
live show, as most people were very sympathetic to Han Sen.

Chapter 156
"Sen, they will tear us apart." Feeling the wolfish gazes from other players, Shi
Zhikang felt upset. He was sure that they would be besieged, because those guys
simply hated Han Sen and Silver Killer too much to let go of such a good

"What is there to be afraid of? We will show Starry Group the power of Room 304,"
Zhang Yang exclaimed in excitement.

"Not Room 304, but Heavy Warframe Society," Li Zhenzhen corrected him.

"But we are so few. How could we survive the attacks from all the other players on
campus?" Fatty looked rather sad. It was rare that the Heavy Warframe Society had a
chance to shine, which would end very soon.

"One society against the entire school. Even if we lose, we should still feel
honored." Wang Mengmeng said seriously.

"Yes, even if we lose, we will give them a hard time," Skinny also said excitedly.
"Blindness cannot solve any problems," Lu Meng calmly said. "Starry Group was
stupid to have chosen this map. They think that now Sen could not dodge or hide,
but they have forgotten that we are against students instead of an army. Maybe the
Warframe Society members have better disciplines, but the rest of them have no
experience in group fight. In such a narrow space, we have more opportunities."

"Lu, tell us what plan you have," Shi urged him anxiously.

"At that time, they will certainly place us in the same spot, so there has to be
sacrifices. However, if some of us could manage to march into the crowd, they will
become our best cover." Lu Meng said confidently, "Among us, Sen, Zhang Yang and I
have the best skills, so the rest of you should cover us to get to the crows. I
made a diagram and we should all have a look. Fatty and Skinny will come with us
and sacrifice themselves when necessary. The three girls are responsible for
covering the team by firing..."

"Great. Lets do this and kill those sons of bitches out there." Skinny cried after
looking at Lu Meng's diagram.

"No problem, this is our chance to shine. We will go as far as possible and none
would dare to look down on Heavy Warframe Society," Fatty gritted his teeth and

"Brother Han, rest assured that I will cover you," Wang Mengmeng said.

"Dont, Mengmeng. Please do not try to cover Sen. Just avoid firing on us," Shi
quickly said. He was worried about Wang Mengmengs operational skills. She was like
a kid and completely wasted such a good warframe as Destroyer.

"Ha-ha..." Others laughed.

"Well, Mengmeng, you will be the one responsible for covering me. Dont mind other
things," Han Sen said with a smile.

"A brother is a brother... much better than the rest of you," Wang Mengmeng said

At the start of the fight, in the virtual scene, all players were sent from the
surrounding channels. And the sponsor, Starry Group, did what Lu Meng said they
would dosending the Heavy Warframe Society members in the same spot in order for
the rest to besiege them.
The moment they appeared in the ring, Han Sen, Lu Meng, Zhang Yang, Fatty and
Skinny drove their warframes at full speed and rushed to the crowd.

Wang Mengmeng, Wang Chun and Li Zhenzhen were firing at them at the same time to
cover the five warframes leading the team.

What Lu Meng said was right. The opponents were not a well-trained army after all.
Seeing the five coming over, everyones first reaction was to fire at them, which
made a complete mess.

Because the venue is a ring with limited space, crossfire would easily cause
accidental injuries.

Han Sen and his people spread out, firing while approaching the other warframes,
which was not easy to achieve under such intense assault.

Han Sens eyes were burning. Sitting in the holographic simulation machine, he
summoned fairy queen and shapeshifted.

Immediately, the holographic images seemed to have slowed down. Everything can be
calculated now.

Han Sen quickly made dazzling movements with his hands, making Silver Killer move
like a ghost. Holding one particle submachine gun in each hand and carrying two
laser swords on his back, Han Sen marched forward without pauses while shooting

At Blackhawk, most of the teachers and students were watching this game, and Fang
Mingquan now had over 10 million viewers and was getting more.

"Ha-ha, Heavy Warframe Society took the initiative to attack."

"It seems they have not given up."

"Come on, annihilate the rest!"

"It's so exciting!"

Fang Mingquan was constantly adjusting all the lens to present the viewers with the
best angles.

"They want to go inside the crowd, which is a very smart approach. Because their
opponents are not professional soldiers, they can use the melee to their
advantage." Those who knew tactics understood what the Heavy Warframe Society was
trying to accomplish.

"Please let them go deep!" Some people were praying for the Heavy Warframe Society.

"Go!" More people were simply excited. No matter who won, all they wanted to see
was a good fight.

In the monitoring room of the sponsor, Zhao Nengtian sneered, "With so few people,
they could never beat hundreds of warframes."

"Director, you are so wise. That guy is dead," His secretary Zhang said with a
flattering smile.
Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sounds of explosion were ringing on the site and it was a total chaos.

Wang Mengmeng made Destroyer stand still and fired away toward the direction of
Silver Killer.

"S*#t! That Destroyer must be operated by a spy. It will kill Silver Killer first
before anything else."

"Ha-ha, we have a traitor here."

"The Destroyer is such a clown!"

When the viewers were amused by the performance of the Destroyer, their faces
suddenly froze.

Silver Killer was moving like a phantom. As if it had eyes on its back as well, it
managed to dodge all the attacks from the Destroyer like it was rehearsed

Since the opponents vision was first blocked by Silver Killer, they had failed to
see the Destroyers attacks. When they saw, it was too late.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As Silver Killer moved past them, several warframes exploded under the fierce
assault, leaving all the viewers stunned.

Chapter 157

The gorgeous killing feast had just begun.

Silver Killer was moving quickly with the powerful Destroyer behind it. The crazy
killing made one warframe after another explode. People were almost trembling
watching the fragments of warframes sent in the air by gunfire.

Scattered attacks were aiming at Silver Killer, which seemed to be able to predict
and avoid all the trajectory of the gunfire. It not only avoided all the attacks,
but was also rapidly approaching the warframe crowd.

"Fire! Do not let him approach."

"Damn! Do not fire. Are you all stupid?"

"Everyone, follow my command."

"Kill that bastard."

"Didnt you hear me say follow my command?"


Using the fairy queen, Han Sen could see all the warframes and the movements of
their guns. With the strong horsepower of Silver Killer and Han Sens excellent
operation, he managed to avoid all the attacks.

No. Rather, Han Sen was deliberately leading the opponents to attack where he

If the opponents was a real army and there was a real commander, Han Sen and
Silver Killer would have been killed a million times.

But luckily, they were but a group of students who had no real experience at war.
In addition, they did not come from the same society and many never even worked
together before.


Destroyer was finally finished off. Wang Mengmeng's level of operation was really
bad. All she could do was to stand the Destroyer still and use its automatic firing

But that was enough for Han Sen. When the Destroyer was wrecked, Han Sen was
already less than 30 feet away from his opponents.


The particle submachine gun ejected bullets, which penetrated and disabled a
warframe. Then Silver Killer waltzed away from the intense gunfire and accelerated
into the crowd.

The real killing officially started.

Silver Killer was like an excellent hunter in the forest, hunting the other
warframes as it wished.


With each of the gun shot, one warframe would be disabled or hit in the engine.

Like a devil, Silver Killer was harvesting the lives of the warframes.

"Do not let him run!"

"Damn, who hit me? Do not shoot if you dont know how."

"Are you all idiots? Mover over."

"You are the idiot. Are you blind?"

"I asked you to follow my command!"

"Those bastards are unreliable. Lets go near him and get it over with."

"Yes. Go!"


Silver Killers killed like Satin and moved like a ghost. The other warframes were
moving in a clumsy way like heavy warframes in comparison.

People who were watching the game were dumbfounded. The stadium was quiet, as they
were shocked how incredible Silver Killer was acting.

It was a killing machine in its true sense. Each of its bullets could hit the vital
part with unbelievable accuracy. It was breathtaking to see someone capable of
destroying one warframe with each shot while backing off and avoiding all the

The Skynet viewers were also silent. There were few comments. Only Fang Mingquans
voice was non-stop.

"Silver Killer... again..."

"Beautiful shooting... beautiful movement..."

"Impeccable... impeccable operation and tactics... This is the star in the

Alliance... I dont have words for his gorgeous operation..."


"This is a wonderful performance... Han Sen and his Silver Killer showed us how a
warframe can be operated..."

"In the next few years, Blackhawk will occupy an important position in the Military
Academy League Game, just because there is this one person. With him, Blackhawk
will be the undisputed champion!"


A warframe finally approached Silver Killer, which suddenly threw the submachine
gun in the air and drew a laser sword from its back, cutting the offending warframe
in half. The it still had time to put the sword back and catch the gun, shooting
another approaching warframe in the energy tank.

"My God, this guy must be an alien," Fang Mingquan roared excitedly, using all his
enthusiasm and strength. This was his job, his favorite job.

"F*#king A!"

"Who said Silver Killer was the only reason for his victory. He is a master

"Ha-ha, what a victory! Starry Group will be humiliated. They tried to set him up
and still failed."

"A star in the Military Academy League Game!"

"Wow! Is it a warframe veteran playing actually?"

"No way! The players are all sitting inside the holographic simulation machine."

"Really cool! I want to see the sponsors expressions."

"Silver Killer is a very high-end warframe. Ordinary warframes could not go like
that. Their power and flexibility could not reach this level."

"I also want to know where to buy Silver Killer."

The Skynet was exploding. Fang Mingquans live was being watched by more than 30
million people. Many people who were watching other divisions games also switched
to this show after hearing about this match.

"Wow, you are sure this is not an official commercial of that warframe?"
"So hot!"

"That is the Silver Killer! Awesome."

At this time, in the monitoring room, Zhao Nengtiam was sizzling with anger. His
fingers were squeezing his tea cup so hard that they became pale.

"Bastard! Useless crap!" Zhao Nengtian smashed the cup in wrath, his body shaking.

Chapter 158

Ji Yanran looked blankly at the silver figure in the holographic image, unable to
link it to that smiling guy.

"Is it really him who is driving Silver Killer?" Ji Yanran was reluctant to accept
this fact. How could that guy who joked around all day with her have such
incredible operational skills at warframe?

"Judging from his performance now, his hands must be very fast. So when we were in
that spaceship, he did not cheat? That was what he could actually achieve?" Ji
Yanran suddenly thought of it, her body slightly shaking.

Then her face was flushed on the thought of another matter. She could not help but
thought, "If he really has the skills... then, My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran would be
him... "

Ji Yanran was more and more convinced of her guess. With that kind of speed and ID
name, who else could it be?

"That bastard, how dare him lie to me!" Ji Yanran felt embarrassed. On a second
thought, she suddenly found that she was the one who took him for a cheater, while
he was always trying to explain. Han Sen had never lied to her.

He even told her who he was via the ID name, My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran. this ID is
not already told Ji Yannan who is he? But Ji Yanran had never made that connect.

Thinking of Han Sen and that ID, Ji Yanran blushed a little more. On the thought of
the bet they made, her face was burning.

"Bad, bad, bad." Ji Yanran covered her face with both hands and cried in a meek

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Qu Lili was stunned by Ji, because she had never seen this
girl acting this way.

People next to them were also shocked by Ji Yanrans bashful look.

Ji Yanran then realized she was still at the venue of the Hand of God games,
surrounded by the members of Hand of God Society. She was mortified and wished that
she could become invisible.

"It's a great victory. Let's remember these two names, Silver Killer and its driver
Han Sen. Maybe we're witnessing the rise of another king in the Military Academy
League. He is creating history... "Fang Mingquans passionate voice marked the end
of an extraordinary single warframe combat.

Remaining on the field were only two warframes, Han Sens Silver Killer and Lu Mengs
Victor. All the other warframes had exploded.
Lu Meng quit the game and left the ring to Silver Killer, which had just ended its
frenzy. More than three or four hundred warframes were blown off by it.

When the Silver Killer stepped on the podium and accepted the trophy, thunderous
applause lasted a long time. In any case, this was a memorable game.

The two names, Silver Killer and Han Sen, were also imprinted on all viewers minds.

The group warframe combat did not even begin. After the single combat, all other
players were crushed psychologically and thus conceded in the beginning. The team
of the Heavy Warframe Society won the championship by default.

After the end of the game, a lot of people were still too excited to leave, talking
about the crazy game. One hour after Fang Mingquans live show had ended, the number
of people watching his program even increased.

More and more people were hoping to see Fang Mingquans recording of the game.

Although other news stations had also recorded this game, their equipment there was
not good enough and the quality of their recordings was poor.

Fang Mingquan did not waste a minute before he asked all the staff to edit the
footage as fast as they could.

Silver Killer was the center of attention in the edited recording, except in the
beginning when it was covered by the Destroyer.

Silver Killers movements were so perfect that the staff did not want to give up any
frames. So, the final version was more than 30 minutes.

Fang Mingquan named the video himself before uploading: "Best Division Single
Warframe Combat ChampionSilver Killer and Its Gorgeous Conquer."

The moment the video was uploaded, it was downloaded and spread at an incredible

All the people who had watched it could feel nothing but satisfactory.

They were impressed by the silver warframe that moved like ghost and its violent
gunshots. Everyone enjoyed the pleasure of seeing its incredible accuracy and swift

People even became addicted and watched it over and over again.

"This is a true warframe!"

"Have watched a dozen times. I cant stop now."

"A gorgeous killing feast."

"Which company made this? I want one so much."

"Same here. I need this warframe in my life."

"I want to buy ten of this."

"Do not just look at the warframe. The driver is the key. He is definitely beyond
the unevolved level. I bet that you can count the top players like him in the whole
Military Academy League with one hand."

"Ha-ha, and he is in the Archery Department and Heavy Warframe Society. The
Warframe Society must feel humiliated."

"Funny to think that an archery student is the champion of a warframe game."

"I heard that the Archery Department of Blackhawk was on the bottom of Military
Academy League in the previous year."

"I wonder how his archery skills are."

"Of course he is good at archery--he is in the Archery Department."

"He has way too nice skin to drive in such a brutal style."

"I barely saw him miss."

"He is an archery student. How is his accuracy even worth discussing?"

The video went viral all over the Alliance quickly. Students from all military
schools had seen the video and made a variety of analyses of it.

Most of their conclusion was that Silver Killer and its driver had gone beyond the
level of ordinary military school students.

Chapter 159

More people wanted to know where to buy a warframe like Silver Killer. They had
searched the Skynet for all products available, but found nothing like it.

Many people had guessed that it was custom-made, but still have no idea which
company had produced it, as there was no imprint on Silver Killer.

At the same time, in a military factory, Liu Changming said to Professor Tang,
"Come and look at this." Tang Mingxiu was an authoritative figure in the warframe
industry and specialized in biological warframe. The super biological warframes
that they were preparing to launch was a product developed by Tangs team.

After Tang Mingxiu sat down, Liu Changming played a video showing Han Sen and
Silver Killers gamethe version edited by Fang Mingquan.

Tang Mingxiu was slightly surprised and said, "This is the T9 prototype from our
lab. Its driver must be an evolver player?"

"Good eye, Professor Tang! It is the T9 prototype, but its driver is a freshman at
Blackhawk, 17 years old and unevolved," Liu Changming said with a smile.

"A military school freshman?" Tang Mingxiu was stunned, and carefully looked at the
video again. He could not believe an unevolved person can reach this level.

"Professor Tang, the video you see right now is a single warframe combat, which had
aroused great attention among all major military schools. Now almost all the
military school students know about Silver Killer, which is our T9 prototype. "Liu
Changming said with a smile.

"You want to take advantage of this opportunity to launch T10?" Tang Mingxiu
immediately understood what Liu Changming was going for.

"I think this student is fit to be T10s spokesperson to help us promote T10, and
T10s appearance needs some changes to imitate T9. Professor Tang, what do you think
of this idea?" Liu Changming explained his proposal.

"Im okay with it, but he is just a military school student. Can he really be the
spokesperson of T10?" Tang Mingxi wondered.

Liu Changming laughed. "I have done a detailed investigation of him, and it chances
that he is a member of the special squad."

"He is a special squad member?" Tang Mingxiu was surprised again, because it was
very rare that someone Han Sens age could join the special squad.

"Yes. You remember Qin Xuan from House Qin? She was the one who recommended Han
Sen." Liu Changming smiled.

"That girl! She is still in First Gods Sanctuary?" Tang Mingxiu nodded. He had a
great impression of Qin Xuan.

"She should evolve and go to Second Gods Sanctuary very soon," Liu Changming

Tang Mingxiu nodded and said, "Since he is recommended by that girl, he should be
able to endorse T10."

"Since you agree with me on this, then I will go ahead and execute the plan." Liu
Changming was quite excited.

Although T10 is a latest type of biological warframe, it fell short in performance

and other aspects compared to T9. After all, T9 was a military prototype, whereas
T10 was a model for civil use.

Han Sen did not know there was a good thing waiting to happen. At this moment, he
was humming a little song on the way to a date.

After celebrating the entire night with his roommates, Han Sen texted Ji Yanran and
got a reply from her unexpectedly. Ji asked him to meet at the cafeteria near their
dorms, the one that had the fruit juice that they both enjoyed.

Ready to be kissed by this beauty, Han Sen felt full of energy and power walked to
the cafeteria.

It was after two o'clock in the morning. There was only a curvy figure in the
entire cafeteria.

Han Sen sat down opposite Ji Yannan and said with a smile, "Well done. You are
keeping your promise this time."

She blushed a little and remained quiet. Biting her pink lip, she regarded Han Sen
with her charming eyes for as long as ten minutes.

As thick-skinned as Han Sen, he was shy after being looked at for so long. He said,
"I know I am very handsome, but if you keep gazing at me like this, I might get the
wrong idea."

"What wrong idea?" Ji Yanran finally spoke.

"Wrong idea that you want to make a pass at me." Han Sen blinked, looking abashed.

Ji Yanran blushed more and stared at Han Sen. "You wish!"

"I'm afraid you would wish that." Han Sen looked scared.

Ji Yannan snapped, "Stop the nonsense, or I will leave."

"Do not go. You still owe me the kiss." Han Sen shamelessly stuck his face in front
of Ji Yanran and pouted. "Here, on the lips."

Ji Yanran was very shy and flicked him on the forehead. "If you keep doing that, I
will leave for real."

"Im just trying to claim what is mine," Hansen rubbed his forehead and said

"I can kiss you... but you have to answer a few questions first." Ji Yanran looked
at Han Sen and asked. She had been wondering about some things.

"If I can answer them, I will. But if I cant, you cannot refuse to kiss me." Han
Sen was determined.

"I know." She had never blushed so much in her life.

"On the spaceship, did you or did you not cheat in the game?" Ji Yanran stayed calm
and asked.

"I've told you a lot of times. I have not cheated." Hansen spread out his hands.

"Did you have an account on the Battlenet?" Ji asked again.

"Yes," replied Han Sen.

"What is your ID?" Ji Yanran hesitated and asked anxiously.

"My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran," Han Sen answered directly.

Ji Yanrans face was burning. She cried, "How can you use such an ID?"

"I was just stating a fact. You are my girlfriend," Han Sen looked at Ji Yanran,
blinked and said.

Chapter 160

Ji Yanran bowed her head and bit her lip. She had mixed feelings and had never
dreamed that she would feel this way.

"Sister, shouldnt you honor the contract now?" Han Sen pouted.

"You cannot expect me to do this in public." Ji Yanran looked like she was drunk
with her crimson cheeks.

Han Sens heart suddenly raced. He widened his eyes and said, "Do you want get a

"Shut up!" Ji Yanran threw her cup at Han Sen and turned away.
Han Sen caught the cup and quickly followed her. He walked side by side with her
and touched her arm with his.

"What?" Ji Yannan snappily glared at him.

"A couple should walk like this." Han Sen put Ji Yanran's hand on his arm and said
with a smile.

Ji Yanrans cheeks were flushed, but she did not pull her hand back. She rolled her
eyes and said, "Cheeky!"

"My mother said girlfriends are for cheeky guys," said Han Sen without shame.

Ji Yanran was trying to say something when she saw a few students approached them.
She quickly lowered her hood like a frightened little rabbit. Holding Han Sen's arm
tightly, she used it to cover her face.

Although Ji Yanran hid herself well, the students still came over to greet Han Sen.

"Han Sen! Are you Han Sen?"

"You are my idol."

"Your game was so great! Your skills are amazing!"


These freshmen talked excitedly to Han Sen, who had become a celebrity at

"This is your girlfriend?" Soon they noticed the Han Sen had a girl next to him,
but did not recognize Ji Yanran since she was hiding her face.

Ji Yanran now wanted to find a hole on the ground and escape. She could not leave
and did not want to stay.

"Yes, my girlfriend. She is shy and does not like to speak," Han Sen said with a

"Quiet girls are great..." commented the students, and Han Sen was very happy to
chat with them.

At this time, Ji Yanran was tightly holding his arm, and he could feel the softness
surrounding his arm, which he enjoyed very much. Han Sen hoped he could prolong the
conversation as much as possible.

But the students were very polite and did not want to disturb them. Han Sen had to
let them go.

"You did that on purpose!" Ji Yanran pinched Han Sen on the waist after the
students had gone far.

"What's wrong with that?" asked Han Sen.

Ji Yanran was speechless. Han Sen took her hand and continued to walk.

It was the middle of the night. They did not run into anyone else before they
reached Ji Yanrans dormitory building.
"Sister, you will not go back like this, right? The contract has not been fulfilled
yet," Han Sen bitterly said.

Ji Yanran rolled her eyes at him and reached out a hand. "Give me the contract."

Han Sen obediently gave her his contract. She took the contract back, blushed and
said, "Close your eyes."

Han Sen followed her command.

Ji Yanran took a deep breath and fought back her desire to escape. With her heart
racing, she stood on her toes, pressed her pink and tender lips on his lightly, and
quickly turned away.

It was too late. Before her lips could leave his, his hand held her waist and his
other hand slipped into her silky hair and hugged her beautiful neck.

Ji Yanran was suddenly in Han Sens arms and her lips were pressed against his.

Ji Yanran's body was stiff at first, and then slowly softened. Her hands helplessly
clutching Han Sens shirt, she stepped back uncontrollably as her legs became weak.

Han Sen just had the best experience and would not let her off the hook. He kept up
with her and pressed her body against a column of the building.

The two just had the first taste of love and was lost in ecstasy. Suddenly, they
heard a crisp female voice, "Friends, at least you should find somewhere less
public before you continue."

Ji Yanran heard this voice and was suddenly terrified. It was the voice of Qu Lili,
her good friend and roommate.

Her first reaction was to push Han Sen away, but she could not do that since she
would expose herself.

Ji Yanran quickly buried her head in Han Sens chest, her face on fire. She also
blamed Han Sen secretly for putting her in this awkward position.

"Sister, why dont you go to bed now that its late? Do you want to join us?" Han Sen
knew Ji Yanran was shy, and covered the back of her head with one hand, blocking Qu
Lilis sight.

"Shameless!" Qu Lili stomped on the floor and ran back to her dorm room.

After Qu Lili went up, Ji Yanran brought the heel of her shoe hard on Han Sens foot
and ran into the building, leaving Han Sen clutching his feet.

Ji Yanran did not dare to go back to her room right away. She hid in a restroom for
a long while before she returned to her room.

Qu Lili saw Ji Yanran was back and said, "Sweetie, did you see that nasty couple

"What nasty couple?" Ji Yanran pretended to be making her bed, her face crimson.

"The couple that were making out in front of our building. OMG, are they horny! And
the guy is so shameless, he even said forget it. I cant even repeat that. And the
girl must be such a slut!" Qu Lili said madly.
Ji Yanran was so shy that she wished she could become invisible, but she had to
acted like nothing had happened.

Chapter 161

In Han Sens room at Steel Armor Shelter, Han Sen was taken aback by the black tiger
with a third eye on its forehead in front of him. The tigers claws looked like they
were made from black metal. Han Sen could not believe it was Meowth that he was
looking at. What was more surprising to him was the change in Meowths data.

Type of beast soul of sacred-blood three-eyed cat: pet (transformed and evolved).

The words were easy to understand, but shocking nonetheless. After eating some meat
of mutant phantom ants, Meowth started to transform as a mutant pet. But after the
transformation was over, it became a sacred-blood pet, which was something Han Sen
had never heard of before.

Han Sen repeatedly confirmed the word sacred-blood, and decided to go back to the
Alliance and look it up on the Skynet. "How could this happen? I have read a lot
about beast soul pets, but never knew a pet could evolve."

After a lot of searching, he finally found a relevant post on the Polar Night

The poster was someone with the ID "Petlife," a fanatic about beast soul pets.
Because beast soul pets were very rare and high-maintenance, people would not
bother to feed an average pet, since they would be useless even after

But Petlife had fed nearly a thousand beast soul pets in a decade, all of which had

Of course, what Petlife had bought was mainly ordinary beast soul pets, some
primitive beast soul pets and just a few mutant beast soul pets.

Among all Petlifes pets, there was an ordinary minidog that had evolved after
transformation and became a primitive beast soul pet.

Petlife posted the picture of this primitive minidog and speculated that all beast
soul pets had a certain chance to evolve.

Although this post was old, there were a lot of replies. Many were calling Petlife
a liar, as there were other pet lovers who had fed hundreds of beast soul pets and
saw no such thing as pet evolution.

But some people said that their pets had evolved as well. It seemed like a popular
post at the time, but had been replaced by other topics later.

"There is really such a thing as pet revolution. So this only happens for beast
soul pets, while other beast souls could not evolve." Han Sen was ecstatic, not
only because Meowth had evolved, but also because he had a sacred-blood beast soul
pet golden rock worm king.

Although the chance was slim, what if the rock worm king evolved as well? What
level would it reach then?

But Han Sen knew that this was almost delusional thinking. The evolution of Meowth
was great luck, which would not likely repeat itself.

Although it was not quite possible, Han Sen was still feeding the rock worm king
more vigorously.

Looking at Meowth, which could switch back and forth between combat state and pet
state as he wished, Han Sen grinned.

When Han Sen entered Steel Armor Shelter again, his destination was Devil Desert.
Taking Wang Mengmeng last time, he could not have hunted as he had wished. This
time Han Sen had made up his mind to make the sacred-blood fox king into a barbecue
if he saw it again.

Putting his sacred-blood black beetle armor on in a secluded place, Han Sen
summoned Meowth and made it transform into the combat state.

Meowth had fur like tungsten and was twice the size of a tiger. Han Sen was riding
it like a mount and it was much faster than his mutant three-eyed beast.

And whenever it encountered different creatures, Meowth would go ahead and kill
them. Average creatures would simply avoid it when smelling its presence.

"Ha-ha, feeding it for so long was totally worth it. This is so much better than a
beast soul mount."

A beast soul mount would not take the initiative to attack, and could only cause
some damage when charging. However, a beast soul pet was simply a specialized
killing machine.

The only bad thing was that this guy was running too wild, and did not provide a
comfortable ride.

Once again, Han Sen entered Devil Desert. Without any burdens this time, Han Sen
rode the sacred-blood three-eyed cat in the direction of where the fox king had

Han Sen just discovered what a great thing it was to own a sacred-blood pet. He did
not even need to lift a finger. For ordinary creatures, Meowth could kill one with
each blow. Its sharp claws would break their skulls in an instant, just like how a
real sacred-blood creature would.

The creatures that the sacred-blood three-eyed cat killed were all fed to the
golden rock worm king. The worm king was like a garbage disposal and could consume
all that was fed to it.

As a result, it grew bigger and bigger. But primitive creatures did not boost its
size like the mutant ones did.

"Primitive sand snake killed. Beast soul of primitive sand snake gained. Eat its
meat to gain zero to ten geno points randomly."

Han Sen saw the sacred-blood three-eyed cat tearing a sand snake of a dozen feet
long into parts and heard the voice in his mind.

"Ha-ha, gorgeous. This is the best thing ever!" Han Sen grabbed the sand snake
beast soul in the form of a spear and felt on top of the world.

For the time he had spent in Gods Sanctuary, this had been the most fun hunting
trip Han Sen had ever taken. Meowth was responsible for killing, and golden rock
worm king was cleaning after it. All he needed to do was to watch.

His only regret was that he had not seen a single horned sand fox after traveling
for two days in Devil Desert, let alone the fox king.

"Strange Has someone else killed all the foxes?" Han Sen frowned.

Chapter 162

Having walked another half day, Han Sen had seen not even one creature on the way,
which made him feel odd.

Suddenly, the huge body of a rock worm appeared in front of him, and Han Sen
quickly prepared himself for a fight. Although ordinary rock worms were only
primitive creatures, their size was too big and strength too great to be taken

That rock worm stayed still. Han Sen took a closer look only to find that the rock
worm was already dead, with its whole head smashed by unknown attacks.

"It seems that someone has really come here." Han Sen became alert, took back
Meowth, and went on walking alone.

The number of the bodies of rock worms began to increase. Some died with only half
of their bodies above the ground. Han Sen wondered what kind of weapon had made
such brutal blows.

In addition to the bodies of rock worms, he began to see more and more horned sand
foxes' bodies. There were various scars on the bodies, which seemed to have been
left by different individuals.

Han Sen frowned and continued to travel ahead. In another half day, he started to
hear beast roars, human noises, and steel clanks in front of him.

Han Sen quickly hid himself behind a dune, took out his telescope, and started to

"Son of Heaven!" Han Sen yelped silently.

In the valley, Son of Heaven and his gang were hunting horned sand foxes. Han Sen
knew almost all of them.

But one of them Han Sen had never seen before. He was a bear of a man, as strong as
Shi Zhikang. Wearing half armor and wielding a black sledgehammer, he had a scary
look. When he waved the sledgehammer, a rock worm would be crushed and a group of
horned sand foxes would be wiped out.

"Crap! Where did Son of Heaven find this guy?" wondered Han Sen. If this guy was
from Steel Armor Shelter, Han Sen should have heard of him.

Han Sen saw the sacred-blood fox king at the end of the valley. The foxes were
throwing themselves at the gang but could do nothing to stop the slaughter.

The valley was a cul-de-sac and the foxes had nowhere to run, so they had to stay
and fight.

"If it was not for the fact that I had killed the golden rock worm king, the fox
king might still be able to fight them off. I probably did Son of Heaven a favor."
Han Sen quietly sneaked into the valley, unwilling to hand the favor to Son of

The guy using the sledgehammer was so fierce that the foxes could not resist his
attacks at all. With countless casualties, the foxes had been forced into the end
of the valley.

That sacred-blood fox king was also screeching desperately, looking miserable.

"Ha-ha, Brother Gu, I admire you so much." Son of Heaven God gave the strong guy a
rare compliment.

"Brother, you flatter me. I just got lucky by gaining this sacred-blood beast soul
sledgehammer is all." With Gus modest words, he could not cover the pride on his

Han Sen was outside the valley, hesitant whether he should rush into the fight
right away. The foxes were obviously desperate now with their king stuck in the
corner. The gang was about to make it.

Suddenly, Han Sen saw a trace of inexplicable slyness from the eyes of the fox king
and suddenly felt a chill.

"How could I forget how cunning the fox king is? If it really wanted to run, it
would have never come to this place. There must be something wrong." Han Sen
quickly hid himself in the valley and looked outside.

As Son of Heaven and his gang thought they had all the foxes in their pocket, the
sacred-blood fox king suddenly arched its body and moved a large stone away,
revealing a bucket-sized hole.

The fox king suddenly disappeared in the hole and all the mutant foxes surrounding
it entered the hole one by one.

"Damn, this beast is treacherous. Follow it and do not let it run away." Son of
Heaven commanded furiously.

Han Sen shook his head. Son of Heaven had let the sacred-blood fox king get under
his skin. If Han Sen were Son of Heaven, he would have ordered retreat immediately.

With such a small whole, only one person could squirm through like a snake at a
time. There was no way to use weapons and god knows what tricks the fox king had
set up.

According to Han Sens understanding of the fox king, it would not have come here
just to escape. There had to be something odd going on. So, if it was up to Han
Sen, he would have chosen to run.

Apparently, Son of Heaven and his gang did not share his thoughts and wanted to go
after the fox king.

But when only half of them had gone through the hole, the entire valley started to
tremble. All the sand and stones were trembling in waves like the ocean.

"Indeed its tricks are about to come," Han Sen quickly retreated and watched this
strange scene in the valley from afar.
"Retreatquickly withdraw from the valley!" Son of Heaven suddenly realized
something was wrong and yelled, wanting to rush outside the valley.

It was too late. Han Sen saw from where he was hiding that much golden "liquid" had
welled from under the sand as if the sand was bleeding, suddenly coloring the
valley golden and flowing toward the gang.

With his extraordinary eyesight, Han Sen had seen that the "liquid" was formed by a
sea of numerous bean-sized golden bugs.

The golden bugs flowed over the bodies of rock worms and horned sand foxes, leaving
nothing behindnot even a bone.

When covered by these bugs, the huge rock worms body disappeared in seconds, which
made Han Sen nervous.

Chapter 163

"Now this is gonna be fun. Son of Heavens gang might all die here. Well done, fox
king!" Han Sen thought delightedly. He was waiting to see if Son of Heaven would be
killed. If not, he would finish Son of Heaven off himself.

He had wanted to kill Son of Heaven for a while now, but never had the chance. Son
of Heaven was too strong himself and was always followed by his gang.

Finally he had encountered such a good opportunity, and Han Sen did not intend to
let it go.

Son of Heavens gang was soon surrounded by those golden bugs. There was no way to
run from the sea of bugs.

"Go out." Son of Heaven gritted his teeth and started to run.

The gang stomped on the bugs and rushed out. The bugs were more fragile than Han
Sen had imagined and could not even withstand their weight.

But there were so many of the bugs that many managed to climb into the gangs

"Ah!" Screams suddenly sounded, giving Han Sen goose bumps and pleasure at the same
time. These people deserved this.

"Follow me," roared the guy using the sledgehammer. Wielding his weapon, he had
blown away the bugs and sand and cleared out an area of six by nine feet.

Waving the sledgehammer, the big guy threw sand and bugs in front of him in the air
and made a way for the rest.

Following this guy, Son of Heavens gang managed to leave the valley.

"S*#t! Who is this fierce guy? I cant believe Son of Heaven survived that!" Han Sen
was upset.

When the gang left the valley, those golden bugs did not follow them. After
swallowing all the dead bodies, the bugs descended into the ground again.

It took less than half an hour before the valley was quiet again. Not even a drop
of blood was left. It was as if nothing had happened.
Son of Heavens gang members were covered in rags and blood now. Luckily, their
wounds were not serious and they had killed all the bugs stuck on their skin.

"Damn, that fox king is too cunning!" a gang member cursed while dealing with his

"Brother Gu, thanks to you, we are still alive," Son of Heaven said to Gu.

Gu smiled and said, "Its nothing. We are friends."

Suddenly Gus expression changed as he felt acute pain in his waist. Two daggers
were stabbed deep into both sides of his waist and only the handles were exposed.

Two of Son of Heavens men each took one of Gus arms and pushed him down on the
ground. The rest helped control Gu as well, leaving him no chance to fight back.
Blood flowed from his waist.

Han Sen was appalled. He did not expect to see such a turn. They had just been
through life and death, and Gu had even saved the gang members lives. How come Gu
was suddenly treated like a dog?

"What are you doing?" Gu muttered, unable to believe what had happened.

"How dare a piece of crap like you call Son of Heaven brother? You only got lucky
because you have gained a sacred-blood beast soul." One of Son of Heavens men
stomped on Gus face, filling Gus nose and mouth with blood.

"You bastards!" Seething with anger, Gu tried to struggle. Pushed down by several
people, his strength still almost allowed him to throw them off.

One of Son of Heavens men grabbed a dagger stuck in Gus body and gave it a twist.
With a scream, Gu suddenly lost all his strength.

The gang kicked and hit Gu, about which Gu could do nothing as he was held down.

Son of Heaven remained silent and nodded to his men when Gu had become weak.

"Gu, since you have saved us, hand over your sacred-blood sledgehammer and we can
let you live," a man said fiercely as he grabbed Gus hair.

"Even if I had to die, I will not give you anything." Gu spit out a mouthful of
blood at the man's face.


The man slapped Gu hard in anger and said viciously, "Do you f*#king think that you
can die whenever you want? If you dont give me the hammer, I will make you beg for
a chance to kill yourself. Get rid of his claws first."

The gang was skilled at torture. They held Gus hand down and nailed it on the
ground with a dagger.

Gu let out an excruciating scream, his fingers could not help spreading out.

A man held one of Gus fingers and stuck a knife under his nail. Covered in blood,
the nail had almost been separated from the flesh. With a hard pull, the man took
the entire nail abruptly from the finger.
Gu was screaming like a pig being slaughtered, his body twitching. The pain was
simply beyond imagination.

It so happened that he was held down by a few people and could not even move. All
he could do was scream desperately.

"Damn, this gang is heinous." Originally Han Sen did not want to meddle in this,
but he could not stand watching this anymore.

The enemy of his enemy was his friend. Although he had no idea who Gu was, Han Sen
did not mind adding an enemy of Son of Heavens. In addition, this kind of torture
was too much.

Han Sen observed the situation and found that there were too many strong men in Son
of Heavens gang. Han Sen could not save Gu on his own.

"Why did you have to rescue them? Look at whats happening now," thought Han Sen,
waiting for an opportunity.

Gu was really tough. After three of his nails were pulled off, he still did not
agree to their demand and was still cursing the gang. In the end, his body could no
longer take the pain and he fainted.

"Son of Heaven, what now? This guy is tough."

"Tie him up. Lets find a place to set up the tent and get something to eat first."
Son of Heaven saw it was late and did not dare to camp right outside this strange

Chapter 164

Han Sen quietly tracked the gang and saw they had set up a tent and made a fire.

Gu was tied up and Han Sen had not found any good opportunities to rescue him.

As Son of Heavens gang were about to finish eating, Han Sen thought if Gu was
tortured again, the big guy would probably be useless even if rescued.

Having an idea, Han Sen summoned Meowth and ordered it to run toward the other side
and roar at the gang.

"A creature!"

"Its a sacred-blood creature!"

"Do not let it run away!"

"Knife and Baldy stay, we will go hunt that sacred-blood creature," ordered Son of
Heaven, leaving two guys watching the camp and Gu, while he chased the sacred-blood
three-eyed cat with the rest.

Running, Son of Heaven instructed, "Spread out and circle around it. We could not
go far since its dark."

Seeing the gang running away, Han Sen summoned the wings and shapeshifted into
bloody slayer, flying toward the camp in darkness.

"Baldy, incoming!" shouted Knife when Han Sen was 30 feet from the camp.
Baldy quickly summoned a mutant beast soul spear and watched Han Sen closely. Knife
also summoned his pair of daggers.

Han Sen was in their face in no more than the blink of an eye. Holding the Shura
katana, Han Sen whacked it at Baldy.

This strike from above was swift and powerful, but Baldy raised his spear with two
hands and tried to block it.

The Shura katana cut into the spear deeply, and Baldys legs were forced into the
sand by Han Sens terrifying strength.

When Baldy thought that he had warded off the strike, his spear broke.

Baldy wanted to go back, but his legs were still in the sand and there was no way
to run. Another katana strike cut Baldy in half.

Ding! Ding!

Two daggers were shot at Han Sen and mercilessly nailed in the gaps on the elbow
part of his armor. To kill Baldy, Han Sen had no time to dodge.

Fortunately, these two daggers were only mutant beast souls. Although they were
swift enough, they were still stuck before they could cut deeper. Otherwise, Han
Sens arms would have been disabled.

After killing Baldy, Han Sen turned to deal with Knife, who immediately started
running at an incredible speed, not leaving any chance for Han Sen to approach him.

Shouting while running, Knife managed to alert Son of Heaven and the rest of the

Han Sen did not chase him, but lifted Gu who was tied up and ran away with all four
hooves of the bloody slayer.

"Dollar, you son of a bitch! If you are a man, fight me one-on-one," cursed Son of
Heaven behind him.

"I think it is more like one gang on one person," said Han Sen full of disdain,
running at full speed.

The gang thought that lifting a big man like Gu must slow Han Sen down and they
could eventually catch up. But suddenly, a black three-eyed tiger appeared next to
Han Sen and he simply lay Gu on the tigers back. The bloody slayer and the tiger
disappeared from their sight in an instant.

"Why would that sacred-blood creature help Dollar?" The gang members were confused.

Son of Heaven finally understood, "Damn, that is not a sacred-blood creature. It is

a sacred-blood beast soul pet! That motherf*#er had fed a sacred-blood pet!"

Everyone was shocked. A sacred-blood pet must have cost so much advanced creature
meat to transform.

After chasing for a while, the gang gave up. In fact, when they found out that the
tiger was a sacred-blood pet, they had lost confidence.
"How did he make a sacred-blood pet transform? Did he use sacred-blood creature
meat to feed his pet?" Everyone was shocked by the fact that Dollar had a
transformed sacred-blood pet, which implied incredible power of him.

Han Sen ran for a while and shapeshifted back after losing the gang. He put Gu on
the ground and cut loose the ropes.

"Dollar?" Gu recognized him.

"Friend, how much do you think your life is worth?" asked Han Sen.

Gu was suddenly taken aback, "You also want my sacred-blood sledgehammer?"

"Not necessarily that beast soul, but I did save you. You do not mean to say the
risks I took are for nothing, right?" said Han Sen.

Gu did not speak and cast an odd look at Han Sen.

"And now you have nothing but injuries. Can you leave Devil Desert alone safely? If
you pay me properly, I can get you back to the shelter," Han Sen continued.

"Why should I believe in you?" asked Gu.

"Do you have any other choice?" Han Sen laughed.

"Except for the sacred-blood sledgehammer, you can pick from all the other beast
souls I have. But you have to take me to the shelter first," said Gu, wiping blood
off his face.

"Brother Gu, is it?" Han Sen looked at Gu.

"Call me Gu Ming, or whatever you like. I will not hear Brother Gu ever again." Gu
Ming gnashed the teeth in anger.

Han Sen smiled, "OK. Now you have two options. One is to go out on your own, and
the other is to pay up front. There is no other options. I am not Son of Heaven and
will keep my promises. If you pay me two mutant beast souls, I could promise to get
you back to the shelter alive."

Gu Ming looked Han Sen up and down and summoned several beast souls. "The enemy of
my enemy is my friend. I know you and Son of Heaven are enemies, so I believe you.
Here are all my mutant beast souls. Take your pick."

Hen Sen glanced at them and pointed twice. "This one is my reward for saving you,
and that one is the price to take you back to the shelter."

Chapter 165

In the stationmasters office of the teleport station on Planet Roca, Qin Xuan and
Yang Manli were watching a videothe edited game recording made by Fang Mingquan.

"He is this good at warframes?" Yang Manli could not believe Han Sen was the one
driving Silver Killer.

His operational level was almost the same as the evolved warframe drivers in the
army, which was so hard for her to believe. After all, Han Sen had just spent a few
months in Blackhawk.
Although Yang Manli already knew that Han Sen had fast hands and that he had passed
evolver-3 in Hand of God, she still could not help looking surprised, since this
kind of operational skills took more than fast hands.

"Stationmaster, so Digang is really asking Han Sen to endorse their new warframe?"
Yang had mixed feelings.

Digang was one of the three major suppliers for the military in the Alliance, with
their products ranging from combat suits to interstellar warships. Digang made
countless products for the military each year, but they also had product lines
designed for civil use, which were known for their high quality.

Although Digang did not sell as many as Starry Group, Digangs reputation was much
better. It was not as well-known as Starry Group only because its main client was
the military.

Recently, Digang had been committed to expanding its civil products. With the
military labs as its research and development department, the quality of its
products was not in question. However, business did not rely on the technology
alone. Currently, Digang was still much worse than its peer Starry Group in terms
of sales.

This time, Digang had found Han Sen to represent their new flagship product,
biological warframe, which was beyond the imagination of both Qin Xuan and Yang

With Digangs influence, it would be easy for them to seek endorsement of evolver or
surpasser stars, yet Digang had chosen Han Sen, an unevolved person.

Yang Manli was puzzled. Although Han Sens skills were great among the unevolved,
his level was still lower than the evolver masters. She wondered what it was that
Digang had seen in him.

To endorse a Digang product was a great honor, which Yang knew very well. All the
stars who had this honor had military backgrounds and outstanding military
exploits. This time, Digang had chosen a military school student who had no
military background and had never been to a battlefield. This decision was
shocking, to say the least.

"Manli, contact Han Sen as soon as possible. This is an honor for the special squad
as well." Qin Xuan felt that she had made the right call to recruit him. A few
months after he joined the special squad, Han Sen had become the spokesperson of
Digang, which was a boost in the relationship between the squad and Digang. Many
weapons of the squad were supplied by Digang, after all.

