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“Fostered Orphans”

Supervisor :
Drs. Afrizal Sano, M.Pd., Kons.

Created By:

Fenina Cantikha (19006173)

Leony Sarah Indrama (19006182)
Meysi Firanti (19006184)
Nadia Filawati Chaniago (19006187)



All praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, with His grace and guidance the a
uthor was able to complete this paper entitled “Fostered Orphans”
at course of Special Population For the moral support and material provided in the
preparation of this paper, the authors would like to thank Drs. Afrizal Sano, M.Pd., Kons as our
supervisor, who gives encouragement and input to the author.
In writing this paper, it is intended as knowledgeabout, namely understanding Fostered
Orphans,Characteristic Of Fostered Orphans and Problems With The Inmates In The Orphanage
With this knowledge, students can understand and show an attitude of acceptance of the
different points of view by variety of culture between the counselor and the client.
The author realizes that the writing of this paper is far from perfect, so that criticism and
suggestions are expected for future improvements. Finally the author says "Thank You".

Padang, November 1, 2022



FOREWORD ...............................................................................................2
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................3
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY..........................................................................4
A. Background ...............................................................................................4
B. Problem Formulation ................................................................................5
C. Purpose ......................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.........................................................................
A. Definition Of Fostered Orphans.................................................................6
B. Characteristic Of Fostered Orphans...........................................................7
C. Problems With The Inmates In The Orphanage.........................................8
CHAPTER III CLOSING .............................................................................12
A. Conclusion...............................................................................................12
B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................12


A. Background

Orphanage is an institution that plays an important role in serving children's rights,

especially for orphans, orphans, abandoned children and children from underprivileged
families. education, as well as support for healthy development, if implemented properly
(Voekl, 2012). The priority in the services provided by the Orphanage or Child Welfare
Institution is child services that are oriented to every child's growth and development needs,
both materially and psychologically.

Article 1 of the Law on Child Social Welfare states that child welfare is a way of life
and livelihood of children that can guarantee their growth and development properly, both
spiritually, physically and socially, while child welfare efforts are social welfare efforts
aimed at ensuring the realization of social welfare. child welfare, especially the fulfillment
of children's basic needs.

According to the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (DEPSOS RI)
(2004:4), Child Orphanage is a Social Welfare business institution that has the responsibility
to provide Social Welfare services to abandoned children by carrying out sponsorship and
alleviation of abandoned children, providing replacement services for parents. guardians of
children in meeting the physical, mental and social needs of foster children so that they
obtain broad, appropriate and adequate opportunities for the development of their
personalities as expected as part of the next generation of the nation's ideals and as human
beings who will actively participate in the field of development. national. The level of
success of the service will have an impact on national development, namely improving the
quality of education, increasing economic strength, and social strengthening.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the definition of Fostered Orphans?
2. What are the characteristics of Fostered Orphans?
3. What the Problems With The Inmates In The Orphanage

C. Purpose
1. To know the definition of Fostered Orphans
2. To determine the characteristics of Fostered Orphans
3. To know Problems With The Inmates In The Orphanage


A. Definition Of Fostered Orphans

An orphanage is a house, a place (residence), while an orphanage is a house

where to care for and care for orphans/orphans and so on.5 Meanwhile, Tri Antoro
explained that an orphanage is a place to take care of orphans, orphans, or orphans, even
neglected children to be fostered into independent, responsible, obedient and useful
children for society, homeland and nation. According to Swasono, the Orphanage is a
place where the human person is humanized because the Orphanage takes care of and
educates children who are often excluded by the family and society.
Orphanage is a social institution that has a service program that is provided to
answer the needs of the community in order to deal with social problems, especially
problems of poverty, ignorance and problems of orphans, abandoned children who
develop in the community. Article 55 (3) of the RI Law No. 23 of 2002 explains that in
relation to the maintenance and care of neglected children, government institutions and
community institutions, as referred to in paragraph (2), can cooperate with various related
parties. Orphanage is defined as a house, place or residence used to care for (care for)
orphans, orphans and orphans.
One of the institutions that organizes social welfare is an orphanage, which is an
institution that can replace the function of the family in educating, caring for and
nurturing children, such as meeting their physical, mental, and social needs so that
children can develop their personalities.
According to the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs (2004:4) states that: A
child orphanage is a social welfare business institution that has the responsibility to
provide social welfare services to neglected children by carrying out sponsorship and
alleviation of neglected children. Orphanages provide substitute services for
parents/guardians of children in meeting the physical, mental and social needs of foster
children so that they get broad, appropriate and adequate opportunities for personality
development as expected as part of the next generation of the nation's ideals and as
human beings who will actively participate in the field of national development.

