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Should teenagers learn how to cook?

"All students shoul learn how to cook", seems like a common thing a parent would say. I don't
really think it is mandatory for a student to learn how to cook since it really isn't that much of an
important skill in life, espacially if your parents cook your food for you. It might indeed be
helpful if you intend to follow a chef's path, but I doubt that.
From what I've heard, cooking is a pretty enjoyable habit, but i don't plan learning how to cook,
but that's just me. I believe the reason cooking is so enjoyable is seeing people or even yourself
enjoy what you cooked. It really is satisfying to try and make something challenging, and it
comes out to be as expected or even better.
A reason why cooking might be helpful is because you could have a career based around
cooking, like becoming a chef for a well known restaurant.
But that's just my opinion.

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