And this time, to the joy of the leadership of the squad, in order to invite Han
Sen to endorse their new biological warframe, Digang had promised to provide the
squad with a lot more equipment. The leadership was thus very pleased with Qin Xuan
and Han Sen.

"Will do." Yang Manli nodded slightly.

Han Sen escorted Gu Ming safely to the shelter in a great mood. Although he had not
hunted any mutant or sacred-blood creatures, he did weaken Son of Heavens gang and
left Son of Heaven with a sworn enemy. In addition, he had gained two mutant beast

As soon as he was back in the shelter, he was summoned by Yang Manli, which gave
Han Sen a little headache.

Although Yang Manli had great legs and breasts, she was cold as ice. Han Sen would
do his best to keep away from her. Between Qin Xuan and her, Han Sen thought Qin
Xuan was a true woman.

"Digang has invited you to endorse their new warframe. Go prepare yourself. When
you are back in the Alliance, Digang will send someone to Blackhawk to sign a
contract with you. If you have any concerns, speak to me right now and we will talk
to Digang," Yang Manli said and laid a file in front of Han Sen. "This is your
incentives for the endorsement."

"Can I turn this endorsement down?" Han Sen picked up the file, read it, and then

"Why?" Yang Manli was shocked. It was a great honor even for many stars to be able
to do this. She herself had dreamed of becoming the spokesperson for Digang

But presented with such an opportunity, Han Sen was asking whether he could turn
this down, which confused Yang.

"I would have to be a part of their campaigns and roadshows. And that sounds like a
lot of work," Han Sen said with his head crooked.

Yang Manli was sizzling with anger, wishing she could choke Han Sen to death.

"You dont want to do the endorsement because it is a lot of work?" Yang Manli
clenched her fists until her knuckles turned pale. She was controlling herself not
to slap this guy in the face.

"Digang is blind to have picked this guy," thought Yang Manli.

After a while, Yang Manli calmed herself down and handed some more files to Han
Sen, "Take a good look and let me know if you need anything."

Han Sen was satisfied with the offer. Each year he could receive a handsome
endorsement fee, and Digang would provide him with a full set of the endorsed
products, and free lifelong after-sales service.

That was to say Han Sen could receive one of each warframe that he endorsed and
would not need to pay a penny for their maintenance.

Although Han Sen did not know how much their new biological warframes would cost,
he knew that even Digangs low-end products would cost a few million, much more
expensive than the products of Starry Group.

"I have one condition," Han Sen looked up at Yang Manli and said.

Chapter 166

"Say it." Yang Manli did not want to spare any words on this lucky yet shameless

If soldiers had the chance to endorse any Digang products, they would probably even
do it for free. Not to mention Digangs offer had been very generous considering Han
Sens identity.

Such an offer was more than enough to hire a big unevolved star such as Tang
Zhenliu. Now Han Sen was getting this great offer as a student and he even dared to
ask for more.

"I have a warframe from a Digang lab and wish that Digang could install a weapon
system to it and give it the same free lifelong after-sales service." Han Sen knew
that although his was a prototype, the military standard was applied during its

And the ones that he would endorse would be for civil use and not as great as
Silver Killer.

The only beef Han Sen had with Silver Killer was the lack of a weapon system. Using
independent weapons was not convenient and he did not want to carry the weapons
around, which would defeat the purpose of portability.

Also, once Silver Killer was damaged, ordinary repair stations would not be able to
fix this super biological warframe. Hence he really needed Digangs service.

"Any other conditions?" Yang Manli asked mechanically.

"Not at this time," Han Sen said with a smile.

Yang Manli got up and said, "I will submit your request and the leadership will
negotiate with Digang. Go back and stay in Blackhawk so that I could notify you
with the result."

Yang Manli turned to leave, not wanting to spend one more second with this guy.

"I am finally rich! Twenty million endorsement fee per year and the latest
warframes to use. If Digang could agree to my conditions, it would be perfect,"
After Yang Manli left, Han Sen excitedly shook his fist.

Han Sen naturally would never have turned down such a good deal in the first place.

Little did he know that Ji Yanran was simmering with anger at this point.

After that night, Ji Yanran had quite complex feelings, not sure what she wanted to
doto become Han Sens girlfriend, or turn him down.

But how could she make him give up? He had shown her that he would not easily let

Ji Yanran thought about all kinds of possibilities for the entire night and was
expecting hot pursuits from Han Sen to follow. However, she never even saw him

The first day she did not see Han Sen, Ji Yanran curled her lips and thought,
"Playing hard to get? Ive seen this trick before. I will ignore you and see what
kind of excuse youd come up with to see me tomorrow."

But on the next day, Ji Yanran still did not see him.

"You do have some patience, but this would never work on me."

On the third day, Han Sen was still nowhere to be seen. Ji Yanran became a bit

"He must have been in an accident. Was he hit by an aircraft? Is his leg broken?"
Ji Yanran thought.

On the fourth day, still no Han Sen.

"That bastard must feel that he doesnt deserve me who is gentle and pretty, regal
and sexy. That must be why he did not dare to approach me. Certainly, that must be
the case."

The fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day... after ten days she still had not
seen him. And she lost her temper.

"Han Sen you bastard, what do you take me for? You want to kiss and run? There is
no such thing in my world." Ji Yanran was mad.

And at this time, Hen Sen had just come back to school and did not even have the
chance to find her.

"Sen, you have come back just in time. Come with me to Professor Yan's class." Han
Sen met Zhang Yang in the dorm room, who took his hand and dragged him away.

"How come you are going to Professor Yan's class?" Han Sen was puzzled.

Zhang Yang was a hot-blooded guy. He learned everything fast, but when it came to
boring theories, he would feel tortured.

Professor Yan's new course, Modern Theories of Martial Arts, was one of the courses
that would give Zhang Yang a headache. The professor himself also had a dull style
and expression and was not Zhangs favorite.

But Modern Theories of Martial Arts was a compulsory course, and Zhang Yang had to
go for fear of failing. This time however, he seemed excited to go, which was odd
for Han Sen.

"You have not heard? Two of the Chosen, Ding Zhiming and Tang Zhenliu have been
invited to do a teaching demonstration today at Professor Yan's class." Zhang Yang
was filled with excitement.

Han Sen then suddenly realized why the he was so excited. Tang Zhenliu was Zhangs
idol. It was a poster of Tang instead of a hot girl that Zhang was hanging next to
his bed.

Zhang Yang's ideal major was not archery, but martial arts. Because his fitness
index was not high enough, he had to take the special enrollment program.

Han Sen had also wondered why someone like Zhang would study archery which needed
patience, and learned the reason later.

Tang Zhenlius fierce style was Zhangs favorite. No wonder he was so excited.

Han Sen was taken to the classroom by Zhang Yang. For an unpopular class, the
classroom was overcrowded on this day.

There were no seats and even the stands on the second floor were full.

A lot of girls were chatting excitedly about Yu Mingzhi and Tang Zhenliu.
"Han Sen, you have also come to see Yu Mingzhi and Tang Zhenliu. Come here and have
a seat." A student saw Han Sen and offered him a seat very enthusiastically.

Chapter 167

Han Sen hesitated, since he did not recognize this student.

"It is natural that you do not know me. I am also in the Department of Archery. You
did our department right in Starry Cup. I would give the seat to none but you. Come
here." The student smiled and offered Han Sen his own seat.

"Thank you." Han Sen could not imagine he would enjoy such treatment.

"It really is Han Sen."

"His warframe game was so exciting."

"Is he also one of the stars fans?"


Many students whispered and cast a few glances his way, but they were too well-
educated to bother Han Sen.

As the class began, Professor Yan came in with two young men. One of them Han Sen
was familiar with. With a handsome smile, Tang Zhenliu greeted the students.

Another guy had an angled face. Han Sen knew he was the Chosen that ranked sixth,
Yu Zhiming. Since Han Sen did not go to the ranking rounds, he had never fought Yu.

Blackhawk students were polite and gave no more than applause. When Tang was
introduced, Zhang Yang clapped so hard his hands were almost swollen.

Professor Yan still used his old-fashioned way to teach, but when talking about
different theories, he would ask Tang Zhenliu and Yu Mingzhi to do demonstrations.

With the participation of two stars, the teaching effect was perfect. Both stars
showed high attainment in martial arts, and their demonstrations were successful.

"In a few words, the ultimate goal of the martial arts was to leverage ones own
strength. And in real combat, in addition to strength, the psychological factor
would also be very important. Hence in the various categories of martial arts,
there would be training for psychological gaming. For example, the focus of Tai Chi
was the application of the true and false forces."

Professor Yan continued with his monotonous voice, "Another example is the black
and white boxing. Please welcome Yu Zhiming and Tang Zhenliu to demonstrate black
and white boxing for us."

Yu Zhiming cut in, "Professor Yan, if it is just the two of us, the students would
not feel for themselves the essence of black and white boxing. Would you invite two
students to spar with Tang and me?"

The proposal led to applause. To spar with such stars was of course a rare
"Tang, what do you think?" Professor Yan looked at Tang, as the school did not
arrange any interactions with the students and he must seek his approval first.

"This is your class. I will follow your lead," Tang said with a smile.

Tang also glanced at Yu Mingzhi. He knew what Yu was thinking. Yu had fought him in
the contest before and lost miserably. Now Yu was afraid he would lose again and
did not want to be humiliated in front of the class.

"That being the case, we will choose two students to spar with Yu Mingzhi and Tang
Zhenliu in black and white boxing. Any volunteers?" Professor Yan glanced across
the room.

Almost all the students raised their hands at the same time, except for Han Sen and
a few others.

Tang had noticed Han Sen a long time ago. Seeing Han Sen not raising his hand, he
felt relieved. Han Sen was so great at this that he would definitely lose if Han
Sen came up on stage.

As Tang Zhenrong let out a sigh of relief, Yu Mingzhi suddenly asked, "Professor
Yan, I heard that Blackhawk has a student named Ouyang Xiaosan who is in the top
ten of the Military Academy League?"

"Sorry, Ouyang is not here today," Professor Yan said casually. "Would you choose
someone else yourself?"

Yu Mingzhi smiled and asked the students, "Besides Ouyang Xiaosan, who is the best
martial artist here?"

All eyes were on Han Sen. Although they had never seen him practicing martial arts,
they could tell from his skills of warframe operation that his fitness was great.

Yu Mingzhi paused. He did not expect the students to have the same candidate in
mind. It seemed that the student that was looked at was very influential in the

But Yu did not take Han Sen too seriously. There were so many military school
students in First Gods Sanctuary, yet few were among the Chosen. As one of the
Chosen, he did not really think of the students as his true opponents.

Tang Zhenliu saw the look in Yus eyes and knew he was about to do something stupid.

But Yu did not know what was on Tangs mind. He smiled at Han Sen and asked, "What
is your name? Would you spar with me in black and white boxing?"

Han Sen was a bit upset. He did not raise his hand, so why would Yu appoint him?

"Go ahead, Sen."

"You will be great."


His classmates were very supportive and curious about Han Sens martial arts skill

Yu Mingzhi was glad to see that Han Sens popularity even exceeded himself as a

He wanted to appoint Ouyang Xiaosan to show off, so that these students would
realize the difference between a military student and the Chosen. However, Ouyang
was not there, and beating a nobody would not help him achieve his objective.

"Friend, your classmates have strongly recommended you, so please come up. It is
just a practice, and the result does not matter," Yu Mingzhi smiled at Han Sen and

"Wow. Yu Mingzhi is simply asking for trouble!" Tang smiled bitterly. He had never
seen someone praying for his own destruction like this.

Chapter 168

"Han Sen, come up and spar with Yu Mingzhi in black and white boxing practice."
Professor Yan did not want to waste any time and directly called Han Sen.

Han Sen had to stand up and go up the stage.

Tang Zhenliu saw it and said, "Professor Yan, since Yu has chosen a student, should
I do the same?"

He did not want to play black and white boxing with Han Sen and ask for trouble. Yu
Zhiming could enjoy that himself.

Professor Yan had no objection and agreed to Tangs proposal.

"Who is willing to practice black and white boxing with me?" Tang Zhenliu felt
relieved and asked with a good looking smile.

There was a great show of hands. Tang smiled and said, "I am going to benefit
myself and you guys by picking a pretty girl. Miss, would you practice with me?"

The students laughed, and the girl asked by Tang blushed a little and went on the

Tang Zhenliu learned her name and asked Professor Yan first, "Professor Yan, should
we start first?"

Professor Yan agreed. Tang Zhenliu and Miss Jing started to practice black and
white boxing. Tang did not really use all he had, but followed the professors
instructions and demonstrated a variety of movements before he beat Miss Jing. The
process was delightful, and the students all applauded.

"Han Sen, it is our turn." Yu Mingzhi could not wait to go up. He smiled and waved
to Han Sen.

Tang returned to his seat with a faint smile, waiting to see Yu Zhiming
embarrassing himself. Tang did not know Yu well and was not a fan of his. There was
no way Tang would stop Yu.

Han Sen smiled, walked opposite Yu and stood with a starting position like Yu did.

The so-called black and white boxing practice was, in fact, a training of the
judgment of yin and yang forces. Two players stood opposite each other face to
face, one arms length apart. One was to swing ones arm to attack, and the other was
to defend oneself.
There were two ways of making the attack, a black fist was a yang blow and a white
fist was a yin blow.

The one on defense needed to determine whether the opponent was using a black or
white fist. If it was black, it should be dodged; whereas if it was white, it
should be blocked with an arm.

Black and white boxing was an entry-level martial art to train psychological gaming
and yin and yang forces. All military school students would learn it in the first
three months of training. Therefore, all military school students had practiced
black and white boxing.

The black and white fists were thrown in similar manners in black and white boxing.
It was not easy to tell one from the other. Observation, judgment and psychological
gaming were the key factors. And reflexes were less important.

If ones judgment was not accurate, it did not matter if ones reflexes were good.

"Han Sen, would you throw the punches first?" Yu Mingzhi said generously. The one
who attacked would enjoy certain advantages.

Yu was confident in his accomplishments in black and white boxing, and believed
that he could tell from Han Sens micro movements which fist Han Sen was using.

"Can we start now?" Han Sen looked at Yu and asked.

"Sure... Ouch..." Yu Mingzhi had just agreed when a punch hit his chest before he
could react. Yu stepped back and became furious.

Professor Yan was explaining seriously, "Han Sen did very well. This is a classic
psychological gaming techniquetaking advantage of the weaknesses in the opponent's
mind and hitting hard. However, Han Sen could have improved by hitting the vital
parts of his opponents body, such as nose or eyes, which would disable his opponent
and help himself in the future rounds."

The students nodded, while Yu Mingzhi was very pissed. Then he had to suppress his
anger, since the professor had put it like this.

"Han Sen did very well. Now we will continue." Yu Mingzhi squeezed a smile, and
went back to his position.

Tang was laughing so hard inwardly. "Yu Mingzhi, you really did ask for this. It is
just a demonstration, have fun with a girl! Why did you have to provoke a monster?
Even God cannot save you now."

Yu Mingzhi, of course, did not think so. He thought he was just being careless and
it had nothing to do with his skill level. Once he became serious, Han Sen would
stand no chance.

How could a military school student be compared to the Chosen?

In fact, most of the students also thought so. Although they felt that Han Sen
should be great, they believed that against one of the top unevolved individuals in
the Alliance, Han Sen would still fall short.

After all, Yu basically ranked sixth in the First Gods Sanctuary, while Han Sen was
only the champion of a school-wide warframe gamenot even a martial arts game.
Therefore, the students still felt that Yu would do better than Han Sen.

"Han Sen, go ahead." Yu Mingzhi finished his sentence and immediately became alert,
staring at Han Sen.

Han Sen directly threw his fist at Yu Mingzhis face, since Professor Yan had
instructed him to hit hard in the vital parts.

Yu Mingzhi looked at Han Sen's standing position, angle of his body, and the ups
and downs of his shoulder. Soon Yu easily made his judgment.

"Such exaggerated acting. Clearly there is no momentum. He clearly seems to be

bluffing, but it is a yin blow for sure. I was better than this in kindergarten."
Yu Mingzhi raised his arm with some contempt, ready to block this white fist from
Han Sen. He even used only one arm to show off his self-confidence and accurate

Chapter 169


Han Sen punched Yu Mingzhi on the arm. Yus face suddenly froze. He thought this
punch was thrown with the yin force and used only one arm to block Han Sens fist.
But the fierce punch was actually a black fist, which was a yang force, and Yus arm
was smashed into his own face.

Sparkles suddenly flew before Yus eyes and a feeling of soreness hit his nose. He
fell back involuntarily and sat on the floor.

A hush descended on the entire room as the students were dazed. The result of the
first round could be explained by the fact that Yu was unprepared, whereas the
second punch was hit when Yu was intent and alert. However, Yu Mingzhi still made
the wrong judgment.

"Han Sen is awesome. He is good at black and white boxing as well."

"Ha-ha, no matter what the outcome would be, this one punch is good enough. It is
the Chosen he is playing against!"

"So cool."

"He is the pride of Blackhawk."

"Ha-ha, did you see how the expression of Yu Mingzhi has changed?"

"Han Sen is simply my idol. How many military school students can manage to hit

"It is so worth it today to come to Professor Yan's class."

Tang Zhenliu could hardly contain himself for laughing. "Yu Mingzhi, if you are
smart, then quickly find an excuse to step down now before you humiliate yourself
any further," thought Tang.

Professor Yan was making a serious analysis, "This is textbook application of yin
and yang forces. Pay attention to his toes, which were slightly pointed outward.
This is an appearance of using the yin force, since the toes would normally point
inward when using the yang force. Han Sen managed to use this disguise, among
others, to confuse his opponent. Now if you would pay attention to his waist and

Professor Yan played back the holographic image of Han Sens punch and made a
detailed analysis, pointing out the strengths of this blow. Although the professors
tone was monotonous as ever, he did highly praise Han Sens performance.

"S*#t! Well-done! So many details in one punch." After listening to the professor,
the students shook their heads in tribute.

Yu Mingzhi wiped his bloody nose and got up, unable to keep smiling.

But he did not give up like Tang thought he should. Yu Zhiming continued to believe
that his loss was due to his carelessness and walked up to Han Sen again.

Han Sen knew what was on Yus mind and understood that Yu wanted to use a student to
show off his own strength. Hence Han Sen did not plan to save his face.

Another punch was thrown at Yus face. Eyes locked on Han Sen, Yu again made a
judgment. From any perspective, Han Sens punch was not firm though it looked
fierce. Yu decided that it was a harmless punch.

Having spent nearly a decade in First Gods Sanctuary, Yu had experienced millions
of combats. With his rich experience, he was confident in his judgment.

Even if it was just a practice between friends, as long as the punch was thrown
with any intention to beat the opponent, he would sense it.

"White fist." Yu Mingzhi confirmed his own judgment, and put two arms across his
chest to block the punch.


Yu Mingzhis face turned ashy grey and was only able to stabilize his body after
stepping back. He looked at Han Sen, astonished. It was impossible.

And the students were so excited that they were about to cry out loud. No one had
expected Han Sen to beat Yu once again.

If it was not for the fact that the class was still in session, they would go up
and hug Han Sen, because it was such an honor for a Blackhawk student to beat the
Chosen three times in a row.

If anyone dared to praise the Chosen in the future, they could say, "The sixth
Chosen was beaten up so badly by one of my classmates. Oh, I did not go. If I did,
that Chosen would lose even more miserably. You think I am bragging? You can ask
around yourself"

Professor Yan was still doing his job, explaining the theoretical knowledge
embodied in Han Sens performance to the students in detail, but unfortunately few
were paying attention to his words at this point.

Tang even felt embarrassed for Yu Mingzhi who had suggested to switching with Han

Tang Zhenliu shook his head. "Yu Mingzhi has such a small mind. It did not need to
be like this."

Han Sen agreed to Yus proposal and became the defensive side. Fixing his gaze on
Han Sen, Yu threw a hard punch at the young student.

Seeing the fear on the students faces, Yu smiled within himself. "Now all of you
must have thought that I have been angry and want to retaliate, so this punch must
a black fist? That would be unfortunate since I threw a white punch. This way I
would win this round and look like a bigger person at the same time, salvaging my
own reputation."

Yu Mingzhi believed that Han Sen would definitely dodge, yet the young student did
not even cross his arms. Han Sen simply reached out a hand in front of Yus fist.

Yu Mingzhi suddenly turned pale, since his fist was grabbed by Han Sen. The two
stood still.

"S*#t! Just awesome. I thought it was a black fist for sure, and it was a white
one. Han Sen is so great."

"That is dope."

"And he is so confident."

"He is so good at everything!"

Professor Yan was still meticulously analyzing and teaching. More and more students
had come since they heard about Han Sens performance. Even the corridor outside the
windows was full.

Those who could not come were also watching the synchronous holographic session via
their smart device.

Chapter 170

"Yanran, go to the campus community site!" Qu Lili suddenly poked Ji Yanran with a
finger and whispered.

"Stop it. We are in class." Ji Yanran was not in a good mood since she had not seen
Han Sen for days.

"Have you heard that Yu Mingzhi and Tang Zhenliu have come to our school to do
teaching demonstrations?" continued Qu Lili, excited.

"Yeah, but I am not interested in the idols," replied Ji Yanran, absent-minded.

"When Yu Mingzhi demonstrated black and white boxing, he picked our genius to spar
with him and got his ass kicked three times in a row."

"Genius? Which genius? Ouyang Xiaosan?" Ji Yanran asked after.looking blank for a

"Nope, I am talking about the genius," Qu Lili said solemnly.

"Which genius?" Ji Yanran did not follow.

"Who can it be? The one who killed it at the warframe game. He is the only genius
on campus." Qu Lili rolled her eyes at Ji.

"Han Sen?" Ji Yanran winced, and then quickly turned on her comlink and entered the
live broadcast of Professor Yans class.

The moment she entered the live session, she saw Yu Zhiming throwing a punch at Han
Sen, who then stopped Yus fist with one hand.

"So confident! Our genius is so awesome. But Yu is too weak. If my Tang Zhenliu is
against him, then it will be even better to watch," Qu Lili said excitedly. She was
a fan of Tangs, and that was why she was paying attention to this class in the
first place. After a while, she added, "Why do I think the genius looks familiar? I
must have seen him somewhere."

"You have seen him during the Starry Cup," Ji Yanran blushed and said quickly.

"I think it is somewhere else" Qu Lili was slightly puzzled, but soon threw the
thought aside. "Here goes Yu Mingzhi again."

Ji Yanran was secretly relieved. Fortunately, it was dark that night in front of
the dorm building. Qu Lili did not see clearly Han Sens face and was scared away by
Han Sens bluff.

Watching Han Sen from her comlink set Ji Yanrans teeth on edge. "Well, Han Sen, you
are showing off in martial arts class now. Which girl are you trying to hook up
with now?"

Ji Yanran looked at the old professor who was lecturing in her class and sneaked
out of the classroom when he was not paying attention.

"Sweetie, where are you going?" Qu Lili looked at her, surprised.

Ji Yanran waved her hand and gestured Qu to be silent before she quickly left for
Professor Yans classroom.

She was going to find that bastard Han Sen, and forbid him to fool another girl.

But when she came to Professor Yan's classroom, the corridor was so crowded with
people that she could see nothing. Ji Yanran had to continue to watch her comlink
and wait for Han Sen to come out.

"Han Sen has made a perfect demonstration of black and white boxing..." Professor
Yan had been committed to teaching and made a great analysis of the performance of
Han Sen.

Yu Mingzhi did not believe he was simply weaker, and tried three times with white
fist, each easily blocked by Han Sen with a single hand. Yus face was the color of
pig liver in the end and Professor Yan had to declare an end to the black and white
boxing demonstration.

Yu Mingzhi's face was almost blue. He wanted to show his skills off at Blackhawk
and had been humiliated big time. As the Chosen, it was such a disgrace to be
beaten by a military school student, especially in such shameful manner.

The worst part for Yu was that Han Sen was only following Professor Yan's
instructions from the beginning to end, and showed no pride after winning. It was
as if Yu Zhiming was a nobody, and beating him was not worth celebrating.

"Sen, I did not expect you are so good at black and white boxing too. When we go
back..." Zhang Yang stopped when thinking of the mysterious afternoon in Room 304,
and gave up the thought eventually.
The rest of the class was somehow awkward. Yu Mingzhi was restless with his face
dark. The students kept glancing at Han Sen. Although no one was whispering in
class, the online community was bombarded.

"The genius beat the Chosen."

"Three punches knocked a Chosen out."

"Ha-ha, a genius from Blackhawk! Great at both warframe and black and white

"I want to see a fight between Han Sen and Tang Zhenliu. Not sure who would be

"Is that still worth asking? Of course it is Han Sen."

"Not necessarily, Tang is much better than Yu Mingzhi. Tang has been the Chosen for
years and will soon go to Second Gods Sanctuary."

"Makes sense. Tangs only two matches in the unevolved would be Dollar and Lin

"Tang is great, but we have a genius here. I do think he could fight Tang."

"I am afraid there is no chance for us to see that. Our genius did not want to go
up, and Yu Mingzhi had to make him. Tang would not do such a thing."

"It's a pity that we could not see them fight."

Reading the comment in the campus community, Ji Yanran couldnt help smiling when
seeing others praise Han Sen, as if she was praised herself.

After Professor Yans class, Ji Yanran saw many students hovering over Han Sen and
decided not to join them.

Ji Yanran checked the time and turned toward the cafeteria. She knew for sure that
around this time, Han Sen would go to the cafeteria where there were their favorite

Ji Yiran did not go far before she was stopped Qu Lili who had run over. "Sweetie,
did you go and check on our genius in the middle of our class?"

"Who said I went to see him?" Ji Yanran curled her lips and said with shame.

"Why else would you skip the class?" Qu Lili asked, puzzled.

"To eat!" Ji Yanran said and walked toward the cafeteria.

Qu Lili followed her to the cafeteria. Ji Yanran deliberately sat in plain sight,
and thought with venom, "If that bastard does not take the initiative to come over,
I will not forgive him."

Chapter 171

"Sweetie, are you waiting for someone?" Qu Lili suddenly asked.

"No," Ji Yanran replied absentmindedly.

"Then why do you keeping looking at the door?" asked Qu Lili , puzzled.

Ji Yanran suddenly blushed and withdrew her gaze in panic. She bowed her head to
eat and replied, "I did not."

"Sweetie, you are a bit weird today." Qu Lili looked her up and down.

"The genius is here!" someone whispered. Qu Lili quickly looked to the door, and
saw Han Sen and Zhang Yang entering the cafeteria.

Qu Lili suddenly looked at Ji Yanran with disbelief. "Sweetie, you were waiting for
him, right? How did you know he would come here? Tell me."

"Stop it. I was not waiting for him, and how would I know hed be here?" Ji Yanran
covered her own panic by taking a sip of her juice.

When Qu Lili had thought of more to ask, Han Sen and Zhang Yang had carried their
trays to the girls table and asked with a smile, "Sisters, can we sit here?"

"Of course." Qu Lili looked at Ji Yanran who kept drinking her juice, and looked
back at Han Sen. She had understood something.

"The genius is sitting with Ji Yanran. Is there something going on between them?"

"Shut up. How long has he been here? I have never seen them walking together

"But it seems that their relationship is unusual."


Ji Yanran now regretted coming to the cafeteria. It was a rushed decision and she
was less mad at Han Sen since he had come over. However, the concerning eyes on her
was almost burning a hole in her face. All she could do was drinking her juice.

"Hi Han Sen, my name is Qu Lili, warship command major. This is my roommate Ji
Yanran. You should have heard of her." Qu Lili smiled and reached out a hand.

"Hello, I am in the Archery Department. And I am Ji Yanrans boyfriend." Han Sen

shook her hand friendly.

Ji Yanran suddenly choked on her juice and everyone who heard that was appalled.

Han Sen said that naturally, while it was quite an arrogant remark in the ears of
others. No one had dared to claim to be Jis boyfriend.

"The genius is just different."

"S*#t! Is he for real?"

"They are really together? This is too fast. He has only been here for a few

"There goes our campus belle."

"But he would be the only one who deserves her anyway."

Gossip filled the cafeteria as people whispered and sent pictures to the campus

"The Genius's Girlfriend Exposed," "You Would Not Believe Who She Is," "Campus
Belle Taken," a variety of different titles and videos filled the community in a

At this time, Qu Lili was looking at Han Sen, stunned. Although she thought there
was something going on, she did not expect him to admit being her boyfriend. Based
on her understanding of Ji Yanran, her roommate would never let this happen.

Qu Lili even forgot to release Han Sens hand and stammered, "You are her

"What is this nonsense? You think someone like you can be our president's
boyfriend? I will kick your ass right now if you keep talking this way," shouted
Monkey among a group of men who had come over to this table. Li Yufeng was also
among them, looking gloomy.

"Why cant I?" Han Sen asked evenly, looking at the emotional crowd.

"Our president has said before, whoever wants to be her boyfriend has to beat her
at Hand of God. Can you?" Monkey asked coldly.

"That is easy," Han Sen said casually.

Staring at Han Sen, Li Yufeng suddenly said, "Now you have to beat me before you
could pursue Yanran."

Li Yufeng knew that with Han Sen's warframe skills, this guy must have fast hands,
and gave Han Sen a bigger challenge.

"Now isnt that even easier?" Han Sen laughed.

"What did you say?" Monkey and the rest were furious.

Li Yufeng stopped them, and threw a fiery gaze at Han Sen. "Then we will have one
match. If you lose, do not let me see you around her again."

"Is that necessary? You have lost already." Han Sen smiled.

"Damn, say it if you do not dare to game," ridiculed Monkey, thinking that Han Sen
got cold feet.

His friends were all helping him ridicule Han Sen, and Li Yufeng looked at Han Sen
with disdain. "If you dare not fight me, then stay away from her."

At this time, Qu Lili was suddenly enlightened and stood up. With both of her hands
on the table and her eyes fixed on Han Sen, she almost shouted, "Are you Ji Yanrans

The onlookers were shocked by Qu Lili. They all felt that Qu Lili was making a big
deal out of nothing, since Han Sen just said he was.

But Qu Lili quickly changed her way of asking, "Are you My-girlfriend-is-Ji-

All of a sudden, everyone opened their mouths wide. They did not expect that this
was the guy who had beaten Li Yufeng by 20 points on the Battlenet.

Now that Han Sen had personally admitted that he was Ji Yanrans boyfriend, was it
not the most plausible theory that he was behind that ID?

"That's my Battlenet ID," Han Sen replied casually.

Li Yufeng, Monkey and the rest all went pale. They could not believe this. If Han
Sen was really My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran, then there was no need for another match

"No wonder the genius said he had won already. So he is My-girlfriend-is-Ji-


"The genius is out of this world! I thought he was good at warframes, but he is
better at black and white boxing. Now he is even better at Hand of God and has
beaten Li Yufeng by 20 points."

"Great God, he is one of a kind!"

Chapter 172

Han Sen was Ji Yanrans boyfriend, and My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran was really Ji

Yanrans boyfriend. This news made many feel incredible and relieved at the same

After all, unless it was Ji Yanrans boyfriend, who would be so shameless to use
that ID?

But the news was still earthshaking in Blackhawk, whose campus belle finally had a
boyfriend, Han Sen.

Ji Yanran was the campus belle, but Han Sen was even more famous--the genius who
had the Starry Cup in his pocket, beat the Chosen in black and white boxing and
killed it at Hand of God.

Many people only felt a bit surprised when hearing the news, and soon thought that
it was rather natural.

Even the photos of Han Sen and Ji Yanran together looked sweet and natural.

When the two stood together, people noticed that although Han Sen was not as good-
looking, he had a man's determination. What was more incredible was his skin was
even better than his girlfriends, making many girls jealous.

Any picture with Ji Yanran and Han Sen in it was beautiful. They looked perfect
together like a sword belonged to its knight. If they were with anyone else, it
would not be the same.

"Wait, have we met recently?" The more she looked at Han Sen, the more familiar Qu
Lili felt. Suddenly, Qu Lili thought of something incredible and her eyeballs
almost fell out. She pointed at Han Sen. "You... you... dormitory..."

Before Qu could finish that sentence, Ji Yanran blushed and dragged her back to the

"Sweetie, I did not see that you have such potentials. Tell me, when did you have
this guy under your skirt? I cant believe you pretended not knowing him and said
you had no idea who your boyfriend was," said Qu Lili with a faint smile, glancing
at Ji Yanran who had her face covered up in a blanket.

Ji Yanran said with a look of pretended annoyance, "Its not like that. I really did
not know it was him."

"Ha! If you did not know it was him, why did you make out with him in public?" Qu
Lili twitched her mouth and showed no confidence in her statement.

Ji Yanran sat on her bed and took the blanket off her face. "Well, I will confess
now. I really did not know before..."

Ji Yanran explained the story from the moment when she met Han Sen on the

"Sweetie, you had your eyes on him then, right?" Qu Lili asked after listening,

"What? Im nothing like you ..." Ji Yanran was speechless.

At this time, Jis comlink rang and it was Han Sen.

"Aha! It must be Han Sen. So romantic, a phone call right after you parted..." Qu
Lili said, grinning.

Ji Yanran was so shy that she had an urge to hang up, but eventually ran to the
washroom and picked up.

After a while, Ji Yanran came out and said, "He said that we barely ate anything
before we left, and wanted to invite us eat something in a private room at the
cafeteria. You want to go?"

"Who is he?" Qu Lili gave an ambiguous smile.

"Are you going or not?" Ji Yanran pouted prettily in embarrassment.

"Of course, I will ask him to spare me one of his friends." Qu Lili twirled away to
get dressed.

When Ji Yanran and Qu Lili entered the private room, they saw Han Sen and Zhang
Yang sitting there chatting.

Seeing Ji Yanran and Qu Lili come in, Han Sen quickly pulled a chair next to him
and asked Ji Yanran to sit there. Zhang Yang did the same for Qu Lili.

"Han Sen, you hid the secret well and had Yanran to yourself so quietly," commented
Qu Lili with a faint smile.

"I have not had the opportunity yet," replied Han Sen with a smile.

Ji Yan turned red and ground her foot into Han Sens, making him yelp.

Qu laughed herself senseless and said, "Han Sen, let me reintroduce myself. My name
is Qu Lili, Yanrans best friend."

"Han Sen, Yanrans only boyfriend. And this is my classmate and roommate Zhang
Yang." Han Sen touched Zhang Yang and said, "You can introduce yourself."

Zhang Yang puffed out his chest and said, "Zhang Yang, student at Archery
Department, Han Sens roommate, and the greatest commander the Alliance will ever

"Well, there is an ambition. I admire that. To us!" Qu Lili raised her glass of

The four were all cheerful and young, so it took no time for them to get

"Han Sen, if you and Yanran are a couple, how could you join the Heavy Warframe
Society instead of Hand of God Society?" Qu Lili asked.

"Hand of God is not challenging enough, and I was not good at warframes so I wanted
to learn." Han Sen told the truth.

"I would only take this answer from you." Qu Lili heard Han Sen's answer and
suddenly laughed.

When Han Sen was about to say something, his comlink rang. Han Sen checked the
number and excused himself to answer the call.

"So mysterious. Is it a girl?" After Han Sen finished, Qu Lili asked directly.

Ji Yanran also wanted to ask, but was too shy to do that. Hearing Qu Lilis
question, she stared at Han Sen.

"No, a friend is looking for me, and I'll go to meet him later," Han Sen said.

"Such a fussy friend. Just ask him to join us," Qu Lili said.

Han Sen paused, and Qu Lili continued, "Han Sen, are you afraid we are going to see
your friend?"

Han Sen suddenly laughed. "Sister, if you do not mind, we can ask him to come

"Do it! I can handle ten friends of yours." Qu Lili was cheerful and carefree.

Chapter 173

"Then I will ask him." Han Sen called his friend and said a few words. Then he
smiled and said, "He is close and will be here in a minute."

In a minute, they heard a knock on the door. Han Sen opened the door and a guy
wearing a hat and sunglasses walked in.

"Friend, this is a military school. You think you can scare anyone by dressing like
this?" Qu Lili commented bitterly.

"Lili," Ji Yanran pulled her sleeve.

The man laughed. "That is true. I wear these because I was afraid of trouble."

He took off the hat and sunglasses, revealing a handsome face.

Several people inside the room were suddenly dumbfounded, especially the Qu Lili
and Zhang Yang.
"Tang... Tang Zhenliu..." Qu Lili stuttered, not expecting her idol would appear
here. And she seemed to have been rather mean to him.

"Hi! I am Han Sen's friend Tang Zhenliu. I hope I did not disturb you," Tang said
with a smile.

"No, of course not..." Qu Lili, who was nagging all the time, suddenly turned into
a shy girl.

Han Sen felt amused, and thought, "There is always one thing to conquer another. A
girl like Qu turned into a kitty cat when seeing Tang Zhenliu. Nice! Now she
probably wont try to give me a hard time."

Han Sen introduced everyonebasically just his friends to Tang Zhenliu, since
everyone knew who Tang was.

Zhang Yang shook Tangs hand very excitedly. He had always admired Tangs fierce
broadsword skills and saw Tang as his idol and goal, so he was thrilled to meet
Tang in person.

"Tang Zhenliu, I will beat you one day," said Zhang Yang, holding Tangs hand.

Tang froze, and Han Sen nearly died laughing. He explained, "Tang, these words from
Zhang Yang are absolutely without any malice. Among the people whom this guy will
beat are the Shura King, Alliance President, and lots of senators."

Tang Zhenliu suddenly came to understand it. He smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, it
would be my honor to be beaten by you."

The girls both grinned.

"Tang Zhenliu, if you were in a black and white boxing match with Han Sen, will you
win?" Qu Lili asked unexpectedly.

"Sixty to forty." Tang gave a reluctant laugh and blinked at Han Sen.

"Sen is so strong that he stands a 40 percent chance of beating you?" Zhang asked

"Ahem, I mean I only stand a 40 percent chance of winning," Tang said helplessly.

The rest looked at Han Sen as if he was a stranger.

Someone like Tang Zhenliu said he only stood a 40 percent chance of winning when
playing against Han Sen. This was so hard for them to imagine. Tang ranked second
in the Chosen!


After Tang Zhenliu left, Han Sen resumed his routine and spent most of his time in
the Heavy Warframe Society. There remained to be many problems in his operation
techniques. He could easily beat anyone on campus, but in the finals of Starry Cup,
he might not be able to get the championship.

The championship of the finals was very rewarding, and Han Sen was quite

Soon bad news came from the sponsor of Starry Cup: Han Sen and his Silver Killer
were disqualified, on the grounds that Han Sen had used an ineligible warframe.
Blackhawk protested this decision and tried to approach the Starry Group, but the
group insisted that Han Sen and Silver Killer be disqualified.

The reason for Starry Group's adoption of this strong attitude was that their young
master Son of Heaven had ordered them to kick Han Sen out. It did not matter who
had objection. The decision had been made.

Han Sens disqualification aroused a lot of controversy in the Military Academy

League. Some cheered the decision and some said they could not accept it.

The biggest controversy was whether or not the Silver Killer should be considered
ineligible. Starry Cup had not specified the details of the participating
warframes, so what Starry Group called ineligible was just their version.

"I know that there must be something wrong with the warframe. As a freshman, there
is no other explanation for his victory."

"But how did his warframe violate the rules? Starry Group did not give a reasonable
explanation, so it is difficult to convince the public."

"It violated some rules for sure. I think that Han Sen is the son of some general
and thus uses a military warframe. Or else why couldnt we find it on the market?"

"It is a military warframe for sure, which cannot be used in the Alliance. Han Sen
has has violated the law and should he arrested and interrogated."

"I thought he was somebody, but he simply cheated with a warframe. If you give me a
good military warframe now, I can definitely become the champion of a school
division in the contest."

"This is extremely unfair to the other players."

"I think it is not enough to cancel his qualification. They should cancel his
division championship as well."

"Indeed. Why was such a person made a champion?"

There were a lot of posts criticizing Han Sen all of a sudden on the Skynet.
Needless to say, Son of Heaven was behind that.

Many students who did not know the truth were also confused by these voices. After
all, it must be true what all men say.

But at this time, Han Sen chose to ignore those. Digang had agreed to Han Sens
terms and signed a contract with him. There were many activities that he needed to

One of the most important activities was that Digang would host a Digang Warframe
Match on the 10th of the next month. And Han Sen had to participate in it.

And the period of time before the match would see overwhelming advertising
campaigns of the new warframe, SKTS.

On the 10th of the next month, the Digang Warframe Match would start and SKTS would
be launched, while Starry Cup finals would also begin.

As the spokesperson of Digang, Han Sen needed to appear in its commercials and
campaigns, which he was glad to oblige. His Silver Killer had already been sent
back to the lab to have a weapon system installed. But even if he still had it, Han
Sen could not operate Silver Killer, because the only warframe he should be driving
for the time being was SKTS.

SKTS had almost the same appearance as Silver Killer, but its performance level was
much lower. As a prototype, Silver Killer was even better than ordinary military
warframes, let alone the civil ones.

But the outsiders could not distinguish between Silver Killer and SKTS at all. From
their looks, they were the same warframe.

Chapter 174

All of Digangs campaigns had been about the concept of super biological warframe,
but none had shown the appearance of this new warframe.

At this time, Digang was seizing the time to shoot the commercials for SKTS for

Digang had informed Blackhawk to allow Han Sen to take a leave from school when
there was no holidays so that he could go to a base of Digang for the shooting.

Because it was a trade secret, Han Sen could not tell anyone anything before the
commercials were aired. Han Sen just told Ji Yanran that he had some errands to run
before he was taken by the staff of Digang.

In a corner office at the base of Digang, an eighteen-year-old girl in white

uniform was arguing in front of Liu Changming.

"General Manager Liu, I believe that I have the ability and confidence to star the
commercial. Why would you ask me to be just a pretty face and let an ordinary
military school student to star the commercial? Please give me an explanation." Yu
Qianxun was sizzling with anger.

Although obedience was the first duty of a soldier, Yu Qianxun who was from a
service family could not accept the fact that she had to be a stooge to an ordinary

As a member of the special warframe force, as well as the fourth and the only
female among the Chosen this year, Yu Qianxun was a bigger star than Tang Zhenliu
and Lin Feng.

As early as a year ago, Yu was designated as the official spokesperson of Digang

and had endorsed most of the companys new products. The sales numbers of those
products had been great. That was why it was difficult for her to accept the order
to act in a supporting role to an ordinary military school student, who was from

Maybe for an average person, Blackhawk was regarded as a prestigious school, but
for her who was in Alliance Central Military Academy, Blackhawk was nothing.

"Qianxun, you are not in a supporting role. You are the heroine, and he is the
hero, and the commercial will be starred by both of you," Liu Changming said with a
smile. "Besides, now all young people like to see a beauty in the commercials. You
will definitely attract more attention that he ever will."

"General Manager Liu, do you think Im a three-year-old? This is a warframe

commercial. Have you ever seen a heroine who does not drive the warframe?" asked Yu
Qianxun, biting her lip.

She had seen the script. Although she was the heroine, there was no scene where she
would drive SKTS. The point of her being there was her face, which was not
something she was used to. And she was indeed playing a supporting role. After all,
whoever drove a warframe could be called a star in the commercial.

"Qianxun, you are not only a soldier, but also a star. Trust your performing skills
and I believe you can make yourself the protagonist of you two," Liu Changming
narrowed his eyes and said.

"But..." Yu Qianxun wanted to say anything, but was interrupted by Liu.

"No but. This is an order. If you have any opinion, you can go talk to your
superior." Liu Changming darkened his face.

Yu bit her lip and had to step out of Lius office. A soldier before a star, she
must obey orders despite her own unwillingness.

As a member of the special warframe force, she could not even touch the warframe in
a warframe commercial, which was definitely a shame for her.

"I want to see who it is that took this role from me." Yu Qianxun ground her fine

If it was for any other commercial, Yu Qianxun would not mind as much, but she was
really into SKTS. In her eyes, SKTS was leading the revolution in the warframe
industry. Hence it was her sincere hope to star the commercial for this warframe.

Han Sen was received by Liu Changming himself when he came to the base. Han Sen did
not dare to trifle with Liu, who was the general manager of Digang and a major

Fortunately, Liu Changming had a great impression of Han Sen, and their meeting was
also quite pleasant. Liu Changming personally arranged for Han Sen's residence and
welcome dinner, where almost everyone involved in the commercial showed up.

