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Flow Calculation of Pressure Drop Devices and Nozzles for Air and Gases according to
DIN ISO EN 5167 resp. VDI 2041 and DIN ISO EN 9300 Version 07 - 01.02.2012 KI
Revsion 05 supports now critical Venturi nozzles (ISO 9300)
yellow background fields Revsion 06 Adiabatic calculation bore conditions
Enter here please the orifice data and standard conditions Revsion 07 Improvement critical nozzle calculation
orange background fields
Enter here please the actual measurement values At time only is supported the calculation for
green background fields the below listed Media and flow elements.
Contain the calculation results Data validity: Allow List Media:
blue background fields Flow Element Types according: Air_humid
Warning hints Orifice-Corner ISO 5167-2 (deakt.& ASME<1.5") Air_dry
Orifice-D-D/2 ISO 5167-2 H2O_Steam
DeutEnglLanguage Selection English Orifice-Flange ISO 5167-2 Ar
Orifice-1/4Circle VDI2041 CO2
ISA-1932-nozzle ISO 5167-3 CO
Orifice Sizing Data Venturi nozzle ISO 5167-3 H2
Pipe Inner diameter D 26.640 mm Venturi tube ISO 5167-4 C=0,995 He
Bore- / Orifice diameter d 12.5600 mm Venturi tube-Re ISO 5167-4 Re-optimized Kr
Flow Element Type Orifice-Corner 0 SAO VDI2041 Inlet nozzle Re-optimizedN2
Media Air_humid Restrictor Restrictor Ne
Nozzle-crit ISO 9300 critical nozzles O2
Standard Conditions Xe
Standard pressure PN 1013.25 mbar CH4
Standard temperature TN 20.00 °C C2H6
Standard rel. humidity RHN 0.0 % C3H8
Sensor Measurement Values Nat_GasH
DP pressure + against - connection DP 60.364 mbar Nat_GasL
Absolute pressure at inlet P 1010.41 mbar N2O
Temperature at in- or outlet T 22.9 °C NO
Rel. Humidity at inlet RH 3.0 % NH3
Flow Results Conversions:
Mass Flow Qm #VALUE! kg/h #VALUE! kg/min ### kg/s #VALUE! mg/min
Actual Volume Flow Qact #VALUE! m³/h #VALUE! m³/min ### m³/s #VALUE! ml/min
Standard Volume Flow QN #VALUE! Nm3/h #VALUE! Nm3/min ### Nm3/s #VALUE! ml/min
Flow velocity (bore) vd #VALUE! m/s
Flow velocity (pipe) vD #VALUE! m/s DP-Zanker #VALUE! mbar
Sonic velocity (bore) cd #VALUE! m/s Please consider:
Sonic velocity (pipe) cD #VALUE! m/s Outlet pressure: #VALUE! mbar or smaller intended ???
Pressure ratio bore/pipe r 0.9403 = Pd/PD For subcritical operation stay below Mach = 0,5 in bore !
Critical pressure ratio r* #VALUE! = Pd/PD_Max Otherwise can critical operation occur...
Absolute pressure bore (adiabatic) Pd #VALUE! mbar Adiabatic values are approximations!
Temperature bore (adiabatic) Td #VALUE! °C
Actual density bore (adiabatic) rd #VALUE! kg/m3 Typical remaining pressure loss:
Mach number bore Mad #VALUE! = vd / c d Orifice: #VALUE! mbar Diffusor a=45°
Mach number pipe MaD #VALUE! = vD / c D SAO/Venturi max. 12 mbar Diffusor a=15°
SAO/Venturi min. 3.0 mbar Diffusor a=8°

Results Orifice and Gas Properties Dynamical pressure of flow at inlet:

Real gas factor Z #VALUE! - Average: #VALUE! mbar #VALUE! mbar (Hals)
Actual density r #VALUE! kg/m3 In outlet the remaining pressure drop is adding.
Standard density rN #VALUE! kg/m3
Actual viscosity (dyn.) h #VALUE! Pa.s Minimum necessary DP: In to outlet
Standard viscosity ( dyn.) hN #VALUE! Pa.s Typically #VALUE! mbar Orifice:
Actual viscosity ( kin.) n #VALUE! m²/s Average: #VALUE! mbar SAO/Venturi
Standard viscosity ( kin.) nN #VALUE! m²/s Minimum #VALUE! mbar SAO/Venturi
Actual molar humidity ratio xv_act #VALUE! -
Molar humidity ratio (Standard) xv_N #VALUE! - Static pressure measurement is free of acceleration effects
Molar mass (actual) Mact #VALUE! g/mol abt. 2x D before and 6x D after bore
Molar mass (Standard) MN #VALUE! g/mol
Isentropic exponent k #VALUE! - Straight inlet 4 - 32x D straight outlet 2 - 8x D after flow element
General gas constant R #VALUE! J/(kmol*K) No disturbance should come closer than:
Specific gas constant Rs #VALUE! J/(kg*K) 4x D before Plus-DP and 4x d after Minus-DP
Diameter ratio b #VALUE! =d/D
Bore ratio m #VALUE! = (d / D)² Generally: Caution at bore Re-numbers smaller than 200000
Discharge coefficient C #VALUE! - and smaller than DN 50 the ISO 5167 is no more valid without calibration
Velocity of approach factor E #VALUE!
Flow number a #VALUE! =C*E Attention: Follow opening ratio and application limits acc. standard !!!
Expansion factor e #VALUE! - Typical Beta 0,25 …. 0,75
Reynolds number (bore) Red #VALUE! -
Reynolds number (pipe) ReD #VALUE! - Other media and flow elements must be integrated
in the code.

Applying this software is on own risc and side effects in relation of it without any guarantee
TetraTec Instruments GmbH Tel.: 07157 / 5387-0, Fax: 07157 / 5387-10
Gewerbestr. 8, D-71144 Steinenbronn Email:

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