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Nama: Fritzienico Zachary Baskoro

NIM: 20711031
Class: B
Enema: History, Definition, and Complications
I. Introduction Paragraph
Enema is an invention in the medical field that has been used since time immemorial. An
enema is a process of putting fluids or air from the rectum into the lower bowel for the
purpose of cleansing or to put some nutritions inside the body and other medical
purposes. Using an enema at home can lead to multiple complications.
Thesis Statement:
In this essay we will discuss the history, definition, and complication of enema.
II. Body Paragraph:
A. Paragraph 1: The history of enema.
Topic sentence:
Enema has been used since time immemorial.
Major support 1:
Enema technique has been used for cleaning the bowels since 1500 BC in Egypt.
Minor support 1:
They use hollow reed and streams to remove feces from the rectum.
Concluding statement:
Enema has been used since the egyptians era for medical reasons. They use
hollow reed and streams to remove feces from the rectum. They believe that
decaying materials inside the body is a problem for human.

B. Paragraph 2: The definition of enema

Topic sentence:
An enema is a process of putting fluids or air from the rectum into the lower
Major support 1:
The enema’s purpose is cleaning or to put some nutritions inside the body and
other medical purposes.
Minor support 1:
Enema is useful for curing constipation and starting the process of surgery.
Major support 2:
It has a nozzle inserted in the anus and squeezed to make the liquid come inside
the rectum.
Minor support 2:
The liquid contains water and salt, sometimes with baking soda.
Concluding statement:
An enema is a process of putting fluids or air from the rectum into the lower
bowel with the purpose of cleaning or to put some nutritions inside the body and
other medical purposes. It is useful for curing constipation and starting a surgery.
C. Paragraph 3: Complication of enema
Topic sentence:
There are some risks of using an enema.
Major support 1:
The risks of taking an enema are dehydration, infection, or electrolyte imbalance.
Minor support 1:
Some kind of liquid’s enema can't be absorbed well by the intestine and make
some new complications.
Major support 2:
Using an enema at home can lead to multiple complications, such as bloody stool,
damaged intestine, etc.
Minor support 2:
Patients must see the doctor first before taking the best enema for their own
Concluding statement:
The risk of using enema is dehydration, infection, and electrolyte imbalance
because the intestine can’t absorb some kind of liquids. Using an enema
individually can cause complications, such as bloody stools and damaged
III. Concluding Sentences
Concluding sentences:
An enema is a process of putting fluids or air from the rectum into the lower bowel with a
nozzle for the purpose of cleansing or to put some nutritions inside the body and other
medical purposes.
Concluding paragraph:
Enema is an invention in the medical field that has been used since time immemorial. the
Egyptians believe that the presence of decaying materials in the digestive system is a big
problem for humans. They use hollow reed and streams to remove feces from the rectum.
An enema is a process of putting fluids or air from the rectum into the lower bowel for
the purpose of cleansing or to put some nutritions inside the body and other medical
purposes. Enema is useful for curing constipation and starting the process of surgery. It
has a nozzle to make it easier when it's being used. The nozzle is inserted in the anus and
squeezed to make the liquid come inside the rectum. The risks of taking an enema are
dehydration, infection, or electrolyte imbalance because some kind of liquid’s enema
can't be absorbed well by the intestine and make some new complications. Using an
enema at home can lead to multiple complications, such as bloody stool, damaged
intestine, etc. Patients must see the doctor first before taking the best enema for their own

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