Liu introduced the director, producer and everyone else to Han Sen. The only one
missing was the heroine.

But Han Sen did not know there would be a heroine at all and simply enjoyed his

The next day, someone took him to the warframe training ground to get familiar with
SKTS. Looking at its appearance, Han Sen could hardly distinguish between SKTS and
Silver Killer.

The only difference was that when folded up, SKTS was bigger than Silver Killer.

Silver Killer was the size of a portable briefcase, while SKTS was like a luggage

An array of SKTS were placed on the stage, looking identical. Han Sen picked one
and turned it on.

Although it had the same appearance, Han Sen felt the difference after he started
to drive. In SKTS, the comfort of driver was improved, whereas the performance was
significantly reduced.
But even SKTS was much better than the King series of Starry Group in both
performance and smoothness.

Used to using a high-performance warframe, Han Sen was driving SKTS in his usual
style, which led to small deviations in the warframes movements. Some acts that Han
Sen assumed that SKTS would perform easily actually failed due to its lack of

Having been watching him secretly in an SKTS on the side, Yu Qianxun felt even
worse for herself being a stooge to this guy.

"Even if I could not get the leading role back, I will show you what it is like to
be a true warframe operator," thought Yu. Turning her warframe on, she commanded it
to draw a laser sword and rush toward Han Sen.

When practicing, Han Sen suddenly saw an object approaching him at a high speed
from the radar. He looked up and saw another SKTS coming toward him with a sword in
its hand.

Assuming that it was arranged to get him familiar with the warframe, Han Sen was
not surprised. Controlling his warframe to hold a sword in hand, he was ready for
the fight.

Chapter 175

But Han Sen misunderstood one thing. He thought there was an operator in each SKTS
in the array, and was prepared to be thrown into a group fight. Hence, he thought
he should get rid of the first warframe coming at him as fast as possible, so that
it would be easier for him to deal with the rest.

Liu Changming and the director of the commercial Xu Wenchang were monitoring Han
Sens practice through a monitor. Suddenly seeing a SKTS moving, they both paused.

And then Liu Changming suddenly knew what was happening and his face became grave.
"It must be Yu Qianxun. This is such nonsense."

Ready to ask someone to stop her, Liu Changming rose up but was stopped by Xu
Wenchang, who smiled and said, "Liu, it is okay. You said Han Sen is a warframe
genius, so wouldnt it be brilliant if he could just beat her so that she would play
her role willingly?"

Liu Changming said a wry smile, "Xu, you do not know Yus background. She comes from
a warframe family where generations of people have been dedicated to warframe
operation. She was sent to the special warframe force when she turned 16 and have
been practicing with the best men ever since. Few at her age could be better than
her at warframe."

Having taken a deep breath, Liu Changming continued, "Han Sen is very good, but I
cannot guarantee that he will be able to beat her. Moreover, she has been
practicing on SKTS for days, while he is just getting started. The performance of
SKTS is much worse than Silver Killer, so he must be still getting used to it."

"Ugh! Lets stop her immediately then," Xu Wenchang quickly said.

"Its too late. Lets hope for the best," Liu Changming said with a wry smile. Even
if he sent someone right now, it would be too late for that person to stop Yu.
Yu Qianxuns style of operation was like her character, taking the lead whenever
possible. She would fight without fear even when she was against someone much
stronger than herself.

Yu Qianxun drove SKTS at full speed toward Han Sen. With the power generated from
the high speed, the SKTS wielded the sword from above fiercely.

Seeing Han Sen raising his sword to block her strike, she felt more disdained. With
the same warframe, hers had a higher speed than his, so it was predictable that his
warframe would suffer more. Once his warframe fell to the ground, he would have no
chance to adjust before she beat him.

Yu Qianxuns strike was so fierce that she seemed to have put all her anger in it.

The swords were merely 10 inches apart and were about to collide. Considering the
size of SKTS, the distance was alarming.

At this time, Yu suddenly saw Han Sens sword had disappeared.

Yu Qianxun was shocked. But at this point there was nothing she could do other than
watching the other SKTS turning swiftly and briskly appearing behind her.


In the blink of an eye, Han Sen controlled his SKTS to kick the other warframe on
the back. Accompanied by its inertia of going forward, Yus warframe was brought to
its knees.

With the intense impact, Yu Qianxun was dumbfounded, not just because of the
physical pain, but also because she could not believe she would lose like this, to
someone that she despised.

For a moment, she did not move. She knew her opponent could have used his sword
instead of foot, which would ruin her and her SKTS.

Liu Changming and Xu Wenchang were also dazed. They had never thought that she
would lose so fast.

"This young man is really good," commented Liu Changming gladly. He had had enough
of Yu Qianxuns festering these days. Now she had no reasons to complain.

Xu Wenchang also smiled and said, "Indeed, it is wonderful for an unevolved person
to have such performance."

Trying to taking it from other SKTS when Han Sen got rid of Yu Qianxun, he found
the other warframes remained still. It seemed that it was the only warframe that he
was supposed to spar with.

When Han Sen was confused, a beautiful girl in white uniform came out of the SKTS
on the floor.

She was breathtaking and even comparable to Ji Yanran, although Ji was sweet, while
Yu Qianxun was valiant. They were both gorgeous in their own style.

"The real warframes have too much constraint. We should fight again using the
holographic simulation machine," Yu said aloud, walking toward Han Sen.

She was not convinced and thought her loss must be because she had underestimated
her opponent.
However, at this time, she had to concede that Han Sen was a great warframe
operator and not someone she could beat easily.

After all, it was not the battlefield and SKTS was quite expensive, so she wanted
to ask him to use the simulation to fight, where they would have less constraints.

Han Sen thought she was an opponent arranged by the company and followed her lead
to the simulation machine.

As he was walking, Han Sen thought, "Digang is so thoughtful to have arranged such
a beauty to spar with me. I was being so rude to her and have to act like a
gentleman later."

Han Sen was, of course, not thinking about losing on purpose. He only intended to
wait longer before he won, letting the girl show her strength.

Digang had paid for his operation skills, and why would they do that if he could
not even beat the girl they had arranged?

Chapter 176

At the contest among the champions of all shelters, Han Sen had seen Yu Qianxun,
but did not pay attention to her. Since she did not tell Han Sen who she was, he
did not recognize her.

Han Sen thought of her as a training mate instead of an actress whom he would be
working with, or else he would let her win at least once.

So, Yu Qianxun was miserable. Really, really miserable.

Having played a dozen times on the simulation machine, Yu had used all she had,
trying to win one round.

But she really could not. Her opponent was so good that it was almost creepy. With
unparalleled techniques, he brought his SKTS to life.

Fighting Han Sen reminded Yu Qianxun of her practice with evolvers. It was like a
fight between an adult and a kid. She saw no hope.

But her opponents seemed to be deliberately teasing her, allowing her to show what
he had and then knocking her out.

No matter how pissed Yu Qianxun was, the gap in their strength was objective. Her
anger changed nothing but her mood.

Although proud, she was nothing like Zhang Yang. After losing a dozen times, Yu
Qianxun quit the fight and walked out of the simulator.

"Is he really an unevolved student from a military academy?" Yu Qianxun was very
skeptical that Han Sen was simply an evolver. There was no other explanation for
him to be able to achieve this level.

But when Han Sen came out of the simulator, she saw his face and denied her own

Han Sen's look was on the tough side, but his skin became very smooth after he had
started practicing Jadeskin. Yu Qianxun could tell at first sight that Han Sen was
not an evolver, but her peer. Judging from how young he looked, she thought he
might be even younger than she.

"Didnt you know that I am a freshman?" Han Sen wondered why she would even ask.
Since she was arranged to practice with him, Digang should have briefed her on his

Yu Qianxun cast an odd look at him. He was indeed younger, since she was already in
sophomore year.

"You are so good at this. How did you practice?" Yu Qianxun was finally convinced
that he was younger, but much better than her, and accepted the fact that Han Sen
were to star the commercial. Coming from a military family, she had a
straightforward style and respected whoever stronger than herself.

"Just lots of time and energy. Havent you heard that saying?" Han Sen shrugged,
feeling slightly proud of himself being praised by such a beauty.

"What saying?" Yu Qianxun was confused.

"Success is ninety-nine percent of talent plus one percent of hard work." Han Sen

Yu hesitated and asked him, "You mean that success is ninety-nine percent of hard
work plus one percent of talent, right?"

"Sorry, made a mistake there." Han Sen felt a bit embarrassed, thinking that he
should go more often to the cultural courses at school so that he could pass the
school's semiannual assessment.

Yu Qianxun looked at Han Sen, and suddenly felt he meant what he had said. Without
any calluses on his hands, he had skin as smooth as tofu and looked nothing like
someone who would work hard.

"Ninety-nine percent of talent plus one percent of hard work? I will keep that in
mind." She cast another glance at him.

Although she did not believe in geniuses, Han Sen seemed to be a living example.

Liu Changming and Xu Wenchang both watched their simulated fights and were
surprised by the outcome.

It was hard to find any match for Yu Qianxun among her peers. However, she lost to
Han Sen completely, which was absolutely beyond their expectations.

"It seems that Han Sen was better than we have imagined. Great addition to the
special squad. When he becomes an evolver in a couple of years, he will be even
more extraordinary," Liu Changming pondered and said.

Xu Wenchang nodded. "Qin Xuan has great judgment. It was impressive that she was
able to pick him out."

"I have always had faith in the people chosen by the Qins." Liu Changming laughed.

Han Sen later learned that Yu was the heroine instead of his training mate. As
cheeky as he was, he felt embarrassed.

Fortunately, Yu Qianxun did not know his thoughts. Because she had been convinced
by Han Sens talents, she was very cooperative in the shooting.
In fact, even if she was not convinced, as a soldier, she would do her best to
follow the order. The only difference was that she would act more naturally this

During the shooting, Yu Qianxun would spar with Han Sen and ask him questions
whenever she had the opportunity. As she got to know him better, she felt even more
intimidated by him.

Han Sens speed was one of the things that made her feel inferior to. She estimated
that she would only be able to do that when she maxed out on her sacred geno

Later, she treated him as a superior and even an idol to catch up with.

If it werent for his tender skin, she might even treat him as a teacher.

However, she rather enjoyed squeezing Han Sens face for the nice feel, which was
actually quite alarming for Han Sen. The effect of Jadeskin had shown and he was
afraid that someone might be able to tell that he was practicing this hyper geno

Chapter 177

The whole process of shooting the commercial lasted a total of thirteen days, much
less than the original plan. Liu Changming and Xu Wenchang were more than satisfied
with the result.

Han Sen too was happy about everything. In addition to working with a beautiful
actress, he also ended up having his Silver Killer modified.

After the modification, Silver Killer was not only equipped with a weapon system,
but also shrunk in size. It was only as big as a fifteen-inch laptop at this point
and Han Sen could take it with him anywhere.

Liu Changming told him that it was the best the current technologies could reach
and a breakthrough in science had to be made before its size could be further

In accordance with their agreement, Han Sen was also given an SKTS, which had a
special Digang mark on it, meaning it could enjoy life-long free maintenance
service. Unless this warframe was completely scrapped, anything could be fixed for
free in a Digang maintenance station.

Of course, if it was located within the range of door-to-door service, that could
also be arranged.

This type of maintenance service was not commonly seen, and only two SKTS had the
mark. One belonged to Han Sen and the other to Yu Qianxun.

And Han Sen's Silver Killer was also stamped with this mark.

But when Han Sen looked at his own SKTS, he made a small request to Liu Changming.

Because of the special properties of a biological warframe, its color could not be
changed. An ordinary SKTS was in silver and even the owner added a coating on the
outside, as long as the warframe was turned to its compressed form, the coating
would disappear.
So, Han Sens request was to ask Liu Changming to add some blue patterns on his

Han Sen had already had his Silver Killer and was not interested in driving SKTS.
With some decoration, it could at least look impressive when he took it out for a

Liu Changming agreed, but the color-changing was quite difficult and required high-
level technology. If the warframe were to be made entirely blue, it would be
easier. However, to add blue patterns required the professors in the laboratory to
manually change part of the particle structure.

When Yu Qianxun found out about Han Sens request and saw the holographic design of
the blue and silver warframe, she requested the same patterns in red to be put on

For this reason, Han Sen stayed at the base for several more days and did not
immediately return to school.

In more than half a month, Digang had been pushing its campaign, but none of the
consumers had seen the look of the super biological warframe.

A revolutionary creation, a land mark in the warframe history all the words Digang
was using were viewed as a tale-spinning effort.

The competitors also turned the public opinion against Digang, and reduced the
company into a passive position.

Digang did not issue a counterattack, but was quietly waiting for the press
conference to be held on September 1, when they would launch the new super
biological warframe.

Finally, on September 1, Digang held the press conference on time.

Different from the press conferences before, this one was hosted by Liu Changming
personally. Facing the journalists from all the major press in the Alliance, he
said only one sentence, "Please enjoy epoch-making creation presented to you by

After that, a holographic commercial started to play and all the audience were
placed in a campus in the spring time, with breezes blowing gently.

Then, they saw a beautiful girl sitting under a tree next to the playground,
reading a book, her silky dark hair slightly fluttering. The scene was so
breathtaking that the audience were afraid their breath might disturb her.

Sunshine, green grass, and the beautiful girl brought them back to their innocent

"Yu Qianxun, I knew it would be her," all the journalists were thinking.

The recent Digang products were all endorsed by Yu Qianxun, with great market
effect. Therefore, everyone thought Digang would continue to hire her and it seemed
that they were right about it.

The scene was followed by a close-up of the book in her hands. In the sun, it felt
like the ink could be smelled.
However, darkness suddenly fell on the pages and Yu Qianxun looked up, frightened.
A grotesque, giant warship appeared in the sky and covered the entire school like a
dark cloud.

"A Shura warship!" The journalists recognized what it was.


An ugly warframe fell to the ground, leaving a deep pit. The warframe stood up, the
sword in its hand yearning for blood.

Next, Shura warframes flooded out of the monster-like Shura warship. The monsters
descended from heaven at the same time, turning a sweet scene into hell.

The earth was shaking, the gunfire was roaring, and the students were crying and
running around.

The girl played by Yu Qianxun was also desperately running, holding the book in her
arms. But how could her legs carry her faster than the Shura warframes? Not to
mention the warframes were everywhere.

A suffocating despair spread in the hearts of all the audience.


At this critical moment, she tripped over something and fell to the ground, and the
book fell in front of her.

Struggling to sit up, she reached for the book in panic. When she turned back, she
saw the school under attack and the frightening groups of Shura warframes rushing

Seeing the despair on her face, everyone was heartsick at once, wishing they could
save the poor girl.

But there were too many Shura warframes, and one of them had even slashed at the
girl with a sword.


A silver box suddenly hit the bloody sword aside, the letters "TS" engraved on the

The silver box finally fell into the hands of a boy in school uniform, who pressed
the box and threw it up in the air.

Chapter 178

Some journalists felt that the boy looked familiar, but none could think of who he
Everyones attention was on the silver box.

The silver box rustled and turned into silver liquid, winding up the boys body.

In the incredulous look of the audience, the silver liquid turned into the parts of
a warframe and armed the boy.

"Silver Killer... It is Silver Killer..." Finally someone recognized it.

And at this moment, SKTS drew a laser sword and a particle gun, moving toward the
Shura warframes like a ghost.

In the explosion, the sound of metal on metal, the sparks, and the gunfire, Silver
Killer was killing away. Facing Shura warframes, Silver Killer was like a proud
warrior, declaring to the Shuras that humans were the true owner of the land.


The laser sword was broken. The particle gun ran out of energy and was thrown at a
Shura warframe. With its ammunition exhausted, Silver Killer was still faced with
endless enemies.

Everyone was shocked by the incredible visual effect. It was even better than a

But the next scene was even more thrilling.

From the bombarded school, the students rushed out one after another, each holding
a silver box engraved "TS."

When the box was turned on, all of them were covered in silver warframes, which
then launched fierce attacks on the Shura army.

Warfare between Shura and human was displayed with passionate background music,
motivating each audience to join.


The last frame was focused on the first silver warframe, which blew away a Shura
that was trying to attack the girl. The lens was zoomed in on the "TS" engraved on
the breastplate of the warframe in the end.

A line showed up slowly, with a low male voice reading, "SKTS by Digang, September
10, Di Garden."

After a moment of silence when all the journalists looked at the screen with a
blank look, Liu Changming appeared once again on the stage. The journalists were
raising questions like crazy.

"Mr. Liu, is that a real warframe shown in the commercial?"

"Mr. Liu, can a warframe really be compressed into such a small case?"
"Mr. Liu, has any special effect been used in the video?"

"Mr. Liu, is SKTS the same warframe that appeared on the Starry Cup?"

"Mr. Liu, that boy driving SKTS must be that Blackhawk student disqualified by
Starry Group, right?"


Liu Changming lifted his hands to quiet the room down and said quietly, "See you on
September 10."

And then he did not say one extra word before leaving under the escort of security

The whole Alliance was in a heated discussion of SKTS. And the commercial had gone

"S*#t! That cannot be real!"

"Must all be special effects."

"How can it be special effects? It will be sold on the 10th..."

"So Silver Killer was the latest super biological warframe SKTS. No wonder it was
not on the marketit had not been launched yet."

"Starry Group is rubbish to disqualify the student. How is this a warframe for
military use? Everything is clear now."

"Digang deserves the hype. Amazing stuff!"

"If it really works like this, I need one in my life."

"I had decided to buy ten when I saw Han Sen at the Starry Cup."

"Come on! They have said it is a limited edition. It is still in question whether
you could snag one, let alone ten."

"Digang is playing dirty by showing a virtual image as its selling point. A shame
on the military business."

"Exactly, Digang rubbish."

"Yu Qianxun is gorgeous. She has changed her style too."

"Yes! She is so beautiful. I did not expect she could also perform such a role. A
true goddess."

"Han Sen's operation skills are top-notch as ever."

"Cant wait for September 10 to come. I'm so eager to get my hands on this."

"On September 10 Digang will be humiliated by its own lie. How can we produce
something like this with our current tech?"

"Ha-ha, I am a Blackhawk student. That is our genius there."

"The genius is a big shot now, being the new face of Digang."

"He must have always been their spokesperson. Before the new warframe was rumored
to be launched, he had used an SKTS already."

SKTS was a total hit. All kinds of experts were analyzing if it was possible to
make such a product.

Some experts supported Digang, while some snorted, thinking it was merely a stunt.

The debate was endless and before SKTS was officially sold, the result would remain
in suspense, which worked in Digangs favor, because either way, SKTS had enjoyed
unparalleled popularity.

And Digang also released the news about the Digang Warframe Match on September 10,
the top three of which could each win an SKTS provided by Digang.

But the applicants needed to be unevolved to be eligible.

Only a few minutes past the announced application time, the application sites on
the Skynet were almost out of capacity.

Chapter 179

The application period was only two days, after which a Skynet qualifier would be
held, and the top nine would to join Han Sen as finalists to compete in the Digang
Warframe Match on September 10.

Many commented that Digang was rather stingy by awarding only the top three with
SKTS--so fussy over a warframe. The most expensive warframe for civil use at the
time was the King series of Starry Group, which cost no more than a dozen million
and could be customized as required.

SKTS, however, would not allow customization. Every warframe was the same model;
not even the color could be changed. A warframe like this would be at most ten to
twenty million. Plenty could afford it.

But when they saw the pricing, people were all dumbfounded. It was an absurd 76
million, which could buy six or seven King series warframes and probably broke the
record of civil warframes.

One could even get two or three military warframes with that price.

Also, only 100,000 units would be sold. It sounded like a bit number, but with so
many planets in the Alliance and tens of billions of people on each planet, 100,000
was not a lot at all.

The competitors attacked Digang ferociously, and the people were also very
dissatisfied with the companys strategy. The negative news of Digang was almost

Yet Digang had no comment on any of that, waiting for September 10 to come.

More and more applied for Digang Warframe Match. Fortunately, in the beginning
there had not been too many applicants and there was a limit of two days for
application, or else the preliminaries could not be finished before the finals at

"Han Hao, come to see this person... This person... looks like Han Sen..." Han
Yumei frowned and called Han Hao while watching the Digang Warframe Match.

"They just look alike. There is no way thats him. This is a star and Han Sen does
not even deserve to polish his shoes," Han Yumei's commented cynically.

"Thats right. How could Han Sen star a Digang commercial? But they do look terribly
alike. Han Hao, come here and look at this latest Digang warframe, 76 million! So
expensive that we could probably afford one if we sold everything," Han Yumei said

Han Hao came out of the room, his face dark. Seeing the commercial, he gritted his
teeth and said, "That is Han Sen."
"What? It cannot be. Where did you hear the gossip?" Han Yumei and her husband were
staring at Han Hao.

"That is no gossip. Check the list of actors and you will see." Han Hao was in a
bad mood.

He could not believe that Han Sen would turn thing around so quickly. First his
cousin was admitted to a famous military school, and now he was in the most popular
commercial of the entire Alliance.

Han Yumei and her husband were dazed. They watched the star in the commercial that
looked like the god of war, unable to believe that was Han Sen.

At this time, Han Yumeis comlink rang and she pressed answer. Her brothers
holographic image popped out and said urgently, "Yumei, have you seen the
commercial of SKTS? Han Sen... "

In the old house of the Hans, Luo Sulan was watching the same commercial over and
over again, her eyes red and full of tears.

Since Han Sen spoke to her and told her about the commercial, Luo Sulan had watched
it many times. No matter how many times she watched it, she could not get over her
excitement, as if that figure in it was her whole world.

On the other hand, Ji Yanran was not happy recently. She only learned from Han Sen
about the commercial right before it was publicized. Before that, she was not even
aware that Han Sen had gone to shoot a commercial.

When the commercial was aired, many students came to ask her, "Yanran, your
boyfriend is actually a star. Why didnt you tell us?"

"Yanran, it the SKTS really how it looks in the commercial?"

"You must know since Han Sens your boyfriend."

"Did he take you on a ride in SKTS?"

"She must have been driving it."

"Yanran, could you talk it up to the genius and get me an SKTS internally? I am
afraid I wont be able to snag one."

Ji Yanran was so depressed, since she knew as much as they did.

"Asshole, I need to show him who the boss is when hes back." Ji Yanran fiercely
ground her teeth.

But when she continued to watch the commercial and saw the incredibly pretty Yu
Qianxun, she suddenly sensed crisis.

"Han, good job! You are now the spokesperson of Digang," Zhang Danfeng said to Han
Sen over the phone excitedly.

"Ha-ha, do you want an SKTS?" Han Sen asked with a smile.

"Yes! But unfortunately it costs more than 70 million, and even if you could get
some discount for me, I still would not be able to afford one." Zhang Danfeng
"Hang on, I could get you one in a few days." Han Sen was someone who remembered
others kindness. Since her family went downhill, Zhang Danfeng and his father
helped them a lot. Otherwise it would have been even harder on Luo Sulan.

And a while back, Zhang Danfeng gave him a two-million-dollar broadsword and Han
Sen took it. Although he never used it, he remembered.

Two million was not much for Han Sen now, but it was quite a lot for both of them
back then. Even if Zhang could not use it himself, he could have used it to
exchange for the meat of creatures, which he did not, but gave the weapon to Han

"Thats not right." Zhang Danfeng was slightly surprised. Although Han Sen had
endorsed the warframe, there was no way Digang would give these warframes away.

"Thats nothing. I have two now and will get you one in a few days. We could hang
out together in them and get the swag." Han Sen laughed.

"I appreciate it, but I am not interested in driving warframes. If you see some
nice broadsword skills, remember to teach me," replied Zhang Danfeng.

"Okay then," said Han Sen.

Han Sen returned to school on September 6. The remodeling of SKTS took longer than
he had thought. He could only stay at school for one day before going back to Di
Garden for the Digang Warframe Match. He could get another SKTS if he was among the
top 3.

Unfortunately, this one would not come with a free lifetime maintenance service.

Chapter 180

Ji Yanran was on the Battlenet playing Hand of God when she saw a reminder saying
"My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran" was online.

"You finally showed up!" Ji Yanran would like to invite Han Sen to her virtual
room, but thought it would make her look bad.

Hesitant if she should ignore him, she saw an invite from him.

Ji Yanran subconsciously clicked yes, and immediately entered a room Han Sen set

"Sister, playing Hand of God so late at night?" Han Sen sent a voice message.

"Yes, I do not have a commercial to star, or any pretty girl to perform with. What
else could I be doing?" Ji Yanran said sourly.

Han Sen quickly said, "Do not mention it. I had thought that an actress would be
pretty, but was so disappointed when I saw her in person. She does not have one
tenth of your beauty."

As he lied away, Han Sen thought to himself, "Yu Qianxun, thank you for the

Ji Yanran was secretly delighted, but pretended to be mad, "So that you went for
her in the first place?"
"No way. I went for you," Han Sen quickly vowed.

"How does the commercial have anything to do with me?" Ji Yanran pouted.

"You see, I already have a Silver Killer, but you dont. My family is not rich, so I
had to work for Digang to get you a new SKTS. In the future, we could drive
matching silver warframes," Han Sen said.

"Who needs that..." Ji Yanran blushed. "Its just a warframe. I could have bought it

"I had this one customized. It has blue patterns, and is unique in the Alliance,
which shows our love is unique," Han Sen said.

"Just a change in the color. If I want it to be done, Liu Changming would not dare
to refuse," Ji Yanran still pretended to be mad, while rejoicing at heart.

"My thought is unique though." Han Sen was a bit shocked. He knew Ji Yanran was
from a prominent family, but her tone suggested that her family was probably more
powerful than he had imagined.

"You would really give it to me? Yours should come with the Digang mark, right?" Ji
Yanran pondered and asked.

"Of course! Nothing is more important than my future wife!" Han Sen said.

"Who is your future wife? A warframe for a wife, you are too clever." Ji Yanran
pouted prettily.

"OK, a lover then," Han Sen said, grinning.

"Ill give you a chance. If you could show up in front of me when I count to three,
I could totally be your lover," Ji Yanran teased Han Sen.

"That is not fair. You know Im not on campus," cried Han Sen.

"Anyway, I gave you the opportunity. Its not my fault you cant make it." Ji Yanran
knew Han Sen would participate in the Digang Warframe Match and must not be at

"One ..." Ji Yanran counted with delight.

"No..." Han Sen whimpered.

"Two... you have to seize the time..." Ji Yanran laughed.

"Can you count down in a few days?" Han Sen begged.

"No, I cannot wait to want to be your mistress. Ive showered and been waiting for
you to come. How can I stop now? Okay, two point five Hurry... "Ji Yanran continued
to tease him.

"Sweet sister, wait for me a bit longer..." Han Sen continued to plead.

"I have been so horny. It has to be now..." Ji Yanran fell into a strong arm before
she could finish the sentence. Surprised, she felt warmth breath next to her ear
and heard a familiar voice, "Sister, you need to stay true to your words. Now you
can be my lover"
"How can you be here?" Ji Yanran was suddenly so shy that even her neck was
crimson. She teased him because she was convinced he must be on the way to Di
Garden or there already.

Han Sen was holding Ji Yanran behind her, looking at her pink ear, and could not
help pecking on it.

Ji Yanran suddenly felt an electric shock, going limp in Han Sens arms.

Looking at how pretty she was, Han Sen felt an urge and kissed her deeply on her

Arms around Han Lan's neck, she kissed him back.

"Ah!" While the two were at it, a scream scared them and they quickly separated.

"Ahem, I am just passing by... Please continue..." Qu Lili who had come to look for
her roommate went away, grinning.

"You come back here." Ji Yanran was full of shame. She quickly ran over to chase Qu

Han Sen looked at his own right hand with contempt. It was this guy that had
touched Ji Yanrans breasts when she was dazed.

Han Sen only spent one day at school before he took an interstellar spacecraft to
Di Garden. He needed to compete in Digang Warframe Match for the endorsement and
the prize.

There were many applicants for the match in the end. And all the finalists were

Some players from military schools even gave up the Starry Cup finals for this.

Compared to the King series warframes, the mysterious SKTS was clearly more

Chapter 181

"Lili, hurry! The live stream of the SKTS launch is about to start. You wont make
it if you dont run." After class, Ji Yanran and Qu Lili quickly ran across the

Out of breath when back in their dormitory, Qu Lili saw Ji Yanran turning her
device on and watching the SKTS launch. She was quite relieved and said,
"Fortunately we made it."

"You are doomed Yanran. Are you still that girl who is the goddess of all guys and
does not even spare them a glance? You just fell in Han Sens laps," Qu Lili looked
at Ji Yanrans expression and said incredulously.

Ji Yan suddenly blushed, "Who said I was looking at him? I simply want to check
SKTS out. Its an epoch-making product."

"Ha! The product? Why do you stare at the contestants then?" Qu Lili asked
with a faint smile.

Ji Yanran continued to quibble, "That is because he promised me his prize.

Otherwise I will never look at him."

"Stop it. I know all about your familys warframe collection. You have even the
historic warframe from the Battle of Planet Blackdeer. You expect me to believe you
care about this warframe?" Qu Lili twisted her lips.

"So what? I enjoy watching my boyfriend." Ji Yanran did not even care at this

"Doomed. You are so doomed." Qu Lili was surprised to see Ji Yanran like this,
changing from a goddess to an ordinary girl.

At the launch, a large number of media and consumers were waiting for the release
of SKTS. It was even more crowded than Liu Changming had imagined.

Although there were a lot of bad comments on the Skynet, many were simply attracted
by this controversial warframe.

When Liu Changming walked up to the podium, the major media were desperately taking
pictures. Reporters that wanted to ask questions were all stopped by the guards.

"I will not say anything but ask you to enjoy Digangs recent masterpiece."

The gate was lifted after Liu Changming finished the sentence. Boxes with "TS"
engraved on them were neatly arranged on the shelf in a huge warehouse.

"It looks the same as in the commercial!"

"It sure does."

"Its just the look. Its performance cannot be compared with the ones in the
commercial, right?"


The media and those who wanted to buy SKTS were staring at the rows of silver

Suddenly, they saw two persons walking from the warehouse and to the stage.

"Look, it's Yu Qianxun and Han Sen!"

"They are also carrying SKTS..."

The journalists were taking pictures as fast as they could. And at this time, Han
Sen and Yu Qianxun exchanged a glance and turned their SKTS on, throwing the
warframes in the air.

Same as the scene in the commercial, the silver boxes turned into the silver liquid
and flowed down, turning into parts of warframes and armed the two. Very soon, two
SKTS were standing in front of people.

"SKTS made by Digang is officially on the market."

Yu Qianxun and Han Sen drove the warframes to the match venue and started a

The techniques they used bedazzled all.

"Oh, it's true! Everything in the commercial is true. A biological warframe is so

"S*#t! Even that move is possible! Viva Digang."

"This is really an epoch-making product!"

"That's my dream warframe!"

"The new era of warframe has finally come."

"A warframe revolution..."

"Dont push. I came first..."


The entire site was in madness. As expensive as it was, all one hundred thousand
units of SKTS were sold out almost in the blink of an eye. Many regretted coming
too late.

And after the launch of SKTS, the Digang Warframe Match officially took off.

This day, almost all the media were crazy about SKTS. And those who got their hands
on one started to brag.

A variety of videos about the testing, operation, and first impression of SKTS went

It was as if there was only this one model of warframe in the entire Alliance.

Those who were originally interested in SKTS but hesitated because of all the
rumors were very regretful.


Son of Heaven smashed a glass cup. It was the opening of the Starry Cup finals, but
there were almost no reports on the Starry Cup. Almost all of the media chose to
cover Digang and SKTS instead.

This was a major loss of Starry Group. And what made it worse was that the
spokesperson of SKTS was Han Sen, whom Son of Heaven should have killed a long
while back.

The massive Starry Cup finals turned out to be rather quiet. The finalists all felt
quite rueful about coming.

Had they known about how good SKTS would be, they would have applied for the Digang
Warframe Match instead of Starry Cup. Both matches were commercial anyway, so all
that mattered was the prizes. And how could a Starry Group warframe even be
compared to SKTS, when the latter was the best and limited edition?

And because most of the ace players had chosen to participate in the Starry Cup,
the competition was not as fierce in the first Digang Warframe Match. Many of the
applicants to the Digang match were the bench players of famous teams. Since they
had no chance to compete in the Starry Group, they had chosen to compete in the
Digang Warframe Match.

That was also a fact that contributed in Han Sens championship of the Digang Match
with nine victories.

The second place was Yu Qianxun. She only lost to Han Sen.

The red and blue patterns on Yu Qianxun and Han Sens SKTS had also attracted a
great deal of attention. Many inquired if they could add patterns to their own
SKTS, and was replied that those were only designed for the spokespersons and would
not be sold on the market.

Chapter 182

At this point the SK series had become a synonym for high-end warframes. Han Sen
had also become quite a celebrity among the unevolved.

In Steel Armor Shelter, Yang Manli widened her eyes, glaring at Han Sen. "Why? Why
would you want to refuse to Digangs new warframe SK Wolf?"

Yang Manli could not begin to understand that. Digang had offered Han Sen excellent
conditions for him to endorse their new four-legged warframe SK Wolf, but Han Sen
had turned their offer down.

In the view of Yang Manli, Han Sen was just arrogant. He thought he had become a
big star after shooting a commercial.

"Why did you turn it down?" Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen and calmly asked.

"Endorsement could bring me a lot of wealth and popularity," Han Sen paused, and
then continued, "but my goal is not to become a big star, and this endorsement
takes up too much of my time. I do not have time to be wasted on these things. SKTS
was quite enough for now. Please explain on my behalf and turn down Digangs offer.
I believe you would not want to see me failing the semiannual assessment either."

Qin Xuan smiled and said, "Since you have decided, I will reply Digang and you can
focus on other things."

"Thank you, Captain." Han Sen was glad that he was working for Qin Xuan, who was an
admirable boss in every aspect.

After Han Sen left, Yang Manli was very puzzled. She looked at Qin Xuan and said,
"Captain, why did you agree to let him turn down the endorsement? It would do him
and the special squad good."

Qin Xuan grinned. "An endorsement does not mean much. He has done quite enough. And
he was right that the special squad does not need an expelled student."

"Do you really believe what he said?" Yang Manli widened her eyes.

"He was exaggerating, but was right about one thing: if his own strength cannot
keep up with his fame, then everything is just void. He really should not waste too
much time on vanity." Qin Xuan Paused and said, "Draft a document to turn down
Digangs endorsement request, please."

Han Sen was taking Wang Mengmeng to Devil Desert.

In order to get the S-Class license as soon as possible, Han Sen spared no effort
to make Wang Mengmeng max out on all types of geno points other than the sacred
Fortunately, Wang Mengmeng was resourceful, so it should not take too long.

And he was not her only protector either. She would only ask him to accompany her
to the extremely dangerous places like Devil Desert.

There were quite a lot of sacred-blood creatures in Devil Desert and Han Sen would
like to take a chance and see if he could gain a sacred-blood weapon. If he could,
then in the future, he would not have to run from the sacred-blood creatures like
the silver bird, but could try to kill them.

Wang Mengmeng rarely went to school. The reason she had chosen Heavy Warframe
Society was that there was no constraints there so that she could spend most of her
time in Gods Sanctuary. In addition to Han Sen, there were several other special
squad members taking her out on hunting trips.

Coupled with adequate advanced meat for her consumption, Wang Mengmeng improved
fast. Currently she could fight a mutant creature alone.

Han Sen leisurely followed Wang Mengmeng riding the mutant three-eyed beast,
watching her fight. All he had to do was to summon the golden rock worm to clean up
the creatures she had killed.

Now Han Sen's targets were limited to mutant and sacred-blood creatures. However,
Wang Mengmeng still needed some primitive geno points, so they were still hunting
for rare primitive creatures.

"Brother Han, there seemed to be a group of creatures eyeing us from above," said
Wang Mengmeng, sitting on the back of her big white bear.

"It has been a while. I wonder why they did not attack us." Han Sen nodded, as he
had already noticed them.

It was a group of black-feathered beasts. They were primitive creatures with a

monkey-like body and a pair of black wings.

Han Sen had spotted them before. But they usually appeared in small groups instead
of a large group like this. There were at least three dozen black-feathered beasts
gathering in the sky right now.

These black-feathered beasts were hovering over them, but did not mean to attack.
Han Sen had some doubts about this. Although they were intelligent, he did not
believe that they could tell he and Wang were strong from their looks.

With so many of them, the beasts could have tried to attack.

When Han Sen was wondering, he suddenly heard faint sounds of fighting ahead of

The two exchanged a look and urged their mounts up a dune. From there, they saw a
group of people being attacked by thousands of black-feathered beasts, some of
which were mutant creatures. Surrounded by black-feathered beasts, the group had no
way to escape. They were fighting hard, but there were bodies of both the black-
feathered beasts and humans on the sand.

"So these guys hovering over us are just the sentinels. No wonder they had not
attacked us. We were never their goals." Han Sen was scared by how intelligent the
creatures could be. They even had a strategy.

"That looks like Huangfu Pingqing. Whats she doing here?" Wang Mengmeng watched for
a while and looked surprised, her eyes on a woman in red armor among the group of

"Huangfu Pingqing? Who is she?" Han Sen paused as he had never heard such a name in
Steel Armor Shelter. Judging from Wangs reaction, she seemed important.

"She is the daughter of Huangfu Hao. The Huangfus and Wangs have been friends for
generations. We have been cooperating in many businesses. She is two years older
than me, and has entered Gods Sanctuary two years before I did. Her shelter should
be Faith Shelter. Why would she be here?" Wang Mengmeng asked, "Brother Han, can we
help them kill the creatures?"

Chapter 183

"Do you know the rest of them?" Han Sen did not answer, but asked.

"No." Wang Mengmeng shook her head after looking carefully.

"How tight are you and Huangfu Pingqing?" Han Sen asked again.

"We have known each other since we were little and our families have business
collaborations," Wang Mengmeng thought and replied.

"Then wed better stay here, so that they would not assume that we wanted to steal
the creatures," Han Sen narrowed his eyes and said.

Wang Mengmeng instantly understood what he meant and stayed quiet. Obviously, Han
Sen believed that the group was able to cope with the group of black-feathered
beasts. If the two of them rushed over, the group might misunderstand their

After a while, a young man of the group summoned a pair of white wings, flew up and
started a killing spree.

"He is great!" Wang Mengmeng was slightly surprised to see the young man moving.

"Your friend is better," Han Sen smiled and said.

"Her?" Wang Mengmeng looked to Huangfu Pingqing in surprise, only to find her
shooting arrows under several peoples protection. Compared to the winged young man,
she seemed less impressive.

"Every arrow she shot would kill the beast that poses the most danger to the group.
And even a mutant beast would be shot dead by her. She looked ordinary, but her
threat to these creatures is greater than the young man. She is both calm and
capable. I think she is probably better than I in archery," said Han Sen,

Wang Mengmeng observed carefully, and found Han Sen was right. Huangfu Pingqings
arrows seemed out of order, but would always hit the most dangerous black-feathered

Suddenly, with a strange cry from afar, the cloud-like black-feathered beasts
scattered quickly, leaving thousands of dead bodies on the sand.

The group of people clearly had noticed the two of them a while ago. Some of them
stayed to clean up the field, and Huangfu Pingqing walked over to the two together
with the young man who had beast soul wings.
"Mengmeng, so great to see you here," Huangfu Pingqing held Wang Mengmeng's hand
and said dearly.

"Sister, I was afraid that you might misunderstand, so I did not go over to help.
You will not blame me, right?" Wang Mengmeng blinked and said.

"Of course not, I understand that you meant well," Huangfu Pingqing said, and
looked to Han Sen in surprise, "Arent you the spokesperson of SKTS? I did not
expect to see a celebrity here. It is my honor to meet you."

Huangfu Qingqing had reached out her hand. It seemed that she was genuinely happy
to see him.

"Miss Huangfu, you flatter me. I just got lucky." Han Sen felt a chill. Although
Huangfu Pingqing had a beautiful smile and cordial manner, he had an instinct that
she was more dangerous than Son of Heaven. The poisonous plants were always

"Since Mengmeng is my friend and you are hers, then we are friends and you can call
me Pingqing." She then introduced the young man with her, "This is Wang Dongling.
He has been a great help in the shelter. If it werent for him, I could never get
here and chat with you."

Wang Donglings face was grim when seeing Huangfu Pingqing talking to Han Sen like
that, but now hearing her remark, he suddenly smiled and said hi to Han Sen and
Wang Mengmeng.

After the four chatted for awhile, Han Sen learned that Huangfu Pingqing and the
rest had travelled from Faith Shelter and across the Devil Desert to reach here.

"It is really good to see you here. Can you take us to Steel Armor Shelter?"
Huangfu smiled and asked.

Wang Mengmeng was ready to agree, but Han Sen suddenly said, "Miss Huangfu, we are
not far from Steel Armor Shelter. Here is a map and if you follow this, you will
get there in days. We have just arrived and will not head back now."

Huangfu looked surprised for an instant before she put on a smile and gave the map
to Wang Dongling. "That being the case, I have to trouble Mr. Wang to take the
group there. I have so much to talk about with Mengmeng, and will join you on your
hunting trip."

Wang Donglings face slightly darkened. He quickly said, "Pingqing, it is too

dangerous for you to be here alone. I will ask the rest to go to Steel Armor
Shelter and I can stay to protect you."

Han Sen could not help frowning. Huangfu Pingqing and Wang Dongling decided to stay
without his consent, while the rest of the group took the map and went to Steel
Armor Shelter.

"Miss Huangfu, do you need these black-feathered beasts bodies?" Han Sen pointed to
nearly a thousand dead black-feathered beasts on the ground.

"So much primitive meat. Even if I want it, I wont be able to take it back. If you
can use it, be my guest." Huangfu wondered what Han Sen could possibly do with it.

Han Sen thanked her and summoned the golden rock worm king, which was now the size
of an ox. It quickly squirmed to the bodies and started to swallow.
Huangfu Pingqing and Wang Dongling were both shocked by how the worm ate its food.
They had seen nothing like this since there were not a lot who kept advanced beast
soul pets.

Chapter 184

Seeing the golden rock worm king eating the bodies up and growing in size, Huangfu
Pingqing could not help feeling surprised.

"Mr. Han, is this a sacred-blood beast soul pet?" Huangfu looked at Han Sen and

"It is. But its basically useless. All it does is eating." Han Sen laughed.

He gained the beast soul of the golden rock worm king when he was with Wang
Mengmeng, so he did not hide it from them. Plus, everyone knew it was hard to make
a beast soul pet transform, let alone a sacred-blood one. Han Sen was trying to
seize everyone opportunity for him to feed the worm king.

"You are full of surprises. Its so impressive that you have a scared-blood pet. Ive
always wanted one. If you could sell it to me, I promise that I will pay
handsomely," Huangfu said unexpectedly.

Before Han Sen answered, Wang Dongling could not help saying, "Pingqing, what do
you need a beast soul like this for? It is almost impossible to make a sacred-blood
beast soul transform. Without a lot of sacred-blood meat, that could never be

Han Sen chuckled inwardly and thought, "This guy is so dumb. That was just a probe.
She does not really want to buy the worm king."

Huangfu heard Wang Dongling and said with a smile, "I just really like it. Would
Mr. Han be willing to sell?"

Han Sen smiled faintly and said, "Miss Huangfu, if you like it, of course I could
sell. But I have spent quite some energy to feed the golden rock worm king and the
price would be high. I suggest that we barter. I could trade this sacred-blood
beast soul with another. What do you think?"

Huangfu pondered and said, "I also need sacred-blood beast souls. Do you accept
cash? I am willing to buy it with a hundred million."

Han Sen slightly shook his head. "I am sorry for Miss Huangfu. I am not short of
money, and would only consider another sacred-blood beast soul."

"It is really a pity." Huangfu seemed to feel genuinely sorry.

The conversation had ended. Huangfu never wanted to buy the beast soul pet, but her
probe did not get her what she wanted to know.

But Han Sen did make her feel alarming. She had an intriguing smile on when seeing

Because Huangfu Pingqing and Wang Dongling had joined them, Han Sen did not need to
do much. He simply protected Wang Mengmeng to hunt and did not fight himself.

Wang Dongling, on the other hand, had been very eager to show off in front of
Huangfu. He was constantly killing creatures, making Wang Mengmeng quite unhappy.

Wang Mengmeng planned to practice her skills in Devil Desert. It was rare that she
saw two mutant creatures, which were both killed by Wang Dongling to kill.

