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❖ Course Code:6555

❖ 40 lesson plan

Lesson Plan 1
Topic: Multicellur organisation
Subject: Biology
Duration:35 mint

Students Learning Outcomes:

After this lesson student will be able to:
1. What is Multicellur organistation? 2. Examples of multicellur organism.
Previous Knowledge Test:
1. What is Multicellur?
Lecture Method, Demonstration method by using book.
Multicellular organisms are those composed by multiple cells. They are classified in 13 major groups
of terrestrial living beings, including animals, plants, fungi, ciliates, algae, and foraminifera.
Presentation: Multicellular organisms , an organism composed of many cells, which are to varying
degrees integrated and independent. The development of multicellular organisms is accompanied by
cellular specialization and division of labour; cells become efficient in one process and are dependent
upon other cells for the necessities of life.

▪ Teacher show a diagram of Multicellular organisms.

➢ What is the Oranism?
All species of animals, land plants and most fungi are multicellular, as are many algae, whereas a few
organisms are partially uni- and partially multicellular, like slime molds and social amoebae such as
the genus Dictyostelium. Home Work:
What are multicellur organism with examples?

Lesson Plan 2

Class: 9th
Topic: Characteristics and uses of enzymes
Subject: Biology
Duration:35 mint
Students Learning Outcomes:
After this lesson student will be able to:
1. What is enzymes? 2. What is the Characteristics of enzymes? 3. What is the uses of enzymes?
Previous Knowledge Test:
1. What is Multicellular organisms ?
Lecture Method, Demonstration method by using book.
A substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific
biochemical reaction.
Cleans and disinfects all surfaces in the house. Purifies air and removes bad odors(1part bio-enzyme
to 3 parts water, store in open containers to deodorize).Very effective in removing lime scale on taps
and other steel appliances (can be used directly).Enzymes are biological catalysts. They speed up
reactions although they are not changed in the reaction. Enzymes are proteins, and therefore are
folded chains of amino acids with a specific shape. ... Enzymes are specific: they have a specific
shape, therefore only a certain substrate will fit its active site.
▪ Teacher show a diagram of enzymes.
➢ What is the use of enzymes?
A bio enzyme is a multipurpose cleaner that can be used to clean your floor, dishes, laundry, plants
and even your pets too. The post-usage discharge is completely natural and even beneficial to the soil
and water. Home Work:
❖ What is the use of enzymes?

Lesson Plan 3

Topic: Disorders of digestive system

Subject: Biology Duration.35 mint

Students Learning Outcomes:

After this lesson student will be able to:
1. Describe Disorders of digestive system 2. Describe its disadvantages
Previous Knowledge Test:
1. What is digestive system? 2. Why we ill?
Lecture Method, Demonstration method by using book, chart.
Dear students! A human body is make up of several kind of systems from which a system is, we are
going to read that is “Digestive System”.
Some common disorders are diarrhea heartburn, constipation ,ulcer etc
Diarrhea. It cause by infection eating contaminated food we prevent it by always wash your hands
with soap .Do not eat uncooked meat and is painful passing faces During the
periods of constipation some persons may pass faces less week.
Activity 1.
Teacher show a chart with labeled with disorders of digestive system and describe the it
disadvantages with example.
Activity 2.
Teacher call students and ask them to recognize the different disorders of digestive system.
i. What is role Diarrhea ? ii. Define constipation ? iii. What is ulcer ?
Diarrhea. It cause by infection eating contaminated food we prevent it by always wash your hands
with soap .Do not eat uncooked meat and eggs is painfull passing faeces During the periods of constipation some persons may pass
faces less week.
Home Work:
i. Describe Disorders of digestive system?

Lesson plan 4
Duration of lesson : 3omin
No of student: 25
Topic of lesson : Funcation of Ear
Subject: Biology
General objective
Inqure how nervous system and sensory system work
To develop scientific attitudes
Inquring by students
Specific objectives
Able to draw and label the human are
Able to differentiate diffent portion of human ear
Know about hearing diseases
Teaching methodolgy
Demonstration actively method
AV Aids
White boards, Board marker, Animal picture, Duster, Charts, Animals videos
Previous Knowledge
What are the five senses?
By which sense we hear sound?
What organ you are using to hour me?
Announcing the topic
Human ear
The ear is the organ of hearing and, in mammals, balance. In mammals, the ear is usually described as
having three parts—the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear consists of the pinna
and the ear canal.
Summative Evaluation
Structure of human ear was explained by me through model and also I described how they help on
hearing and equilibrilum
Home work
Drewand labal the human ear on note book
Lesson Plan 5

Class 9th
Topic: Disorders of Respiratory system
Subject: Biology
Duration.35 mint

Students Learning Outcomes:

After this lesson student will be able to:
1. Describe Disorders of Respiratory system 2. Describe its disadvantages
Previous Knowledge Test:
1. What is Respiratory system? 2. Why we take breath?

