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LECTURE 1: GEOLOGY  Cristallograpy is the experimental science of

 It is the study of the earth. determining the arrangement of atoms in the arrangement
 It involves studying the materials that make up the earth, of atoms in the crystalline solids.
the features and structures found on Earth as well as the  Geophysics (Physical Geology) is concerned with the
processes that act upon them. physical processes and physical properties of the Earth
Main Classification and its surrounding space environment and the use of
quantitative methods for their analysis
PHYSICAL GEOLOGY  Engineering Geology (Geotechnics) is the application of
 It deals with the study of the physical features of the earth scientific methods and engineering principles to the
and the processes acting upon them acquisition, interpretation and use of knowledge of
materials of the Earth’s crust and earth materials for the
HISTORICAL GEOLOGY solution of engineering problems and the design of
engineering works
 It is the study of the history of the earth. It focuses on  Geochemistry is the study of the chemical processes
what has happened to Earth since its formation which form and shape the Earth, it includes the study of
HISTORY OF GEOLOGY the cycles of matter and energy which transports the
Geology is also defined as the study of how the Earth has Earth’s chemical components and the interaction of these
changed since it was first formed billion years ago. cycles with the hydrosphere and the atmosphere.
 Hydrology is the study of the movement, distribution and
Some noted accounts on people and events in the early quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the
development of geology included the following: hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental
watershed sustainability.
 Mineralogy is the study of minerals, its composition and
 Petrology studies the origin, composition and structure of
rocks Mining geology is an applied science which
combines the principles of economic geology and mining
engineering of a defined mineral resource.
 Sedimentology is the study of sediment grains in marine
and other deposits, with a focus on the physical properties
and the processes which form deposit.
 Seismology is the scientific study of earthquakes and the
propagation of elastic waves and the
propagation of elastic waves through the Earth or trough
other planet-like bodies.
 Stratigraphy studies rock layers and layering, it is
primarily used in the study of sedimentary and layered
volcanic rocks.
 Volcanology is the study of volcanoes, lava,
magma and related geological, geophysical
and geochemical phenomena
 Structural Geology(Tectonic) is the study of the three-
dimensional distribution of rock units with respect to their
deformational histories.


Earth layers
 The ocean basins and the continents compose the CRUST,
the outermost layer.
 The thickest parts are under the continents and the
thinnest parts are under the oceans.

The Earth’s crust is made up of several elements:

The lithosphere is the coolest and the most rigid of the
Earth’s layers.
 The most well-known feature associated with Earth’s
lithosphere is tectonic activity. Tectonic activity describes
the interaction of the huge slabs of lithosphere called
tectonic plates.

