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SAP Community Network Forums SAP Solutions ERP - Sales and Distribution (SD) General Thread: How to add a coloum in VK11

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Replies: 7 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: Jun 9, 2011 2:44 PM Last Post By: jp261187
Posts: 31 Registered: 4/25/11

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How to add a coloum in VK11

Posted: Jun 7, 2011 2:15 PM

Forum Points: 0

Hello Experts,, Kindly advise on the following requirement. We want to add a column "customer material number" in the t code VK11. This is to make sure that the price is maintained for the same material which is known by customer material number. I have seen that the "allowed filed" in the "create condition table", There this filed " customer material Number" is not available. So is there any other configuration/ setting or any other way, wherein I can capture this requirement or I have to go for ABAP ing only. Thanks & Regards RaviRaj0308

ram ki
Posts: 1,458 Registered: 4/23/07

Re: How to add a coloum in VK11

Posted: Jun 7, 2011 2:33 PM in response to: RaviRaj0308


Forum Points: 1,710

Hey, you need to add filed customer material number in feild catalog, ask your abaper to add the same filed in KOMP/KOMK sturcures, then system will allow you to add the same in condition table. Check this link, may help you
http://www.sapprofes sionals .org/special/how-add-fields -field-catalogue-s ap-sd-pricing-amp-conditions

SNavaneetha Kri...
Posts: 3,045 Registered: 1/23/07

Re: How to add a coloum in VK11

Posted: Jun 7, 2011 2:34 PM in response to: RaviRaj0308


Forum Points: 5,670

You have to include this field in the condition table. If the field is not available in teh field catalogue, it shd first be added to the field catalog by appending that field in KOMG structure. If this is done, then the field will be available for you to include in condition table. Then you can create one table and use it in VK11

Posts: 31 Registered: 4/25/11

Re: How to add a coloum in VK11

Posted: Jun 8, 2011 7:48 AM in response to: ram ki


Forum Points: 0

Thanks Ram for the prompt reply.,,but as I said in my opening paragraph that I want to add the column right after the material column, So that whenever we enter the material the "customer material number" should come automatically. I want to maintain the condition records for a combination like one customer having 100 materials & for these 100 materials 'customer material number" should be maintained in vk11. Hence adding thefiled will not serve the purpose,, Please advise if you have any other idea, or do I have to go for ABAP ING. Thanks & Regards RaviRaj0308


Re: How to add a coloum in VK11


Posts: 31 Registered: 4/25/11

Re: How to add a coloum in VK11

Posted: Jun 8, 2011 7:50 AM in response to: SNavaneetha Kri...


Forum Points: 0

Thanks Krishan,,,for the prompt reply.,,but as I said in my opening paragraph that I want to add the column right after the material column, So that whenever we enter the material the "customer material number" should come automatically. I want to maintain the condition records for a combination like one customer having 100 materials & for these 100 materials 'customer material number" should be maintained in vk11. Hence adding thefiled will not serve the purpose,, Please advise if you have any other idea, or do I have to go for ABAP ING. Thanks & Regards RaviRaj0308

vemuri santos h ...

Posts: 669 Registered: 11/25/09

Re: How to add a coloum in VK11

Posted: Jun 8, 2011 8:13 AM in response to: RaviRaj0308


Forum Points: 1,338

Hi Ravi Raj,
You have to add the field CUSTOMER MATERIAL NUMBER in the pricing condition tables us ing the s ys tem modification as suggested by our friends. And create a new condition table with Cus tomer/material/customer material number and maintain the condition records for each combination. this cant be determined at the condition records level automatically, but a manual entry is required hope it is clear. regards , s antosh

Posts: 596 Registered: 5/11/07

Re: How to add a coloum in VK11

Posted: Jun 8, 2011 9:53 AM in response to: RaviRaj0308


Forum Points: 606

Hi, Please check the note 21040. regards bvdv

Posts: 4 Registered: 6/2/11

Re: How to add a coloum in VK11

Posted: Jun 9, 2011 2:44 PM in response to: ram ki


Forum Points: 0

Hi ramki, thanks for your valuable link and please explain more about that link and this very useful; to us regards, JP

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