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Jury Assignment

Group Members-

Manish Kumar
Nancy Goyal
Muskan Gahlot
Sanskriti Goswami
Kumari Sradha Singh

Biological conditions brought on by
feelings, behavior, and ideas.
On a scale from pleasure to annoyance.
A naturally occurring, spontaneous state
of mind resulting from circumstances,
emotion, or interpersonal interactions.
An emotion is a feeling, such as joy,
love, fear, rage, or hatred, that can be
brought on by your surroundings or the
people around you.
Sadness is a feeling that everyone has
experienced at some point in their lives.
It is a crucial aspect of the human
experience and may support us in trying
circumstances. But when sorrow persists
or gets out of control, it can have a lot
of harmful effects. We will cover all the
information you need to know about
sorrow in this extensive tutorial. We'll
examine what sadness is, typical
symptoms of melancholy, potential
causes of sadness, and effective coping
strategies for this feeling. We'll
contrast it with similar feelings like
despair and loss and talk about various
therapies for people who experience
excessive sadness.
Your thoughts are always focused on
what you could lose, have less of, or
never have. In order to defend yourself
and ensure your survival, you are
physically programmed to always be
ready for the worst. Because of this, it
is up to you to exercise conscious
control over the self-talk you engage in
and the subsequent feelings you feel.
What Are Typical Symptoms
And Signs Of Sadness?
Your thoughts are always focused on what
you could lose, have less of, or never have.
In order to defend yourself and ensure
your survival, you are physically
programmed to always be ready for the
worst. Because of this, it is up to you to
exercise conscious control over the self-
talk you engage in and the subsequent
feelings you feel.
Physical Symptoms
Aches and pains: It frequently results in
physical symptoms including weariness,
headaches, and stomachaches.
I'm worn out: Sad Many people
experience fatigue and energy
One of the most typical symptoms is
sobbing. Crying is a common technique
for people to vent their emotions and
may be therapeutic.
An unsettled stomach or feeling of
nausea is another physical sign of
depressive feelings.
Chest discomfort: In some
circumstances, persons who are
depressed may develop chest pain.
Emotional Symptoms
Feeling down: Feeling down or
depressed is one of the most typical
signs of sad feelings.
Lack of hope: Sad People frequently
feel helpless and as though things
would never improve.
Loneliness: Sadness frequently
causes emotions of isolation and
Anxiety: When someone is
depressed, it's possible for them to
have anxiety.
Regret: Sad It's common for people
to feel bad about how they're feeling
or the things that have happened to
make them feel this way.
Mental Symptoms
Negative beliefs: Sad people
frequently have negative beliefs
about themselves, other people,
and the world at large.
Suicidal thoughts: In certain
situations, persons who are
depressed may have suicidal
What are possible
causes of sadness?
There are many possible causes of sad
emotions. some of the most common
Life events
Stressful life situations
Alcohol and drug abuse
Hormonal change
Physical health problems
Chemical imbalances
What Can Be Positive
Outcomes Of Sadness?
Although sadness can often have
negative consequences, some positive
outcomes can result from it.
Grief: Sadness is frequently followed
by the emotion of grief, which is the
reaction to a loss. Although grieving
can be extremely challenging, it can
also be a means of recovery and
forward motion.
Reflection: Sadness may also be an
opportunity for contemplation. People
who are depressed may review their
life and decide what needs to change in
order to be happier.
What May Be The Negative
Consequences Of Sadness?
There are several possible negative consequences
associated with it. Some of the most common
Depression- is one of the largest risks
associated with sad emotions since it frequently
results from them. If untreated, depression is a
serious mental condition that poses a risk to
one's life.
Anxiety: It can also lead to anxiety disorders,
which are also serious mental illnesses.
Eating disorders: It frequently results in eating
disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia
Suicide: It is one of the leading causes of
why we chosen sad emotion?
We have choosen this emotion because
to change any one's mood from sad to
happy is very difficult sometimes. So we
want to go deep inside the reasons of
It is also very important because of
we don't feel sadness then we will never
understand the taste of happiness.
Thank you.

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