The lithosphere is divided into 15 major tectonic plates

 North American
 Carribean  Indian
 South American  Philippine
 Two main types of crust  Scotia  Australian
 Antarctic  Pacific
Oceanic Crust (OC)  Eurasian  Juan de Fuca
Oceanic crust covers about 60% of the Earth’s surface. The  Arabian  Cocos
crust under the oceans is a thin layer of dense volcanic rock  African  Nazca
called basalt and is about 4 to 4 miles thick. Oceanic crust
being so thin, is a very small fraction of the Earth, about 0.1%. The Moho
 The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the
Continental Crust (CC) mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or
The continental crust is much thicker, about 22 miles thick and simply the Moho. The Moho does not exist at a uniform
covers about 40% of the planet. Whereas almost all of the depth, because not all regions of the Earth are equally
oceanic crust is underwater, most of the continental crust is balanced in isostatic equilibrium.
exposed to air. There are many types of rocks in the  Isostacy describes the physical, chemical and mechanical
continental crust, but the most important is granite. differences that allow the crust to “float” on the
sometimes more malleable mantle. The Moho is about 8
2. MANTLE kilometers beneath the ocean and about 32 kilometers
 The mantle under the crust is about 1,800 miles deep. It is beneath continents. Below the Moho, the mantle is
composed mostly of silicate rocks, rich in magnesium and characterized by peridotite, a rock mostly made up of the
iron. Intense heat causes the rocks to rise. When the minerals olivine and pyroxene.
mantle pushes through the crust, volcanoes erupt.
 The temperature of the mantle varies greatly from 1000
 The Asthenosphere is the denser, weaker layer beneath
°C near its boundary with the crust, to 3700°C near its
the lithospheric mantle.
boundary with the core. In the mantle, heat and pressure
 The temperature and pressure of the Asthenospere are so
generally increase with depth.
high that rocks soften and partly melt, becoming semi-
 The geothermal gradient is a measurement of the increase
in temperature.
 The asthenosphere is much more ductile than either the
 In most places, the geothermal gradient is 25°C per lithosphere or lower mantle. Ductility measures a solid
kilometer of depth. material’s ability to deform or stretch under stress.
 The transfer of heat and material in the mantle helps  The asthenospere is generally more viscous than the
determine the landscape of Earth. lithosphere, and the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
 Activity in the mantle drives plate tectonics, contributing (LAB) is the point where geologists and rheologists
to volcanoes, seafloor spreading, earthquakes and orogeny (scientists who study the flow of matter) mark the
(mountain building). difference in ductility between the two layers of the upper
The mantle is divided into several layers: the upper mantle, mantle.
the transition zone, the lower mantle and D”, the strange
region where the mantle meets the outer core. Transition Zone
 From about 410 kilometers to 660 kilometers beneath the
 Upper Mantle Earth’s surface, rocks undergo radical transformations.
The upper mantle extends from the rust to a depth of This is the mantle’s transition zone. In this zone, rocks do
about 255 miles. It is mostly solid, but is more malleable not melt or disintegrate. Instead, their crystalline structure
regions contribute to tectonic activity. Two parts of the changes in important ways.
upper mantle are often recognized as distinct regions in  The transition zone prevents large exchanges of material
Earth’s interior: the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. between the upper and lower mantle. Perhaps the most
important aspect of the mantle’s transition zone is its
Lithosphere abundance of water. Crystals in the transition zone hold as
much water as all the oceans on Earth’s surface.
 The lithosphere is the solid, outer part of the Earth,  Water in the transition zone is not “water” as we know it,
extending to a depth of about 100 kilometer. It includes it is not liquid, vapor, solid or even plasma. Instead water
both the crust and the brittle upper portion of the mantle. exists as hydroxide, an ion of hydrogen and oxygen with a
negative charge.
Fossils - Fossils are the remains or impression of a prehistoric
Lower Mantle organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in
 The lower mantle extends from about 660 kilometers to rock.
about 2,700 kilometers beneath Earth’s surface. The lower
mantle is hotter and denser than the upper mantle and Different plants and animals lived at different times, so
transition zone. The lower mantle is much less ductile geologists can tell from the fossils in rocks how long ago the
than the upper mantle and transition zone. Although heat rocks formed.
usually corresponds to softening rocks, intense pressure
keeps the lower mantle solid.

D Double Prime
 Beneath the lower mantle is a shallow region called D” (d
double prime). In some areas, it is a nearly razor-thin
boundary with the outer core. In other areas, D” has thick
accumulations of iron and silicates
 At the base of the mantle, about 2,900 kilometers below Using fossils, they have divided the Earth’s history into 11
the surface, is the core-mantle boundary (CMB). This periods.
point, called the Gutenberg discontinuity, makes the end
of the mantle and the beginning of Earth’s liquid outer

The Core
At the center of the Earth is the core, which has two parts. The
solid inner core of iron has a radius of about 760 miles. It is
surrounded b a liquid, outer core composed of a nickel-iron
alloy. The outer core is about 1,335 miles thick.


 The Earth was formed more than 4 billion years ago but Layers of rock form on top of each other, so the oldest rocks
the first animals with shells and bones appeared less than are usually at the bottom and the youngest at the top, unless
600 million years ago. they have been disturbed.
 Just as days are divided into hours and minutes, geologists
divide the Earth’s history into time periods. The order of layers from top to bottom is known as the
geological column.
 The longest are eons, thousands of million year ago.
 The shortest are chrons, a few thousand years ago. Fossils can only show if a rock is older or younger than
 In between are eras, period, epochs and ages. another, they cannot give a date in years. Also, many rocks
such as igneous rocks contain no fossils.
Geologic time is divided into four large segments, called
Eons, namely To give an absolute date, geologists may use radiocarbon
 Hadean dating.
 Archean
 Phanerozoic  Radiocarbon or radioactive dating allows the oldest rocks
The Phanerozoic Eon is divided into Eras, namely on Earth to be dated. After certain substances form in
 Paleozoic rocks, their atoms slowly break down into different atoms.
 Mesozoic  As atoms break down they send out rays or radioactivity.
By assessing how many atoms in a rock have changed,
 Cenozoic
geologists work out the rock’s age.
The geological time scale is a method of relating the timing
 Rocks exposed at Earth’s surface are constantly being
and relationship between events that have occurred during the
changed by water, air, varying temperature and
history of the Earth.
environmental factors. Granite may seem to be
indestructible, but given time and exposure to air and
 Geologists and earth scientists have used the relationship
water, it can decompose and disintegrate into soil.
between layers and types of rocks, presence of plant and
The processes that affect rock are weathering, erosion
animal fossils and radioactive dating to assemble a
and transportation.
sequence of historical events that have occurred over
geologic time.
 The term weathering refers to the processes that
change the physical and chemical character of rock at or elements within minerals that are exposed at Earth’s
near the surface. surface.
 Erosion is the picking up or physical removal of rock
particles by an agent such as running water or glaciers. ROLE OF ACIDS
Weathering helps break down a solid rock into loose  The most effective agent of chemical weathering is acid.
particles that are easily eroded. Strong acids produce a great number of hydrogen ions
Transportation is the movement of eroded particles by when they dissociate, and weak acids produce relatively
agents such as rivers, waves, glaciers or wind. Weathering few ions. Some strong acids are naturally on Earth’s
processes continue during transportation. surface but they are relatively rare.

