Mathematics SBA

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TOPIC QUESTION: Do 11-grade students spend more time on social media than studying and
how does time spent on social media affect their academic performance?

Candidate Names Candidate Numbers

Lori-Ann Brown 1000810256

J’nae Gordon

Leshauna James 1000811201

Shamoy Downes

School: Mount Alvernia High School

Center #: 100081

Subject: Mathematics

Territory: Jamaica

Teacher: Ms. S. Atkinson


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………… 1

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………... 2

METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………………. 3

METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION…………………………………………. 4-5

PRESENTATION OF DATA………………………………………………….. 6-14

DATA ANALYSIS…………………………………………………………….. 15

DISCUSSION…………………………………………………………………. 16

CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………….. 17

I would like to thank the Almighty God for giving me the strength, wisdom, and courage to

complete this school project because with him anything is possible. Secondly, I would like to

express my deepest gratitude to my teacher, Ms. Atkinson for her guidance, patience and

assistance through this piece which allowed me to look back, correct my mistakes and increase

my knowledge. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their support, patience, and

dedication to the completion of this project.


Albert Technical High School Grade 11 has approximately 200 students. However, a survey was

carried out using randomly selected grade 11 students. Sixty-five (65) students were chosen

which represents a sample size of 32.5% of the grade 11 population. The information was used to

determine whether the students spend more time on social media than studying and how time

spent on social media affects their academic performance. After the data was collected it was

then presented on various graphs such as histograms, pie charts, and bar graphs. The information

was analyzed and discussed after which the conclusion was developed.


Albert Technical High School grade 11 has a population of over 200 students. A sample of sixty-

five (65) students was selected for this survey and 32.5% of the grade 11 population was used.

To carry out this survey data was collected by using a questionnaire. Questionnaires are more

efficient for carrying out an investigation as it allows first-hand information and is less time-

consuming. The questionnaires each consisted of ten (10) questions that students answered to

provide the data needed. The researchers designed the questionnaire using multiple-choice

questions on a google form. The questionnaires were sent out via WhatsApp and email, which

took 5-10 mins for the participants to answer. Eighty questionnaires were sent out and out of the

80 only sixty-five (65) responses were received. There were no flaws because the questionnaires

were given to randomly chosen respondents to prevent bias. In addition, the questions were

clearly stated to avoid confusion and easily answered. The researchers organized the data from

the questionnaires and presented it on statistical diagrams such as line graphs, bar graphs, and pie

charts, to make it easier to analyze the data and eventually determine whether grade 11 students

spend more time on social media than on studying and how time is spent on social media affects

their academic performance.



Dear Student,

I have prepared a survey, to investigate students’ preference for social media overstudying and
the effect it has on their social media performance. This survey is coordinated as a task for my
Mathematics School-Based Assessment. I have decided to use a questionnaire in which you
don’t have to state any personal information, hence your information will remain confidential.
You are to answer each question honestly. To answer each question, please answer each question
by placing a tick in the box.

1. Do you prefer social media overstudying?

● Yes
● No

2. What social media platform do you use most frequently?

● WhatsApp
● Instagram
● Snapchat
● Other___________________________

3. How much time do you spend per day on social media?

● 1-3 hour
● 4-6 hours
● 7-9 hours
● 9-11hours

4. How much time do you spend studying per day?

● 1-3 hours
● 4-6 hours
● 7-9 hours

● 9-11hours

5. What benefit does social media have overstudying?

● Keeps you updated on worldly activities
● Simplifies school work
● For entertainment

6. What has your grade been like with only occasional use of social media?
● 50-60%
● 61-70%
● 71-80%
● 81-90%
● 91-100%

7. What has your grade been like with more frequent use of social media?

● 51-60%
● 61-70%
● 71-80%
● 81-90%
● 91-100%

8. How has social media assisted you in your studies?

● Gives a better understanding of content
● Helps at times by giving different methods and solutions to topics in
different subjects
● Does not help at all

9. Has the use of social media impacted your critical thinking?

● Yes
● No

10. Has social media been a distraction in regard to studying?

● Rarely
● Occasionally
● Sometimes

● Never


Figure 1: Shows the students' choice between studying and social media. It is shown that 41.5%
of students prefer studying while 58.5% of students prefer social media.

Figure 2: This bar graph depicts the different social media platforms that are frequently used by
students. It shows that 30 students frequently use WhatsApp, 21 students use Instagram, and 8
students use Snapchat. Finally, 4 of the students use TikTok and 1 student frequently use
YouTube and Twitter.


1 - 3 Hours |||| || 7

4 - 6 Hours |||| |||| |||| |||| ||| 23

7 - 9 hours |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| 30

10 - 12 Hours |||| 5

Table 1: Showing a frequency table above the different times per a day a students spends on
social media. It is proven that 7 students spend 1 - 3 hours on social media while 23 students
spend 4 - 6 hours on social media. Finally, 30 students spend 7- 9 hours a day on social media,
and 5 students spend 10 - 12 hours on social media.


1 - 3 Hours |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| 40

4 - 6 Hours |||| |||| |||| | 16

7 - 9 Hours |||| || 7

10 - 12 hours || 2

Table 2: The frequency table above displays the time students spent studying. It is shown that
40 of the students study for 1 - 3 hours, while 16 of the students spend 4 - 6 hours studying.
However, 7 of the students study 7 - 9 hours, and 2 students study for 10 - 12 hours.


50 - 60% |||| |||| 9

61 - 70% |||| |||| |||| || 17

71 - 80% |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||| 28

81 - 90% |||| |||| 10

91 - 100% | 1

Table 3: Showing the grades of the students of Albert Town High School with the frequent use
of social media.

