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Subjective: namamayat na siya dahil sa sakit niya as verbalize by the relative of the patient. Objective: -previous weight -48kg. -present weight -45kg. (loss of weight) -anorexia -weakness -satiety

The rheumatic heart disease has so many symptoms like anorexia, weakness, and satiety. The three symptoms appear because the patient has RHD, his/her immune system is becoming weak and have so many possible complications like stomach pain, joint inflammation, breathlessness, chest pain, fainting attack that can lead to anorexia or loss of appetite. Any illness can affect a previous healthy appetite like persons having RHD

Nursing Diagnosis
Imbalance nutrition: less than the body requirements, related to rheumatic heart disease

After nursing interventions the client will maintain or restore adequate nutritional balance as evidenced by: -no further weight loss. -consumption of 75% or more of each meal serve.

- Evaluate total daily food intake. - Give knowledge to the patient the advantages of eating nutritious food. - Encourage the client to eat foods that are high protein and high carbohydrate. - Use flavoring agents. - Encourage the client to choose food/ have family member bring food that seem appealing. - Promote pleasant, relaxing environment, including socialization if possible. - Promote adequate/ timely fluid intake. Limits fluids 1 hour prior to meal.

Help determine the nutritional level of the client To give knowledge to the patient. Help maintain adequate nutrition. To enhance food satisfactio n and stimulate appetite To enhance intake To reduce possible satiety.

After nursing intervention the client maintain or restore adequate nutritional balance as evidenced by: - The patient was no further weight loss. - Consumption of 75% or more of each meal serve.

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