Lecture Method, Demonstration method by using book, chart.
A human body is make up of several kind of systems from which a system is, we are going to read
that is “Respiratory system”.
Some common disorders are common cold pneumonia
Common cold can spread from person to person by coughing sneezing touching things of common
cold patients
Pneumonia is a infection that affects the lungs The lungs are made of small sacs called alveoli which
are filled with air some common are fever, nasal, rapid breathing chest pain ate Activity 1.
Teacher show a chart with labeled with disorders Respiratory system of and describe the it
disadvantages with example.
Activity 2.
Teacher call students and ask them to recognize the different disorders of Respiratory system
1. What is role of common cold? 2. Define pneumonia?
Some common disorders are common cold pneumonia

• Common cold can spread from person to person by coughing sneezing touching things of common
cold patients • Pneumonia is a infection that affects the lungs The lungs are made of small sacs called
alveoli which are filled with air some common are fever, nasal, rapid breathing chest pain ate Home

ii. Describe Disorders of Respiratory system”.

Lesson Plan 6

Class 9th
Topic: vertibrates’ and invertibrates
Subject: Biology Duration.35 mint
General Objectives
To develop scientific attitude among students
To inculcate spirit of inquiry
Specific objectives
Students are able to distinguish between vertebrates and invertibrates
Define characterization of 5 groups of vertebrates

Identify the member of major animal’s phyla

Teaching Methodology
Lecture and activity method
AV Aids
White boards, Board marker, Animal picture, Duster, Charts, Animals videos
Previous Knowledge Are
we mammals?
five groups are described to students
Mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles, amphibious.
Home work

Draw some animals such as vertebrates and invertebrate’s

What happened if we don’t have skeleton?

Can we able to walk without skeleton?
Name the largest animals on earth?
After that the lecture started by describing the same major difference between vertebrates and
invertebrates. I draw different portion on boards and wrote are boards and wrote are by use basic
characterization of much of 5 groups of vertebrates.
Characterization of back bone animals and their five groups are described to students Mammals,
birds, fishes, reptiles, amphibious.

Home work
Draw some animals such as vertebrates and invertebrate’s

Lesson Plan 7

Class 9th
Topic: Hydrocarbons
Subject: Chemistry Duration.35 mint

Students Learning Outcomes:

After this lesson student will be able to:
1. What are hydrocarbons? 2. Which hydrocarbons are used most in modern life?
Previous Knowledge Test:
1. What is hydrocarbons?
Lecture Method, Demonstration method by using book.
A hydrocarbon is any of a class of organic chemicals made up of only the elements carbon (C) and
hydrogen (H). The carbon atoms join together to form the framework of the compound, and the
hydrogen atoms attach to them in many different configurations.
Hydrocarbon, any of a class of organic chemical compounds composed only of the elements carbon
(C) and hydrogen (H). The carbon atoms join together to form the framework of the compound, and
the hydrogen atoms attach to them in many different configurations. Hydrocarbons are the principal
constituents of petroleum and natural gas.
Activity 1.
Teacher show a chart with labeled.
iv. What is hydrocarbons ? v. types of constipation ?
Hydrocarbons make up fossil fuels. One of the main by-products of fossil fuel combustion is carbon
dioxide (CO2). The ever-increasing use of fossil fuels in industry, transportation, and construction has
added large amounts of CO2 to Earth's atmosphere.
Home Work:
i. Describe and types of hydrocarbons?

Lesson Plan 8
Topic: Multicellur organisation
Subject: Biology
Duration:35 mint
Students Learning Outcomes:
After this lesson student will be able to:
1. What is Multicellur organistation? 2. Examples of multicellur organism.
Previous Knowledge Test:
1. What is Multicellur?
Lecture Method, Demonstration method by using book.
Multicellular organisms are those composed by multiple cells. They are classified in 13 major groups
of terrestrial living beings, including animals, plants, fungi, ciliates, algae, and foraminifera.
Presentation: Multicellular organisms , an organism composed of many cells, which are to varying
degrees integrated and independent. The development of multicellular organisms is accompanied by
cellular specialization and division of labour; cells become efficient in one process and are dependent
upon other cells for the necessities of life.

▪ Teacher show a diagram of Multicellular organisms.

➢ What is the Oranism?
All species of animals, land plants and most fungi are multicellular, as are many algae, whereas a few
organisms are partially uni- and partially multicellular, like slime molds and social amoebae such as
the genus Dictyostelium. Home Work:
What are multicellur organism with examples?