Fortunately, those two mutant creatures were both too large for anyone to eat. So
they fell into the stomach of the worm king in the end.

"Mr. Han's warframe skills are the best among the unevolved. I wonder which aspect
are you good at when it comes to martial arts." Huangfu Pingqing wanted to see how
well Han Sen could fight when they saw the mutant creatures, but Wang Dongling was
quite eager to show off and her plan failed.

"There is nothing in particular that I am good," Han Sen casually replied,

wondering if he should end the trip early. With these two following, he could not
achieve anything.

"With his skills in warframe, Mr. Han must have spent all his time on that," Wang
Dongling cut in.

Han Sen almost laughed out loud. Wang Dongling was definitely the worst teammate
ever. He did not understand the minds of Huangfu at all and was playing cover for
Han Sen.

Huangfu frowned. As astute as her, she was impatient about Wang Dongling, who had
disrupted her probe for Han Sen.

Wang Mengmeng also felt amused. Seeing it getting awkward, she said, "Brother Han
is in the Archery Department, so he is good at archery, but definitely not as good
as Pingqing."

Han Sen being an archery student was reported by various media, and Wang Mengmeng
felt it was okay to share that.

"So Mr. Han, you are in the Archery Department. We shall have a little competition
later." Huangfu did not pay any special attention to Han Sen before and only
learned his name via the Digang commercial. Knowing he was an archery student, she
was quite delighted.

"I think we should forget it. My archery skills are quite ordinary." Han Sen was
tired to cope with Huangfu. As pretty as she was, this woman was too cunning. Han
Sen did not like women like her.

"Pingqing, do not embarrass him. He must have spent all his time on warframes
instead of archery. If you want to compete, I can join you. I have practiced
archery for a long time," Wang Dongling said with a smile.

Han Sen and Wang Mengmeng exchanged a glance, and both of them twitched the corners
of their mouths. This guy was so dumb that he was almost cute.

Huangfu was about to burst with rage. She thought, "Wang Dongling you must be a
pig! Han Sen is obviously Wang Mengmengs protector. If Han Sen had nothing special
about him, would the Wangs trust Mengmeng alone with him in such a dangerous

Huangfu was so mad that she stopped talking. The four continued into Devil Desert.

After a while, Han Sen suddenly looked up at the sky and said grimly, "We should go
"So soon?" Wang Dongling slightly hesitated, not understanding what make Han Sen
say so.

Huangfu Pingqing and Wang Mengmeng looked in the direction of Han Sens sight and
saw two black-feathered beasts circling in the sky.

"You are worried about the black-feathered beasts?"Huangfu lowered her voice and

Han Sen nodded. "These days there have always been black-feathered beasts around
us. maybe it has something to do with that large group of them."

Wang Dongling said with a confident smile, "Mr. Han, you worry too much. They are
merely beasts and not as intelligent as you think they are. And even if they come
here, I could kill as many as there are."

Chapter 185

Han Sen did not have time to explain to Wang Dongling. He summoned his mutant
three-eyed beast mount and called Wang Mengmeng, "Mengmeng, lets go."

Han Sen had seen what the sacred-blood fox king could do, and these black-feathered
beasts might also have a king like that. Constantly seeing them around gave him a
bad feeling. Since he had taken Wang Mengmeng here, he needed to be responsible for
the safety, not to mention the trust she placed in him.

"Sister, lets go together?" Wang Mengmeng summoned her big white bear, and asked
Haungfu Pingqing.

Huangfu nodded and summoned her mount, following the two.

Wang Dongling had to summon his mount and follow them. He murmured, "Just a few
black-feathered beasts. Whats to be afraid about?"

Han Sen simply ignored him, and guarded Wang Mengmeng run at full speed. Half an
hour later, the sky darkened.

It was day time and in a desert, but the sun was suddenly gone. The black-feathered
beasts rushed toward them like bats.

The four were filled with aghast. This group was even bigger than last time. They
must be more than ten thousand. Among them many had wings like iron, which
indicated they were mutant.

Among the black-feathered beasts, there was a red one over nine feet long and its
wingspan more than 60 feet roaring and snapping.

In its roar, the horrifying black-feathered beasts were like soldiers, launching
organized attacks at them.

"A scared-blood black-feathered beast!" Huangfu cried.

Wang Dongling's face was grim. He summoned beast soul armor, his white wings and a
pair of beast soul knives, throwing himself at the black-feathered beasts. He
seemed to plan to get rid of the black-feathered beast king first.

But Han Sen put away his mutant mount and jumped on the big white bears back. He
shouted, "Mengmeng, to the southeast cliff."

Wang Mengmeng rode the big white bear at full speed over there. Standing on the
bears back, Han Sen summoned his horn bow and mutant black stinger arrows, aiming
at the black-feathered beasts.

Huangfu did not expect Han Sen to act so decisively. She threw a glance at Wang
Dongling who was in the center of the beasts and urged her mount to follow Han Sen
and Wang Mengmeng. In the mean time, she summoned beast soul bow and arrows, and
turned back to shoot at the beasts from time to time. Her archery skills were truly
great, and she had more than one beast soul arrows. With her mount carrying her at
full speed, she managed to shoot seven beast soul arrows at the same time, killing
the seven black-feathered beasts closest to her.

Han Sen did not mind her. Whenever there was a black-feathered beast coming close,
he would simple whack it with her horn bow. With the geno points he had, he had
unparalleled strength. Although the bow was no blade, it was still sacred-blood and
blew the black-feathered beasts away instantaneously. None could approach the white

Huangfus mount had great speed and kept up with the white bear, sharing the
protection from Han Sen. At least she did not need to worry about beasts on his

Wang Dongling regretted immediately after flying among the black-feathered beasts.
There were simply too many of them, groups of mutant black-feathered beasts
surrounded him, leaving him no chance to approach the sacred-blood one. His
situation was highly risky.

Although he had a pair of knives and was using them to the extreme, he could not
block the black-feathered beasts coming at him in all directions. One got a chance
and bit on his unprotected thigh.

"Ouch!" Wang Dongling screamed and kicked the beast away, turning around to run.

But the group of mutant black-feathered beasts would never let him go easily.
Flapping their iron wings, they snapped at him and he was stuck in a bloody fight.
Soon his skin was ripped apart everywhere and blood was welling.

At this time, Han Sen and Wang Mengmeng had rushed to the cliff which was more than
60 feet tall, standing aloof in the sand like a yellow cake.

"The bastards are too fast. We cant run away. Lets fight them here." At a corner,
Han Sen carried Wang Mengmeng and jumped down from the big white bears back. He
turned his back to the cliff and stood in front of Wang Mengmeng. Having summoned a
black chopper, he slashed at a black-feathered beast coming at them, cutting it in

This was one of the two mutant beast souls he gained from Gu Ming. It was called
the Beast Chopper and was much more useful in a melee like this than lighter

Huangfu Pingqing also jumped off her mount and came next to Han Sen and summoned a
pair of daggers, fighting off the black-feathered beasts. She knew that if they
fought as a team, there might be a chance for them to survive, whereas she would be
doomed if fighting alone.

But even if they were against the rock and did not need to worry about attacks
coming from behind, Huangfu still felt her hearting racing. She regretted taking
the risk alone. Wang Dongling had some strength, but no brain, and was by no means

"Ah!" Wang Donglings screamed and screamed, making the threes hearts sink.

But they did not have much energy to think about him, as they could barely deal
with the overwhelming black-feathered beasts.

Blood soon colored the rocks and sand on the ground red. The bodies of the black-
feathered beasts almost buried Han Sen and the girls, limiting their space of


Suddenly a bloody body fell from above in front of the three. It was a headless
body, and looked like it belonged to Wang Dongling.

And in the sky, the black-feathered beast king was grabbing the head of Wang
Dongling, and let out a cry of triumph.

The scene sent a chill down Huangfus spine. Her face became grim as she felt

Chapter 186

With so many black-feathered beasts, it would take them a while to kill them all
even if the beasts did not fight back, not to mention the mutant and sacred-blood
black-feathered beasts.

And now they had been trapped in the bodies of the black-feathered beasts. If they
did not manage to go out, they would be torn apart before the king came to them.

When Huangfu was in despair, she saw a giant golden object in a sudden. It turned
out to be the golden rock worm king.

Summoned by Han Sen, the golden rock worm king quickly ripped at the beasts bodies.
With its size like a rhinoceros, the worm king pushed away all the bodies blocking
the three away.

The black-feathered beasts threw them at the worm king. However, the worm kings
shell was already really hard and the claws of the beasts could not harm it at all.
The worm king did not mind them and continued to devour the dead bodies.

With the help of the worm king, the three had gained space to move around. Wielding
the chopper seamlessly, Han Sen killed all the black-feathered beasts that dared to
come close.

"Primitive black-feathered beast killed. Beast soul of primitive black-feathered

beast gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten primitive geno pointes."

With so many black-feathered beasts killed, Han Sen eventually gained a primitive
beast soul.

Huangfu killed about the same number of beasts as he did. Dancing with her daggers
and using different martial arts, she caused the great damage to the beasts, making
Han Sen quite surprised.
But the black-feathered beasts were so great in numbers that they could never kill
them all.

Han Sen frowned and knew this would not work. The sacred-blood black-feathered
beast king was determined to kill them. Last time they scattered because Huangfu
had lots of men with her, and now there were only a few humans, so they had come

The beast king did not care about its own kind. Han Sen knew their strength could
not last them very long.

"Mengmeng, stay here and I will lead the beasts away. After I have finished, run
back and leave the desert," Han Sen said.

Huangfu felt that he must be lying. The only reason Wang Mengmeng was safe was his
protection. Once he was gone, how could she fight all these black-feathered beasts?

And with so many black-feathered beasts here, how many could he lead away? Even if
he could get half to chase him, Wang Mengmeng still needed to deal with the rest.

In Huangfus view, Han Sen was simply making an excuse for leaving Wang Mengmeng and
escaping on his own.

When Huangfu Pingqing was guessing, Wang Mengmeng said, "Take care, Brother Han."

"Are you really one of the Wangs? Cant you see he is running alone? And you are
still worried about his safety?" Huangfu thought.

But she suddenly saw Han Sen reached out a hand, and a blue suite of crystal beast
soul armor covered Wang Mengmengs body from head to toe.

The armor was simply like a beautiful piece of art, showing off Wang Mengmengs nice
body shape. She suddenly looked like a goddess of war from heaven.

At the same time, Han Sen summoned his horn bow and black stinger arrow and shot
the arrow at the beast king.

The horn bows attached great strength to the arrow, which buzzed as it flew across.

And Han Sen had tied a thread at the arrows nock at some point. With the other end
of the thread in his hand, he was carried by the arrow and went close to the beast

Holding the thread in one hand, one a sharp green dagger in the other, Han Sen
slayed every black-feathered beat that dared to approach him.

This dagger was the other beast soul that he gained from Gu Ming. The chopper was
too heavy and big, which would weigh him down as he rushed to the beast king. That
was why he had used the dagger instead.

Watching Han Sen using an arrow to approach the sacred-blood beast king, Huangfu
was dazed.

Originally, she had thought Han Sen was about to leave Wang Mengmeng alone and
escape. So, she had made up her mind that as long as Han Sen moved, she would
follow him to make her way out.
But in fact, Han Sen was trying to approach the beast king flying in the sky like
this. She had not expected this to happen.

What was the use of doing this? He could not even fly, so how could he cause the
sacred-blood beast king any harm? Once the arrow slowed down, he would be shredded
into pieces by the numerous beasts.

"Stupid! He is more stupid than Wang Dongling," Huangfu thought.

Glancing at Wang Mengmeng, Huangfu found that with the armor, the black-feathered
beasts could not even leave any mark on it, let alone hurt the girl.

"Sacred-blood beast soul armor!" Huangfu was shocked and her expression became
complicated. With such armor and his strength, he could have easily go out himself.
However, he had chosen to risk his life and leave the armor to Wang Mengmeng to
protect her.

"This man is either mad or arrogant." Huangfu looked up and saw Han Sen in the sky.
The arrow had lost the momentum because of his weight and the obstruction from the
black-feathered beasts. Han Sen did not make it to the sacred-blood beast king.

And mutant black-feathered beasts started to throw themselves at him. He had lost
all means of defense in the air.

But at this time, Huangfu suddenly saw a red shadow. Suddenly Han Sen was covered
in red armor and his short and black hair had become long and blonde. With a ruby
crown on his head, he was glistening in the sun.

Chapter 187

Once he had shapeshifted into a fairy queen, Han Sen felt the world had slowed
down. All the mutant black-feathered beasts seemed to act in slow motion.

Seeing the first mutant beast approaching, Han Sen held his hands down on it and
jumped over its head, his dagger cutting its throat.

"Mutant black-feathered beast killed. Beast soul of mutant black-feathered beast

gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten primitive geno points."

Han Sen was not moved at all by the voice. Without a pause, he stepped on a mutant
beast and sent it down to the ground.

With this step, Han Sen instantly reached another mutant beast. beheading it with
his dagger, he turned to push another beast to jump up and dodge the blow from two
other beasts.

Huangfu was shocked by Han Sens ghostly move in the air.

His smooth movements and killing made it hard to believe that he was human. At
least Huangfu had never seen anyone who could accomplish this in First Gods

"I have never heard of such a person in Steel Armor Shelter." Huangfu thought Han
Sen must be one of the Chosen, but he was not even in the final rounds.

But then she thought that although Han Sen was impressive, it was Dollar who
represented Steel Armor Shelter this year. This way, it was understandable that Han
Sen never became the champion of his shelter.

In the middle of her thoughts, Huangfu suddenly saw Han Sen jumped from the back of
a mutant beast and summoned his horn bow, shooting an arrow and followed it to
throw himself at the sacred-blood beast king that was commanding the beasts

This time Han Sen was really close to it. The beast king screeched and simply flew
higher, flapping its giant red wings, making Han Sen miss.

Han Sen stayed calm and shook the thread in his hand. Once again he drew the string
and shot the arrow which carried him to the beast king.

Now he was even closer. He slashed at the beast kings throat with the dagger.

Seeing it was too late to fly away, the beast king roared and grabbed the dagger
with its red paw, blocking it from moving further.

And its other paw clawed at Han Sens face like a red lightning bolt.

Han Sen let go of the dagger and grabbed its arm with both hands. Like a snake, he
coiled around the beast kings body using Ghosthaunt. With a twist, he broke one of
its fingers.

"Roar!" screamed the sacred-blood black-feathered beast king, flapping its wings
and rolling around, wanting to get Han Sen off its back.

No matter how it rolled, Han Sen stuck to its back and could not be touched.

Hearing the screams of the beast king, the black-feathered beasts returned to save
it. Suddenly, all beasts surrounding Wang Mengmeng and Huangfu Pingqing went to
save their king and rushed to Han Sen.

"Sister, lets go!" called Wang Mengmeng on the back of her big white bear,
disappearing in the direction of the deserts border.

"You wont wait for him?" Huangfu looked at Wang Mengmeng, feeling odd. Han Sen went
there to save Wang, and she would just leave.

Wang Mengmeng said calmly, "Others might not be able to do this, but Brother Han
is. I would only become a burden to him if I were to stay. When I get somewhere
safe, he will come to me."

Huangfu paused. Although Han Sen was indeed very strong, Wang Mengmengs trust
seemed a bit too much. It was a group of beasts with a sacred-blood king. Huangfu
did not believe Han Sen could easily make it back.

"Sister, we should go," Wang Mengmeng said and urged her white bear to accelerate.

Glancing at the beasts in the sky rolling like clouds, Huangfu followed Wang
Mengmeng with complex feelings.

Seeing the girls had left, Han Sen was relieved. He shapeshifted back to himself
and put on the black beetle armor. Still on the sacred-blood beast kings back, he
repeatedly punched at the back of its head.

The sacred-blood beast king was quite tough. With the geno points Han Sen had at
this point, his strength was considerable. However, the beast king was only bruised
after taking a dozen punches from him. Screeching in pain, it buried itself in a
dune below.

Han Sen thought, "Has it lost its mind?"

Holding the beast king with his arms, Han Sen planned to take its life when it was
in the sand.

However, the place where they landed was full of shifting sand. Both the beast king
and Han Sen fell in deep.

Under the protection of the sacred-blood armor, Han Sen did not suffer from too
much impact.


Han Sen and the sacred-blood beast king fell on the rocks. Bearing the pain, Han
Sen looked up and was surprised to find them in a huge underground cave.

Han Sen could not tell how large the cave was. Stalactites were so tall that they
were like skyscrapers. Many unknown vines were wrapped on the rocks, and there was
an underground river.

And on the surrounding rocks and vines, blue lights that looked like stars were
everywhere. They lit up the dark cave and with Han Sens good vision, he could see
everything clearly.

Chapter 188

The sacred-blood black-feathered beast king tried to wiggle free, but was pinned
back down by Han Sen. Growling, it did not struggle again.

As Han Sen was wondering why it had stopped, he saw the lights were disturbed by
the beast kings growl and started to fly toward Han Sen and the beast king.

"What is that?" Han Sen was shocked. After taking a closer look at them, he noticed
that the lights were each a blue butterfly the size of his palm. Their blue wings
were glistening.

And soon the blue butterflies had reached them. only then did Han Sen know that the
beast king was not here by accident. It was trying to use these butterflies to get
rid of Han Sen.

Han Sen became vigilant, and slashed at a butterfly before it could fall on him.

"Primitive creature ghost butterfly killed. No beast soul gained. Meat inedible."

As Han Sen was puzzled, he suddenly saw that dead ghost butterfly burst into blue

Han Sen rolled to the other side of the beast king and the flames fell on the beast
king. It suddenly cried in pain, its fur burning.

Flocks of ghost butterflies rushed over, hitting Han Sen and the beast king one
after another. Once they were in collision, they would immediately burst into blue

There were simply too many ghost butterflies and neither of them could many to
avoid them.
The beast king growled from time to time from pain; although Han Sens sacred-blood
armor could protect him from burning, it could do nothing about the heat, and Han
Sen was burned inside.

Han Sen cursed the beast king inwardly. But at this point, he was in no mood to
deal with it. Han Sen threw himself in the underground river, since otherwise he
would become barbecued.

As Han Sen jumped into the underground river, the beast king followed him and
jumped. It was very swift considering its size. With its wings folded, it swam
downstream quickly.

Han Sen gritted his teeth and followed up. There were so many ghost butterfies,
many of which were mutant creatures, generating great heat.

But the beast king was so fast that it almost disappeared from his sight. Han Sen
would not like to see that and shot an arrow at it underwater. The arrow could not
travel too far under water. Fortunately, Han Sen was not too far from the beast
king. The black stinger arrow hit its wing and the thread attached to the arrow was
entangled with its feathers.

When the beast king moved forward, Han Sen was carried to go as well.

It was faster than a fish, pulling Han Sen forward.

"Is it an amphibian?" Having followed the creature in the water for a while, Han
Sen could no longer hold his breath. He had not evolved to the stage where he could
breathe underwater, whereas the beast king seemed to be able to do that. Otherwise,
it would have been out of breath by this time.

Han Sen gritted his teeth and summoned the black stinger arrow back, leaving the
beast king alone and stuck his head out of the water to breathe.

He looked around and found himself in the cave still. There were still some ghost
butterflies, but only several of them, staying still on the rocks and vines.

Since he had lost the beast king and this place was not dangerous, Han Sen was in
no hurry.

Looking at a ghost butterfly on the rocks, Han Sen shot an arrow at it. With a pop,
the butterfly turned into flames.

"Primitive creature ghost butterfly killed. Beast soul of primitive ghost butterfly
gained. Meat inedible."

Han Sen was thrilled. He had good luck today in terms of beast soul. Although it
was merely a primitive beast soul, it was a one-off beast soul like the wasp arrow
that Son of Heaven once used, which was generally more powerful than the beast
souls on the same level. Generally speaking, the beast souls of these inedible
creatures were all one-off.

The other ghost butterflies were alarmed and flew toward Han Sen. With his arrow,
Han Sen soon managed to shoot them all dead. Blue flames bloomed in the air.

After killing all the ghost butterflies, Han Sen climbed out from the water and
started to review his trophy sitting on top of a rock.

In addition to the primitive ghost butterfly beast soul, he had also gained a
primitive beast soul and a mutant beast soul from black-feathered beasts.

Type of primitive ghost butterfly beast soul: one-off hidden weapon.

Type of beast soul of primitive black-feathered beast: flying.

Type of beast soul of mutant black-feathered beast: flying.

Han Sen saw the latter two and became overjoyed. There were so few creatures near
his shelter that would produce flying beast souls that few people had wings in the
entire Steel Armor Shelter.

These black-feathered beasts actually produced flying beast souls, which was great.
He needed the wings himself as well, since he could only use the purple-winged
dragon wings when he was Dollar.

Han Sen only regretted that he did not manage to kill the sacred-blood beast king,
otherwise he would have a chance to get another pair of sacred-blood wings.

"I need to go back and kill a few more black-feathered beasts. Even the primitive
flying beast souls could be sold at a good price, since many youths would buy them
just for the look."

Han Sen summoned the ghost butterfly beast soul, and suddenly a blue butterfly flew
into his palm, changing into a butterfly-shaped boomerang.

The two wings of the weapon were thin and sharp, looking rather scary.

Han Sen threw the butterfly boomerang out, which whirled in the air and came toward
Han Sen.

Chapter 189

Han Sen was startled and quickly dodged the boomerang. The boomerangs sharp edge
cut into the rock behind him and burst into blue flames.

"S*#t!" Han Sen was stunned by the power of a primitive ghost butterfly boomerang.
If he could get a mutant one, it would probably even be a great threat to sacred-
blood creatures.

The shape of the boomerang was quite unique, and he must learn some special methods
to use it.

Han Sen was very intrigued. There were ghost butterflies in the cave and he could
easily gain a lot of beast soul boomerangs if he killed all he saw on his way.

As for the danger, he was not worried at all. If he shot the arrows hidden in the
underground river, he could make a dive whenever it seemed dangerous.

And he also had his mutant black barracuda mount and did not need to swim and dive
himself. The ghost flame butterflies could not harm him anyway.

"Well, I will go along the underground river and kill all the ghosts butterflies I
see. Then I can exit from where I fell. If I encounter the black-feathered beasts
again, maybe I could even get a few more flying beast souls to sell," thought Han
Sen, going up along the underground river.

The sacred-blood black-feathered beast king had actually taken him to a wonderland.
Han Sen killed numerous ghost butterflies, which could not cause him any damage at

Although there was no meat, Han Sen had harvested a lot of butterfly beast souls.

In the end, he had gained two dozen primitive ones and seven mutant ones. There
were indeed so many ghost butterflies in the cave that he had almost got tired of
killing. Han Sen had now walked for seven days in the cave and still had not got
back to the exit.

In the beginning, he was using arrows, and later found that arrows were too slow.
Then he put on his sacred-blood armor and rushed in, slashing around with the
chopper. Many would hit his armor or be cut by hit instantaneously. When he could
not take the heat, he would simply throw him in the river, and let the black
barracuda carry him to the bottom of the river. After some rest, he would repeat
the process.

The process had been very satisfying, since it was the first time he got so many
beast souls at once.

Another flock of ghost butterflies flew over, and Han Sen welcomed them waving his

"Ouch!" In the blue flames, a ball of flame that was nearly purple burned on him.
He uttered a piercing scream before jumping into the underground river like a

"Sacred-blood creature ghost butterfly killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood ghost

butterfly gained. Meat inedible."

When Han Sen crawled out from the river, his armor was greatly damaged. Many parts
were melted, baring his charred flesh. The sacred-blood armor no longer had lost
all its prestige.

Struggling to get up, Han Sen took the armor back. It was lucky that the armor was
not ruined completely and could recover over time.

At the same time, Han Sen was also glad that the armor had blocked most of the harm
brought by the sacred-blood ghost butterfly, which was very powerful.

Since Han Sen had gained the black beetle armor, he had not suffered so much as
this time. He was burned badly all over. Had he been farther from the river or a
bit slower than he was, he would have been burned into ash right now.

Han Sen still had some lingering fear. As his package was burned. He had nothing
left, let alone medicine.

Han Sen had to use Jadeskin, hoping to ease his burn. He had to recover a little
before he could leave the cave.

Using Jadeskin, Han Sen felt a coolness calming his burn and easing his pain.

Originally, Han Sen was worried that he might get an infection, which was the worst
part of getting burned. However, his wounds were gradually scarring after he had
practiced Jadeskin for a while.

To his delight, Han Sen had found all his wounds healing after using Jadeskin for a
dozen hours.
"Jadeskin is indeed extraordinary. I wonder where Xue Longyan came from." Han Sen
had been paying attention to see if there were any prominent clans with the family
name "Xue." However, none of the large clans and demigods had that family name,
leaving Han Sen puzzled.

Although his burns still looked scary, he felt fine. When he went back and rest, he
would recover in time.

Han Sen did not dare to risk his life like this anymore. He had gained quite a lot
of beast souls already, one of which was sacred-blood and his first sacred-blood
weapon. It was a shame that it was one-off. Even when hunting sacred-blood
creatures, Han Sen would not use it easily.

Han Sen ignored those ghost butterflies, and travelled underwater on the back of
the mutant black barracuda. Once in a while, he would take a breath above the
water, not daring to disturb the ghost butterflies.

The ghost butterflies were countless like stars in the galaxy. If he were to kill
them all, it would probably take him forever.

Fortunately, Han Sen had found where he and the beast king fell at last. Before the
butterflies noticed him, he summoned his purple-winged dragon wings, shapeshifted
into fairy queen, and flew out.

Ready to fight with the black-feathered beasts when he came out, Han Sen had found
none near by, which was a relief.

He could not use his sacred-blood black beetle armor for a while and he had given
his other armor to Wang Mengmeng. It would be troublesome if he ran into the black-
feathered beasts.

Leaving Devil Desert safely, he hunted several creatures for food on his way, and
then met Wang Mengmeng and others who came to look for him.

Chapter 190

"Do not cry. I am fine. I hunted some other creatures on the way and it took some
time. Sorry to make you worry." Han Sen patted Wang Mengmeng who were in tears his

"Brother Han, you scared me," said Wang Mengmeng choking, her eyes watery.

"Little fool, you should have more confidence in your brother." Han Sen patted her
little head.

"I have confidence, but you were gone for so long, so I am a little worried," Wang
Mengmeng said and gave the sacred-blood phantom ant armor back to Han Sen.

"Well, we will talk about it when we get back. I am so tired now and want nothing
but a good sleep," Han Sen said with a smile.

People turned back, while Huangfu Pingqing cast a complex look at and Han Sen who
was chatting with Wang Mengmeng.

"I cant see through him," Huangfu whispered to herself, looking at Han Sen with an
intriguing smile, as if she had seen an interesting toy.
Huangfu believed she was among the top in First Gods Sanctuary and would become the
Chosen in next years contest.

But even she had no confidence in surviving the attack of all those black-feathered
beasts alone, which Han Sen had accomplished. It was no coincidence.

Huangfu still remembered Han Sens performance in the air, carried by an arrow
vividly as if it had just happened.

"Mr. Han Shao, Ive come to Steel Armor Shelter with some beat souls to sell,
including two sacred-blood ones. If you are interested, you can have a look,"
Huangfu said.

"Sacred-blood beast souls? Which type?" Han Sen asked.

"Generally speaking, I could not reveal that before the auction. But since you have
asked, I can tell you one is a flying beast soul and the other is a weapon,"
Huangfu smiled and replied.

"I will be there." Han Sen had always wanted a sacred-blood weapon, and was thus
very interested. With a sacred-blood weapon, he could kill a lot more sacred-blood
creatures and speed up his evolving process.

For instance, if he had a sacred-blood weapon, that sacred-blood beast king would
have been killed.

Back to school, Han Sen needed rest for his burns to heal, which gave him time to
go to lectures.

This day, Han Sen was in a lecture of Theories of Hyper Geno Arts. While listening,
Han Sen was playing with a palm-sized butterfly boomerang in his hand.

The blacksmith who had sold Han Sen Z-steel weapons had custom made it for him
according to the size and weight of the beast soul butterfly boomerangs. The
blacksmiths craftsmanship was impressive, and this almost looked the same as the
beast souls.

Han Sen had ordered a total of ten butterfly boomerangs. He was only using these to
practice, since he would have used his beast soul ones up before he could practice

Han Sen had the foundation of Sleeveblade and had looked up many atrial arts of
hidden weapons, so he was able to learn how to use the boomerang on his own.

Listening to the professor, Han Sen let the butterfly boomerang dance in his hand
as if it was alive. Han Sen carried it everywhere to get the hang of it.

"Genius, can I ask you something?" After class, several students went to Han Sen,
and one of theM said to Han Sen.

"What?" Han Sen was slightly surprised, as he did not know this person.

"Genius, so we are from Martial Arts Society and my name is Xu Qian. We have
registered for a black and white boxing competition on the Skynet, and it is a team
challenge. We have four now and need one more player. Can you join us?" After the
student finished, all four of them looked at Han Sen full of hope.

"There are many who are good at black and white boxing. Why have you come to me?"
Han Sen asked, puzzled.
"So if it is any other game, we could afford to lose, but this one is different. We
are against St. Germain and we cannot lose. Thats why weve asked you to help," said
the student excitedly.

Seeing Han Sen was at loss, the students knew that Han Sen was unaware of the
conflicts between Blackhawk and St. Germain and started to explain. Soon Han Sen
learned that in terms of martial arts, the two academies were bitter rivals.

For three consecutive years, the obstruction to Blackhawk Military Academy getting
into the eight-finals of the Alliance Tournament was St. Germain.

So this time, although it was just a casual game, Martial Arts Society still did
not want to lose to St. Germain.

After Han Sen heard them out, the students looked at him nervously.

Although they knew Han Sen was great at black and white boxing, he was not a
society member and did not have the obligation to join them.

Han Sen saw their look, pondered and said, "When is the game scheduled? If there is
no time conflict with my schedule, I could join you."

The students were ecstatic. "It will be in the weekend. Other matches are
unimportant, but the one on October 6 was against St. Germain. We really need you
for this one, but we need to include your name in our registration now."

"No problem, I should be able to participate in that one," Han Sen smiled and said.
"Also, do not call me genius. It does not represent all my strengths."

"Okay, so we will call you Han Sen then. Here is the form, you have to fill it out
before we submit." Xu Qian handed a form to Han Sen excitedly.

"Right, genius ... Han Sen... for the Skynet game, you need to register with an ID,
so fill that in as well," Liu Yuhu who was one of the students reminded him.

"OK." Han Sen thought about it and filled the form out.

"Black Fist Emperor!" The students saw his ID and were dazed. That was so arrogant
that they did not believe Han Sen had chosen such an ID.

"It cant be already used, can it?" Han Sen looked at the students and asked.

"No, it cant be. We are registering as a group, so there will be a prefix of the
school name. Even if the ID is used, it will still be fine," Xu Qian quickly said.

The students thought to themselves, "Even without the prefix, no one would be so
daring to use such an ID."

But they did not say anything. If someone else had used such an ID, they might try
to talk that person out of it. However, when it came to Han Sen, it seemed okay.

Chapter 191

After the class, Han Sen walked toward the training field of martial arts. Ji
Yanran was training there and he had said he would pick her up for lunch.

Now the two had gone public, and everyone knew about it. They werent trying to hide
it either and started to show up together, making the single students feel sorry
for themselves.

When Han Sen arrived at the training field, Ji Yanran was still training with
others under the professors watch, so he sat down at the stands.

Ji Yanran was in the Warship Department, but martial arts was a compulsory course
in all majors.

"Its the genius! He must have come to pick up the beauty."

"Sure enough. Its not likely hes visiting us."

"Hes got great skin. I really want to see how it feels."


Many students were whispering. Since Ji Yanran was in a relationship with Han Sen,
she had become more and more thick-skinned. Hearing peoples comments, she did not
even blush and felt quite content.

"Yanran, do you feel fun showing off like this every day?" Qu Lili touched Ji with
her elbow, complaining.

"I think it is a lot fun," Ji Yanran smiled and said. "If you do not want to feel
bad, you could find a boyfriend yourself."

"Im not as fortunate as you, to have a strong and charming man thrown in your lap."
Qu Lili said sourly.

"What can I do about my beauty? I did not even ask for one," Ji Yanran said with a

Qu Lili bitterly stared at Ji. "Yanran, I found that since you are with him, you
have become more and more shameless. He is a bad influence."

"Research shows that after husband and wife spend a long time together, they will
gradually be affected by the others genes. Havent you notices that Han Sen has
become more and more handsome recently?" Ji Yanran blinked and said.

"You two deserve each other." Qu Lili rolled her eyes. In the past, a dirty joke
could make Ji Yanran blush, and now Ji could throw a dirtier one back.

"Damn you Han Sen. I want my innocent roommate back," Qu Lili thought bitterly.

Professor Chen Ling who was teaching martial arts was a thirty-year-old plump
woman. She saw that the class was distracted by Han Sens appearance and said with a
smile, "A star is indeed different. So, it seems you are in no mood to practice.
How about we ask him to do a black and white boxing demonstration?"

"Yes, Professor Chen you the best..."

The students cheered, as they all knew Han Sen had beaten Yu Zhiming in Professor
Yans class.

"Han Sen, you are quite well-known. Come and do a demonstration for your
classmates." Chen Ling smiled and said to Han Sen.

"For Professor Chen, always," Han Sen said with a smile, and then came down from
the stands.

Another burst of cheers, and Chen Ling asked, "Do you want to pick an opponent, or
should I pick one for you?"

"Professor Chen, theres no need. For sure it should be Ji Yanran, our beauty," A
student teased.

Suddenly everyone laughed. Although Ji Yanean was less shy now, she was still
flushed in the laughter.

"Then Ms. Ji it is." Chen Ling also smiled.

Although a bit nervouse, Ji Yanran went ahead to demonstrate with Han Sen.

The students were waiting to see Han Sens legendary black and white boxing skills,
but he lost to Ji Yanran in every single round, making the students and Chen Ling

"It seems that the genius was henpecked like me!"

"Our beauty trained her man well."

"Do not be afraid, man! You can kneel for mercy when you go back home, but have to
consider your dignity in public."


Han Sen acted as if he heard nothing and lost more than twenty rounds in a row.

The students were amused, whereas Chen Ling was extremely surprised. In black and
white boxing, it was not easy to win, but it was also hard to lose, especially to
lose as naturally as Han Sen did. He had to make the perfect judgment of Ji Yanrans
move to lose perfectly.

It was easy to lose a few rounds, but not winning any had surprised her. Han Sen
was, after all, still unevolved.

After the training session, Han Sen was preparing to go to the cafeteria with Ji
Yanran. Chen Ling came over and said, "Han Sen, I have something that I want to
talk to you about. Can you spare a few minutes?"

Han Sen and Ji Yanran were both dazed. Chen Ling did not teach the Archery
Department and they did not know each other well. Han Sen was not sure what she
wanted to talk about.

"Can we go together?" Han Sen looked at Ji Yanran and Qu Lili.

"Sure. Lets all have lunch together. My treat." Chen Ling said and walked out.

Han Sen, Ji Yanran, and Qu Lili quickly followed up. They were all very curious
what Chen Ling needed.

Chen Ling took them to a school cafeteria and booked a private room.

After Han Sen and the girls had ordered, she said, "Han Sen, in a few days there
will be a black and white boxing competition on the Skynet, and it is a team
challenge. Blackhawk had applied, but for some reason, we are one man short. Can
you do me this favor?"
Ji Yanran and Qu Lili were both surprised, not expecting Chen Ling to invite Han
Sen to go. Han Sen was neither in Martial Arts Department nor in Martial Arts
Society, and contestants of this kind of game were usually selected from these two

"Xu Qian and his friends have come to me, and I have already promised to join them
in the match against St. Germain school. But I cannot guarantee that I have time to
go to the others," Han Sen smiled and said.

Chen Ling was suddenly overjoyed. "So those boys have it covered. Nice! Its so
great that you could join. We could not lose to St. Germain. Blackhawk is counting
on you."

Chapter 192

After lunch, Chen Ling left satisfied. Ji Yanran and Qu Lili had classes in the
afternoon, so Han Sen had to spend the time alone.

At this point, he had almost recovered from his burns. Recently, he had been in so
many classes that he was a bit tired of studying, and decided to go test his
physical fitness.

He had not tested his fitness in a long time, and had no idea how well he could do.

After reaching the test hall, Han Sen chose to pay for a private test room so that
none could see his test result.

In fact, Han Sen only planned to test a few key items, such as strength, speed and

Bang bang bang bang!

With a fierce blow on the machine, the number 15.4656 showed on the screen.

And as Han Sen bolted, his speed was rated 15.76665.

He was rated above 15 in all his test items, which surprised him.

According to the statistics of the Alliance, when one maxed out on all four kinds
of geno points, one could reach 15 in these items. If one was especially good at
certain things, then one might be rated 16 or 17 in one or two items.

But now Han Sen was quite lacking in sacred and mutant geno points, and his test
results were already higher than 15, which was a bit scary.

If he continued like this, even Han Sen could not be not sure how high his fitness
index would be when he maxed out on everything.

Han Sen guessed that this was because he had practiced Jadeskin. Hyper geno arts
could enhance ones fitness, but he had never heard of any improvement like his.
Normally, one who had practiced hyper geno arts could reach 17 or 18 when one maxed
out on all geno points, and might reach 20 in one or two items.

But Han Sen estimated his fitness index could probably pass 20 when he maxed out,
which was something unheard of before.
Coming out of the test room, Han Sen encountered a man who had stopped and seemed
to recognize Han Sen.

But Han Sen did not recognize this guy, so he continued on.

"So you will participate in that black and white boxing competition?" the man
suddenly said.

Han Sen stopped and looked around to make sure this man was talking to him.

"Yes, you are?" Han Sen looked him up and down. This man was about twenty. He was
tall and slender and his face had some tough lines. He looked like a shining
weapon, with a unique sharpness.

"Ouyang Xiaosan." The mans voice was without emotion.

"You are him! Glad to be your teammate." Ouyang Xiaosan was a celebrity in the
Martial Arts Department, and Han Sen had heard of him. He was the slugger in all
kinds of competitions and Han Sen thought he would be in this one as well.

Seeing Han Sen reaching out his hand, Ouyang was not about to shake it. Ouyang
Xiaosan said coldly, "I did not sign up for that."

"Why?" Han Sen was surprised. As one of the best players, how was it possible that
Ouyang was not on the team?

"I know we wont win, so that would be a waste of time. Its pointless to waste ones
time and energy on some stupid game like that anyway." Ouyang regarded Han Sen. "I
have seen the match between you and Yu Mingzhi. You have talent. Are you interested
in joining the Martial Arts Society? With my training, you could become an
excellent martial arts player. The two of us might have a chance at the
championship of the Alliance Tournament."

Looking at Ouyang, Han Sen smiled and said, "I understand now. It was because you
did not want to participate that the team was one man short. And that was why they
came to me."

"Do you want to transfer to the Martial Arts Society?" Ouyang continued to ask with
no expression on his face.

"Well, let's make a bet. And if you win, I can promise to join your society. If you
lose, you will join this black and white boxing game." Han Sen laughed.

"I never bet on luck," Ouyang said quietly.

"Black and white boxing duel, best of nine," Han Sen said.

"OK," Ouyang agreed without any hesitation.

"It is just black and white boxing, so we can just pick a private test room and do
it here," Han Sen said and walked back into the room where he took the tests. He
swiped his card and said to Ouyang, "Ill put down the room fee first. And the loser
will pay for the room."

Ouyang followed him inside in silence, and then closed the door.

The two stood face to face, prepared.

"Shall we flip a coin to decide who attacks first? Which side do you want?" Han Sen
took out a coin and put it in his palm.

"Tails," Ouyang said.

Han Sen casually threw the coin in the air and caught it. It was tails.

"You first." Han Sen saw Ouyangs fist as soon as he finished the two words.

Ouyangs punch was fast and ruthless, as if there was no turning back.

But Han Sen did not dodge, or even raise his hand. He simply stood there watching
Ouyangs fist approaching his face.

Ouyangs punch stopped less than an inch away from Han Sens nose. The contrast
between the dynamic and static forces was so strong that it was dazzling.

"Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. Well done." Han Sen smiled.

"Losing is losing. Your turn," Ouyang said. A punch of that kind of speed and
strength was not enough to deceive Han Sen, who did not even try to block it and
was confident that it was a white fist.

"Do you know what ID I am going to use?" Han Sen did not throw a punch, but smiled
at Ouyang and asked.

"That has nothing to do with me," said Ouyang indifferently.

"No, it has. My ID is Black Fist Emperor. So, for this punch, I will be using a
black fist. Pay attention and dont copy my reaction. At least you need to block it
with your hand, so that you dont get injured too badly," Han Sen said earnestly.

"Cut the crap. Just attack." Ouyang had been in numerous competitions and was tough
mentally. He was not the least swayed by Han Sens words.

Han Sen suddenly threw his punch at Ouyang in an equally fast and ruthless manner.

Chapter 193

Ouyang Xiaosan was not shaken by Han Sen's words. staring at Han Sen, he was making
his judgment based on his ability and experience.
There was no doubt that this was a white fist. Ouyang Xiaosan thought it was simply
impossible to be a black fist.
"Verbal attacks would not work on me. This punch was not provocative at all, and
would never be a black fist." Ouyang Xiaosan did not even move, calmly watching Han
Sen's fist approaching.
Like Han Sen, he did not even try to block it with his hands, because he was
confident that this was a white fist.
Since Han Sen did not really use his strength, his fist would stop when it got
close to his face.

Deep in his thoughts, Ouyang suddenly felt a soreness in his nose. And then he fell
back involuntarily before he sat on the ground.
"How could it be a black fist?" Ignoring his nosebleed, Ouyang looked blankly at
Han Sen.
Han Sen offered tissues to Ouyang, and said with a smile, "I told you so."
Ouyang did not take the tissues, but wiped the blood off his nose and stood up. He
said firmly, "Best of nine, that was just one."
Han Sen smiled and put the tissues back. Standing opposite Ouyang, he said, "I'll
continue then."
Ouyang said nothing, staring at Han Sen. He would not miss his slightest movements,
which were the basis on which he would make his judgment.
Once one used great strength, one's muscles would move. The key was to see through
one's disguise.
Han Sen looked at Ouyang who looked grim, pursed his lips and threw another punch.
This time, Ouyang had seen clearly that although Han Sen's muscles looked
tightened, the direction of this punch would not be forward, which meant this could
not be a black fist.
"This time you can't fool me." Ouyang stood firmly, raising his arms to block Han
Sen's fist.
Although he had judged this fist to be white, Ouyang still raised his arms. It
seemed that he had taken Han Sen for a serious opponent, so he still prepared for
the worst scenario when he was confident about his decision.
Han Sen's fist hit Ouyang on the arm. Ouyang's body shook but did not fall back.
Ouyang was pale since Han Sen's punch was still a black fist with enough strength.
He was wrong.
"Two," said Han Sen with a smile.
Ouyang looked at Han Sen and was puzzled.

"Can he really hide his strength so well?" Ouyang cast an odd look at Han Sen.

Black and white boxing was only a popular practice in martial arts, and the key was
the yin and yang. There had only been matches of black and white boxing recently.
Although it could not be regarded as the mainstream of martial arts, it was now
quite popular. After all, it would make a great match to watch.

Ouyang had participated in a lot of black and white boxing games and seen a lot of
black and white boxing masters. A lot of people had mastered yin and yang forces,
but whenever they throw a punch, he could still tell.

Ouyang had rich experience and was particularly sensitive about his opponents
intentions, which was an advantage for him in black and white boxing games.
Especially when he was the defensive side, the probability of his misjudgment was
very low.

Even if there were occasional mistakes, it would be because his opponent had used
something he had never seen. And after he got familiar with it, it would not work

But in the two rounds against Han Sen, he had felt something different from all his
previous experience.

That feeling was hard to describe. Han Sens moves were misleading not only because
of the false appearance of his body, but because Ouyang felt that Han Sen did not
intend to hit him.

"There has to be flaws. If it is something unknown to me, I can always find out how
it works. Once I do, he can no longer fool me." Ouyang calmed down, and got ready.

"Again." Ouyang slowly spit out the word.


Han Sen threw a punch and Ouyang raised his arms. This time Han Sen punched harder,
but Ouyang could still stand still.
"You are very fit!" Han Sen regarded Ouyang, surprised. Although he still reserved
his strength, Ouyang would not be able to block it with a fitness index below 13.

