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Too I Enough

Too equivale al español "demasiado” .Se utiliza siempre delante de los adjetivos o adverbios que modifica.

This exercise is too easy.Este ejercicio es demasiado fácil.

I arrived too late.llegué demasiado tarde.

Tras el adjetivo, puede agregarse "to" más un verbo.

He's too young to drive.Es demasiado joven para conducir.

He's too weak to lift it.Es demasiado débil para levantarlo.

Si se usa con sustantivos, significa "demasiado/a/os/as" y va siempre seguido de many o much, dependiendo del
tipo de sustantivo contable o incontable.

There are too many people.Hay demasiada gente.

There is too much shadow.Hay demasiada sombra.

Enough equivate al español "lo suficientemente, bastante". Se utiliza siempre después de los adjetivos o adverbios
que modifica.

I arrived early enough. Llegué lo suficientemente temprano.

He isn’t old enough to drive.No es lo suficientemente mayor como para conducir.

He isn't strong enough to lift it. No es lo suficientemente fuerte como para levantarlo.

Si se usa con sustantivos, significa "suficiente /s" y va siempre antes.

There aren't enough chairs. No hay suficientes sillas.

There isn't enough light. No hay suficiente luz.

1.I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was too/enough hot to drink.

2.He wasn't strong too/enough to lift that heavy box.

3.There aren't too/enough policemen in our town.

4.Do you have too/enough information to help me with this problem? is too/enough difficult to do for a little child.

6.I do not have too/enough much time to prepare dinner.

7.I didn’t buy the car because it was too/enough expensive.

a.He didn’t work hard too/enough to pass the exam.

9.My mum can’t sleep because she drinks too/enough much coffee.

10.She isn't old too/enough to start driving.

Rewrite each sentence keeping the meaning the sam e.
1. The shirt is so small that I can't wear it.
2. This flat is too small for my parents to live in.
3. The road is so wet that I can't control the car easily.
4. The bird is so weak that It can't fly.
5. My sister is so busy that she can't come to the cinema with us.
6. The watch ís so expensive that he couldn’t buy it.
7. These sandals are so small that they don't fit me.
8. The film 1S so boring that he can't watch it.
9. I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open.
10. The coffee was so strong that she couldn't drink it.
11. The boys are too young to watch that film.
12. Sinan is too short to be a basketball player.
13. That room ís so hot that I can't sit comfortably.

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