Angliski Matura

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Iford Manor Festival Season

What aspect of Iford Manor is emphasized in the first paragraph?

1 – the seating arrangements
What is the main purpose in the second paragraph?
2- to encourage people to donate to the charity
Piano Practice
In this paragraph why does the character mention ‘romantic’ novels where the entrapped heroine finds
her freedom and salvation through music?
3-because the heroine’s experience contrast strongly with her own
why does the character in the text ’hammer out that lullaby’?
4-She is attempting to express herself through music.
Music increases verbal aptitude in Children
What does the study seek to do?
5-Prove a hypothesis which may revolutionise teaching
The purpose of the underlined text is:
6-to suggest reasons why their data may appear inconsistent
The Sahara Film Festival

Music magazine has eye on China

Second Language Learning

Writing task 1: Which subjects may no longer be taught at secondary school?

Аll subjects taught in school have their own importance and application. However, I believe that there
are some subjects which must be studied at school and others which could be learnt somewhere else. If
I had to decide on two of the offered subjects, which I think should continue to be taught in secondary
schools, I would choose history and geography. I'd say history because being aware of the past is
paramount to realize who we are and where do we come from. Through history, we can learn how past
societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures and technologies were built, how they operated,
and how they have changed. The rich history of the world helps us paint a detailed picture of where we
stand today. It's fundamental to learn history if we want to make the world a better place. Another
subject that deserves a place in the school schedule is geography. Geography is a signal of culture and
education. It is true that we have no need to memorize the names of all the rivers in the world, but
certainly being able to name the capitals of the countries is well-worth general knowledge. Finally, I
would like to say that History and Geography are both valuable assets to personal and national
development. For this reason, they should remain on the list of mandatory subjects.
Writing task 2: Volunteers needed

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you in reference to your advertisement in which you state that you are looking for
volunteers to welcome delegates, provide customer service and solve problems.

My name is Teodora, I am 18 years old, and I have just finished high school. As you can see from my
curriculum vitae, I am fluent in Macedonian language, have a C1 certificate in English, and I’m currently
learning German. As for my personal qualities, I would like to emphasize my leadership skills, problem-
solving skills, organizational skills, as well as my teamwork skills, which you can see in the many group
projects I have participated in, listed in my curriculum vitae. Regarding my experience in this kind of
events, I have participated as a volunteer in several events, which were arranged by my school. I have
also played in the school volleyball team for over four years, so I am used to working with other people
and encouraging them in our shared endeavours. I would like to participate as a volunteer in this
sporting event because I believe I meet all your requirements, since I have a good command of
languages, I am used to dealing with people and to conclude I have shown my leadership skills by
working in a team. In addition, I have attached a copy of my curriculum vitae outlining my qualifications
and experience. I hope my application will be taken into consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Teodora Tasevska

Writing task 3: A college which you attended in the past has written to you asking to what extent its
facilities met the needs of the students academically and socially.

New York University is situated in the heart of the city. Apart from being the Big Apple, New York is now
the natural choice and preferred destination for students from different parts of the country to pursue a
professional education, be it in Engineering, Medicine, or any other field. The city is home to globally
renowned corporate houses in the IT sector. The college has an excellent infrastructure and accessibility
from various parts of the city. The college has a well-designed administrative block and various other
rooms and facilities for the students such as girls common room and boys common room, waiting room,
co-operative store, etc. It has provided well-equipped furnished labs for basic sciences separately and
other departmental laboratories. Each section of students has separate classrooms and facilities.
Classrooms are well furnished and ventilated. Audio visual Room is provided with all teaching aids: Slide
Projector, Television, Video Player, LCD Projector, Video Camera, Multimedia Computer, Audio Systems,
etc., in order to ensure the overall development of students. The students have all the facilities for
games and sports. Adequate infrastructure is provided for indoor and outdoor games and extra-
curricular activities. A canteen with both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is also available on the
college campus. The college building has made more provisions for the expansion. Other facility consists
of Drawing Hall, Conference Hall, etc. Finally, the university provides a bus facility for students to
commute from different parts of the city.
Writing task 4: You recently read an article in an English newspaper asking for money-saving tips for
young people who are just starting college. Write a letter to the newspaper, outlining ways that
students can look after their money.

I would like to respond to your request for money-saving tips for students. As I see it, there are a few
main things that a student needs to think about, which are listed below.

It's important to keep track of your spending as a college student. Create a spreadsheet of your finances
so you can see how much you have to spend each month. Include your income from student loans,
scholarships and bursaries, parental contributions, part-time jobs, and regular outgoings.

You'll need to be smart with food shopping. Do a cost-effective 'big shop' at the start of each week and
minimize the number of takeaways you have. Buy supermarket value products rather than well-known
brands. Share the cooking with your housemates and plan your daily meals in advance. You'll save
money by making packed lunches rather than buying a sandwich or going to a coffee shop.

Don't overpay for transport. Most universities are either city-based with excellent public transport links,
or campus-based with everything on your doorstep. You probably won't need a car while studying.
Instead, take advantage of student discounts on travel.

Once you discover your reading list for the academic year, buy your course books second-hand
wherever possible.

If you're sharing a student house, you'll be responsible for your gas, electricity, water, and Wi-Fi costs.
Set up direct debits for regular bills, so they're paid automatically each month. This will help you to
avoid any late payment charges.

Sharing bills among housemates can be effective if managed carefully. Make sure people are paid back
as quickly as possible. This will avoid any unnecessary tension should anybody consistently fail to pay
their share.

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