Ouyang did not reply, because he lost again.

"Again." Ouyang was not discouraged.

Han Sen threw another punch, and the result was the same--Ouyang took another black
fist. This time, Han Sen deliberately weakened his strength, because he did not
want people to know how good he actually was.

To do well in black and white boxing was not just about strength, but also about
fooling your opponent.

"Four, this is your last chance," Han Sen looked at Ouyang and said.

"Go!" Ouyang did not hesitate to say.

Han Sen threw another fierce punch at Ouyang. It was as fast as a bullet.

Suddenly, Ouyang moved away and dodged Han Sens fist. At this critical time, Ouyang
did not insist on his own judgment and tried to block, but chose to dodge.

"Since whenever I think you were using a white fist, you used a black one. Then if
I act counterintuitively, I could beat you," Ouyang said with a smile of self-

But very soon, Ouyangs smile froze.

Chapter 194

As Ouyang dodged, Han Sens fist froze in the air.

It was obvious that if this punch was a black one, Han Sen would not be able to
stop it, which meant it was a white fist.

"Why... why is it a white fist..." Ouyangs confidence was smashed by this white

Exactly the same way of using his strength, and Ouyang had made the same judgment.
Only this time, he acted against his own judgment. However, he was still wrong.

This white fist that had stopped half way was harder on him than a thousand actual

"Why did you use a white fist?" Staring at Han Sen, Ouyang wanted to know the

"There are three levels in black and white boxing: observing the people, observing
the heart and observing the body. You are still observing the body. And I am
beginning to observe the heart. Thats why I won." Han Sen smiled at Ouyang.
"Remember to register for the competition and pay me back for the room next time we
meet again."

Ouyang watched him going and froze for a long time until Han Sen had disappeared
from his sight.

Chen Ling was both happy and worried. She was happy that Han Sen had promised to
participate, while worried that Ouyang had refused to participate.

If Ouyang and Han Sen could join forces, maybe Blackhawk could be the champion of
the Skynet competition.

Although this game was not that important, but Blackhawk had not been a champion in
a long time. This championship would still be a big comfort to her, a part-time
coach of the Martial Arts Society.

"Xu Qian, is Ouyang here?" Chen Ling called Xu Qian over.

" I have not seen him," Xu Qian looked around and said.

"Let me know when hes here." Chen Ling wanted to make the final effort.

Suddenly Chen Ling saw Ouyang coming through the door and quickly walked to him.
"Ouyang, I know the old players retirement reflect negatively on our results, but
you need to give the young players a chance to grow... "

"Count me in," cut in Ouyang before Chen could finish.

"Do not rush to refuse. You listen to me, we have invited Han Sen in the match
against St. Germain. If you..." Chen Ling suddenly realized what he had said and
was surprised. "You just said you will participate?"

"If you have the form," Ouyang said indifferently.

Chen Ling quickly asked someone to bring him the application. She felt odd and
asked, "How did you suddenly change your mind?"

Xu Qian and others also came. They were all glad that Outyang would join them. He
was, after all a star player and had contributed great performance. With Ouyang and
Han Sen, they were confident they could beat St. Germain.

To tell the truth, Han Sen was their replacement for Ouyang. Even with Han Sen,
they thought it would be hard to beat Saint Germain.

The old players had all graduated and Ouyang was the only one left. Martial Arts
Society was now in a hard place and did not have much to offer.

Now with Ouyangs return and Han Sens participation, their strength had been greatly

At the same time, it was unexpected that Ouyang suddenly changed his mind. He was
particularly cold, and was not easy to get along with. They could not imagine how
his mind was changed.

"Because I lost to Han Sen and he told me to." Ouyang filled the form out.

But Chen Ling and the members of Martial Arts Society were shocked.

Although they knew the story of Han Sen and Yu Mingzhi, but they thought Ouyang was
probably even better than Yu.

In the Alliance Tournament, the top 10 would not be inferior to the Chosen.
After all, the Alliance Tournament did not allow beast souls. In terms of fighting
skills and physical fitness, Ouyang was the best of the best.

Such a person said he lost to Han Sen, which was shocking.

"How many rounds did you play?" Xu Qian asked.

"Five," Ouyang casually replied.

"So that is three to two?" Xu Qian continued to ask.

"Five to zero; he was five, and I was zero," Ouyang said, giving the form that he
had filled out to Xu Qian who opened his mouth so wide that it could fit a duck

"Five to zero, Han Sen did that?"

Not only all members of the Martial Arts Society were dumbfounded, but Chen Ling
also looked surprised.

The worst score Ouyang had seen was one to four. And his opponent was someone who
ranked first in black and white boxing in the Alliance.

Five to zero, they could not believe how good Han Sen was.

But since Ouyang had said that himself, it was true without a doubt. There was no
reason for him to lie about that.

"We will win this time! St. Germain, wait for our comeback." Chen Ling and the
students were so excited they were speechless.

Since there is such a player in their team, coupled with Ouyang, beating St.
Germain was a piece of cake.

Chapter 195

"Brother Han." Han Sen saw an attractive woman after he stepped out of a gravity

"Huangfu Pingqing? Why are you here?" Han Sen paused and asked.

Not being a Blackhawk student, Huangfu was not supposed to show up here.

"I am studying as an exchange student at Blackhawk. In the next two years, I will
stay here." Huangfu looked at Hansen with a smile.

In order to come to Blackhawk, she spent quite some efforts.

Han Sen thought it was a bit too coincidental.

"Seems that Brother Han would not welcome me?" Huangfu leaned forward, blinking at
Han Sen.

Han Sen then noticed that Huangfu was wearing a pair of jeans, Chelsea boots, and a
low-cut ecru blouse that showed a little too much, making the young man feel hot.
"That is quite busty..." thought Han Sen, unable to move his eyes from her
seductive curve.

The last time he saw her, she was wearing beast soul armor, so it was hard to tell.
But this time in clothing like this, her breasts would attract so much attention,
not just from guys, but from girls as well.

Huangfu saw Han Sen's eyes fall on her chest, and slightly leaned further. Suddenly
Han Sen thought his nose would bleed if he did not leave right away.

"Ahem, Ms. Huangfu, do you need me for something?" Han Sen subconsciously rubbed
his nose, for fear that there would be blood.

"Nothing import. Just to say hi. I just arrived and there must be a lot that I dont
know. Please help me if you could." Huangfu smiled. Han Sen was dazed by her look
and figure.

"Of course." Han Sen suddenly felt it would be best if he stayed away from her.

"Also, two days until the auction of beast souls in Steel Armor Shelter. Brother
Han you must come." Huangfu blinked.

"I will. But Im wondering about the form of payment in the auction." Han Sen had
sold a lot of stuff recently. Plus his salary and endorsement fee, he had a total
of more than 60 million.

But it was obviously not enough to get a sacred-blood beast soul with this kind of
money. As long as the beast soul was not too shabby, it could easily sell at more
than 100 million.

Not to mention Son of Heaven who was super rich was also in the steel shelter, and
Han Sen was no match to his in terms of wealth.

"Levo dollars work, and you can also barter." Huangfu smiled at Han Sen, "If you
saw something you like, you could let me know and I could keep it for you."

Han Sen thought, "I havent even seen the beast souls. How would I know?"

Huangfu saw through his mind and shook her hand in front of him. Her breasts were
also moving and Han Sen almost passed out.

"There is the information of the beast souls in the auction. Let me know if you
like something and I can keep it." Huangfu put the chip in his hands.

"You mean it?" Han Sen was so happy that he wanted to insert the chip into his
comlink right away.

"Dont rush. And this is not the best place to talk about things. This information
is still a commercial secret at this point and we dont want others to see. Lets go,
I will buy you lunch.
Then, Huangfu held the Han Sen's arm, and took Han Sen out.

Han Sen felt the softness on his arm and went blank, "Sister... I will buy you

Han Sen felt that he was molested during this meal. Huangfu sat next to him. When
she spoke, her lips were almost touching his ears. The warmth from her breath
ticked him. However, he was not thinking about the woman, but the beast souls.
Huangfu and her people were selling the beast souls that they had brought to Steel
Armor Shelter and made quite some money.

But those were only the primitive beast souls and the beast souls for auction were
at least mutant.

Han Sen did not look carefully at mutant beast souls and directly turned to two
sacred-blood ones.

One was a flying beast soul called Holy Bird, which was a pair of colorful wings.

And the other one was a beast soul weapon that Han Sen had always wanted. It was a
shiny silver harpoon only two feet long.

Its blade and the tip were so shape that it made one feel scared by looking at it.

Han Sen fell in love with the harpoon at first glance. A harpoon required harder
techniques than a dagger, and was a very rare weapon.

Han Sen was very interested in the sacred-blood harpoon and checked its name. He
then asked Huangfu, "Sister, how much is the three-blade harpoon?"

Chapter 196

Huangfu sat up and said, "In principle, the two sacred-blood ones had to be shown
at the auction. But if you want it, I can sell it to you beforehand. In that case,
we would have to trade with the estimated price. I am not the sole owner of the
business and can do nothing about that."

"How much is it?" Han Sen asked again.

Huangfu took out her comlink and showed Han Sen the pricelist.

When Han Sen saw the price of the harpoon, he said bitterly, "230 million, that I
cannot afford that."

All his property added up to more than 60 million, and he had three warframes. He
did not plan to sell Silver Killer and the blue SKTS. Even if he sold the other
SKTS, it would be an additional 70 million, which would still cover the price of
the harpoon.
"The estimated price is certainly very high, mainly because this time Son of Heaven
will be attending," Huangfu said. "If you really want it. I could give you an
employee discount, after which it would be 180 million."

Han Sen then understood the immense profit margin in the beast soul industry and
also learned how much a sacred-blood beast soul was worth.

With all his sacred-blood beast souls, he would become very rich if he sold them

Seeing Han Sen remain silent, Huangfu said, "If you still dont have enough, I have
a proposal, so that you take the harpoon without spending a penny."

"What proposal?" Han Sen was slightly surprised.

"If you are willing to sign a contract and work for our company for two years, then
the three-blade harpoon can be paid as the salary to you," Huangfu said slowly,
looking at Han Sen.
Han Sen hesitated, and then laughed. "I did not know that I would be worth 100
million per year."

Huangfu said, "Even if you are the spokesperson of SKTS, I would not pay that kind
of money to hire you. But after I saw your ability in Devil Desert, I know you will
be a great help for us to do business in other shelters. Do you want to join us?"

The reason why she went through the troubles to come to Blackhawk was to hire Han

"Thank you, sister. But I cant agree to the terms." Han Sen did not hesitate to
refuse her.

Although her people would travel to other shelters and run into advanced creatures,
for businesss sake, they would avoid risks and that was not what Han Sen wanted.

"Do not rush to refuse. You can think about it. We can negotiate your salary as
well." Huangfu did not give up because of Han Sen's refusal.

"Sister, I am really sorry." Han Sen was very determined to turn her offer down.

Huangfu did not expect Han Sen to be so direct. But since she was there already,
she would not easily give up.

"Well, lets change the subject then. Whenever you change your mind, you can always
come to me." Huangfu opened a bottle of wine and poured it into their glasses.

Taking a sip, Huangfu held her glass and said, "As a member of the company, I have
finished the work talk, and now we can talk about private matters."

"What are the private matters?" Han Sen looked at her puzzled.

Huangfu suddenly hugged Han Sen's arm and asked with a charming smile, "Brother
Han, do you have a girlfriend? If not, would you consider me?"

Han Sen spewed the wine he just sipped on Huangfu.

Then he quickly took some paper towel to wipe it off her, but felt something was
wrong. Under the paper towel were the magnificent boobs, which were bouncing when
he wiped them.

"You..." Huangfus cheeks turned crimson. She did not think it would turn out like

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I did not mean it." Han Sen took his hands back quickly but

Huangfu bit her lip, and gave Han Sen a fierce stare, covering her wet blouse with
her hands.

Han Sen quickly took off his jacket and put it on Huangfu, covering the great view.

"Sister, now its late and we should get back. We can talk next time we meet," Han
Sen said.

They were in a military school. And if Huangfu yelled "help," he would be doomed.
"Until next time." Huangfu did not want to stay either. She did not want to
sacrifice herself, but was only teasing him.

"Its not so easy to escape from me." Leaving the private room embarrassed, Huangfu
thought of the places where Han Sen stroked and her face was red like a piece of
red cloth.

Han Sen walked away and looked at his hands. "That was magnificent."

Huangfu was a calculating woman. And Han Sen was very sharp. When he touched her
boobs, she had a sudden urge to kill him. Although she tried to hold it back, he
still sensed it.

And Han Sen also glanced at her comlink, which was blinking, and was likely to be

If he did anything else and she taped it and showed it to Ji Yanran, he would be
seeking small gains at great cost.

"No, it should be seeking big gains." Han Sen corrected himself in his mind.

Ji Yanrans were not small either, but somewhat smaller than Huangfu.

Han Sen went back to his dormitory and saw Shi Zhikang talking.

"Sen, great timing. Did you know there is a new exchange student whos a babe?"

"Exchange student?" Han Sen pretended to be surprised.

Shi suddenly looked excited and said, "Yes, a babe. She is beautiful, especially
her... anyway, Huangfu Pingqing is now the absolute busty queen. Whoever sees her
is so overwhelmed. If I could touch them just once, I am willing to give ten years
of my life..."

"Ten years..." Han Sen subconsciously looked at his right hand, and thought, "That
is not OK, I will have to sacrifice so many years of my life."

Chapter 197

Wen Xiuxiu was now very unhappy--as an intern host and journalist of
black and white boxing contest show, she was assigned to work for the famous Fang
Originally with her qualifications, she could not have been assigned
to shadow Fang Mingquan who was a big shot right now. The only reason she was here
was her prominent family.

Chapter 198

After Wen Xiuxiu had done the interviews, she had even less faith in
Blackhawk since she did not even see Ouyang Xiaosan during the interview.

"Well, I will just read more about St. Germain and talk more about
them during the live." Wen Xiuxiu returned the room arranged for her on campus,
casually wrote a newsletter, and checked St. Germains team online.
She was doing a black and white boxing show because of her interest in
it. Naturally, she was familiar with a lot of teams. Soon she found the data of St.
Germain and saw a lot of videos in their online community.
The fans of St. Germain were ecstatic that their first opponent was
Blackhawk and thought they could get the first win easily.
The facts were more or less the same. Four out of five members in St.
Germains first line-up were among the top 20 in the Alliance and Nalan Chengnuo
even ranked second.
Whereas except for Ouyang Xiaosan, Blackhawk only had one player in
the top 100. By comparison, there was no way Blackhawk would win.
Because of that fact, Ouyang Xiaosan had been reluctant to waste time
to participate.
The more Wen Xiuxiu browsed, the more she felt there was little
suspense to the competition. She did not understand why Fang Mingquan let her do
such a show.
In Wen Xiuxius view, Fang Mingquan was not trying to make her shine
and she had made up her mind that she would focus her show on St. Germain.

Han Sen and Shi Zhikang and Lu Meng were practicing warframes in the
seventh warehouse. It was almost the day of the competition, so Han Sen did not go
to the Gods Sanctuary even though his wounds had recovered.
"Sen, how come I have not seen the girls?"
"How would I know?" said Hansen casually.
In fact, he knew that Wang Mengmeng had spent a lot of time in Gods
Sanctuary. With her familys influence, there was no way she would fail a course.
And even her job after graduation had been taken care of. Her main task now was to
enhance her fitness and evolve as soon as possible. That was why she was seldom
seen on campus.
Without Wang Mengmeng here, her girlfriends would not show up either
since they were not that interested in warframes. The frequent visitors were Fatty
and Skinny. Even Han Sen and his roommates were only here once in a while. Little
had changed in the Heavy Warframe Society.
Fatty and Skinny came over after they had finished. The five guys
naturally started to talk about girls.
"Have you heard? There has been a new exchange student. She is so
pretty and those racks! OMG!" Fatty said excitedly.
"Everyone knows that! Huangfu Pingqing is her name."
"Wait till I finish! You all know her name, but do you know her
background?" Fatty said hurriedly.
"How would we know that? Do you know?" Shi Zhikang looked at Fatty and
"Of course! Look who you are talking to!" Fatty said triumphantly,
"Huangfu is not only pretty, but also from a prominent family."
"Fatty, spill!" Skinny cut in.
Fatty cleared his throat and said in a mysterious tone, "Have you all
heard about Ares Martial Hall?"
"Of course! Who has not heard of one of the best martial halls in the
Alliance? They have branches all over the Alliance," Shi Zhikang curled his lips
and said.
"Yes, that is the one! So you should have also heard that the
president of Ares Martial Hall is Huangfu Xiongcheng, right? That is the
grandfather of Huangfu Pingqing," Fatty said.
"S*#t! For real?" The other guys widened their eyes.
"Absolutely. My father works at Ares Martial Hall. Their president
used to take Huangfu Pingqing to the anniversaries of the Ares Martial Hall," Fatty
"That is impressive. Whoever winning her heart would also win a
fortune. Whatever Huangfu Xiongcheng would spare was enough for us to live a great
life," Skinny said longingly.
"Hey, how can it be that easy? A girl like that would never choose
us." Fatty laughed.
"Unfortunately, Sen has a girlfriend already. Otherwise Huangfu would
probably keep him as a lover, just because how smooth his skin is." Shi laughed.

"I would like that, but not sure if Brother Han would do it." Suddenly
a very feminine voice sounded. The guys were all startled.
Quickly looking up, they saw a curvy lady with long legs walking into
the warehouse with a smile.
"Huangfu Pingqing!" The guys opened their eyes wide and looked at her
The lady they were just talking about suddenly came, which was quite
Huangfu walked straight to Han Sen, blinked and said in a husky voice,
"Brother Han, would you like to be kept by me? I will accept any price you name."

The rest opened their mouths wider, and regarded Han Sen in an odd
"Ahem! Miss Huangfu, do not joke like this." Han Sen did not think
this woman wanted him. She only wanted him in her company.
"I was not joking. If you wish, Id give you 100 million per year."
Huangfu smiled faintly.
"Shall we talk about it elsewhere?" Han Sen quickly got up and
suggested. He was afraid if he stayed a bit longer, the guys would murder him with
their eyes.
"Sen is definitely a beast." Watching Han Sen and Huangfu leaving
together, Shi shouted.

Chapter 199

"Sister, what brought you here?" Han Sen took Huangfu to a green area
outside the warehouse. No one was nearby since it was approaching midnight.

"Cant I come to you for no reason?" Huangfu looked at Han Sen

"Yes, of course, but now it's too late. If you have nothing to say, I
should go back to rest. Can we talk next time?" Han Sen licked his lips and said.

"What? You are afraid that Ji Yanran might know?" Huangfu had learned
a lot about Han Sen since she came to Blackhawk, including his girlfriend.

"Ahem, sister, shall we focus on the business?" Han Sen asked.

"Well, last time you left before we could finish." Huangfu threw him a
glance, her charming demeanor making his heart leap.
"Please continue," Han Sen said with a smile.
"If you want the sacred-blood three-blade harpoon, there is another
way. You have an extra sacred-blood armor beast soul, dont you? The one you let
Mengmeng wear? Shall we trade?" Huangfu said seriously.
"No." Han Sen turned her offer down. A sacred-blood armor beast soul
was very rare and it could save his life, so he would not trade it for the harpoon.

"But you have the other sacred-blood armor beast soul, and you dont
need both. Isnt it perfect that you trade one for a weapon? I could pay you money
for the difference and let me know how much you want,"Huangfu advised.
"I'm sorry, sister. I dont want to trade." Han Sen did not hesitate in
the slightest way. Huangfu had mistaken the fairy queen for a sacred-blood armor
beast soul, and in fact the fairy queens armor was a bit inferior to a real sacred-
blood armor beast soul.
Han Sen would never trade his phantom ant armor, which was something
he could always use in First Gods Sanctuary and might still be of some use in
Second Gods Sanctuary.
Furthermore, he had promised Lin Beifeng that he would consider to
sell it to Lin first if he wanted to sell.
The phantom ant armor was not just practical, but also incredibly
glamourous. Although it had the same function as the black beetle armor, its price
would clearly be much higher.
"Think about it. And money is not an issue." Huangfu still would not
give up. She loved the look of that armor. It was not only perfect in terms of the
look, but would also protect her on her way to other shelters, which was far more
important than a weapon.
"I dont need money," Han Sen said with a smile. He blinked at her,
"But if you want me, thats okay. Shall we get a room?"
"How can you get a room on campus?" Huangfu blushed and gave up. She
checked her comlink and said to Han Sen, "Think about it and let me know if you
want to sell. I must go now"
Watching her leave, Han Sen grinned.
The black and white boxing competition was held on the Skynet. Most
people watched directly online and the players were also using the devices at their
schools to compete. There was little to see onsite.
Wen Xiuxiu arrived at the holographic equipment hall early, and there
was basically no one there other than the students from the Martial Arts Department
and Martial Arts Society.
She set up the camera and was ready to introduce the players when they
came in. After that she could switch to the online data and would not need to shoot
any more.
She was also the only reporter at Blackhawk, since it was not a
popular team and all other media went to the schools that had some chance at
Wen Xiuxiu entered the lounge of the playerspart of her reporter's
Suddenly, Wen Xiuxiu saw Han Sen sitting among the Martial Arts
Society members, chatting.
"This guy turns out to be one of the Martial Arts Society members."
Wen Xiuxiu was a bit upset, but since his girlfriend is that pretty, it was also
understandable that he did not lead the way.
Ignoring Han Sen, Wen Xiuxiu interviewed several players in the first
team and a coach of Martial Arts Society, Chen Ling.
"Coach Chen, what do you think of this match? Black and white boxing
is a one of St. Germains strengths, not to mention Nalan Chengnuos fame. What plan
or strategy do you have?" Wen Xiuxiu asked Chen Ling.
"No plan or strategy needed. Blackhawk will win, period," Chen Ling
said casually.
Chen Ling's answer made Wen Xiuxiu pause. She could not begin to
understand Chens confidence.
Because Chen Ling's answer was beyond her imagination, her prepared
materials were now useless. And she did not know how to continue.
The answer Wen expected was that St. Germain is a very strong team and
Blackhawk will try its best.
But Chen Ling threw her off her feet. Wen opened her mouth but could
not think of anything to say.
"I have something to deal with. Ms. Wen, would you go interview my
players first." Chen Ling saw Wen Xiuxius look and was amused.
Wen Xiuxiu was embarrassed and turned to the players. She finally saw
Ouyang Xiaosan, who was resting. She hesitated, and first approached Xu Qian who
she had talked to.
"Hi, Xu Qian! Do you have any confidence in this game?"
Xu Qian was very easy to talk to and glad to be interviewed. He
grinned and said, "Of course! We will win for sure."
Hearing him, Wen felt that the entire team were simply too optimistic
blind to their weakness.
Wen asked a few more questions, and interviewed several other players.
The answers she got were all the sameBlackhawk would defeat St. Germain and go to
the next round.
"Mr. Ouyang, I would like to your opinion on Nalan Chengnuo." Wen
Xiuxiu finally found a chance to interview Ouyang Xiaosan.
"I dont know him." Ouyang did not even lift his eyes.
Wen Xiuxiu had no idea that her interviews had caused a debate in the

Chapter 200

Fang Mingquan sent Wen Xiuxiu to Blackhawk not to fool her.

Wen Xiuxiu was from an important family and as someone who cared about
his future, Fang Mingquan had to take good care of her. He knew Han Sen would also
participate in the game, and that was why he had sent Wen to Blackhawk.

The moment Wens show began, he promoted it in his own show and many of
his loyal fans and audience tuned to her program.
Fang Mingquan was now doing great. All his shows had been successful.
As he promoted Wens show, Wen suddenly had more than ten million audience watching.

In fact, this competition was not very high-profile. Even some were
paying attention, it was likely that they were on the St. Germains side, since that
was the stronger team with Nalan Chengnuo there.
As for Blackhawk, they would have even less attention if their
opponent was not St. Germain.
Those who had watched for Fang Mingquans recommendation were mostly
unevolved. After they had seen Wens interview, they were pissed off.
"Blackhawk is so arrogant?"
"Who gave them the courage to say that?"
"Ha-ha, St. Germain was despised by Blackhawk."
"Waiting to see how they lose."
"With Blackhawks black and white boxing talents, they had the nerve to
say this!"
"I really want to know what St. Germain would think after seeing
It chanced that one of the St. Germain players was a fan of Fang
Mingquans and was watching his show in the lounge.
Seeing the show promoted by Fang Mingquan was the live show of their
match, he clicked in and became livid.
"Blackhawk! You think you are good? Wait till you see how we kick your
asses," Wang Yangjun thought ruthlessly.
St. Germain and Blackhawk had always been foes. In the most important
martial arts games, St. Garmain had kept Blackhawk from entering top 8 multiple
Seeing a loser so arrogant made Wang Yangjun mad.
"Chengnuo, come to see this." Wang Yangjun walked to Nalan Chengnuo
and played that interview bit again.
"The Blackhawk team must be out of their mind." Liu Yunsheng sneered
after watching.
"And illusionary." Ma Changkong laughed.
"Poor things." Wang Yangjun also laughed.
Nalan Chengnuo glanced at the video, blinked and did not speak. He
narrowed his eyes and kept eating the jelly in his hand.
"Chengnuo, you are eating too much jelly. It might give you diabetes."
Wang Yangjun looked at Nalans flawless skin jealously.
"Diabetes? That is an ancient disease." Liu Yunsheng laughed.

The team talked and laughed, not taking Blackhawk seriously.

In fact, this year, St. Garmain was especially strong in black and
white boxing. They not only had a star player, Nalan Chengnuo, but also had three
other players in the top 20.
Plus the newly recruited talent Li Yu, St. Germain was very likely to
win the championship of the Military Academy League Game. This Skynet competition
should be a piece of cake for them.
The only threat to them in Blackhawk was Ouyang Xiaosan, who was no
match to Nalan and not much better than the rest in St. Germain.
"Chengnuo, how about you go first this time and give them a five to
zero to teach them a lesson." Wang Yangjun suddenly had an idea.
"Great idea. Lets what they say after the game," Ma Changye seconded
with a smile.
"Right! I cant wait to see their interviews after." Liu Yansheng also
"We should follow the coach's arrangement." Nalan was still eating
jelly with a harmless smile.
"There should be no problem. Against Blackhawk, we dont need to take
them seriously. Ill talk to the coach and he will agree." Wang Yangjun said and
went to the coach.
St. Germains coach Xu Yundi heard the proposal of Wang Yangjun and his
eyes lit up. Xu grinned and said, "To fight Blackhawk, we wouldnt even need Nalan.
Li Yu can go first and easily give them a five to zero."
"Can Li Yu do it?" Wang Yangjun said a bit worriedly.
"Rest assured. Li Yu is not as good as Nalan, but should be among the
top 10 right now. Sending him would be quite enough to beat Blackhawk." Xu Yundi
Li Yu was a talent discovered by Xu Yundi in his coaching career. Xu
thought Li Yu would be the next Nalan Promise. Li was very talented and all he
needed was a little bit of experience.
Xu Yundi believed that, under his watch, Li Yu would be as good as
Nalan in less than two years.
At this time, Li Yu would be all it took to deal with Blackhawk.

"Li Yu, can you deliver?" Xu Yundi smiled at Li.

"Please be assured, coach. I will not give them any chance to fight
back," Li said softly.
"Lets do this then. You will be the first up." Xu Yundi appreciated
his confidence very much.
Wang Yangjun did not say anything. Li Yu was indeed very talented in
black and white boxing. As long as he could beat Ouyang Xiaosan, it would be easy
for them to get a score of five to zero.
The key was the match against Ouyang Xiaosan. Wang Yangjun and Ouyang
had fought many times and Wang admired Ouyang. It was Ouyangs teammates that were
"How about it? The coach agreed?" Seeing Wang Yangjun was back, Liu
Yansheng quickly asked.
"The coach said, Li Yu was all it took to beat Blackhawk," replied
Wang Yangjun.
"That is true. Li Yu is quite talented. If he could beat Ouyang, the
rest would be no threat to him." Liu Yunsheng nodded.

Chapter 201
When Wen Xiuxiu thought the interviews could not continue, she saw the
online broadcasting had started and switched to stream the competition.

Soon the first line-ups of both teams were shown and first up were St.
Germains five members.
"Wow, these are the best they got. They are not giving Blackhawk any
chance to fight back."
"I dont think this is necessary when they are against Blackhawk. Nalan
alone could nail it."
"Who is that Windtalker? And why is he the first?"
"You are not a fan, are you? Windtalker is the new talent Li Yu in St.
Germain. I heard that Wang Yangjun can only beat him five out of ten times in
training. Li is only a freshman now and has great potential."
"Wow, he is so strong. St. Germain is doing great this year. Theyll
probably become the champion."
"Sure thing."
"I wonder what Blackhawk would say after they lose."
"Theyd be lucky to have one point."
As everyone was talking, the player list of Blackhawk was also shown.
With a glance, people were attracted by the first ID name they saw"Black Fist
"Black Fist Emperor--who is so arrogant to use this ID?"
"Strange, I have never heard of the ID."
"Blackhawk is so good at bragging, even with their IDs."
"Black Fist Emperor, I think it is more like kick-my-ass emperor."

"Ha-ha, hes the first. We will see how this emperor was overthrown."

The St. Germain players were also upset with this ID, as it implied
they would be ruled by him.
"Li Yu. Do your best!" Wang Yangjun patted the shoulder of Li Yu and
"Brother, please rest assured," Li Yu said. This ID was indeed a bit
too arrogant.
Wen Xiuxiu who was hosting the live broadcast was also dumbfounded.
She did not remember this ID at all.
"Is it a bench player?" Wen Xiuxiu quickly looked at the files she had
and it was indeed a bench player. Since in this kind of competition, normally the
bench players would never go up, she did not look at their information.

"With such an arrogant ID, he must be so full of himself, like

everyone else in Blackhawk." Wen was wondering why the Blackhawk team could think
so highly of themselves, when they were against St. Germain.
"Black Fist Emperor is a bench player of Team Blackhawk. His real name
is Han Sen, 16, freshman; never been in a black and white boxing match before. It
seems he has no experience and is a new player..." Wen read out Han Sens
"How can a new guy be so arrogant?"
"Ignorance is bliss."
"Blackhawk had no one to send and let someone with zero experience
Many people watching the live broadcast ridiculed the player, for his
ID got on many peoples nerves.
They did not recognize Han Sen. The commercial of SKTS was indeed very
popular, but people hardly remembered the name of the actors in it, unless they had
already been famous.
So, in that commercial, most people probably could only name Yu
And even if they felt the name was a bit familiar, they would not
connect it with a warframe player, since the two fields had nothing in common.

When the viewers were cynical about Han Sen and his ID, Blackhawk
students who were watching the game could no longer take it.
"What are you talking about? Black Fist Emperor is our genius, and had
beaten the Chosen Yu Mingzhi in black and white boxing."
"Ha-ha, go on..."
"Ha-ha, why dont you call yourselves Bragging Military Academy. Having
beaten Yu Mingzhi, in your dreams, right?"
"Please, Yu Mingzhi was not even a black and white boxing player. Do
your research before you lie."
"Garbage Blackhawk, you are all talk."
Blackhawk had only so many students, whose comments were drowned in
the negative voices.
This really pissed off the Blackhawk students, especially those who
knew Han Sen.
Ji Yanran was the most furious of all. She typed as fast as she could
but it did little good. An individual was helpless in front of hundreds of
thousands of people. Looking at the comments that ridiculed Blackhawk and Han Sen,
she was so mad that she turned pale.
She might be okay with people saying bad things about her, but when it
came to her boyfriend, she could not take it.
"Can you win this game?" Ji Yanran suddenly sent a message to Han Sen.

"Yes." Han Sen replied simply.

"If you can make St. Germain gain no points, Ill buy you dinner." Ji
Yanran blushed and sent.
"Just dinner?" Han Sen replied.
"And a kiss." Ji Yanran was flushed, but did not hesitate.

"Great." Han Sen saw her text and became excited. Although they were a
couple now, Ji Yanran was so shy and they were always on campus, so it was hard to
get anywhere with her.
But Han Sen first sent a message to Shi Zhikang and asked if something
was wrong.
Shi told him all about the live show and Han Sens face darkened. After
reviewing his opponents files, he said in a low voice, "There will be severe
consequences for those who made my girlfriend mad."

Chapter 202

"Although Blackhawk has Ouyang Xiaosan who is a star player, but their
overall strength was not good. It is courageous of the Black Fist Emperor to lead
the game, but it would not be easy for him. I hope he could do his best and the
result is not so important. After all, his opponent is a strong team. Its great
that young players could participate in games to get more experience..." After the
beginning of the game, both sides sent their first players to log in, and Wen
Xiuxiu introduced Han Sen first.
Ji Yanran listened to her and was even more upset, "Whats with this
host? She interviewed us, and why is she on the other side?"
"She must be out of her mind?" Qu Lili was also annoyed.
In fact, after Fang Mingquan heard Wen Xiuxius commentary, his face
became grim. He meant well when he sent her to do this show and did not expect her
to take such a stand.
Fang Mingquan immediately called her, "Wen, you are doing the show in
Blackhawk and should take their stand."
If it was not because of her family, he would have said something
harsh by this time.
"Mr. Fang, I think that the commentator should take a neutral point of
view. Since Blackhawk is the weaker team, I cant lie, right? That would be against
what I believe in. "Wen Xiuxiu paused the commentary and replied.
"What you believe in?" Fang Mingquan shook his head. Young people
these days are so self-righteous.
"Yes, I have my belief and professionalism. Im sorry, but I have to
stay true to myself," Wen said confidently.
As experienced as Fang Mingquan was, he would not get mad with a
little girl. He smiled and said, "Well, then based on what you believe, which team
do you think will win?"
"Blackhawk would lose miserably," Wen did not hesitate to say. In
fact, she still held some grudge that Fang sent her here.
"So what if I say Blackhawk will win?" Fang Mingquan asked softly.

"That wont happen." Wen was doing the show because she liked black and
white boxing. No matter how she thought about it, Blackhawk would not win.

"Well, so if the Blackhawk loses, Ill allow you to choose where you do
interviews in the future." Fang Mingquan paused and said, "If Blackhawk won, you
need to fulfill the task assigned to you without objections."
"Mr. Fang, you think that Blackhawk will win?" Wen now had doubts
about the professional level of Fang. Whoever had the slightest understanding of
black and white boxing should know that Blackhawk could not win.
"Blackhawk will not only win, but their victory would also be
overwhelming," Fang Mingquan said with a certain tone and hung up.
Now Wen was regretting that she had requested to work for Fang. She
used to admire his capability, and had used her family connections to get into
Huaxing Station.
But now the professional skills that Fang Mingquan demonstrated were
simply disappointing. He could not even see the result of in a no-brainer like this
one, which made her feel terrible.
Wen Xiuxiu continued to comment in accordance with her own
understanding of the game, naturally showing her faith in St. Germain.
Han Sen and Li Yu had logged in to the Skynet platform.
This team competition took the form of an arena race. If the first
player won the first round, he could stay on and fight the next player in the other
team, until he was beaten.
Such a game system allowed the situation where one player fought five,
but due to the high uncertainty in black and white boxing, that would be hard to
Because it was a game on Skynet platform, the system randomly picked
Han Sen as the attacking party.
After the game began, Han Sen threw a punch, and his holographic image
online was synchronized, hitting Li Yus image.
The professional equipment could scan Han Sens body, so that it could
tell the strength he had put into the punch. Once the strength used passed a
certain level, the punch would be considered a black fist, otherwise, it would be
considered white.
But the scanning data were invisible to the players and they would
only know the result after.
Li Yu calmly stared at Han Sen. This punch was very fierce, but Li
stood still and did not even try to block.
Li was very confident of his own judgment--Han Sen's punch looked like
a black fist, but from some of the details, he could tell that it was a carefully
disguised white fist, and no real strength had been put into it. Because it was on
the Skynet, Han Sen could not hurt him for real, so he did not even bother to
defend himself.
"Windtalker was just a new player, but we can tell that he is very
skilled and confident in his own judgment..." Wen Xiuxiu praised Li Yu, because she
had made the same judgment. An average person might believe this to be a black
fist, but she had studied black and white boxing and could tell from the details
that it was indeed a white fist.
But before Wen finished her sentence, an explosion sounded and Han
Sens fist had landed on Li Yus face. The system automatically showed the special
effect of the black fist, blowing Li Yus image away.
For a moment, everyone was dazed including Wen Xiuxiu and the St.
Germain players. The comments became scarce online.
"There are consequences for making my girlfriend mad." Han Sens eyes
were cold. He had wanted a close victory so that it would not attract him too much
attention, but now he had changed his mind. In addition, he had also got a kiss
waiting for him. So, he would show no mercy.

Chapter 203

"Ha-ha, why have the St. Germain team stopped commenting?"

"Genius, well-done."
Blackhawk students became thrilled. Although they were not many, they
soon filled the gap of the comments.
Ji Yanran was more excited than everyone else. Her face flushed, she
waved her fist and cried, "Now you dont dare to talk nonsense, do you?"

"Impossible... that punch was clearly a white fist..." Li Yus face was
"Yu, dont let down your guard. It seems that their new guy has some
skills," Xu Yundi urged Li Yu.
Li Yu was a young talent who he thought could reach the level of Nalan
and he lost a point to Blackhawks new guy, which was somewhat embarrassing for him.

"Yes, coach!" Li Yu answered, took a deep breath, and once again

turned to his opponent.
Each round was best of five. And Li Yu had only lost a point.

The game began again. Wen Xiuxiu continued to explain, "Looks like
Black Fist Emperor was quite lucking, getting the first point. It must be because
Li Yu was not paying attention..."
Before Wen finished, Li Yu was once again sent into the air. The
system also played the special effect of him being sent to the galaxy.
Wen Xiuxiu was stunned, and so were the viewers. If they could explain
Lis first loss with his carelessness, the second loss was hard to justify.

Those who were arguing with the Blackhawk students suddenly stopped.
All that was left in the comments was support to Blackhawk.
"Good job..."
"This is a true black fist."
"Where did this Black Fist Emperor come from?"
"Two consecutive black fists, and Windtalker could not tell either.
"That kid was trying to play tough and did not even block. Even the
special effect changed, ha-ha."
"Our genius is the best."
Wen Xiuxiu did not dare to comment any more. When Li Yu came to the
stage again, she was not as confident as she had been, "Black Fist Emperor is a
very good player, and this will be a fight between two powerful teams..."

Another loud bang. Li Yu did raise his arms this time, so the special
effect was not as dramatic. But the system still showed his image sliding backward
more than 30 feet. There were even sparks from the friction.
Although it was only a virtual special effect, many still got excited
over it.
"S*#t! Three consecutive black fists and Windtalker was gone."

"So impressive. Three consecutive black fists and Windtalker did not
see it coming."
"Where is he from?"
"Wow! The St. Germain player was eliminated with zero point by a new
player at Blackhawk."
"Young players do not have the psychological quality. He lost the
first point and continued to make mistakes and forgot to dodge."
"That was just a new player. What you are proud of? Next round Wang
Yangjun would show you St. Germains strength."
"Young people cannot be trusted with important tasks because they lack
"Yu, whats wrong? The other player had been using black fists. Why
didnt you dodge?" Xu Yundi was upset.
His favorite student was eliminated zero to three. That was a shame on
"I am sorry, coach." Li Yu was bitter. He knew that it was likely that
his opponent would repeatedly use black fist, but no matter how he saw it, he still
felt Han Sen was using white fist, and could not bring himself to move away.

Li Yu thought Han Sen was going to use black fist but he judgment told
him it was a white fist. In the end, his judgment trumped his instinct. And that
was why he had lost.
"Do not be sad. I will avenge you." Wang Yangjun laughed, patted Li's
shoulder and went up.
"Remember, since his name is Black Fist Emperor, he must be very
confident in his black fists. Be careful and dodge when necessary," Xu Yundi said.

"Understood." Wang Yangjun nodded and sat in the holographic

Wang Yangjun had quite a lot of faith in himself. Li Yu could not see
his opponents intention because he lacked experience, whereas Wang was had been in
so many competitions that he would never fail here.
"Boy, now I will show you the true strength of St. Germain. Black Fist
Emperor, I will reduce you to Black Fist Eunuch." Wang Yangjun stood opposite Han
Sen confidently.
Because it was an arena match, Wang Yangjun followed Li Yu to become
the second player, and was automatically determined to be the defensive side, which
was also a compensation mechanism for the party which had to fight continuously.

"Windtalker is lacking in experience, but Wang Yangjun is a veteran,

so that Black Fist Emperors tactics would not work that easily." Wen Xiuxius tone
was no longer confident.
But she still believed that Wang Yangjun had a bigger chance of
winning, and was more optimistic about the St. Germain team.
"That woman started babbling again." Qu Lili bristled.
"Let her talk. The facts will prove everything." Ji Yanran was calm
this time. Han Sen had promised her he would win, and she believed him.

The game started again. Han Sen threw a punch out that looked
extremely fierce.
Wang Yangjun looked carefully, and felt just like Li Yu did. From many
details he could tell it should be a white fist, and he should not dodge.

However, after watching the match between Li Yu and Han Sen, Wang told
himself, "That was how Li Yu lost, and I cannot make the same mistake."

Then he moved backward to avoid the punch from Han Sen.

"Wang Yangjun is worthy of his fame. His tactical goal is clear and
his execution is also in place. This blow should be..." When Wen Xiuxiu was in the
middle of her passionate commentary, she suddenly stopped.
Han Sen's fist froze in the air, and a sign of a white fist lit up.

"How could it be a white fist!" Wen Xiuxiu shout out loud, her eyes

Chapter 204

"Damn, I should have believed that my judgment was right." Wang

Yangjun bitterly swinged his arm, regretting.
"Yangjun, what are you doing? Do not get confused, and believe in your
own judgment." Xu Yundi shouted to Wang Yangjun anxiously.
Wang Yangjun gritted his teeth and went up for the second punch.

Watching Hen Sens fist approaching, Wang Yangjun saw clearly that like
the last blow, this one was also a white fist judging from the hardly noticeable
"Boy, you want to use the same trick twice? You cant get me like
this." Wang Yangjun stood upright and reached out a hand to block Han Sen's fist.
"With my experience, I could deal with this boy simply by using my instinct... "

Han Sens punch fell on the hand of Wang Yangjun, and Wang was suddenly
thrown away. He rolled in the air and thumped to the ground.
Black fist! It turned out to be a black fist!
At this time, the St. Germains supporters became silent and so did Wen
Xiuxiu, forgetting to comment. She could not believe even Wang Yangjun had lost two
points, and if he lost again, Wang would be out as well.
In fact, after this punch, Wang Yangjuns psychological defense had
been completely defeated, and it was difficult for him to stay calm.
"Is it a black or white fist?" Wang Yangjun looked at Han Sen, unable
to judge with logic.
There was no suspense--Wang Yangjun was eliminated zero to three.

And this was just the start of this madness. Liu Yansheng and Ma
Changkong who followed Wang simply could not stop Han Sen's performance.

Three to zero, still three to zero.

Three to zero in four rounds.
The audience's comments had become wild.
"My God, who is this guy!"
"Black Fist Emperor! So domineering. Even players in top 20 like Wang
Yangjun, Ma Changkong, and Liu Yansheng were unable to get a single point."
"Cruel, it is too cruel."
"Black Fist Emperor, where did such a guy come from?"
"Han Sen... the name seems ring a bell..."
"He is our genius at Blackhawk and spokesperson of SKTS. How can you
be so dumb no knowing him?"
"So it is him! I just searched the Skynet."
"Wow, isnt he driving warframes? How come he is also so great at black
and white boxing?"
"Genius, show these bastards what we got!"
"Rock them."
"Five straight wins!"
"It's harder to beat Nalan Chengnuo though."
"It is not impossible. Look at the score, Han Sen is an awesome black
and white boxing player."
Wen Xiuxiu only felt blank. She had no idea what was going on. Four of
the St. Germain team members were already eliminated by a new guy.
"Blackhawk will not only win, but their victory would also be
overwhelming." Thinking of Fang Mingquans words, Wen felt bitter and ashamed.

"Nalan Chengnuo, there is still him. The number 2 player in the

Alliance. He had lost to none but that person. He will not lose." Thinking of the
last player of St. Germain, Wen Xiuxiu felt like she had grabbed on the last
remaining gambits.
Nalan Chengnuo, the best Martial Arts student St. Germain had ever
seen, had shown excellence in various competitions.
In addition to black and white boxing, he could rank top 3 in almost
every item he had signed up for. And his overall ranking in the Military Academy
League Martial Arts Tournament. His skills were beyond the level of a military
school student.
Nalan was even more popular than the Chosen in military schools.