The function of the orphanage according to the Ministry of Social Affairs
(Paulina, 1999: 9), is to accommodate orphans, orphans or both, neglected children and
even children who experience economic difficulties to get attention in the form of
meeting needs and obtaining social status. worthy. The orphanage is a place that is
managed with the principle of kinship for foster children. The family atmosphere in
everyday life will make children feel like they are in their own family even though in
reality they have separated from their families. The purpose of the orphanage is to make
children able to carry out orders religion, delivering noble children and achieving
independence in life in the field of science and economics, making children able to face
problems wisely and wisely and providing welfare services to orphans and poor children
by meeting physical, mental and social needs so that later they are able to live properly
and live independently in society. Services and meeting the needs of children in
orphanages are intended so that children can learn and work independently and not only
depend on others after leaving the orphanage.

B. Characteristics Of The Orphanage

The characteristics of the orphanage are:
1. An institution deliberately established by the government or the community which is
responsible for providing services, sponsorship and alleviation of neglected children
and has a function as a substitute for the role of parents to meet the physical and
mental needs of children
2. In the orphanage, foster children are cared for by caregivers who are not related by
blood at all. Articles 31 – 39 stipulate that Social Foundations/Orphanages may not
take care of children of different religions because of the legal consequences. In a
climate like this, there have been various terror efforts in the form of coercion to close
an institution that provides childcare services.
3. There are foster children belonging to orphans, orphans, and also neglected children.
Which of them are not able in life, so they are placed by their families in an
orphanage. In the Indonesian context, the word orphan is synonymous with a child
whose father died. Meanwhile, if the parents die, then the child is called an orphan.
Meanwhile, neglected children are children who cannot afford and also do not have a

house to live in properly.
Family disorganization such as the divorce of both parents, the family economic
crisis and the death of one or both family members cause social interaction between
parents and children to be cut off. As a result, children get less attention and education is
neglected. So one way that is done so that children remain in care is to accommodate
these children into a container, namely an orphanage, in order to help improve the
welfare of children by educating, caring for, guiding and directing and providing skills
such as those given by other people. old in the family.
The orphanage is a social institution that is responsible for providing substitute
services in meeting the physical, mental and social needs of foster children so as to obtain
broad, appropriate and adequate opportunities for the personality development of foster
The death of a parent is one of the main conditions that allow a child to be placed
in an orphanage. The experience of separation from parents and the level of maturity of
children in understanding separation from parents is one of the inhibiting factors for
children to adapt to their placement in orphanages.
Separation of children from their family environment can cause pressure due to
changes in life situations that come from:
a. Experience of losing close figures (parents)
b. A new uncontrolled situation
c. Can't predict what will happen next.

C. Problems With The Inmates In The Orphanage

Problems That Arise in the Orphanage and Solutions for Overcoming it In the
operational of the orphanage, theoretically everything needed in its implementation has
been determined, such as goals, vision and mission, activity plans and regulations in the
orphanage. But in reality practice is not as easy as the theory that has been planned, many
obstacles are encountered in the implementation of the goal to make children responsible
for themselves and others in social life. The emergence of these problems is caused by
foster children who come from various family backgrounds and have different

The problems that arise include:
1. Problems that come from the child's personal self. Of the many children in the
orphanage, all of them come from different families with different backgrounds. This
causes differences in children both in behavior, nature and brain intelligence.
Sometimes this causes insecurity in children who feel left behind in terms of
education from their friends, besides that differences in children's behavior often
cause incompatibility so that sometimes it causes a commotion between one child and
another in dealing with a problem. Based on an interview with Mr. Budi Widodo as
the Chairperson of the Widya Kasih Orphanage on January 25, 2008 at 12:00 WIB, it
can be seen that at the Widya Kasih Orphanage there was a case of 3 children who
went out at night without permission by jumping over the dorm fence. and returned
past midnight. In response to this, the orphanage board returned the three children to
their parents. This is not only a punishment for the three children, but also as a
warning for the other children to always obey the existing rules. Another problem that
often arises in children growing up is relationship problems with the opposite sex or
dating. This often creates complicated problems because children tend to fight against
orphanage regulations that prohibit them from dating because children think that
dating is part of their lifestyle.
2. Problems from the factor of management and educators. The lack of management
personnel in the orphanage can cause disruption activities that should be carried out.
Moreover, if in an orphanage the need for educators is not met, it will greatly affect
the development of children. This usually happens because of the lack of awareness
from our society to voluntarily provide assistance in services at orphanages, while to
provide wages to hired workers will cause new problems in terms of costs. At the
Widya Kasih Orphanage, which has 30 foster children, the management of the
children is only left to a dormitory mother with the help of a maid to take care of
daily eating problems. Whereas in reality taking care of children is not an easy thing,
especially for children who are still toddlers who need extra attention.
3. Problems arising from the funding factor. In carrying out all activities in the
orphanage, especially in terms of food, clothing, and education for foster children,
large and continuous costs are needed. Sources of funds at the orphanage come from