Lesson Plan 9

Class 9th
Topic: Carbonates
Subject: Chemistry
Duration.35 mint

Students Learning Outcomes:

After this lesson student will be able to:
1. What is Carbonates? 2. How carbonates are formed?
Previous Knowledge Test:
1. What is Hydrocarbons? 2. Types of Hydrocarbons?
Lecture Method, Demonstration method by using book, chart.
A human body is make up of several kind of systems from which a system is, we are going to read
that is “Respiratory system”.
Some common disorders are common cold pneumonia
Carbonate, any member of two classes of chemical compounds derived from carbonic acid or carbon
dioxide (q.v.). The inorganic carbonates are salts of carbonic acid (H2CO3), containing the carbonate
ion, CO2/3-, and ions of metals such as sodium or calcium.
Activity 1.
Teacher show a chart with labeled.
1. What is the carbons?
The main uses of carbonates is as raw materials in different industrial processes such as drug
development, glass making, pulp and paper industry, sodium chemicals (silicates), soap and detergent
production, paper industry, water softener, clay and concrete production, among others.
Home Work:
i. Describe the carbons.

Lesson Plan 10

Topic: Pollution
Subject: Chemistry
Duration.35 mint
Learning Out Comes:

After this students will be able to

1. What is Pollution?
Resources & Av aids
Black board Duster
Demonstration Method
Previous Knowledge.
1. What is Carbons? 2. How carbonates are formed?
As stated before, there are different types of pollution, which are either caused by natural events (like
forest fires) or by man-made activities (like cars, factories, nuclear wastes, etc.). Air Pollution. Water
Pollution. Soil Pollution. Noise Pollution.
Activity of students
Teacher will make seven groups of class and each group contain 4-5 students and they will Discuss
the current pollution spread through industries.
Teacher will call one student from each group and ask question.
1. What is chemical change? 2. Give an example of pollution?
Pollution happens when the environment is contaminated, or dirtied, by waste, chemicals, and other
harmful substances. There are three main forms of pollution: air, water, and land.
Home Work:
Write a note on Pollution?

Lesson Plan 11

Topic: Union of two sets.

Subject: Math
Duration.35 mint

Learning Out Comes:

After this students will be able to
1. Find the Union of two sets
Resources &Av aids
Black board Duster
Methodology Demonstration
Method Previous
1. What is complement of a set? 2. What is Universal of set?
Anncement of topic & introduction
Union of set is contain all elements in set A or in set B ( or in both
A& B)
If A = {a,b} & B {b,c,d } then Union of sets Is
AUB {a,b,c,d }
U={3,6,9} & V= {1,3,4,5} Union of sets U u
V {1,3,4,5,6,9}
Activity of Teacher
First of all teacher will solve the question on board about the topic and he will involve the students.
Activity of students
Teacher will make seven groups of class and each group contain 4-5 students and they will solve
question in groups Assessment:
On board .
Teacher will call one student from each group and they solve question
Union of set is contain all elements in set A or in set B ( or in both
A& B) Written AUB Home Work:
Write Union of sets of Following
1. A={2,4,5}- B {1,2,3} 2. X={4,6,8,10}- Y {1,3,5,6,8}

Lesson Plan 12

Class 8th
Topic: Intersection of two sets.
Subject: Math
Duration.35 mint

Learning Out Comes:

After this students will be able to
1. Find the intersection of two sets
Resources &Av aids
Black board Duster
Demonstration Method
Previous Knowledge.
1. What is Union of a set? 2. What is Empty set?
Ann cement of topic & introduction

Intersection of two sets A and B contain all elements of common

to A and B.

If A = {a,b} & B {b,c,d } then Intersection of sets Is A∩B

{a,b }
U={3,6,9} & V= {1,3,4,5} Union of sets

U∩ V {3}
Activity of Teacher
First of all teacher will solve the question on board about the topic and he will involve the students.
Activity of students
Teacher will make seven groups of class and each group contain 4-5 students and they will solve
question in groups Assessment: on board .
Teacher will call one student from each group and they solve question Conclusion:

Intersection of two sets A and B contain all elements of common to A and B. Written A ∩ B
Home Work:
Write Intersection of sets of Following
A={2,4,5}- B {1,2,3} 2. X={4,6,8,10}- Y {1,3,5,6,8}

Lesson Plan. 13

Class: 8th
Topic: Difference of two sets.
Subject: Math Duration.35 mint

Learning Out Comes:

After this students will be able to
1. Find the difference of two sets
2. Resources &Av aids
Black board Duster
Demonstration Method
Previous Knowledge.
1. What is Intersection of a set? 2. What is Empty set?
Ann cement of topic & introduction
Difference of two sets A and B contain not elements of
A from set B. If A = {a,b} & B {b,c,d } then difference of sets Is A-B
{a,b }
U={3,6,9} & V= {1,3,4,5} difference of sets
U- V {3}
Activity of Teacher
First of all teacher will solve the question on board about the topic and he will involve the students.
Activity of students
Teacher will make seven groups of class and each group contain 4-5 students and they will solve
question in groups Assessment: on board .
Teacher will call one student from each group and they solve question Conclusion:
Difference of two sets A and B contain all elements of common to A and B. Written A - B
Home Work:

Write Difference of sets of Following.

