A 3290031

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PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION = ““°*" ‘LOCK HAVEN, PENNA. Pace. Fe6b, Electrical Installation: The electrical system is of 12 volt capacity afd incorporates a starter, generator, vol regulator, position lights, landing lights, cockpit light, and provisions for the installation of SCR 619’radio, The master switch ofrovit is protected with fuses, The generator, lights and starter solenoid circuits sre protected with "Pusn’ to Rese cirouit breakers, E-6c, Miscellaneous Equipment Installation: 60(1). Parachute: Pack=type parachutes may te worm in the front and rear seats, Parachutes will not be furni- shed by the contractor. | _F-60(2), Safety Relts: A safet: is installed sfesch of the seats, belt and shoulder harnes: Fe60(3). Airoraft ushias: Artificial leather cushions aré crovided for the front and rear seats. F-60(4), Pire Extinguisher: 4 visher avcrove by the Underwriters the cocknit. Fe60(5), Heating and Ventilating system: An air heater mut? surrounding tie exhaust silencer is used to furnish warr air to the cabin, The volume of warm air nduceé “is controllatle from the ccckrit. Ventilation | is accomplished by adjustment of a sliding window in the lett side of the airplene, | ___$-6a, Zouioment and Pumishings, The’ equipment | specified this specification shall be | install ‘th the conditions set forth in | Section Es7. Equipment ané furnishings: The equipment | specifies In atnendix TO" of this scecificetion shall be installed in accordance with the conditions eet forth in Section 3. Do. Pel, The rethod of inspection ané tests shall be in accordance with requirements set up by the Tivil Aeronautics dwinistration for certificetion of non-airline carrier comercial aireraft constructed under a Production Gertificate. “herever reouirements of the United States Air Force conflict with ‘onautics reauirerents, the Civil Aeronautics Administration requirerents shall acre, = apply. ach airplane will be insveoted by a representative | of the tivil Aercnavtics ~tministration if Sesired. peaparep._._| CHECKED... APPROVED. 7 tage te Ss

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