❑ ❑
MEAN - x = ∑ ❑fx/∑ ❑f
❑ ❑


50 - 60% 9 55 495

61 - 70% 17 65.5 1113.5

71 - 80% 28 75.5 2114

81 - 90% 10 85.5 855

91 - 100% 1 95.5 95.5

65 4673

❑ ❑
X = ∑ ❑ fx/∑ ❑f
❑ ❑
X = 4673/65
X = 71.9

Figure 3: This histogram shows the grades of students with the frequent use of social media. It is
proven that nine (9) students maintained the grades of 50-60%, seventeen (17) students acquired
the grades of 61-70% and twenty-eight (28) students acquired the grades of 71-80%. Last but not
least, ten (10) students maintained the grade of 81-90% and one (1) student obtained the grade of


50 - 60% || 2

61 - 70% |||| |||| |||| || 17

71 - 80% |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| 30

81 - 90% |||| |||| ||| 13

91 - 100% ||| 3

Table 4: Showing the grades of the students of Albert Town High School with the occasional
use of social media.

❑ ❑
MEAN - X = ∑ ❑ fx/∑ ❑f
❑ ❑


50 - 60% 2 55 110

61- 70% 17 65.5 1113.5

71 - 80% 30 75.5 2265

81 - 90% 13 85.5 1111.5

91 - 100% 3 95.5 286.5

65 4886.5

❑ ❑
X = ∑ ❑ fx/∑ ❑f
❑ ❑
X = 4886.5/65
X = 75.2

Figure 4: The bar graph above shows the grades of students with occasional use of social media.
It is proven that 21% of students possessed a grade of 65-70%, 59% of students had a grade of
75-80 % and last but not least 21% of students possessed a grade of over 85%.

Figure 5: The bar graph above shows students' responses to the benefits of social media over
studying. 12 of the students claimed that the internet gave them the benefit of keeping them
updated on daily activities, 31 says that it benefits them in simplifying school work and 22 says
that social media benefits entertainment them.

Figure 6: The pie chart above shows the information on students’ choice on whether or not their
critical thinking has been impacted due to the use of social media. 49.2% state that their critical
thinking has not been impacted due to the use of social media while 50.8% confirm that social
media has indeed impacted their critical thinking.


Fig 1 shows 58.5% of the students preferred social media over studying as opposed to the 41.5%

who preferred studying over social media.

Fig 2 shows the different social media platforms used by students. The social media platform

WhatsApp was the most frequently used by 30 students which reflected 46.2%. With Instagram

being the second most used social media platform it was frequently used by 21 persons which

reflected 32.3%. Snapchat is used by 8 students which depicts 12.3% while TikTok is used by 4

persons reflecting 6.1% and Youtube and Twitter are used by 1 student each representing 1.5%.

According to the information being portrayed in Table 1, several students spend 1-3 hours on

social media which represents 10.8%. Secondly, twenty-three (23) students which reflect 35.4%

spend 4-6 hours on social media per day. Hence, thirty (30) students spend seven to nine hours

on social media which reflects 46.2%. Last but not least, 5 students spend ten to twelve hours

which reflects 7.7%.

Table 2 shows a frequency table that shows the time students spend studying. It is being

portrayed that forty students spend 1-3 hours studying which reflects 61.5%. Secondly, sixteen

students spend 4-6 hours studying per day reflecting 24.6%. Last but not least, seven students

spend 7-9 hours studying reflecting 10.8% and two students spend 10-12 hours studying

reflecting 3.1%.

Figure 3 reflects a histogram showing the grades of students with the frequent use of social

media. It is being portrayed that nine students maintained the grade of 50-60 percent reflected the

13.8%. Secondly, 17 students obtain 61-70 percent reflecting 26.2%. Thirdly, twenty-eight

students maintained grades of 71-80% which reflects 43.1%. Last but not least, tens of students

maintain a grade of 81-90% which reflects 15.4% and one student obtained a grade of 91-100%

reflecting 1.5%.

Figure 4 depicts a histogram reflecting the grades of students with the occasional use of social

media. Two students obtained grades of 50-60% which reflected 3.1%. Secondly, seventeen

students maintained grades of 61-70% which reflected 26.2%. Thirdly, thirty students obtained

grades of 71-80% which reflected 46.2%. Last but not least thirteen students maintained grades

of 81-90% which reflected 15.4% and three students obtained grades of 91-100% which reflected


Figure 5 shows a bar graph showing the benefits of social media. Fourteen students claimed that

social media gives a better understanding which reflected 21.5%. Secondly, forty-two students

claimed that social media helps at times which reflects 64.6%. Last but not least, nine students

claimed that social media does not help at all which was represented by 13.8%.

Fig 6 depicts shows whether or not social media has an impact on the critical thinking of

students. It is depicted that 49.2% of students’ critical thinking was not impacted by social media

while 50.8% of students’ critical thinking was influenced by social media.


From the observation that was recorded from our questionnaire it is shown that students tend to

use social media more than study. To carry out this investigation, the researchers organized a

questionnaire for the grade 11 students to complete to give their response/answers in regards to

their use of social media more than studying and also how it impacts their academic


We recorded that 58.5% of students preferred social media while 41.5% of students rather study

but with the data/graphs presented it is shown that not only that students may prefer social media

over studying it also shows that not all student's academic performance is affected by social

media and also shows/proves that some students use social media to study.


The purpose of this research is to investigate and determine whether students spend more time on

social media than studying and how the time spent on social media affects their academic

performance. As was seen from the data presented above, it is shown that social media indeed

had a negative impact on students' academic performance and is used frequently more by

students rather than studying. From this investigation, it can be inferred that even though the

majority of the students were still able to manage the time they spent on social media while

keeping up good grades, an even larger amount of students could not which caused their

academic performance to decrease significantly.


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