CLC 12 - Capstone Draft Proposal Worksheet

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Capstone Draft Proposal Worksheet

Name: Quentin Palmer

Topic: Video Editing
Strand: Project
Inquiry Question: What is the best professional video editing software that best corresponds
with my gaming montage.

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out a 200 – 300 words explanation of what you are planning to do with
your Capstone Project. It should be as specific as possible, detailing what you hope to accomplish.
My plan with my Capstone project is for me to be a better editor from editing videos to making logos for
my channels. I am not very good at editing, but I know how to cut clips and somewhat add transitions, but
I want to be able to create a montage of some of my gaming clips with my own created transitions as well
as making my own intro and outro.
Step 1: find an editing software that is easy to use and learn.
Step 2: combine gaming clips into editing software.
Step 3: Make intros/transitions for montage.
Step 4: Mess around with editing software to have a better understanding.
Step 5: Understand how to add audio clips to montage.
Step 6: Rearrange clips to make montage more entertaining.
Step 7: add memes and funny moments.
What I want to accomplish is to become a decent editor and have an understanding of what the editing
world has to offer, the goal is to see if I enjoy editing and will like it so much, I will pursue it as a career but
if I don’t like it ill have it on the side to learn more and just have it as a hobby as well.
Which program are you hoping to learn for your video editing?
Filmora WonderShare
Are there any specific techniques you want to learn?
Keeping the flow of the video smooth and have great audio quality.

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project will demonstrates your abilities and skills from each
section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two points from each skill area of the
core competencies.)

Core Competency: How you demonstrate it in your Capstone Project:

Personal Awareness & S-D and S-P because in this project I will have to take time and
Responsibility responsibility to organize my progress to a time efficient method.

Social Responsibility In video editing I need to solve problems and I’ll show how by explaining
what changed. Second, I will need to build relationships this way I can
understand what enjoy to watch compared to what they don’t like.
Critical Thinking I’ll show you how I developed by showing how it started to how the
finished product looks like next I’ll show you how I analyzed my work and
where I made changes.
Creative Thinking Video editing includes generating ideas to make the video interesting
and unique and making those ideas have more detail this way the
audience can be in awe by how much creative and detail have been put
into the video.
Communication My progress for this project can inspire others that maybe connecting
with your audience by making video on their favourite games increases
activity on your feed or maybe explain your ways of editing so people
can learn how you make edits and how you know if its good or not.
Personal & Cultural Identity Showing your audience what you value in your work could mean you
trust them not to hate what you put effort into or maybe you could show
them your strengths by having some dramatic scene in your videos
because creating dramatic scenes is your strong suit.

3) Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question.

Explain WHY you are choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry
connect to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

I chose editing because I want to become a streamer that records games live for people to find
entertainment . My inquiry question I have focused on is to help me figure out what I might like photo
editing or maybe video which I like of but what there is another way of editing that I might also like.

4 ) Background: What background knowledge / connections / prior learning do you have that can help
you to be successful with your project?

I have been in video class in grade 9 and that helped me understand editing, but I've mostly forgotten
what we did so I will probably have to re-familiarize myself with what we did. I have also edited stuff on
iMovie but it wasn’t that complex.

5) Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What connections does
this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals? What are you hoping to gain from
completing this project (other than graduating or passing CLC 12)?

My intended Career area is social media. Social media is a big place to learn, to understand, and most
importantly to entertain. My goal is to become an entertainer and make a place where people can watch
my content and have a good laugh or maybe learn a thing or two about games but I'm hoping to
become more familiar with the tools entertainers use like editing software and streaming platforms.

6) Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to present your
project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once completed. You may use a
combination of mediums.
o Electronic portfolio: Power Point, Canva or Prezi
o Physical portfolio
o Website
o i-movie presentation
o YouTube channel
o Other
After my Capstone is finished, I would probably put it on my YouTube channel where I put most of my
montage for games and will probably be presenting it through YouTube.

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