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Globalization is the process by which businesses or other organizations

develop international influence or start operating on an international

scale. Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology
have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place.

Globalization creates a space for ideas to transcend borders and social


Global communication is directly affected by the process of

globalization, and helps to increase business opportunities, remove
cultural barriers and develop a global village.

The study of global communication examines how information is

exchanged across geographical and social divides, as well as how
communication both impacts and is influenced by culture, politics,
media, economies, health, and relationships in the age of globalization.

For me, as a student, globalization is either good and bad. Globalization

allows companies to find lower cost ways to search for a good product.
This drives prices down and creates a larger variety of choices for
consumers. Which is a good thing right but, this includes global
competition, increased consumption that leads to an increased
production that turns into environmental stress and uncertainties
brought about by the high degree of integration of domestic and local
Gordon Brown

"moral sense and global ethics that command s us to do our duty, to

act when we see wrong things that needs to be corrected and see
problem that needs to be rectified" according to Gordon Brown.

"We have a duty to act when we see things that are wrong that need
righted, see injuries that need to be corrected and see problems that
need to be rectified"

Clay Shirky

Sharing information to the masses in a way general people would like is

never done. General people don't have a strong media voice in this
world. They have a tiny media voice. We are all brain washed by those
who want us to think in a set way and occasionally they hold up a free
speech bull shit message which really isn't that true.

You have to ask permission to do a protest. You can't go to a public place

& start voicing any opinion you like on a megaphone. So no we don't
have free speech! We have restricted speech to when tell us we're
allowed to speak. Being a web designer I know if protocols was not in
place it would have been hard to hide a group. Easy to delete it though.
But as I said that would of created a uprising of loads of new groups and
so they decided to just do it this way instead. It is obvious!

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