1. A={2,4,5}- B {1,2,3} 2. X={4,6,8,10}- Y {1,3,5,6,8}

Lesson plan 14

Class: 8th
No of student: 25
Topic of lesson : Structure of Eye .35 mint

General Objectives
Exame hoe sensory organ and nervous system work together
How coordinate responses to stimuli
To inculcate spiritual injury
Specific objectives
Able to draw the structure of human eye
Develop more understanding about different parts and layers of human eye Define
long sightedness and long sightedness.
Teaching method
Lecture and demonstration method
AV Aids
Blackboard, chalks, textbook, charts, model of eye etc.
Previous knowledge
Hoe many colours are present in your surrounding?
What are the five scenes?
By which scenes we see the things?
Which organ you are using to see me?

The eye is a spherical organ located inside the skull (within a bone structure called the “orbit”), which
connects to our brain through the optic nerve (ON). The eye has many parts that must work together
to produce clear vision: The sclera, or white part of the eye, protects the eyeball. The pupil, or black
dot at the centre of the eye, is an opening through which light can enter the eye. The iris, or coloured
part of the eye, surrounds the pupil.
For presentation multimedia, charts, white board and books were used by me. I drew a diagram to
make the student learn more.
Summative Evaluation
What have you learnt from this?
Sive example of sightedness
What are cones and rods?
Home Work
Draw the structure of eye
Lable it
What is the funcation of eye

Lesson plan 15
Duration of lesson : 3omin
No of student:25
Topic of lesson:
General objective
Inqure how nervous system and sensory system work
To develop scientific attitudes
Inquring by students
Specific objectives
Able to draw and label the human are
Able to differentiate diffent portion of human ear
Know about hearing diseases
Teaching methodolgy
Demonstration actively method
AV Aids
White boards, Board marker, Animal picture, Duster, Charts, Animals videos
Previous Knowledge
What are the five senses?
By which sense we hear sound?
What organ you are using to hour me?
Announcing the topic
Human ear
The ear is the organ of hearing and, in mammals, balance. In mammals, the ear is usually described as
having three parts—the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear consists of the pinna
and the ear canal.
Summative Evaluation
Structure of human ear was explained by me through model and also I described how they help on
hearing and equilibrilum.

Lesson plan 16
Drew and labal the human ear

Subject: Physics
Class : 10th

Time : 45 min
Topic : OR operation
General Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, student will be able,
1. To develop the habit of the scientific an rational thinking.
2. To acquire knowledge and understanding of physics concept.
3. To describe the laws of physics and rotate them in daily life.

Specific Objectives:

1. At the end of this lesson, student will be able to know about the concept of ‘’OR Operation’’
2. Know about the contribution of OR channel.
3. To tell about the mechanism and truth table.

Teaching Method
Teaching method will be used to demonstrate the concept of OR operation. Its mechanism of
function and the truth table.
AV- aids
Chalk, Blackboard and Chart. Showing the diagram of OR circuit, OR gate and truth table.
Preview knowledge
What do you mean by input and output concept.
Topic :
Today , we are going to learn about OR operation and OR gate.
Let the student tell about what they know about this topic. Then explain the prepared lecture.
Show them the charts with diagram , circuits and truth table. Explain one by one.

Lesson plan 17

Subject: chemistry
Class : 9th

Time : 45 min
Topic : homogeneous and heterogeneous

General Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, student will be able,
1.To understand the concept of chemistry, atomic structure and chemical reactions.
2.To investigate the relation between chemical signals .
3.To understand the importance and application of chemistry in daily life.
Specific Objectives:
.At the end of this lesson, student will be able to know about
1. Define mixture
2. Define homogenous.
3. Define chemical bonding.

3. Teaching Method
Teaching method will be used to demonstrate the concept of chemical bonding and atomic
AV- aids
Chalk, Blackboard and Chart. Showing the diagram and models of atomic structure.
4. Previous knowledge

What do you mean by movement of earth around its axis sun.

5. Topic :

Today , we are going to learn about the chemical bonding and atomic structure.
Let the student tell about what they know about this topic. Then explain the prepared lecture.
Show them the charts with diagram , homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture. Explain one by
Home work

Lesson plan 18

Subject: computer
Class : 8th
Time : 35 min
Topic : satellite communication
General Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, student will be able,
1.To learn about the satellite communication.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, student will be able to know about
1.Define term satellite communication.
2.Define and explain the use and enability.
Teaching Method
Teaching method will be used to demonstrate the concept of satellite communication.
AV- aids
Duster , whiteboard, marker and Chart. Showing the diagram and models of atomic structure.
Previous knowledge
What do you know about the word communication?
How satellite works for communication?
Topic :
Today , we are going to learn about the satellite communication.

Let the student tell about what they know about this topic. Then explain the prepared lecture.
Show them the charts with diagram , homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture. Explain one by one.

