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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bataan


Name: __________________________________________ Score: _________
Choose the letter of the best answer.

Rain is a beautiful gift of nature to mother earth. We all love rain. It has many
good effects on nature. It brings fertility and prosperity. Children love to play in rain.
Farmers love it too, for it brings fertility and better yield. It is very essential for
sustaining life.

1. What is the topic sentence?

A. We all love rain.
B. It has many good effects on nature.
C. Rain is a beautiful gift of nature to mother earth.
D. Farmers love it too, for it brings fertility and better yield. It is very essential
for sustaining life.

2. What is the concluding sentence?

A. We all love rain.
B. It has many good effects on nature.
C. It is very essential for sustaining life.
D. Farmers love it too, for it brings fertility and better yield. It is very essential
for sustaining life.

Erlie is always there for me, no matter what. She is an excellent buddy since
she supports me as I complete my homework. When we play, she brings a lot of
fun. She is a great friend since she cheers me up when I'm down. When I forget my
lunch, she shares her meal with me.

3. What is the best concluding sentence?

A. Erlie is the buddy.
B. She is a big help to me.
C. She will be loved by many people because of her good personality.
D. I am extremely grateful that Erlie is my friend because without her, I would
not be the person I am today.

4. Which is not relevant to the topic sentence: The Philippines has stunning
A. The beaches in the Philippines are beautiful.
B. The white beach of Boracay attracts tourists to visit its clear water and fine
white sand.
C. Caramoan Beach in Caramoan, Camarines Sur invites everyone to escape
the city for a while and try some adventures while enjoying the breathtaking
scenery of the island.
D. Chocolate Hills in Bohol is a famous tourist attraction in the Philippines
which continues to draw attention for its unique and majestic characteristics.

5. Patriotism is an attitude of sincerity about one's country. A person is always

motivated by this emotion. Everyone must own it. It contributes to preserving national
peace. Patriotism plays a vital part. An example of patriotism is the enjoyment of our
own, such as buying our own products as well as visiting the beautiful places in our
own town. Patriotism is important to the development of a country and the unity of
the people.

What are the supporting sentence?

I. A person is always motivated by this emotion.
II. Patriotism is an attitude of sincerity about one's country
III. Everyone must own it. It contributes to preserving national peace.
IV. Patriotism is important to the development of a country and the unity of the

A. I B. I and II C. IV D. I and III

6. What part of the paragraph introduces the main idea?

A. Concluding Sentence C. Topic Sentence
B. Supporting Sentences D. All of the above

7. What part of a paragraph includes sentences that support the topic sentence.
A. Concluding Sentence C. Topic Sentence
B. Supporting Sentences D. Topic Sentence and Concluding

8. What part of the paragraph summarizes the main idea?

A. Concluding Sentence C. Topic Sentence
B. Supporting Sentences D. Topic Sentence and Concluding

9. Which guide words contain the specific word : flag ?

A. fan – fence C. fog – forget
B. first – flames D. feel – firm

10. What is the meaning that fits the underlined word in the sentence that follows?
I had a hard time answering the complicated Math problem in my assignment.
A. challenging to comprehend
B. consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements
C. difficult to understand
D. not easy to study
11. What is the meaning that fits the underlined word in the sentence that follows?
Anyone can play in the court because it is open for public.
A. a hall of justice C. flattering
B. a playing space D. both A and B

Study the given thesaurus and answer the following questions.

legend[ lej-uhnd ]Syn. fable, fiction, folklore, lore, myth, mythology Ant. non-fiction,
migrant [ mahy-gruh nt ]Syn. traveler, wanderer, mover, vagrant Ant. native,
search [ surch ]Syn. hunt, inquiry, investigate, chase, quest Ant. ignorance, finding
12. What is the antonym or opposite word of the word search?
A. mover B. native C. vagrant D. ignorance

13. What word is the same as the following words: fable, fiction, folklore, lore, myth,
A. legend B. migrant C. non-fiction D. search

14. January, February, and December are the coldest months in the country.
When are the coldest months in the country?
A. January, February, March C. January, February, May
B. February, March, April D. January, February, December

15. Fireflies are hard to find nowadays. What are hard to find nowadays?
A. Dragonflies B. Fireflies C. Flies D. Mosquitoes

Read the short story then answer the questions that follow.

Last summer my family went on an amazing picnic in the park. We brought

freshly made egg sandwiches, rice cake and buko juice. While we enjoyed our picnic
lunch under a tree, a small monkey crawled close to us. Suddenly this monkey
grabbed my delicious piece of rice cake off my plate and scurried off. We were all
surprised. But we didn't get angry; instead we laughed and continued enjoying the

16. What was the paragraph about?

A. The family picnic.
B. The family enjoy the picnic.
C. The food they brought to picnic.
D. The monkey who grabbed the rice cake.