"Nalan, this one you must win," Xu Yundi said grimly, having lost the
pride he had had in the beginning.
Nalan nodded slightly and went straight to the holographic equipment.

Wang Yangjun and others stared at the live show nervously, not
understanding how Blackhawk had become so strong.
"Hello, I am Nalan," Standing opposite Han Sen, Nalan Chengnuo greeted
his opponent. His ID was simply "Nalan."
"Hello, I am the Black Fist Emperor. If you feel its too long, you can
call me emperor." Han Sen said with a smile.
Chen Lings hands were sweaty. She knew Han Sen was strong, but did not
realize he could eliminate four members from St. Germain.
But even so, Chen Ling was still very nervous. After all, now Han Sen
had to face Nalan, who was a legend in the Military Academy League. Nalan had lost
to no one but the monster from the Alliance Central Military Academy.
Especially in the black and white boxing, even the guy from the
Alliance Central Military Academy only beat him three to two.
According to a well-known black and white boxing expert, Nalan had a
pure mind, and it seemed that he had some kind of ability to see through the false.
Any disguise in front of him was useless, so it was almost impossible to cheat him.

And Han Sen was clearly a player very good at cheating. Theoretically
speaking, Nalan was undoubtedly Han Sen's nemesis. That was why Chen Ling is
"Lili, can he beat Nalan?" Ji Yanran tightly grabbed Lili's arm and
Although she did not pay much attention to martial arts contests,
Nalan Chengnuo was so famous that even she had heard about him.
Although Ji Yanran believed in her boyfriend, she was still so nervous
that her palms were sweaty.
"This is really hard to say. If the opponent is someone else, the
genius will definitely win. But Nalan..." Qu Lili also hesitated.
"So what? Sen will certainly win," Shi Zhikang cried.
"Sen is someone that will only be beaten by me, and before I do, no
one can beat him," Zhang Yang said.
Lu Meng smiled, "Sister-in-law, you rest assured. Sen will not lose."

This made Ji Yanran blush, but also made her feel more relaxed.

Chapter 205

Han Sen stared at Nalan who was a year or two senior to Han Sen
himself and had good-looking features. Nalan was not particularly handsome, but
still looks good.
Nalans eyes were like water in wells that could show reflections. Deep
in his dark pupils, there were lights of wisdom.
Just by looking at him, Han Sen knew he was a very tough opponent.

Han Sen was good at assassination, psychological game and prejudgment,

which all must be based on his opponents having certain thoughts. Only then could
Han Sen see through his opponent and determine what kind of reaction might be
But Nalan Chengnuo had a pair of eyes that was so clean and there was
nothing to be told from them.
No happiness or worry, no sadness or anger; Nalan seemed to have no
desire or pursuit, so that his eyes would never betray him.
Everyone looked nervously at Han Sen and waited for him to make the
deadly blow. Although Han Sen had eliminated four players, now he was against
Nalan, and all those who were watching had their hearts in their throats.

On the Skynet, a middle-aged man was also watching the match between
Han Sen and Nalan.
This middle-aged man was named Bai Yishan. He was a rare surpasser at
his age.
Bai Yishan was famous among surpassers not only because he had many
geno points, but also because he was among the few that could be called martial
arts master.
Bai Yishan came from an aristocrat family. Since childhood he had been
obsessed with martial arts. Dedicated to the research work of hyper geno arts, he
was also a professor and the youngest maester at the Saint Hall. Many S-Class super
geno arts came from his research. Meanwhile, he also taught at the Alliance Central
Military Academy and enjoyed a high prestige in the military and Alliance.

In his busy schedule, the reason for him to take time to watch such a
game held on the Skynet was not his interest in the black and white boxing game
itself. In the eyes of a surpasser, this kind of game was simply like children
playing house. What intrigued him to watch was Nalan Chengnuo.
Recently, Bai had been doing research on a hyper geno art called "Yin
Yang Blast," whose concepts were complex, but did share some similarities with
black and white boxing. It was also about yin and yang forces.
The birth of each hyper geno art had to witness a lot of experiments.
Otherwise it would not be allowed to be sold or promoted at Saint Hall.
If a hyper geno art involved a great risk, it would be classified as
banned, and could not be sold.
Yin Yang Blast that Bai Yishan was studying, was one of the hyper geno
arts that was demanding on those who practiced it. Although the practice of the
hyper geno art did not involve too much risk, it might generate risks in using.

But Yin Yang Blast had cost Bai Yishan nearly ten years of hard work.
And if he hadnt found an incomplete ancient copy of the "Magic of Yin and Yang," he
would never have been able to invent Yin Yang Blast, which was very unique and
powerful. Its only flaw was that it was too demanding on the users prejudgment
The two volunteers from the military who had practiced Yin Yang Blast
all ran into issues when using it in combats. One had died and one became disabled.
Yin Yang Blast was about to be classified as banned.
But after all, this is what Bai Yishan had come up with and he did not
want to see Yin Yang Blast buried. That was why he tried his best to get another
chance of experiment.
In order to ensure the success of this experiment, Bai Yishan needed
to pick a person that he thought could control Yin Yang Blast. After a lot of
screening, Bai Yishan had his eyes on Nalan Chengnuo.
What Nalan was practicing was Acala Mantra, so his faith was immovable
and he had a great perspective on yin and yang.
But Bai Yishan was only listing Nalan as a candidate and had not
decided. This time he was trying to determine whether Nalan would be a good fit by
watching the black and white boxing game, which despite its simple form, shows the
fundamentals of yin and yang.
Before Nalan showed up, Han Sens performance had amazed Bai Yishan.

It was not how strong he was or how well he had mastered the yin and
yang forces, but his ability of psychological gaming and prejudgement that made Bai
Yishan regret not seeing the boy earlier.
"This kind of ability is so rare and perfect for Yin Yang Blast. If he
was not just lucky, he should be the one." Bai Yishan knew how valuable Han Sens
abilities were. This required both talent and effort. And
among the people he had met, Han Sen was the best in this aspect so far.

Bai Yishan listed Nalan as a candidate exactly because of his ability

to see through his opponents thought, but now he could tell that Han Sen was even
better at that.
"Let me see how well you could do." Bai Yishan watched the game,
In the online black and white boxing competition, after Han Sen
observed Nalan, he threw a punch as fierce as an uncaged tiger.
In Nalans eyes as clear as water flashed a trace of surprise.

He grew up practicing Acala Mantra, and had a mind that was like a
mirror. No fiber or dust could pass unnoticed.
Although he was still very young, he had a character that was suitable
for practicing Acala Mantra and had become advanced in this hyper geno art.

Most peoples minds were affected by a lot of distractions, and he

could see through them. With Han Sens blow, he could not see what his opponent was
thinking, which naturally made him a little surprised.

Chapter 206

The surprise Nalan felt soon went away and Nalan restored his calm.
Even though he could not see through Han Sens mind, Nalan could see through his
The body could make a lot of deceptive appearances, but under the
Acala Mantra, he could see almost every inch of Han Sens muscle. It was almost
impossible to fool Nalan.
After all, one would have to move certain muscles to use real
strength, and there was no way around that. For Nalan Chengnuo, this kind of
judgment was not difficult.
Han Sen had no secrets in the eyes of Nalan. All his muscles and even
the speed of his breathing were imprinted in Nalans mind.
"White fist!" Nalan made his own judgment. There was no doubt that it
was a white fist since Han Sen used hardly any muscles that he would use for other
Although Nalan had determined it was a white fist, he still raised his
arms to parry. It was not because he had no confidence in his judgment, but out of
his respect for the opponent.
In Nalans view, Han Sen was indeed among the top players. However, Han
Sens disguise was not enough to fool him. Among all those he had fought, only the
person from the Alliance Central Military Academy could ever fool him.
That person could make a black fist white and a white fist black.
Compared to him, Han Sen was not perfect.
Nalans expression suddenly changed, as Han Sens fist landed on his arm
and threw him away. It was determined as a black fist.
"It turned out to be black fist!" Nalan was slightly startled.

The audience was deadly silent. Wen Xiuxiu opened her mouth wide and
her eyes almost popped out of her head. She could not believe Han Sen got another
point against Nalan Chengnuo.
"This is not possible!" Xu Yundi also felt incredulous. Except for the
guy in the Alliance Central Military Academy, he had not ever seen anyone who could
get the first point facing Nalan.
After a brief silence, people who were watching online became wild.

"My God, he scored first against Nalan."

"Is he about to achieve five three to zero?"
"St. Germain will go insane."
"S*#t thats amazing. This guy is not just great with a warframe!"

"Black Fist Emperor... If he could give Nalan a zero, I will call him
your highness."
"Your highness, please accect my allegiance."
"Its just one point. Dont get excited too early."
The comments were exploding, and in the end, no one could see what
they were saying since the page rolled down too fast.
Except for in the match against the guy from the Alliance Central
Military Academy, people had not seen Nalan fail for a long time.
Blackhawk students were cheering and Ji Yanran was so excited that her
face reddened.
Bai Yishan was intrigued. Touching his chin, he asked himself, "This
is really interesting. One is pure and insightful an angel from heaven; the other
has strong control, but is more like a cunning devil from hell. Who can do better
in the end?"
In the game, Nalan had restored his zen. A failure like that was not
enough to shake him, but he had to admit that he had underestimated Han Sen.

Han Sen's techniques were not as good as the guy from Alliance Central
Military Academy, but he was more cunning. Maybe his flaws had made him strong.

"You're good," Nalan stood opposite Han Sen and said.

"Thank you." Han Sen accepted the compliment.
"Ready." Nalans eyes were calm and steady, without any emotional
fluctuations from his failure.
Han Sen did not hesitate to punch at him. An ordinary punch as it was,
it attracted the attention of millions of people. All were nervously staring at Han
Sen's fist.
Among all the people, Nalan was the calmest. He watched Han Sens punch
It was almost exactly the same punch as the last one and seemed to be
a white fist again. No matter how Nalan saw it, it was a white fist, since the
punch simply could not carry the kind of strength that a black fist would require.

There were still a lot of flaws in Han Sens move, but now Nalan knew
that Han Sen had immense control of his muscles and the barely noticeable flaws
that only he could see were traps Han Sen had set.
But Nalan did not panic. Even if he could not tell whether it was a
white fist, Nalan could still make a reasonable judgment.
And that was the judgment of Han Sen as a person. Since Han Sen used
an ID such as Black Fist Emperor, he must be a person with absolute self-
confidence. And from the previous four rounds, Nalan could tell Han Sen was indeed
quite arrogant.
In fact, Nalan had paid close attention to the previous rounds. With
his ability of observation, Nalan noticed that Han Sen always had a smile of
victory the moment he threw his punch. Although it was only a slight upward curve,
it revealed his self-confidence.
At the same time, Nalan also noted another detail, something even Han
Sen himself probably did not know.
In the four previous rounds, Han Sen had attacked 12 times, only three
of which were white fists. And Nalan had paid attention to every detail and knew
that Han Sen would have the smile on his face whether he used a black fist or a
white one.
But when Han Sen was using a black fist, his smile would be slightly
more tilted than when he was using a white fist. An average person would not see
the difference, and only someone as observant as Nalan could notice this clue.

Nalan knew that this was due to Han Sens preference of black fist. Han
Sen must really enjoy the kind of pleasure of hitting his opponent and was excited
to experience that. That was why he would smile a little more.
And this subtle clue was again tested to be true in the previous
punch. Nalan Chengnuo had confirmed that Han Sen had the same kind of smile when
using the black fist.
"Thats right. This one must be a white fist." Nalans eyes lit up. He
crossed his arms and was ready to block the white fist.
Han Sens smile at this moment was the one he would put on when giving
a white fist.

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Peerless

With the sparks generated by the system, Nalan Chengnuo was blown
Nalan had lost again. Two points in a rownot even the guy from the
Alliance Central Military Academy could do that to Nalan. This was simply
"Nalan had lost two points. Am I in a dream?"
"Nalan is not even so miserable when he faced that monster."
"Blackhawk is so fierce this time. If they could send St. Germain home
with no point, they would definitely become the champion, since the Alliance
Central Military Academy is not here this time."
"The emperor is invincible! St. Germain did not get a single point
until now."
"No wonder the Blackhawk players and coaches are so confident. They
have the emperor on their team."
"The emperor is so strong."
Fang Mingquan watched the live show over a cup of tea. Although he
thought Han Sen would win, but did not expect him to do so well""
Fang Mingquan was not too surprised about the result, after all he had
seen the same performance from Han Sen during the Starry Cup. Han Sen reminded him
of someone else, but they had totally different styles. The similarity between the
two persons he thought of was that they were both destined to win.
Wen Xiuxiu was completely dumbstruck by the fact that Nalan had lost
two points in a row. She felt like she was in a nightmare. Which was as cruel at
the reality.
The St. Germain team that she expected to win had not gained a single
point so far. And if they lost another point, then they would be out. She didn't
think that the team had ever been so humiliated.
Even in its weakest moment, the team had never got a zero in a
competition. Not to mention it is the strongest the team had ever been. Before this
match against Blackhawk, St. Germain even had a chance to challenge the Alliance
Central Military Academy.
She have never expected that they would lose to Blackhawk in such a
miserable way. Thinking back of what she had said and done before the competition,
Wen Xiuxiu felt her face burning, as if she had been slapped by someone.

Wen Xiuxiu even touched her face, as if that feeling was real.

As strong as Nalan Chengnuo, he had been shaken by the situation.

Biting his lips, he fixed his eyes on Han Sen, "Has he been calculating right from
the start?"
Bai Yishan saw Nalan Chengnuo's look and sighed, "Nalan is still too
young and is easily shaken. He has lost already."
But Bai Yishan's gaze at Han Sen became hot. "Maybe this person is the
best candidate to practice Yin Yang Blast."
And the fact was exactly like how Bai Yishan had predicted. Nalan
Chengnuos mind was shaken completely. He could no longer maintain his keen
observance nor his calm. In the third round, he was blown away by Han Sen.

At this moment, even Han Sens friends could not believe that their
school had beaten St. Germain completely. It was a victory they had never seen
After a short silence, all the students from Blackhawk started to
cheer and they were shouting "Emperor."
In the online community, people had also gone insane. St. Germain had
lost like never before, and it was accomplished by the guy whose ID name was Black
Fist Emperor.
"He is indeed an emperor. All players in front of him had to bow their
heads, even Nalan Chengnuo."
"Wow. Has St. Germain ever lost like this in their history?"

"Ha-ha, I feel like this game rule should be changed. Otherwise no one
could ever beat Blackhawk."
"The rules are indeed problematic. They should at least use best of
five. Although it is fun to watch one guy fighting for a long time, a player like
the emperor would leave the other teams no options."
"This player is indeed an emperor. He should be able to fight with the
guy from the Alliance Central Military Academy."
" I can't say about other items. But in black and white boxing, I
believe in the emperor. He is too good."
"0 points... and this is St. Germain at its best."
"It feels so good to watch. I really want to see another match."

Wen Xiuxiu stood there, looking pale. However he had to go to the
Blackhawk team to finish her last interviews to wrap up the show.
"Han Sen, congratulations..." Wen Xiuxiu felt so bad about herself.
She has never felt so ashamed of her own ignorance ever in her life.
She also felt terrible about having doubted the decision of her boss,
who had meant well and given her a great opportunity which she had completely
screwed up.
"A mentor is a mentor. I have so much more to learn from him."
Although Wen Xiuxiu had made a mistake, at least she knew to correct herself.

This game shocked all teams in the competition. Many teams that had
paid no attention to Blackhawk watched the video immediately and made a lot of
However, with all their efforts, they had only come to one conclusion:
the Black Fist Emperor is too good. If they fought against Blackhawk, they would
end up as miserable as St. Germain.
Many teams had protested to the sponsor of the competition, and ask
the rules to be changed or else they would withdraw.
The sponsor also felt torn. They had adopted the current rules to make
the game more fun and did not realize that there would be a player as strong as the
Black Fist Emperor. Even one of the strongest team was sent home with no point. If
the competition went on, it will no longer be a team effort but a one-man show.

In the end the sponsor had to convene an emergency meeting, deciding

to change the rules. From the second game on, the current system will be changed
into best of five, and each player could only compete once.
Although Chen Ling had issued a formal complaint of the decision, it
did not help, because if the game rules weren't changed, no team would be willing
to play against Blackhawk.
"They have changed the game rules for a single person. The emperor
should feel so honored."
"Ha-ha, interesting decision!"
"The emperor could no longer rule."
"How can they change it? I want to see the emperor do this all over
"Yes, I insist they keep the current system."
"He is indeed an emperor. Only the sponsor could stop him."

"If Blackhawk loses this time, the emperor is still my champion."

"I wish to see the emperor in a singles game. I wonder who will be
stronger, him or the guy from The Alliance Central Military Academy."

Chapter 208

When night falls, by the glistening pond and under a willow tree, a
young couple were standing together.
"Close your eyes."
"Why should I do that?"
"If you don't close your eyes, I'll leave."
"You can't eat your own words."
"So close your eyes."
"No peeking."
"Alright alright."
Seeing Han Sen had closed his eyes, Ji Yanran whose cheeks were red
tiptoed and leaned her face towards Han Sen's.
However, before her pink lips touched his face, she saw that he opened
his eyes and watched her with a faint smile. Feeling ashamed, Ji Yanran wanted to
stop and turn away.
Yet Han Sen hands had held her small waist and she suddenly fell in
his arms. His mouth covered hers.
When Han Sen was enjoying making out with his beautiful girlfriend,
his comlink suddenly rang.
Han Sen wanted to turn it off but his girlfriend pressed answer.
Suddenly, a sexy woman in white lingerie with her boobs almost popping out showed
up in the holographic image.
"I'm sorry, Sen. It seems that I am interrupting you guys. I will hang
up," the sexy woman said with her face gloomy and hung up.
"You asshole..." Ji Yanran stepped on Han Sen's foot madly and turned
" I can explain." Han Sen chased after her.
"I don't want to listen." Ji Yanran did not really want to run. she
turned her head away childishly.
Having to explain to her while walking, Han Sen blamed Huangfu
Pingqing secretly. He believed that she was doing it on purpose.
In her dorm, Huangfu Pingqing was in a great mood and humming a song.
Of course she meant it. She had been informed that Ji Yanran and Han Sen went to
the lakeside, and that was why she had calculated the time and changed into the
right outfit before she dialed Han Sen's number.
"You won't be able to run from me." Huangfu Pingqing said to herself
while enjoying her bath.
Blackhawks opponent in the next round was also a strong team. Although
Han Sen and Ouyang Xiaosan had each won a round, the overall level of Blackhawk was
too low to win the competition.
Han Sen could do nothing about that. He had done everything he could
have and many viewers felt injustice and protested the change of rules.

However, there was nothing anyone can do about this.

Because Blackhawk and St. Germain had all been eliminated and the
Alliance Central Military Academy was not in the competition, there was little to
watch. After Blackhawk was out, the popularity of the competition was plummeting,
which made the sponsor feel terrible.
Except for Blackhawk's games, other matches were all protested against
and had very low ratings.
However, the video of Han Sen and St. Germain's game had been played a
lot. The ID Black Fist Emperor became really popular in the circle of black and
white boxing.
Han Sen did not care for that. Black and white boxing was a great way
to exercise the usage of yin and yang forces and the prejudgment of the opponent's
intention. However, he did not intend to commit himself to it. He was only in the
competition because of the invitation of his schoolmates and he never wanted to
become a professional player.
Han Sen went to the auction that Huangfu Pingqing mentioned, and the
two sacred-blood beast soul both ended up with skyrocketing prices. He had nothing
to bid with in the auction.
The sacred-blood flying beast soul was bought by Lin Beifeng with 178
million dollars, whereas the three-blade harpoon was even more popular and was won
by Son of Heaven in the end with 230 million dollars, which made Han Sen feel quite
He had wanted to sell his SKTS and put in all his savings, but had to
let that thought go, because he simply did not have enough.
The crazy prices made him want to sell his own sacred-blood beast
souls at one point. He could become rich immediately.
Even if he could sell his sacred-blood beast soul each at just 100
million, he would have several hundred million dollars by now.
However, this kind of money was not enough for someone rich to buy an
interstellar spaceship, so it really was nothing.
After the auction, Han Sen was thinking where he should go hunting.
The moment he walked out of Steel Armor Shelter, the sky suddenly became dark.

"It is noon now. How come it suddenly became dark? Is it going to

rain?" Han Sen felt weird because the sky was very clear just now.
When he looked up, Han Sen almost jumped. There was not a piece of
cloud in the sky, but a giant island floating above the Steel Armor Shelter like a
Mountain upside down, blocking the Sun and covering the shelter and its surrounding
areas in the shadow.
"Mystery Island, it is a Mystery Island!" exclaimed someone.

Han Sen also recognized that it was a Mystery Island. He had only seen
it online before. It was his first time to see a Mystery Island in the real life.

The Mystery Island was a floating island that occasionally appeared in

the sky. Each Mystery Island had a sacred-blood creature guarding it, and according
to people's experience, if someone killed a sacred-blood creature on the island,
one would get its sacred-blood beast soul for sure.
Therefore, seeing the island meant chance of getting a sacred-blood
beast soul. However, it was not easy to fly that high and land on the Mystery
Neither primitive nor mutant flying beast souls could carry one that
high. Only sacred-blood beast souls could, which was the threshold to land on the
Han Sen became thrilled. Steel Armor Shelter did not have many flying
Beast souls to offer. And people here had not even heard of any sacred-blood wings,
except for his purple-winged dragon.
The other pair of wings known to people in addition to his was just
sold by Huangfu Pingqing and was now in Lin Beifeng's hand.
Han Sen felt amused, "Huangfu Pingqing must be regretting right now.
Had she waited a little longer, the sacred-blood wings would be even more expensive
than the three-blade harpoon. Son of Heaven is definitely also regretting not
having bought the sacred-blood wings."
Han Sen found a secluded spot and summoned the black beetle armor
which had recovered from the previous damages and his purple-winged dragon beast
soul. He could not wait to fly to the Mystery Island.
When he was up in the air, he saw from afar that from the other
direction someone else was also flying toward the Mystery Island.
"Lin Beifeng is fast enough," Han Sen thought and approached that
person, but when he was closer he saw that it was not Lin Beifeng, but Son of

Chapter 209

"What's wrong? Didn't Lin Beifeng buy that pair of sacred-blood wings?
How did it end up in Son of Heaven's hand?" Han Sen frowned, feeling puzzled.

Although Son of Heaven's eyesight was not as good as Han Sens, Han
Sen's eye-catching golden outfit was easy to recognize. After seeing Han Sen, Son
of Heaven speeded up toward the Mystery Island. Obviously, he did not want to be
approached by Han Sen.
Han Sen was still far from Son of Heaven and decided to go to the
island directly.
"This is a great opportunity to kill Son of Heaven. Now that he is
alone, and none of his gang member is with him. Maybe I could even get rid of him
right now." Squinting his eyes, Han Sen flew toward the island.
Son of Heaven's wings were no slower than purple-winged dragons. Han
Sen was not able to close in. The wind became cold when he went higher up, but Han
Sen felt nothing because he had sacred-blood armor and Jadeskin. On the other hand,
Son of Heaven was not that lucky. His armor only covered his upper body and he was
If it was not because Son of Heaven had almost maxed out on all his
geno points, even with the sacred-blood beast soul wings, he wouldn't be able to
fly up to the Mystery Island.
After flying for a while, Son of Heaven's eyebrows and hair became
white with ice.
"Dammit, why is the wind so strong?" Son of Heaven cursed. It was also
the first time for him to come to a Mystery Island. He had seen it before, but he
did not have sacred-blood beast soul wings and was not able to go up.
Son of Heaven had slowed down. It seemed that he was really frozen.

When Han Sen was hesitating whether or not he should rush over, he saw
someone else flying toward the island.
"Steel Armor Shelter has more sacred-blood wings? Who is the owner?
Qin Xuan?" Feeling odd, Han Sen took another look and it was Thumb who was flapping
a pair of bat-like wings.
Han Sen frowned. Although he knew Thumb, but they could not be called
friends and Thumb did not know that he was Dollar either.
Using the identity of Dollar and as a competitor for the sacred-blood
beast souls on the Mystery Island, he was now Thumbs enemy.
While Han Sen was still thinking, Son of Heaven quickly flew to Thumb,
which surprised Han Sen.
Although Son of Heaven and Thumb had some collaborations, they
represented two major gangs in the shelter. It seemed odd that Son of Heaven had
proactively approached Thumb.
"How about you and I work together to get rid of Dollar first?" Son of
Heaven said to Thumb.
"Why would I work with you?" Thumb curled his lips and said.

"I can sell you the warframes that you want with 10% off." Son of
Heaven said without blinking his eyes.
"20% off," sad Thumb.
"All right, but you have to help me gain this sacred-blood beast
After reaching the agreements, the two flew to Han Sen. Han Sen saw
them, but did not seem to panic.
"Dollar, I am so sorry. I respect you a lot and do not want to
antagonize you. However, Son of Heaven has paid well and I have to fight you. If
you leave now, I will not stop you," Thumb said to Han Sen aloud.
"I understand. But I have to get the sacred-blood beast soul on the
island," Han Sen said calmly.
"Cut the crap. If you still want the discount, you know what to do."
Son of Heaven summoned his bloody red sword and slashed at Han Sen.
Holding his round shield with one hand, and a broadsword in the other,
Thumb rushed to Han Sen as well.
The shield was the one that Han Sen gave to Thumb, so Han Sen knew how
good it was. However, Han Sen did not plan to retreat. Drawing his Shura katana
out, he cut it too Son of Heaven's sword.
Son of Heaven of course recognized the katana, which might be stronger
than the Z-steel weapons, but was not even close to his sacred-blood sword.

Not only was Dollar's weapon inferior to Son of Heavens, but Son of
Heaven had almost maxed out on all his geno points and with his hyper geno art, so
he was definitely stronger than Dollar in physique.
A few months ago, when Dollar was fighting Qin Xuan, he was not even
able to beat her. Son of Heaven did not think that the guys strength could be
compared to his in such a short amount of time.
Even though Dollars strength was similar to his, Dollar would lose his
balance after trying to block Son of Heavens sword. By then, hw would have to take
the deadly attack from Thumb.
There was a dull noise of metal on metal.
Son of Heaven was blown away by Han Sen. He was only able to steady
himself after a few seconds and his face darkened.
"How could he have become so strong?" Son of Heaven could not accept
the fact that Han Sens strength was so much greater than his. He had almost maxed
out on all geno points.
Thumb who had to come to Dollar growled and attacked with his
However, Han Sen's katana was so fast that when Thumb had only drawn
his broadsword, Han Sens Katana was already hitting his shield.
Thumb was also blown away, which shocked Son of Heaven even more. He
had seen Thumb's strength and how great his shield was. Dollar could ignore Thumb
and his shield, which made him wonder how strong Dollar was right now.
Han Sen originally only wanted to test how well could he do at this
point. It seemed that the effect was even better than he had imagined. Even Son of
Heaven who had almost maxed out on all geno points was inferior to him. The
enhancement brought by Jadeskin was indeed tremendous.
But then he thought of Xue Longyan who was able to use Jadeskin to cut
a mutant weapon like it was made of tofu after being severely injured and believed
that he could do so much more with this hyper geno art.
Son of Heaven and Thumb became serious and attacked Han Sen at the
same time. Han Sen used one katana to Fight two foes and forced them to step back
using Bladestorm.
In Steel Armor Shelter, those who were watching their fight with
binoculars were dumbstruck. Although they knew that Dollar was very strong, they
did not realize that he was so strong that even Son of Heaven and Thumb combined
could not stop him.

Chapter 210

"Brother, I'm here to help you." another person flapped a pair of

wings and came close. It turned out to be Huangfu Pingqing.
"This woman is trouble." Han Sen frowned. Huangfu Pingqing was
obviously calling Son of Heaven, who was the young Master of the starry group.
Being the granddaughter of Huangfu Xiongcheng, president of Ares Martial Hall, she
could not be his sister.
But Han Sen had no time to think about it. Huangfu Pingqing was not
weak. If they were fighting one-on-one, Han Sen could easily beat her. However with
two strong enemies attacking him at the same time, she would create a lot of
The three were attacking Han Sen at the same time, who moved quickly
and used his katana to block all the blows, which made the onlookers surprised.

"Dollar is great. He could even handle three enemies at the same

"Had he showed up, Lin Feng might not have become the first Chosen."

"So strong, how can he be so strong? Son of Heaven and Thumb are both
going to max out on all geno points."
Qin Xuan said softly, "It is shocking that Dollar has made so much
progress since the contest. It's just been a few months."
"Because he is Dollar." Qing said, holding his binocular.
"It is such a shame that Dollar was not in the final round of the
contest, or he could have beaten Lin Feng," Yuan lamented.
When people were feeling amazed, they suddenly heard metal smashed.
Han Sens katana was not sacred-blood after all and could no longer take the hits.
When cut by the bloody sword of Son of Heaven's, it was smashed into pieces.

Without a weapon, Han Sen had to turn away. Although he could fight
all these three people, he could not kill Son of Heaven without a sacred-blood
"Stop!" Son of Heaven would not let him go and smacked the bloody
sword at him.
Han Sen's eyes became cold and he suddenly shapeshifted into the
bloody slayer. He waved his fist at the bloody sword and knocked the sword away.

Han Sen wanted to keep hitting Son of Heaven, while Thumb and Huangfu
Pingqing had come over, waving their weapons.
Han Sen forced Thumb back with one fist, and used his palm as a knife
and struck at Huangfu Pingqing.
Huangfu Pingqing's strength was weaker after all. Her sword was struck
away and a silver three-blade harpoon cut through the sacred-blood armor on Han
Sen's arm. Blood was flowing.
"What a sharp harpoon!" Han Sen flapped his wings and flew higher.

The three persons were chasing after him, but the higher they went,
the stronger the wind was. With Jadeskin Han Sen did not fear the wind, yet the
rest three were trembling and gradually slowed down. They had to watch Han Sen land
on the island and disappear from their sights.
"I was just wondering why Huangfu Pingqing would be willing to sell
the sacred-blood beast souls. So she was only working together with Son of Heaven."
What Han Sen did not understand was why the flying beast soul bought by Lin Beifeng
would appear on Son of Heaven. And Lin Beifeng was definitely not working together
with them.
There was little point in thinking about that right now. Without a
sacred-blood weapon, it was not very likely he could kill Son of Heaven today.

"Such a great loss! My katana was ruined and all that I have at this
point is a mutant spear." Han Sen had decided that he would gain the sacred-blood
beast soul on the Mystery Island to compensate his loss.
When he came above the cloud, Han Sen finally saw the entirety of the
island. Above the ocean of clouds, there were magnificent mountains, among which
one was outstanding.
"The sacred-blood creature should reside in that mountain." Han Sen
went towards the mountain as his full speed, wanting to kill the sacred-blood
creature before everyone else and gain the beast soul.
Before he could approach the mountain, Han Sen stopped and was
appalled. He did not dare to go any closer because of what he saw. On top of the
mountain there was a tall tree with a huge canopy and exceptional fragrance. An
angel-looking creature with white wings behind its back and a halo above its head
was standing under the tree with both hands placed on the hilt of a sword stuck in
a rock. The sword looked like it was made from diamond and glittered in the
"A humanoid sacred-blood creature? And it even has a sacred-blood
gear." Han Sen was pleasantly surprised.
If he could gain a sacred-blood shapeshifting beast soul from this
creature, it would be undoubtedly powerful, just like bloody slayer and fairy
According to people's experience, all humanoids were exceptionally
powerful, even the bloody slayer which was not that close to a human.
If it was not for the one-off sacred-blood arrow used by Son of
Heaven, the bloody slayer would not have been killed.
The three gangs were attacking the bloody slayer at the same time and
even the combined effort was almost thwarted.
Han Sen did not believe that himself was as strong as the bloody
slayer. And he sensed that this creature was probably even stronger than bloody
If Han Sen could shapeshift into the bloody slayer for a long time, he
would have some confidence. However, there was a time limit to that, and he might
get himself killed if he risked to go over the limit.
More importantly, the three people following him were about to arrive.
If Han Sen started to fight the creature right now, they would be able to take
advantage of it.
Thinking of this, Han Sen did not hesitate to hide in the mountain and
start observing.

Chapter 211

There was normally only one sacred-blood creature on one Mystery

Island. Han Sen did not worry he might run into any danger and sat down on a tree
where he could watch the sacred-blood creature, waiting for the three to come.

In less than half an hour, the three persons had arrived, faster than
Han Sen had thought.
The three also saw the angel-like humanoid creature and reacted the
same way Han Sen did. They stopped far from the creature and did not dare to
"Dollar, come out. Let's talk," Son of Heaven stepped back and called
after consulting with Thumb and Huangfu Pingqing.
Obviously, they were also terrified of that creature and were also
worried that Han Sen might take advantage of them.
Han Sen ignored them. Half a day had passed, and Son of Heaven did not
dare to go into the mountains.
"Dollar, let us talk. None of us can profit from this if we do
nothing." Son of Heaven was worried. If it was some other sacred-blood beast soul,
he would probably let go.
However, a humanoid sacred-blood beast soul was very rare. If he
missed this one, he might never see another in his lifetime.
After he evolved and entered Second God's sanctuary, it would be even
harder for him to get a humanoid beast soul.
So even if Son of Heaven hated Dollar, he still asked to work with the
Han Sen pondered and flapped his wings to come out. Son of Heaven knew
that he was here, so the young Master would never touch the sacred-blood creature.
Thus, Han Sen had little to gain from it.
"Son of Heaven, say it if you want something from me," exclaimed Han
Sen from afar.
"Dollar, I will offer you 50 million dollars to help me kill the
creature, but the beast soul must be mine," said Son of Heaven.
"I will give you 50 million for the beast soul."
Son of Heaven held back his curse and said, "What would you want in
return for this beast soul? Name your price."
"One sacred-blood beast soul," Han Sen said.
"Dollar, I am only getting a sacred-blood beast soul by killing this
creature. Don't you feel that you're too greedy?" Son of Heaven wanted to kill Han
Sen at that moment.
"I do not have to tell you the value of a humanoid sacred-blood beast
soul, right?"
"Dollar, a humanoid beast soul is indeed precious, but you are asking
for too much. How about we both compromise? We will offer a hundred million for the
beast soul," Huangfu Pingqing smiled sensually and said.
"I am not interested in money. A sacred-blood beast soul or may the
best man or woman win. You decide," Han Sen said decisively.
"Since you do not know your place, I will have to teach you," Son of
Heaven suddenly growled and moved to attack Han Sen.
Huangfu Pingqing also summoned her bow and arrows and shot seven
arrows at Han Sen at the same time.
Han Sen decided not to waste time on them and flew away. However,
there was no wind on the island and Han Sen was not fast enough to lose them.

Huangfu Pingqing's arrows also distracted Han Sen and slowed him down.

"Son of Heaven, if you promise to give me a sacred-blood beast soul

now, it is not too late. Otherwise you will regret it," exclaimed Han Sen.

"My only regret is not killing you earlier," said Son of Heaven,
gritting his teeth.
"Then you will continue to live with regret," Han Sen laughed.

Suddenly, Han Sen changed his direction and rushed to where the
creature was.
The rest were dumbstruck. Thumb slowed down and said, "He went after
the creature. should we follow him?"
Son of Heaven said, "Do not slow down. Follow him. That bastard would
never go risk his life. He is only trying to lose us."
Thumb felt it was a reasonable explanation. Dollar could never be so
stupid that he would hand his life over to the sacred-blood creature.
The three were following Han Sen as close as they could, but soon they
felt that something was wrong. Han Sen went all the way to the mountain and did not
intend to change direction or stop.
"Brother, it feels weird. We should stop," said Huangfu Pingqing.

Son of Heaven also felt that and gradually slowed down, but it was too
late. Han Sen hac already gone into the mountain.
When he was 300 feet from the sacred-blood creature, it suddenly
opened its eyes, golden lightning bolts shining in its pupils and blonde hair
dancing in the air.
A sword as gorgeous as a diamond was also drawn from the rock.
Spreading its wings, the creature flew up and threw itself at Han Sen.
Han Sen moved towards the three at full speed. They suddenly
understood that he was trying to force them to fight the creature.
"Shameless bastard. Let's run," cried the Son of Heaven.
"No way. We cannot make it. The creature is faster than we are," Thumb
said calmly.
"We should work together to kill Dollar first," said Son of Heaven,
seeing Han Sen was only 50 feet from them.
The sacred-blood creature had come behind Han Sen and slashed at him
with its sword.
Shapeshifting into the bloody slayer, Han Sen summoned his mutant
spear and used it to block the sword.

Chapter 212

As a mutant weapon, the spear was cut into halves by the diamond
Shocked, Han Sen threw himself at the three.
The three wanted to attack Han Sen, but was all appalled by how
powerful the creature was.
All of a sudden, Han Sen was already in front of them. When they were
ready to attack Han Sen, he stopped less than 15 feet from them and turned to face
the sacred-blood creature. Having summoned his chopper, he used it to parry with
the sacred-blood creature.
The chopper was a commonly seen beast soul weapon, so he was not
worried that people might tell who Dollar was from it.
The chopper was also cut in half by the diamond sword. Han Sen fell to
the ground and dodged the sword of the creature.
Now the sacred-blood creature was faced with the other three. Without
hesitation, the creature cut to Thumb who was closest to it with its sword.

Thumb gritted his teeth and used his sacred-blood Shield to block the
diamond sword.
Thumb was forced back more than 50 feet before he could stop himself
in the air. With a roar, he shapeshifted into a giant bear more than nine feet
tall. With his shield in one hand and his Broad Sword in the other, Thumb ran
toward the sacred-blood creature. He exclaimed, "Dollar, now if we work together,
we will have a chance to kill it. If you run away right now, if we could not gain
any benefit, we will not leave anything to you."
Just now when fighting with Han Sen, Thumb did not really want him
dead. After all, he held no grudge against Han Sen. All Son of Heaven offered was a
discount and that was not worth risking his life.
"Come to the ground. We are not its match in the air," Han Sen cried
while flying to the ground.
Son of Heaven and the rest also knew that the flying speed of the
creature was too fast for them to keep up with, so they followed Han Sen to the
Thumb was the last to follow. Using his sacred-blood shapeshifting
beast soul and sacred-blood shield, he barely blocked the creature's sword.

All four of them were now on the ground. They all took back their
wings and shapeshifted into different creatures to attack the sacred-blood angel-
like creature.
Han Sen had seen the strength of sacred-blood creatures. He knew that
with his own power, he could never kill the creature. The only chance was to
collaborate with the three.
He also had to try to kill the creature while they were still able to
shapeshift, because the angel-like creature was too strong.
Thumb was now a giant bear. Using his shield, he was fighting the
creature head-on. Deep marks were left by the diamond sword on the sacred-blood
Son of Heaven had turned himself into a huge lion. Huangfu Pingqing
did not shapeshift, but was shooting arrows from far away to limit the range of
motion of the creature. Without a humanoid shapeshifting beast soul, she would not
be able to use the weapon she was best at if she chose to shapeshift.
Although all four of them were attacking the creature, they still did
not cause much damage.
Han Sen found a chance to cut at the creature, but his mutant dagger
did not even break its armor.
"Dammit, without a sacred-blood weapon, I could never kill this
creature." Han Sen felt depressed. All he needed right now was a sacred-blood
weapon. It was such a shame that he had not bought the three-blade harpoon,
otherwise he would not be so helpless right now.
"Carry on. My shapeshifting would not last very long," exclaimed Thumb
as he was blocking the blows from the creature.
Most attacks from the creature were handled by Thumb. If his shield
were not sacred-blood, it would have been broken a thousand times.
Son of Heaven was also worried. Had he not given Luo Tianyang his
sacred-blood ape beast soul, which were ruined by Han Sen, he could do much better.

Now with the lion beast soul, he could not use weapons after
shapeshifting, so he could not commit his full strength.
The three men could all last around two hours with shapeshifting. As
time went by, they could not hurt the creature whatsoever.
"We could not keep doing this. Someone lend me a sacred-blood weapon."
Han Sen had to ask. Without a sacred-blood weapon, all he could do was to distract
the creature. There was no chance he could cause any damage. And their
shapeshifting time was almost up.
But none of the rest responded, it was a great risk to transfer a
sacred-blood beast soul to Han Sen. Who could tell if he would run away the moment
he got the beast soul?
Even if he did not run, no one was willing to see him killing the
"Since we could not beat it, we should go home." Running out of
shapeshifting time, Han Sen turned away to leave the Mystery Island.
Without Han Sen, the rest could never beat the creature. With Thumbs
defense, they also left the Mystery Island.
The sacred-blood creature of Mystery Island would not leave the
island. So after they left, the sacred-blood creature went back to the tree on that
The plan to besiege the sacred-blood creature had failed. After some
discussion, the three went back to the shelter, because they did not believe that
Han Sen would go find the creature alone. That creature was not something an
individual could kill.
"Impressive. The Beast soul of this creature must be amazing." Han Sen
went back to the Mystery Island after dark.
He needed to kill this creature, otherwise his katana and two mutant
weapons would have been ruined for nothing.
In fact, he had one sacred-blood weapon, which was the sacred-blood
butterfly boomerang. However, it was a one-off weapon. If he did not have to, Han
Sen would not use it.

Chapter 213

If it were any other sacred-blood creature, Han Sen would not use the
sacred-blood butterfly boomerang. After all, it would be a huge waste since no one
could guarantee he would gain a beast soul from a creature.
However, the sacred-blood creature from the Mystery Island would
definitely yield a beast soul. In addition, it also had a sacred-blood gear, which
was way better than the golden axe of the bloody slayer, which was too heavy to
carry around and less sharp.
Even he could not bring the sword out of God's sanctuary, he would be
able to sell it at a great price.
If he could kill this creature, he could gain both a beast soul and a
gear. So even if he were to use his sacred-blood butterfly boomerang, it would be a
great deal.
Going back to the mountain, Han Sen saw the sacred-blood creature
under the tree, its hands still on the hilt of the diamond sword and its eyes
closed again.
He did not have time to pay attention in daytime. Now under moonlight
and starlight, he noticed how gorgeous this creature was.
It was definitely a she. The jade armor covered her body, yet still
showed off her long legs and curves.
The white wings and long wavy hair accentuated her beautiful facial
features. Pretty yet aloof, she was really like an angel.
Had he not seen how well she fought, Han Sen would even be reluctant
to hurt such a beautiful creature.
"She is so strong. I only have one chance. If I don't succeed, I might
not even be able to escape." Han Sen was considering which beast soul he should
A sacred-blood beast soul armor would not be enough. It might keep him
alive, but what he needed now was to kill the creature.
The fairy queen was summoned. Han Sens body was covered in red armor
and the ruby crown appeared on his head. His black hair became blonde. Han Sen also
summoned the horn bow and mutant black stinger arrow.
Han Sen was confident in his ability to hide his intentions, but when
he aimed at the creature, she suddenly opened her eyes full of golden lightning
The diamond sword was drawn from the rock, and cut at Han Sen.

Han Sen did not shoot the black stinger arrow. He did not dare to.
Once the arrow was cut by the sword, it would be ruined.
This arrow had cost Han Sen a lot of efforts and Han Sen would not
want it to be ruined like the mutant spear and chopper.
Watching the sacred-blood creature approaching him, he felt she did
not seem as fast as she was. The ability of the fairy queen had turned the actions
of the creature into slow motion in his eyes.
Watching the sword cutting at himself, Han Sen suddenly took back his
bow and arrow and made an incredibly fast move.
Sparticle, the footwork that Han Sen had been working hard on was
eventually put to use. Even the sacred-blood creature's sword was not fast enough
to follow his Body.
Instead of stepping back, Han Sen narrowed the distance between him
and the creature.
The sacred-blood butterfly boomerang appeared in Han Sen's hand and
was thrown at the creature.
With an unlikely trajectory, the boomerang approached the creature in
the blink of an eye and was about to cut her throat.
However, even at such a short distance, the sacred-blood creature was
still able to take back her sword and slash it at the butterfly boomerang.

The moment before the sword touched the boomerang, the boomerang
suddenly made an incredible dive and then cut the creatures throat from below.