Lesson plan 19

Subject: computer
Class : 8th
Time : 35 min
Topic : Bluetooth

General Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, student will be able,
1.To learn about the concept of Bluetooth.
2. uses of Bluetooth
2. Specific Objectives:
.At the end of this lesson, student will be able to know about
1.Define the term Bluetooth.
2.Define and explain its functions.
3, uses of Bluetooth
Teaching Method
Teaching method will be used to demonstrate the concept of Bluetooth.
AV- aids
Duster , whiteboard, marker and Chart. Showing the diagrams on projector.
Previous knowledge
What do you know about the Data?
Define network and communication?
Topic :
Today , we are going to learn about the Bluetooth.
Let the student tell about what they know about this topic. Then explain the prepared lecture.
Show them the charts with diagram , . Explain one by one.

Lesson plan 20

Subject: computer
Class : 8th
Time : 35 min
Topic : Antivirus

General Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, student will be able
1.To learn about the concept of antivirus.
2. its types.
Specific Objectives:
.At the end of this lesson, student will be able to know about
1. Types of antivirus.
2.Define and explain its functions.
Teaching Method
Teaching method will be used to demonstrate the concept of antivirus.
AV- aids
Duster , whiteboard, marker and Chart. Showing the diagrams on projector.
Previous knowledge
What do you know about the software viruses?
How computer get infected?
6.Topic :
Today , we are going to learn about the antivirus.
Let the student tell about what they know about this topic. Then explain the prepared lecture.
Show them the charts with diagram , . Explain one by one.

Lesson plan 21

Subject: computer
Class : 8th
Time : 35 min

Topic : Computer network

General Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, student will be able,
1.To learn about the concept of network.
2. also know about the computer network.
Specific Objectives:
.At the end of this lesson, student will be able to know about
1. Explain computer network.
2. use of network and how connection is made between other computer.
Teaching Method
Lecture method will be used to demonstrate the concept of computer network.
AV- aids
Duster , whiteboard, marker and Chart. Showing the diagrams on projector.
Previous knowledge
What is sharing of information from one computer to another computer?
Define computer?
6.Topic :
Today , we are going to learn about the computer network.
Let the student tell about what they know about this topic. Then explain the prepared lecture.
Show them the charts with diagram , . Explain one by one.

Lesson plan 22

Subject: computer
Class : 8th
Time : 35 min

Topic : Cellular communication General

At the end of this lesson, student will be able,
1.To understand the importance of cellular communication.
Specific Objectives:
.At the end of this lesson, student will be able to know about 1.
Define cellular communication and explain its distribution.
2. how could it be established?.
Teaching Method
Lecture method will be used to demonstrate the concept of cellular communication.
AV- aids
Duster , whiteboard, marker and Chart. Showing the diagrams on projector.
Previous knowledge
What is communication coverage?
What do you mean by communication?
Topic :
Today , we are going to learn about the cellular communication.

Let the student tell about what they know about this topic. Then explain the prepared lecture.
Show them the charts with diagram , . Explain one by one.

Lesson plan 23

Subject: computer
Class : 8th
Time : 35 min

Topic : physical transmission media and its types

General Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, student will be able,
1.To understand the importance of physical transmission media and how it will be used in daily life.
Specific Objectives:
.At the end of this lesson, student will be able to know about
1. Define the physical transmission media.
2. how to explain the 3 types of physical transmission media?.
Teaching Method
Lecture method will be used to demonstrate the concept of physical transmission media and its types.
AV- aids
Duster , whiteboard, marker and Chart. Showing the diagrams on projector.
Previous knowledge What
is network?

A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources (such as
printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic communications. The computers on a network
may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.

Two very common types of networks include:

• Local Area Network (LAN)
• Wide Area Network (WAN)

What do you mean by communication between computers?

Topic :
Today , we are going to learn about the physical transmission media.
Let the student tell about what they know about this topic. Then explain the prepared lecture.
Show them the charts with diagram , . Explain one by one.

Lesson plan 24

Subject: computer
Class : 8th
Time : 35 min

Topic : types of computer network General

At the end of this lesson, student will be able,
1.To understand about the types of computer.
Specific Objectives:
.At the end of this lesson, student will be able to know about
1. Define all types of computer and their networks.
3. Teaching Method
Lecture method will be used to demonstrate the concept of physical transmission media and its types.
AV- aids
Duster , whiteboard, marker and Chart. Showing the diagrams on projector.
Previous knowledge
What is computer network?
What are computer of which types of computer are different?
Topic :
Today , we are going to learn about the types of computer network.
Let the student tell about what they know about this topic. Then explain the prepared lecture.
Show them the charts with diagram , . Explain one by one.
LAN: small areas such as buildings (local area network)
MAN: network of city such as cables, TV (Metapolitous area network)
WAN : large geographical areas.(wide area network) Formative
Repeat the main part.

