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Grammar Test 10 – Phrase; Clause; Sentence

Sinh viên điền đáp án chọn vào khung trả lời dưới đây
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, SV gởi lại cho GV chấm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
c a a b b d b b a b a c c d a a a a a c

1. The underlined part in “You might ask, ‘Who has shocked the nation in recent years?’” is a(n)
a. adjective clause b. adverb clause c. noun clause d. main clause
2. “The picture I put in Helen’s room needs cleaning.” is a ______sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound-
3. “The woman renting a house near my sister’s has just won the national lottery.” is a (n) ____
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound -
4. The underlined part in the following sentence “No matter what you do, don’t mention my
name.” is a (n) ______clause.
a noun b. adverb c. adjective d. main
5. The underlined part in the following sentence “People usually can get a sufficient amount of
calcium their bodies need from the food they consume.” is a (n) ______clause.
a. adjective b. adverb c. main d. noun
6. The underlined part in the following sentence “I hope that everything will be OK.” is a (n) ___
a. adjective b. adverb c. main d. noun
7. “Universities in the United States can be supported either by government budgets or by
foundations.” is a(n) ______sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound-
8. “Daniel Boone was born in Pennsylvania but lived in several states and died in Missouri.” is
a(n) ______ sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. simple with compound
9. “The more you pull on square knot; the tighter it gets.” is a(n) ______sentence.
a. complex b. compound c. simple d. compound-
10. ‘He gave me two cars, but none was good’ is a ________ sentence.
a. simple b. compound c. complex d. mixed
11. ‘That all parrots are native to tropical regions is untrue’ is a _________ sentence.
a. simple b. compound c. complex d. mixed
12. “Certain fish eggs contain droplets of oil, allowing them to float on the surface of the
water’ is a ____________ sentence.
a. simple b. compound c. complex d. mixed
13. “Not everybody realizes that the largest organ of the human body is the skin.’ is a
____________ sentence.
a. simple b. compound c. complex d. mixed
14. The underlined part in ‘A shark can detect minute electric discharges coming from its prey.’
is a
______ phrase.
a. noun adjective c. adverb d. verb
15. The underlined part ‘The wood of rosewood trees is used to make fine musical instruments.’
is a
______ phrase.
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. preposition
16. The underlined part in ‘There was once a widespread belief that all lizards were poisonous.’
is a
____________ clause.
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. main
17. The underlined part in ‘Salt was once so scarce and precious that it was used as money’ is a
____________ clause.
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. main
18. The underlined part in ‘A shark acquires many sets of teeth during its lifetime.’ Is a(n) _____
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. preposition
19. The underlined part in ‘The sun supplies the light and the warmth that permit life on earth
to exist.’ is
a ____________ clause.
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. main
20. ‘Peach trees grow well in a variety of soil types, but do best in sandy loam.’ is a
____________ sentence.
a. simple b. complex c. compound d. mixed

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