Rocks undergo both mechanical weathering and Weathering and Earth Systems
chemical weathering ATMOSPHERE
 Mechanical weathering (physical disintegration) Weathering has a dramatic impact on the composition of
includes several processes that break rocks into smaller Earth’s atmosphere. Chemical weathering removes carbon
pieces. Mechanical weathering breaks up rock but does dioxide from the atmosphere, allowing it to be transformed
not change the composition. into limestone and stored in the crust. Without chemical
 Chemical weathering is the decomposition of rock from weathering, the elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the
exposure to water and atmospheric gases. As rock is atmosphere would have long ago made Earth too hot to sustain
decomposed by these agents, new chemical compounds life.
Mechanical Weathering Water is necessary for chemical weathering to take place.
 PRESSURE RELEASE. The reduction of pressure on a Oxygen dissolved in water oxidizes iron in rocks. Carbon
body of rock can cause it to crack; pressure release is a dioxide mixed with water makes a weak acid that makes most
significant type of mechanical weathering. minerals to decompose.
 Exfoliation happens when rocks crack in layers as a Running water contributes to weathering and erosion by
weight of rock or ice above them is removed. loosening and removing particles and by
Thermoclastis is when desert rock cracks as they get hot abrading rocks during transportation in streams.
and expand in the day, then cool and contract at night.
 FROST ACTION. The mechanical effect of freezing BIOSPHERE
water on rocks commonly occurs as frost wedging or frost Plants can physically break apart rocks when they grow in
heaving. rocks. Animals can also contribute to weathering and erosion.
Humans are agents of erosion, a single pass made by a
In frost wedging, the expansion of freezing water pries rock bulldozer can do more to change a landscape than thousands
apart. Most rocks contain a system of cracks called joints, of years of natural weathering and erosion.
water that has trickled into a joint in a rock can freeze and
expand when the temperature drops below 0 degrees. SOIL EROSION
 Soil is one of Earth’s most vital resources, but it is also
Frost heaving lifts rock and soil vertically. Solid rock one of Earth’s most abused
conducts heat faster than soil, so on a cold winter day, the  Although soil accounts for an almost insignificant
bottom of a partially buried rock will be much colder than soil fraction of all Earth materials, it is one of the most
at the same depth. As the ground freezes in winter, ice forms significant resources in terms of its effect on life. Soil
first under large rock fragments in the soil. The expanding ice provides nourishment and physical support for plant life.
layers push boulders out of the ground. It is the very base of the food chain that supports human
 Other Processes. Several other processes mechanically
weather rock but in most environments are less effective Soil consists of different layers that are often called
than frost action and pressure release. horizons.
 Plant growth particularly root growing in cracks break up Horizon
rocks, as can burrowing animals. Extreme changes in O This is a layer of organic matter that is about 2 inches
temperature, as in desert environment or in a forest fire thick and is made up of dead plant materials such as
can cause a rock to expand until it cracks. leaves and twigs.