Lesson Plan : 25

Subject: science

Duration: 30 min

Total student: 15

Topic : Photosynthesis and Respiration

Objectives :

At the end of this lesson students will be able to:

Define photosynthesis?
To know the importance of photosynthesis in plant.
To understand the importance and process of respiration in plants .

Learning Resources :

Board , duster , marker , book , flash cards etc. P.K.Test

Teacher will ask questions to the students:

Food making process in plant is called ____________.

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today our topic is photosynthesis and respiration in plant.

Presentation :

Teacher will read this lesson with correct pronunciation.

Teacher will given instructions about photosynthesis and respiration in plant.
Teacher will draw the diagram of the leaf on the board and given instruct about it. Students
will divide in to two groups.

Assessment :

Teacher will ask some questions to the students.

Which factors are necessary for photosynthesis ?

How does respiration occur in plants ?
Describe the internal structure of leaf?

Home Task :

Dear students to draw the diagram of plant and write it's parts.

Head Master : __________________ .

Lesson plan 26
Day: Wednesday


Time:30. No of students: 23

Topic of the day: Agriculture and Animal Forming


After studying this lesson students will be able too:

Get information Agriculture and Animal Forming.

Can tell some crops Names.

Write three animals name which we keep in our house Tell
names of the things which we get from animals.

P.K.Test: 4: minutes

Why we grow crops and forming animals?


Dear students today our topic is"Agriculture and Animal Forming".

Teaching A.V.Aids:

Board, marker,duster, textbook, model of crops etc.

Teaching Method:

Lecture Method:
Activity 1: 5: minutes

Teacher will read this lesson with correct pronunciation and transportation.

Activity 2: 5: minutes

Teacher will tell about crops which we grow in our files.

Activity 3: 5 : minutes

Teacher will ask the students to write five names of animals which we keep in our house.

Activity:4 5: minutes

At last teacher will ask them to draw an animals which we keep in our home.

Assessment:. 6: minutes

Teacher will ask some questions to the students about "Agriculture and Animal Forming"

Tell me about "Agriculture and Animal Forming"?

Tell me two crops name which we keep in our files?
Which animals gave us meat and milk?
Home Task:
Dear students to write five sentences about "Agriculture and Animal Forming".

Lesson Plan : 27
Subject : English

Day: Tuesday

Total Students : 32 Duration : 30minutes.

Topic : The science summer group

Objectives :

After studying this lesson students will be able to :

Read the paragraph.

Translate the paragraph into urdu.
Write five new words meaning.

P.K.Test :

Teacher will ask some questions to the students :

Do you think it is fair if girls are not allowed to go to school?

Why do you think so?
What is your favorite subject ?

Announcement of topic :
Dear students today we will learn about the science summer camp.

Teaching A.V.Aids :

White board , marker , duster , text book and flash cards etc.

Assessment :

Teacher will ask some questions to students for assessment :

Do you read this paragraph ?

Translate this science into urdu : I want to study science ?
Write five new words meaning in your copies?
Home Task :
Teacher will give some work to students as home work: Dear
students write ten words meaning in your copies.

Head Master : ____________________ .

Lesson plan : 28
Subject : English

Day: Friday

Total students : 32 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : Celebrating Eid ul Azha

Objectives :

After studying this lesson students will be able to .

Know about Eid ul Azha .

Read these two paragraphs.
Write six new words meaning.

P.K.Test :

Teacher will ask some questions to the students :

How many eids celebrate the muslims in a year?

Who will tell me name of any two the most happy Eids?
In which Eid do the muslims sacrifice cows . Oxes
, goats and camels?

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today we will learn about celebrating Eid ul Azha

Teacher A.V.Aids:
White board , text book , marker , flash cards etc.

Assessment :

Teacher will ask some questions to students as assessment :

Write two sentences about Eid ul Azha?

Do you read this paragraph?
Tell me these new words meaning example : forward, grass and observed?

Home Task :

Dear students to write five sentences about Eid ul Azha.

Lesson Plan : 29
Subject : English
Day: Saturday

Total students : 24 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : The youngest genius Arfa Karim

Objectives :

After studying this lesson students will be able to :

Get information about Arfa Karim.

Read these three paragraphs.
Write ten new words meaning.

P.K.Test :

Teacher will ask some questions to students :

Can you tell us about the achievement of young students in Pakistan ?

Can you name any students who have received fame outside Pakistan? What
would you do to get international fame ?

Announcement of Topic :

Dear students we will learn about The Young genius Arfa Karim.

Teaching A.V.Aids :

White board , marker , duster , book , flash cards etc.

Assessment :

Teacher will ask some questions to students as assessment :

Who is Arfa Karim ?
Do you read this paragraphs?
Write these three new words meaning : Achievements , received , field , award .

Home Task:

Dear students write five sentences about Arfa Karim.

Head Master : _________________________.

Lesson Plan : 30
Subject : Math

Day: Monday

Total Students : 30 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : Addition
Objectives :

After studying this lesson students will be able to :

Know about concept of Addition .

