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MTH 105 - Elementary Mathematics for Biological Sciences 1 Inequalities Continue Y.T. Lawal 2nd March, 2022 1/9 Solutions of Inequalities Prove that if x and y are not equal, then x°+ 7 > 2xy Solution: Since the square of every real number is positive, and x and y as given, are not equal, then (x-yyP>0 x + - 2xy >0 This then leads to the required inequality x+y > 2xy 2/9 Solutions of Inequalities x+2 >2 Find the range of values of x for which 2 Solution: To represent the inequality, we can only multiply by a positive quantity so as to preserve the inequality. (x + 2)°(2x + 1) 1 x+2> 2x42) To clear the denominator, the multiplication is done as shown above since the square of the denominator will always be a positive number. Thus, we then have : (x + 2)(2x #1) > 2(x +2) 3/9 Solutions of Inequalities Therefore, 4° +10x+4>xX%° 44x44 This then gives 3x? + 6x > 0 x2) > 0 This inequality is true if x > 0 and x + 2 > 0. This means it is true for positive values of x. Also, the inequality is equally true if x <0 and x + 2 <0 since the product of any two negative numbers is positive (this is the requirement of the obtained inequality). In this case, x < -2. Thus, x(x + 2) > 0 if x > 0 or x < -2. These are the range of values of x that satisfy the given inequality. 4/9 Solutions of Inequalities Find the values of x for which |2x + 1| > 7 Solution: |2x + 1] > 7 means 2x + 1 >7 or 2x + 1 < -7 This follows directly from the definition of the modulus. Thus, we have 2x > 6 or 2x < -8. Therefore, x>3 or x<-4 5/9 The Inequality of Means The arithmetic mean #*2 20f two positives numbers a and b is greater than or equal to their geometric mean ab. To prove this assertion, we note that if a and b are positive, we have that Voy (a- 5¥20 a+ This gives _ sian >0 which leads to the required assertion ae \ab 6/9 The Inequality of Means Example: If a, b, c, are any real numbers, prove that a?+ b’+ c?- be - ca - ab cannot be negative. Solution: Using the inequality of means, we have the following: a” + b? 2 2ab b?+ c?22bc c+ a? 2 2ca 7/9 The Inequality of Means This then leads to 2(a? + b? + c?) 2 2(ab + be + ca) from which we shall obtain a+ b?+ 2 ab+be+ca which is the required result. 8/9 Exercises 1: For what values of x is + 2: Find x if |* wa<-1? xl = 1 3: If a, b, c are three positive numbers, show that (a + b)(b + c)(c + a) = 8abc 4: If ais a positive number, show that 9 1 alee 9/9

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