17. What are the things brought by the family in the picnic?
A. They brought all their things.
B. They brought the monkey.
C. They brought freshly made egg sandwiches, rice cake and buko juice
D. Both B and C only
18. Where did the family go for a picnic?
A. in the zoo B. in the school C. in the park D. in the beach

There was once an old farmer who owned a very stubborn donkey. One
evening, the farmer was trying to put his donkey into its shed. The farmer pushed the
donkey, but the donkey wouldn’t move as soon as the cat scratched the dog, the dog
began to bark. The barking dog frightened the donkey who jumped immediately into
its shed.

19. What type of text was read?

A. argumentative C. narrative
B. descriptive D. procedural

20. What is the purpose of the text read?

A. to convince C. to entertain
B. to describe D. to give direction

Hotdogs for breakfast is the easiest thing to cook. First, remove the plastic
covering the hotdogs and make short slices. Next, heat oil in a pan. Then, in a low
fire, cook the hotdogs till bright red. Finally, serve and enjoy!

21. What type of text was read?

A. argumentative C. narrative
B. descriptive D. procedural

22. What is the purpose of the text read?

A. to convince C. to entertain
B. to describe D. to give the procedure

23. What kind of text can be found in biographies and diary writing?
A. informational B. descriptive C. procedural D. narrative

24. What kind of text can be found in stories like fairy tales?
A. expository B. descriptive C. narrative D. persuasive

25. What is the word with affix in this sentence: He misunderstood what his friend
said so he felt angry.
A. angry B. felt C. friend D. misunderstood

Choose the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentences.

26. Madam Nika won the contest because she is really gorgeous.
A. beautiful C. ugly
B. attractive D. both A and B

27. She always disagreed with the ideas of others, so our project was always wrong.
A. without agree C. not agree
B. full of agree D. wrongly agreed
28. Everything our teacher said was meaningful.
A. without meaning C. no meaning
B. the one who gives meaning D. full of meaning

29. Many people became homeless due to the super typhoon.

A. not home C. someone who made home
B. full of home D. without home

30. She misbehaved during the program.

A. not behave C. without behaved
B. behave again D. wrongly behave

31. Airplane is to air as the car is to …

A. air B. land C. water D. atmosphere

32. Nose is to smell as the ear is to…

A. hear B. see C. touch D. smell

33. A farmer uses carabao, santa uses …

A. hat B. reindeer C. sleigh D. chimney

34. A book is to read as song is to..

A. eat B. sing C. walk D. narrate

35. A spoon is to fork as pencil is to..

A. ballpen B. children C. paper D. pan

36. squash, carrot, raddish

A. They are dairies. C. They are school supplies.
B. They are fruits. D. They are vegetables.

37. Bataan, Quezon, Bulacan, Cebu

A. countries B. continents C. islands D. provinces

38. dentist, teacher, lawyer

A. They are mostly men. C. They are mostly women.
B. They are all professionals. D. They are blue-collar jobs.

39. happy, afraid, sad, excited

A. They are animals. C. They are symbols
B. They are nouns. D. They are feelings or emotions.

40. Rizal, Bonifacio, Aguinaldo, Apolinario

A. cars B. heroes C. streets D. schools

II. Choose the meaning of the underlined connotative words.

41. She has a big heart.
A. a hollow muscular organ C. generous
B. feelings D. shape
42. Butterflies fly gently.
A. a nectar-feeding insect C. drawing
B. a feeling of hollowness D. imagination

43. The apple that I picked was crunchy and tasty.

A. favorite B fruit C. shape D. vegetable

44. My son is the apple of my eyes.

A. favorite B fruit C. shape D. vegetable

45. He is firm with his words.

A. strongly felt B. solidly fixed C. happy D. sad

46. What content specific word is being expressed in the sentence below?
Pen is mightier than a sword.
A. connotation B. denotation C. idioms D. affixes

47. What content specific word is being expressed in the sentence below?
Mrs. Santos has a big heart.
A. connotation B. denotation C. idioms D. affixes

48 What content specific word is being expressed in the sentence below?

She is a snake.
A. connotation B. denotation C. idioms D. affixes

49. What content specific word is being expressed in the sentence below?
Stars in the sky twinkle every night.
A. connotation B. denotation C. idioms D. affixes

50. What content specific word is being expressed in the sentence below?
She is a big star in their country.
A. connotation B. denotation C. idioms D. affixes

Good luck and God bless!

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