Recognize symbol of Addition.
Can add three questions by themselves.

P.K.Test :

Teacher will ask some questions to students :

There are three birds on the tree birds are received there .How many birds are there?

The first number add to another numbers. What is called this process.

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today we will learn about Addition.

Teaching A.V.Aids :

White board , marker , duster , book , flash cards etc.

Assessment :

Teacher will ask some questions to the students :

Do your concept is clear about Addition?

What is this symbol + ?
Add these numbers. 2+2=_______ , 2+3=______, 2+2=________.

Home Task :
Dear students solve question no 1 to 5 at home.

Head Master : ______________.

Lesson Plan : 31
Subject : Maths

Day: Monday

Total students : 30 Duration : 30min

Topic : Subtraction
Objectives :

After studying this lesson students will be able to:

Understand the concept of Subtraction.

Recognize symbol of Subtraction.
Subtracts three questions by themselves.


Teacher will ask some questions to students:

There are six birds on the tree if three birds flew away . How many birds left on the tree ? 6 -
I have ten rupees. if I bought a pen of five rupees left i have? 10-5=5.
The first number less to another numbers what is called this process?

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today we will learn about Subtractions .

Teaching A.V.Aids :

White board , marker , duster , text book , flash cards etc.

Assessment :

Teacher will ask some questions to the students:

Is your concept clear about Subtractions?

What is this symbol - ?
Solve the questions : 2-1=1, 3-2=1 , 4-2=2 .

Home Task :

Dear students solve question no 1 to 5 at home.

Head Master : _________________.

Lesson Plan : 32
Day: Tuesday

Class : 8th Subject: Science

Total Students : 21 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : The Earth in space

Objectives :

After studying this lesson students will be able to :

To introduce various methods of separating mixtures .

To explain the different between solution, solvent and solute. To
explain that these substances can be solid , liquid and gas .

P.K.Test :

Teacher will ask some questions to students :

Why is summer hotter than winter ?

How many seasons are there ? Name them .

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today we will learn about the earth in space.

Teaching A.V.Aids :

White board , marker , duster , text book , flash cards etc.

Assessment :

Explain the earth rotation on its axis ?

Describe how the combined effects of earth tilt ?

Home Task :

Dear students write information about Earth in space .

Head Master : _________________________.

Lesson Plan : 33
Day: Wednesday

Class : 8th Subject : Science

Total students : 21 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : The animal kingdom

Objectives :

After studying this lesson students will be able to .

To develop an awareness of different types of animals that live on earth.

To classify animals into broad groups : vertebrate and invertebrates.

P.k.Test :

Teacher will ask some questions to students .

Write State of vertebrate with example.

Describe the characteristics of each by comparing.

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today we will learn about the animals kingdom.

Teaching A.V.Aids :

Board , marker , duster , text book , flash cards etc.

Assessment :

To read the topic. Making MCQs from the topic.

Translate this lesson into Urdu .

Write few characteristics of animal kingdom?

Home Task :

Dear students write few sentences about animal kingdom.

Head Master : ____________________________ .

Lesson Plan : 34
Day: Thursday

Class: 8th Subject : Social Studies

Total students : 21 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : Continents
Objectives :

After studying this lesson students will be able to :

Define Continents ?
How many continents earth have ?
Name the seven continents of earth ? Write
about agriculture in Asia ?

Learning Resources :

Board , duster , marker , book , flash cards etc. P.K.Test

What do you know about wildlife ?

What is agriculture ?
Which is the second largest continent ? Who
is first Noble prize winners ?

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today our topic is Continent .

Presentation :

Teacher will read the lesson with correct pronunciation. Teacher

will read this lesson with translation.

Teacher will give instructions about continent .

Lesson Plan : 35
Day: Friday

Class : 8th Subject : Social Studies

Total Students : 21 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : Culture
Objectives :

At the end of this lesson students will be able to :

To know about our culture .

Tell the importance of various means of communication . Explain
means of communication and their benefits .

Learning Resources :

Board , marker , duster , book , flash cards etc. P.K.Test

What do you know about culture ?

Announcement of topic:

Dear students today we will discuss about our Culture.

Presentation :

Teacher will read this paragraph with correct pronunciation.

Teacher will read this lesson with translation.
Students will read this lesson one by one.
Discuss language of the world.

Assessment :

Teacher ask some questions to the students :

Define nation and nationality ?

What is Culture ?
Write the importance of television ?
Give two reasons for having pride to be Pakistani.
Identify the difference of communication ?
Briefly describe the importance of internet , computer and e-mail .

Home Task :

Write few sentences about Culture .

Head Master : ______________________ .

Lesson Plan : 36
Day: Saturday

Class : 8th Subject : Social Studies

Total Students : 21 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : Citizenship

At the end of this lesson students will be able to :

Define citizens?
Define the term diversity ?
Understand the concept of tolerance ?
Explain Civic sense by giving example .
Explain basic features of human rights ?
Define global citizen ?