The horrifying blue fire exploded and covered the entire body of the
sacred-blood creature. It's almost looked like she was going through a nirvana.
This angel was not a friendly one. Bathing in fire, she was still
trying to attack Han Sen.
Using both fairy queen and Sparticle, Han Sen was able to dodge all
her attacks.
In fact, the creatures speed and strength were no longer comparable to
before because of her injury.
She gradually slowed down and her sword fell to the ground with a
Clank. Her body turned into lights and scattered like fireflies."
Sacred-blood creature Holy Angel killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood
holy angel gained. Meat inedible."
"She really is an angel!" Han Sen was excited. He was not too
surprised by the fact that the meat was edible. He had read before online that the
sacred-blood creatures on the Mystery Island where most likely inedible.

Wrapping the diamond sword with the cloth he had prepared, Han Sen
left the Mystery Island in the dark.
"Son of Heaven must still be thinking how to kill the holy angel.
There is no way that he would know that I've killed it. I'm really curious to see
his face when he has prepared everything and find no creature there." Han Sen
returned to Steel Armor Shelter in a great mood. Putting the diamond sword on the
table, he couldn't wait to check out his newly gained beast soul of holy angel.

Chapter 214

A teenage girl with long dark hair stood barefoot in front of Han Sen,
wearing a white dress, her eyes blinking.
"Beast Soul pet... Another one." Looking at the Holy Angel in the form
of a pretty little girl, Han Sen did not know how to react.
This was such a big change. She had lost her wings and halo. You could
not even tell that she was an angel. There was nothing fearful about her and she
looked just like a cute human girl.
Despite her cuteness, she could not fight at all. He did not even know
how long it would take for a sacred-blood beast soul pet to transform.
Fortunately, Han Sen also had gained sacred-blood gear, the diamond
sword, otherwise he would be very upset. After all he had traded one katana, two
mutant weapons, and a sacred-blood butterfly boomerang for the sacred-blood pet.

One thing was for sure: the sacred-blood holy angel was worth a lot of
money. Sacred-blood pets were rare. And a pet as cute as this one, which looked
almost exactly like a human, could be sold at a great price, maybe even higher than
the price of any practical sacred-bloods.
"Can you talk?" Han Sen looked at the Holy Angel and asked. She looked
so much like a pretty human girl.
The holy angel widened her eyes and smiled at him, looking innocent.

Seeing that she could not talk, Han Sen took her back, and took up the
gorgeous diamond sword.
The diamond sword was like an ice sculpture, and was slightly heavier
than a steel sword.
Han Sen waved the sword around, and thought it was very smooth to use.

"What a great sword! It is very much worth what it has cost me." Han
Sen felt more and more at ease waving the sword around, thinking it was easier to
use than the katana.
As for the sharpness and toughness of the sword, there was no
question, since it could cut through his sacred-blood armor.
Even the sacred-blood shield of Thumb's was left with deep marks,
whereas the sword itself was still intact. It was easy to imagine how good it was.

"It is such a shame that the sword could not be taken back like a
sacred-blood beast soul. I could only carry it with me and use it here in God's
Sanctuary," Han Sen thought. The sword had a very memorable look. Since Son of
Heaven, Huangfu Pingqing and Thumb had all seen it, it would be a lot of trouble if
he wanted to use it in the future. He could only use it when he pretended to be
Dollar. Otherwise any of them could guess that Han Sen was Dollar.
Leaving God's sanctuary, Han Sens comlink immediately rang.

Seeing Huangfu Pingqing's number, Han Sen bristled. It was because of

this woman that his girlfriend was still mad at him.
Having answered the call, he wanted to talk some sense into Huangfu
Pingqing, teaching her right from wrong. While he just opened his mouth, he was
rendered speechless.
Huangfu Pingqing was in a bubble bath. Covered under foam, he could
only see her arms and the top of her globes, which still made his heart race.

"Brother Han, am I interrupting something?" as she asked, she lifted

one of her legs and started to caress it.
Han Sen felt his nose was about to bleed. He touched his nose and said
seriously, "Miss Huangfu Pingqing, do you need me for something? If not, I have to
Han Sen could not help throwing another glance at her leg.

"Of course I need you. Did you know that there is a mystery island
floating above the Steel Armor Shelter now?" Huangfu Pingqing smiled sensually.

"Of course I know that. But I could never go up there since I do not
have sacred-blood wings." Han Sen became nervous.
"That's a problem easy to solve. I can lend you a flying beast soul."
Huangfu Pingqing turned around in the water and moved closer to the comlink.

Looking at the close-up of her white globes, he was about to explode.

Han Sen said hurriedly, "Don't joke with me. Why would you lend me such a precious
"I am not joking. If you want it, you can come and get it right now.
My door is open," Huangfu Pingqing said, blinking.
"You could say what you want here and now." Han Sen did not believe
Huangfu Pingqing would be so generous.
"Since you won't come over. We should find somewhere to discuss. How
about the cafeteria in section A?" Huangfu Pingqing said.
"No, I'd rather talk in the shelter." Since this was breakfast time,
if someone saw Huangfu Pingqing and him together, he could never prove his
Although Huangfu Pingqing was sexy and as pretty as Ji Yanran, Ji
Yanran was more Han Sen's type.
Huangfu Pingqing was too cunning. Even though she looked great, it was
tiring to talk to her.
Shutting down his comlink, Han Sen went back to Steel Armor Shelter
and waited for Huangfu Pingqing at their agreed place.
Huangfu Pingqing was not a bimbo. On the contrary, she was smarter
than anyone he knew. When she first came to Steel Armor Shelter, she pretended not
to know Son of Heaven, so that the young master could help raise the price of many
beast souls.
The sacred-blood flying beast soul was thus sold at a high price to
Lin Beifeng. Because of the appearance of the Mystery Island, Son of Heaven had to
buy it back from Lin, who ended up making some money.
Such a woman would not invite him to a date for no reason. She must
want to discuss with him the sacred-blood creature on the Mystery Island.

He knew that Holy Angel was gone now, which other people were not
aware of, and they were still preparing to hunt the creature.
"Maybe I can even gain something from this." Han Sen said to himself.
However, he was still not sure how Son Of Heaven and Huangfu Pingqing knew each

Chapter 215

Sitting on a rock, Han Sen saw Huangfu Pingqing approaching.

Wearing a half armor, skirt and Boots, Huangfu Pingqing's thighs were
exposed. Her figure was so attractive that Han Sen swallowed nervously.

"Little Brother Han, have you waited for a long time?" Huangfu
Pingqing walked closer to Han Sen, flipping her hair and in a flirty way.

"Miss Huangfu Pingqing, you could call me brother, but could you lose
the word 'little'?" Han Sen asked, a little upset.
"If you will call me sister." Huangfu Pingqing said with a smile.

"After all, what do you need me for?" Han Sen changed the subject.

"I've told you, if you want to go to the Mystery Island, I could lend
you my sacred-blood wings," replied Huangfu Pingqing, blinking.
"No strings attached?" he did not believe she was doing this out of
"That's hurtful. Just do me a favor and help me hunt the creature on
the mystery island. how about that?"
"Me?" Han Sen looked at Huangfu Pingqing in Surprise.
"Yes, you can name your price. And even if you want me, I could be
yours." Huangfu Pingqing said sensually.
"Ahem. With so many impressive guys in the steel armor shelter, why
would you think of me?" Han Sen continued to ask, ignoring her reply.
"Although there are many great guys out there. I think you are the
best archer I have ever seen."
"So who else will go, in addition to you and me?" Han Sen asked.

"I will not go. There are in total three flying beast souls in the
Steel Armor Shelter. You will go on my behalf and collaborate with Son of Heaven
and Thumb in order to hunt the creature. Other than its beast soul, you could ask
for anything else."
"Sister, if you don't mind me asking, what is the relationship between
you and Son of Heaven and Thumb? Can I trust them?" Han Sen asked.
"Rest assured. The mother of Son of Heaven is my mom's sister, which
makes him my cousin. So, of course you can trust him. As for Thumb, we have paid
him and we know who he is in the alliance. He will not dare to mess up," explained
Huangfu Pingqing.
Now Han Sen came to understand the relationship between Ares martial
Hall and Starry Group.
He did not really care about this sort of thing. Since Huangfu
Pingqing and Son of Heaven did not know Holy Angel had been killed by him, and
Huangfu Pingqing was seeking his help, it was potentially a great opportunity.

"What do you need me for though? I am not really good at combat."

"All the other two guys need is a strong archer. Although I am good at
archery, but not as good as you. That's why I want to ask for your help. Let me
know if you want something in return," Huangfu Pingqing said with a smile.

Han Sen pretended to think for a while and said, "I would like to buy
a sacred-blood beast soul weapon. Do you still have any available?"
Han Sen could not forget about the sacred-blood three-blade harpoon.
Although the diamond sword was great, it was too eye-catching. And since it was a
sacred-blood gear rather than a beast soul, it was not that portable.
"Well..." Huangfu Pingqing pondered. She did have a sacred-blood
weapon, which was exactly the three-blade harpoon that was at the auction. Son of
Heaven was planted by her at the auction and the harpoon was actually unsold.

"To be honest, I still have that sacred-blood harpoon. I can sell it

to you if you want it. But the lowest price would be 150 million, which is the best
I can do," said Huangfu Pingqing seriously.
"150 million..." Han Sen thought about it. It was not cheap but not
that expensive either for a sacred-blood beast soul. After all, Huangfu Pingqing
owned a company, and a company must make profits.
If it was at an auction, it could easily be sold at a better price. In
addition, sacred-blood beast souls were rare, and sometimes could not even be
bought with money.
Han Sen thought, "I have 60 million in savings. Since SKTS is still a
limited edition, the one I won at the warframe contest could probably be sold at
around 70 or 80 million online. Right, I also have a mutant flying beast soul of
black-feathered beast. With everything sold, I could come up with 150 million.
Okay, let's do this. I really need a sacred-blood beast soul to hunt sacred-blood
creatures. If I can gain another sacred-blood beast soul, then it will all be worth
Han Sen gritted his teeth and said to Huangfu Pingqing, "Alright, 150
million it is. I will buy the three-blade harpoon but I don't have so much money at
the moment. If you could wait a couple of days, I will sell something so that I can
come up with the money."
"Why would you sell elsewhere? Have you forgotten what I do? Tell me
what you want to sell and I will offer you a good price for them." Huangfu Pingqing
rolled her eyes.
Han Sen told Huangfu Pingqing what he wanted to sell, and Huangfu
Pingqing appraised his belongings. Their agreement was that Han Sen would use the
mutant flying beast soul, the SKTS, and 60 million dollars to buy the three-blade
"Honestly, I respect you a lot," after they made the deal, Huangfu
Pingqing said to Han Sen seriously.
"You flatter me," Han Sen paused and said.
Huangfu Pingqing shook her head and said, "I did some research on your
background. And based on who you were before entering God's sanctuary and what
happened to you after, it is impressive that you can become who you are today.
Honestly, I have thought that if I were you I would probably still be struggling
for life and could never have come up with 150 million to buy a sacred-blood beast
As thick-skinned as Han Sen, he blushed hearing the compliment, "Luck,
it was all luck..."
He was not lying either. If he did not happen to gain the black
Crystal and the sacred blood black beetle Beast soul, he could never have become
who he is today.
Seeing that he blushed, Huangfu Pingqing could not help holding his
chin and kissed him on the cheek, "A man as capable and cute as you is just my
type. If you become more powerful, I might really want to become your girlfriend."
Chapter 216

After getting the three-blade harpoon, Han Sen had no time to play
with it before he was brought to Son of Heaven by Huangfu Pingqing.
Son of Heaven obviously already knew that he would come. The
conditions offered to Han Sen were part of the agreement between him and Huangfu.

If it was not for the fact that the Mystery Island would only last for
a short time, Son of Heaven would never have agreed to ask for help from Han Sen,
let alone offer him benefits.
What he did not know was that it was useless to promise Han Sen
anything, because the Holy Angel was already killed by Han Sen.
Son of Heaven, Huangfu Pingqing and Thumb needed to go back to the
shelter to prepare. They did not leave anyone on the Mystery Island either, in case
that the person would be attacked by Dollar. In addition, they did not believe that
Dollar alone could have killed the creature on the Mystery Island, which was why
they only sent a team to watch the Mystery Island from the shelter and had no idea
that the sacred-blood creature had been killed.
This time Son of Heaven had spent several hundred million on buying
the sacred-blood flying beast soul from Lin Beifeng and borrowing a sacred-blood
shape-shifting humanoid beast soul from Qin Xuan, in addition to the price he paid
to hire Han Sen and Thumb.
All of his efforts were for the beast soul of this sacred-blood
creature on the island.
Han Sen simply took the sacred-blood flying beast soul and a sacred-
blood beast soul arrow Huangfu Pingqing lent him, and followed all instructions of
Son of Heaven quietly.
Secretly, Han Sen was amused. "Son of Heaven, you've spent so much
effort. When you land on the Mystery Island and find the sacred-blood creature
gone, I wonder how you would look."
"You can only shoot arrows from afar and the have to stop whenever I
ask you to. You will regret it if you try to steal my beast soul again," Son of
Heaven looked at Han Sen coldly.
"Rest assured. I am a professional and know what to do," replied Han
Sen calmly.
"That would be the best." Son of Heaven was not afraid that Han Sen
would try to get the last hit. This time, there would be a beast soul for sure, so
even if Han Sen had got the beast soul, he would have to give it back. Otherwise,
Son of Heaven would have the excuse to kick Han Sen's ass in the alliance. Even Qin
Xuan and the special squad could not save him.
Everything was ready and Son of Heaven took Thumb and Han Sen to fly
towards the Mystery Island again. When they arrived at the island, Son of Heaven
did not go immediately into the mountain, but let the team rest for half a day so
that they were all prepared and energetic. For this humanoid creature's beast soul,
Son of Heaven had considered everything.
Han Sen did not say a word and simply followed what Son of Heaven
said. He was only looking forward to seeing Son of Heaven's disappointment when he
found that the holy angel was gone.
At last, Son of Heaven led Han Sen and the Thumb into the mountain.

"Where is the sacred-blood creature?" from afar, Son of Heaven used

binoculars to watch the top of the mountain, but did not see the holy angel.

Son of Heaven accelerated towards the mountain, but did not see a
trace of the creature at all.
Feeling reluctant, Son of Heaven circled around the mountain top and
the asked Thumb and Han Sen to search elsewhere on the island, but in the end, they
found nothing.
"Dollar, I will kill you!" Son of Heaven bristled and gave up in the
end. He hated this person even more than he did a murderer.
On the way back, Son of Heaven's face was dark. It seemed that his
anger had controlled him completely.
Han Sen would not provoke him, but was dying with laughter inside.

"What took you so long? Did you get the beast soul?" Huangfu Pingqing
who had been waiting for a long time saw the three were back and asked hurriedly.

"It's gone." Son of Heaven squeezed the words from his teeth.

"What do you mean by gone? It is impossible that the sacred-blood

creature on the Mystery Island did not yield a beast soul." Huangfu Pingqing did
not understand.
"The creature is gone. That bastard Dollar must have killed it. I will
never forgive him." Son of Heaven looked like he wanted to strangle Dollar to
It was maddening because Son of Heaven had to spend all the efforts
and made all this preparation and did not even see the creature.
"How is that possible? We have all seen what the creature could do.
How could he have done it alone?" Huangfu Pingqing opened her mouth wide in
"No one in our shelter could have done this except for Dollar, so it
must be him." Son Of Heaven's eyes were bloodshot.
Huangfu Pingqing saw Son of Heaven's look and did not say much,
because anything she said right now would piss him off even more. She knew very
well how much he had paid to kill this creature.
Although this kind of spending was nothing to Starry group, the
disappointment was something an arrogant person like Son of Heaven could not take.

Han Sen would love to see Son of Heaven losing his temper for a while
longer, but since Thumb had walked away, he had no reason to stay.
Having returned the sacred-blood wings and arrow to Huangfu Pingqing,
Han Sen left as well.
Han Sen really liked the sacred-blood arrow, but it was something that
Huangfu Pingqing used herself and was not for sale, not to mention he had no money
at this point.
Back in his room at the shelter, Han Sen summoned the three-blade
harpoon and tried it out. He loved how it felt in his hand and could not wait to
fight a sacred-blood creature with this weapon.
"It is time that I go to the Devil Desert again. With this three-blade
harpoon, the sacred-blood fox king and black-feathered beast King could no longer
escape from me." Han Sen was excited.
But before he went to the Devil Desert, he had received a message from
Qin Xuan, who asked Han Sen to see her. Her voice is a bit weird and she did not
mention what it was regarding, which made Han Sen feel puzzled.
"It should not concern the special squad, otherwise she would just say
it." Han Sen could not think of anything Qin Xuan would need him to do.

At the same time, Qin Xuan was holding some paperwork and had a
strange look on her face.
"Why would Professor Bai from the Saint Hall choose Han Sen?" Qin Xuan
muttered to herself as she read.

Chapter 217

Qin Xuan was no stranger to the Saint Hall. Although the Saint Hall
was part of the military, it had a special status. All departments in the military
and even forces outside the military were always watching the Saint Hall closely.

This was all due to the hyper geno arts developed by the organization.
Even within the military, the licenses used to purchase at the Saint Hall were
For those who worked at the Saint Hall, the control was even tighter.
Security clearance would only be issued after extremely strict scrutiny.

As a prestigious professor and a maester at the Saint Hall, Bai Yishan

was one of the leadership team in the Saint Hall.
Surprisingly, such a big shot as Bai Yishan would like to transfer Han
Sen to work for the Saint Hall as his assistant. When he contacted the management
of the special squad, they were all quite shocked.
Feeling equally surprised was Qin Xuan. As the same time, she felt
more confident about her choice of talent.
However, Qin Xuan did not want to let Han Sen go. Her original plan
was to ask Han Sen to lead the squad after she entered Second God's Sanctuary.

Although Yang Manli was quite capable, she did not have the leadership
skills and was inclined to make extreme decisions, which was not helpful to the
However, Qin Xuan did not make the decision yet, as she would like to
hear what Han Sen thought. If he would like to go to the Saint Hall, she would not
try to stop him. After all, for most people, the Saint
Hall meant a bright future.
"Come in." Qin Xuan saw Han Sen was outside her office and said.

Han Sen was the biggest gem that she had found in Steel Armor Shelter.
He was a little greedy and cowardly, but his growth was faster than she had
expected from him.
Seeing Qin Xuan smiling at him, Han Sen felt a bit scared.

"Han Sen, you have done well recently." Qin Xuan smiled at Han Sen.

"Under your guidance." Han Sen said quickly.

"Well said." Qin Xuan's smile became brighter.
This made Han Sen more nervous. He cleared his throat and said, "So
why have you called me here?"
"So Professor Bai Yishan from the Saint Hall wants you to work as his
assistant. Do you want to go?" without further ado, Qin Xuan told Han Sen what has
"A professor from the Saint Hall wants me as his assistant?" Han Sen
paused and realized that he had nothing to do with the Saint Hall. And Professor
Bai was also a stranger.
"It is many peoples dream to work for the Saint Hall, not to mention
under professor Bai Yishan. It is a great opportunity and you should think about
it." Qin Xuan grinned. She wanted to make Han Sen her successor, but if he did not
want the same thing she did, there was no point in keeping him.
"What do you think?" Han Sen looked at Qin Xuan and asked.

He felt it was a bit weird, since he had never even heard of this
professor. Han Sen was always suspicious of a pie in the sky.
"Of course I think the Saint Hall is the great place. The pay is
higher than in the special squad, and you will also have the chance to learn lots
of advanced hyper geno arts. In addition, you will also be working for Professor
Peter who is an authority. If you become his assistant, you will have a higher
status than I do."
"So, you think I should go?" Han Sen pondered.
"On the contrary, I hope you could stay," Qin Xuan shook her head and
said. "You know that I have high hopes for you. Of course I wish that you could
continue to stay on the squad. In a couple of months, I will become an evolver and
enter Second God's Sanctuary. I will recommend you as my successor to lead the
"Alright then, I'll pass and follow you." Han Sen said decisively.

In the Saint Hall, there might be a lot of benefits, but he still

sensed something fishy about this. In addition, he was practicing Jadeskin. If he
walked around experts of hyper geno arts all day, they might be able to tell that.

Han Sen believed that based on his credentials and knowledge, he was
more likely to become a guinea pig in a place like the Saint Hall. He would not go
even if Qin Xuan did not try to keep him on the squad.
And now he was also doing Qin Xuan a favor, so that was two birds with
one stone.
Qin Xuan's eyes lit up. She did not expect Han Sen to agree so fast
and give up a great opportunity because of what she had said.
"You're great. I chose the right man." Qin Xuan was excited and patted
Han Sen on the shoulder. "Keep up the good work. Although leading the squad might
not be as glamorous now, you would have a harder time at the Saint Hall because of
the glass ceiling there. I assure you that you would never regret today's
"I did not think that far. As long as I can follow you, that's good
enough for me," Han Sen said quickly.
Qin Xuan blushed and the thought of Han Sen's words when she
hypnotized him.
"Well then, I won't keep you here." Watching Han Sen leave, she
thought, " he was just too young, otherwise I might consider him as a suitor."

Chapter 218

Bai Yishan did some due diligence on Han Sen. With his level of
security clearance, Bai Yishan could see the classified files and found out that
Han Sen was a member of the special squad.
This discovery was great news to him, since it was relatively easy for
the Saint Hall to transfer someone from the military. Although the special Squad
were difference from ordinary soldiers, it would still be easy to accomplish.

However, the reply from the special squad made Bai pause. He frowned
and thought, "He turned it down. This would create some trouble."
If Han Sen was an ordinary soldier, Bai Yishan could simply force his
transfer. But since Han Sen was working for Qin Xuan, even Bai could not think of a
good way to have Han Sen work for him.
"Since I could not use the official method, I would have to come up
with something creative to make him practice Yin Yang Blast." Bai Yishan wouldn't
give up and was unwilling to see Yin Yang Blast being banned.
Checking Han Sens's profile again, Bai Yishan was deep in his
Han Sen went back to the school and dialed Ji Yanran's number.

Although he had just gained a sacred-blood beast soul weapon, Han Sen
did not go hunting because the creature he fed the black crystal to was about to
evolve into a sacred-blood creature. He did not want to go too far in case he could
not eat the creature in time.
"What are you doing?" Han Sen saw Ji Yanran in the holographic image
and asked with a smile.
"Can't you see? I am playing hand of God." Ji Yanran tried to play
"Where are you? I'll go find you right away."
"E6, if you don't have time you don't have to come." Ji Yanran
continued to play.
"Be there in five." Han Sen hung up and went to E6.
Ji Yanran thought to herself, "Had you chosen not to come, I wouldn't
forgive you."
"Hey girl, you're so good at this." Han Sen found Ji Yanran soon.
There were better players than Ji Yanran on campus, but only a few. And they either
did not want to beat her or did not play on Battlenet at all.
"It's not fun playing on campus. I'm playing on the Skynet platform.
This player's good. He has beaten me three times, each time by 10 plus points,"
said Ji Yanran.
"Which virtual room are you in? Let me avenge you." Han Sen was ready
to sit at one of the holographic equipment.
"Use my account." Ji Yanran got up and offered him her seat.

Han Sen sat down, but pulled her back into his laps.
"Let go." Ji Yanran blushed and pretended to struggle.
"Stop. If you leave, how can you see justice served?" Hugging her from
the back, Han Sen invited that player to continue to play.
"How can you move like this? If you lose, I will not forgive you,"
said Ji Yanran.
"That's not a problem. This is the unevolved section, and I will not
lose even with my eyes closed," Han Sen said.
"Such an egoist," Ji Yanran teased him.
"This is confidence. If you don't believe that I will win, let's make
a bet. If I win, you need to kiss me." Han Sen laughed.
"And if you lose?" Ji Yanran curled her lips.
"If I lose, I will kiss you." Han Sen said shamelessly.
"Nice try. Just do well." Ji Yanran pinched Han Sen on the waist, and
he let out a cry, attracting the attention of other students.
They saw the couple and all smiled ambiguously, making Ji Yanran blush
"Stop it." she covered Han Sen's mouth with one hand, and felt a kiss
on it.
Ji Yanran had to take her hand back.
And this time a prompt popped out on the holographic machine, and it
said the opponent refused to play again.
While the couple were wondering why this player would refuse, they saw
a message from him.
"You must be Ji Yanran from Blackhawk?"
Seeing the message, Han Sen looked to his girlfriend suspiciously. The
latter shook her head and was at loss. "The platform randomly matched me with him.
I don't even recognize this ID. Could he be from our school?"
Han Sen checked the ID name, which was quite arrogant--"The third hand
of God."
"Just reply to ask if he's from our school. We don't have a lot of
players at this level and I know all of their ID names. This one is not one of
them," said Ji Yanran.
When Han Sen was ready to reply, he saw another message from the
"I am Lu Botao from the Hand of God Society at Alliance Central
Military Academy. My nickname is three-handed king. You should have heard about
Ji Yanran was surprised, "The three-handed king from the Alliance
Central Military Academy is among the top 10 in the Military Academy League. I
wonder how he found out about my ID name."
"No matter how he found that out, I will not let a guy who had his
eyes on my girlfriend off the hook easily." Han Sen grinned and sent a message
over, " I will not make friends with those who are weaker than I."
Lu Botao sent a message back, "I have just beaten you 4 times, each
time by more than 10 points. And you call that weak?"
"I was eating just now and have just finished," replied Han Sen.

"Ha-ha, okay then. We'll play another round. And let's see what you
say when you lose again," said Lu Botao, sending an invite to fight.
Han Sen clicked yes without hesitation and the countdown started.

Chapter 219

"What are you doing?" Ji Yanran smiled and asked.

"Nothing, just to remove all his desires to play the game hand of God.
He has to pay for wanting to steal you," Han Sen said with his eyes narrowed.

Ji Yanran did not speak but blushed. she felt sweet at heart and
enjoyed watching her boyfriend getting jealous.
Lu Botao was overjoyed. Last year, he watched the promotion videos of
the Hand of God Societies from all military schools and was stunned by a beautiful
female player named Ji Yanran.
However, Blackhawk did not compete against the Alliance Central
Military Academy, and was not even among the top eight. So, there was no chance for
him to meet Ji Yanran.
Lu Botao had to ask around to find out Ji Yanran's ID on the Skynet
gaming platform. When he wanted to friend her, he found that her privacy setting
was set to reject all friend requests.
Lu Botao had almost forgotten about that bummer and was suddenly
randomly matched with Ji Yanran today by the system. He did not notice it was her
in the beginning and thought his opponents had good techniques. That was when he
checked her ID and found out it was Ji Yanrans.
Holding back his joy, he beat her a few times to show off his power
before he texted her and asked if she was Ji Yanran.
Learning it was her, Lu Botao was even more excited. He was prepared
to show her how strong he was, and hopefully he would be able to earn her heart.

"Hi, Botao! What are you so happy about?" Lu Botao's teammate and
roommate, Liang Yiming asked.
"Yiming, could you guess who I ran into on the gaming platform?" Lu
Botao asked excitedly.
"The monster from our school?" replied Liang Yiming casually.

"Then I would have cried." Lu Botao grinned. "I ran into Ji Yanran
from Blackhawk."
"Blackhawk? Are there any good players there?"
"The beauty! Do you remember? From that promotion video?"
"Oh yes! I remember that beauty. Didn't she reject to add you already?
Are you successful this time?"
"I met her through the random match of the platform! It must be fate,
because there are so many people on that platform and I met her," Lu Botao said
"Are you serious? Such a small chance." Larry walked behind Lu Botao
started to watch the holographic image.
"Of course it's true. She already said that if I beat her she will be
my friend."
"Good for you, then it's a done deal." Liang Yiming saw Ji Yanran's
game last year, she was okay but no match to any of them in the Alliance Central
Military Academy, not even the bench players.
"Exactly. The game has started, I need to focus now." said Lu Botao.
The countdown was over and the game had started.
To show off his strength and chivalry, Lu Botao did not try to steal
the light spots on Ji Yanran side. He planned to finish off his light spots as soon
as possible.
However, when the game just started, Lu Botao saw his opponent's hand
reaching over to his side, obviously trying to steal his points.
"Ha-ha, this beauty thinks too much of herself, trying to steal my
points," said Lu Botao, laughing.
"You have to let the girl do what she wants. Don't beat her too bad,
you need to be a gentleman and leave her a few points." Liang Yiming also laughed.

"Alright. I understand that," said Lu Botao, reaching toward a spot.

When he was about to touch the spot, a finger suddenly crushed it and
his opponent gained a point.
"Well done, you're offering her points early on." Liang Yiming thought
Lu Botao did it on purpose.
"Had to." Lu Botao said reluctantly. It was not part of his plan.

"I should pay more attention." Lu Botao still thought he was just
being careless and reached toward another spot.
Before he hit the spot, the finger once again crushed it.
Lu Botao panicked a little as his opponent had beaten him to all the
spots he wanted to hit 8 times in a row, leaving him with no point.
"Botao, this is a little extreme. The Beauty's level is okay. Be
careful or you might even lose." Liang Yiming still thought Lu Botao was doing this
on purpose.
Lu Botao, however, was no longer in the mood to joke around. He was
completely focused on the game, with his forehead sweaty.
He did not want to let his opponent win, but lost nonetheless.

Very soon, Liang Yiming could tell that something was wrong. Blue
veins stood out on Lu Botao's Temple, and his fingers were dancing like crazy.
Still, no point was gained.
And the other hand in the holographic image could always hit the spot
Liang Yiming widened his mouth. He knew very well how good Lu Botao
was. Although Lu Botao was relatively weak among the Alliance Central Military
Academy players, he would be absolutely the first place in any other military
However, until now, Lu Botao still had not gained a single point,
which was almost unbelievable.
Even Liang Yiming who was the second place in the alliance central
military academy did not dare to say that he could do the same to Lu Botao. Unless
the difference between the two players was heaven and Earth, this scene would never
But it was what was happening at this point. In the 100-point game,
the opponent had already gained 80 points, while Lu Botao still had nothing.

At this point, Lu Botao was covered in cold sweat. His movements

became stiff due to too much pressure.
The hand of his opponent was like a devil's hand in Lu Botao's eyes.

Chapter 220
Helplessness and despair made Lu Botao cringe.
The devil's hand was everywhere. In all kinds of Hand of God games
that Lu Botao had experienced, he had never felt so much despair before.

No matter what kind of opponent he used to meet, even if he had lost a

lot of points, he would always have some reason to finish the game.
However, this game was different.
Whichever light spot Lu Botao wanted to hit, his opponent would always
beat him to it. No accident. No suspense. Lu Botao had never thought that he would
want to gain one point so much.
"One point... All I need is one point..." As a member of the Alliance
Central Military Academy, Lu Botao was a tough player. Others might have given up
at this point, but he was still hanging in there.
Soon Lu Botao discovered how difficult it was to gain a point.

The last light spot was crushed and Lu Botao was dumbstruck. 100 to 0.
The score on the screen made Lu Botao collapse.
"Botao, were you trying to be a gentleman?" Liang Yiming asked,
uncertain. It did not look like Lu Botao was doing it on purpose. However, there
was no other explanation for Lu Botao to get a zero either.
Lu Botao did not reply. Sitting up and staring at the holographic
image, he quickly sent an invite to his opponent for another match.
His opponent agreed and the game started again. Lu Botao stared at the
holographic image like a monster staring at its prey, gathering all his strength to
prepare for a fierce attack.
When the game started, Lu Botao had lost all his confidence under the
devil's hand.
No way... He could not hit anything...
Using all his strength and calculation, Lu Botao found his speed and
strategies useless in front of the devil's hand.
That hand was everywhere. And Lu Botao felt there were a pair of
devil's eyes watching his soul as well. No matter which light spot he chose to hit,
the devil would always be there first, smashing his hope.
"No, this is not possible..." Lu Botao felt that the hand was growing
in size, taking up all the space around him, and he was becoming smaller and
smaller, reduced to a toy.
The game had not even ended, but Lu Botao had already collapsed on his
chair, all his confidence and courage gone.
Liang Yiming next to him was also soaked in cold sweat. In the second
match, he tried to imagine him as Lu Botao, and soon he became desperate as well,
because he found out that he would not be able to hit anything either. It was not
Lu Botao's fault. The opponent acted as if she could read people's mind.

" Lu Botao, this is Ji Yanran from Blackhawk? Are you sure this is not
an evolver?" Liang Yiming could not believe that this person was a military school
" I have no idea..." Lu Botao was not sure either. He looked at his
opponents ID and said, "This is her ID and this is the unevolved section. The
evolvers shouldn't be able to enter this part."
Liang Yiming heard Lu Botao's theory and agreed. If his opponent was
an evolver, that person would be sent to a different section.
But some evolvers who had not yet registered in the Alliance would be
able to still enter the unevolved section. So that was a possibility.
"If this person is unevolved, then it's too scary. Maybe only the
monster from our school could be her match," Liang Yiming said.
"Who are you..." Lu Botao sat up and sent a text to his opponent.
Lu Botao and Liang Yiming both stared at the holographic image,
awaiting the reply.
In Blackhawk, Ji Yanran was sitting in Han Sen's lap and watching her
boyfriend playing with only one hand.
Now she knew how she had lost to him on the spaceship. His speed and
prejudgment seemed to be beyond what a human could do.
From her angle, his dancing fingers were almost like they belonged to
a pianist.
"You scare me." When Han Sen finished the game, Ji Yanran let out a
sigh of relief.
"How?" Han Sen whispered into her ear.
"You left your opponent with no points." Ji Yanran's earlobe became
"He had his eyes on my girlfriend. That was unforgivable." Han Sens
saw her cute earlobe and kissed it.
Ji Yanran felt electrified and shuddered.
At this time, the message from Lu Botao popped out. Han Sen saw it and
replied, "I am Ji Yanran's boyfriend."
He was claiming his territory.
"Are you a Blackhawk student?" Lu Botao's message came again.

"Yes," replied Han Sen. He then exited the platform. With a gorgeous
girl in his arms, he was in no mood to talk to a guy.
Ji Yanran realized something and her cheeks became crimson. Looking at
her gorgeous face, Han Sen could no longer resist the temptation.
Although they were in public and could not go too far, Han Sen enjoyed
himself enough.
"Hey love birds, stop showing off like this." Qu Lili suddenly
appeared next to them.
Ji Yanran immediately blushed and ran from Han Sen.
Watching her roommate who was blushing and Han Sen who stood up, Qu
Lili smiled, "Yanran, genius, I did not mean to interrupt you. It's just Ji Yanran
has promised me that today she would accompany me to pick a hyper geno art. And
it's past our agreed time."

Chapter 221

"I'm so sorry..." Ji Yanran held Qu Lili's arm and apologized.

"Forget it. I now understand that girls would give up anything for
their men." Qu Lili looks to Han Sen and asked, "Genius, would you come with us?"

"Sure. But can't you call me by my name?"

"Bite me."
Han Sen decided to be silent, and followed the girls.
Although the military school would teach hyper geno arts, there were
nothing advanced.
However, the military school students had certain benefits when it
came to purchasing hyper geno arts.
Freshmen were allowed to buy a C-Class hyper geno art, sophomores were
eligible to buy a B-Class hyper geno art and two C-Class ones; junior could buy two
B-Class and four C-Class ones; seniors could buy one A-Class and five B-Class.

Unless they were in some special majors, they had to graduate and
serve in the army after 4 years. After graduation, it would depend on their
achievements in the army whether they could buy more advanced hyper geno arts.

Different from the Saint Hall, the hyper geno arts sold in military
schools came with only one bottle of geno solution. And the D-Class arts and under
did not require any geno solution.
Both Ji Yanran and Qu Lili were juniors and according to the rules
they could purchase two B-Class and four C-Class ones. Han Sen could also purchase
one C-Class at this point. However, he was not interested in the less advanced
hyper geno arts after seeing Holy Angel and Sparticle.
"Qin Xuan still owes Dollar an S-Class license. How can I try to
retrieve it?" Han Sen kept thinking about it but had no good solutions.

Qin Xuan asked Dollar to get it in the Steel Armor Shelter. However,
it would be so dangerous with the strong guys and Son of Heaven in the shelter who
hated Dollar's guts.
The three of them came to the schools hyper geno art store and there
was no shop assistant but all vending machines.
The tutorials were up for download after payment and the geno
solutions would pop from the vending machines.
"Ji Yanran, what do you think I should buy?" Qu Lili could not decide.

"Genius, give me some advice," She then said to Han Sen.

"Maybe you could try the B-Class Momentum and Windbreak." A strange
voice next to them sounded.
The three students looked to the direction of the voice and saw a
well-dressed, mild-tempered middle-aged guy. He seemed to be at most 50 years old.

"How do you know that those two suit me?" Qu Lili looked to the
middle-aged guy in surprise.
He smiled and replied, "The hyper geno art that you are practicing now
should be Jediforce."
Qu Lili was even more shocked, "You can even tell this? Are you a
professor at the Martial Arts Department?"
The guy did not reply and continued, "Jediforce focuses a lot on the
speed, and you have made a lot of progress so that Momentum and Windbreak will
bring you a step further."
"Really?" Qu Lili was overjoyed but still could not believe him
"I believe your linear acceleration should have reached 13 in fitness
index and your muscle strength 12.5, so you're the perfect candidate for those
"Ah!" Qu stared at the middle-aged guy, unable to believe that he
could even tell this.
Her linear acceleration was 12.98 and her muscle strength was 12.51,
almost exactly the same as what he said.
At this point, Qu Lili had believed that middle-aged was a professor
in martial arts department. She gladly thanked him and said, "I will buy Momentum
and Windbreak then."
Qu Lili swiped her card and purchased those two.
Han Sen and Ji Yanran regarded the middle-aged guy in surprise. He
must not be an ordinary professor with such keen observation.
"Do you need my help?" the guy asked Han Sen and Ji Yanran.

"You should really use the professor's help." Qu Lili checked out the
details of her newly purchased martial arts and felt they did suit her very well.

"I don't have any quota left. how about you?" Ji Yanran said to Han
"All I have is a C-Class quota and it will not be really useful to me,
so I'll pass," said Han Sen.
"That's not right. Although advanced hyper geno arts are powerful, the
foundation is also very important. Even C-Class arts could lay a great foundation
for many hyper geno arts. If you practice it well, it would even be helpful when
you become an evolver or surpasser."
The middle-aged men looked at Han Sen and continued, "I will recommend
you to practice a C-Class and you will find out how helpful it is."
"That makes a lot of sense. Genius, you should try it," suggested Qu
Han Sen shook his head, "No, thank you."
Han Sen had just bought the three-blade harpoon and mailed some money
to his family. Now all that was left in his account was 200 thousand Dollars. Even
if it were cheaper in a military school, the C-Class martial art would still cost
500 thousand, so he did not really have the money.
"The professor meant well. And you need it anyway so let's just
purchase it," Ji Yanran also said.
"To be honest, all I have is 200 thousand Dollars at this point. I
cannot afford that," Han Sen had to say.
"That's fine. I have it." Ji Yanran smiled and transferred 500
thousand Dollars to him.
"Since my girlfriend is rich, I'll get it then." Han Sen did not
refuse and turned to the middle-aged man, "Professor, what's the C-Class hyper geno
art that you recommend?"

Chapter 222

After going back to his dorm, Han Sen checked out the details of E-
blast that he just purchased, playing with a bottle of purple geno solution in his
other hand.
"This is neat for a C-Class martial art." Han Sen was surprised. He
had little hope for a C-Class martial art, but this one was even more complicated
than Sparticle.
"Maybe it's a C-Class because it is very hard to practice, and the
result is not great."
Since it was in the military school and Han Sen had purchased the
martial arts from the vending machine, he did not suspect there to be any issue.

Most importantly, after he had checked out E-blast, he was immediately

attracted by the content. It was exactly something he would have wanted.

But after checking it out, Han Sen did not immediately start to
practice E-blast. Nor did he use the geno solution. He locked them all in his
Although E-blast did not seem to have any problems, Han Sen felt that
the middle-aged man acted weirdly. As observant as Han Sen, he could even tell that
the middle-aged man came for him, and helping Qu Lili pick her hyper geno arts was
merely a cover.
Therefore, Han Sen did not immediately start to learn E-blast.

Han Sen was not wrong. The middle-aged man was in fact Bai Yishan from
the Saint Hall. And the E-blast bought by Han Sen was the Yin Yang Blast invented
by Bai.
Bai Yishan believed that Han Sen was the perfect candidate to practice
Yin Yang Blast. He had tried the official way and did not get Han Sen's consent. In
a few days, the Saint Hall would pass the resolution to ban Yin Yang Blast.

At that time, even Bai Yishan himself could not teach Yin Yang Blast
to anyone else. Using a banned hyper geno art was a severe crime in the Alliance,
and the punishments included death sentence.
So, Bai Yishans had to make Han Sen learn E-blast in these few days.
Those who had practiced the hyper geno art before it was banned would be exempt
from the law.
Originally, Bai Yishan did not want to use this method. However, he
had no time to prove himself in the Saint Hall and had to make Han Sen learn.

Fortunately, the President of Blackhawk knew Bai Yishan very well and
was himself a scholar addicted to martial arts. After reviewing Yin Yang Blast, he
did not have the heart to let it be buried either. After some hesitation, he
decided to help Bai Yishan.
Neither of them had thought that Han Sen would be able to tell and
decide not to practice it.
In the next two days, Bai Yishan was observing Han Sen through the on-
campus cameras. His face darkened, because obviously Han Sen did not use the geno
Solution or practice Yin Yang Blast. Otherwise Han Sen's features would have a
certain change. As the inventor of Yin Yang Blast, Bai Yishans knew that very well.

"What's wrong? Why hasn't he practiced Yin Yang Blast?" Bai Yishan
became nervous.
He had applied for the eligibility to practice Yin Yang Blast on
behalf of Han Sen as a volunteer. As soon as the Saint Hall banned Yin Yang Blast,
they would collect the copy of Yin Yang Blast from Han Sen and ask him to sign a
non-disclosure agreement.
If at that point, Han Sen still had not used the geno solution, then
the solution would be collected as well. So after that, even if he remembered the
tutorial of Yin Yang Blast, without the special solution, he would not be able to
When Bai Yishan was feeling nervous about it, he saw Han Sen walking
towards the teleport station, wanting to enter God's Sanctuary.
Bai Yishan panicked. The resolution would be passed in the Saint Hall
in 2 days. If Han Sen went to God's sanctuary, he would lose his last opportunity
to practice Yin Yang Blast.
Bai Yishan had to go stop Han Sen.
"Han Sen." Bai Yishan stopped Han Sen before he went in the teleport
"You are?" Han Sen recognized Bai Yishan but did not know what his
name was.
"My last name is Bai, and we've met the other at the martial arts
store. I recommended you to buy E-blast. Why didn't you start practicing?" Bai
Yishan didn't even think that much at this point.
With this question Han Sen was even more certain that Bai Yishan had
some agenda.
"Professor Bai, i'm sorry I don't really have time. I'll practice it
later," said Han Sen casually.
"No, you have to start practicing within 2 days." Bai Yishan said
"And why is that?" ask the Han Sen, staring at Bai Yishan.

Bai Yishan knew that it was out of the question to cheat him into
practicing Yin Yang Blast. He hesitated and said, "Han Sen, let's go somewhere we
can talk, and I could explain everything."
"Alright." Han Sen nodded. He also wanted to find out what was going
Bai Yishan showed Han Sen into a private conference room and told him
"I'm sorry, Han Sen. I had to do that. You're the most suitable
candidate among everyone I've seen, and you refused my offer to come to the Saint
Hall. I just did not want to see Yin Yang Blast banned." Bai Yishan said
Hearing Bai Yishan, Han Sen had a thousand thoughts in a sudden, "This
is a surpasser and a Maester at the Saint Hall. He had been studying martial arts
for years and is a walking treasure. God won't even forgive me if I don't blackmail
Han Sen have checked Bai Yishan'sID and searched for him on the
skynet. A celebrity like him had millions of photos online.
Han Sen smiled and threw a gaze at Bai Yishan. He thought, " don't
blame me. You're the one who had the wrong idea first."