Chemical Weathering A This upper soil horizon is also called topsoil, it is only
The processes of chemical weathering, or rock decomposition, between 5 to 10 inches thick and consists of organic
transform rocks and minerals exposed to water and air into matter and minerals. This is the soil layer where plants
new chemical products. The rusting of an iron nail exposed and organisms primarily live.
to air is
a simple example of chemical weathering B This layer is also called subsoil, it is mostly made of
ROLE OF OXYGEN clay, iron minerals as well as organic matter, which has
 Oxygen is abundant in the atmosphere and quite active been washed down to this horizon by
chemically, so it often combines with minerals or with rainwater.
Climate is the most influential factor affecting soil
C It is the parent material from which the upper soils thickness and character. Soils in temperate, moist climates
developed, it consists primarily of large rocks tend to be thick and generally characterized by downward
movement of water. In arid climates, soils tend to be thin
R This is the bedrock and is located several feet under the and are characterized by little leaching, scant humus and
surface, it is made up of solid mass of rock the upward movement of soil water beneath the ground
Soil Erosion
 Soil particles are small and are therefore easily Time
eroded by water and wind. Raindrops strike unprotected The character of a soil changes with time. Young soils can
soil like tiny bombs, dislodging soil retain the structure of the parent rock,
particles in a process called splash erosion. such as bedding layers. With time, soils tend to become
 As rain continues, a thin sheet of running water thicker. In regions of onion volcanic activity, the length of
forms over the landscape, carrying the dislodged soil time between eruptions can be estimated by the thickness
particles away, known as sheet erosion. of the soil that has formed on each flow
 Wind erosion is generally less significant than
erosion by water, but is a particular problem in arid Mass Wasting
regions. The wind picks up the lighter components of a Mass wasting is movement in which bedrock, rock debris
soil such as the clay, silts, and organic matter and may or soil moves downslope in bulk or as a mass, because of
transport them many kilometers. the pull of gravity.
The rate of soil erosion is influenced by
several factors Mass wasting includes movement so slow that it is almost
 Soil characteristics. Less runoff occurs on the coarser imperceptible, called creep, as well as
soils and less of the soil is eroded away. landslides, a general term for the slow to very rapid
 Climate. The type of rainfall influences the amount of descent of rock or soil.
 Slope. The faster-moving water on steeper slopes has a The systems used in classifying mass wasting are
greater ability to dislodge and transport soil particles based on (a) rate of movement, (b) type of material, and
down from a slope (c) type or nature of movement.
 Vegetation. Thick vegetation can reduce the wind
velocity near the ground surface, preventing the loss of Controlling Factors in Mass Wasting
soil due to wind erosion. GRAVITY
Soil Formation The driving force for mass wasting is gravity. The effect of
Most soils take a long time to form. The rate of soil gravity is resolved into two component forces, the normal
formation is controlled by rainfall, temperature, slope and force and the shear force. The resistance to movement or
to some extent, the type of rock that weathers to form soil. deformation of the soil is its shear strength. Shear strength is
controlled by factors such as cohesiveness of the material,
Factors Affecting Soil Formation friction between particles, pore pressure of water and the
Parent Material anchoring effect of plant roots.
The character of the soil depends partly on the parent
material from which it develops. The parent material is Controlling Factors in Mass Wasting
the source of the weathered mineral matter that makes up WATER
most of a soil Water is a critical factor in mass wasting. When soil is
saturated with water, it becomes less viscous and is more
Slope likely to flow downslope.
The slope of the land surface provides an important As the amount of water in soil increases, rate of movement
control on the formation of soil. Soil tends to be thin or tends to increase. Slow types of mass wasting are generally
non-existent, where gravity keeps water and soil particles characterized by a relatively low ratio of water to earth.
moving downhill. The optimal topography for soil
formation is flat or gently sloping uplands, allowing good TRIGGER
drainage, minimal erosion and healthy vegetation cover. - A sudden event may trigger mass wasting of a hillside
that is unstable. Eventually movement will occur without
Living Organisms the triggering if the conditions slowly become more
The chief function of living organisms is to provide unstable.
organic materials to the soil. Decomposing plants form - Earthquakes commonly trigger landslides. Landslides
humus, which supplies nutrients to the soil and aids in often are triggered by heavy rainfall. Construction
water retention. Burrowing organisms such as ants, sometimes triggers mass wasting.
worms and rodents bring soil particles to the surface and
mix the organic and mineral components of the soil. Types of Mass Wasting
1. Soil creep is very slow, downslope movement of soil. The
Climate rate of movement is usually less than a centimeter per year and
can be detected only by observations taken over months or
2. Flow occurs when motion is taking place within a moving
mass of unconsolidated or weakly consolidated material.
3. Rockfalls and Rockslides. When a block of bedrock breaks
off and falls freely or bounces down a cliff, it is a rockfall. A
rockslide is the rapid sliding of a mass of bedrock along an
inclined surface.

Types of Flow

- In an earthflow, earth moves downslope as viscous fluid,
the process can be slow or rapid. Earthflows usually occur
on hillsides that have thick cover of soil in which finer
grains are predominant, often after heavy rains have
saturated the soil.
- A debris flow is flow involving soil in which coarse
material, such as boulders or gravel, is predominant. A
mudflow is a flowing mixture of soil and water, usually
moving down a channel. Ir differs from a debris flow in
that fine-grained material is predominant.
- It is a very rapidly moving, turbulent mass of debris, air
and water.

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