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global south
The Global South is generally understood as
less economically developed countries. It is a
broad term that comprises a variety of states
with diverse levels of economic, cultural, and
political influence in the international order.
Global South mainly contains poorer
countries that are mostly located in tropical
regions and in the Southern Hemisphere.
global north
Global North is characterized by massive wealth,
democratic, governance, peace and stability and
constantly prone to human progress. The global north
consists of the richest and most industrialized
countries, which are mainly in the northern part of the
world. These countries are almost all located in the
Northern Hemisphere, with the exception of Australia
and New Zealand.
PSA publicly released the poverty incidence statistics
on December 17 for the first semester of 2021 in which global south
showed that the ''poorest city is Sulu Province with
71.9% poverty incidence. Zamboanga del Norte further ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE
dipped to second from the bottom with 53.6% and The
With 53.6% of poverty incidence, Zamboanga
third poorest province is Basilan with 46.7%'' del Norte fell to the second position. Zamboanga
del Norte has other protection issues such poor
SULU sanitation and hygiene, safety and security risks,
and limited access to educational and
Sulu have the highest poverty incidence rate of 71.9% on
employment possibilities. Another issue that
the early months of 2021, this is particularly caused by
affects Zamboanga residents frequently is
the conflicts occured in Sulu. The Abu Sayyaf Group
inflation, which is brought on by corrupt business
with violent extremists and armed MNLF members
people and organizations. When traders stop
occasionally fight againts the government. This conflict
and avoid buying palay, farmers are forced to
mainly caused by huge extended families that usually
sell their palay at P10 per kilo. Normally, the price
have private armies and ill-gotten wealth who fight for
of palay is roughly P12 per kilo. Farmers hardly
power in order to govern local politics. This power will let
make a living because their income is needed to
them to have a long-term influence over towns and
settle obligations related to the production of
even entire provinces by ensuring the victory of their
rice, such as the high price of fertilizer, which is
relatives in local elections. This kind of conflict shows
currently P2,000 per bag. This shows that misuse
that, good governance plays a critical role in economy,
of public power for private benefit results a
strengthening stability and security of a community, city
negative economic impact on society.
and, nation.
The third poorest province is Basilan
with 46.7% of poverty incidence .
Poor local governance, corrupt A recent survey by Oxford Business Group says that
private sector, inadequate basic
the Philippines has the best economy in Southeast
services including health and
Asia. Philippines also play a significant role in
education, and poor infrastructure
are all the problems in the region improving the country's economy, including Quezon
where Basilan is included. Armed City, Makati, and Manila
conflicts, such as banditry, clan
disputes, communist insurgency, QUEZON CITY
and Moro groups' fight for ego,
among others, severely disrupt the Quezon City is a rich CIty and a great city to live. Many of the
economy and society. This leads to nation's top universities and colleges are located in Quezon City,
long-term poverty, a lack of access including the prestigious University of the Philippines, the private
to quality healthcare and education, research university Ateneo de Manila University, and the top
and a population that must sell its women's college Miriam College. Quezon City is also the  most
belongings or incur more debt in populated. and it also has successfully solved the environmental
order to meet their basic issues raised by urban development throughout time, combined
necessities. with strict security measures to ensure that public safety is
properly addressed. Quezon City is a great city to live
Makati is unquestionably the Most of the Philippines’ imports and
exports pass through the port of
Philippines' link to the world's
Manila. Trades were mostly
economy and money. It also proccessed within the metropolitan
houses a number of area ,between the city, provinces
significant financial and other countries.  Manila city
serves as the center of the nation's
organizations with more than
social, political, economic, and
80,000 commercial cultural development. Since the
businesses,including the 1600s, Manila has served as the
Makati Business Club and the capital of the Philippines and as the
Philippine Stock Exchange, country's main port of entry into
global market. It is also the 
making it the nation's financial
 commercial and financial core of
capital. our country. 

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