Chapter 223

" Han Sen, I hope that you could start to practice Yin Yang Blast
right now..." Bai Yishan said quickly.
"Professor I want to ask you something. Why didn't you go find an
evolver or surpass her to practice your invention?" asked Han Sen.
"I've thought about it but Yin Yang Blast was based on ruler, and
ruler has a requirements for those who practice it, which is the age of them should
not be over 20. Although I had made a lot of improvements, the limit is still
there. For those over 20, they would make very slow progress in practicing Yin Yang
Blast. They could spend 10 years and make less progress than a young person in a
few months." Bai Yishan sighed.
"So i'm the most suitable candidate to practice Yin Yang Blast under
"That's right. Otherwise I wouldn't go to the extreme and try to lie
to you." Bai Yishan nodded.
"So I'm your only candidate now?" asked Han Sen.
"Yes, it will be too late for me to go find someone else. I really
hope that you can help me too..."
Han Sen cut in before he could finish, " so what canyou offer me?"

"What?" Bai Yishan paused.

" I mean compensation. Since Yin Yang Blast is about to be banned, it
means it's dangerous. And for me to take such a risk for you, I need to be
compensated. Don't you agree?" Han Sen smiled.
Bai Yishan hesitated. He had never seen a young man like this. He
never had to ask for a favor and people always came to him and beg to learn the new
martial arts he invented.
"Okay. If it is necessary, I could pay you. How much money do you
want?" Bai Yishan would do anything to keep Yin Yang Blast relevant.
"100 S-Class Saint Hall licenses," said Han Sen.
Bai widened his eyes, as if Han Sen was a lunatic. He had never seen a
young man so daring.
After a long while, Bai Yishan looked at Han Sen and asked, " Han Sen,
do you understand what a hundred S-class Saint Hall licenses mean?"
"You are the one who invented the S-class hyper geno arts, so what
does it matter? If you think it's too many, 99 will do as well," said Han Sen.

Bai Yishan smiled reluctantly, "My research only accounts for a small
part of them and even if I teach you everything that I've invented, it's far less
than a hundred. In addition, without the geno solutions, you need to take
tremendous risks to practice the hyper geno arts."
"So teach me everything you invented, and then give me several bottles
of geno solutions for each," said Han Sen.
Bai Yishan looked at Han Sen and said, "I have signed a non-disclosure
agreement with the Saint Hall, so there is no way I could teach you all that. Even
if I teach you, you will also end up in jail when someone finds out about it. Also,
I have no control over the geno solutions. Without justified causes, I cannot even
apply for one extra bottle."
"Since you're not sincere about this, then forget about it. I'm sure
you can easily find someone else to practice Yin Yang Blast. I don't think there's
much I can do to help." Han Sen got up and was ready to go.
He had reviewed Yin Yang Blast, and understood that there was no harm
in practicing it. The risk was mainly in its usage.
"Wait. I could pay you a lot of money," said Bai Yishan.
"Professor, I am not so poor that I would risk my life for money,"
said Han Sen softly.
"There is no risk in practicing Yin Yang Blast. And based on your
talent, you don't have to risk much using it..." Bai Yishan tried to explain.

"I'm sorry professor. I'm afraid I cannot help you," said Han Sen.

Bai Yishan had no idea whether or not he made the right decision to
pick this guy. He said helplessly, "The Saint Hall gives me 2 s class licenses per
year. I have used some and given some away. Now all I have left are five. That's
all I can offer. Think about it."
"Can I use these licenses to purchase the hyper geno arts beyond the
unevolved level?" asked Han Sen.
"You could use them to purchase all kinds of martial arts and hyper
geno arts in the S Section of the Saint Hall; but if your fitness level is below
the requirement, they would help very little even if you purchase them."

"Well then, if you give me the 5 s class licenses, I will practice

your Yin Yang Blast." Han Sen reached out a hand in front of Bai Yishan.

Because many S-class hyper geno arts had requirements for one's
fitness level, only evolvers or surpassers could practice them. Some licenses were
limited to certain levels, while the ones Bai Yishan offered were universal.

Han Sen was satisfied with such compensation. He had reviewed Yin Yang
Blast, and knew that it was not dangerous to practice.
Bai Yishan was very glad that he had the S-Class licenses with him,
otherwise this greedy devil might never agree to help him.
Bai Yishan had never seen a young men like Han Sen. All other young
man he met were respectful and never asked for anything.
After signing the contract with Han Sen, Bai Yishan gave the five S-
Class Saint Hall licenses to Han Sen. These universal S-Class licenses would only
be given to people on his level. An average professor would not even be able to
have one.
Giving all five licenses he had to Han Sen, Bai Yishan felt a bit
Fortunately, after receiving the licenses, Han Sen drank the geno
solution of Yin Yang Blast in front of Bai Yishan and finished the first practice,
making Bai Yishan feel a little better.
"Although he is greedy, he did fulfill his promise. I hope that he
could make Yin Yang Blast shine. Maybe one day Yin Yang Blast could be made public
again." Bai Yishan tried to comfort himself.

Chapter 224

Bai Yishan asked Han Sen to practice Yin Yang Blast often, and told
him how to cooperate in the Saint Hall when they came to collect Yin Yang Blast.

Han Sen nodded and went directly to the teleport station after Bai
Yishan had left. The creature he was feeding had evolved into a sacred-blood
He was feeding a color shifter this time. It was a primitive creature
like a chameleon. The reason he had chosen a color shifter was its beast soul.
Its beast soul was a shapeshifting one. After using the beast soul,
one would not only be able to gain better fitness, but could also get protective
If one stood in the same spot for a while, then the protective
coloration would allow one to be integrated into the surroundings, as if one was
However, when using the beast soul of a primitive color shifter, the
color shifting was slow and not really that effective.
If he could get the beast soul of a sacred blood color shifter, then
the effect would be much better. For Han Sen, who was good at assassination, there
was no better ability than this.
If he could hide next to his enemy, then he would be a huge threat to
anyone. After all, he now had a sacred-blood beast soul weapon three-blade harpoon,
the only disadvantage of which was its length. If Han Sen could approach his enemy,
then the setback would be mitigated.
"My dear God, Jesus Christ, buddha, please show your mercy..." Han Sen
was praying to all kinds of gods while killing the color shifter with his three-
blade harpoon.
"Sacred-blood color shifter killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood Color
Shifter gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten sacred geno points randomly."

Maybe the gods had heard his prayer. Han Sen actually gained the beast
soul of the color shifter. Hearing the voice in his mind, Han Sen jumped.

Putting the meat in his pot on the stove, Han Sen started to feed a
primitive cloud beast. He had fed one before, but failed to gain its beast soul.
Han Sen was very interested in this beast soul as well, so he wanted to try again.

After preparing everything, Han Sen could not wait to summon the beast
soul of the color shifter and shapeshift. After some experimenting, Han Sen was
overjoyed because the sacred-blood beast soul of a shapeshifter was even better
than he had thought.
As long as he stood still, he would immediately become part of the
surroundings. Even someone like himself could hardly tell.
And the protective coloration would also extend to his armor and
However, once he moved, the speed of color shifting would not be able
to catch up with his movements. And a keen observer could always tell.
Even so, Han Sen was very happy with the result. There was no doubt
that this beast soul was fantastic for assassination and running for life equally.

This sacred-blood color shifter added 5 more sacred geno points for
Han Sen. Now he had 50 sacred geno points, halfway down the road.
"Han Sen, it's almost the semi-annual assessment. I've never seen you
on the training field of archery. Can you pass?" Shi Zhikang muttered when Han Sen
came back to the dormitory.
Han Sen then realized he had been in the school for half a year and
the assessment was impending. If he failed the assessment, it would be a lot of
"I should do fine." Han Sen had confidence in himself. He had studied
hard for the past few months.
And the most important archery assessment was his strong suit, so he
was not worried either.
However, others might not agree with him, for example, his student
advisor Situ Xiang.
As one of the leaders in revitalizing the Archery Department in
Blackhawk, Situ Xiang had high hopes for the freshmen in the department.

Han Sen was obviously a bad student in her eyes.

Although his grades were good, they were not outstanding. And she
could never see him in archery lessons.
As a member of the Archery Department, instead of participating in
archery contests, he kept competing in warframe and black and white boxing
contests. What was worse was that he even went to shoot a commercial.
These behaviors told her that he did not commit himself to study.

Situ Xiang felt it was necessary that she have a talk with Han Sen. As
a specially recruited student in Archery Department, Han Sens behavior was a big
disappointment to her.
However, Situ Xiang did not go to Han Sen straight away. She planned
to talk to him after the semi-annual assessment. After his grades were out, her
words would make much more sense to him.
Archery needed tons of practice. One day without practice meant you
would fall behind.
According to what Han Sen had done in the past few months, Situ Xiang
believed that his grades would definitely fall.
After all, he rarely went to archery classes and did not join the
Archery Society. In addition, he spent most of his time practicing driving
warframes in Heavy Warframe Society. How would it be possible for him to maintain
his archery level?
"Even if he had good skills originally, he would not do as well after
all this slacking. I would talk to him after he realized that." Situ Xiang watched
Han Sen entering the test field.
She was ambitious about revitalizing the Archery Department in
Blackhawk and did not expect to run into especially recruited students with no
interest in archery.
She was even thinking that if he failed this assessment, she should
probably suggest to the school management to transfer him to another department.

Since he was so into warframes, then they should transfer him to the
Warframe Department. He was not contributing anything to Archery Department at all.

Although the archery tournament in the military school league was not
as popular as other competitions, it was still difficult to gain a good ranking. As
the coach of the Archery Society, Situ Xiang had to give a lot of thought to the
lineup of her team.
Although there were a few good seed players in the specially recruited
freshmen, they needed more training and could not be immediately put to use.

As one of the freshmen, Han Sen was naturally listed as a black sheep
in Situ Xiang's mind.

Chapter 225

The semi-annual assessment began.

When it was the turn of the group that Han Sen was in, many students
who had finished their assessment or were still waiting for it came to see how well
Han Sen could do.
"The genius is great at war frames and black and white boxing. I
wonder how well he could do with archery."
"He's in the archery Department. That's what he does."
"Of course he's even better at archery."
"For sure he's the first place."
The students' discussion was upsetting to Situ Xiang.
"It seems that Han Sen is really popular," one of the supervisors Liu
Dong smiled and commented.
Situ Xiang said with some contempt, "Being popular does not mean that
he will do well in the assessment. I wonder if the students will worship him after
looking at his grades."
Liu Dong looked at Situ Xiang in surprise. Normally speaking, a star
student like Han Sen would be popular among the instructors. However, this student
advisor did not seem to be a fan.
"Does he have bad grades in archery?" asked Liu Dong.
"Just average. I barely see him," replied Situ Xiang.
While the two are talking, it was Han Sens turn to shoot at the fixed
target. He made ten shots instantaneously, all of which ended up on the bullseye.

Liu Dong widened his eyes, "Coach, you call this average? You're so
Liu Dong thought she was being humble. Skills like this would
definitely get the student an S level rating.
Situ Xiang also paused, because Han Sen was more than accurate, he was
really fast.
"The genius is so amazing."
"It was like he shot ten arrows at same time."
"For sure he will have an S level rating in the assessment."

The semi-annual assessments in military schools divided grades into
eight levels S, A, B, C, D, E, F, G. A student would get a rating in each subject,
ratings below D level would be considered fail. And all subjects below D needed to
be retaken.
If the overall rating was below D, then the student would most likely
have to drop out.
Han Sens performance was directly rated by the AI as S. All the
students would be rated by AI, which was faster and more accurate than manual
"Coach, I'm jealous that you have a student like this in your
department." Liu Dong was from a different department.
"It was just the fixed target. We should wait until he does the entire
assessment." Situ Xiang could not believe that without showing up at all, Han Sen
could maintain his grades, and even show improvements.
"No need to be humble, Coach. We could all see Han Sens level."

Situ Xiang did not say a word and cast an odd look at Han Sen.

After the fixed target test, it was the moving target test. When it
was Han Sens turn, the bow and arrow became a rifle gun in his hands. Wherever he
wanted to hit, there was no missing. Again. he was rated S.
In the combat simulation, Han Sen acted like a professional Soldier.
There was no miss, no error, and no accidental injury. With his high speed, he got
an S without doubt.
His grades did not bring Situ Xiang joy, because with his skills, he
never thought of joining the school team or the Archery Society, which was
unforgivable in her eyes.
"As a specially recruited student in our department, he never thought
about contributing to his own major. I need to teach him a lesson." Situ Xiang of
course wanted to use him. However, since Han Sen did not apply to join the school
team, she did not want to ask him herself.
In her heart, she had already treated Han Sen as one of the core
players to participate in the tournament. But she had to make him suffer a little
before that.
In her room on campus, Situ Xiang watched the video of Han Sens
assessment repeatedly. In the end, she dialed the number on her comlink, and it
went through.
"Xiang, it's been a while since you came to visit me..." a man's voice
sounded in her comlink.
After a long while, Situ Xiang turned her comlink off and had a smirk
on her face.
She had to ask for her dad's help this time to frighten Han Sen into
joining her team. On the other hand, she hoped this could also improve his archery
skills and make him perform better in the upcoming game.
Situ Xiang had a lot of trust in her father. He used to be an archery
coach in the military, and that was why she had been practicing archery since she
was a little girl.
"Boy, pray hard. That's your punishment for not joining the team
yourself." Situ Xiang thought of the nickname of her father and smiled.

Before Situ Xiang's dad retired, he was the famous "Nazi" in the
The soldiers trained by him with go limp when hearing his name.

After Situ Qing retired, he came to Blackhawk and became a vice

president, but there was not much to be done.
When he just came to Blackhawk, the President asked him to train the
archery students. However, within the few days, no student could get out of bed,
since they were either injured or sick. The archery students were about to write a
blood letter co-signed by 10,000 people, which scared the President. Situ Qing was
then asked to do no more.
Situ Xiang had repeatedly told Situ Qing to train Han Sen according to
the highest standards.
"I'll see how long you can last." Situ Xiang thought of the miserable
look of Han Sen under her dad's training and secretly celebrated.

Chapter 226

After the semi-annual assessment, Han Sen was celebrating with his
roommates, Ji Yanran and Qu Lili in the cafeteria.
"Han Sen, we are all human. How come there is such a difference? I did
not spend time in the relationship or playing. All I did was training in the
archery Department and all I had was an a. You're never in our department and was
driving warframe's and playing with your girlfriend all the time. How come you got
an s? It's not fair," exclaimed Shi Zhikang.
"Come on. You're in the heavy Warframe Society all the time as well,"
said Lu Meng.
"Lu, whose side are you on?" Shi Zhikang stared at Lu Meng.

"Not yours." Lu Meng laughed.

After dinner, the group of friends went to sing karaoke and play games
until late. Han Sen hinted Shi Zhikang to lead Qu Lili away so that he could
accompany his girlfriend back alone.
"Why are you following me?" At the gate of her dormitory building, Han
Sen was ready to follow her upstairs.
"I'll go warm your bed." Han Sen grinned.
"I don't need that." She blushed and said fiercely.
"Beauty, have you forgotten that you just gave me half a million the
few days ago? As a professional, I will serve you with all I have, so warming your
bed is a must." Han Sen blinked and said.
"Go away. If anyone else saw us, I won't forgive you." Ji Yanran
blushed and bit her lip.
"So, if no one could see me, I could follow you upstairs?" asked Han
Sen casually.
"How's that possible? Go back." Ji Yanran curled her lips.

Han Sen did not leave. He walked over to a corner where the camera
could not cover and summoned the beast soul of the sacred-blood color shifter.
Suddenly, he became part of the surroundings.
Ji Yanran widened her eyes and saw her boyfriend disappear in front of
her. She was so shocked that she couldn't see anything standing next to him.

She had to touch him to make sure that he will still there.

"What kind of beast soul is this?" Ji Yanran was surprised.

"Color shifter. Can I go up now?" asked Han Sen with a smile.

"Stay farther. If someone noticed you, you'll be dead." She blushed

and went upstairs.
Han Sen followed her slowly. Fortunately, it was dark already and
there was no one nearby. Although when Han Sen moved there were certain cracks, no
one was there to discover them, so he came directly to her room.
With Qu Lili being pulled away by his roommates, she would not be back
in a while. Ji Yanran opened the door just a crack to see that there was no one out
there before she let her boyfriend in.
"Do you want something to eat? You were just drinking and did not eat
much." Ji Yanran said, looking through the food she had.
"You're enough. I don't want anything else," sitting on the couch, Han
Sen said with a smile.
"Can you be serious for a minute?" Ji Yanran took some cake and some
water to him.
"I am being serious and professional, trying to make your half a
million well spent," Han Sen said.
Ji Yanran saw his look and laughed. Then she rolled her eyes and said,
"Well, if you don't eat, I will."
She then put a slice of cake in a plate and started to eat.

Sitting next to her, Han Sen regarded his girlfriend.

"What are you looking at?" Ji Yanran blushed under his gaze.

"Look at you. You have cake on your cheek." Han Sen reached over.

Ji Yanran thought he was going to wipe away the cake on her face and
did not move, but his hand held her chin and he licked the cake away instead.

Then he licked the cream on her lips, and said, "Delicious."

Ji Yanran's eyes lit up and suddenly hit his face with the entire
piece of cake in her hand.
While Han Sen was shocked, she held his shoulder and said, "You have
cake on your cheek as well."
Han Sen was dazed. She used her little tongue to lick away a piece of
cream on his face, blushing.
Han Sen could no longer hold it back. He reached out to hold her waist
and rubbed her face with his, tasting the cream and her soft skin at the same time.

His hands also found their way to her plump butt.

While the two were enjoying the sweetness, they suddenly heard the
door being opened.
"I knew there was something wrong. Genius, you are a genius in
stealing a girl's heart as well." Qu Lili walked in with a smile.
Ji Yanran jumped away from Han Sens arms, stared at Qu Lili and could
not say a thing.
"Shi Zhikang, I shouldn't have counted on you. How did you let her
back so soon?" thought Han Sen. He had no way around it and had to excuse himself.

There was no way that he could continue his endeavor this evening
Watching him going away, Qu Lili had a complex look on her face.

Han Sen didn't go far before his comlink rang. Han Sen thought it was
Ji Yanran and answered, but instead he saw Huangfu Pingqing in white lingerie in
the holographic image.
"Brother Han, do you still remember our agreement? Do you have time
Tomorrow?" asked Huangfu Pingqing with a smile.
"Yes. Where do you want to go?" Han Sen touched his nose and said.

When he made the contract with Huangfu Pingqing, he also promised her
to go hunting with her once and he had to honor his words.

Chapter 227

The next morning, Han Sen was waiting for Huangfu Pingqing in front of
the teleport station.
He got a text from the Office of Academic Affairs when he just saw
Huangfu Pingqing. In the text, he was asked to attend a training by Situ Qing.

"I'm so sorry. I have to go." Han Sen showed Huangfu Pingqing the
Huangfu Pingqing took a look and frowned. "If this is the Situ Qing
that I have heard of, I'm afraid you're in trouble."
"What about him?"
"A vice president of Blackhawk. He used to be an archery coach in the
military and had a nickname Nazi..." Huangfu Pingqing told something about Situ
Qing to Han Sen.
"Two years ago, there was a training by him which ended in a couple of
days because of the complaints from the students. I didn't realize that the school
would still allow him to do this. Be careful and our agreement can wait." Huangfu
Pingqing left.
Han Sen did some research on the online school community and got a
better idea who Situ Qing was.
Based on the text from the Office of Academic Affairs, Han Sen came to
an indoor training facility. When he arrived, he felt that something was off.

In the entire facility, he was the only trainee. The student advisor
Situ Xiang and a nice looking, well-dressed middle-aged man were waiting for him.

"Han Sen, this is Coach Situ Qing. From today, he will be training you
for a month. You need to study hard under his guidance." Situ Xiang patted Han
Sen's shoulder and left.
Situ Xiang smirked secretly, "Boy, I'll come back and see how
miserable you are in a few days. By that time, you will beg me to take you with
Han Sen shrugged and came over to Situ Qing.
The coach smiled at Han Sen, "Han Sen, I've heard about you. You're
very popular in our school. I heard that you are voted the most desirable date by
girls. You have good grades and many talents."
"You flatter me, coach." When talking to Situ Qing, Han Sen maintained
the standard stance of a soldier, which he learned during the military training.
"I mean it. I see great potentials in you and believe that you are the
hope of our Archery Department. I will do everything I can to teach you everything
I know so that you can help revitalize the department." Situ Qing patted Han Sen on
his shoulder. It seemed he meant everything he said.
"Thank you, coach." Han Sen stood up straight and said.
Situ Qing smiled and reached his right hand in front of Han Sen. There
was a piece of metal of 1 inch by 1 inch. It looked like Z-steel.
Situ Qing's hand suddenly gained the color and texture of gold. It was
nowhere near human's hand.
With a light squeeze, Situ Qing's fingers flattened the Z-steel.

"This is a little gift for you." Situ Qing put the piece of Z-steel in
Han Sen's hand with a smile.
Han Sen understood very well that it was a warning.
But it was indeed impressive. Han Sen could not achieve that so far.
He had read about this kind of strength on the Skynet. It was a kind of martial
arts that could only be practiced by evolvers. The concept was to change the
structure of their body cells and turn them into metal.
Even if Han Sen could get his hands on martial arts like this, his
body could not take it.
"Thank you." Han Sen accepted the gift with a smile.
"Alright. Here begins our training. We will start with the horse-
riding stance. Ordinary people would think that archery relies on the strength of
one's arms and fingers, which is wrong. Most strength needed in archery comes from
the waist and belly. This morning we will practice your core strength with horse-
riding stance." Situ Qing instructed Han Sen to make the stance and sat down in the
chair, watching him.
"Coach, a small request?" said Han Sen while making the stance.

"You can try. But normally I would not grant anything. And talking
would only make it harder. If you fall before lunch, then you will have to do the
same thing in the afternoon." Situ Qing narrowed his eyes and said.
"Coach, one of my hobbies is black and white boxing. During the
training, I'm not allowed to go on the Skynet, and this is not something I can
practice alone. After training, could you join me?" Han Sen continued.
"Black and white boxing? No need to wait until the training's over. We
can do it now. I heard that you are rather good at it and gave St. Germain a 0 on
our behalf. That was very nice, but after all, it was a competition on the
unevolved level. I will give you some guidance now to make sure that you can beat
the Alliance Central Military Academy next time." Situ Qing was very interested in
black and white boxing and no longer required Han Sen to make the horse-riding
Han Sen walked over to Situ Qing with a smile. He had learned from
Huangfu Pingqing that although Situ Qing taught archery, his biggest hobby was
black and white boxing.
"Come on. You attack first. Watch Me and I'll teach you how to do
defense the right way." Situ Qing curled his finger at Han Sen.
Han Sen looked at the confident coach and had a strange smile on his
When it came to real combat, he could not beat Situ Qing. However,
when it came to black and white boxing, strength was not the only factor.

Situ Qing thought highly of himself in black and white boxing due to
his decades of practice. Han Sen's request pleased him very much.

Chapter 228
Although Situ Qing was the top among all evolvers and was about to
become a surpasser, it did not necessarily mean that he was better at black and
white boxing.
Black and white boxing did not have much to do with strength or speed.
What was important was the control of one's body, judgement and state of mind.

Because Han Sen had practiced Jadeskin, the control he had over his
own body and strength was not worse than an evolver, and the other two factors had
nothing to do with status.
Han Sen had just started to practice Yin Yang Blast, and he was very
much inspired by its theoretical knowledge.
Bai Yishan was right in that it was not dangerous to practice and also
helpful to increase his fitness.
The danger of Yin Yang Blast was in its usage.
Using the yin force and yang force at the right moment was extremely
challenging for the users. If a mistake was made, the users themselves would be
hurt instead.
The yin force was a soft force, while the yang force was domineering.
They were two extremes in essence.
Similar to black and white boxing, it was demanding for the user's
judgement. You had to be able to tell what kind of strength your opponent was using
to decide whether to use yin blast or yang blast.
If the opponent's strength was greater than you, you needed to use the
yin force. If you used the yang force, then it would be like hitting a stone with
an egg.
Because the yang force would consume all one's strength, a strike
normally meant either life or death.
Of course, this was the most straightforward example. The usage of the
forces could be very different. Combining the yin force and the yang force would
allow one to cope with different situations, which was the hardest part of Yin Yang
Therefore, a great part of Yin Yang Blast was dealing with the
judgement of all kinds of situations and the methods to hide the user's intentions.

The usage of the yin force and the yang force needed lots of practice,
so Han Sen was not able to use them at this point. However, he had already
benefited a lot from the theories.
And the theoretical knowledge went beyond the level of the unevolved
and went all the way to the level of evolver and surpasser. As for the demigod
level, Bai Yishan himself had not even reached that, so there was no relevant
Even so, Han Sen was able to understand the theories from a high
When he used this theoretical knowledge on Situ Qing, the effect was
beyond his expectation.
Situ Qing's expression gradually changed. Originally he wanted to
instruct Han Sen, while later on he started to treat him like a serious match. In
the end, Situ Qing was extremely shocked.
"How did you manage to do that?" Situ Qing stared at Han Sen. He was
not able to win a single round in a dozen matches. Situ Qing suspected that the
student might have cheating equipment on him.
"That was easy. The way you use your strength was outdated. For
example, when you use the black fist, the muscle on your arm..." Han Sen said
something in the theories of the Yin Yang Blast.
Situ Qing nodded hard, looking like a primary school student listening
to his teacher.
"Ahem... I'm sorry. I've said too much. I should go back to do the
horse-riding stance."
Situ Qing stopped him and put Han Sen in his own chair. Pouring Han
Sen a cup of tea, the coach put a smile on his face, "Forget about that. Please
"That doesn't seem to be right," Han Sen blinked and said.

"What's not right? I have watched your test videos. You are doing
great. I will show you some tricks later and you just need to practice them." Situ
Qing suggested, "Let's do thisyou can show me how to improve black and white boxing
skills, and I can show you archery techniques. If you have anything that you don't
understand, you could always ask me about it."
"Then I'll continue?" asked Han Sen.
"Please," insisted Situ Qing.
Han Sen grinned and continued to talk about black and white boxing,
while Situ Qing took up the bow and arrow to show Han Sen some special archery
"Don't stop." Han Sen urged Situ Qing, he found that the coach had
stopped demonstrating as he listened to Han Sen.
"Yes... Yes..." Situ Qing said and continued to shoot the arrows.

After two days, Situ Xiang felt it was about time to check on Han Sen.
She would go see how miserable he was and the try to make him join the team
Imagining the look on Han Sen's face, Situ Xiang couldn't help smiling
and quickening her steps.
The moment she stepped in the training facility, what she saw made her
Opposite to her imagination, the popular student was even sitting in
her father's chair, drinking a cup of tea.
Her dad, on the other hand, was shooting arrows next to Han Sen,
smiling to the student from time to time. It was as if Situ Qing was the one under
training and Han Sen was the coach. Situ Xiang was dumbstruck and thought there was
something wrong with her eyes.
"Why?" Situ Xiang could not even close her mouth.
How come her dad who was called "the Nazi" was acting like this? What
spell did Han Sen cast on him?
She could not accept what she was seeing and thought she was in the
"This must be a dream. My dad could not..." Situ Xiang pinched her own
cheek, trying to wake up.
"Ouch!" The acute pain on her cheek confirmed that she was not in a
dream. Covering her face, Situ Xiang had an odd look on her face.

Chapter 229

"Dad, what did you do?" Situ Xiang pulled Situ Qing into the lounge
and closed the door.
What happened to the Nazi coach?
"Ahem, that boy is really good at black and white boxing. Every time
he beat me, he could tell what I did wrong, so..." Situ Qing blushed a little for
he had completely forgotten about his mission due to his obsession of black and
white boxing.
Situ Xiang did not know what to say.
"Dad, you will have to train him well. You know the situation of the
Archery Department. And we would be counting on him in this tournament." Situ Xiang
said, upset.
"Relax. I've taught him everything. The boy has a good foundation and
he would do just fine in Military Academy Tournament," replied Situ Qing.

Situ Xiang felt that her plan had completely failed. She knew from the
look of her dad that all he could think about right now was black and white boxing.

Although Situ Xiang felt discouraged, she knew that her father had a
great eye for talent. If he said Han Sen was okay, then it must be true.

"Alright." Situ Xiang sat down. Although her plan to teach Han Sen a
lesson did not work, she was now even more certain that Han Sen was a great archer.

Situ Xiang decided that to step aside and asked her father to complete
his training.
After the training was done, she would ask him to join the school
team. As a specially recruited student in the Archery Department, it would be his
duty to represent the school in the tournament.
Since the result was the same anyway, Situ Xiang was okay with that.
And she was a bit impressed that this student could manage her father.
Situ Qing was training Han Sen in the meantime.
After Situ Qing understood Han Sens conditions from sparring with him
in black and white boxing, he decided that Han Sen no longer needed to do the basic
exercises. All the student was lacking was some details and techniques, which could
easily be learned.
To be honest, Situ Qing did not like to train someone like Han Sen. He
preferred to train a rookie because he enjoyed the sense of accomplishment of
training a kitty into a lion.
A trainee like Han Sen had taken away the satisfaction from him
However, Han Sen's understanding and skills of black and white boxing
were a huge asset.
Since Han Sen was the only trainee and the coach did not have any
constraint. Han Sen was able to live like usual.
Although Situ Xiang was aware of that, she did not try to make his
life harder. After all, he would be her core player.
Han Sen had learned a lot of useful techniques from Situ Qing and made
a lot of progress.
The one-month training ended in 10 days and Situ Xiang recruited Han
Sen into the school team after the training.
Different from other tournaments, the archery tournament was
relatively short and only started toward the end of the semester, so it would still
be a while before the tournament.
Huangfu Pingqing was somehow informed that Han Sen's training was
over, and came to find him to accompany her in the hunting trip.
"Huangfu, won't you bring more people?" in the Steel Armor Shelter,
Han Sen looked at Huangfu Pingqing in Surprise. She had a lot of strong friends,
but did not bring anyone.
"You're quite enough," said Huangfu Pingqing with a smile. She herself
was quite strong as well. With Han Sen here, unless they ran into sacred-blood
creatures that were especially tough, they would never be in trouble.
"Where do you want to go?" asked Han Sen.
"You decide. I'll follow you." Huangfu smiled at him provocatively.

"Then let's go to the Devil Desert. I hope we could meet that black-
feathered beast king again." with the three-blade harpoon, he was confident that he
could kill the beast king.
Normally speaking, a sacred-blood creature that was the king of a
group would be weaker than the sacred-blood creatures that were alone.
Black-feathered beast king was not that strong among all the sacred-
blood creatures Han Sen had seen. Its beast soul was sacred-blood wings, which were
quite useful.
The two rode their mounts toward the Devil Desert and ran into a lot
of primitive creatures on their way. Unfortunately, in two days, they had not even
seen a mutant creature.
When they came to the place where they ran into the group of black-
feathered beasts, they did not see a single creature. They must have either moved
away or been hunted down.
"Last time when I was here, I saw a sacred-blood creature in the Sand
Valley. I was not able to kill it at a time. Are you interested have a look there?"
Huangfu Pingqing suggested with a smile.
"What kind of creature is that?" Han Sen looked at her in surprise.
She was leading a strong team last time and the creature that they were not able to
kill was definitely very strong.
"Looks like something inedible. It looks like a warframe made from a
piece of rock, only smaller. It was about 6 feet tall; very tough, strong and fast.
Even a sacred-blood weapon could only leave a shallow mark on it."
Huangfu Pingqing added, "Apart from that, it also had a black hammer
that should be a sacred-blood gear. Last time on my team, one was killed and one
was severely injured by the hammer."
"We should go check it out." Han Sen was very interested. As long as a
sacred-blood weapon worked, he had some chance to kill it. For a six-foot-tall
rockman, it would be easy to cut its neck.

Chapter 230

After he arrived at Sand Valley, Han Sen came to understand why with a
strong team Huangfu Pingqing was still not able to kill the sacred-blood creature.

The reason the Sand Valley was called that was for the sand pits
everywhere in the valley. Unless one had wings, one would die there for sure.

And even mutant wings would be too slow when fighting a sacred-blood
Hence only those who had sacred-blood wings could participate in
hunting the creature.
The sacred-blood creature was more than 6 feet tall and made of stones
with a metal shine.
What was worse was that the hammer in its hand was as large as a
barrel, with a handle more than 6 feet long. When it wielded its weapon, any
opponents within a dozen feet would be either injured or killed.
Huangfu Pingqing smiled at Han Sen, "Brother Han, do you think you
could kill this creature?"
Han Sen smiled back at her, "Huangfu, I believe you did not bring me
here just to let me look at it."
"I could lend you the sacred-blood beast soul arrow. But if you gain
its beast soul, I need to claim half of it," said Huangfu Pingqing.
She had planned this out when she took him here. He had a sacred-blood
bow and she had a sacred-blood arrow, so they could shoot at the sacred-blood
creature from outside the Sand Valley.
If they could kill it, then it would be great. If not, the creature
would be injured and provoked to come out of the valley. And then they could try to
kill the creature together.
Huangfu Pingqing did not fear that the creature might hurt herself
since she had sacred-blood wings anyway.
"You're asking too much," said Han Sen.
"Without my arrow, an ordinary arrow would not hurt it or provoke it.
I think it's reasonable for me to climb half," said Huangfu Pingqing.
She did not believe he was able to kill the creature without her
"I will do without the arrow. After I kill this creature, I will buy
you dinner." Han Sen summoned a pair of wings and flew toward the Sand Valley.
Looking at Han Sen flying with a pair of primitive wings, Huangfu
Pingqing was shocked, "Brother Han, you do not mean to use a primitive pair of
wings to enter the valley?"
The wings were from a primitive black-feathered beast, so they were
slow and ineffective. They were just enough to keep Han Sen from falling into the
Han Sen used to have a pair of mutant wings, which he sold to Huangfu
Pingqing for the three-blade harpoon. He also had the purple-winged dragon beast
soul, which was Dollar's signature and he could not use that.
Han Sen smiled and did not answer, flying into the Sand Valley.

The valley was full of quicksand, and the creature was standing above
the sand. For unknown reason, its heavy body did not sink.
Three hundred feet into the Sand Valley, Han Sen was discovered by the
creature, who immediately lifted its hammer and ran over like a tank.
One hundred feet from Han Sen, it jumped up and swung its hammer at
Although Han Sen had put on the phantom ant armor, the impact from a
such heavy weapon would still kill him.
Huangfu Pingqing saw that Han Sen was in danger. His wings were too
slow to bring him away from the creature's blow.
If he chose to land on the ground, he would not be able to run away
from the hammer either, because he would be trapped in the shifting sand.

The sacred-blood creature had such strength that even someone who had
maxed out on all geno points would not be able to spar with it, not to mention Han
Sen's weapon the harpoon was extremely short.
Huangfu Pingqing summoned her beast soul bow and arrow, wanting to
shoot an arrow to help Han Sen and buy him some time.
Before the arrow left the bow, Han Sen had already taken back his
wings and fell to the sand.
He stepped on the ground but was not trapped. Under his feet, the
golden rock worm king the size of a car suddenly appeared.
Although the rock worm king had not transformed, it did not fear the
sand since it originally came from the desert.
Leveraging this step, Han Sen used Sparticle to avoid the attack from
the creature and approached it.
The three-blade harpoon flashed on the neck of the sacred-blood
creature like a silver lightning bolt.
The three-blade harpoon was sharp enough to cut sacred-blood armor,
and Han Sen's strength was even greater than someone having maxed out on all geno
points. With one strike, the creature's rock hard neck was cut off, its head thrown
into the air.
The headless creature still managed to make several steps forward
before the hammer fell from its hand into the sand. Then the creature gradually
sank into the sand.
Huangfu Pingqing was dumbstruck. She could not believe that the
creature which her entire team did not manage to kill was easily beaten by Han Sen.

At this point, she regretted selling the three-blade harpoon to Han

Sen. With the weapon, he was too formidable.
"How did this guy get so far? Was it really just because of Qin Xuan?"
Huangfu Pingqing could not believe that was the only factor in Han Sen's success.

Son of Heaven was equally, if not more resourceful than Qin, but Son
of Heaven was not as strong as Han Sen. In addition, even with Qin Xuan's help, Han
Sen would not have gained the same resources Qin Xuan did.
Chapter 231

Han Sen stood on the back of the golden worm king, dragging the huge
iron hammer which was even heavier than the gold axe of the bloody slayer. With the
hammer Han Sen could not fly at all. He had to use the golden worm king to drag it
along. The sacred-blood creature was inedible, and Han Sen did not have much luck.
Without the beast soul, the sacred-blood gear was his only trophy.
When he eventually pulled the hammer out of the valley, Han Sen asked
Huangfu Pingqing who was dazed, "Miss Huangfu, how much do you think this sacred-
blood gear is worth?"
Huangfu Pingqing walked to him, reached out to lift the hammer and
failed. She slowly frowned, "This thing is too heavy. Those who had enough strength
to use it would not need it, while those who did not have enough strength could not
make any use of it. I would say it could sell at 4 to 5 million tops. And even with
that price, we would need to find the right person to buy it."
"Several million is also quite some money. Whenever you have another
auction, would you list it as one of the items?" Han Sen was short of money
recently, and the several million was not a small number.
"Of course. But you have said that you will buy me dinner, and that
I'm counting on that," Huangfu Pingqing said was a smile.
"Of course," said Han Sen quickly.
He understood that it was not easy to sell a sacred-blood gear. Back
then when Qin Xuan bought the golden axe, only a very strong man in the special
squad could use it.
This hammer was much heavier than the golden axe and it would be very
difficult to find a buyer for it.
"Did you get the beast soul? If you have got it and will not use it, I
could sell them at the same time, best price guaranteed," Huangfu Pingqing blinked
and said.
"No luck, I did not get the beast soul." Han Sen shrugged.

Huangfu Pingqing did not ask again. Nor did she continue to march into
the Devil Desert. With such a heavy gear, they needed to go back to Steel Armor
After signing the contract with Huangfu Pingqing, Han Sen sent the
hammer over to hers. Before Han Sen made it back to school, he was summoned by Qin
When he saw her, he felt something must be off. The entire team of the
special squad in Steel Armor Shelter were present, which was rare.
Yang Manli's face was dark. Gambler and those who were friends with
Han Sen were blinking at him, and Han Sen was not sure what they meant.

"Sit down please." Qin Xuan asked him to sit and looked across the
room. She said, "In a month I will be able to finish my first evolution and enter
Second God's Sanctuary and need to make the transfer now."
She paused and looked at Yang Manli, "I have recommended Yang Manli to
become the head of Steel Armor Gang."
She then looked at Han Sen and said, "As for the head of the special
squad, I would like to nominate Han Sen."
Han Sen was surprised and did not expect this to happen.
Now he came to understand why Yang Manli's face was dark. Although it
sounded like the head of the gang was more powerful, it was not a formal
organization. On the other hand, the special squad was in the military system.
Being a member of the special squad, Yang Manli would actually be under Han Sen's
As for the Steel Armor Gang, Han Sen did not go there again after he
entered the military school.
Yang Manli had thought that based on her ability and qualifications,
she should naturally become the new head of the special squad. However, she did not
realize that Qin Xuan would recommend Han Sen to become the next head.
Han Sen was very glad to see Yang Manli being upset. He had never
liked her, but being her subordinate, he had to listen to her. Now, he had become
her boss.
"I believe I am the better candidate for the head of the special
squad," said Yang Manli.
"This is already decided. It is an order. I will hear no discussion
about it," said Qin Xuan and got up.
"Okay, this is the end of this meeting. Han Sen and Yang Manli, you
two stay, the rest of you could go back to work."
Han Sen's friends gave Han Sen a secret thumb-up and left the
conference room.
"Yang Manli, I should've nominated you as the new head of the squad,
but you do have a temper. Just focuse on the gang and the try to evolve as soon as
possible," Qin Xuan said softly, Yang Manli was more than her subordinate.

"I believe I have what it takes," Yang Manli said sullenly.

"Han Sen, what do you think?" Qin Xuan looked to Han Sen and asked.

"I will not let you down," Han Sen said resolutely.
At last he was able to boss Yang Manli around and that he would never
let this opportunity go.
In addition, being the head of the special squad also had its
benefits. Not only could he utilize the human resources within the squad, he could
also make connections with the upper level. The pay was much better as well.

More importantly, as the head of the special squad, he had the

authority to purchase internally.
Not only could he now access sacred-blood beast souls and S-Class
Saint Hall licenses, he could enjoy the discounted price.
In the entire squad, the head was the only one who could enjoy this.

"Great," Qin Xuan smiled and nodded, and then turned to Yang Manli,
"Since you think you are the better candidate, you two can have a competition. If
you could win, then I will take back my decision and recommend you instead."

"Okay, I will take any competition and will never lose to him." Yang
Manli immediately stood up. She used to be the instructor of Han Sen in archery and
did not believe that she would lose to him.
Not only archery, Yang Manli did not think she would lose to him in
"Since you are both good at archery, let's do archery." Qin Xuan asked
Han Sen, "Do you have any objections?"
"None. I could compete on anything but having a baby," said Han Sen
with a smile.
Yang Manli gave him a fierce stare. He was implying that she couldn't
do much except for giving birth to a child.
"Then let's go to the virtual training field," said Qin Xuan and
walked out.

Chapter 232

After going back to school, Han Sen went to the holographic equipment
hall and entered the virtual training field designated by Qin Xuan.
Qin Xuan did not ask them to have the competition in the training
field of the shelter, for she did not want anyone else to find out about the
No matter who lost, the person would suffer in his or her honor, which
was not something Qin Xuan was willing to see, because they were both future
leaders that she had hand-picked.
Han Sen logged into the platform called Sagittarius, a virtual archery
community. After logging in, he was assigned to the unevolved section.
Qin Xuan and Yang Manli were already there and Han Sen quickly sent
friend requests to both of them.
Qin then invited Han Sen to enter the game room.
"This is one of the classical game rooms on Sagittarius. It is called
White Birds Forest. You will see a path in the forest 2 miles long. When you go
through the path, there will be black and white birds on the trees. You cannot
shoot the white birds, but only the black ones. If you mistakenly shoot a white
bird, you will be out. And we will decide who the winner is based on the number of
the black birds you shoot. If your numbers are the same, the winner will be the one
who finishes faster. Do you have any questions?" After explaining, Qin Xuan looked
at them.
"No," answered Yang Manli and Han Sen at the same time.
"Okay, you shall begin now."
Han Sen and Yang Manli started their test respectively and entered the
White Birds Forest.
Although Qin Xuan did not want anyone to know the results of this
competition, an acquaintance happened to see both of them when they entered
Su Xiaoqiao often went to Sagittarius to practice his archery, despite
his carefree appearance. Sagittarius was obviously more fun than shooting at a
target. When Su Xiaoqiao had just finished his practice, he saw Qin Xuan, Han Sen
and Yang Manli at the same time and was very shocked.
"How come the three of them would log in on Sagittarius at the same
time? What are they trying to do?" Su Xiaoqiao suddenly became curious and followed
them into the game room.
The game room was open to everyone, but after one entered the scene it
would become a unique experience for the player. Su Xiaoqiao saw Han Sen and Yang
Manli had both started the White Birds Forest test and hesitated.
He could use the observing mode and pay to watch one of them. However,
he was alone and it was impossible for him to watch both.
Su Xiaoqiao only paused for a moment before he chose to watch Han
Sen's test.
It was not because Su Xiaoqiao thought Han Sen was the better archer,
but because everyone in Bullseye knew how great Yang Manli was. Su Xiaoqiao was not
sure how well Han Sen could do, so he was intrigued to see Han Sen's test.

After entering the observing mode, Su Xiaoqiao saw Han Sen waiting to
begin the test.
Su Xiaoqiao was familiar with this game room and had trained here
before as well.
This was a scene easy and difficult at the same time. Anyone could
easily pass the challenge by running through without shooting any white bird.
However, if one was fast but did not shoot many black birds, one's score would be
very low. And if one killed the black birds slowly, one would still get a low
score. Also, the scene was set in the nighttime and the forest was very dark, so
some black birds would blend in the darkness and it was easy to miss them.

Some black birds flew very fast and sometimes in different directions,
which was very challenging for the archer's reflex time.
In addition, many white birds would suddenly appear to increase the
difficulty. Once a white bird was shot, the game would be over, and the archer
would not even get a score.
According to the system setting, there were a thousand black birds in
the White Birds Forest, and their location and direction were all random. There was
no pattern to follow.
Therefore, it was almost impossible to guarantee the accuracy and the
speed at the same time.
Luckily, in this game room, the arrows were unlimited. In real life,
carrying a thousand arrows alone was tiring enough.
Su Xiaoqiao would norm

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