Learning Resources :

Board , marker , duster , text book , flash cards etc . P.K.Test

What is citizenship ?

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today we will discuss about citizenship .

Presentation :

Teacher will read this paragraph with correct pronunciation.

Teacher will read this lesson with translation.
Students will read this lesson one by one.
Teacher will tell the duties of a global citizen .
Teacher will tell about basic human rights .
Teacher will tell about diversity and tolerance.

Assessment :

Teacher will ask some questions to the students :

Define tolerance ?

Define the term citizenship ?

Differentiate between citizens and global citizen ?
Enlist three etiquettes ?
Define diversity ?
Write three steps to resolve a conflict ?

Home Task :

Dear students explain the way to be a good citizens .

Head Master : _________________________ .

Lesson Plan : 37
Day: Monday
Class : 8th Subject : Social Studies

Total Students : 21 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : Economics
Objectives :

At the end of this lesson students will be able to :

Understand meaning of economics and economy of a country .

Define goods and services.
Know about trade.
Know about evolution of money. Explain
banking and it's service.

Learning Resources :

Board , marker , duster , book , flash cards etc . P.K.Test

What do you know about evolution of money ?

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today we will learn about economics.

Presentation :

Teacher will read this lesson with correct pronunciation.

Teacher will read this lesson with translation.
Students will read this lesson one by one.
What do you know about economists ?
What is management ?

Assessment :

Teacher will ask some questions to the students :

Identify the services of bank ?

Give the difference between imports and exports of Pakistan ?
Define the term trade .
What do you mean by goods and services ?

Home Task :

Write some information about economics .

Lesson Plan : 38
Day: Tuesday

Class : 9th Subject : Computer

Total Students : 21 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : World processor

Objectives :

At the end of this lesson students will be able to :

Use different print options for printing.

Use shortcut keys commands .
Define word processor.
Identify and use various features for editing and formatting text.

Learning Resources :

Board, duster , marker , book , flash cards etc. P.K.Test

Define word processor ?

Announcement of Topic :

Dear students today we will learn about word processor .

Presentation :

Teacher will read this lesson with correct pronunciation.

Teacher will read this lesson with translation.
Students will read this lesson one by one.
Teacher will tell about shortcut keys.

Assessment :

Define the term word processor.

Give some examples of words processing programs.
What are the three ways to view screen in Microsoft word.
Write down purpose of three insert options available in insert tab of Microsoft word.

Home Task :

Dear students prepare a story in English and Urdu by inserting related pictures.
Lesson Plan : 39
Day: Thursday

Class : 9th Subject : Computer

Total Students : 21 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : Multimedia Presentation

Objectives. :

At the end of this lesson students will be able to :

Define the purpose of Multimedia Presentation.

Use various features of MS power point to prepare presentation for slide show.
Create interdisciplinary project using productivity tools.

Learning Resources :

Boards , marker , duster , book , flash cards etc . P.K.Test

Teacher will ask some questions to the students :

Explain working with power point ?

How to create or add a slide in Microsoft power point.
How to insert a picture in Microsoft power point.
How to add a video to a Microsoft power point presentation.

Announcement of Topic :

Dear students today we will learn about Multimedia Presentation.

Presentation :

Teacher will read this lesson with correct pronunciation.

Teacher will read this paragraph with translation.
Students will read this lesson one by one.
Create a slideshow in Microsoft power point.

Assessment :

What is the purpose of multimedia presentation ?

Define slide and slide show ?
Write the procedure to add a picture as background effects to a presentation .
Define the features texture and Gradient.
Write the steps to add new slide to a presentation.

Home Task :

Dear students make a presentation about anything related to your subject .

Lesson Plan : 40
Day: Friday

Class : 10th Subject : Computer

Total Students : 21 Duration : 30minutes

Topic : Cyber Crimes

Objectives :

At the end of this lesson students will be able to :

Define the Cyber Crimes.

Tell some major online activities.
Discuss Cyber Crime law and punishment.
Who is Cyber scout ?
Tell some Cyber Crimes categories ?

Learning Resources :

Board , marker , duster , textbook , flash cards etc. P.K.Test

What is identify theft.

What do you know about Cyber bullying.
What is computer viruses.
Describe briefly about hacking.
Tell some things about medical assistance .

Announcement of topic :

Dear students today our topic is Cyber Crimes.

Presentation :

Teacher will read this lesson with correct pronunciation.

Teacher will read this lesson with translation.
Students will read this lesson one by one.
Tell students about money laundering ? Write
some effects of Cyber bullying.

Assessment :

What is intellectual property rights ?

What is privacy ?
Define Cyber Crimes and name online different cyber crimes.
What are the benefits of online banking ?
Discuss the advantages of Medical Assistance.

Home Task :

Dear students prepare a presentation based on any cyber crime movie or story .

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