various parties including regular donations from the government and the existence of
donors who care for them. The existing contribution from the government is deemed
too minimal if it is adjusted to current conditions. At the Widya Kasih Orphanage for
the past four years, the government through the Social Service has provided funds in
the form of fuel compensation to cover a third of the needs of the orphanage.
Meanwhile, the acceptance of donations from donors cannot be ascertained and from
these donations the existing needs cannot be fulfilled.
4. Problems with guardianship Child guardianship carried out in orphanages is usually
only a formality and is not based on applicable laws, this is because guardianship
based on law is considered too complicated and requires a lot of money. To fulfill the
provisions of the law, a guardianship must be established through a judge's decision
in court or by written submission from parents before a notary or in a will. To get this
requires costs that are not specifically provided in an orphanage. The orphanage
places more emphasis on its social function to alleviate children with social problems.
5. Problems with adoption. Children who are cared for at the Orphanage of course want
to feel life in a complete family, especially children who have been abandoned by
their parents. Actually this can happen with the adoption by certain parents That's the
one who wants children. Besides being able to bring happiness to children to get a
complete family, adoption is also very helpful for the Orphanage, because with
adoption, the responsibility will shift to the new parents who adopt it. But in reality
adoption rarely happens because the adoption process requires a fairly complicated
procedure from the government.
The difficulty of the procedure for carrying out adoptions is seen as an effort by
the government to protect children from trafficking and other things that will harm
Based on the problems that arise, the solutions that can be taken are as follows:
1. The child's personal problems. In dealing with problems related to the personal self of
the foster child, the administrators at the orphanage must be able to approach the
child personally so that they can know and know for sure about the nature of the child
and to create a good personal relationship between the child and the caretaker of the
orphanage. If trust is created from the child to the caregiver, the child will not hesitate

to tell everything that is being experienced so as to facilitate communication.
2. The problem of educators. The lack of teachers and educators at the Orphanage is
indeed very influential on the running of the Orphanage, but this should not be used
as an excuse to be lazy. The residents of the orphanage must help each other in taking
care of the running of the orphanage. Older children can help younger siblings to
carry out daily activities, especially in terms of studying. By helping each other
everything can be done easily.
3. Financial Problems. Various efforts were made to overcome financial problems at the
orphanage, for example selling various handicrafts made by children. Girls are taught
to sew or make handicrafts which can be sold, as well as boys who are taught to make
bricks for sale as well. Although in reality there are still often shortages in meeting
funds for needs.
4. Trust Issues. In terms of guardianship, orphanages are very rare and never even carry
out in accordance with the law because the existing provisions are considered very
complicated and require large costs. The transfer of parental power to the orphanage
is carried out directly when the child is handed over, without having to comply with
existing procedures. This is considered to save time and money so that there are no
difficulties in overcoming the social problems of neglected children.


A. Conclusion

Orphanage is a social institution that has a service program that is provided to answer the
needs of the community in order to deal with social problems, especially problems of
poverty, ignorance and problems of orphans, abandoned children who develop in the

The orphanage is a social institution that is responsible for providing substitute

services in meeting the physical, mental and social needs of foster children so as to obtain
broad, appropriate and adequate opportunities for the personality development of foster
The death of a parent is one of the main conditions that allow a child to be placed in
an orphanage. The experience of separation from parents and the level of maturity of
children in understanding separation from parents is one of the inhibiting factors for children
to adapt to their placement in orphanages.

B. Suggestion

Hopefully this paper can be discussed and studied as well as a learning motivation that
encourages all of us as students to read and understand the contents of the paper, and to us as
writers so that it can be useful in the future.






Sufi, D. K. (2018). Peranan Panti Asuhan Putri Aisyiyah Kabupaten Aceh Singkil dalam
Meningkatkan Kemandirian Anak (Doctoral dissertation).


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